Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Apr 1950, p. 18

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mm •' ,> .t'r • - v:-* •, : •, • , MeHENBY <XRJHTY, ILL " '. .Sf- r^. *v-- - ; r,*% v'".'""* ' •f til Board. He been tabled for further conslderarecent mnthi many t tion at the Adjourned junt meeting lav Ul living up to of th i Board held July 12th, 1949 •M that it did not five The applicants and owners of th Til In hla office for the property In question and certain ob- »i charge to audit the jectors being present at the meet- W claims properly, when filed in® were called upon by the Chairthat fate, ana that he would man. the rule enforced. Atty. James H. Cooney, It representing the objectors, addressereupon regularly moved by ed the-Board and outlined in detail Upr McConnell and duly secterm of the Circuit Court and the following named persons were selected ao serve as Grand Jurors for the September, 1949 term of th* Circuit Court, to-wlt: Walter Nordmeyer, Riley Twp, Rudolph J. RatclIff. Marengo Twp. Franklin Balrd, Marengo Twp. Clara Freese, Dunham Tw] Irma L. Wells, Chemung W Margaret W. Smith, Chemung Twp. Ervin Bottlemy, Alden Twp. I I i> ! I 1 I t) > a > ». I <• . the reasons, in the opinion of the W Supr. Sterne that the objectors, why the action of th* ... S8i£ be •trietly enforced, and Board of Appeals concerning said Leon Hager, Hart land Twp. •fa* the Clerk be directed to notify j matter should not be approved. Mabel Williams, Seneca Twp. claltnants in this regard, and that, Atty. Hugh A. Deneen, representing1 Albert Joung Sr., Coral Twp. •j "e n\^de concerning the applicant and owners of the Florence Farley, Grafton Twp. ¥•** Matter for the call of all Board property, addressed the Board and Robert S. Andrew, Dorr Twp. meetings. And the Chairman de- outlined in detail why he felt the Elizabeth Brown, Dorr Twp. clared the motion unanimously action of the Board of Appeals! Ben Slais, Greenwood Twp. . . . . . . . . \ s h o u l d b e a p p r o v e d a n d t h e p r o p e r - • J . W i l d e r S m i t h , H e b r o n Twp. ™ presented lists of claims ty rezoned and the ordinance amend- ! Ben J. Winnt Richmond Twp. "if County and upon motion «d. At the dose of his remarks : Paul Weber, Burton Twp. ®" ***'• Supr. McConnell duly sec-1 Supr. Becfl of Chemung Township : WiUlam Claxton, McHenry .Jwp; i^j Supr. Ruth and declared addressed the Board and stated that Stephen N. Schmitt. McHenry Twp. 2**"* Si. ^ said, claims were re- he believed this matter had now : Alice K, Johnson, Nunda Twp. rerred to the proper committees and gone beyond the simple question of ; Harry Lesem, Nunda Twp. IP®-adjourned to 1:30 o'clock whether the property in questh>n j Paul Rauhut, Algonqulon Twp. . j?,'j..' .H Pr should be re-«oned or not.' He men- ; Mabel Robinson, Agonquin Twp. 1S30 O vmOCX *. X. (D. B. *.) | tioned that the Supr. from Green- The following named persons were Board met pursuant to adjourn- wood in which Township the proper- ' selected to serve as Grand Jurors t|n •lent and upon roll call the same ty was located had asked for a con- Supplemental Panel for the Septernmembers responded to their names tinuance and that the Board had ber 1949 term of the Circuit Court, as appeared of record in the morn- granted his request, and that he be- to-wit: ing session, constituting a quorum • lieved this action was proper in the Lucille fc'out Burton Two present. interest of Justice and as a courtesy Vera Purvey McHenrv Twp The Committee on Claims, labor. | to the Supt. most invoved. He fur- 1 philllD Fredericks Nunda Twp Fees and Supplies presented the i ther stated that up to this point the ' Robert Onsenv Alronauin Twn ' following report, which on motion ' matter was entirely within the Jur- Marlon Bere Almnauln Twn' of Supr. Mackeben and duly second- isdictien of The Board of Supervi-, Harrv Movor TMi»v Turn ed by Sup*. Wright and the roll be- """ °° •> -- -- -- ' -- lng called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: Bounty Orders Highway Orders .. Antic. Warrants (Hwy. .tit ..0,2t0.70 Acct.) Inheritance Taxes ... III. Municipal Ret. ... Motor Fuel Orders .. Payroll - Orders Institute Ord«{N w. =3M -.10,451.60 -- «,s6i.7i -- ioa.60 _ ~ 102,870.07 Bal. forward Aug, 31, 1949 149,180.46 August 9. A. D; 1949 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisory: , Your Committee on Labor, Fees ahd Supplies Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the folowing, and that the Cerk be directed tb issue orders'on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several aqgpunts allowed, as follows, to-wit : Frank Thornber Co $152.59 Burgess- Anderson & Tate .... 118.93 Woodstock Daiy Sentinel 170.10 Victory Adding Machine Co. 48.00 29.30 74.00 20.47 44.35 i.21 .00 .00 University of Illinois 15.00 AdddTheron J. Ehorn IS.00 C. L Tryon 112.70 Burroughs Adding Maph. Co. Commerce Clearing House ... Ooerltz-Becknell Co - Schmidt Printing Co B F. Kennelly 12.2 Atty. Don A. Wicks 269.0 Egln State Hospital 90.0 John R. Tambone, M. D. Dependent Children-- Saul Burton, M. D. Dr. B. B. Neuchiller _™. Charles F. Hayes ....^ Agnes B. Scheer ™™. Fearl Schultz Bro Erickson . . Ethel Tuenger - Florian Schmitt The Richmond Gazette Crystal Lake Herald Elgin Daily Courier-News The McHenry Plaindealer 10.00 ... 10.00 ... 25.50 .... 20.00 ... 87.50 ... 74.00 ... 60.00 ... 180.00 _ 180.00 1.60 4.90 _ 6.40 .... 5.40 The Bohn Hardware 29.08 Ludwig Wilson Co. 18.54 True Value Hardware Store 6.18 Woodworking Specialty Co. 8.40 Montgomery Ward & Co 31.86 Mishler Electric 11,786.04 Ernest W. Bates Jr., 31.93 P. O. Knuth Co 6.47 Lawyers Co-Op. Publish 10.00 Fred C. Bau . 105.20 Schoepperle's Grocery Conway Dairy : R. W. Schultz Market Schuett's Grocery Store Trackett's Bakery Wm. C. Coghian .* Charles Corey Kenneth Fay Fred S. Oay Donald Hack man Antone Holy 40 04 26.33 71.87 84.46 36.11 96.00 18200 14.00 14.00 7.00 T.00 11.00 147.00 Perry Jones 7.00 Fred J. Krens 7.00 Ernest Malsch 7.00 Frank J Rezabek . Roger H. Weter ... Clyde J. Zoia Clyde C. Minor _ ... Vernon W. Kays !--•. 98.09 Hazel Wilke -- 7.00 Roland McCannon 22.04 Joerlitz-Becknell Co •. 2.52 Burgess Anderson & Tate 62.46 Western United Gas 4fc Elec. " 1.47 Arthur Ferris 26.00 The Harvard Hferald 2.00 Guy E. Still Agency" 96 00 Frank Thornber Co. 6.82 Northern 111. Publications 11.35 R. O. Andrew Company 29.38 Hi. Bell Telephone 247.50 Marengo Repubican News 4-00 " Supr. Salary Mileage-- August W. Ruth ... 187.10 C Perry Wright 89.60 Curl E. Wttmus 161.00 F. E. Beck 124.26 Elmer C. Coy 22.20 Raymond M. Slavin 12.20 Chas. T. Dunning.™ 61.00 Roscoe Glenn 22.80 Harley Mackeben 160.60 T. F. Nolan 160.20 Aimer Aavang 42.80 Stanley Comue (June bill) 66.00 Frank • B. McConnell 26.80 Frank May 82.60 Math N. Schmitt • Theodore W. Sterne John J. Filip A. M. Maxwell j A. B. McConnell ...... Payl Rosenthal ......^ Alice Jones City of Woodstock W m. Desmond Sylvester Muldoon Lyle Hutchinson Grant Nolan George K. Swank Frank J. Kaiser. 215.00 Sabina Bau ; 100.00 Thomas P. Bolger 75.00 All of which is respectfully submitted. ' JOHN J. TTLTP, Chairman s. AUG. W. RUTH «. .. :A. B.McCONNELL . * 1 k; CHARGES T DUNNIlfO CALMER AAVANG . 22.60 . 186.60 . 65.80 . 65.30 . 65.00 . 160.00 . 110.08 . 22.59 . 186.00 . 56.00 215.00 215.00 .« i a j » I Doris McNeese, Marengo fwp. with the assistance of the Board of i Hasel Crone, Dunham Twp. J . - u ^ / . ? n F r e d B o s l . e r , C h e m u n g Twp. m 5 Hj® Arthur Palmer, Chemung Twp. " Zoning Ordinance. He outlined tl»« : William C. De Haan. Alden Twp.' °L Appea!s f"d George Smith, Hartland Twp. their method of procedure and stat- ghirlev Wrleht Seneca Tm ed that, in view of the high charac | !^^p^e«on, ^ ter of the members of the Board and their careful and orderly procedure, it was his opinion that the Board of Supervisors should never reverse a finding of the Board of Appeals unless such definite and conclusive evidence should appear as to make such action practically mandatory. He then said a new point had come up which changed the situation entirely; that charges of improper procedure had been made against the Board of Appeals and this indirectlyagftinst the. Board of Supervisors; that the Board of Supervisors could not sit in a judicial capacity in a matter In which it was itself invlved, that the only way now to setthe matter was to bring it before an impartial third party, that obviously the third party should be a court of competent jurisdiction, that the only way to get it before the trict 1-1 Classification to Industrial court was to approve the action of the Board of Appeals. At the close of Supr. BecE*s remarks he then called for the report of the Board of Appeals which was presented and read to the Board at the Adjourned June meeting held July 12th, 1949, and tabled for further consideration. The Clerk then presented the report, being in the words ahd figures following, to-wit: Copy on file in the County Clerk's office. It was thereupon regularly^moved by Supr. Beck and duly seconded by Supr. Dunning that the report of the Board of Appeals concerning the application of August Schuettler et al, be approved and adopted by this Board, and that- the propery more fully described in their application and in the report be reclassified And changed from that of Industrial Dis- Oistrirt T-2 o*>d that the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of McHenry County, Illinois, be amended to show the new classification, and that all maps pertaining to County Zoning now on file in the County Clerk's .office be changer to show the new classification and the amendment. The Chairman, Math N. Schmitt, stated that due to the importance of the action on litis motion and also due to the fact that as a Supervisor he represents one of the largest Townships in McHenry County that he would elect to participate in the voting ojn Supr. Beck's, motion to approve. 'Hp then directed the Clerk to call the roll on Supr. Beck's motion and the roll being called by the Cerk, Suprs. Ruth, Wright, Wittmus, Beck, Coy, Slavin, Dunning, Glenn, Mackeben, Nolan, McConnell, May, Schmitt, Ira Reed, Grafton Twp. John E. Deneen, Dorr Tw|i,* Leola L. Reed, Dorr Twp. Arthur Crapo, Greenwood Twp. • Louis Wilbrandt. Hebron Twp. Harold Osborn, Richmond Twp. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Filip and duly seconded by Supr. Nolan that the selection of Grand Jurors and Supplemental Panel for the September, 1949 term of the Circuit Court be approved and that the Clerk be directed to certify the said lists to the Clerk of the Circuit Court and the roll being called, Suprs. Ruth, Wright, Wittmus, Beck, Coy, Slavin, Dunning, Glenn, Mackeben, Nolan, Aavang, McConnell, May. Sterne and Filip and Asst. Suprs. Maxwell, McConnell and Rosenthal voted aye. Nay none. The. Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Clerk presented andvread a communication from Mrs. Stanley H. Cornue, the wife of the supervisor from Hebron Township who is confined at the Rockford Memor* ial Hospital as an Infantile paralysis patient She stated that her husband was progressing as well as could be expected, and that he appreciated the flowers received from the members of the board, and that he wanted to be remembered to all of them, and that he would be glad to have any of the members of the Board or his friends visit him at the hosplta. Several communications from the State of Illinois, Dept. of Public Works and Buildings were presented and ordered placed on file. Supr. Dunning addressed the .Board and stated that he would like to again bring up before this medtliur the Special Report of the Road and morning session of this Board, concerning road matters. that he would move at this time that the report be approved and referred to the Road and Bridge Committee giving said committee ful power to act, said motion was duly seconded by Supr. Mackeben, and the roll being called the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. Supr. Sterne of Nunda Township, addressed the Board and stated that| ii» the State of Michigan they bad aj state law that required all young; persons to register at the County seat of the County in which they reside to mak*> proof of age Under the liquor control act, and after proof was made the official to whom the proof was given, issued them a card to show that they were of legal age, as required by law, and fi(l,7S0.63 The above and foregoing report la true and correct according to my best knowledge and belief. HENRY A. NULLS, Co. Treas. Subscribed and sworn to before roe this 13th day of September, 1949. R. D.'WOODS, (Seal) County Clerk The Committee on Finance prer sented the following report to-wit: Copy on file in the County Clerk's "office. » It was thereupon regularly moved stfcieii y t>y Supr. Nolan and duly seconded For Foreign. Witnesses ... by Supr. Filip that the report of the Committee on Finance and the Semi-annual report of the Courity Treasurer be adopted by this Board, and the roll being called the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. x The Committee on Finance presented the following report Mid Annual Appropriation Ordinance, towit: For County Home, supplies for care of inmates 10,000.09 For County Home, medical for care of Inmates <00.00 For County Home, fuel 1,900.00 For County Home, light and poorer 1,100.00 For County Home, repairs 3,000.00 Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund 9,(00.09 For Co. Supt. of Highways, salary 2,996.00 For Co. Supt. of Highways, traveling expenses 1,000.00 For Probation Officer, salary, circuit court 900.00 For Probation Officer, salary, county court 1,800.00 >For Probation Officer, trav. expense, county court .... 1,600.00 For Board of Review, salaries of members 5,000.00 For Board of Review, sup. 116.00 For Board of Review, v traveling expense 410.00 For Board of Review, clerk hire 2,000.00 For County Judge, salary .... 4,860.00 For County Court, reporter salary 2,100.00 100.00 Sterne, and Filip and Asst. Suprs. | that it was necessary for them in Maxwell and McConnell voted aye. : the event that there was any ques- j Supr. Aavang and Asst. Supr. Ro- ! tion about their age to present Bald; senthal voted nay. The said motion ; proof of ~age to any tavern keeper! having carried by more than a three- j requesting same, before they could j fourths vote of the Board, the Chair- be served any beverage with an I man declared the motion carried, I alcoholic content. And that it was! the report approved, the ordinance his belief that If the same ruling! amended and directed that all maps; of law was adopted by McHenry j pertaining to the County Zoning j County or the State of Illinois It now on file in the County Clerk's j would greatly reduce the sale of al-! office be changed to show the new coholic liquors to minor. Supr. classification.. To the Chairman and Gentlemen of / ..the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Finance beg leave to report that they have established a budget for the general funds and for the funds rased by taxation for general County Purposes for the fiscal period ending with the Sunday preceding the 'First Monday in December, 1960, and recommend to this Honorable Board the approval and adoption of part o? this report, In the ihanner, and upon the condtlons specified In said annual appropriation ordinance, towit: Annual Appropriation QsJUaance For the fiscal period ending with the Sunday preceding the first Monday in December, 1950. Pursuant to "An Act In Reation to the Budgets of Counties Not Re quired by Law to Pass an Annual Appropriation Bill" approved July 10, 1933, IT IS HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE County of MoHenry, in the State of Illinois; as follows, to-wit: Section 1-- Balance in Co. Treasury beginning of the proceeding fiscal year $275,026.42 Receipts of the preceding fiscal year 786,670.27 Payments made in the preceding fiscal yfcar 859,114.74 Balance in the County Treasury at the end of the preceding fiscal year 202,492.06 Estimated income from al sources during the year covered by this budget are as follows, to-wit: Balance in General Fund j / Nov. 30-48 "Sf,jEE8ol67 Income from Taxes General Fund 140,200.00 Total Receipts. Co. Off. $140,193.03 Total Net Receipts, Co. Officers 91,116.21 Income from Twp. Co. Home 6,272.80 Tnfomn Wcntnla • • . jnrt Ort Income County Home <4,683.49 Income State's Attorney* 2^66.00 Income Fines Highway • Violations 1 6,217.50 Income from Co. Zoning .... 2,062.00 Income from Co. Licenses 60*850.00 Income County Supt. of Schools Salaries 2.700.00 Income from State of Illinois J Salaries and Dependent Children 4,144.00 Income Total Gen. Fund 328,U2.67 Income from State of Illinois M, F. T. Refunds 114,356.28 Estimated Balance County t. i -Hwy. Fund as of Nov. 30, , i 1949 9,120.12 Income County Hwy. Tajc 92,000,000 Income County Aid on , Building Bridges 35,000.00 Income Principal & Int. Bridge Bonds Tax 10,415.00 Total Estimatedlncome ;«u Jt« u tot *1. Ii» totr if* ^ The Committee on Claims, County Poor presented the following report which on motion of Supr. Ruth and duly seconded by Supr. Nolan an<l the rol being called, was declared unanimousy adopted, to-wit August 9, A. D. 1949. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Claims, County Poor Claims would bep leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following. and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on theCounty Treasurer to the Cdaimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, t«-wit: Diocesan Catholic Charities, <Reh) $ 8000 Elgin Catholic Charities, . (Belleckl) ; 80.00 Lisle Manual Training & ' Industrial, (Jasien) 80.00 Chicago Industrial Home. (Dalziel) (Fiesman) (Shay) 320.00 Mrs. Wm. Eibisch. (Ketchum) 40.00 Eva Kapping, (Yestebo) 80.00 Mrs. Dean Seaman, (Fiesman) 40.00 Mrs. Minnie Brigham, (Ket- • • chum) 40.00 Mrs. Ray Mavis, (De Line) 20.00 Otto Ricksteadtl (Ketchum) 80.00 Mrs. George Wierema, (Van Nattan ) j 40.00 Mrs. Cassius Sweatman. (Steadman) 40.00 Louise Brooks, dependent children $26.56, |fro off trav exp $900 35.56 Lake County T. B. San., care T. B. pat ents 2,691.00 All of' which is respectfully sub nitjiad. •r^"r IS. C. COT, ChafrmM' ; A. B. McCONNELL U ROSCOE GLENN T. W. STERNE The following report of Mabel Hobbs, County Nurse, and request for appropr4ation was presented and read to the Board, to-wt: Copy on file in the County Clerk's office. It was thereupon reguldrly moved by Asst. Supr. McConnel and duly seconded by Supr. Dunning that the report and request be approved, and referred to the Finance Committee. And the Chairman declared thee motion unanimously carried. Statement of condition of all of the Banks of McHenry County at the close of business on June 30th, 1949 were presented to the Board. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Mackeben and duly secanded by Supr. Coy that the statements of condition of said banka be approved, and that said banka e authorized to continue as depositories of the funds of the County Treasurer and Ex-Officio Conty Collector "of McHenry County. And the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carred. The following report of the Board of Appeals, operating under the McHenry County Illinois Zoning Ordinance. was presented and read to the Board, to-wit: Copy on file in the County Cl.erk's office. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Sterne and duly seconded by Supr. Slavin that" the report of the Board of Appeals be approved and adopted by this Board. And that the property of the petitioners and applicants, more fully described in their petitions and applications, made a part of said report, be reclassified to show the new classification of said property. And that the zoning ordinance now on file in the County Clerk's office be amended to show the new classification to conform to said report, and that all maps pertaining to the County Zoning now on file in. the County Clerk's office be changed to show the new Classification of the property of the petitioners and applicants. And the «rU. ^beln» Called. Suprs. Ruth, w right, Wittrnus, Beck, Coy, Slavin, Dunning Glenn, Mackeben, Nolan, Aavang, McConnell, May, Sterne and Filip and Asst. Suprs. Maxwell, McConnell and Rosenthal voted ave. Nay none. The vote on said motion having carried unanimously the Chairman declared the motion carried, the report approved and the ordinance amended, and directed that all maps pertaining to County Zoning be changed to show the new classification of the property *.{ the petitioners and applicants. The Committee appointed to select a list of persons equal to l'JO Ion each Trial Term of the Circuit Court .pr. Sterne's remarks were well taken by! the members of the Board, and said i matter was referred to the Liquor: Control Commission for their consideration. The Chairman stated that if there! was nothing to come before this meeting for the good of McHenry j County he would entertain a mo-' tion to adjourn. It was thereupon! regularly moved by Supr. Mackeben! and duly seconded by Supr. Nolan to adjourn. Moton carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned. MATH N. SCHMITT, Chairman. Attest: R. D. WOODS, Clerk. Regular September Meeting 1949 The Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry ' County, Ilinols, meF~in annual session at the Court House in the City of Woodstocfl, on Tuesday, September 13th A. D. 1949 at 10 o'clock A. M. (D. 8. T.) The meeting .was called to order by the Chairman, Math N. Schmitt, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was given by the Clerk with all members of the Board and visitors present participating, after which the roll was called by the Clerk and the folowing members responded to their names, to-wit: Supervisors August W. Ruth, C. Perry Wright, Cart E. Wittmus, Frank E. Beck, Ray Slavin, Chas. T. Dunning, Roscoe Glenn, Harley Mackeben, T. F. Nolan, Aimer Aavang, F. B. McConnell, Frank May, Math N. Schmitt. Ted Sterne, John J. Filip, and Asst. Suprs. A. M. Maxwell, A. B. McConnell and Paul Rosenthal constituting a quorum present. The minutes of the Special Au gust, 1949, meeting were read and on motion duly made and carried were approved and ordered of record. The following report of the County Treasurer for the month of August, 1949 was presented and read and upon motion of Supr. Ruth duly seconded by Supr. Slavin and declared carried, was approved and ordered of record, to-wit: from the Jury List No. 14 now on,.. fie In the Countys Clerk's office said ' HiPhway Fund Jurors to be selected for the ensuing ' lnstit«te Fund year, made a report showing such ! H1*hway Fines selections which report was read bv ' Inheritance Taxes tlfA PI n nlr T A _ _ _ it » I Ct T n V A County Treasurer's Beporfc far tt« Month of August ,1940 Beoelpta Balance Forvard $267,811.01 General Fund $26,548.26 Supr. County Home 445.20 Supt., County Home 67.78 Chairman, Liquor Comm. 60.00 Dependent Children ' 1,206.67 County Officers' Fees ... 4,812.90 25.720.14 41.00 309.26 -Tito Chairman. Math N. Schmitt, i called, Suprs. Ruth, Wright, Witt 'it to the attention of the! mus. Beck. Coy, Slavin, Dunning, Report of the Board of t Glenn, Mackeben, Nolan, Aavang, " ' Iflng under the Mc- McConnell. May, Sterne and Filip ^ 470.17 the Clerk. It was thereupon regu- ' Doer Tax Account 457.00 larly moved by Supr. Mackeben and II1 Municipal Ret. Acct. 1,952.06 duly seconded by Supr. Wright that J?otor Fuel Account 21,528.76 waid report be approved and that £ownship Road Acct. - - liaid selections so made be ordered Payroll Clearing Account 5,863.29 attached to the aforesaid Jury List J?rl<,Ke Bond Account 2,700.00 •No. 14 and be hereby made a part "^tested Tax Account 1 781.99 of this record, and the roll being Total Receipts 93,939.46 1,600.00 Grand Total ...$461,760.68 •xpendltures and Balances ....$584,2(24.02 Section 2-- That it is deemed necessary in order to defray all necessary expenses and liabilities of said County for the current fiscal year that there be and there hereby Is. appropriated to be Bipvided for by the TotaV tax levy and other revenues for theicurrent fiscal year the aggregate sum of Five hundred eighty-four thousand Two hundred twenty-four dollars and two cents, and the object and purpose for which said appropriation is made and amounts hereby appropriated for the same are as folows, to-wit: For Co. Surveyor, serv $1,500.00 For Circuit Clerk, Recording Books 2,200.00 For Circuit Clerk, Bar Dockets 410.00 For Circuit Clerk .supplies 3,000.00 For County Clerk, Commissioner's Fees Insane and Feeble- Minded Cases 700.00 For County Clerk, printing 600.00 For Co. Clerk, offce sup 3,300.00 For Co. Clerk, tax exten. 10,000.00 For Co. Clerk, criminal cases 100.00 For Co. .Clerk, dog tax lie. 230.00 For Co. Clerk, tax books.... 1,100.00 For Co. Clerk, services, registration of voters For Co. Clerk, services, Co. Zoning 1,500.00 For County Registrars, feesfor xegistering birth and . ; death certificates 669.00 For Election Officials, per diem for services 13,000.00 For Election Officials, mileage for travel 500.00 For Elections, rent of polling places 700.00 For Elections, printing ballots 4,300.00 For Elections, supplies for polling places 1,609.00 For Elections, clerk's sup. 1,300.00 For Registration of Voters, supplies 1,000.00 For Registration of Voters, printing list of voters .... 3,000.00 For Registration of Voters, officers per diem 1,800.00 For Co. Treasurer & Ex- Officio Collector, printing ,.... 4,000.00 For Publication of Tax Assessments 3,800.00 For Co. Treas. & Ex-Offlcio Collector, office supplies 3,200.00 For Co. Treas. & Ex-Officio Collector, record books .... For Co. Treas. & Ex-Offic^ Collector, collection delifl[- •auent pers. prop, tax bills' For Co: Treas. & Ex-Officio Collector, interest tax anticipation warrants 1,009.00 For Sheriff, bailiffs per diem, all courts 1,200.00 For Sheriff,, salaries of deputies 16,000 00 For Sheriff, fees for serv. 11,000.00 For Sheriff, court per diem 1,000 00 For Sheriff, off. supplies .... l.OOC.OO For Sheriff, cooking for prls. 1,500.00 For Sheriff, jail supplies and clothing 1,300.00 For Sheriff, deputies per diem 2,200.00 For Co. Coroner's Fees 200.00 For Coroner, reporter fund 300.00 For Supt. of Schools, clerk hire 3,675.00 For Supt. of Schools, traveling expense 826.00 For Supt. >of Schools, off. sup For Court House and Jail, salaries janitors For Court House and Jail, coal For Court House and Jail, light and water For Court House, repairs .... 8,000.00 For Jail and Sheriff's Residence, repairs 2,000.00 For Court House and Jail, supplies For Court House and Jail. For Bounties, crows, crow eggs and foxes 2;000.00 For Jurors, all courts per diem and mileage 3,000.00 For Supervisors, per diem and mileage 15,100.00 For Supervisors, printing .... 1,300.00 For Care of Cgunty Dependent Children ..10,000.00 For Care of Tubercuosis Pa- . tients in Out of Co. Sana-: toriums ^"..........34,000.00 For Medical Tuberculosis Patients 600.00 For Care County Paupers .... 1,000.00 For State's Attorney, rent ....' 360.00 For State's Attorney, salary 4,500.00 For State's Attorney, assistant salary" 2,100.00 For State's Attorney, .office" supplies 600.00 For State's Attorney, nvestlgations 100.00 For State's Attorney, stenographer 2,400.00 For County Assessment Supr., saK of deputies.... 6,000.00 For County Assessment Supervisor, supplies 2,000.00 For County Assessment Supervisor, traveling expense deputies 1,000.00 Food For Needy Veterans and Their Families 6,500.00 Clothing For Needy Veterans and Their Families 1,000.00 Rent for Needy Veterans and Their Families 500.00 Medical Neet Vet families 1,000.00 For Eradication of Tuberculosis in Cattle, salary of County Veterinarian ........ 5,400.00 Traveling of Co. Veterinarian 1.$80.00 For Eradication of Tuberculosis in cattle, salary of office secretary 1,920.00 For Eradication of Tuberculosis in Cattle, offce supplies .... 400.00 For Contingent 6,186.67 For Insurance on County Properties 3,600.00 For Insurance Premiums on Bonds County Officers .... 1,800.00 For McHenry County Tuberculosis. Assocation Fund 2,000.00 For McHenry County Farm' and Home Bureau, office expenses Home Bureau .... 000.00 For McHenry County Farm"" and Home Bureau, 4-H club projects Far Bureau 225.00 For County Zoning Expenses and Enforcing Officer .... 1,380.00 Total of Genera Fund Appropriations 823,322.67 For County Aid in Building Bridges, to retire bonds and interests 10,415.00 For Payment of Right of Way and Buidlng Roads 114,366.23 County Highway Tax, for maintenance of County State Aid Roads 30,000.00 County Highway Tax, f5t improving county state aid roads 16,000.00 County highway Tax, for re*P moving snow county state .aid roads v 3,000.00 CftUnty Highway Tax fdr re- . pairing county state aid roads 17,790.12 County Highway Tax, for office supplies county state aid roads 33,000 County Highway Tax, for pur- Bohn HaMware Co., supplies Bott's Welding Serv., brazing 1.00 Woodstock Children's Home, freight on groceries 10.00 Bannister's Store, groceries. tobacco, supplies Albert Pick Co.. kitchen and hospital supples E. L. Bakkom A Co., mower repairs and parts R. F. Backus, electric cable, labor, parts Kenneth Kopsel.1, labor Esther C. Allen, incidentals Esther C. Allen, salary Helen Blsbee, salary Henry Knaack, wajges Hattie Nichols, wages Rose Chambers, ' wages James Chambers, wages 121.67 §7.54 1.11 486 62 13.00 98.50 200.00 140.00 176.00 86.00 100.00 125.00 Less cream sold ... Sawyer Co. rebate 1 boar, 8 sows $2,719:22 .$115.69 3. OS . 662.70 $671.47 671.47 chase of machinery 25,000.00^.mously carried, to-wit: County Highway Tax, for main- "*• tenance of machinery .... 9,000.00 County Highway Tax, for buidings to house machinery i... 1,000.00 For County Aid in Building Bridges, construction of bridges 17,000.00 For County Aid in Building Bridges .repair of bridges 18,000.00 Grand Total of All : Z Appropriations $684,224.02 Section 8-- This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval according to law. All of which is respectfully submitted, this 13th day of September, A. D. 1949. C. PERRY WRIGHT, Chairman PAUL ROSENTHAL T. F. NOLAN ALMER AAVANG 259.00 100.00 1,600.00 4,660.00 8,800.00 2,010.00 Illinois Zoning^ Or-| and Asst. Supers. Maxwell, McConnell; County Orders $18 240 27 sera ng the application ! and Rosenthal voted Aye. Nay none. Coroners' Jurors' aiiijir iOettler, et al, for vari- The Chairman declared the motion County Court Jurora property In Green- unanimously adopteU. Probation Officer olf of U. S. Route j The Chairman announced the se- ~ -- amendment to the Zon- ' lection of Grand Jurors and Supple- Co. Treas. Salary Clerks' salaries •••• ~ 20.00 7.60 120.65 179.40 969.10 92,047.75 ' ' ||e(ptember 7, 1949' To tne Cfialrman and the Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County. Woodstock, Illinois. Your County Home, Farm and Hospital Committee met at Hartland on the above mentioned date and audited bills for the month of August, 1949 recommending th© following be paid. Permanent Improvement .....$ 60,0.51 Running Expense .....................1,178.36 Cothing tt.7* Tobacco $6.61 Medicine# 42.09 Hospitar-'.£4w4V^-^-.- 178.71 Diet 453.91 Ftla 186.28 Less creafn jtbld, Sawyer .Co. rebate 1 boar, 8 sows.! $115.69 3.01 : 652.70 $671.47 $2,719.22 671.47 $2,047.75 •The regular monthly inspection of Grounds, Buildings and Live Stock reveaed everything to be in good condition with the exception of the Main Building roof. Minor repairrs are needed on the slate roof and steps are being taken to have the work done. There being no further business, your committee, on motion duly made and seconded adjourned. FRANK B. McCONNELL, Charman CARL E. WITTMUS ALMER AAVANG AUGUSTUS M. MAXWELL The Committee on Fees and Salaries presented the following report, which on motion of Asst. Supr. McConnell and duly seconded by Supr. Wright and the roll being called, was decared unanimously adopted, to-wit: Copy on file in the County Clerk'a office. Asst. Supr. McConnell, chairman of the Committee on Education stated Mr. Durkee, who was recently employed to assist the Supt. of Schools in Child Education needed about two metal drawer files tor ^records. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Nolan and duly seconded by Supr. Mackeben that said matter be referred to the Purchasing Committee, and the Chairman declared the motion ' unanimously carried. The Clerk presented lists of clams against the County and upon motion Supr. Mackeben duly seconded by Asst. Supr. McConnell and declared carried, the said claims were referred io the proper comThlttees, and the Board adjourned to 1:00 o'clock P. M. (D. S. T.) for committee work. 1300 O'CLOCK P. M. (S. S. V.) ' Board met pursuant to adjournment and upon roll call the san^e members responded to their names as appeared of record in the morning sesson, and including Supr. Elmer Coy, of Alden Township, constituting A quorum present. The Committee on Claims, Labor, Fees and Supplies presented the following report, which on motion of Supr. Nolan and duly seconded by Supr. Mackeben and the roll being called, was declared unanitelephone/ It was. thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Filip and duly seconded by Supr. Sterne that the report of the Committee on Finance be approved and the Annual Appropriation Ordinance or Budget for the Fiscal period ending with the Sunday preceding the first Monday of December, 1950 be adopted by this Board, and the roll being called, Suprs. Ruth, Wright, Wittmus, Beck, Slavin, Dunning. Glenn, Mackeken, Nolan, Aavang, McConnell, May, Sterne, Filip and Asst. Suprs. Maxwell, McConnell and Rosenthal voted aye. Nay none. The Chairman decayed the motion unanimously carried, the report approved and t{ie Annual Appropriation Ordinance adopted. The Committee on Finance presented the following report of an audit made of the funds of Roland McCannon, Qounty Superintendent of Schools, to and Including August 30th, 1949, to-wit: Copy on file In the County Clerk's office. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Beck and duly seconded by sSupr. Wittmus that the report and audit be adopted by this Board, and the roll being called the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Committee on McHenry County Home, Farm and Hospital presented the following report, which on motion of Supr. Wright and duly seconded by Supr. Dunning and the roll being called was declared unanimously adopted, to-wt: Mr. Chairman and Members of the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County: Your McHenry County Home. Farm and Hospital Committee met at Hartland on September 7th, 1949 and audited bills of the month of August, 1949 and respectfully submit the following report recommending the same be paid. Leo C. Zimmerman, electric cable ditch $ R. O. Andrew Co., feed and grinding .*. Dr. Wm. J. Gay, veterlarian F. W. Woolworth Co., supplies 7."IS Woodstock Dry GoodsCo., clothing -t (>8 Thomas J. Webb Co.. coffee «3.74 John Sexton & Co., groceries 1 »>•>.] 2 Shurtleff Co, lumber 40.91 Sawyer Biscuit Co.. crackers 26.86 Royal Blue Food Mart, groc. 28.60 Public Service of Nor. 111., electricity Rosenthal Lumber & Fuel Co.. paint Montgomery JVard Co., clothing and supplies 2,000.00 j Miller Patton Baking Co., • . bread .93.00 48.45 7.25 62.47 67.13 46 06 79.94 500.00 100.00 OrittHnMW. M0d repert having mental Panel for the September 1949 Antica. Warrant# ft 'int 26,82» 96 For Judiciary, library law books For Judiciary, Justice feeB For Judiciary, misc. exp For County Home, salaries for employees 11,000.00 For County Home, food for Otre of* inmates --...^,600.00 -- 2,600.00 | Illinois Bell Tel. Co., telephone 29.20 M. B. Johnson, spraying barn 40.00 200.00' Ideal Oil Co, gasoline and kerosent 186.28 Goodrow's Garage, spark pugs 2.25 Hubert's Pharmacy, med. 42.09 ». Hereey tt Sons, hog feeder 70.89 Qinn Bayce, gasoine and ol 32.16 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of supervisors: --' " Your Committee on Labor, Fees and Supplies Claims would beg leave to. report that they, have examined all claims presented to' them, and recommend the payment of the folowing, and that the Clerk be directed to Jssue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wlt: ' Frank Thornber Co $164.25 Crystal Lake Herald 119.85 Kee-Lox Mfg. Co 10.46 Northern 111. Publications .... 180.65 The Haloid Company ....-- 447.30 Schmidt Printing Co. 65.60 Goerlitz Becknell Co. 7.31 R. L. Tazewell 26W9 Panama-Beaver Inc 21.20 Illinois Off. Supply Co, 7.89 Burgess, Anderson & Tate .... 23.29 Harvard Herald 339.30 The Richmond Gazette 47.70 Marengo Republican News .-- 166.15 Pearl Schultz 77.00 Call>aghan & Company 4.00. The Lawyers Co-op. Pub 20.00 The American Law Book Co. 20.00 Charles F. Hayes 25.00 Joseph J. Schuster 6.00 Dr. B. B. Neuchiller -- 10.00 Dr. O. E. Nelson 10.00 Math N. Schmitt 720.00 John J. Hayes 720.05 E. J. Deneen ..., 720.00 R. F. Dusenberry 720.00 Florian Schmitt T ; 207.00 Ethel E. Yuenger 207.00 Ero Erickson 101.50 C. L Tryon 125.30 111. Bell Telephone Co 266.99 The Bohn Hardware 4.0$ Ludwig Wilson Co 86.80 Victor Adding Machine Co 7.95 A-W Building Supplies 623.48 Crystal Lake Herald --- 288.35 Broekers' Janitor Supply -- "84.43 E. L. Bakkom & Co. Inc 662 United Research Lab. 149.38 Lien Chemical Co -- 125.16 Hall & Kckert 2.00 Haack & Hogan 49.95 Woodstock Trucking Serv. 20.00 Silliman Welding Shop 49.79 Durfee Bros. Roofing Co 760.73 C. P. Weter 219.09 Woodstock Hardware Co. -- 22.01 R. O. Andrew Co 24.33 Woodstock Daily Sentinel .... 018.60 Fred C. Bau 16.60 Royal Blue Food Mart 76,88 Early American Bakery 21.36 Piggly Wiggly Grocery Store 29.25 Western United Gas & Elec... 1.47 Sabina Bau -- --- Warren Berg ......... Ed Brennecka ....... Otto Buchert Charles Corey ....... Kenneth Fay Howard Goddard S. L. Hacker .: Harold Hobbs Sigurd Jacobson . Frank E. Keller .... Theodore S. Miller ... ,T. G. Nixon Richard Oerkflts ....... Loren Putnam Alvin Querhammer -- Vivian Seaman Paul J. Struck Arthur Thorns Clyde" J. Zoia Vernon W. Kays .. Clyde C Miner ....... *10.00 Pearl Schultz _ 20.00 Supr. Salary Mileage-- August W. Ruth -- 101.40 C. Perry Wright 78.40 Carl E. Wittmus 116.00 F. E. Beck -- 145.60 Emcr C. Coy --r 22.20 Raymond M. Slavin _-- 10.70 Chas. T. Dunning 20.40 Roscoe Glenn -- 22.40 Harey Mackeben --.....-- 112.00 T. F. Noan _...... 180.50 Aimer Aavang 63.50 Stanley H. Cornue Frank B. McC^onnel.1 --.. 24.00 Frank May 67.20 Math N. schmitt Theodore W. Stern* IS.60 28.00 S1.00 196.00 49.00 6S.00 *8.00 14.00 11.00 14.00 11200 1*2.40 77.00 SO.OO 66.00 127.81 160.00 66.48 173.39 215.00 100.00 185.00 76.00 John J. Filip Augustus M. Maxwell A. B. McConnell .-- Paul Rosenthal City of Woodetock Alice Jones Donal B. Hack man Frank J. Kaiser ..... Grant Nolan ... Sabina Bau Vestie Muldoon Thomas P. Bolmer All of which is respectfully submitted. ; JOHN J. FILIP, Chairman AUG. W. RUTH ALMER AAVANG . CHARLES T. DUNNING ' A. B. McCONNELL The Committee on Claims, County Poor presented the folowing report, which on motion of Supr. Mackeben and duly seconded by Supr. Wright and the roll being called was declared unanimously adopted, to-wlt: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on County Poor Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: Dependent Chidren-- Houstf of the Good Shepherd. (Harvey) $ 80.00 Rockford Catholic Charities, (Reh) 80.00 Lisle Manual Indst. & Trng. Sch. Seh., (Jasien) 80.00 Chicago IndusL Home for Chll., (Daziel) (Shay) (Fiesnian) 280.00 Elgin Catholic Charltleg, (Bielecki) Montgomery Ward Co M rs. Cassius Sweatman, Steadman) 40.00 Minnie Brigham, (Ketchum) 42.00 Mrs. Dean Seaman, (Fiesman) 40.00 Mrs. George Wierema, (Van Nattan) 40.00 Mrs. Wm. Eibisch, (Ketchum) '40.00 Mrs. Otto Elcksteadt, (Ketchum) 80.00 Eva Kapping^ (Yestebo) 40.00 Dr. Emerson C. Kunde, (Ketchum) , 8.00 Lake County T. B. San., care T. B. patients 2,577.00 All of which is respectfully submitted. E. C. COY, Chairman. ROSCOE GLENN A. B. McCONNELL T. W. STERNE 20.00 61.51 The Clerk presented the Certificates of Levy, together with consents, of all the Township Commissioners of the County of McHenry *>f the amounts necessary to be raised by taxation for construction, maintenance, repairs 4 of roads, bridges in the various townships. After the reading of the certificates of levy and consents by the Clerk, it was regularly moved by Asst. Supr. McConnell and duly seconded by Supr. Sterne that the certificates of levy and consents be approved by this Board and the roll being called, Suprs. Ruth, Wright, Wittmus, Bec]f, Coy, Slavin, Dunning, Glenn, Mackeben, Nolan, Aavang, McConnell, May, Sterne, Filip and Asst. Suprs. Maxwell. McConnell adti Rosenthal voted aye. Nay none. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried, and the levy and consents approved. The Committee on Finance: presented the folowing report and Annual Tax Levy, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee to whom was referred the matter of the County Tax Levy for the year 1949, would beg leave to submit the 'following report on the matters before them: That we have ascertained the several items of necessary expenditures for the County as nearly as possible and recommend that the sume of One hundred twenty-four thousand seven hundred dollars and no cents for general county purposes and'the sum of Sixty-six thousand one hundred twenty dollars and twelve cents for Conty Hghway tax, and the sum of Ten thousand four hundred fifteen dolars and no cents for County Aid in Building Bridges to Retire Bonds & Interest, and the sum of Thirty-five thousand dollars and no cents for County Highway Tax for purchase and maintenance of Machinery and Buildings to house machinery, and the sum of Thirtyfive thousand dollars and no cents for County Aid in Building Bridges for Construction and Repair of Bridges, making a tota of Two hundred seventy-one thousand two hundred thirty-five dolars and twelve centsii be levied- as as County Tax on all taxable property of said County and State aforesaid for the year, A. D. 1949, and that the County Clerk is hereby instructed to extend said amount on all taxable property in the County in accordance with the report for the following purposes, to-wit: < For Co. Clerk, tax* books $1,100.00 For Election Officials, per diem for services 8,000.00 For Election Officials, • mileage for travel : 500.00 For Elections, rent of polling places 700.00 For Elections, printing Allots 2,000.00 For Elections, supplies for polling places 1,600.00 FOr Registrations of Voters, printing list of voters .... 1,000.00 For Registration of Voters, officers per diem 1,000.00 For Publication of Tax As-, sessments 1,000.00 For Sheriff, bailiff per diem, all courts 1,200.00 For Sheriff, f&es for services 7,000.00 For Sheriff, food for prls..:.. 2,000.00 For Sheriff, deputies per diem 2,200.00 For Court House & Jail salaries janitors 2,000.00 For Court House & Jail, coal 3,(TOO.00 For Court House & Jail, light and water 1,000.00 For Court House, repairs .... 5,000.00 For Jail and Sheriff's Residence repairs 2,000.00 For Court House and Jail, supplies For Court House and Jail, telephone For County Home, salaries for employees 5,000.00 For County Home, food for care of inmates 2,000.00 For County Home, supplies for eare of inmates For County Home, fuel For County Home, l$ght and power For County Home, repairs For Probation Officer, salary, circuit court 900.00 For Probation Officer, salary county court 1,800.00 For Prabation Officer, traveling expense, county court 800.00 For Board of Review, salaries of members 2,500.00 For Board of Review, clerk hire :. 1,00.0.00 For Jurors, all courts per diem and mileage 3,000.00 For Supervisors, per diem and mileage For Supervsors, printing ... For Care of County Dependent Children For Care of Tuberculosis Patients In Out of County Sana toriums 34,000.00 Foor For Needy Veterans and Their Famiies 6,500.00 Cothing for Needy Veterans and Their Families 1.000.00 Rent for Needy Veterans and Their Families 600.00 Medical for Needy Veterans and Their Families 1,000.00 For Insurance on County Properties 1,000.00 rohds ... „.._..V:..^.17,7S|^» County Highway Tax, for pf- ; lice supples county state aid roads ...-- 880.00 For County Aid in Building Bridges, to retire bonds and . interests 10,411,00 County Highway Tax, for pur- jk chase of machinery 26,000.41? County Highway Tax, for , buildings to house machinery 1,000.00 For County Aid in Building Bridges, construction of bridges 17,000.00 For County Aid in Building Bridges, repair of bridges 18,000.00 Grand Total Amount ---- .To Be Raised $271,286.12 All of which is respectfully submitted this 12th day of September. A, D. 1949. «. PERRY WRIGHT, kfAUL ROSENTHAL f. F. NOLAN ALMER AAVANG Chairman 2,000.00 2,600.00 4,000.00 1,000.00 600.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 1,200.00 4,000.00 Total of Gen. Fund Levy $124,700.00 County Highway Tax, for maintenance County State Aid Roads $30,000.00 County Highway Tax, for improving County State Aid Roads 15,000.00 County Highway Tax, for removing snow county > state aidroads 3,000.00 County Highway Tax, for -- : repairing county state at* x It was regularly moved by Supr. Filip and duly seconded by Supr. Dunning that the report of the committee on Finance be approved and the annual tax levy for <&e year 1949 be approved and adopted by this Board and the roll being called Suprs. Ruth, Wright, Wittmus, Beck, Coy, Slavin, Dunning, Glenn, Mackeben, Nolan, Aavang, McConnell, May, Sterne, Filip and Asst. Suprs. Maxwell, MdConnel. and Rosenthal voted aye. Nay none. Th^ Chairman declared the motion unai4r itnously carried and the report approved and the Annual Tax Levy approved and adopted. The Committee on Roads and Bridges presented the following report, to-wit: Copy on file In the County Clerk's office. „ It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Wright and duly seconded by Supr. Sterne that the report of the Committee on Roads and Bridges be adopted by this Board, and the applcation for permits made by the Public Serviqe Company of Northern Illinois be granted, anA the roll being called the Chairmandecared the motion^ unanimously carried. The following Special Report of the Road and Bridge Committee, together with written, proposal of Ball man & Main a Municipal Bond- Company of Chicago, Illinois, 'wasVpresented and read to the Board, to-wft: Copy on file In the. County Clerk'a office. Supr. Nolan, Chairman of the Road and Bridge Committee, stated that following the instructions of the Board, hits committee took up tluL matter .with the bonding company-' of Ballman & Main, who were fa- .miliar, with the issuance of al.l types of municipal bonds, and were the same company that handled the only bonds ever issyed by McHenry County, and have been active in our County for years and are well known to the members of the Board. And that his Committee asked Ballman & Main to submt a written proposal. Supr. Beck a member of the Road and Bridge Committee stated that he felt as did other members of the Committee, that the Rublie should be well informed as to all matters pertaining to the issu£ ance of road bonds, should thW County Board approve and accepi iiie proposal presented by the Bonding Company, that the question of advalorum taxes should be fully explained to the tax payers and gentlemen of the County to be paid and char&fd to McHenry county's M. F. T. refunds would be a direct obligation on the taxabe property of McHenry County, in the event that McHenry County's share of M. F. T. funds coming due each year was not sufficient to retire the said bonds and - interest due and oa^ablefor said year. ^ After some further discussion with regard to said matter it waa regularly moved by Supr. Mackeben and duly seconded by Supr. Dunning that the report of the Committee be approved, and that the Road and Bridge Committee be authorized to proceed with the proposal of the bonding firm of Ballman & Main presented with the r eport of the Road and Bridge Committee, and the roll being called, Suprs. Rut!), Wright, Wittmus, B4ck, Coy, Slavin, Dunning, Glenn, Mackeben, Nolan, Aavang, McConnell, May. Sterne, Filip ai)d Asst. Suprs. McConnell and Rosenthal voted aye. Osst^ Supr. Maxwell voted nay. And th^ Chairman declared the motion carried. The Board of Appeals, operating under the McHenry County Comprehensive Ordinance, presented the following report, to-wit: Copy on file in the County Clerk'a office. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Filip and duly seconded by Supr. Nolan that the report of the Board of Appeals be adopted by this Board, and the property of the applicants and petitioners more fully described in their applications and* petitions be-.reclassified to conforr^ ' to said, report, and that the com prehensive zoning ordinance of McHenry County, on file in the County Clerk's affice be amended to conform to said report, showing the new classification of said property, and that all maps pertaining to County zoning now on file in the County Clerk's office be changed to show the new classification of the property of the petitioners an8 applicants. And the roll' being called Suprs. Ruth, Wright, Wittmus, Beck, Coy, Slavin, Dunning, Glenn, Mackeben, Nolan, Aavang, McConnell, May, Schmitt, Sterne, Filip anfL Asst. Suprs. Maxwell, McConneW a n d R o s e n t h a i v o t e d a y e . N a y none. The motion having been carried by a vote of three-fourth of the total membership of the Board the Chairman declared the motion carried, the report approved and adopted, the Ordinance amended and directed that the maps pertaining to County Zoning be changed. A report of the County Veterinaran was presented and referred to the Committee on Eradication ofTuberculosis in Cattle for a report. A Resolution showing the amounts appropriated by the Board of Supervisors in connection with tltf> • County Veterinarian's office wa» presented and read. It was thereupon regulary moved by Supr. Mackben and duly seconded by Supr. Filip that the Resolution be adopted by this Board. And the roll being called the Chairman declared the motion^unanimously carried. Math N. Schmitt, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, and Ex-Officio Chairman of the Board of Review addressed the Board and stated that the work of the Board of Review was progressing very satisfactorily, but that there were quite a few of the Assessors Books in the larg/\ Townships that were not in, a(W that the Board of Review would need addltonal time to complete their work. He then made a request for additional time, not later than to the next meeting of this,Board, October 11. 1949, for the said Board to complete their work, and he stated that he hoped that all of the books would be in by that time. It waa regularly moved by Supr. Filip and duly seconded by Supr. Dunning that the request be granted. And the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. Supr. Dunning, Secretary of the McHenry County Township Officiepj Association addressed the Board and thanked them for their splendid attendance - at the meeting and banquet of said Association, held at the Fiesta Lodge Sept. 7th. and that he was sure that everyone had a good time before the meeting concluded. Several communications from the State of Illinois, Department of Public Works and Buildings, together with Gas Tax Reports for th month of August, 1949 were presented and ordered placed on file. The Chairman stated that if there was nothing further to come before this meeting for the good of McHenry County he would entertaii^l. motion to adjourn. , It was thereupon, regularly moved by Supr. Mackeben and duly seconded by •upr. Filip to adjourn. And the

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