,t (by MM. Clirlf fnuU cOnduatkm exercises were held «k Richmond Community church on Monday evening. May 22. Graduates from the public school who received their diplomas were J«- 4th Annt Holiday, Ronald Gene Haldeman, Carolyn Sue Gillespie Lorraine Hasel Steadman. The >gram consisted of class processional by Wayne Foss, invocation by Rev. Wm. Overend, welcome by Fred H. Gunderson, clarinet solo by Mrs. Owen Richardson, graduation address by Rev. Overend, vocal solo by Owen Richardson, presentation of diplomas by Richard Tazewell, benediction by Rev. Overend, class'recessional by Wayne Foss. fpur heartfelt sympathy Is extended to A1 Schmeltzer at the loss of his mother, who passed away at her home in Rockford on . Thursday, May 26. Mr. and Mrs. ^ T vv* Arthur Kattner and Mr. and Mrs. "Witter prawn went, to Rockford on Friday night to pay their respects to the deceased. The passing of "Uncle Fred" Is mourned by all those who knew and loved him. Fred Bell, who has made his home with his niece, Mm. Bertha Esh, for the past several years, passed away on Thursday, May 25. Funeral services were held oh Monday afternoon, May'29 from the Ehorn funeral home in Richmond. Mrs. Fyffe entertained members of her club at her home one recent afternoon. Cards were played and prizes went to Mrs. William Brits, Mrs. Peter May. Mrs. William Engels, Mrs. Jake Miller and Mrs. Jos. Koberstine. A lovely lunch completed the party; The Frank and Frieda women's bowling team enjoyed chicken and steak dinners at the Bungalow Inn in Lily Lake recently. Those who made up this happy party wete Mrs. Frieda Mikoleit^ Mrs. Mayme Ttnney, Mrs. Eva Freund, Mrs. Shirley Dawson. Mrs. Orian Brd*wn, Mrs. Ruth McGovern and Mrs. Theresa Miller; Ben May became suddenly very ill recently and was taken to the (hospital for observation. He is re- I-' ; •* v ^ ^ e «* ** i ^ e ***. -v m-m PLUNDKALKB ported foelltjp tttttsr and has returned home. Recent guestp in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray May were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Edward May and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Miller and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Doetsch and family of Bristol, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattner and family. Those from Burton township who are graduates of Richmond high school are Herbert Wagner, Evelyn Busch, Marilyn Myers, Edna Hanford, Jeanette Lennon, Anthony Popelka, Mary Popelka, Marjorle Kautz and Donna Schmitt. Graduation exercises were held in the high school auditorium. Mr. and Mrs. Ford H&nford entertained at their home recently in honor of the graduation of their daughter, Edna. Joan May celebrated her birthday recently by inviting "her friends and classmates to her home for a party. Many games were played and prizes were awarded the winners. A delicious lunch was served with aS large birthday cakef in the ceifter of the table. Those present were Ann May of McHenry, Nancy Weber Of Antfoch, Patricia Prpfplf1 Henry, Patricia Miller M , wood, Soraia Komar, Donna Diane May and Charlotte Frecmd. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Straub and family of Chicago were recent visitors in the Albert Brits home. Dr. and Mrs. L. L. Kagan entertained at their home recently in honor of thl First Communion «f their daughter, Mary Lou. School Notes New playground equipment has been set up in the playground at St. Peter's school. A merry-goround and new slide hate been added to the swings and basketball set which is already there. ffeia should help greatly toward M®Plng the children out of mischief as well as giving them a great deal of enjoyment. Thanks to those men who gave their time to help install them. Elm Blight Faces Illinois Oak Trees Illinois, already hard hit by the elm blight that has killed thousands of its finest shade trees, now faces the ' commercially serious menace of oak wilt, according to scientists of the state Natural History Survey at Urbana. Oaks make up more than half Ihmvday, Order yoar rubber stamps at The Plalndealer. of the ten million board feet of standing timber in< Illinois, and oak lumber has many farm and industrial uses. The only method thus far found for controlling oak wilt involves the destruction of infected trees and those nearby. In Illinois, oal^ wilt was first noted at Rockford in in 1942. It has since been found in the vicinity* of feast St. Louis, at Dixon Springs, in Pope county, and in the Cook county Forest Preserve District. Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Store McHenry. 8tf « Have Yoar Car Readjr For ; Yoar c Sammet , Yaeation. .. ^ % '•> J emle in Summer Change Over and 309 W. Elm St. PHONE 811 f*: ATTENTION run OOAT OWNERS STORE FURS NOW! la vaults approved by the F#r " Institute of America. M0UT0N COAT OWNERS! Qtto Heinz Son Furriers TVB COATS -- JACKETS'-- CAPES -- SCARFS Storage Cleaning Repairing Remodeling We specialise in coats, jackets and capes. Mr. Heinz will be in McHenry at 619 Crescent Drive, Country Club Subdivision, the following Wednesdays; Kay 2441; June 7-14-21-28 and Sundays. fa+jSmA6*/ Your mottton coat dotn'thtw to look woolly, kinky. Amy or matted. Ntnr before haa there ever .been a prnn-- to bring back the original beauty of nwtteii after a aeaaon'a wear. Kleinxway'a new, aahenowaaTtoiooniaa l moutoa i«inm--ing put* luatre, glow and ailfciiteaa n •ay moutoa ftmnt ngardlaaa of age. Kleinaway moutoa reproceakiag ia guaranteed. No ifa, anda or buta about it. Naturally, Revitalife Custom Pur cleaning including ia a put of Klainsway mouton Reprooeeaing. Otto Heinz and Son Furriers 1640 N. Western Ave., Chicago 25, III \ftong Beach 1-6749 McHenry 491-J .j ,,:a„ *7a4e tym @duot from the ONLY COMPLETE LINE •f FARM TRACTOR TIRES ' EASY ^ Ih SmtHtmH n firttion* OPEN CENTER CURVED BAR |ACTORTI£E Tkt tow Pff/Mfd TRACTION CENTER CURVED BAR TRACTOR TIRE We'll install the tires right on your farm. <» * < Takes only a few minutes. Call Us Today We Can supply your tire needs. Passenger and Truck Tires of All Sizes. • *•-- ' ^ -- % We Allow A Liberal Trade-In Allowance i On Your Old # v TIRES / v Regardless of Condition, BATTERIES--We allow you 25 per cent discount off for your old battery on a aew Firestone Super Battery. WALTER J. FREUNDs, Tiras -- Tabes -- Batterks -- Ace--ari-- • "*• Wi Talcubiai BfcycW Pep»lrh» . AH Work GnriiM ' im amw W«it leleuy OPEH inmfS AID 8VH91T8 AAA > A A A A A A A a<LAAAA i J ! : • --- mi a*" re«df-fer-^*"P*" ' inq #»• meat ROUND OR FLAT LONT-iOSTON CUT-- 1EEF SWIFTS FREMIUM--I TO 4 L». AVG. SmMTamm ARMOUR STAR COC Sliced BkH" • • •11 •* SHCE0 LUNCHEON MEAT. UAUNSCHWBM** Summer SUCH) OR FQe Mtct (••• 39 mevuioN KATtai CtACKIN' OOO# / WAFT SALAD DKESStNO SaidvMi OnMii Mkacl* WM|i JAR GOOD TO EAT AND NOURISHING--PETER FAN PmmI Briltr 2T NATIVE BRAND ShrtMiy m 12-OZ. JAR NO. 2 CAN 35e JUST RIGHT FOR TINY •ABIES--GERBER'S Blriqr FmmI > 4'/l OI. O JARS 97 FAVORITE FACIAL SOAF FOR LIGHTER. FLAKIER FIE CRUSTS--FY-O-MY Hi Crest Mix Sweetheart Soan > 323 2 '"VS" 23« DEWK1ST Red Raspberries • • ^ SPRAYKIST--FOROHOOK Lima Beans • -- . ll-OZ. • 4 F K G . REDEEM YOUR LEVER BROS. COUPONS HE#C Surf WITH ISC COUPON Rime ' # |||lTH ISc COUPON 2^35® r34c LifelHNySoap 3? 2-1: All Departments Open Until 9 P. M. On Friday Nights 207 East Brink Street Crystal Lake • Products You Know and Use Every Day , • Look for the Bright Red Tags * . v - • Buy Now and Save • . A SMOOTH, tART-SWEET FLAVOR--KRAFT OR MIRACLE French Dressing • • »,1 THE NEW, ECONOMICAL SIZE--MA BROWN Dill Pickles • • * p I 4S-OZ. USE AS A SOUP OR A CREAM SAUCE--CAMPBELL'S Mushroon Soup 2 PERFECT FOR SALADS OR CROQUETTES--RE€IP§ FOR A REAL FLAVOR LIFT UPTON'S ORANGE PEIQOC • TeaBass 19* IN SIX DELECTABLE. FRESH FRUIT FLAVORS • A • Pink Salmon • • • I-LB. TALL CA!1 WONDERFUL IN MILK--DELICIOUS ON ICE CREAM-- HERSHEYS Chocolate Syrup 2 16-OZ. CANS JUST HEAT AND SERVE--CHEF BOY-AR-DEE Spaghet£ti I MEAT 15%-oz. I QUK*k Larn Prunes JELL-0 if iw. 29* CRYSTAL PURE KMdie P^k 2 ^35* TENDERIZED FOR QUICK COOKING--SUW5WEET : «^ pjiriS" • •. • • • ' '-f?' YOUNG, TENDER, FLAVORFUL--CHERRY VALLEY Cut Greei Beans 2^ 29' SERVE SPICED WITH YOUR ROASTS--AUNT NELLIE'S MED. 29* FINE IN TEXTURE--PERFECT FOR SALADS--MARY DUNBAR Whole Beets •I .. 2 SERVE CREAMED FOR A TREAT--CHER RY ' Peas and Carrots 2 IDEAL FOR CASSEROLE DISHES--CHERRY V Golden Cream Corn SERVE IT OFTEN--BLU6BROOK White Cream Corn 1m6-OsZ . 29* ID* Money Bew Peas ^ 10® SLICED OR HAL PttCkt 2 * » •„ NcOm. 2 10f t JUST CHILL AND SERVE--COLLEGE (NN W Rfar Cocktail.. 215' 2.J?^25e HDR A HEARTY BREAKFAST--POSTS Sugar Crisps PERFECT ENDING TO A MEAL-HUNTS Bartlett Pears- • • K DEUCIOUSLY SLANO IN FLAVOR Chae Food NO. CA FOR A COOUNG --DOLE UCUUVU9LI KAIX Velveeta am> • • • • y 29* " Sliced Piteafflt §9' 29* 2-LB. LOAF » SERV^CANDIED WITH HAM--TAYLOR'S Sweet Potatoes •. Na> CAN ASSORTED FLAVORS--MORAND'S FACIAL QUALITY--500 DOUBLE SHEETS--FASHION . . . 2 " ° ^ ^QifdStoUS ™ BWBiiljei 17.12^89*" •RW »omi DtfOSIT , , ^ FOR ALL IAKING AND FRYING •kUES WHILi TOU WASH MDMiBISENT Crisco.... 85* Bla-WMia ..^ p aiHnI NO ^ ^ LIQUID WAV 7^:1 J "V: " POLISHES AS II CLtANS--SWIFTS THE HANDT COLO WAtER •OTTLE rnmm ssrr:..^* axr.** A LITTLE GOES A LONG WAV EAST IO MEASURE--CAST TO USE lab-l...2^,23- "