Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Jul 1950, p. 6

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?i *•' '< **> .i$^V wmrn "' r • -Iff m*••'*,>; « • T kk^J V &K ' 'fgrW§ * . ' •* t"« ** %<&g,« iU< v Is Z&SJi National Farm Safety Week To Occur July 23- mm ot interest taken from the ot the McHenry Plaindealei HiniinimMiiiiii FWtjr Years Ago Nearly all of the McHenry Saloon keepers attended a meeting 4it the McHeary County Saloon Iticpcri' Association, held at Harvard on Wednesday of thi3 week The moving pictures at the Cenrtrai hurt Sunday evening were exoepUonally fine and were witness by a large audience. The illustratod songs by Miss Anna Heimei •ISO male a big hit with the audience, while all who could sin# Joined in the chorus, Lewis Hanson, who on the morning of the Fourth was badly burn-t Od through the explosion of a •hint firecracker in his hand, passed away at his home south of town Tuesday. Sebastian Horbst, the new blacksmith, has moved his family out pTom Chicago and is now occupytUg the rooms over the drug store ||( N. H. Petes'ch. 'f'-i Twenty-Five Yearn Age ^ Mr. Ardin F. Frisbie of 'Pine ||lver, Wis., and Miss Mary Belle wurison of Ringwood were marbled at Woodstock Thursday mornm §. 18- ' Rev. M. J. McBvoy, the popular SCnd beloved priest of St. Patrick's Catholic church in this city, is planning a trip to Rome and expects to leave the American tfiores in September. That McHenry may be given her proposed ornamental lighting system much earlier than anticipated Hi"brought to light Monday when a committee of business men met With a committee composed of three members of the Legion regarding the project. McHenry's paving program is to be continued annd before weather conditions put a stop to the work residents hope to see the paving of ffreen street and Elgin road and t'earl street and Waukegan road Completed. •' A v^ry pretty wedding was sol-: ^gnnlsed July 17 at South Bend,: fttd.. When Miss Rosemary Nye of tfcis city became the bride of Mr. (fetter Carey, also of McHenry. The newly erected signal tower at the Intersection of Green and Blm streets is now doing the service tor which it is intended. It is Interesting to note that most drivers of automobiles, as also horse trawq vehicles,.Jiave been paying to the "silent of Large Fewer Consumer f«B Canada. Greater awareness and observance of farm safety rules to bring about a reduction of the accident 'oil among farm people are urgsd 'iy President Truman hi proclaiming the seventh observance of Naional Farm Safety Week, July 23- >9, I960. The President's proclamation mid, in part: "Experience has leinonstrated the value of A concentrated effort to stress the importance of learning and conscientiously observing farm safety •ules. I therefore earnestly reluest all organizations and individuals interested in farm life md the welfare of farm people to k»in in a continuing campaign to •.ncourige the study and observvnce of farm safety rules during •he designated week and throughout the year." Ned H. Dearborn, president of the National Safety Council, in iiscussing plans for National Farm Safety Week, pointed out that farm safety is everybody's lob. "Everybody in the United States", he said, "as affected directly or indirectly by accidents to farm people. 'When President Truman set the 1950 goal," Mr. Dearborn said, he chose an approach that should get real results. For most accidents to farm residents involve some violation of a comrilon-sense safety rule. "Safety rules are simple things, hut probably each of us has known somebody in his own family, or among his friends, who WAS the victim of an accident jftcause he had not learned or had not obeyed some standerd safety rule. It is my hope that all farm residents will learn basic safety- rules dur-, ing National Farm Safety Week' and put them into practice every day of the year." Maynard H. Coe, director of the National Safety Council's farm division, said: "National Farm Saftey Week probably is the moat !•»•* portent single factor in making farm residents more safety conscious the year-round. It has acquainted them with the serious accident problem among farm people, and has demonstrated that something can be done about It. "If every American farm family will take advantage of the week's activities to attain President Truman's 1950 goal--If they will learn the common-sense safety rules of everyday living, and then put those rules into practice and obey them fifty-two weeks a year--I am sffre we will make even greater gains against accidents." Hardware-Eating Cattle Cattle owners: If there's a needle in your haystack, better find it. For, loose hardware that finds its way into cattle feed is getting to be a multi-million dollsr headache for the livestock industry. Nails, pieces dfBsling wire, and other sharp objects that fall into hay and grain eaten by cattle often pierce the etomach wall and puncture the heart, causing death. Order your rubber The Plaindealer. stam®»atl J&17 Public Cird Party--apoasorad 41 tar and Rosary Patrick's J*#*. Mr w Ztoh Lutheran Church1Ioe Cref^a- Social. Angust 444 ... Lily Lake-Lilyarow^ Carnival. Publifc Party -- SpOniOfed'^fcy Clara's Court, N& llf, LMf Xtki esters-- Parochial w Hak. AnvnstS Bake Sale--G. Jtisten'S Furniture Store-- Sponsored by Cxreln J and 4, W,S.CS.--lft Ajf^ Aagnst 1«> 11,:* 1$ V.F.W. Carnival-- CityPaf*. Aafustif >• Public Card Party |nd Luncheon Pistakee YScht Cljsb--Sppnsof^f By Women's Activity Group. AugnetU Betty Nielsen's Fashion Show ^ Sponsored by St MaryVS|. Pat* el Rei r 1- rick s P.T.A.---Villa Hdtel Pistakee Bay--l;i<* Pji. sort* General - - Machine Work Complete Machine Shop Service. All Machinery Paris Repaired or Duplicated. Fast Service, Reasonable Prices. McHENRY MFG. Crystal Lake Road Phone McHenry 496 BOTCH'S Have Tear Car Ready For Year Sammer Vacatioa. : Oome In Today yw a Cdmpl^te Summer Change Over and Tune Up 309 W. Elm St. PHONE 811 31 Hour Towing Servict S i. 'A Put Uriy the vitamin pflls and tojp* brin#on the crtoftrum if ^•airt to Iwotect eehres aialnst ft||ettyv*~~diMasee. When calves IfW giVen a small amount of colostrum each day along with «eg- «0sr Cow's milk. It was almost tm- -pocsible to Infect ftem with scours •ad Other ordinary diseases. Hie emanation is that colostrum--the first mflk a cow gives after calving --contains protective substances not found In ordinary mfik or other laed the calf gets. By freezing Whatever colostrum the newfeoqi eslf does not consume, snd feeding this remainder gradually during the first few weeks of life, costly ^digestive MiUe» Often can be pre- ' "•** - CLARENCE'S SHOP Full lii^e of lawn furniture, bird houses, pionie t^les, porrti and lawn swings. Children'» sandbdxes/ iwings and playp^ns. Cabinets made to order. ^Window boxes, trellis, picket'fen6e,#to. ' Screens bM blinds made to ord#. 8 II6IBST CASH and Crippled Heraes, Ctttls and Hegs-Sanitary , Pewer l«e« -Taakage ami Meal Serif* to Ptoses Arll|tgte« vr lielFeijy. 'sii»- Palatteo BM^UHSNR •CLARENCE SMITH , , Phone 583-J-l lis vr garsaa, rohnsbunr, HL A light bulb with your ceiling M Mr COMPO SCUTl deons Crabarass without 40 desirable " or pats. grasses for "SCUTTLE" $±x, 400 sq ft - $ .95 ifc, 1250 aq ft - 1.95 •Ip, 5500sq ft- ^-85 Hardware (d AWNINGS m 1 Tarpaulins Canvas Goods Large Selection of Materials OBDIR •: -'N Specializing in 8tore and McHENRY AWNING CO. Phone McHenry 571-W-2 Thos, Thonneion, 111 I III 111 111 HM« 11 111 11 1 MH HIM H4'Hf > *++ At last, you can say good-bye to bare bulbs... replace them with the new "50-GA!" Ceiling fixfures take on new beauty when you use these remarkable new General Electric bulbs. Especially designed for overhead lighting fixtures where you are now using btte bulbs, these 50 watt bulbs give soft, flattering light. The new and different shape of the 50-GA bulb directs much of the light upward. An enamel COftting softens downward light... allowing it to flatter your home and you! Wherever you're using bare bulbs base-up, in overhead fixtures in dining room, living room, bedroom, or hallway... you'll want to replace them with these new bulbs! SO wotts«..|ust4 federation .1 si our newest store Lamp Counter. • Now beauty for chandeliers! CHARLES & PARKER, Attsn# (Joslyn Parker) 0<ri«e tt«wa: .ifttecffa/ Af Office--Keehr llafn Street, west Mel Hone--McHenry 4M Woodstock iltt FOX ELECTRIC WONDER LAKE R. 1, RINGWOOlr. ILL. Electric Wiring Meter Pumps Sold and Repaired TEL. WONDER LAKE 4tt Home Furniture Recovering and Repairing 20 years experien** Phone Pistakee 551-R-l TIC'S UPHOLSTERY SERTHp RR. 1, Pistaqua Heights McHenry, 111. f 1 ' 1 1 1 TERNON KNOX Attorney-At-Law Oat. fcceen and Elm Sta., MeHeff fkeeday and Friday Afternoaet Other Days By Appetatmeat Phone M««tty 48 -- WANlfa) TO BUT -- .CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD BOGS, HORSES AND CATTMI We pay phone char gee We pay $6 to $25 for Old Honea, for down horses snd tattk JMATTS MINK RANCH > lohnsbnrg -«Spring Grove Bell Phone Johns bnrg S14 •WMWHtasBMnMHasMi A. P. FREUND SONS Excavating Centracten Trucking, Hydraalii and Crane Service -ROAD BUILDING--. M-M McHenrr, e Oivos bare-bulb fixfurwt a "dre«sed-up" look e Petfect for living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms, bells PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILIIN0I r M'HENRY COUNTY FAIR JULY 27-28-1 Largest Event in Northern Illinois District VI F Show Thursday ^ Open Class Show Saturday A. M. McHiijff County Friday Wiwwa Econwtlrs Thursday and Friday • • - -s; •HARNESS and THOROUGHBRED RACES SATURDAY and SUNDAY 1:30 Includes children's Pony Races -- Western Parade and palomino and A FARMERS RACE Grandstand Shows Tlvoll Exposltiidti ^h<^Ws i 8:00 P. M. Thurs.. Fri. and Sat. Featuring Ice ReViie ibf 1S5| Now Is The Time To Buy PBASLKE, D. C. r » •' Chiropractor m S.- Green St, McHeary - - Office Honrs* Daily «x:ept Tharsday • le IS liSS lei Wed. and FrL, Amtar 7 to t Pfco"* **?neiry 1SS*B MeHlsNRY FLORAL CO Phone 4S4 " One Mile South of McHesU) ' On Route SI FkMrera for all eccaaieaal STOFFEL A RBIHANSPBBO** usarance agents for all ctsaase «i property in the best ceppanht West McHenry, lWinaig Telephone No. IN 1 . in INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH Buy a Fair Assn. Membership^and Season Ticket lor $L$0 •I "1» W • X11 •• Mf H OPEN CENTER CLOSED CENTER Big Trade-In Allowance On Your Old Tractor Tires. Truck and Passenger Tires of All Sises. Re-Oapping Vulcanising by the Firestone Factory Method. MR. FARMER Pui your tractor in tip top shape by having your tractor tires vulcanised and fetreaded now by the Firestone Factory Method. We Will Pick Up Your Tractor Tires At Your Farm. 4» • - 1 .1 ' , " • . ' We AlloirJt Xiberal Tnd^.4f!wP» On Your Old ! TIRES Regardless of Condltiflk. BATTERIES--We allow you 25 par oent discount off f^r your old battery on e 4sw Firestone Super Battery. Fire, Ayto, Fana it Life) Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES WWen you need tnanranea V - of any kind Phone 43 or 11S-M Urea* A Elm DR. R. H. WATK1NB ° Dentist ,--Office Hours-- ^nes., Thurs.. h Sal. : 9 a. m. to B p. m. Tel. Wonder Lake 418 Evenings by Appointment : Lookout Point Wonder Lake, ^ FRANK S. MAT Trucking 4and--Black Dirt^-Crushed Grave Light Excavating -- Limeataas Track for Hire Phono McHenry SSS-M-1 R-l McHenry AL'S WELDING AND SERVICE REPAIR Ml Main SU McH« ^ Electric Portable W< Acetylene WeMUg and ALEX W. WIRFS. Operatise Phone 615-W-l or 4M M'HENRY, ILL. Wf'liAM M. CARROLL* Attorney-at-law lioy, Benton St. ' Phone Woodstock 1SS4 Woodstock, Illinois Sand Gravel Llisi VERN THBLEN Trucking WALTER J. FREUND lire Phene fM Tires -- Tabea -- Battsriaa -- A and Tube Vulcanising Bicycle All Work Guaranteed OPEN B flNIHGS AND SUNDAYS Rnpairta® West BeHenry Black Dirt _ Truck for Hire ^, *sL McHenry 6S8-B-8 or 6M-W-| Do* 172. Rt. I, McHenry 1 DR. H. S. FIKB 1 TetcrisAdui On Higbwav 31--Office and Benll Tel. McHenry 31 **ice Hours: la. m. to S p. • Except Tnursdsys Evenings by Appointmsnt DR. R. DeROMB -- Dentist -- * 120 Green Street ^ Phone 292-J McHenry Office Hearst 1* a. m. to ft p. afc. except Wednesday. Office cleeea nU day Wednesday. _ BRICK LAYING TUCK POINTING -- FIREPLACES, ACID CLEANING C. 8. Jehnsen H. Y. Jackson Phene 81S.V Phene 47141 . - - I

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