Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Jul 1950, p. 7

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»<< # i t i n ill 11 nil m m NEWS PROM ri WONDER LAKE HnillMII»>fMH4<UM •S i (^ v"e«t Witt tJX, "v '» : - lw lTpwt T* ... lkoit B% bind • fSProperty owners of Wonder / •Pa^« ar° deeply upset to hear that ^twelve Acre island, the largest Uland in the lake, la to be subdivided and sold in lots. Many °' property owners, "particularly those with lake-front rights, a number of the subdivision Associations, and the Ixaak Walton League are against this use of the island. Many feel that it is a ||art of the lake and, as such, befRigs to all of the people of Won- -• J' *er Lake. Others feel that>-houses i should not be erected there for | «nitary reason*. 4 . The League is, at present, inr^£> l<fu'r'SI8 as to what action can be •taken against the sale of the v>:l|land. ; The i*ext meeting of the League ill be held at The Anchorage, the »hn Georgeson home, oh the deck ,«f the boathouse at 7:30 p.m. Saturday. Anyone interested in the fction concerning the island is fordially invited to attend this meeting. 4Two Sadbrntt ^ . •vertnm la ! Sandajr'g lUc* . I ^'t Sunday's gale of wind prov- # too much for two of the Yacht llub's skippers. The "Wild Duck", wippered by Spike Oeorgeson, dumped over after rounding the •outh buoy and sank to the bottom. No one was lnjurefe>and the only complaint heard was when Spike asked if anyone had- any "dry cigarettes. The "Duck" was raised during the afternoon by the Wonder Beer and Salvage company, supervised by John and George George- •on, Andy Kunz, Don Coumbe, Bob Ploog and Spike Georgeson. The work was performed by Pete Oeorgeson. Five boats were used 111 the operation, mainly to carry spectators to the scene. - The other boat turning over dur- "te the race was Bob Lowrey's <*t boat. Bob's boat didn't sink and was towed to shore by a kind motor boat operator. . . Eight boats startvevd" *in« the ir«avcec Twt only three finished. After a Meek and neck battle that lasted throughout the race, Don Coumbe's "t)ead Duck" skippered by IJete Oeorgeson nosed out Tom O'Brien's Shamrock by less than ^one second. A. D. Sinden's "M-150" Ujuished third. The Wonder Lake . Yacht club 1$ planning ofi at least five more Milboat races during the 195# season and welcomes new entrants at any time. All that Is necessary I* to register with the racing committee on Yacht club Island immediately before the race. Races are held every other Sunday at 10:30 a.m. .. Iadlaa Ridge's / , Annual Party On Beach This Week The fourth annual Indian Ridge beach party will be held Saturday and Sunday of this week, strting at 5 p.m. "Saturday and at 1 p.m. Sunday. The beach party will be held on the south beach at the foot of Seminole drive. Saturday there will be a chicken * casscrole dinner with cole slaw i ad a roll for only 50 cents. There •111 also be a bake sale, fancy foods, aprona, a patriotic booth,, a white elephant and parcel post booth, and horse back riding for ,the children. On Sunday there will be races and games for both children and adults. The various committees have been working hard to make this Tear's affair the same interesting tod neighborly get together as those held in the past. There will be a bake sale, handicraft booths, games and other amusing events for *11 ages. Everyone, residents of the subdivision aqd their out of town friends are urged to attend and help put across this annual [gathering of the clan. It is from •funds raised at this annual beach party that maintenance of roads, play grounds and beaches of this Indian Ridge subdivision are obtained. Take a look at the plantings, care and maintenance of our beaches and the start toward plantings on the play grounds If you want to see what. has been done with previous years' efforts and. funds. Mrs. Johanna A. Thompson is General Chairman this year and has a number of hard working committees helping her as follows: Procurement of stands and equipment, Paul Matt chairman, Henry Widen, David Rossi, Albert Franr, Delbert Feldhahn and Walter 8tromskl also serving. Electrical equipment Which means lights, public address system, cooking equipment (to keep the hot dogs hot and the cold ^rinkg cold), Henry Setzler, chairman, with Andsew Mahder and D. A. Moriso-n to give a hand. The important providing of food and supplies is in the hands of a group of able and willing women headed by Mrs. Helen Henderson, chairman, Miss Florence Graziano as co-chairman with Mrs. Wilhelmina Frenssen, Mrs. Albert Fran*, Mrs. Joe Kucera, Mrs. Joe E. Lally. Mrs. Edmund Grimm, Mrs. George Kotalik, Miss Gladys Boessel, Miss Lillian Boessel, all cheerfully assisting. Ticket books are in charge ot Thomas Stanley, chairman, Anton K. Thompson. Stephen Vacula and Mrs. Betty Selsdorf. That variety of liquid refreshments, so necessary at a picnic, will be supervised by Bud Elberson, chairman; William Heiser. W. Wissert, W. Moore, A. Schinke, |t. Mendyk, John J. Pilot, M. Schuber and Fred Marks. The games for both youtig and old are varied and will test the skill of those participating. Those In charge are as follows: R. Sullivan, chairman; with R. Pinkel as co-chairman in charge of one activity, with Stephen Vacula, John Gergeson, Edith Georgeson, Mrs. Elmer Raske, Mrs. A1 Repan, Hiss Olive Podhorsky, MM, Rob- ®rt Vinter, Mrs. Barney Cooper, Miss Marion Boldt, Miss BUeen Gridle Miss Helen Grttflb4f%ad Mlsa, Sharon Sells. Another group will consist of Elmer Rask, and Gerald Raske; still another will have Fred Sella as chairman, with Mr. Frenssen and Pamiano Graziano taking charge. The white elephant and parcel post booth will be in charge of Mrs. Helen Muchow, chairman, with Mrs. Damiano Graziano and Mrs. R. Mendyk. The apron booth wiH have Mrq. Karen Widen as chairman and Mrs. M. Dolgopal and Mrs. John Hins presiding. The towel and novelty handicraft will have Mrs. Tilla pinkel as chair man and Mrs. Bud Elberson, Mrs Andrew Mahder and Mrs. Helen Comiskey to handle these. Those good things to eat at the bakery booth will be in charge of Mrs. Henry Setzler, chairman, assisted by Mrs. Albin Dick, Mrs. Chris Larson, Mrs. Stella Stonls, Mrs. Ted Pakntk and Mrs. Corrado. The patriotic booth, <cherry tree)\ will have Mrs. Mary Marrison, chairman, and Mrs. Wm. Heiser and Mrs. Joe Podhorsky to attract your attention. The fish pond for children will be in charge of Mrs. A. E. Teske. chairman, with Mrs. Herman Otten, Mrs. John Lath rob and Mrs. Peggy Zandier. That most popular activity for the children--horse back riding-- will again" be under the able direction of Miss Edith Muchow, chairman, witty Miss Mary Ann Martin and Miss Gertrude Smith also looking out for the little-ones. There will be other activities for grown-ups, under A. E. Teske, Joe Podhorsky and Herman Otten and competing with them for your attention will be John Widen, Charles Garbe and Chris Larsen. The Sunday afternoon games will be under the direction of Fred Zandier, assisted by the board of directors, and believe me, they have worked hard Jo make all of the above a success for the association and two days of pleasure for the whole family, so take them all over for eats and fun on Saturday and Sunday, July 22 And 23. When its all over, your money will be counted by the finance committee, consisting of Mrs. Paul Mats and Mrs. Guy Henderson, so give them some work to do. Frank Jean Selsdorf/ and Helen ArffM strong. There were also abe«t teen members from the fcwa wood clubs. The 4-H'ers put <MI for the adult group. - Constractlon Starts On Wonfer Lake FhrtHmse Wonder Lake's firehouse will soon be a reality. The footing and floor have already been poured and further construction is expected soon. Henry Setzler, president of the Indian Ridge association, informed his board of directors at a meeting this week that the fire department jWill only bqild one story on their building but will build it ten feet longer than originally planned. Plotners Entertain Coaple From Earope Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Schaffhauser, Chicago, were weekend visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Plotner, Shore Hills Mr. Schaffhauser is Mrs. Plotner'a brother. The Schaffhausers only returned from Europe last week. They spent three months visiting in Switzerland, Germany France, Italy and other points of interest. Schaffhauser was born in Switzerland* and had not been home since he came to America more than 20 years ago. 4-H Clubs Are Guest* ' Of RIntrwond Home Bareaq; The Ringwood unit of the Home Bureau entertained the four 4 II clubs they sponsor at their meeting in the home of Mrs. William Born Wednesday. Members of the Busy. Bumble Bees tfrfttant included Jean Hay, Dorothy Bott, Janet Grill, Peggy Selsdorf and Jerry Cormier. Members of the Handy Helpers were Sandra Sells, Mr Kolafc Wondfer Lake untt of the Legion Federation Preside*" : ; Is Gnest Speaker ' f For Woman's Clah " ^ Mrs. Willis Jobe, district president for the Woman's Club. federation, was guest speaker at tft»; Friday meeting of the' Wonder Lake Woman's club, held In Harrison school. Mrs. Jobe, a resident of Marengo, told of the various activities of the federation and her particular duties in that organic zation. Refreshments were servfd at the close of the meeting Iqr Mrs. Margel Troxel and Mrs. Helen. Reuter. The next meeting of the Wotnanfc club will also be held In Harrtaop school. Tile date is Aug. 11. The program will be annoapaed at ft lntei- date by Mrs. Mary Mil publicity chairman. ITS A ROT! 1' Ted and Claire Rletesel are p^r1- ents of a sort born July 12 In Woodstock hospital. The baby jtas been named Larry Bruce. Mrs. S. Hanover, Chicago, Is staying with her daughter to help, with the baby and his sister, I<fat» da Lou, 19 months old. They say that Grandpa Han* over was so pleased with the arrival of the baby that jfe* fttfiisized skiis and boxing* to the hospital. J2 Present At Auxiliary Luncheon Held in McHenry About seventy-two woman ed the luncheon donafeii by Bowman Dairy rriinpanj "T•V -*V V I" rVT'r •r r• T* T1 Tt Tt wk'lr vm lm T• ?tl !! • • ^ j [Phone us or hall us ... . Noi ! /natter the time of day or nlfht we're always at warn lpndja ) [service to take you aqAfly an ! Malckly to yaar auxiliary and held Wednesday in the Legion hall, McHenry. Nancy Klberson was chairman for the event, which was arranged by a home economist from the Bowman company. The luncheon featured egg salad, cottage cheese, tomato juice, macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, creamed peas, chill, sliced ham, bananas, pudding, milk, chocolate milk and coffee. Each woman attending the luncheon was given a package of pudding and a cookbook. Following the luncheon, cards were played with Jay Hansen taking top honors. Any service organization oan ask for the luncheon service^ . POLICE PICNIC * The police of district No. 4! Fox River Valley division. Illinois association, had a family- picnic Sunday on the grounds American Legion home. Mr. and Mrs. Dellnar Bristle, Wonder Lake,.are parents of a son, born Juljr Si In the Woodstock hospital. VISIT GRANDPARENTS Lorrdlne and "Babe" Stahl, their son, Willard, and Ardelle Krueger were visitors last. week in the home of Lorraine and Ardelle's grandfather, John Poland. Paw Paw, Mich.' Mrs. Frost's Mother \' Dies In ChleagO; Services will be held Thursday for Mrs. Victoria Maleski, 86, Chicago, who died Sunday in her home after a long illness. Mrs. Maleski was the mother of Mrs. Eleanor Frost, Wonder Lake, Who was helping care for her mother at the time of death. COMPUTE TREE SERVICE TECS FE^Dnro . t- Tract -i-siw* ed Control - * fly and Mosquito ANDERSON TREE SERVICE 519 Waukegan Road McHenry 724 PltillC SATITlilAY A picnic will be held' Saturday at the home of Andy and Grace Kunz for the families of the landscape department of tfcr sanitary district, Chicago. , PHALINS HAVE SOU Mr. and Mrs. Jack Phalin, McHenry, former residents of Indian Ridge subdivision, are their first child, a son, horn ft* Woodstock hospital July 5. Tfcsf baby has been named Alan John Phalin. Oespel Chareh News «,*• Next Monday, July 24, Is ttie day for the opening of the vaeatkntf (continued on page 8) AWNIN6S !' i I'i m Canvas Goods •ilS Selection of DEDES KAELY JlpecialiKing in Store and Residence Awnings V McHENRY AWNING CO. Phone McHenry 571-W-2 Thos. Thonneson, Prop. Phone 721 •T*S AN 010 AkP HABIT to price foods to gw« yow the most good food for the lowest prices. A&P's everyday low price policy gives you double savings . . . ^ Ws havs rivm shi st AtPi Ts nn Jhsaast csed * MM)F» HM Wli IMS .' wast Is asMsvs flit f#ss tf sasHHsisc fssltty. lis mtf m wiwillwilli M JWm WlWIVnil Wl yN hay ssytHsg si nk yttfnlf hss ktipHM npnf in TIME, and MONEY. Do vow want preoff... Slop •a ot your neorby MP Swper Market soon and sea for yourself iust how much money yow reoly saaal PLAIN OR KOSHER 4M Lsstsgtsa Avsaat •NT full IT, H, Y. YOUR CHOICE! TIIPFT, Htmz. uatrt. •CRMR'S OR NKHNW STMMEB „• 9 BUY FOODS......3 n«tum WHITE HOUSE MILK KR00K KIMED NJL PNKLES AUNT JANFSI6EBER8 111 SHIPS KOSHER JAR LEEDS OORNEfi BEEF HASH COLDSTREAM PINK SALMM , k MIMN POPPY BARTLETT PEARS HtAKrS OCUaNT APRICOT NECTAR SS0ft0C44T REIN MEAT . Mr MOLD'S ALUMINUM WRIP •oiom crnsT •Nof con- " neeted with eey company using • similar aama or brand. Atm PEANUT BUTTER. AMt MM SALAD BRESSNHI DRAPEEUSf CURTAINS VALANCES SLIPCOVERS PILLOWS BEDSPREADS VENETIAN BLINOS .WW -- |M *mm iare MMmmm fSIIPER-RIGHr HEATS! feraTHTPIELD Picnic Hams . WILSON'S iBfcon Squares #OI Of IVXf fll*ip Fryers HlCKELBEBBl'S Pork Links .... JMlCSSUtSSr MiNB W«lets FraHks 73c Mautz Quality Paintf READY-MIXED COHCME Speeds wort-saw money-helps farmers get duality wort • Prompt delivery. • Concrete delivered^etny job which is aceessible to our trucks. • "Mix" accurately propotw Mooed lor your job. • Full strength, reliability and anifonnity in every load. • Let ue quote you on this " economical way to build. Ask Your Contractor or Call Irs. McHenry Sand & Gravel Co. Phone Mcflenry 97-J fC6 Front Street McHenry, I1L KW !!!!! GE0RGE0US COLORS iLGONTM <#AL. $3.45 Service 204 S. Green St. Phone McHenry 490 frTT fr 'I' 'l1 '1' '!• v •{•••i'i 1' 1 rl l1 *!• T < H'ltllt SWIFTS |PIS FOR BABIES mif W®nAc HfARTS TIN £,\j SHNOMP PACK lb. 49c^^ BaseR WHOU OS Mm lb. 32c SPICID Lssehees Meat TAPT. JOHN'S Perch Filiate ... CAPT. JOHN'S Smalts CAPT. JOHN* Breaded Shrimp CAPT. JOHN'S Cod Fillets j|*Pa« V«l«p-4>'#rlay Wif mi MUmg FRESH FRUITS&VEGETABLES Al fmiti anrf oiftiekhi or. cor.fully iwptn.J Slay eriW el AfcP Swp.r Mork.f. Afthoufh ttiH mny ttml Mmmtl A4fiIM ••ondaidt or* in pne* an4~~ PLAIN or 26-QZ. 214-OtL TINS a* na .lb. 65c .ii. 5Se CAUFOiMIA •SOWN lb. 39c VALEN8U ORANtES B ARMOUR'S TREET EASY ON TNt BUDGET 12-OZ. TIN 45 «Q_ CAUPOMIA •SOWN Persias Limes _ 2IM €9c CAUFOHHIA MOWN--• StU Heaeydtw Meloss 33c Fimi Ripe Teaateas fit 39c M&F'S DAIRY DiUGHTS! .«A. 4le A&P'S Tosier Cabba|a ^ BAKERY TREATS! StlCIO AMMUCAN MEL-O-BIT PROCESSED SLICCO OOMfSTtC SWISS OKEESE SLICfO MtSH BRICK CHEESE SUCfO WISCONSIN CHEESE .. u S4c ..m»:27C 'Hi: 27c U. 49c MNI P4SKIS POTATO CHIPS J4Nf MMM HAMKFUam Ot SANDWICH ROUS JANf PJMfl rexsr ft*ISEDD0NUTS JANt MUH ANGEL FOOD DAR VIMM MCM MecMve hi All S«ip«r Mwtrii mm S«lt-S«rvic* StorM Only A*P FRESH COFFEE MILO AMD MELLOW 8 O'CLOCK MICH 4NO FULL I RED CIRCLE VIGOROUS 4N0 WINfr BOKAR lie 74* 'uk 706 M6 776 ....OF a ~r OP a ARMOUR'S CHOPPED HAM SEAL HAM J^OZ. M|M C FLAVOR TIN 31 ARMOUR'S TAMALES IN DELICIOUS 16-OZ. Q SAUCE TIN X4 UPTON'S TEA '/J-LB. PKG. PKG. OF 40 BAGS 69* 57* AMSRtCAN FAMII& 4* FLAKES A SAFER LGE. AHH FLAKE PKG. 2# "4 ARMOUR'S BEEF STEW QUICK EASY 16-OZ. M § r DINNER-- TIN AL ANYTIME ,,N SWIFT'S PEANUT BUNEB FOR YOUR 12-OZ. SUMMER U. SNACKS JAR WJE »ON COOKIES CHOCOLATE I-LI. J§F%C CHIP BOX <|Y AMiRtCAti FAMt 1#. f SOAP FOR YOUR A II^C LAUNDRY J BARS £ ARMOUR'S IINIU CON CARNE SAVE PUSS 14-OZ. SAVE MUSS TIN OASH DOG FOOD roEE0 2 2 9 S KILLS ODORS ' AIR-WICK JUST LIFT P AC THE COVER EACH 5 4R SWitTHtART BATH SOAP GEtS SKIN BATH • | c CLEANER SIZE | | ARMOUR'S HAM MAN--WHAT I'/I-LB. (0 | F A MEAU T,N ML FLAVORKIST SANDWICH COCONUT 7^-OZ. CREME PKG. JU GRANULATED IVORY SNOW ITS IVOKY " OWE MILOI PKG. JJ G SWitTHtART TOILET SOAP ^ 23®, .. M . ' r

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