Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Jul 1950, p. 2

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ip nmlc Hiverview Camp, R.N.A., mem- IpbrB had a very Ajoyable picnic !M Thursday, July 6, at the V. F. W. grounds. All were pleasantly surprised when a* friend, Mrs. GHley Of Rockford. arrived to spend the day along with her daughter, granddaughter and great-granddaughter. Twenty-one Were prettnt to enjoy the day. RECENT BRIDE p Gathering Honors Marin# A family gathering was held at the Lester Bacon home on Sunday, honoring their, son, Duane, wh) has completed his "hoot" training and is on leave from duties at Parris Island, S. Car. "Upon completion of his leave, he will be transferred. Present to enjoy a turkey dinner and social day were the grandpaients. Mr. and Mrs. Lester V. Adams and Mrs. Zona Bacon.vand Bill Bacon of McHenry; Nancy Lang of Hammond, Ind., and the H. L. Damms of Kenosha. *: 7 o'clock in the evenfag at the base chapel at Hamilton field. Calif., with a reception following the service. The bridegroom's mother Mrs. Helen Jacoby of Crystal Lake, and his grandmother, Mrs. Howard Stoller, attended the wedding. . Cpl. Felse graduated from the local high school with the class of 1948 and soon afterward enlisted In the air force. Fox Valley Tamp Plans Bake Sale Fox River Valley Camp fclfcA., is sponsoring a bake sale, to be held on Saturday, July 15, beginning at 9:30 o'clock at -Althoffs hardware store in West McHenry. Joint Picnic Of Lad) Forester^ ' A joint picnic for>members 6f the Lady Forester courts is being planned* for Thursday, July 20, at the Aurora park. Those wishing to attend are asked to call 111-W or 258 for reservations. JULY BRIDE li. Worwick Photo . MRS. JAMES KREIN, JR. j| Is a lovely afternoon service which took place in the rectory .<£ St. Mary's church on July 1. ^changed nuptial vows with J^unea Krein, Jr., of LUy'Lake. ftoRty Infant} ' laptlied Sunday I The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed J|koney was christened "James Ed- •ard" at a baptismal service held Sunday at 2 o'clock in Immaculate Conception church in Elmtaarst, Rev. Fr. Murray officiating. Sponsors were the child's aunt and Spcfe Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Schaner of McHenry. * Dinner was served in the Skoney Itome in Elmhurst following the christening. Announce Marriage Of Helen linncan • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Duncan of Hast River Road announce the marriage of their daughter,,Helen, to Richard Baer on Monday July 10. Mr. and Mrs. Baer will be at home at MeLrose Park after Aug. l •">. ' • (iirl Scout rookie Sale A Girl Scout cookie sale will bo conducted on July 14 and 15 in McHenry. Members Of the various troops will be selling cookies on tin* streets, with headquarters in front of the George Justen & Son furniture store, • ., Hnt Baby Baptised The little son of Mr. and Victor Hunt of Hartland was christened "Keith Douglas" at -a service held at the Catholic church in that community on Sunday, Fr. John Dording officiating. Sponsors were Mrs. Floyd Freu^d of Woodstock and Merle Freund of McHenry, aunt and uncle of the infant. • A gathering was held in tha Hunt home following the baptism, with the following attending: Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Freund and sons, Barry and Greg, of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Nick B. Freund and Merle of McHenry. Surprised On > ..v ^ Anniversary Mrs. Anna. Miller WJUS PLEASANTly surprised at a party ftflf a#;l^fl|j home on John street oa" July §£ honoring her on her birthday ah niversary. A large gathering of relatives was present to enjoy r^s' freshmpnts and a social afternoon. Mrs. Miller was presented, as ,a birthday gift, a purse containing money which she will use for *5 trip to California in the near ft ture. She will be accompanied, by Mrs. Chuck Miller and Miss Mary- Ann Miller.-.-.. • ' • • v:t > 4fH Members Enjoyid Camp Shi#Wtw-llii Sm > <£ V TkiMftr.JUriiitn. Attended Rare* It Arlington |Mr. . and WHUfcehj qt Riversldf Drive accompanied fey meir granddaughters, Dana and Christie White of Cleveland Ohio, Attended the races at Arlington on Saturday, July 8. The trip serve-] as part of a birthday celebration Jpr Miss Christie, 9 ,years old on July 9, a racing ehthusiast. The (iris are spending the innmer With their grandparents. Frost Photo MBS GEORGE GILPIX eiore her marriage to the son of the J. Walter Gilpins of Woodstock on Saturday, July 1. this pretty McHenry bride was Miss* Barbara Freund, daughter of Herbert H. Freund. The wedding was solemnized in St. Mary's church. Entertained At Steak Rnrbei|iie Mrs. Leigh Williams and Mr. and Mrs. William Berry of Riverside Drive entertained friends at a steak barbeqiie last Saturday. July 8 the occasion being the launching of Mr. Berry's new boat. Present to enjoy the repast and social hour were the Virgil Lydns.-Chas. Watsons, Herbert Laderes and daughter, Pat. John N. Krachs an'i Miss. Leona Kenyon, all of Chicago. 7: m Monte Bnfcy • : .• rhristened TIIP new baby Ml*. and Mrs. Don Monfe of Chicago was christ oncd "Duane Kenneth" by Rev Fr. Joseph Blitsch at St. John urch, Johnsburg, last Sunday, j Sponsors were Mrs. Donald Freund, a cousin, and Steven Donnellan. the baby's imcle. In honor of th*ir first grandson, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thelen entertained at dinner and supper at their Johnsburg home. The infant son was born on June 23 in Masonic hospital, Chicanio. and weighed 8 lbs. 13 oz. His mother is the former Delma Thelen. The Montes have one other child a daughter, Nancy, 3 years old. Baptism At ~ " St. Patrick's The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wesson was christened "Catherine Gail" by Rev. Fr. Edward C. Coakley at St. Patrick's church last Sunday at 1 p.m. She was baptized in the same dress which was worn by her mother and godfather. Sponsors weta^it J. Sutton, the baby's, uncle, and Mrs. Eleanor Peterson'^ i&l&tusin. -- t J b . Catholic Ibinghters JPIan For Pot-Lnck The Catholic Daughters of America are planning for a potluck picnic at 1 o'clpcjk, oK<Vhursday, July 20, at' the V.' F.~ W. grounds. Thirty-^even weary 4-H boys and girls and four advisers found their way home recently from Camp Shaw-waw-nas-see near Kankakee. They had four wonderful days of swimming, nature studies, handi-crafts and recreation. McHenry county camped with three other counties, Grundy, Stark and Kendell. The boys ana girls were divided up into tribes according to their ages. ThiB tribe or age group would then be together during swimming or whatever activity they were doing. Those attending from McHenry county were Mary Ellen Evans, Pat Dygert, Vera Dahlgren, Margaret WisSell, Lucy RAffel, Karen Tammeus, Mary Alvar**, . Linda Stacker, Leona Swanson, Edda Brettl, Jiidy Turney, Roxy Wurtzinffer, WilMafn Phillips, and Robert Koehler, Woodstock; Mary Jane Deneen, Arlepe Seegers, Charles Schriber, Donald Meyer, ^Jerry Carls and Richard Ahrens, Marengo; Garnet Walker, Barbara Peers, Jean Low, and John Gren- Tpald, Harvard; Charlotte Hogan, Mary Hogan and Joh'n Hogan. Rlngwood; Mary Johnson, Bernard Johnson and Donald Meyers, Huntley; Lois Vanderpal^ Robert Mathison and Wendell Calhoun, Hebron; Darlene Harris, Richmond : Richard Watkins, Union; Dftflen^ Garden Prairie; ' CARD OF TBANKA We wish to take this opportuny to thank friends, neighbors and relatives for floral offerings, spiritual bouquets, cards of sympathy, donations of cars and the many other kindnesses extenderd in our bereavement. We are especitO | lv grateful for the services of Fr Coakley, Msgr. Nix and Fr. Baum hofer: E. R. SUTTON and FAMTLY 9 MRS. ELEANOR NYE Order your rubber stamps ai Yh Plainncaler a1" In California Of interest to his many friends in this community is the announcement of the marriage last Saturday, July 8, of Cpl. Robert W. Felse, formerly of McHenry, and Cpl. Beverly Jaije Cole, daughu-v of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Cole of low?,. Both are serving with the air force. The ceremony was solemnized at GLOSTEX SEAT COVERS FOR ALL CARS Nationally Advertised in Life Post U C31fe»'t f Carried by * ^ COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Routes 120 and 31 Open AH Day Saturday and Sundfat Roslna Curren, McHenry; and Marion Simon, home adviser, Jeanne Horgen, assistant home adviser, W. H. Tammeus, farm adviser, and Roger Hemken, assistant farm adviser, all of Woodstock. ELGIN GIRL BRIDG OF WILLIAM GRAF MONDAY. JULY IFF A wedding of local interest war solemnised on Monday morning July 10, at 9 o'clock in St. Joseph's parish house, Elgin, when Miss Agnes Ostdlck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Ostdick of At. 4, Elginv became the bride of Mr. William D. Graf, son of Mr. atid Mrs. William Graf, also of that city. Miss Lois Ostdlck and Donald Klmmel were the couple's only attendants. The bride was charming in a street length dress of rose taupe lace, with which she wore white roses and white' accessories. Her maid of honor chose a dress of navy and white striped nylon, white accessories and a red rose corsage. Following a week's honeymoon at Lake Tomahawk, the newlyweds will reside fn McHenry, where Mr. Graf is moVie operator. He is a graduate of the Elgin high school. The bride graduated frbm St. 'Edward's high school and has been employed in Elgin by Dr. S. L. Bond. BIRTHS SEWING MACHINES i .* ,ti '/• ' AH makes ol sewing machines repaired and modeftftied info electric, console or portables. FrW'demonstration of the new Raico machine. PHONE 664-J_2 Freund's Sewing Machine Sales and Service Box 82 McHenry, 111 FOR SALE AT BEAUTIFUL PISTAKEE BAY 5 room convertible home in Bay View Park. 3 bedrooms, kitchen, bath, living room 14x24. Water rights also vacant 2 easements, 1-9 ft.,-- 1 - 5 ft. Fine fishing. Price $4,750.00 SEVERINGHAUS ESTATE PHONE 194 OR SEE TOUR LOCAL DEALER Plstakee Bay McHenry, Iillaels Mr. and Mrs. Carl N. Hiatt of Waukegan announce the birth of a 9 lb. 4 oz. son, on July 11 at Victory Memorial hospital. Mrs. Hiatt is the former Arleen Bacon of McHenry. Besides his parents, the new baby is welcomed by two sisters, Roberta, 6, and Jeannine, 2%. This is the twenty-third grandchild of Mrs. Zena Bacon of McHenry. A daughter was born on July 2 at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Hiller. Mr. and Mrs. George Stelnsdoerfer of Lily Lake became the parents of a son, horn July 4 at the Woodstock hospital. Other local holiday babies were the son born on the same day to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Weber and the daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. .Earl Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Doherty announce the birth of a dadghter at the Woodstock hospital on Wednesday. ' ---- ' ' t4- CARft OF THAITIti I would like to take this means \ to thank friends and relatives for cards, prayers, visits and all other remembrances during the time I was confined to the hospital and since my return home. They were all greatly appreciated. 9< r MRS. PHILIP THBNN£| 4 JN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our dear mother and grandmother, Meta A.. Walter, who passed away six years i ago, Jnijr 1944. CHILDREN AND •9 GRANDCHILDREN if **• and Mrs Louis Toung <ji. Waukegan were AcHenry visitor# on Sunday Subscribe for The Plalndealer v ^AMERICAN BANKING IN A€TIONs»i "V PREPARATION FOR LIVING The United States has more students in secondary schools than all the rest of the world put together. Today, more and more parents are saving regularly in order to'give their children the benefits of higher education. Many others borrow to pay tuition costs. The American banking system through its deposit facilities, its loans for educational purposes and its cooperation with schools and colleges, is helping Our country to raise its educational standardt fo a still higher leveL McHENRY STATE BANK Member Federal Reserve System Member Fedaral TTnpnett Tnimrnnrn riorpnritmi 1 America9* M^owest-Priced Straight Eight fires |M exirm tg^lhseu mmd extrm fever MsOireHt-Prieed Car with r-K GM Hydra-Matie Drive* L_/ Hires w « d r i v t m m em mvmmtmmem Next Best Jhing to a ]\[ew]{oadl OU must understand, of course, that nothing in th| world can take the place of a beautiful ribbon of improved highway-- --stretching so enticingly out into the open country, and all but beseeching you to come for a ride! out under the happiest auspices, you will have to do much of your driving, for years to come, down roads and highways that leave something to be desired-- , » - .--and how lucky you'U be if you ride them out in a } 1959 Cadillac! In recent years, Cadillac has carried out a tremendous program of research and improvement to achieve a finer tough-road" ride. The development work has covered steering, springs, shock absorbers, frame, wheels, tires, shackles--and all the ^ogiaeering pjro&ems involved. In the 1950 Cadillacs, this great program has come to full fruition--and the results are simply a revelation. First, you get wonderful balance. The car "stays put" --and you have a reassuring feeling of stability, even when the going's uncommonly rough. And your ride is amazingly level. You "float" over the bumps and the depressions, ever so gently. Only a road *o bad that it deserves condemning can make itself Vobvious to either the driver or passengers. And, of course, the remarkable quietness, of both body and chassis, shows up most dramatically on the roughest roads. For quality tells its finest story when the pressure is greatest. Why not come in and get acquainted with this wonderful car? We'd be happy to see you any time. ^ /.* • The Mm*t Bessfl/sl Tklmg mm Wheels You know you're driving something special when you command the extra power, the luxurious smoothness and the effortless ease of a Pontiac Silver Streak Straight Eight. And how easy i%is to command with Hydra-Matic Drive! No clutch pedal, no constant shifting -- just set a lever, relax and go! Pontiac is the lowest-priced car in America offering the perfect performance combination of straight-eight power and Hydra-Matic Drive. Come in and see how easily and economically you can enjoy traveling first class. ^Optional m all models at extra cost. Dollar/or Dollar , youcanitbeat a A OVERTON CADILLAC-PdlNTIAC CO. OVERTON CADILLAC-PONTIAC COMPANY 400 FRONT STREET PHONE 17 McHXNRY, ILL. PHONE 17 400 FRONT STREET • McHENRY, ILLINOIS 6 r v -, - v

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