\r * >: imdif. August 3. II HENRY PLAMDEALER . Published every Thursday at Mc- Jlenry, 111., by the McHenry Publishing Company, Inc. BUSINESS SERVICE NATIONAL «lj %. BtftFEINDT, Qm. X|Dig«r. iiBEtK IFROBHLifcH, Editor. -. . Entered as- second-class matter t h e p o s t o f f i c e a t M e H e n r y . I U . , WBder the act of May 8, 187S. > SUBSCRIPTION RATE ....... HH Plaindealer Want Ads No- ads counted less than 26 • i words. 75c minimum* 1 insertion % (Count 5 words per line) 25c service charge on all blind *ds Cash with order. __ Card of Thanks .... $1.00 Minimum Reading notice 15c per line. \Vaat Ads close promptly at 10 ft.m. Wednesday AUTOMOTIVE k REPLACEMENT PARTS fOR * ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY ALTO SUPPLY 40# W. Elm Street Open All Day Saturday and Sunday lltf FOB SALE --Generators, armatures, starters, fuel pumpa, distributors, Voltage regulators and ignition parts for f ord and all other cars. Seaco Ha lei & Service, Lilymoor, Fred J. j»Svoboda, Prop. Tel McHenry jl83. • 47tf FOR SALE--1937 4 door Dodge. Good condition. Best offer. See Sat. or Sua., McCuIlom Lake. 1st cottage on Greenwood Road. Ray Murphy. *12 BUSINESS SERVICE FERGUSON GRAIN SERYICE-- Now buying aid shipping com, •its, barley, rye, wheat. 1mmediate cash payments. Will weigh on nay approved scale of your choice. Get our bid before yot selL Tel Crystal Lake 1S74-R-2. 10.4 WHITEWASHING, spraying, fly • oiiti'ol. Win. Alirens, 607 Front 8t, Phono McHenry 736 R. Call between ihe hours of 12 and 1 p.rti. 3tf HAVE Your: CES8POOL8, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned ay Eddies Sanitary Service. Eddie 9uff, Prop. Tel. McTItnry 290. 29tf WELLS DRILLED Oft DRIVEN WATER SYSTEM -- We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacot* 206 stain Street, McHenry. Telephone 2«tf a j. n. diebl Woodstock Piano Tuner Phone 20H-W 52(5 Washington St. Woodstock, 111. 30tf SPRATINO, WHITE WASHING or FLT CONTROL-- Chicken houses barns, garages and basements. Frank W. nenkel, Volo, P. O. Round Lake, 111. Tel. McHenry 543-J-l. 5tf LANDSCAPING Hedges, shrubs and evergreens trimmed or replaced. Hand grade, fertilize and seed old or new lawns. Walter Aeverman, Golf Course Subdv. Phone 210-J McHenry. lOtf EXPERT PIANO AND ORGAN TUNING--Repairing and Refinishing, work fully guaranteed. Formerly with1 Lyon and Heily. E. Zaboth, call colleet, Lake Zurich 5341. 6tf WATER ANALYSIS Water checked by culture for bacteria to determine safety and pollution. Charge $4.00. State Aproved Lab, 481 McHenry X-Ray Clinic k Clinical Laboratory 308 S. Green St. Phone 291 CEMENT BUILDING BLOCK8 Available at the Water Tower in West McHenry •ON CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO Phone McHenry 788-W ^ACCOUNTING, •»ANT1 TA* ST!1 BOOKKEEPING, 'AND TAX SERVICE -- Records installed and maintained. Eliuer P. "Adams, Certified Tax Consultant. Phone Fox Lake 5962. 45tf COMPLETE TREE SERVICE ">19 Waukegan Road. Phone 724 Anderson Tree Service 40tf EXPERT PIANO AND ORGAN TUNING--Repairing and Refinishing, work fully guaranteed. Used pianos for sale. E. Zaboth, call collect, Lake Zurich 3102. 40tf DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices paid for cows, horses and hogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges 36tf FOR SALE JANITOR SjjRVICE -- We clean Woodwork, floors, windows, wails ^^>nily, weekly, monthly or season '•ally. Reasonable prices. McHenry Janitor Service, Don Dewey, Mgr. Ph one McHenry 430-J. 32tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route ; John E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 365. tf MUSIC INSTRUCTION , , In Your Own Home ^ Piano and Piano Accordian rw Classics or Popular Beginners or Adanced instruction EARL P. KOCH Phone Pistakee 633-M-l 5tf CESSPOOLS and SEPTIC TANKS SERVICE ... G. A. DOUGLAS Phone McHenry 778-W »tf T HOME REPAIRS We S perialize in all Home Repairs 'g|' Low Monthly Payments Free Estimates McHenry Improvement Co. phone 523-M-l McHenry, '111. 4 6tf .* BRING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC • PROBLEMS TO US-- We can de ~--liver anything from a snapshot t< (• large murals, or free hand oil i paintings. Copying and framing. ' CAMERAS, PROJECTORS, FILMS AND SUPPLIES. WORWICK'S STUDIO. 117 Riverside Drive, Mc ,^Henry. Phpne 275. 40tl $10.00 TO 125.00 paid for old crippled down horscF and cattle. Immediate service -- Phone Union 3211 or Elgin 7724 Reverse charges* Lee Dog Food Company. . *7-l( Helen Weber Says &KB Sothes M McHenry Cleaners 103 Elm Street McHenry, I1L # McHenry 194-M FOR SALE--18 ft. Century runabout, motor recently overhauled, bargain, $650; 16 ft. Chris Craft, like new condition. E. J. Wendt Boat Sales and Service, Richmond, 111., on U.S. 12. Tel. Richmond 204 9tf. FOR SALE--Johns-Manville Home Insulation, installed by The Wall Fill Co. For estimate call Leo J. Stilling, McHenry 18. 40tf FOR SALE -- beer - for your ice cold case beer of all kinds, come to the Sportsman's Inn, where good fellows meet; all kinds of wines and package goods to take out at the lowest prices. 513 Main street. A1 Phannenstill, prop. 23tf FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes < carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St, Woodstock. Phone 649. 7tf FOR SALE -- Evergreens, trees, shrubs. Free estimates on land scaping: Pitzen Nursery, Round Lake, Route No. 2, Round Lake 3570. Corner of routes 120 and Wil son road. Phone Round Lake 3570 32tf FOLLOW THE CROWD TO THE Sportsman's Inn, 513 Main street. Ice cold case beer and packaged {oods of all kinds. A1 Phannen rtill. 49 tf ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS--Cloth ing in Good Condition for the en ;ire family. Formats. Open Mon to 8at., 1 p.m., to 10 p.m., Sunday 11 a. m. to 6 p, m. Mrs. R. Diet rich, Terra Cotta Rd. Consignmant and Resale and Antique Shop, % mile west Terra Cotta factory which is on Rt. 31. Crystal Lake 1346-R-l. 51-tf TH1 McHENRY PLAHIDEALB& FOR SALE FOR SALE--Used lumber, various sises, $30 and $40 per 1,000 board feet; also windows. Kindling given away. Tel Crystal Lake 523-J. 12 FOR SALE--14 ft. atrip boat and 9.4 Evinrfide motor practically new. Best offer. Phone Wonder Lake 396. *12 FOR SALE -- Beautiful cocker spaniel puppies. AKC Registered. Pedigreed, reasonable. Also at stud, black cocker, Story Book Student Prince, son of International champion BenOw's Belle and champion Penrock's Promotion. Reasonable. Call Wauconda 6-1324. •12 FOR SAL??--22 H P. Johnson Sea Horse motor. Very fast. See Andy Kunz, Wonder Lake. Phone Wonder Lake 6ul. . »12 FOR SALE- -18. ft. house trailer. Call ^ycHfenry 530-M-2. *12-2 FOR SALE--Stewing hens, 30c lb. fryers, 35c lb,, live weight will dress. Call Richmond 735. *12 "WANTED MALE HELP"; . ,j Par Both Day and Night Worfc. >lers -- Milling Machine Operators Shear Operators -- Drill Press Operators • Spot Welders -- Punch Press Operators Day Shift 8 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. C Night Shift 4:30 P. M. to 1:00 A. M. . Good starting rate plus bonus -- also 10c ill hour premium for second shift. Will employ beginners as well as experienced help. Ironer Div. of Speed Queen Corp. Algonquin, Illinois '• .-(llwiBftietirera ef Simplex Iron eft) - FOR SALE-- 5-montlis-old Austra white pullets, laying good; good size. Call after ti p.m. Crystal Lake 1322-W-2. *12-2 HELP WANTED FOR SALE--Few choice Holstein springers, vaccinated and tested; also corn cribs. Four room house plus utility room and bath at Round Lake Beach, $5,000, easy terms. 12 FOR SALE--12-ft. outboard boat and 10 hp Johnson motor: complete. $140. Call McHenry 69-W. •12 FOR SALE strainers. McHenry, rStainle ss, Vycital's lard ware, 12 FOR SALE--Beautiful 9-piece solid oak dining room suite, reasonable. Dunham water lawn roller ; 150- gal. fuel tank; Roll chicken wire fencing, 6x75 ft., cheap; Spraying outfit with • motor, complete, in good condition;-10 ft. hull; 12 ft. hall like new, with steering wheel and canvas cover,: cheap. Tel. McHenry 564-R-2r™^ 12 FOR RENT FOR RENT--To employed men only, rooms and good meals; bath shower, plenty of hot water. Tel. McHenry 853. 46tf HELP WASTED--Girl 18 to 15. Fountain experience. Apply at Holly's Drive-In. Phone McHenry 197. 12 HELP WANTED--All around man for building and cement work. Call Johnsburg 820, after 5 p.m. 12 HELP WANTED-- Service Station attendant; experience not necessary. Call McHenry 689-M-2. 12 GOOD OPPORTUNITY We are hiring additional women and girls at dress factory. Wo experience necessary. Riverside Mff. * Co* 200 N. RlrersM* Brlte, Mc. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- SPECIALS Keantlfniji hoaeM -- reasonably priced -- on Pfotakee Buy, Fox River .HcHenrj, McCuIlom Lake, Wonder Lake, Crystal Lake. .. Knox Real Kstate, 40* Richmond Road, .McHenry, III. Phone McHenry 441-J. litf LOST AND FOUND LOST -- Brown-rimmed shell glasses in grey and black alligacase; lost in McHenry. Re- FUNERAL SERVICES 3ELD JULY 27 FOR WALTER J. MANNING tor ward. Mrs. Roy Kent, Phone 269. 12 NOTICE We wish to announce that since the First Aid Club of McCullorit Lake is no longer in existance-, wc are not responsible for accidents of any kind at the beach. Member of the First Aid Club of McCuIlom Lake, *12 Spring Grove (by Mrs. Charlaa Freund) Henry. Call St. 18-tf SITUATION WANTED WORK WANTED-- Carpenter work wanted. By day or by contract. Phone McHenry 532-J. 7tf WORK WANTED--Carpenter work wanted: By day and contract. Ivan Gustufason, Tel. McHenry 532-J-l. FOR SALE--411 Main St.. West McHenry. Open Sunday 1 to 6. An older but a good substantial house, has 7 rooms, oil hot water heat, a roomy 2 car garage. Commercially son< d, is next to the business section. This asbestos shingled house is on a lot 66x132 feet, and has an extra let the same size at rear facing next street. This property has tremendous possibilities for future profits. Priced for quick sale. Easily financed. For further information call Skokie 166! 12 FOR SALE - Two miles to Mc Henry with water rights on Fox River. 60'xl2v)' cdrner, lovely 6- room brick '•anch-type, year-round house. Has oil heat, immediate possession including exc. furnishings. Sacrifice $17,500. E. R. (1RESS1NGER. Rea'tor, Wellington 5-7775, Chicago. *12-2 ROOMS FOR RENT -- At 109 W. Main St., McHenry. Tel. 100-R. 12 FOR RENT--Insulated year round new house. Living room, large bedroom, kitchen and dinette and full bath. Inquire at Thrift-Way Food Store, Lily Lake. *12 FOR RENT 4 room modern cottage. Available Aug. 6 to Aug. 20. Phone McHenry 630-R-l. *12 FOR RENT--4 room cottage at Pistakee Bay; gas electricity, hot running water. References required. Severinghaus. Phone McHenry 194. 12 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED-- Waitresses. Call McHenry 377. 2tf HELP WANTED -- Assemblers, wirers, solderes, packers and in spectorh. Experience not necessary. Secure a position in an ever ex panding radio-television industry. Employment officc open Monday through Saturday, 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. Admiral C»rp., McHenry at intersection of Rt. 120 and 31. 51-tf WANTED SALESMEN--Salary and commission with opportunity to earn $500 per month and more to qualified men. We guarantee to furnish names of farmers who have written us and said they want to buy barn cleaners. Must have auto or small truck to carry parts. Willing workers who will follow our "tried and proven" merchandising plan can earn big money now and establish a permanent business for themselves. Write Box 85, care McHenry Plaindealer. •12-3 FOR SALE -- Registered German Shepard puppies. Call after 5 p.m. Crystal Lake 1321-R-2. *12-3 FOR SALE--Kroehler sofa and :hair in good condition, light blue. Two baby beds, high chair and lathinette. McHenry 537-R-2. 12 HELP WANTED -- MEN -- File trimmers, punch press. Drill press. Lathe end Stock clerks, 1st ana 2nd shift; Polishers and Die Casters, 2nd and 3rd shifts; Buffers and Inspectors, 1st 2nd and 3rd shifts. WOMEN -- Plating, 2nd shift. Electric Auto Lite Company Woodstock, Ilinois. 12 HELP WANTED -- We have an opening for a reliable married farm couple; also for single farm hand. References required. Tel. McHenry 670-M-2, Hickory Creek Farms. 12-3 LARGE SELECTION * >^if( of 1st and 2nd calf Holstein and Guernsey heifers, close springers ami stock bulls. All TB and Bangs-tested. Walter S. Eckhouse First farm east of Grayslake Outdoor on Rt. 120. PHONE LIBERTYVILLE 2-1696 WANTED WANTED -- Jobbers and direct salesmen. Quality lines, with libers) commissions. Manufacturers repre* sentative. R. Duane Fowler. Woodstock, Box 331, Phone 4®4-JX. 41tf WANTED--Watches and Jewelry repai*. Anthony Noon an, 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty Shoppe.) 15tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--4 choice lots in McCuIlom Lake. Will sell in pairs only. 1 pair has 126 ft. well. Write Mrs. A1 Wetle or Phone McIIcnrv 678-M-l. St f FOR SALE In Millstream, a most modern subdivision, 4 and 6 rooms, Face Brick on all 4 sides; Fall cement basement, Automatic oil furnace or hot water; gas, electric, city sewer. Possess ion from 30 to 90 days. Price, 911,900.00 and tlSJMNMM. Cash Down-- 25%. Balance 30 years to pay. Yon can also have water front let Call JACOB FRITZ or HANK NELL. JOHNSBIRO --Telephone McHENRY 37. 8tf FOR SALE--Attractive 4tt room year round home. McCuIlom Lake, fully insulated, floor furnace, furnished. $5,500. Phone 547-J 1. 9tf FOR SALE--At beautiful Pistakee Bay. New 5 room convertible home in Bay View Park. 3 bedrooms, kitchen* bath, living room 14x24 Water rights, also vacant, 2 easements, 1-9 ft.; 1-6 ft. Fine fishing. Price $4,750.00. Severinghaus Estate, Phone 194, or aee your local dealer. Pistakee Bay, McHenry, III. 9tf OWNER MFST SELL 4'/j room home. S bedrooms* large living room, kitchen, bath, enclosed snn porch. Vs basement, hardwood floors. Price • only $6,850.00. I mile sonth of McHenry Water rights i WONDER LAKE 4 room home and garage. Also 2 rooms In attic, 2 lots; good location. Price $7^00.00. McHENRY • room residence, garage, fas hent. Price 910,000.000. For appointment rail (Hank Nell). JACOB FRITZ REAL ES. TATE IN JOHNSBCRG. PHONE McHENRY 37. lltf LOST AND FOUND FOR SALE--Six room year round home. Tile bath and cabinet kitchen. Automatic oil heat, hot water. Garage and cement driveway. Fully landscapped. Price $7,100.00. Call McHenry 6341R-2. *12 FOR SALE--Six-room river front house on Fox Street, McHenry. Newly decorated. Garage, steel sea wal^ boat, excellent location 3 blocKs from shopping district. Tel. 276-J. 12 The Beautiful EL TOVAR CRYSTAL LAKE. ILL McHenry' Co's. Lending Theatre FRI. . SAT., AUG. 4-6 • (Doable Feature) Y venae DeCarlo Robert Doagla* In "BrCCANEER*S filRL" Joe Klrkwood Leon Errol "HUMPHREY TAKES A CHANCE" SFN. . MON* ACG. «-7 ' Snnday Con't. From St00 P.M. Jane Allyson Dick Powell fn "THE REFORMER AND THE REDHEAD** Fireworks resulted when the young reformer met the flrey redhead. TTES.^ ^VIKI^^HCR^ ArG. 8-9.10 Sterling Hayden Loals Calhera In "THE ASPHALT JUNGLE" COMING SOON "THE GOOD HI'MOR MAN* "FATHER OF THE BRIDE" "DUCHESS OF IDAHO" , liiiuiiiHiiiiuiiuiuuiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiuujiiiauiiiiuuiiu LOST--Set of keys and bottle of pills, behind Art A Lee's restaurant Sunday afternoon while watching boat races. Reward. Tel. McHenry 147-M. 12 ELM THEATRE Wauconda, III. Route 179 Mill Street THURSDAY AUG. S "BUCCANEER'S GIRL" Yvonne DeCarlo Philip Friend FRL • SATh AUG. 4-f The Greatest Marine Story of WorUT War II. •BANDS OF IWO J IMA" with John Wayne John Agar Forrest Tadmr - Adele Mara SUN. - MON. - TI ES. AUG. 9-7-8 Matinee Sat. • Saa^ 2 PA Van Johason Elisabeth Taylor M.GJL*S Romantic Comedy "THE BIG HANGOYER" Plas Selected Shorts WED. - THUR&, AUG. 9-10 "THE MAN ON THE EIFFEL TOWER" Charles Laaghton Franchot Tone Bargesg Meredith Robt. Hatton Cooled by Refrigeration ^ PARKING Pish Back Seating Mrs. Frank Tinftey Waft hostess to the members of lier club at her home on Tuesday night. Games ol five-hundred' were played and prizes went to Mrs. Tinney and Mrs. Frank May. A lovely lunch was "served after cards. Mrs. L. L. Kagan entertained members of her club at The Point in Fox Lake on Thursday afternoon. Cards were the afternoon's diversion and prize winners were Mrs. Norbert Klaus, Mrs. Arthur Klein and Mrs. Regina Schaefer A delicious luncheon was served Mrs. John Sheets and infant son have returned home from St Therese hospital. The Sheets' new baby was born on Tuesday, July 25. The Carnival and chicken dinner at St. Peter's Parish grounds was again a huge success. Those win ning the special prizes were Mrs Nielsen of Solon, Harry McGinnis of Chicago, Mrs. Nick Klein of Spring Grove and Mrs. Helen Weber of McHenry. Richard Wagner had the misfortune of break ng his wrist while playing ball last Tuesday, but he is getting along fine. Guests in the Frank Wagner home several days last week were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Weiler, daughters, Ruth and Kngard, from St, Louis and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heinle, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bou ton and sou, Tommy, from Janes ville, Ws. Joe Higgiston, a student of Jor dan Seminary and spending the summer at Oak I'urk, visited Tom Freund on-Sunday. Mary Lou Kagen celebrated her eighth birthday on Wednesday afternoon by inviting several her little friends to her home, for a party. Games were played and lovely lunch was served, with favors for all the children. Mary Lou received many lovely gifts. • Guests in the Charles Freund home on Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stark, son, David, and Mr. and Mrs. William Hoppe of Chicago. , • Mrs. Bertha--Eseh suffered a broken wrist and severe bruises one day last week. We are happy to report that she is recovering rapidly and is able to be up and around. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller and children enjoyed a week's vacation with home folks in Iowa. Walter J. Manning was born Oct. 27, 1912, in Chicago, the son of the late John D. and Edith Manning. He resided for five years at Pistakee Bay with his family in he early thirties. He was graduated from Lane Tecvhnical high school in 1930 and on June 26. 1939, was married to .Vliss Eleanor May of McHenry at Wilniette. The rouple lived in Oak Park for the past eleven years. Mr. Manning was employed as t'oreman for almost fourteen years at the National Malleable Steel •ompany in Melrose Park. Funeral services were held Thursday from the P.M. Smith I'uneral home in Oak Park to. Asension church, with interment in St. Joseph's cemetery. » The deceased was a member of the Oak Park Sportsmen's club, the rifle t£am . of Oak Park and Diamond M. Foreman's club. - Survivors include his wife, Eleanor; two sons. John I), and Robert; and his stepmother, Mrs. Agnes Manning, of Chicago. pouirrr mvssiti) 129.3 PER CENT OT BOND DRIVE OOttTA.* Illinois "came through" again la the recent U.S. Savings Bond* Drive. During the fifty-eight business days of the "Independence" Drive, people ^ throughout the state invested more than a million dollars each day in Series "E" Savings Bonds. Of the 102 counties, fifty-nine reached and passed their quotas. Final accountingshowed $65,779,573 put in bonds In. tthe drive. 117.4 per cent of the liinios $56,048,000 quota. McHenry county people invert-* ed $314,232 in the popular "W Bonds in the drive, or 129.J percent of the county's $243,000 (fnota. Harold J. Bacon, Crystal Lake, is volunteer county Savings Bonds chairman in this county. - Arnold J. Rauen. state director, U.S. Treasury Savings Bonds Div-» ision for Illinois, thanked the?-: thousands of volunteer bond drive workers. Without their help, he. said, the impressive volnmo at Savings Bonds would be ly hard to reach. BIRTHS >•!•!»•!»-M-• <1 l -M"!"! 1 I'M A daughter was born at the Woodstock hospital on July 2S to Mr. and Mrs. William Bolger. Mr. and Mrs. James Garafol became the parents of a son. born at the Woodstock hospital on July 26. Mr. and MrB. James Barrows are the parents of a son, born Aug. 1 at the Woodstock hospital. Deafness Cause Deafness can be caused by a blow an the ear, loud explosions or continuous loud noises. A survey, made in New York state recently, revealed that 75 per cent of all workers in a printing plant were deafened and 65 per cent of the women workers in a tin can factory had hearing loss. Fumes may also cause hearing trouble. Mr. and Mi-h. Albert Rosing and family of Libertyville attended the boat races in McHenry last Sunday. H|.|,.i..l.<,.l„l tlllMHIIII99# AMONG THJ6 SICK III99991; Miss Eleanor Kinsala has been a patient at Victory Memorial hospital, Waukegan. this past week. Mrs. Alice Altman of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., a former resident of McCuIlom Lake, underwent surgery last week at St. Thereoe hospital. Waukegan. Mrs. Anna Sloan was removed last Thursday from Victory Memorial hospital in Waukegan to * Woodstock rest home. Mrs. Kathryn Molitor of Vol®' has been seriously ill at the hom# of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Vietzel. in Wilmette. Mrs. John Stoffel of Elgin underwent major surgery at St. Joeeph'Mt hospital in that city last week. Mrs. LeRoy Conway underwent surgery at St. Therese hospital. Waukegan, last week. Residence Changes The John Justen family moved last week Saturday from the old Justen place north of the McCuIlom Lake blacktop road, now thcproperty of Frank Howard, to the former George Tonyan home on John street, which the Justens recently purchased. Mr. and Mrs. George Whiting and baby have moved from Slocum's lake to Richmond. •H--H--H'<• 11 TOWNE THEATRE FOX LAKE TEL. 7-1911 ^OUTDOOR rr GRAYSLAKE RT 120 & 21 FRI. • SAT. AUG. 4-5 SUN. - MON* TI ES. AUG. 6-7-S WED. - THURS AUG. 9.10 M-G-M pre*** STMWNCK FRI. • SAT* AUG. 4«& Mat. Sat* 2:30 P.M. Roy Rogers and Trlgfer In "BELLS OF CORONADO" (In Trucolor) -- Co> Hit -- Rafael Sabatlnrs "FORTUNES OF CAPTAIH BLOOD" SUN. • MON* AUG. 9-7 Mat. Sun* SsSO P.M. Randolph Scott In "CARIBOO TRAIL" (In Cinecolor) STARTS TUESDAY, TAnUSG!. 8 Mario Wilson Jerry LewN Dean Martin In "MY FRIEND IRMA GOES WEST" Colony McHENRY, ILLINOIS FRL . SAT* AUG. 4-9 (In Celor> vVj ladle Mnrpliy Wan<alsnftlfi (1) "SIERRA" The Glorious Past (S) "THE GLORIOUS TWENTIES* & til Star Cast, Sueh As A1 J«|* <on • Helen Morgan •arbo • Knute Roekne is Edison • Clarence SUN. • MON* AUG. 9-7 Marie Wilson John Inai "MY FRIEND IRMA GOES WEST" History Brought to IJb r ; - TUESDAY, AUGUST 8 Cary Grant Ann MI WAS A MALE WAR B! THURS* Are, 9-lt (In Celer) WED. Donald OTonnor Gain "CURTAIN CALL AT CACTI! CREEK" NOW PLAYING ANNIE GET YOUR GUN** SUN. MON. TUES. & WED*. AUGL6-7-M ESIldtN&iMSf MUONNSOT 10HNUMD VAN JOHNSON THURS. FRL & SAT- 10-11-1* £ •si*" » l 1 1 » M » H I I I 1 1 4 1 1m | 9 9 1 You'll say It's one of •J tHa best picture of 19501 M-G-Mj ..sfeu