41 itandar. ApriH7,1100 in ibBntfiutannuii rsonals COMING EVENTS Among those from out of town tto attended the Brcfeld funeral ldfll week were Joseph Schmitt of Spriag Grove, Mrs. Margaret Rudolph of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. John Brown of Wauconda, Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner of Round Lake •Qd Mr. and Mrs. John Effinger of Lake Villa, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith oft Libertyville, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johansen of Chicago and Douglas Brown of Crystal bake. Charles Thompsc i has retttned from Clearwater, Fla., wSere he speat several months. Mr. and Mrs. William Schaefer a&4 children of Winnetka and the Robert Thurlwell family of Mc- Henry were guests in the home of Mr*. Catherine Schaeftr in Johns; btirg Sunday. The following members of the local C. D. of A. court attended the annual dinner sponsored by Elgin Court, No. 119b, at Elgin on Thurs- ' evening: Mildred Kinsala, Laura Weber, Genevieve Knox, bertilla Freund, Florence Knox and Mrs. William Boetsch. Mike Lavelle and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Lavelle and soil, Mickey; of Streator were visitors in McHenry Sunday. Mrs. Mike Lavelle, • Who had been speeding a few days hare, returned to Streij£|>£ with them. ^jlT. and Mrs. Edward Frett and cffldren spent Sunday with his pareats, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Frett. in Kenosha. 'tyr. and Mrs. Jack Zoia and Maurice Foley of Macomb and Miss Julia Foley of DeKalb visited relatives heto last weekend. George and Albert Vales of Chicago spent several days last week with their mother. Mr. and Mrs. William Vales and children and Delores Vales were Sunday guests. April 27 McHenry Community P.T.A. Meattag and Dance For Sdhiors. May 3 Adult Girl Scout Organization "breakfast. Altar and Rosary Sodality Party For Members--Program, Supper and Cards--St. Patrick'* Church Hall--8 p.m. Fox River Valley Cauip, ILNJL-- Regular Meeting. May 3 Public Chop-Suey Supper and Card Party -- Evening -- Mason it Temple--Sponsored by O.E.S. Review of the "March Review"-- Greenwood Church. St. Mary!s-St. Patrick's School P. Y. A. Meeting. May 4 • C. n. of A. Business Meeting. C. D. of A. Business Meeting , May 5-6 • VC-'WMobile Unit. Visits McHenry. . f May 7 C. D. of A. Communion Sunday--St. Patrick's Church! / " May 10 . Forester Fest V i * • May 12 ' High School Orchestra Concert. ' . • May -15 , " ' ' €. D; Of A. Mothers Day" Banquet. May 1« * Riverview Camp, R. A., Public Party--K. of c. Halt--t p',m. Mothers Day Banquet--Villa Hotel Resort. ; May 21 Mothers Tea -- Planned by Girl Scout Troop 4--Legion Home. Spring Concert of McHenry ClfOral Club. May 19 Grade School Festival ---UWter Grades. May 24 Grade School Festival -- Grades. May 25 ' fc McHenry Community PJfiA, jleet* inf. . *r • «,***» Way St McHenry Community P.T.A. Party For Eighth Grade Graduates. LARRY HAUO AMONG SOPHOMORES HONORED AT ANNUAL PROGRAM The Chicago undergraduate division of the University of Illinois held their third a.inual sophomore convention and open house on April 19 and 20 at Navy Pier. A processional V.id the Kinging ot of the national anthem opened the convention. Rev. Ralph ^5. Hamilton, of the Fourth Presbyterian church in Chicago gave the it vocation. The president oi the Student Congress, James Hunter, for? ntally presented . the Sophomore class and expressed his hopes that Navy Pier would soon ,progress to the status of a four-year college. Larry. W. Jiaug, a graduate of McHenry Community high school, class of 1948, was among the Sophomores presented a.-? completing his fourth 8cmest,or iu the College of Commerce and Business Administration. " A very interesting program was presented, including the history of the Navy Pier as a school. The feature speaker of the afternoon >vas J. )Martin Klotsche, distinguished^ president of the Milwaukee State Teachers college, radio commentator and noted educator. His topic was "The Risk of Beinf Intelligent." PUBLIC LECTURE At the adolescent level, how does the parent and teacher guide rather than be authoratative whea the child is unreasonable about conforming to a sensible rule? How should a parent handle too much aggressiveness in the home? What can home and school do to prepare an individual for family living? Questions srfch as this, which have been submitted by meaibers of the eleven child study groups throughout the county, will be discussed by Miss Ethel Kawin on Tuesday evening. May. 2, at 8 p.m. at Westwood school, one mile west of Woodstock, when she returns te Woodstock for her fourth and final lecture in the series sponsored by Seneca Grange. The public is cordially invited to hear Miss Kawin and to participate in the open discussion which will be a part of her lecture. t . MOVE TO 3KBRASKA The J. R. Smiths, who have been living in the Mrs. 'Cora Herdrich home, have moved to Decatur, Nebr., where he will assist in building a bridge across the Missouri river: Mr. ' Smith," has been with the ft. H, Maas Construction Company since 1938 and is serving in the capacity of superintendent. k stateless steel can nom be given high polish by dipping Ip a mixture of acids, according to research chemists. Keep the top of spice tins very secure, as the air tends to make spices lose their flavor and "spidness." F* ves<- ibles Vitamin C. 'Vegetable h cabbagfe'is one of the best for vitamin C. RESIDENCE CHANGES The Jadot family has moved from the .Kent place on Riverside Drive to the lower apartment in the- late Mrs;. Anna Freund home on Elm street CARD OF THANKS Wfe desire in this manner to relatives, neighbors, and friends for floral offerings, enrds tff sympathy, donations of food and many other kindnesses extended in our bereavement. Everything WAG truly appreciated. MRS CLAYTON HARRISON AND FAMILY New York OK Jfew York State has more than 1,000 producing oil wells. Almost l-fourths of their total production-- 4,000,000 barrels annually-- cctnei from Allegany county. HI-HO We are pleased to announce the Season Opening of our Golf Driving Range and Midget Golf Course. Friday April!28th.1 Spend an enjoyoble hour with us under floocC lights. Work up an appetite and try a New York Style Hot Dog, now served on our grounds, Hi-Ho Golf Range Rte. 120, 2 Miles East of McHenry STOP and SOCK PL 5 WEB GOLF Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store. McHenry. ' Slf Read the Waht /><»! WARNING! SPRING IS HERE Draperies Curtains Valances Cornices Custom Made Slipcovem r " Pillows ; Bedspreads Venetian Blinds COMPLETE UPHOLSTERY swvicm f 204 S. Green St. Phone McHenry 490 Renew that' subscription to the Plaindealer now! Order your rubber stamp* The Plaindealer. Every One Is > Watching For The Grand Opening Of The New CERTIFIED FOOD STOREf vm '•Ms '0 * **Fs the Mice for Fresli Foods! 52'- £ * They re easy te teke . . . as lew M posUMe every deyl Whenever yea ofcep et year ASP, yes're tare te fet yread valaes. Seeease A4fi §elicy Is le keep all prices as lew O* peulMe . . . aet |sit aew aad bet all MM tisie. Ceaie lew this helps yea get He ant yt in and See These « Engine Power Customers* Corner Did yon ever fit o pwriy wrapped padtc^e of A4F? Wt hop* not, lor we k«y only the best bags and wraiipinq materials; and we tram our employees to make eadi parcel neat and socare. la other words, there shoe Id be no leaktaf or spilling of the contents of any package yon get at Alt P. Kvery package should stay tight ana dry antll yoa get It home. If there is anything yoa don't like about th« wrapping materials at AftP, or the way we ase them, please write: CUSTOMER RELATIONS ' DEPARTMENT. A&P Food Stores 410 Lexington Avenue New York 17, N. Y. ECONOMY SIZE--HERSHEY Chocolate Bars e a • a 2 BARS 29' fLAIN O* ALMOND liker's Ctntrtato ™ f 17' THANK TOU. MICHIGAN Kieffer Pears. • • > 2 29* •ROCKPORT MANt) Chili Sauce ..... 2 ^ 25' MO HEART BRAND fir ^ P.AJ lc OFFER-BUYS FOR A I^OZ. AP| IPOf rOOQ He, ©ET 1 FOR tc • 0 TINS £«) MO. MICE a FOR a 7* FRIDAY IRAND liced Carrots......S* LCEO MAND Corned Beef Nash.. 2 '^49' MILD AND MELLOW 8 O'Cicck Coffee....^67* RICH AND FULL-IODIEO W led Circle Coffee • • • BAG 79* VIOOROUS AND WINEY Bokar Coffee • e e • a IAS 72' Come in and see the New Willys Trucks--every one a standout in its field for low-cost operation, distinctive functional styling and bigger value! All are powered by the amazing new F-head, higher-compressiofi HURRICANE Engine. \Compare them for.\ort and safety feature^ for economy, for price with anything in their class-- MANO NEW '/J-TON WIUYS TRUCK HS-in. whitalbot*, 4250 Ibt. GVW. NIW WILLYS SEDAN DELIVERY 104 in. whcelbase. Extra big load spac*. NIW 4-WHEEL-DRIVE WIUYS TRUCK ItS in. whe.lboie, 5300 lb*. GVW. MORE POWER PLUS MORE MILEAGE! See the new HURRICANE Engine, most advanced engine in the field. It is an F-head design--valve-in-head intake and valve-in-block exhaust--with 7.4 to 1 com- ---pression, but floes not require premium fpel. The HURRICANE steps up power but gives more mileage than ever. MCHENRYLGARAGE TELEPHONE 403 604 FRONT STREET JANE PARKER YEAST RAISED DONUTS Jelly FiHwl Domrts JANE PARKER. ICCD • • • S?»29» HCG. : 12 PKG. Browa 'D Sens Dinner Rolls . . . . . . O F Poppyseed Rolls BROWN 'NSERViv* • • • • OF 12 VanHk Iced Dixie Ring e e e e e e EACH 25* i 1-11 iMt&bk' 4 TO ®-Li-AV& •READ W: SMOKED 1 SLICED BACON SNOW CROP F1 Green Peas Cut Corn Brussel Sprouts Hixed Vegetables Chopped Spinach Y-TO-EAl OR PIOMICS^" 35e ANDARD PACK • e CtLK> J0® iOZEN FOODS !' Green Beam ^ Lima Beans Peas and Carrots Broccoli Spears Red Raspberries DEAN'S Ice Cream 2 9i "• OCEAK REICH FILLETS ••• 33* v : • 4 i 4 "i' f'-j * +l: ;#t| BROADCAST BRAND VIENNA SAIISME T 20c A GREAT PRODUCTI CRISCO 3 - 8 le WHITE FOR LIFEI OXYDOL rE26c BROADCAST BRANO Slieei Dried Beef r 3 0c BUTTER KERNEL Ptt! i Carrels. .2"°^37' S -OZ. TIN to* Soecolash.. :7^ 18* TIDE'S IN--DIRT'S OUTI " TIDE -26e BROADCAST BRAND Corned Beef Nash U-OZ.--| E GENTLE IVORY FLAKES "»• 26e AMERICAN FAMILY SOAP 3««23e BROADCAST BRAND CWU CON CAME M.OZ. |QC TIN | Q WORKS LIKE MAGIC BORAX "-oz- IOc PKG. |0 CAMAY BATH SOAP CAKE| |C BROADCAST BRAND POTTED MEATS j'/voz. Qc TIN y COSTS SO LITTLE BORAXO -1^ DOES IT BESTI VEL •tr 26e FOR FRYING OR BAKING SWIFT'NING r77e MILD IVORY SNOW -26e FOAMING ACTION JUAX CLEANSER 2 cans 25* • MY-T-FINE DESSERTS 3 23* AMERICAN FAMILY FLAKES «r26e CLEANER--FRESHER SKIN PALMDLIVE SOAP 3^23* DAIRY DELIGHTS AT A&P! Darigeld Demeslie Bleu Cheese e • e • ' • 1.1.86* WisceMHi Sheif CheMer Cheese .u.M* Swift's Jar Cheese Spreads 2 2§* Philadelphia Cream Cheese ..., » 2 {*« 36* Creani Rieh Cottage Choose <mi A&FS FRESH FRVITS AND VEGETABLES! CALIFORNIA GROWN HEAD LETTICE FLORIDA GROWN 41 SIZE e e o • e2 FC m VALENCIA MMtES 5 -43^ FLORIDA GROWN , m SEEMiSS MAFEFRIIIT'• • I » 43 LOUISIANA GROWN • -- NEW SIEEN CABIASE ..... 6' TEXAS GROWN NEWTElinr MOMS . - .. »s> NO WIPING SPIC and SPAN LARGE • • e, e PKG. HM Mew «• A"