Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Aug 1950, p. 8

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V ' l:;i VftWiB Tuuseas. Farac Advisor) Well! We got a few days vacation. Among other things we wfent to the state fair on Wednesday. I'm Usually a little late for most things, but. I was just fifteen minutes early to get in for nothing. It was Republican Day and everyone got in free from 10 to noon. McHenry county young people Who went down to show their livestock In the junior division all placed in the money apparently. In Holstetns, Kane- county took five firsts and McHenry county took the sixth one. This we hope to change next year. It proves that the good Holstetus in Illinois come from tliis area. Everyone I saw frbm ljere was having a good time. It is a wonderful experience for these young people "and the Farm Burefeu feels the expense of sending them down ig money Well spent. Last week we placed our accent on weeds. Last Sunday I spent in my garden, orchard, etc., after about a month of no'look, because of the fair. I wish to draw this conclusion-- weeds are a product of neglect and can be controlled only bjr the opposite approach. Frank Bielke, Woodstock electrical contractor and helper Kenneth Gieseke, and carpenter, Elmer Reese, donated time in finishing the administration building at the fairgrounds, which is the largest investment of 4-H Town Incorporated.' Coining home from Springfield I cut across country (forty miles) to my folks home. That is a bad tiling to do this time of year. It ldok~a~lot lunger--than-bjL-going_ about 15 miles further by state route. New gravel, tarring, blacklop, fixing bridges, etc. The signs should have read, "This Road a Risk, Travel on Youi* Own Construction." Then I could have fixed myself a road and made some time. Tears ago we used to travel that way to the, state fair Hi our 1H3 model Ford. I remember once *e got within about ten miles of Springfield when a cloudburst slopped our progress. After spending a couple of hours tinder a tree at a school we turned back and got home at dark. Such roads! As I remember then it was possible to slide into the ditch. That's different now--there are very few ditches you could get Into without fltaite a leap. Of COurte, the water cant get in tfotf either. Then no one griped about-* the taxes, but *9 didn't have , any roads either. Now townships' go broke trying to please the public on something like 1913 levies. It cant be dope. Would you like to stay at home whep it rains or- pay tile cost. Such decisions have to Wb made by the people. ! Speaking of , unusual circumstances, ray wife was following an Ice cream truck with the side door Open. Gallon packages of ice cream rolled out periodically. By the time she Stopped to pick them up the truck got so far ahead she couldn't stop him to tell him the door was open. 1 At the state fair, I met Indian chief RunniQg Water. He has three sons; Hot,'Cold And Luke. Hy dad toid me the Other evening, he had completed sixty years' of milking, which he thinks, is long enough. He plans to sell his cow. On my way to the fair, I stopedE in Bloomihgton for gas. Everyone! WHEN YOU FEEL WEAK AS A CAT If you have that good-for-noth, ing feeling, like you are balf-sicl| •kid half-well, and your nerve en£ ergy is weak and low, the chances •ire it Is due to one thing; doctors Jt: : Y I BLOOD POVEHTY M Your blood cells may be fagged, out ok shrunken, and you might ijiot realize it. Even if you eat the "%est" foodB you may not be getling all the good out of your meals lAinply because you have SLOW Digestion, without knowing it (or •assy stomach) and as a result jRdu are a victim of Blood Poverty! Iti other words, your blood is not getting the fullest good out of #hat So your blood-cells aecome worn-down and you have Ally hair as much energy a#- yovl rteally need, you get up in the ifcornings still tired, and your ner fM become dull. Hundreds here in Mcftenry suf With "faded-otit" blood and Jmach gas until they got ERTA-VIN. This is the, new irmdicontaining 12 Herbs blended #tth Vitamin B and Iron; • you it before meals and it works food- Benefit comes food digests FASTgassiness, and you riiiore go&L out of your meals. I f*w- dtji your blood is ener* pew red cells and' your nerves feecome stronger. Weak, . wtrtwn people tell us they soon {Afferent all over. And best of price on CEBTA-VIN 1* le. Yon can actually take modern medicine for Cento * Dayl 80 don't alf-elck and balf- Gerta-Vin--Bolger Drug (men) is growing a beard for a ceiebratiofi. I look for mlgratiio of fleas in that direction this week.: A note from Mrs. Harold Cash at Harvard says her husband is recuperating nicely from a heart ailment and is up and around after many weeks. Harold is a past president of the Farm Bureau and a great booster of Our 'ypttOt program. Uncle Sam Says h Thousands of farmers and ranchers all over America are making certain today that their future will be bright and promising by continuing to Invest all they can In V. S. Savings Bonds. They realise that this is the safest, surest way to build that financial reserve so necessary to the successful management of a ranch or fmrtn--to provide new buildings, to finance repairs and improvements, to purchase additional livestock and equipment, and to insure a future income on which to retire. Every |75 planted in (J. S. Savings Bonds today will grow. In Just ten years, hi* !!••. US. Treasury Dtpartmremt CLEAR TITLE 0 1 Dees 1'eur Head Achet There is probably no other distressing condition that disturbs humankind so often as does headache, states the educational committee of the Illinois State Medical Society in a Health Talk. Headache is a symptom--not a ! disease. There are about fortyseven different types of headache, all painful and all warnings of some disturbance in the body. There is the frontal headache associated with sinusitis or neuralgia; the pain on one side of the head identified with eye strain. Then there -is the pain on the top of th© bead, referred to air vertex headache and commomy attribute^ to some form of hystefia, caused by emotional conflict. Headaches also stem from overeating, overdrinking, oversmoking, constipation, fatigue, insomnia, poor ventilation, noise, exposure to sun or inhalation of poisonous fumes. Persons afflicted with headache complain of pounding or hammering headaches, band headaches, recurrent headaches and "splitting" headache. All headaches are painful and disturbing--extending from the dull throbbing" ache to the constant hammering. Some occur in the morning, ease up during the day and recur in the evening, and some just the reverse. Headache caused by emotional disturbances, such as worry or a feeling of inferiority or inadequacy, is usually described as a feeling of pressure suggesting that the sufferer were carrying a weight on top of the head. Perhaps there is a complaint of an emptiness or feeling that the head will burst. Again some patients A--mention a loss of interest In things about them, dizzinessT~an fatigue. In this patient, psychiatric assistance may be needed. In the headache associated with high blood pressure, the pain is usually in the back of the head and is increased by sneezing, straining and bending. When the pressure of the blood is lowered, the headej,-' cried Safin fo'a^ri&fr a*->. rival, ""you net as if you owned the place." "I dt»," came the answer, "my wife gave it to tne before I came." Literal Minded His relatives telephoned, to the nearest florist's. The ribbon must be extra wide, with "Rest in Pence" en both sides, and if there Is room, **We Shall Meet in Heaven.'* The florist was away and his new assistant handled the job. There was a sensation when the flowers turned up at the funeral. The ribbon was extra wide, indeed, and on it was the inscription: "Rest in peace on both sides, and' if there is room, wa shall meet in heaven." * ** ache usually dlmppeaaft. 4MP,.all patients with high Mood pressure have headache. .. The migraine or sick headache is one of the most dlstre--lug; it is characterized by seTOre »aln, usually on one side, and teat* from a few minutes to ten or fifteen days. This type of headache is usually preceded by a seniuttlon of flashing light and bright rays that "zigzag" before the eyes. This condition seems to appear in women more often than men, between the ages of 16 and 35, and in that type may decrease in violence or stop completely after the menopause or change of life. Another type of headache Is the one that begins after an injury to the head. The headache in the person who does not lose consciousness after injury varies1 frbm that found in the one who dotes. Many actors are involved, depending on changes within the brain or emotional dificulties. Headaches are painful and irritating. It cannot be emphasized too strongly that they are nature's warning to Some other condition that needes attention. A competent doctor of medicine should be the judge, and a thorough physical examination is indicated to trace the source of the disturbance which may be emotional or may be physical and it may sometimes be serious. • • ^ > A Attic Vcnt.ApMimH the total area of attic vent openings should be appfbytfflttWiy onehalf square inch per square foot of attic floor area whe^ lhe Aof pitch is greater than a thVee-inch vise in a 12-inch 'run, and double that when the pitch is flatter.).' . * li.'ms;- » -'.liffc? • • Marine j."..'jft? . Guarding the mails was bne of the odd duties marine^ performed in past years. In 1921, (,find again in 1926, Leathernecks were assigned this task at the request of the post office department and wer• highly commended for their efficiency. Jtallioad Wages The average straight time hpurly compensation of railroad employees in January 1950, excluding executives, officials and staff assistants, was $1,549, which was mora than double the average in 1839. Read the^ant A^ja! \ -- • WING AND * Hunting And Fishing (31ul> Offers its facilities xjf the Dining % ajki Skeet Oour*ea our - tie surrounding country. \ A Complete Mpnu of the Finest F featuring MALLARD DUCKLING -- PHEAS RAINBOW TROUT Dinners Served Daily 5 to 9 Except Saturday, Sunday and Holidays 12 COCKTAILS AT THEIR BEST We Cater to Parties and Banquets * For Reservations Call McHenry 647-J-Z ' One Mile North of Intersection of Highway 12 & 120 on SULLIVAN LAKE The Ainefican people are principally Interested in children, aviation and gardening, as disclosed by sales figures of U. 8. government publications, but officials of the government printing office has made ready to add a new best seller to its list as purchaisers lined up at the government printing office book store in Washington, and mail orders began arriving from all over the country for the new Atomic Energy Commission publication entitled "The Effects of Atomic Weapons". This publication contains pre-j viously unpublished details on] atomic explosions and is of pri-: mary interest to persons engaged in civilian defense, the building trades and all others vitally interested in what happens when an atom bomb explodes. The book, prepared by the Atomic Energy Commission from nonconfidential, scientific, and technical information, presents the most informative and authoritative data that can be disclosed and is now for sale to the public by ; California Vineyards , California vineyards and wi wine industry have come a long way in the last 180 year's--expanding from a few vine cuttings at the Mission, San' Diego, until today, vineyards spread over some 557,- 000 acres,. or more than a third of the state's vast fryit and nut acreage. Altogether, California is reported to have better than 233,000,000 grape vines from whichare produced wines that are com-; parable to Ilia finest European brands. |preading Mosaic Gardeners who use tobaccti 'cat, spread mosaic to tomatoes ?.nd pep pers. Wash hands with soap ano water before bundling plants to pre vent spread of the disease. -rim- Roofing:: -y j Outter and All Building Materia]# B ©f StartRochck uri Ca . See Representative FRANK GANS Call 767-W or write ."(10 Riverside Dr., McHrar; FREE ESTIMATES RdMr'o* shine, oar tallxs ervice Is on call to the people of SfeHenry and surrounding comipnnltj. We promise quick service In comfortable cat* - - Gall a Phone 723 UMMER F E S TIVAL St John the Baptist Chttreh Johnsburg, Illinois, SATURDAY and SUNDAY -- AUGUST 26 & 27,195# -- Plate Lunch from 4:30 on Games and Refreshments -• •ftyryu Fun for Young and Old .T :••• ' •• >"•: • i ' V iNT PUT r---- Mdhtfi 411-W |> ncnil&r CASH PlfCM paMM bead and Crippled Horns, sad Hoffs--Sanitary Twr« lwl| h«-Taaka*e aad Heat fe Mrie. PWnos Arlington. US or IcV^uf 114. Bovi Chargon. talitlii Bawdeflnt fUrv» Ice. K CHARLES 8. PARK Eft, (Jealyn ft Parker) OW* Haara: vdifesday Afternoons Office--Koohr Supply Contpaay, S42 Mafn Street, Weat Hume--McHenirj did Woodatock 11S6 •4? FOX ELECTRIC 8ERVICE WONDER LAKfc R. 1, RINGWOOIv. ILL. Electric Wiring Motor Repili* Pimps Sold and Ropairod " TEL. WONDER LAKE 483 f : Home Furniture Recovering ' and Repairing 20 years experlen<^K Phone Pistakee 551-R-l VIC'S UPHOLSTERY SERVl£* RR. 1, Plstaqua Heights 4 McHenry, 111. TERNON KNOX , , Attorney-At-Law Ooi. Qreen aad Elm Sts., McHOury TuHMiay and Friday Aftern Other Days By Appointment Phone McHenry 43 -- WANTED TO BUI -- CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD>^- HOiJS HORSES AND CATTM Wo pay phone chargaa We pay $S to 925 for OM Bora«fc leas for down horses' and cattla MATTS MINK RANCH lohiisbnrg • Spring Grove Pan# Phone Johnsburg S14 TeL A. P. FREUND SON| Excavating Contractom Trucking, Hydraulic aad Crane Service •"V -ROAD BUILDING-* J4-M McHenry, M om the ONLY COMPLETE •f FARM TRACTOR Th$ SMssfimw/ OPEN CENTER CURVED BAR RACTOft TIRE A light bulb with Built-in Shade for your «eiling At last, you can say good-bye to bare bulbs ... replace them with the new "50-GA!" Ceiling fixtures take on new beauty when you use these remarkable new General Electric bulbs. Especially designed for , . overhead lighting fixtures where you are how using ~~ We bulbs, these 50 watt bulbs give soft, flattering light. The new and different shape of the 20-GA bulb . directs much of the light upward. An enamel softens downward light... mellowing it to 1• .flower your home and you! Wherever ydu're using bare bulbs base-up, in overhead fixtures in dining room, living room, bedroom, or hallway ... you'll want to replace them with these new bulbs! 30 watts.. .fust 44|# * ' flndgding Federal Tax) * % ' ' Oo» a s u p p l y o f n e w 5 < > - O A U a h l b u l b * t o d a f ! , at our nearest »tore Lamp Counter. •jM O% f flow bOauty chandoliors! Tht F«sm» Patmted firtslon* TRACTION CENTER CURVED BAR TRACTOR TIRE E. E. PEASLEE, D. C. Chiropractor IS6 8. Groan St, Xclctaf Office Hoars, Dally oisopt Thursday • to 12 ltM to ft Hon., Wed. and FrL« 7 to • Pho»-- "' lenry We'll install the tires right Takes only a few tilin'tltes. Call Us Today • We can supply your tire needs. Passenger and Truck Tires of All Sizes. Walt Say's, "Check Your Tires NOW Before It's Too Late iATTERIES--We allow you 25 per otnt diaoouat oHJHHUT old battery on a utm Firestone Super Battery. > i liliii iQ i • Qives bora-bulb ffixturot a "drossod-wp" look • Perfect for livfof rooms, dliw ing rooms, bodrooms, hnlls WALTER j. FREUND PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Of NOR f H t k r J M t < N 0 • S floae 9M Urea -- Tabes Batterka f Accaoaoriaa nd Tnbe Vulcanisint Bicycle All Work Guarantee* OP1I tflHIKGS AND SUNDAYS t "s XaHoaiY MCHjsNRY FLORAL 00 Phom 4M One Mile South of Mefiear On Roato SI _ flowers for all occasional STOFFEL A REIHANSPBMHd aaarance agents for all clsesea n property in the best conipsntns West McHenry, IlUneln Telephone Ns. BH ^ INSURAMCM EARL R.WALSH Fire, Auto, Farm 4 Life iaaara Representinf RELIABLE COHPANIV When yon need insurance j of any kind Phone 48 or 118-M UreOn A Ela Mete DR. R. H. WATKIN8 Den tint --Office Horn-- Thnrs^ h lit.„ 9 a. m. to 0 p. m. Tel. Wonder Lake 419 Brentngs by Appointment Loaltout Point Wonder Lake, FRANK S. MAY Trucking Sand--Black Dirt--Crushed Grai Light Excavating -- Un rr Truck far Hire Phone McHenry 580-B44 R*1 McHenry 1 AL'S WELDING AND, REPAl# SERVICE Ml Main St., McHenry .Electric Portable WeMiac Acetylene Welding and Cuttiaff ALEX W. WIRFS, Operate Phone 615-W-l or 4M M'HENRY, ILL. M. CARROLL, Attoraey-at-law 110% Benton St. Phono Woodstock 1SS4 Woodstock, Illinois /VERN TpELBN « Trucking fe. Gravel Biadk Dirfi „ Truck for Hire __ McHenry SW4b-8 ea 8»8-W-l Hex 171. Rt. 1, McPenry DR. H. 8. FIKB Veterinarian On tflghwny SI--Office and B tel. McHenry 31 Office Honrs: 1 p. a. te I p. Except Thnrsdaya Evenings by AppointmeM D R . D e R O M B -- Dentist -- ISO Green Street Mono 292-J McHeary Office H t I nice Honrs2%ld a. %ta ft p. a. coat Wedaasday. «Bw cleeel I day Wadaosday. Vvmlwi kv mwhilnwl' m ;?«;• BRICK LA YOG TUCK POINTING -- FIBEPL^)Btr ACID CLEANING C. 8. Johasea . SU Y. J^ka^p1 Phoae tlS-X Pheao m.f McH« 8 i *'

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