Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Aug 1950, p. 8

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i^m> ;i_;M:Y":M ^i* ssi'^ "5 H£-* iL&jhjhi ii;.^ r -?<•, r.A 'tiiAt of Interest taken from the it At McHenry Plalndeater 4# years ago. tPHMWHinnlllulliin k Forty furs Afo i Three persons in a launch, two '4( t^tn* gtrls, grased death in ffatakee lake Tuesday by a close |g4T|tl) when Edward Bankes, a Prominent merchant of Chicago, fcis 12-year-old daughter, Mildred Ifenkes and a 16-year-old guest, Rnola Spiehr, were saved from frowning by Benjamin Egland, W. t. Arnold and Peter Paulson of Chicago. * Thursday evening about 8 o clock {fee friends of Miss Katie Blake tendered her a pleasant evening, present were Katie Buch, Vera jparbian, Anna Weber, Cecelia fTreund,Helen' Weber, Catherine Crook, Clara Miller, Katie Niesen, Laura Barbian, Dora Engeln, Julia jfreund, Mary Burke, Lillie Neiss, Lizzie Blake and Katie Blake, f The closest race yet pulled over IJ»e Pox river course by the McHenry Power Boat club materialised last Sunday when the "Ed" #wned and driven by two sons of Commodore Everett Hunter, and the "Comet", owned and driven by George Kramer, ran a tie race. Sad news to many of our read- *rft who knew and loved Gertrude Straub at the time of her father's pastorate in McHenry was the report that on June 10, 1910, at her temporary home at Canada Seca, Oriente, near Preston, Nipe Bay, Mrs. Gertrude Hall, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Jacob Straub, to the higher life. *weaty-Fhe Years Ago STATE UWVMttirt exam wnnreasm county anmoui*cki> Winners of University of Illlttola scholarships in McHenry county have been reported to R. L. Tazewell, county superintendent of schools, under whose supervision competitive examinations for them were held last June. Five scholarships are available in each county, awarded on the "basis of grades in the examinations. They exempt the winners from tuition fees for four years. The scholarhips are: County, Agriculture, Home Economics, Child of a Veteran of World War I, Child of a Veteran of World War II. For McHenry county the winners this year were: bounty, Virginia F. Howell, Rt. 2, Woodstock: Agriculture, Donald A. Cash, Rt. 2, Harvard; Home Economics, Leona Maxine Reese, Harvard; Descenderit of a Veteran of World War I, no candidate; World War II, Laura L. Rypstat, Harvard. Examinations for these scholarships in each county are held annually on the first Saturday in June under the supervision of the county suerintendent of schools, and the papers are graded by the University. ifep. and Mrs. Henry Miller are |he proud parents of a girl, Maur- |ne Ellen, born July 29. The McHenry fire truck was taken out Sunday afternoon for practice to educate the people of this city as to what they are expected to do when the trupk approaches. Plans are under way for a big homecoming celebration to be held In McHenry Sept. 5, 6 and 7. The three-day affair is being sponsored by the McHenry Community club. Of which A. E. Nye'Is president. Supervising arrangements are Ray fefcGoe, chairman. Win. Spencer, 'C. J. Reihansperger, C. W. Stenger and A. H. Pouse. The Pistakee Yacht club . has enounced a Pistakee fair to take jojplace at the club Saturday afternoon, Sept. 5. Miss Jeanne Powers, 10-year-old daughter of Mrs. Mary S. Powers, entertained her cousins and a number of her friends at a blrth- 4ky party last Friday, r Centennial Fair At Elkhorn September J-4 Reserved seats for the 100th Walworth county fair at Elkhorn, Sept., 1, 2, 3 and 4, go on sale, by mail order only, on Monday, Aug. 7. There are no reserved seats sold for Friday (Children's Day), the opening day of the fair. For Saturday, Sunday and Monday (Labor Day) the fair offers fourteen sections at $1.50 and seven sections at $1. Other sections have been set aside for general admission. Applications must be accompanied by a check or money order and a self addressed, stamped envelope. The tickets will be mailed out in the ordfer in which the applications are received. MM I t 111111 It** M t • i m i n i t t n u u i H i M Mr. and Mrs. Wolf Shadle entertained Mr. and Mrs. John Murray and Mrs. R. A< Smith of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. John Shadle and son at a picnic dinner in Shadle's Acres Monday. Mrs. Karl Belts, Sr., entertained a few friends at her home Tuesday afternoon at a Stanley party. The Home Circle will hold its August meeting at - the home of Mrs. Louis Hawley. This will be Capsule sister day. An outstanding young lady In our community is Miss Jean Muzsy, who has been very faithful in keeping our city park looking so nice. Each week we see her mowing, raking and picking up papers following the free shows. If everyone would Put their candy wrappers in a container it would save Jean a lot of work. Let's help her. Mrs. Agnes Jencks and Miss Lillian Sanbarn left Thursday morning for Colorado. They will visit Mrs. Amy Watklns, a cousin of Mrs. Jencks. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Newlin of Hutsonville will join them there. Mrs. Lena Peet spent a few days the past week in the home of her brother, Edward Harrison, and wife in Elgin. Mrs. Rowland McCannon and daughter, Phyllis, of Big Rock spent Wednesday with her mother, Mrs. I^ose Jepson. ------ Quite a few from here attended the Woodstock fair the past week. Mrs. Louis Hawley and daughter, Marian, spent Friday in Chicago. Miss Lois Johnson of Chicago spent the weekend In the Wm. Pagni home. Mr. and Mrs. George Garland of Antioch and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and family of Hebron were Sunday dinner guests in the George Shepard home. Dr. Wm. Hepburn entertained his grandchildren from Sheboygan, Wis., over the weekend; also LES8 STATE AID The complete dropping of 551 families from state aid ao dependent children rolls, and the reduction of aid in 493 other cases for a total saving of more than $69,000 a month, has resulted from the Illinois Public Aid Commission's current drive against deserting fathers, according to Chairman Henry F. Tenney. The investigation of DAC families is now somewhat more than half finished and will go on till all on the rolls by reason of desertion, Reparation or divorce have been thoroughly rechecked, Tenney said. Hie land of Illinois is the most level of any state, except Louisiana and Delaware, according to the thirty-second annual report of the State Department of Agriculture. Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, 5 McHenry. 8tf limimsT MITUIAH' WITH * " ARCHER PL PltOFITABLt HPO HtOPUCTKHI the brttc at 4 PJL oft the lBt* day of August two. All persons interims daughter, Nte and faarfly of Mil Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Cratne Mrs. Paul Nordgren and d**gfcter of Waukegan spent Monday afternoon In the Fred Wledrldh, Jr., home. Mrs. Lester Carr and son,'Joe, attended the# Woodstock Fair Slutday. Georgia Mary Saunders of Sycamore spent the past week with her aunt, Mrs. Jack Lenard, while her folks were away on a vacation. Mr. and Mrs. James Mllllgail, Elaine and George Wiedrleh and Fred Barpey of Harvard were Sonday dinner guests of their grandmother, Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen and family of Richmond, Mrs. Gordon Howe of Chokia, Minn., and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock spent Sunday in the Beatty- Low home. Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and children of Genoa City and Mrs. VallantipA and grandchildren of Keystone called on Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr., Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Ed Bauer and children spent Sunday evening with Mrs. Joe E. Miller at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders of Sycamore spent the weekend in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Joan Bauer spent from Tuesday till Friday with Louise Schmidt at Johnsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon of Big Rock spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Rose Jepson. Nancy Nordgren Is spending the week with Peggy and Butchfe Lenard. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith $nd son, Dick, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and. Mrs. S. W. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Norman And family and Mrs. Rose Jepson attended the fair at Woodstock Saturday evening. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and daughter, Mary Ann, spent the weekend at Monroe, Wis.w Mrs. Andrew Hawley of Fox River Grove spent Thursday in the Wm. Hoffman home. The Ringwood Chemical Company employees and their families enjoyed a picnic at Fontana Saturday. X0T1CE IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF GEORGE STORZ AND STELLA STORZ, HIS WIFE FOR VARIATION OF ZONING CLASSIFICATION. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance, a public hearing will be held by the Board of Appeals of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance relative to a variation of the following described property, to-wit: All that part of the West half of East of the Third Principal Meridian, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Section 2 in the""tenter of the public highway and running thence North, 19% East along the center line.of the Southwest quarter of Section 2, Township 44 North, Range 8 said highway, 11 chains and 76 links more or less to the Southwest corner of the piece of land conveyed by James Vose and wife to Henry Erwin by Warranty Deed dated November 3, 1866 and recorded in the Recorder's Office in Book 39 of Deeds dated November 3, 1866, on page 469; thence East along the South line of the piece so conveyed to Henry Erwin, 16 chains and 27 links, more or less, to the East line of the said West half of the Southwest quarter; thence- South along said East line, 11 chains and 6 links more or less to the South line of said Section,, 19 chains and 92 links, more «or less, to the place of beginning, (excepting therefrom the North 206.39 feet in width thereof and also excepting therefrom the South 265.9 feet In width thereof), in McHenry County Illinois, to permit the erection of a gas station 60 feet from the center of State Highway Illinois 31. - Said hearing will be held In the JfcHBNRY COUNTY ILLINOIS ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS. Wt Harold J. Bacon, " . : Its Chairman. NOTICE ' OF k ^ ^UBLIC HEAltIN# NCTCTCiS IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of. Education of School District No. 15 in the County of McHenry, State of Illinois, that a tentative budget and appropriation ardinance for said School District for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1950 will be on file and conveniently'available to public inspection at Office of the Board of Education from and after 12 o'clock noon, 11th day of August, 1950. Notice is further given hereby that a public hearing on said budget 'and appropriation ordinance will ^be held at 8 o'clock P.M., 11th day, September, 1.950, at Grade School Bldg., in this School District 15. T: 188*. of education at School District No. 15, to tfce County of State of nituoia. Br HUBERT SMITH, Secretary. <Pub. Aug.. S, 1950) Corn dries faster 1i the field than in the crib, and the risk of loss due to delay in hkrvesting often may be more than offset by spoilage if damp corn la cribbed. General Machine Work Complete Macblm^lM|> Service. All Machinery Parts Repaired or Duplicated. Fast Service, Reasonable Prices. McHENRY MFG. CO. Crystal Lake Road ; Phone McHenry 498 COMPLETE TREE SERVICE •-7" TREE FEEDING Trees SPKAVHMI * Weed Control * Fly and Motqolto ANDERSON TREE SERVICE 519 Waukegan Road McHenry 7tl •WM X. WATH** ' Attsroey-at-law : Phene McHenry 4«-W HIGHEST CASH PUCES paid «M* Read aa4 Crippled Horses, Cattk «|f and Hni BfHtfr Power Leadlag-- Tankage aai Heat Scraps fe» tale. Pheaes Arilajtoa Height* ; fH ur Sit. Bevcfat Charges. lee. CHARLES S. PARKER. Attor**, (Joslyn ft Parker) ^ Qffke Hours: Afternoons--14t-5 •oefcr Supply Company, w Mahn Street, West MeHeary 1 lions--McHenry 486 Woodstock 11SS ' 542 FOX ELECTRIC SERVICB WONDER LAKE : 1. RINGWOOb. ILL. Electric Wiring Motor Pumps Sold and Repaired TEL. WONDER LAKE 4CS Home Furniture Recovering and Repairing 20 years experience Phqne Pistakee 551-R-l TIC'S UPHOLSTERY RR. 1, Pistaqua Heights v McHenry, I1L VERNON KNOt" Attorney-At-Law 1 - Oor. Qxeen and Elm Sts., McHenry || Tuesday and Friday Afternoons Other Days By Appointment Phone McHenry 48 Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. 8tf DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST kt 136 S. Green St., McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) Eyes Examined -- Glasses Fitted Visual Training -- Visual RehabiHtatiaa Complete Visual Analysis Daily: B to 18 and l to 6--Saturday Bvenings: 6:00 co t:S0 PHONE McHENRY 4ft Mfestm-Wtor NIESEN-S FLOORS >«tl MAIN STREKJT WEST McHENRY Located at Peter M. Justen Furnltore Store. Ml. Phone Res. Phonf 88 WING AND HN Hunting And Fishing Club Offers its facilities of the Dining Room, Trap and Skeet Courses to our friends and neighbors of the surrounding country - 4 Complete Menu of the Finest Foods ^ featuring MALLARD DUCKLING -- PHEASANT RAINBOW TROUT Dinners Served Daily 5 to 9 Except Monday Saturday, Sunday and Holidays 12 to 9 p.m. COCKTAILS AT THEIR BEST We Cater to Parties and Banquets For Reservations Call McHenry 647-J-2 One Mile North of Intersection of Highway 12 £120 on SULLIVAN LAKE ',v; ^ -- WANTED TO BUY -- CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS. HORSES AND CATTU We pay pheaa chargea We pay $6 to $2S for Old Eotm leas for down horses tud cattlfti MATTS MINK RANCH A lohnsburg - Spring Grove leal" Phone Johnsburg 814 A. P. FREUND SONS T $xcavating Contractors Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service ' --ROAD BUILDING-- TeL ./d4-M McHenry. XI E. E. PBASLEE, D. C. Chiropractor lfl 8. Green St* McHenry Office Hoars« flNilly except Thursday •• ' •* to 12 ItSO to i . Moa* Wed. and FrL, £venlav« 7 to 8 Phe»« "tlenry 1M.R i WIIH MM MlW WICK-CHAHOi MjWOKt f 1 • Available in meal W pallets pi McHENRY MILL* i ' McHENRY, ILL. ' ^•! / - PHONE 816 TRACTOR TIRES OPEN CEN CLOSED CENTER Big Trade-In Allowance On Tour Old Tractor Tires. •.in. A Truck and Passenger Tires of All 8iies. Re-Capping Vulcanising by the Firestone Factory Method. MR. FARMER t Put your tractor in tip top shape by hairing your tractor tires vulcanised and PAfl*AQ /I A/I fiAW V\tr fVia a wa h i ^ & retreaded now by the Firestone Factory Method. | We Will Pick Up Your Tractor Tires At Your Farm. mmr We Allow A Liberal Trade-In Allowance , ^n Your Old TIRES Regardless of Oondttiok. . V Ntwl 90-SICOND QUICK-CHANOK INTltlOR ^oa im f m«OS«CONBt McHKNRY FLORAL GO Phonr 464 One Mile South of McHenr. On Route Flotrers for aU 81 OTOFFEL ft REIHANSPBMM ^aaurance agents for all classea A property in the heat companies West McHenry, Hlinoia . Telephone N». 8N INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH fH Auto, Farm & Ufa! Representiny RELIABLE COMPANIES When you need mearaace of any kind Phone 43 or 118-M Green ft Elm McHearj FRANK S. MAY jBand--Black Di«t>--Cruslted Grave Light Excavating -- Limesteai Track for Hire Phone McHenry 580-M-l R-l MeHenry BATTERIES--We allow you 25 par oent dtsoount off for your old battery on a new Firestone Super Battery. _ t WALTER J. FREUND Tirea -- Tabes -- Batterlea -- Accessorise Hre and Tuba Vulcaniateg Bicycle Repairta* AU Work Guaranteed Phone 184 Weet HeHewy ^ QPIW EfENINGS ANB SUNDAYS -- BIG r/s CUBIC FOOT fiikVU MOW s ONLY ONLY $10.00 DOWN, 24 MONTHS TO PAY „ N* am •» Mara Mky ••«*»! Mwtor. Wt vhk mi Mf to Mk Come in today and discover the one different, simpler refrigerator. In its freezing system there are no moving parts to wear, no machinery to make noue! It's the famous Servel Gas Refrigerator. Just a tiny gas flame does the work. And^~as over 2,000,000 delighted owners know--Servel stays silent, lasts longer. You'll find every new food-keeping convenience . too. There's a big frozen food compartment, plenty of ice cubes, moist cold and dry cold £ctf ftesh&ftb. » See the Servel Gas Refrigerator today. If 4 . ^ (£ASM M if so mum AT. root MM** * M wolf BHIT1PtOJ» , AWP. UCTUC. : • ' / xtliM 1 DR. R. H. WATKINS Dentist --Office Hours-- : Tues^ Thurs., * Sat. 8 a. m. to 5 p. n. Tel. Wonder Lake 418 - Bvenings by Appointment Lookout Point Wonder Lake, III Aim WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICB 881 Main St* McHenry Bee trie Portable Welding Acetylene Weidaig and Cuttiaff ALEX W. WIRFS. Operator Phone 615-W-l or 4*4 M'HENRY. ILL. WILUAM M. CARROLL. JR. ^ Attoraey-at-law 110y, Benton St. Phone Woodstock 1884 Woodstock, Hlinoia Limeet-- VERN THELEN Trucking „ . Gravel Blade Hit Truck for Hire 9eL McHenry 688-B-2 or 688-W-l Box 172. Rt. 1. McHenry ^ DR. H. S. FIKE ViUriziAtiM On Highway 81--Office and Hei Tel McHenry 31 Office Hours: 1 p. m. to 8 p. Except Thursdays 'Evenings by Appointment DR. R. DeROMH -- Dentist -- Office Hours) 18 a. m. to h p. MC«^ Wednesday* Office eleaai Hns<w» hv BRICK LAYING TUCK POINTIKG -- FIREPLACES AC» ClBAfcjfrG C. 8. Jeknsea H. V. Jacksen Phone 471-M i

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