u '-\m! ••: ;?>*: dfc«ws. #%*!& is «f» p 1 0. iUv VK -Jv . IMfey H 0?#.|»; TWi week we would like to have y dtot wltk those Catholic men •N not members of our order. Should I Be a Knight of bus?" Like any thiaking fSttftoUc, you have probably asked iTMttMlf thi* question several times. And, like any (air question, pt deserves a fair answer. As of f*IUr 1. official figures released lafowed our order to have a total membership of 784,437. But let this be clear now: the 'fact that your next door neighbor is a Knight, or that many of the »/ Catholic nidi you know are ® ' Knights. Is dot, of itself, aufftclent reason for your becoming a Knight. Your closest friend and , t yourself diffef' in opinions about &';V':.a number of things--politics, automobiles, refrigerators, radios and what-have-you. In these, your iown reason guides you to a choice. ^ We expect, similarly, that In the * matter of membership in a Catholic fraternity, you will make your !; own deceslon, rightfully uncon- . cerned abont what the "other fellow** thinks or does. iT Therefore, when we mention that U the present moment, over 756.000 men have found good reason (or becoming Knights of Col- . ujpfens, we do not imply that you should Join the crowd. We cite f tbeae figures only to indicate that •ar fraternity has a strong appeal 'tor Catholic men. No one will deny, society that can command the < Interest and loyalty of over three QMurters of a million members in *wy station of life, of many temperameats. of varied businesses and professions, living in cities •ml on terms, hi all parts of the Ob ted Mates and Canada--such a society, you will agree, must have something Our answer to your question. Why should I lie s Knight"? is this: You will enjoy being a iKnight. You will take pride In *b?.'ng a part or an organisation 'that does the things the Knights ;?do. You will find in your membership, your chance to do many of the things you have alWays wanted to do, many of the things that fought to be done by Catholic men. TV>r example, one individual may interest several in a serious study of religion. The Knights, through, their national Catholic advertising program, report a figure of 44,389 enrollments for religious instructions. Netting Night All set? Get ready! And go! Plan to be on time tonight. It's the night our District Pepttty Peter J. Thalman will Install the offloers of McHenry council for the oom- VOTK FOB BO 3D ISStt Voters of community consolidated school district 86 weat to tb" ing year. Let's not forget. Brother, poijg rij^ntly and voted favorably Knl|hti, we've asked theee men to lead us fa Columblanism for the next twelve months, so let's all be on hand tonight to show them we appreciate the sacrifice* they are making In our behalf and for the good of the council. Refreshments are to be served. N* Feeling! Our Uncle Mike tells us If w* eat and sleep well, and live right, we should last a lifetime! G'BYE. Cattle apparently first reaped the Western Hemisphere when Norsemen landed hear what Is now the Massachusetts, coast In 1007. for a bond Issue of $48,000 for the purpose of completing the school building and grounds in preparation for the fall term. The vote was 186 tor the bond issue and 81 against. A second proposal voted on, on a separate ballot--the proposed sale at public auction of the unused Courtney school building --also carried Ity an evc<i topheavy vote of 266 to 16. Complete line nt Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Ston McHenry. g|j CLARENCE'S SHOP Full line of lawn furniture, bird houses, picnic tables, porch and lawn swings. Children's sandboxes, swings and playpens. Cabinets made to order. Window boxes, tfellis, picket fence, etc. Screens and blinds made to order. w- /j*/ * Johns burg, 111. CLARENCE SMITH s i Phone 583J-1 PK. WENRY FGEUNQ OPTOMETRIST - 1138 S. Oreen St., McHenry ^ OMd Thursday Afternoon*); , Eyes Examined. -- Glasses Fitted • Training Visas) Rehabilitation- Complete Yisual Analysis Baltyx 9 to 12 *hd l to 6--Saturday Eveninfi: 6:00 «o SsSfr, PHONE McHENRT 451 ' Uri till 2dti*4 *»r "SCUTTLE" IASIIY APPLIED fey hand or with a ipnafcr as it conns from the packaft. Jr. SpnaiUr $5.95 This newest development of Scoffs Lawn Research cleans out ugly Crabgrass slick as a whistle without harm to desirable grasses, persons or pots. Take action now to destroy Crabgrass (Watergrass. Fall Grass, Wkegrass) bofore it crowds out desiralblo grateo*. 400 sq ft Box-95c 1250 sq ft *ox-|l.95 5500 sq ft tag-$6.9i BJORKMAN'S "RIVERSIDE HARDWARE" 130 Riverside Drive Open Friday and Saturday Evenings Tttl • A W a r r a n t e d S c e A S T I AW N C A R F P r o 4 i.< fOPWCIAL PUBLICATION) Report of the Condition of* McHENRY STATE •cHenry, Illinois BANK. transmitted in response to call of the Auditor of Public Accounts, pursuant to law and showing condition at the close of business on tho 30th day of June, 1950, v 1. Cash and due from banks JRSE8 . ."•J . . I . . . . , y|V g . if !\r J* • % 'Vf . 4. Other bonds, stocks and ^curities 5. Loans and discounts ; 6. Overdrafts I. 7. Banking house $1.00, Furniture and fixtures $1.00 ; 4 ; ;r IJRAND TOTAL R^OURCES •** ' y» LIABILITIES ?12. Capital stoelt - ;f • 14. Snrplm 15. Undivided profits (Net) 1C. Reserve accounts "17. Demand deposits 18. Time desposits ! •Total of deposits: <• . (1) Secured by pledge of assets ... $ 77,627.58 svr (2) Not secured by pledge of assets 6,260,041.40 (3) Total deposits $6,337.668.i8 25. Other liabilities „..L 2,304,900.00 595,704.93 2,735,925.47 1,111.03 $6,845,654.56 I 100,000.00 100,000-Ctt 121,494.86 154.761.9« 3,556,105.21 2,781,563.77 GRAND TOTAL LIABILITIES Memorandum: Assets Pledged to Sccure Liabilities: 26. Assets pledged: (a) U. S. Government obligations direct and/or fully guaranteed Total Amount of Assets Pledged (excluding rediscoiints) ...... ............ .... sMjU Purpofse and Amount of Pl<*dirc«: ^ (*) Against U. S. Government and postal savings \ deposits Jb) Against funds of State of Illinn'ig Total Amount of Assets Pledged <must agree with Item 26) 31,728.74 ^6,845,654.5^ 284,500.00 284,500.00 255,500.00 29,00000 1 $ 284,500 00 L»^i l- R°l?urt A"', W<ibor» Casliier of the above named bank, do sol- Willily swoar that'the above statement Hi Kids! i Got Your Officii! Hepalons Cassidy TRAIL KNIFE V NYE DRUG STORE WALGREEN AGENCY PHONE 26 McHENRY/ It's the knife YOU want with Hopalong's picture right on the handle; ring style com* - plete with belt shield loop. IVaJtyAee-K Agency drug store i.M !I "Stt* (U^ 79c Jar "Perfection" COLD CREAM S-OX. OA* Size .. . Fluffy, snowwhite cream; delicately scented. jSSTi kV X-Pose SLUINQ UTIADN 5-ox. Size Values to $2.96 MIETAL COMPACTS For \ * . 7||c Only . . . . I® Choose the style you want from our wide selection Loon Lartfine LIPSTICK Jem-Proof || Case.... «• Choice of .6 lovely sfades. t-oz. "Tidy" ARCTIC CREAM 2««51c . Stops perspiration;1 ieodorizes! , .*i*' is tnie to the best of my knowl- ™T-Tr a],u u,ai me items and amounts show'h above agree. L P«lif aTS ail T0""1! Kh?wV in lhe rejKJrt made to the Auditor Of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. KOBEBT 1,. WEBE8, Caahwr,^ if; "Luxury!^ ^rnmSt\ fEMXIIEif KS*" pr-, Po-Do 5fSHAVE\ tCREAM^ ides sMCtotsm I'A^port Style |!>5|<v VSISUONR ^ V 1^33?: If IH & |0| For The OUTDOORS [Infant Adult «U ¥}/ (:: Correct, Attest: GERALD .T. CAREY, State «f Illinau, W' A' NYE' County of McHenry. Foe golt tonnlvl outings, cholflf'J oltwoitylw. W I TSrUu-MSit el' LASSES^/j Smaztt Good looking! iHowtand ISWIMK !.*,CAPiiT| Ite 98c, | Each individually ' I cellophane wrapped. A value I Play Po-Do GOLF BALLS 45* 3 <*12 Long driving-- true putting; ,the ball with the tough cover. Jr. Ace 19-pc. FOISUHTIFNIGT; \>$3.29 ' Value . • • • •• 2M ^Contains everything Junior will need to fish with Dad! picNie BASKET $1.5 9 « 49 Value . . . . I2 A LARGE basket I with sturdy wood* handles. BGALSOEBVEASL L ^ $239 198 Values • -- Choice of fielder's glove, catcher's or baseman's mitt. All Metal BASEBALL BATS 89' 12-1*. SOFTBALL 89« Fresh! OLAFSEN VITAMINS J All-Purpose UTILITY BOX a 96c ^ 79® ' Value i Heavy gauge metal; uae lor tools, fishing tackle, eft ObfSM Oleso PertMirpkHi mm 150-cc Bottlo 2» (Concentrated vitamins A&D. Aytiul Miltiple Vitaeia Capsaln BotUe of 100 2& Each capsule contains 9 vitamins. Olavite Therapeutic Vitanin Capsules Bottle 100 and Bottle 50 9S§ A $14 value. SS. r-- Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th dty W htif, fe; ^ THOMAS F. BOLGER, ^ ^ y Notary Pnh||^. " .vt- DIRECTORS ^ ^ M. Carroll ^ WH!!.ra A Nfe, if D. '^"mjpnAA J. 43»rtf y Robert L. Weber Co- - -- - ' ^ vs|u* Con*""® u. «tecision*2^ 13 ^eAouo MEMBER FEDERAL KESCR\'E SYSTEM L DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION ^ Y D*0 $1.19 Velu* Fo* % V< V«lu«- ftowets- KEEP COOL! iiipi-mi Gat A "Mastercraft" Eloctrlc Fan 6-Inch c.'V;r;.',•••'( 949 Blades..... &-- lO-lnck ^49 Blades IO-lndr-- *T98 Oscillating • ™ Non-radio imerfcring.. STATIONERY Paperv Envelopes or Tablets 2 *or 16c Your choice. Fine paper in white or pastel shades. Millar BALL POINT PEN For Oft Ooly.. rwu BOX STATIONERY Real . COi Value . . 24 Sheets-- 24 Envelopes BUCKIN' BRONC 75c OQc Value . . . . 09 Ride 'em cowboy! Watch Junior stage his own rodeo with Ammonietec TOOTH PASTE 39c-3'«*1 . ML HEMTIC* 70c »izo 61 98c Valut BATH SPRA) fsr Only 79' BORIC ACID 4pol 16' Sale of ZIPPE1 1 BAGS 29 to ALKA SELTZER 60c Sixe 49 .eon Laraine POWDER PUFFS 2 * 13e CARTERS PILLS 35c 29'