Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Jul 1950, p. 5

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niLunr tita PaMWitd every Thnrsday at Mctanr, 111.,.by the MicHenry Pub- UA1D( Company, Inc." W. . BURFE1NDT, CtafA. Xua|ir. ADELE FROEHLICH, Editor. Entered as second-C 1AM matter U the postofficq at McHenry, 111., under the a$t of May 8, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION BATE 1 Tear ...... Plafodealer Want Ada No ads counted leas than 25 vordi. 75c minimum. | Insertion ... 75c (Count i words per line) 26c service charge on all blind ads. Cash with order. Card of Thanks .... $1.00 Minimum Reading notice 16c per line. Want Ads clOao promptly at 10 Wednesda> , AUTOMOTIVE FOB SALE--Generators, armatures, starters, fuel pumps, distributors, voltage regulators and ignition parts for Ford and all other cars. Beaco Sale* k Service, Lilymoor, Fre<Htf. - • * - - -- y m. 47tf Svoboda, Prop. Tel McHenry BUSIN18S 8EEVI0X AOOOUHTDfO, BOOKKEEPING, AM) TAX BBBVIOB -- Becords installed and maintained. Elmer P. Adams, Certified Tax Consultant. Phone Fox Lake 5962. 45tf BU8INE8S SERVICE -- Highest cash (rices paid for cows, horses and ods; -no help needed to load. Day ana nirfit, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 36tf WHITEWASHING, spraying, fly control. WB. Ahrens, 607 Front St. Phone McHenry 736 R. Call between the hours of 12 and 1 3tf BAVB TOUT, CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned by Eddie s Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHemy 290. 29tf WBLL1 DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATBB SYSTEM - We sell, repair Md, install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 •fain Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 2dtf O. J. H. DEEHL Woodstock Piano Tuner; Phone 208- W 526 Washington 8t. Woodstock, DL JOtf Sportsvaa's Ian 811 Mata Man. lee eoM ease beer atmi goods of all kinds. A1 still. AKTIQUBS, MUG. ing in Good Conditio* for the entire family. Foraala. Open lion, to Sat., 1 p.m. to 10 pjt., Sunday, 11 a. m. to 6 p, m. Mrs. B. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Rd. 'Consignment and Resale and Antiqws mm. % mile west Terra Cotta faeiory which is on Rt. 3L Crystal Lake 1346 R-l. ' SV%t FOR SAIIW--Bran# new Crown 4- burner gas range.; new vacuum cleaner sold at eost price. Bjotkman Hardware, Riverside Drive McHenry Tel. 722. 8tl POR SALE--Coleman automatic oil hot water heater, like new. 100 gaL oil tank. Call McHenry 423-M. 8 FOBREHT POR RENT--To employed men only, rooms and good meals; bath shower, plenty of not water. Tel. MeHenry 853. 46tf SPRAYING, WHITE WASHING or FLY CONTROL-- Chicken houses barns, garages and basements. Frank W. Henkel, Volo, P. O. Round Lake, 111. Tel. McHenry 543-J-l. 5tf WATER ANALYSIS Water ehecked by culture for bacteria to determine safety and pollution. Charge $4.00. State A proved L:tl>. 481 McHenry X-Ray Clinic iK ' Clinical Laboratory 308 S. Green 8t. Phone SKI EXPERT PIANO AND ORGAN TUNING--Repairing and Refinishing, work fully guaranteed. Formerly with Lyon and Heilv. E. Zaboth, call collect, Lake Zurich 5341. 6tf CEMENT BUILDING BLOCXB Available at the Water Tower in West McHenry •ON CONCRETE PRODUCTS 00. Phode McHenry 788-W BXPEBT PIANO AND ORGAN TUNING--Repairing and Refinish- ( to*, work fully guaranteed. Used Snos for sale. E. Zaboth, call colt, Lake Zurich 3102. 40tf FOR SALE JANITOR SERVICE -- We clean Woodwork, floors, windows, walls *>aily, weekly, monthly or seasonally. Reasonable prices. McHenry Janitor Service, L>on Dewey, Mgr. Phone McHenry 430-J. 32tf FOR SALE--Johns-Manville Home Insulation, installed by The Wall- Fill Co. For estimate call Leo J. Stilling, McHcnry 18. 40tf FOB BABY SITTERS--In your Seighborhood, call Pre-Teen club, the Toddler tthop, McHenry, 746. jj^ ' 38tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route John E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, Mc Henry, Phone 365. tt MUSIC INSTRUCTION In Your Own Home Piano and Piano Accordian ' Classics or Popular BiSginners or Adanced Instruction _ EARL P. KOCH 'W- Phone Pistakee 633-MH Stf COMPLETE TREE SERVICE 519 Waukegan Road. Phone 724 Anderson Tree Service 40tf WATCH THIS SPACE for opening date of new hosiery shop at McHenry Hosiery Mill. 4tf HOME REPAIB8 We Specialize in all Home Repairs Low Monthly Payments . S| Free Estimates , McHenry Improvement Co. £hone 523-M-l McHenry, 111. 6tf BRING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS TO ITS-- We can de liver anything from a snapshot to large murals, or free hand oil paintings. Copying and framing. CAMERAS. PROJECTORS, FTLMB AND SUPPLIES. WORWICK'8 8TUDTO. 117 Riverside Drive, Mcr. Phone 275. 40tf $10.00 TO 825.00 l*aid for old crippled down horses and cattle. Immediate service -- |>hone Unibn 3211 or Elgin 7724. Reverse charges* Lee Dog Food Company. *710 LANDSCAPING Hedges, shrubs and evergreens triinmed or replaced. Hand grade, fertilize and seed old or new lawns. Flower beds prepared and,planted. Guaranteed. Walter Aevcnaaa, Golf MMjrue Subd. Phone 210-J. Memory. Read the Want Ada! Safe FOR SALE Effective Corn Borer control complete ground and aerial service D.D.T.--Wholesale--Retail John Bean Sprayers. Laurence Anderson, Dairyinans' Supply Co., McHenry, 111., Phone 684 J-2. 7-2 FOR SALE -- Practically new 5 piece chrome and blonde wood dinette set - Formica top. Also 2 blonde wood leather occasional chairs. Reasonable. Phone McHenry 575-J-l. 8 FOB SALE--3 piece wicker set; also 2 odd pieceB wicker furniture; also day bed. K. F. Knauer, Mc- Cullom Lake, Phone 533-J-l. ' *8 FOR SALE -- Typewriter, Under wood No. 6, perfect condition, $25. Also child's 5-drawer white chifferobe, $5. Call McHenry 207-W. 8 FOR SALE -- Beer - for your ice cold case beer of all kinds, come to the Sportsman's Inn, where good fellows meet; all kinds of wines and package goods to take out at the lowest prices. 513 Main street. A1 Phannenstill, prop. 23tf FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes; carbon paper. L. V. Kilts, Clay St". Woodstock. Phone 549. 7tf WINDOW SHADES--OB VENB TIAN BLINDS--New line of removable flat and Bauflex original blinds and tapes. Bonderized and galvanized Acme metal. Sterling Window Shade ft Venetian Blind Co.. 5640 W. Division street, Chicago. Phone Colnmbus 1-8743 or McHenry 651-M-l Fri. evening. Sat. cr Sun. Free estimates. All work guaranteed. One and two weeks' serviee. 27tf FOB SALE -- Evergreens, trees, shrubs. Free estimates on land scaping. Pitzen Nursery, Round Lake, Route No. 2, Round Lake 3570. Corner of routes 120 and Wilson road. Phone Round Lake 3570 32tf •AUGHAN'S GRASS SEED Lawn fertilizer, peat moss, garden bedding and vegetable plants. Spraying material for healthy growth. Elm Street Florist, Phone 401. 51 tf Order your rubber stamps it The Plalndeale* idea Weber Says: CLEANED* CAREFULLY CLEAN CLOTHES WEAR LONGER Stop in and inquire about our Free Playing Cards. McHenry Cleaners 103 Elm Street McHenry, 01. fttona 104-M FOR BENT--Kirk's Kottages A Kabins, restricted river resort. Hskpg. $15 to $38.50 wk. Tel. ffil-M-l. 4tf ROOMS FOB BENT--At 109 W. Main street, MeHenry. Tel. 100»R. *> 8 FOR RENT--3 room furnished apt year round. Fair Oaks 8ubdv. Phone 531-M-2. g FOR RENT--Modern 5 rm. cottage with garage on river in Hunterville Park. Unfurnished. Year round. *g HELP WANTED HELP WANTED-- Waitresses. Call McHenry 377. 2tf HELP WANTED -- Assemblers, wirers, solderes, packers and inspectors. Experience not necessary. Secure a position in an ever expanding radio-television industry. Employment office open Monday through Saturday, 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. Admiral Corp., McHenry at intersection of Rt. 120 and 31. 51-tf 7 rooflts, bath en oa first, fine location on read. New 4 room • Full basemeht, oH furnace. Price $9,000.00k McHENRY 37. t|f 3 rooms - Modern tile kitchen, tile bath. New solid maple furnfcurs, earpetiHg wall to wall, gas flow Space heater, new 2 ear garage, built-in laundry tuba, houie insulated. Immediate possession. 17,900.00. ppointment all (Mr. Frits or Nell) JACOB FRITZ REAL ESTATE in JOHNSBURG, PHONR McHENRY 37. 6tf BARGAINS--IN HOMES, FARMS --CHOICE LOT8. RESORT PROPERTY. BUSINESSES. KNOX REAL ESTATE, 405 RICHMOND ROAD. McHENRY, ILL.--LICENSED ILL. AND WI8. BBOKBB. PHONE McHENRY 421 J. 44tf HOMES FOB SALB •• JOHNCBUBG 4 rooms and bath, enclosed poreh. Price 18,000.00. Owner will take offer. McCULLOM LAMB 5 rooms an4 bath, furnace heat, cement basement, garage attached. Prire $8,500, take offer. WONDER LAKB 4 rooms and bath, oil heat, asbestos tile floor in basement, a neat elean home for small family. PHM $8,500. FOB SALB 4 choice lots in Me- Cullom Lake. Will sell in pairs only. 1 pair haa 126 ft. well. Write Mrs. A1 Wetle or Phone Me! 678 M l. FOB SALB--Lake Front, 4 bedroom house, inside plbg. Cement basement. High ground. West Mc- Cnllom Lake. Phone 661-M-l, Owfeer. Price $7,950. -• ,6tf HELP WANTED--We have a few openings for married, experienced farm hands; also single men. References required. Hickory Creek Farms. Phone McHenry 670-M-2. 7-3 BRICKLAYERS WANTED! Go To Transfiguration (Catholic School) Bouts 176, Wauconda O. W. POTTER * SONS, INC. General Contractors 7-3 HELP WANTED -- Man for day work on farm; steady work; no dairy. Address Box 79, care of Plaindealer. 8 HELP WANTED -- Smelters, Die casters, polishers, platers, inspectors, buffers and material handlers, 1st, 2nd and 3rd shifts. Apply in person. Electric Auto-Lite Co., Woodstock, 111. 8 SITUATION WANTED WORK WANTED-- Carpenter work wanted. By day or by contract. Phone McHenrv 532-J. 7tf WANTED WANTED -- Jobbers and direct salesmen. Quality lines, with liberal commissions. Manufacturers representative. R. Duane Fowler. Woodstock, Box 331, Phone 464-JX. 41tf WANTED--Watches and Jewelry repaid Anthony Noonan, 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part if Claire Beauty Shoppe.) IStf WANTED--All year round house with 1 to 5 acres, from owner. Carl Dale, 2639 N. Talman Ave., Chicago, 111. Phone Armltage 6-7873. •8-2 WANTED--Will exchange our 26" girl's bike, very good condition for 24" girl's bike. PHone 731-M. *8 WANTED TO BUT WANTED TO BUY -- all kinds of poultry. Call us for price. Boss Produce. Harvard 607-J-2. 35tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- Small year round home in McCullom Lake. Completely insulated, running water, knotty pine Interior. Wired for electric range. 2 large lots. Will sacrifice. Best offer. A. W. Brand, McCullom Lake, 7th house south from Roy- A1 Inn. 8 FOR SALB--Modern 7-roem , year around home in McCullom Lawfully insulated; 'carpeted floors: knotty pine dining room; finished basement With rumpns room. Stoker heSt; 2-car garage; 3 large lotfjrtth fireplace and patio; beavtfjtyUy landscaped. This home was INitfc'to order and must be seen to be appreciated. For information phone McIIenrv 678-M-l or write A1 Wetle. Rt. 4 McHenry. 111. Ctf FOB SALE--Attractive 4% room year round home, McCullom Lake, fully insulated, floor furnaee furnished $5,500. Phone 547-J-l. *7 VBRNDN J. KNOX ^ Attorney at Law Crystal Lake, Illinoi* State of Illinois > •- County of McHenry, at NOTICE ! T9: S. P. Johnston and if decease*!, his heirs and Devisees, Unknown Parties Interested in the Hereinafter Described Real Estate, as occupants, Mortgagees, benefici* fie8, Trustees, Judgment Creditors, Owners or otherwise. You and each of yon are Hereby Notified that Mathias P. Frennd on the 18th day of October, 1948 purchased at tax sale for general takes assessed against the hereinafter described premises upon whieh all of the general taxes were delinquent for the year 1947 assessed in the name of S. P. Johnston, the tracts and parcerls of land situated in the County of McHenry attd State of Illinois, to wit: All that part of the N.W. 14 of the S.W. % of Section 32, Township 45 North, Range 9, East of 3rd P. M. lying North of the State Road In McHenry County. Illinois. You are Hereby Further Notified that the time to redeem from the above mentioned tax sale as to the above described tract and parcel of land will expire on the 18th day of October. 1950. . MATHIAS P. FREUND Tax Purchaser. (Plib. June 22-29 - July 6) FOR SALE--Six-room river front house on Fox Street, McHenry. Newly decorated. Garage, steel sea wall, boat, excellent lotation 3 blocks from shopping district. Tel. 276-J. 8 FOR SALE In Mlllstream, a mast subdivision, 4 and ( roams. Face Brick on all 4 sides; Fall remeftt basement, Automatic oil furnace er hot water; gas, electric, city seweiv Possession from SO to 90 days. Price, $11,900.00 and llMOf.*. Cask Down-- 2ft%. Balance 80 years to pay. Tou can also have water front laL fall JACOB FRIT1 or HANK NELL. JOHNSBFRO --Telephone McHENRY 37. ftf FOR SALE-- Choice building lots 100x200 ft.. See Walter J. Walsli, or call 608-R-l. *8 FOR SALE--Six room year 'round home; tile bath and cabinet kitchen ; automatic oil heat; hot water; garage and cement driveway; fully landscaped. Price |7,<00. Call McHenry 634-R-2. »8 AUCTION ED VOGEL, Auctioneer The undersigned, Attorney in fact for Jacob Huemann, wilf on Sunday, the 9th day of July, 1950 at 1:30 P.M. offer for sale to the highest bidder the Jacob Huemann, 2-story, 7 room, frame residence, and also all the household furniture located therein.fSaid property is located Wast of the new Johnsburg School and is described as follows: A part of Section 13 in Township 45 North of Range Number 8, East of the 3rd P.M. according to the County Clerk's plat of said Section, bounded as fbllows: The North 13 rods of sub-lot 2 of Lot 18, and part of Lot 17 bounded as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Lot 17, thence South on the East line of said Lot, 13 rods; thence West 73 links; thence North, parallel with the East line of said Lot 17. 13 rods to the North line of said lot; thence East 73 links to the place of beginning, situated in the Township of McHenry, County of McHenry and 8tate of Illinois. Terms of Sale--Cash on day of sale. Subject .to general taxes for year 1950. Immediate possession. STEVE MAY, Attorney in fact for Jacob Huemann. VERNON J: KNOX Attorney at Law Crystal Lake, Illinois. (Pub. June 29 - Jttly •) THE NEW ELM THEATRE -- WAUCONDA Di Hikt Our Own W^lir LAST TIME TODAY "FRANCIS" The army mul• who talks FRIDAY End SATURDAY IN BEAUTIFUL TECHNICOLOR ttAUIUEEN O'HARA -- PAUL CHR18fiA!r "BAGDAD" Also Three Big Selected Short Un)|» STARTS SUNDAY WATCH OFR ATTRACTION BOARD FOB A GREAT FEATURE r. VERNON J. KNOX Attorney At Law Crystal Lake, Illlnol$ State of Illinois County of McHenry, ss. N O T I C E TO: Rlverdale Realty Trust, Its successors and assigns. Trustees and beneficiaries under said Trust, Joseph Semerad and Anna Semerad. and if deceased to their heirs or devisees, Unknown Parties Interested in the Hereinafter Described Real Estate; as occupants, mortgagees, beneficiaries, trustees, judgment creditors, owners or otherwise. You and each of you are Hereby Notified that Michael Schneider on the 19th day of October, 1948 purchased at tax Bale for general takes assessed against' the hereinafter described premises upon which all or a part of the general taxes for each of ten or more years were delinquent as of the 4th day of October,. 1948 (including forfeitures) fpr taxes fbr 1947 and prior yearq asppased in -the name tit Riverdale Realty Trust, the lots, tracts and parcels of land situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, to-wit: l/)t 113 of Riverdale Subdivision, • Subdivision of the N.E. M, Section 19, Township 44 North, Range 9, East of the Third Principal Jfferi&ian, in Mchenry County, Illi • nois.j Yok are Hereby Further Notified that the time to redeem from the above mentioned tax sale as to lot, tract and parcel of land hereinabove described will expire on the |ith day of October, i960. MICHAEL SCHNEIDER. Tax Purchaser, j (Pub. June 22-29 - July *) , VERNON J. KNOX Attorney At Law Crystal Lake, Illinois State of Illinois County of McHenry, gft NOTICg TO: H. D. Bowles and R. C. Bowles and If deceased to their Heirs and Devisees, Chicago Title A Trust Co., a Corporation, Unknown Parties Interested in the Hereinafter Described Real Estate, Us occupants, Mortgagees, Bene-, ficiaries, Trustees, Judgment Cred-1 Itors, Owners or Otherwise. You and each of you are Hereby Notified that James C. Rich on the 19th d*y of October, 1948 purchased at tax sale for general taxes assessed against the hereinafter described preni'.v < upon which all or a part of the general taxes for each of ten years or more were de Ihiquent as of the 4th day of October, 1948 (Including forfeitures) for taxes for 1947 and prior years assessed in the name of R. C. Bdwlcrs, the lots, tracts and par eels of land situated in the Coun fy of McHenry and State of Illinois, to-wit: Lots 2 and 4 in Block 6 of Lt«*- view Subdivision, being a Subdivision of the S. W. hi, Section 2*. Township 45 North, Range 8, East of 3rd P.M., situated in the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois. You are Hereby Further Notified that the time to redeem from the above mentioned tax sale as to lots, tracts and parcels of land hereinabove described will expire on the 19th day of October, 1950. JAMES C. RICH, Tax Ptf?chaserN (Pttb. June 22-29 - July |5J ffcRNON J. KNOX '^"Attorney At Law t' Crystal Lake, Illinois State of Illinois County of McHenry, BS. NOTICE TO: John J. Korinek, Thomas J Clark and Anna B. Clark, and if Deceased to their heirs or Devisees, Riverdale Realty Trust, Kaspar American State Bank and their successors and assigns, Unknown Parties Interested in the Hereinafter Described Real Estate, as occupants, mortgagees, beneficiaries, Trustees, , Judgment Creditors, Owners or otherwise. You and each of you are Hereby Notified that Michael Schneider on the 19th day of October^ 1948 purchased at tax sale for general taxes assessed against the hereinafter described premises upon which all or a part of the general taxes for each of ten or more years were delinquent as of the 4th day of October, 1948 (including forfeitures) for taxes for 1947 and prior years assessed in the name of Riverdale Realty Trust, the lots, tracts and parcels of land situated in the County of McHenry and State W Illinois, to-Vit: Lot 115 of Riverdale Subdivision, PEDER8EJP8 BROS. XASSEY-HARRI8 IMP. STORE Located on Highway 173j^--6~ miles east of Antioch, 1 mtteeast of Highway 45, 2 miles west of Highway 41, 2 miles south of Wisconsin- Illinois State Line,' ott SUNDAY. JULY 1 Commencing at 1HM o'clock DAT. Fowtes Luach Wagon HOLSTEIN and GUERNSEY HEIFERS--46 choice heifers, SS of which are bred, balance open. These heifers have sise, qnality and are from 6 to 28 mos. old. 5 growthy Holstehi bulls, ave. age 14 mos. T. B. and Bangs tested. TRACTORS AND TRACTOR EQUIPMENT--M-H 101 Sr. tractor, on rubber, .with starter, etc.; F-F tractor, on rubber with starter, (good cond.); F-F 2-bot 14" tractor plow; F-F sprayer; Oliver "70" tractor oh rubber, with starter, etc.; Oliver 2-row tractor cultivator. COMBINES-- M-H 8-ft combinc with mounted motor; M-H 7-ft. combine, with mounted motor, Scour-Kleen and pick-up attach, (ex. cond.); M.H. 6-ft. combine, with mounted motor; 2 McD. model "62" combines, with mounted motors, one with pick-up attach., one with Scour-Kloon: 2 McD. model "52" combines, with mounted motors, one with pick-up attach.; McD. "42R" combine, with PTO and Scour-Kleen; J-D 4-ft. power take-off combine; Oliver 6- ft. combine, with mounted motor, Scour-Kleen; Oliver 6-ft. combine, with PTO. ELEVATORS and BLOWERS-- N. W. cmiBrthakkV F*Mle Aaefc «er. Barltagta v Wis* MMT COMING EvmrriL_j being a Subdivision of the N. E. %. *» „ Section 19. Township 44 North, Harv«y 36*ft elevator for grain Range 9. East of 3rd P. M., in Mc Henry County, Illinois. You are Hereby Further Notified that the time to redeem from the above mentioned tax sale as to lot, tract and parcel of land hereinabove described will expire on be 19th day of October, 1950. MICHAEL SCHNEIDER Tax Purchaser. (Pub. June 22-29 - July 6) Uncle Sam Says or baled hay: Ottawa 30-ft. eleva tor; S & B 30-ft. elevator; Badger forage blower; 2 IT. S. grain blowers; 2 Smalley grain and forage blowers. WAGONS--S rubber tired wag* ons, with flare boxes. TRUCKS-- 1947 Studebaker ^ ton pick-up truck (good <*>nd„ low milage); Studebaker tractor 4x6 tandem axle, with 22-ft. open van semi: 1935 Ford V-8 % ton pick-up truck (fair%cond.). -H' 'H' .H-f, PHONR 3 P SIILLEg ~W The Beautiful EL T0VAR CRYSTAL LAKE. ILL. KfcHenry? (Vs. Leading Theatre rtl - 8AT„ JULY 74 * (Doable Feature) L^z Barker Vanessa Browa la TAJKZAN AND THE SLAVE GIRL* Psnay Slagleton Arthar Lake •BEWARE OF BLOND IE" SUN. - MON- JULY »-l© Shnday Coat. From 8:00 P.M. Gregsry Peek Helta Westcott In "TiJE GUNFIGHTER" The trae story of the Southwest** greatest ganauin. TUES. . WED. • THUR8. JULY 11-12-13 Lew Ayers Teresa Wright la •THE CAPTURE" « WlWMWiyiitiMlHItttUJUUIMWUiUUIUlUMIIlIB Yaang America, as represented by seme 2M.9M newspaper boys, la a firm believer in the principle of Independence and of a Free Democracy as exemplified by the U. 8. 8avinga Bends Drive slogan "Save For YOUR Independence, Bay U. S. Savings Bonds," as well as the Drive symbol, the "Liberty Bell." Tliese newspaperbeys will again demonstrate their desire for. a strong America by distributing 1S,$M,$$$ Savings Bends folders right to your door, during the Independence Drive May 15-July 4. The folders will show yon how to financially independent the regular, automatic way _ --iving by investing a portion of yonr Income in Savings Bo Ads. U. S. Truuury OcMrlmcnt zne ION become through of savli Renew that subscription to the Plaindealer now! I"! I II M '11 l l l l > I M» TOWNE THEATRE GRAND AVE. FOX LAKE FRI. . SAT., JULY 7-» Matinee Saturday at 2:80 lPJ. (By Technicolor) • BROGUES OF SHERWOOD FOREST" Also Co.HH Wallace Beeggr la "RIG JACK? SUN. . M0N„ JULY 9-l» Matinee Sanday at 2:30 PJK. Gregory Peck In •GUNFIGHTER" TUE8. - WED. . THURSL JULY 11-12.13 Robert Taylor In . "AMBUSH" 4'4"I"1"R 1| | ij il .H . . j . $ |n Jaly • Reception For Rev. J. Elliott 0» ' bett--Norman Eggert Lawn, 4dt W. Waukegan Road--4-8 FjR August 19, 11, IS, It V.F.W. Carnival-- City Park. July 19 , V.F.W. Autlliary Meeting-- Luck Picnic Supper-- «:M P.H Jaly 11 Dessert Card Party--V.F.W. Hall Sponsored by McHenry WomanV - Club. < Johnsburg Community Club--Hettermann's Tavern. Ringwood Home Bureau Moetiag-- Born Home. Book Review--Sponsored By Woman's Activity Group atflatiitM'V Yacht Club. , T; Jaly ^ Girl Scout Cookie Sale;" ^ Jaly 18 * Fox River Valley Camp, Hi'lfA"' i;r " p.m.--R.N.A. Hall.) Jaly M C.D. of A Picnic --: house. July W Joint Picnic of Lady Aurora Park. Jaly 9Mt Carnival and Chicken Dinner --s Sponsored by St. Peter's Clateli' Spring Grove. Jaly t7 Public Card Party AJtar and Rosary Patrick's Lawn. Aagast t Public Party -- Sponsored By JR. Clara's Court, No. 659, Lady Rf • ' esters-- Parochial School Bad. Aafast M Betty Nielsen's Fashion 8koi»> Sponsored By St. Mary's 8t Patrick's P.T.A.--Villa Hotel Re- , sort, Pistakee Bay--1:30 PJ|. McHENRY, ILLOIOB FBL - SAT, JULY 74 Marjorle Mala Percy "MA AND PA KETTLB 80 TO TOWN" Cartoea and Spaitfi SUN. . M0Nn JV1I M Roaald Colaiaa Celesta Vlaceat Price Ravhai "diAMPAGNE .FOR *** ' CAESAR" '• Cartoon - Cnshlag the MsiM Saaday Mattaee tttt (Mi TUESDAY, JULY 11 (One Bay) Vaagha Moaroe Btta Akli (U »SINGING CMJHV W. C. Fields (f) "THE BANK DICM* WED. - THUR&, JULY Mk ( Uadette ' - - - -- "THE SECRET FUMY* .j ' ' ?€ 'V- fl- : k fr r; .a' I •. K .* 3 ** ^'OUTDOOR .. 'KGRAYSLAKE RHZ0& NOW PLAYING COLT 45,# MON. & TUESw JULY 9-10-11 LUSTY ADVENTURB. SAT* JULY 7-8 KWttt'IVEMAW SUN. - MON JULY 9-10 TUES. - WED. - THURS. JULY 11-12-IS HARRY M. POPKIN p'MMtl -kit PAYME rvSSm 0KSF( co-ttornng I»IMW4 NM UWHM Artim blMH WED. THURS. FRI: & SATW JULY 12 IS 14 If twin; ^ « wm mm ~ mm ^ ' M-G-M gleefully announcea SPENCER! TRACY JOAN BENNETT *H2ABETH TAYLOR imi* "ni COMING SOON Randolf Scott / In i •THE NEVADAN* | ill I >1 Itll I 111 I HI 11 M »»• Box Office Opens At 7:15 Ohildren 12 and Under Admitted Free Continuous Shows From Ikak • ^

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