Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Apr 1950, p. 22

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Mtr" T^XT" GB EIGHT ^»' 'TTTy- .j.*^vtv?®'; ;.?': ^ »V'$* W*n .;•• ¥"4* w^'%4fk7YV#" "• - i-fWVvf • t f " ' - j V " ) •* * " 4 * .» *'V V'. ' , f / •'< "•* ">• • * ' • ^Ir :• : j •"•'•>•••. VV:'-. •*•,•- ^ ' - fc "N.':". • 'A-.C' V. -v-.1/ ? . ..• ""V meBnxKUOFsi frS'i McHENBY COUNTY, itL. .•',. p\, ^ j'1" •;** ^ >i . J . ; - • / . . , ' ' •% f : ImM« tbe chamber shall txe U*. Interior lining*, if fee flre-rtetetlve. Mhw avtonaticftilr flrefl «lr fii-MCM equipped with a circulate the air ahall be I with an approved auto- «eatrol to shut off the fu«i vkntmr Um Air in the fur- „ .JiMt or at the bwimlni of «Wa np»tr d»ct at a point not ~ 1 by radiated heat reaches a .tore not higher than MO deft «ss F. Where atich a furnace is Stoker fired, it shall also be equipped irtth an automatic over-run control la start the fan when the air in Um fa mac* bonnet or at the fregin- Mag f the main supply duct at a point not affected by radiated heat raachaa a temperature not higher ffcan degree• P.; after the stoker pad tta (in its normal operation) save mm ahut down as a result of f satisfied thermostat. V COLD AIR DUCTS. Such ductf ay be constructed of metal of one ch (nominal) wood boards, or her auitable material, provided t ho material more flammable The foundation walls of all buildin r* over two (2) stories in height, except as above provided, shall be four (4) inches thicker from foot- Ing to grade than required for the remainder of the wall. All exterior and division or party walls over one (1) story high, ahall extend the full thickness of top story to at least two (I) feet above the roof surfacing of a building aa a parapet and be properly coped, excepting walls which face on a street and are finished with incombustible cornices, gutters or crown mouldings, excepting also the wall of detached dwellings with peaked or hipped roofs. Brick or concrete walla of buildings. which under this ordinance could b« of wood, may have a minimum thickness of eight (8) inches. Such walla shall not exceed two (2) stories or thirty (30) feet in height, exclusive of gable, nor shall they exceed thirty-five (35) feet in length unless properly braced by cross walls, piers, or buttresses. Clay brick used for exterior walls, chimneys, or piers, shall have an n two feet from the heated surs of the heater shall be constructentirely of non-combustible marial as required for high temperajre systems. The interior of compatible ducts shall be lined with Son-oombustible material at points 'here there might be danger from Incandescent particles dropped .through thp register or heater, such " as directly under floor registers an.l the bottom of vertical ducts directly imder heaters having a bottom relurn. No vertical stack shall have aperiings to receive return air on ••••'.jnore than one floor. Return air '.'Ahall be conducted to the heater through continuous ducts, except : that under floor spaces may be used fs ducts for not over two feet In elfht to bottom of floor Joists and are cleaned of all combustible maf t.'rtsl and are tightly and substantially closed. Air Bhall not l>e reirculated from any basement sec- Ion not used for iv»ng quarters. , SMOKE PIPE8. Smoke pipes leadlag from furnace to chimneys shall -be of heavy gauge material and Shall run as directly as possible. All smoke pipes must be kept a aafe distance from any combustible eeil- . |ng, wall or partition. If smoke pipe . ifa nearer than twelve (12) inches to 5 'ji combustible ceiling, wall or par- ;Mltion, such ceiling, wall op partition >phaH be protected by asbestos board •<pf not less than M Inch in thick- Jhena.* SECTION VIII. OAS CONNECV tIONS: Oas connections to stoves or '.^similar heating devices shall be . imade by rigid metal pipes. For {small portable gas heating devices flexible metal or rubber tubing may '^Ibe used when there is no valve or . other shut off on the device. SECTION IX. FRAME BITILD- . _ more than three (3) stories or forty feet high Ti No frame building hereafter erect- • l ed shall cover a ground area exceed- f lng the following: one story build 4*l«| 7G00 square feet, two story • fbuilding 5000 square feet. ; .{ In no case shall a frame build- "<ihg be erected within three (S) feet ."..of the side or rear lot line, nor l^wlthld six (C) feet of another buildlas. unless the space between the "--ystttds on such sld«» be filled solidly ;* ^ywlth -not less than two and one- •'vjjhajf (tH) Inches of brick work or pother equivalent Incombustible ma- : ;-iijterlal. x it' , : In rows of frame houses the dlvldiJtng walls or partitions between ^ Vhouses shall be built of brick, holffllow tile, concrete or other incom- 'Jbuitible material; or they may be 'f.% built with four (4) inch studs, filled sdlldly with brick work laid in mor- ' l»tar, or with other incombustible ma- 1 tertal and be covered with metal lath and plaster. Such dividing par ©. inateriai more •» j average compressive strength of 2,- a one Inch wood boards shall odd pounds per square inch, and an Portions of such ducts closer j ab80Ppt,0n not exceeding twenty (26) per cent. Concrete, sand-lime, or other varieties of brick, used for the same purposes shall have an average crushing strength of 1,500 pounds per square inch, and an absorption not exceeding fifteen (IS) per cent. Portland Cement only shaTT be used in the manufacture of concrete blocks. The coarse aggregate shall be of suitable material graded in jsise. but in no case shall the maximum dimension exceed one-fourth ( *4 ) the minimum width of any sectlon of the finished block. Concrete blocks ahall not be used in construction until they have attained the age of twenty-eight (28) days, or developed the strength required in this section. The compressive strength of building blocks shall In all cases be calculated upon the gross area of the bedding faces, no account being taken of the cellular spaces. Hollow building tile used for exterior or party walls or piers, and designed to be laid normally with the c lis vertical, shall have an average compressive strength of not less than 1200 pounds per square Inch when tested with the cells vertical, and not less than three hun( dred (300) pounds per square inch when tested with the cells horiaontal. The average compressive strength of hollow building tile designed to be laid normally wfth the cells horiaontal, and tested with the cells in that position, shall be not less than "00 pounds per square Inch. Hollow concrete bloc* or tile used for exterior walls or piers shall have an average compressive strength of not less than 700 pounds per square inch. Concrete blocks shall be not more than thirty-six (SO days old when tested. The average strength of the blocks as here given shall be obtained by testing five iB) blocks of average quality. The allowable working stress on all masonry construction shall not exceed one-tenth of the required aveiage test strength. The mortar used for all eight (8) inch walls, foundation walls, walls for skeleton construction, and all walls built of hollow building tile or concrete blocks, shall be either portland cement mortar, or cement-lime mortar, the latter in proportions not leaner than one (1) part Portland cement, one <1) part lime and six (6) parts sand by volume. XIU. ALLOWABLE LOADS. SIZE OF MEMBERS: All floors, ceilincs and roofs shall bear a safe weight per superficial foot exslusive of material, as follows: floors for dwelling, sixty pounds; ceilings twenty pounds; roofs, forty pounds. The following dimensions shall be used in frame dwelling houses: Minimum sise of materials used: Span 8 ft. and not over 14 ft., 2x8 16-inch o. c. Span 14 ft. and not over It ft., S x 10 16-inch o. c. Span 18 ft. and not over 22 ft., 2 x 12 16-inch o. c. Span 22 ft. and not over 24 ft., 2 x 14 It-Inch o. c. Ceiling joists can be t inches less for above span. Center girders supporting Joists no« over 14 feet: One Story Span « to 9 ft., i i I S p a n » t o 1 2 f t . , 6 x l « Span 12 to 14 ft., 8 xll Two Story Span 9 to 9 ft., S x 10 Span 9 to 12 ft., 6 x It Span 12 to 14 ft., 8 x It Post supporting center girders: Per 8x8 girders, 6x6 posts, footing not less than 10 x 24 x Per I x 10 girders, 6x1 posts, footing not less than It x to x SO. Per I t 10 girders, 6 x 8 posts, footing not less than 14 x 36 x SC. Joists supporting partitions: one story to be double, two stories to be triple. Where plumbing and heating pipes pass through partitions, separate the Joists so that same do not have to b« cut. Spike blocks between joists, not over three feet apart, to support partitions. Joists supporting headers over three feet long to be double. If supporting both tall joist and partition, three joists are required. If joists supports partition over three feet from bearing, extra support is required. If plates are used on foundation t h e y s h a l l b e n o t l e s s t h a n 2 x 6 , set in mortar. All partitions carrying joists to have double plates. All openings to have proper support to carry load place on same. All rafters for shingles or other s i m i l a r r o o f s o v e r 1 2 f t . 2 x 6 . Valley rafters over 8 ft. long -- 2 x 6; if over 16 ft. -- 2 jt J^ All joists to have bridging every seven feet. Above rules apply to 60 pounds per square foot. These requirements shall apply all alterations as well „as new . »uvn ui«iuiiib UtMPs • shall rest on masonry walls sad shall extend to under side of „ raof boards. A flush mortar joint fahfcl! be made between the roof ^boards and the wall or partition. In c rows of more than three houses •very alternate division wall or par- :.j tltlsn Miia!! be constructed of solid brickwork not less than eight (8) > inches in thickness. ^ Bfjldings with wooden framework cHba wlth sheet metal or stucco or Iroweered with brick, shall be classed ' ~ JIM buildings. n any building is to be erected stona, hollow brick, or conit CMM under this ordied of wood, the loner or other is hereby au- , . „ -- ted to allow reajjtMBBaote modifications of this ordi- %**•»*•. ratatiag to brick buildings in ^®°*5^deration of the use of incommaterial instead of wood. modifications, however, shall pOrmit variations from the re- ; qafcf*m*nts of Section VII. *J FOUNDATIONS ;^ROR PWBLLINOS: All buildings or '/ . Jpsrts thereof to be used as dwell- |fats or far human habitation here- 'n the County of M<-- , Henry, Illinois, shall be erected upvan r • - *1 tile - - . Upen solid foundations of stone, brick »'I}* or concrete, and the footings ' i trT: n°» ** 'ess than four (4) feet ' ^ ground finished surface of the STANDARDS OF J? standard* for design^ --i including floor working 'Joint!!?* *pec,^ic*t^i*for materials, . framing and all construction details, shall in every respect to good engineering and S^£\turml practice. SECTION XII. WalLS: All exheJr «>.°r dlvl8ion walls of buildings ' cE£ H thInr£'t*? °f ™*«onry or £n- V« ^ of efficient thickness • carried"0 sa,el>' the to U , masonry exterior walls of feet in'8heIb-Vt**C'nK lhlpty (30) tif hiiiit 41? and basement walls if ® Bftnic thlcknewH .. supported length of 8Uch WaTis 8han 4 n t > ' - f i v e ( 2 5 ) f e e t f confrete walls shall be not Jess than six (6) inches thick and ib^UWha™enan hie C°ncrete masonry walls are built holloW are constructed of hollow clay ^ tUK'.tSiovhe allowable height J*«e eight (8) inch portion shall be limited to twenty (20) feet and ^-nainlng ]oWer port|on be at least ten (10) inches thict f Jt°rhi^e L P over thirt>' <»0) v!5»' ,but. n,ot exceeding forty 1 Ln hei»ht. the exterior JH? eiKbt (8) inches thick £-1 tl*.,uipy.rn!?"', twenty (20) feet •M Hkall be at least twelv« (12) tarbws^thick for the remaining lower . party and division walls of •Wit (8) Incihfe s thickn ofot r leth8Be uptphearn- 2!°,»l.tT'e.nty. (20) ,eet and shall be twelve (12) inches for the ,ower portion. Such party tod division walls, if hollo#, or If °lan°l}OW Cl?y or concrete TiSViiii SlnS Rasu-uctlon exceeding forty (40^ ^ *9 height shall be solid. The upg. "I™* (», stories shall be not Ijj^ttaa twelve (12) inches thick. I'"!*'.*11** fo.ur .<<) inches in thlcky..'*. three (3) stories or fjpetion thereof below. No thfee (3) increment shall exceed forty- ^S) feet in height. a, . I.n skele,tvo ,n* cvownisiotriumcttuiognn i ^uiiiiiiioHiuner. ne sh»)l Mm auppot-ted by girders at caus,, notice in writing to be given aaarv. *n,t -hall be not less the owner, occupants, lessees or nerinches thick, ex- sons in possession, charge or conogncrete may SjF.W to buildings. ^i?STION' XIV MINIMUM SIZE KnovJl LPKNCE USE ~ 8IZE °F very build,n«f hereafter fK„nrwt0nverted for residence use shall have a number of rooms atUc^ant °, closets, bathrooms . j. storerooms) equal to or exceeding the number of regular occupants of the building. Every one livi'nLdinK "haU have at lea«t S S55f;IS? X ££<•<•* "Z't arear^d feet of flCMJr j_ • j, inches and everv room including bathrooms, shall have a tteeinUthh 0,oorf atthh&e floo"r0 ta rleeHaM. thWainn doonwesmust be constructed in such a way as will permit their b*ing oDened SErTH?Mhvv °IXJ thHr area. P STA^CiT\V>n« .'- AU( H|TKCTURAL i^Dble^ so SdeksiigJnXedJ aenTdI cbou,nWst«runcgt esdh aalsl •«ko be suitable from the nrchlu-otura! 8 tandp<>int In its environment SECTION XVI. UNSAEEOR ITV. SANITARY BUILDINOS. REPAIR OR REMOVAL OF SAME: When any dwelling or part thereof, or any structure of like nature is in 1 condition dangerous, insecure, unsafe *BRu.i.lnd/iun!g? nl tCAorym mini.s tshioen e°rP. ,n'ohne ofs htahlel life or property, or the Ilealth of the occupants Or of the community pr neighborhood, it shall be the di*y of the Building Commissioner upon order to that effect from the Board of Supervisors to proceed forthwith to tear down such unsafe or unsanitary condition as aforesaid, or to take such measures as may seem necessary to put such building or structure in a safe and sanitary condition. < An itemised account of the expense of tearing down and removing such building or structure or of putting same ln a safe and sanitary condition shall be presented to the owner and lessee or occupants, and In case the owner or owners, as the case may be, shall fall or refuse, upon demand, to pay , the same, then the same may be recovered from such owner, or owners, lessees or occupants, in an action of debt in the name of the County. SECTION XVII. If any other materials, other than those specified herein, should be desired to be used In th^ construction of any dwelling. the Building Commissioner hereinafter sesignated, may permit such substitution providing that said substituted materials fully comply with the rules and regulations of the Department of Pubitc Safety, and any other political sub-division thereof, of the State of Illinois. SECTION XVIII. No dwelling house shall be erected where the specifications thereof are not in accordance with the requirements of this Building Ordinance, unless such specifications are approved by the Federal Housing Administration, and then such buildings shall only be erected In locations approved by the Building Commissioner and the Zoning Board of Appeals. SECTION XIX. ENFORCEMENT OF ORDINANCE. PENALTY FOR VIOLATION, DUTIES OF BUILDING COMMISSIONER: There is hereby created the office of Building Commissioner, shall be made by the Board of Supervisors for a term of one year and until a successor shall have been duly appointed and, qualified. Said Building Commissioner shall take the usual oath of office before assuming, his duties. The compensation of the Building Commissioner shall be established by the Board of Supervisors. The Building Commissioner Is hereby instructed and empowered to enforce this ordinance and to supervise the construction, reconstruction, alteration and moving of all buildings. Any and all persons who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance or fail to comply therewith, or who shall violate or fail to comply with any order or regulation made thereunder, or who shall build In violation of any detailed statement of specifications or plans submitted and approved thereunder, or any certificate or permit issued thereunder, shall severally for every such violation and non-compliance respectively forfeit and pay a penalty in the sum of not less than Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars, nOi more than Two Hundred (1200.00) Dollars. The imposition of one penalty for any violation of this ordinance shall not excuse the violation or permit it to continue, and all such persons shall be required to correct or remedy such violations or defects within a reasonable time; and when not otherwise specified each day that prohibited conditions are continued shall constitute a separate offense. The application of the above penalty shall not be held to prevent the enforced removal of prohibited conditions as provided in Section XVI of this Ordinance. SECTION XX. VALIDITY OF ORDINANCE: If any section, paragraph. subdivision, clause, sentence or provision of this ordinance Bhall be adjudged by any Court of-competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair, invalidate, or nullify the remainder of this ordinance, which shall remain In full force and effect SECTION XXI. CONFLICTING ORDINANCES REPEALHD: All ordinances and parts of ordinahees Inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION XXII. DATE OF EFFECT: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law. Math N. Schmitt Chairman of the Board of /a . - ^ ~ Supervisors (Seal of the County of McHenry) Approved: March 14th, 1950. Raymond D. Woods, " County Clerk • " ii It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Nolan and duly seconded by Supr. Filip that the report be approved, and that the property of the petitioners or applicants, more felly described in their petitions or applications made a part of said report, be reclassified to conform to said report, and that the comprehensive coning ordinance now oil flle in the County Clerk's office be amended to conform to said report, and that all maps pertaining to County Zoning now on flle in the County Clerk's office be changed to conform to said report. And the rou being called Suprs. Ruth, Wlttmus, Wright, Beck. Coy, Slavln. Glenn, Mackeben, Nolan, Aavang, Cornue, McConnell, May, Sterne, Flllp and Asst. Suprs. Maxwell, McConnell and Rosenthal voted aye. Nay none. And the Chairman decared the motion unanimously carried, the report approved, the ordinance amended and ordered the maps changed. Several communications from the State of Illinois, Department of Public Works and Buildings, together with Gas Tax allotment reports and a communication concerning the Hamilton Rexonlng matter and a communication from the Illinois Association of Supervisors concerning legisative voting records, were presented and ordered placed on file. • , The Chairman stated that if there was nothing further t"o come before this meeting for the good of McHenry County he would entertain a motion to adjourn It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Mackeben and duly seconded by Supr. Coy to adjourn. Motion carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned. MATH N. SCHMITT. Chairman. Attest: K. D. WOODS, County Clerk be _ - concrete walla, with maferoement running both vertically and » than one half foot of tall, may four (4) inches prescribed for brick walls shall be four tua required tor trol of such place or buildings to make such changes, alterations or repairs, as safegr or th„ Ordinances of the County may require. the expiration of the time specified in such notice for the completion of work required to be done by the terms of such notice In order to render the building or structure safe, said notice shall not have been complied with, and said building or structure is in such unsafe or un- . sanitary condition as to t*1***get* UN S YUEN--A source «.* minor confusion at United Na. tions headquarters, Lake Suc- •j*88' N- X;. js pretty Ophelia Yuen, a bilingual secretary from Peru. Her last name is pronounced exactly the same as the UN Initials, causing Mfca YutA .frequent laughs*. 1 HYBRID HENS PROMI8E MORE EGG PRODUCTION--The chart above ghowi how hifh-qualttgr chickens are inbred to produce hybrid flocks that combine the best qualities of all, and that lay up to 30 per Mnt more eggs thui standard-bred chickens. First and largest producers pt hybrids are th« Hy-LW%OUitry farms Of Pes Moines, la., a department o£ Henry Wallace's Pioneer Hi»Bred Com Got. r , - written pioneered in the successful production of hybrid com. •' s. , i ?L'.» •' rSgf ROMANCE BLOSSOMS AT CHERRY FESTIVAL-Washington's cherry blossom festival set the scene for the quick-flowering romance of blossom princess Anita Rabe, left, and her festival escort, Marine Lt. Andrew Moritz, center. Miss Rabe shows her engagement ring to blossom queen Joan Russell, right JUNIOR MISS--Sally Roberts was a threat in the National AAU Women's Swimming Championships in a Palm Beach, Fla., pool. The 16-yearold Kenosha, Wis., miss was last year's winner of the National Junior Outdoor 200-meter b&ckstroke, holds record for event. NEW WORLD OF LIGHT--One of the youngest persons ever to wear spectacles is 11-month-old Johnny Peoples, seen being fitted with special glasses at a Philadelphia, Pa., eye hospital by nurse Madeline Dorsey. Born blind, Johnny underwent a series of four operations for the removal of cataracts, and saw for the first time when the glasses were put on him. i ; V\ > 3/ REIGN ON ROLLERS---Ken Byrne, left, and Jean Pnethean Practice at Wembley's Empire ool, hard by London, where they were to defend their European roller skating championships. They also hold the world titles. FULL DRESS---With sails full and a steady breeze, two luden 16s cut through water of Great Sound off Hamilton, Bermuda, during international series between Royal Bermuda Yacht Club and Indian Harbor Yacht Club of Greenwich, Conn. In foreground, Agnew Fisher of Indian Harbor skippers the six-five-six, while beyond is the Oriental under Mills Husted," American team captain. High winds canceled series after third rice, - -- ACE SCOUT--"America's topranking Scout" is Raymond Cobb, 24, of West Palm Beach, Fla., seen displaying his merit sash containing 110 of a possible 111 awards. Raymond is an Air Scout Ace, Explorer Scout Ranger, Quartermaster in the Sea Scouts and Scoutmaster for 1 a local troop. He lacks only the • merit badge for skiing to attain perfection in the Scout world. J TRAP NEST TESTING--Using trapnests, this Iowa farm couple checks the production of crossbrcd pullets and records egg production. During the first year, about 90 per tent of all new crosses arcf ^•continued because they toil te aneaswe up to commercial grades. SOMETHING FISHY--A white port strew bonnet, decorated with goldfish and seeweed. Is displayed by Penny Karno in a showing of funny fashions In Chicago. The new baft Is titled Trllmn* I HOME-RUN TOUCH--Ralph KKii ner of the Pirates strengthens, on Babe Ruth's major leUUt seasonal home-run record of SPARE THE ROD AND SPOIL THE HOUSE--The testing of a new WestinghouM transformer at Sunnyvale, Calif., produced J this argument for lightning rods. The model barn and content# were destroyed for lack of protection. The model school, right , «•! none the worse for wear as a 2,400,000-volt bolt pf"1 wrMCfr I : , the rod to^tha ground. ^ O k.,t: v..

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