A .• .. atton- &m w »\' i > • •** »--^ r • •* - • - ' * •• • -a :^r;;»ir VW'e • ; ill •f V'-T# "•**"•: , r V ^ I' v. & , '-;- yAi igf'tttirMt taken from fti Ales of the McHenry Plaindealw rf year* no. %. T«tr Year. Af ;,* OM of the moat important social «f«ati ever recorded on the files ithe Zton. Lutheran congregation thta place came in the form of a very pleasant surprise and farewell, perpetrated on Rev. William Voelts at the home of his parents, Mr. anil Mrs. Fred Voelts, on Waukegan street Monday evening. Members of the church gathered to bid the pastor, who is departing for Canada, a hearty farewell. On the eve of his departure be gave an excellent sermon in English. special train is now made up *t McHenry on Sunday evening at 1 o'clock. It has been on for two . Sundays and on each Occasion has JMen packed. The McHenry station MOW boasts of being the best payone between here and Chicago, former west side saloon keeper was brought before the county coprt at Woodstock Monday, Judge , Smiley presiding, charged with tunning a "blind pig". •"Where is My Wandering Boy Tonight" comes to the Central Opera House next Sunday night. While the play is for your amusempnt* it has nothing Jn It that will tiach you wrong. The new building of N. H. Huemann on the west side is receiving its finishing touches and will be ready for occupancy in the very near future. ^The first hobble skirt made its appearance on our streets one day last week. It was worn by a lair young miss of Pistakee Bay aftd attracted tton., JD. E. Payne, local agent for the Ottawa Brewing Association, is driving a brand new delivery wagon. The wagon is the ^ Very latest type and nicely lettered. On the Elgin board of trade Monday, butter was declared firm at thirty cents. After an illness covering several months, Edward Lawless passed peacefully away at his home in this village at 4: SO last Sunday, fiver since coming to McHenry Mr. Lawless had been actively engaged in business, both in the tailor and general mercantile line. William H. Laughlin, a former McHenry boy who at one time was employed in the stores of John Evanson and K J. Walsh here, has Joined the rank of, inventors. It is in the form of a sanitary steak shredder. Three sous of Italy and two dancing bears furnished amusement for the public here last Monday morning. The wanderers did not stay long, however, as the circus and picnic' h^d already picked up all the loose change in town. Twenty-Five Years Ago School will be open on Monday with three new teachers. Elgin C. Domm, science; Ester D. Keller, domestic science; and Mildred Welch, second and third grades and music. Others on the faculties will be: C. H. Duker, superintendent; Q. G. Stringer, foreign languages; Helen Sullivan, English; Nellie Miller, history; E. E. K o e r n e r , m a t h e m a t i c s ; C a r y l Oatesk, business; Mary Kinney, eighth; Alice Kqox, seventh; Vena Foulds, sixth; Anna Barron, fifth; Nellie Doherty, fourth; and Pearl Claxton, first and second. The McHenry band will put on another of its splendid concerts tonight. Members include Bernard Popp, Miss Anna Popp, Anton Freund, Earl Conway, J. E. Hauswirth, Henry J. Schaffer, Joe J. Miller, Alfred 0effling, . John E, - • 1 '-r Freoadt MM W. Scfcaefer, Ralph Justen, Michael Bckaefer. Robert Kirwin, Blmer KoMaer, Henry M. Schaefer, Nick Nett and Edwin Kirwin. W. N. Sears is director. Plans are now under way for the founding of a new factory in McHenry which may give employment to some of the men in this city. C. W. Stenger of the West McHenry state bank has sold the Cooley property north of the Farmers' company, to J. Scott Matthews of Chicago. Mr. Matthews is at present owner o th| Pistakee Heights Country Clab. The Empire theatre's new ventilating system was put Into operation Sunday evening and the theater Is now one of the best equipped for the size of the city in this part of the state. It was built six year* ago by J. W. Smith. The new system Is called "Arctic Air": FLOOR TILE vf CEMENT WORK Foundations - Driveways and Sidewalks - Stain AfpHalt and Bttbber also Plastic Wall Tile Riverside Tile $ Cement Co. 126 Biverside Drive Phone 661-J4. or 196-R McHenry, 111. IMM MI >n INN nun City Oouacil n 1 • M »• • IM II t n 1 n M t fr GBORQa FREUND, ' Mayor MARL R. WALSH, City. Clerk. PATAL ACCIDENTS The state Division of Highways reports that January and April were the worst months thus far this year in the number of fatal accidents occurring on the Illinois highway system. Deaths reported during these months were largely responsible for the 15 per cent increase in the fatality toll for the first half of 1(50, the division officials said. 0 DELINQUENTS The state Department of Revenue has served delinquency notices on 8,105 downstate merchants who have not paid an estimated $245,- 000 in sales tax dues in June. Acting department director, Ernest C. Marohn, has urged businessmen to meet this obligation promptly "to avoid unnecessary embarrassment." $>BCIAL MSETIN& f " . .' August 10, 1950 * ^ 8:15 P.M. A special meeting of the City Council was called by Mayor Freund for the purpose of aattaS on question of sidewalk and storm sewer Installation on Soatherly side of Illinois Route No. ISO between Front Street and Richmond Road, and other business that might come before the Coaacll. Mayor Freund presided and ill aldermen, having been duly notified, were in attendance upon roll call. Motion by Althoff, seeoMMI by. Fr&ind, that the council mam hers waive payment of salary fees dae them for this meeting. Motion ear rled. Motion by Vycltal. seconded by Thecnes, to pass and approve resolution, as read, requesting permit from the Department of Public Works and Buildings, State of Illinois, to proceed with sidewalk installation on Illinois Route No 120. Motion carried. Motion by Anderson, seconded by Rothermel, to/pass and appro*# resolution as read, appropriating Motor Fuel Tax funds In the amouut of $2300.00 for maifttsn ance on Illinois Route. Nfc' 180. Motion carried. Motion by Althoff, HMSAMI by Freund, to adopt resolution' read by the clerk pertaining lease of property to Charles : Coles. Motion carried. Motion by Vycltal. seconded by Rothermel, to adjourn. Motion carried. -Appqirrs roirajtfnrtrftsr Governor Adlai E. Stevenson has appointed three World War II officers as area commanders or the Illinois State Guard, which 1b to function as a statfc reserve force in event of the calling Into federal service of the Illinois National Guard. -COME IK and Enjoy the Sparkling Rhythm of ERNIE WAGNER ' . ii the Hammond Organ V NOW PLAYING NIGHTLY Your Favorites, Old and New Hear them as presented by this artist c console. STAR INN Richmond. Illinois • First U.8. Brleks . < Bricks were first made in America in Virginia in about 1600. FLYING FARMERS During the Flying Farmers meet at the Illinois State Fair, Aug. 15, the first state-wide civil air defense planning session, calling for a study of the availability of private pilots and aircraft in Illinois in event of a national emergency was held. Flying Farmers, as well as federal and state aeronautics officials, and members of the Illinois Airport Operators Association attended the planning session. Over 90 per cent at the people el the world live north el AM equator. Complete line of Beebe 11 remedies at Wattles Drag McHenry. if. i.r«z Relish fer Cews ^ Alfalfa allowed to merely wilt fen the field can be made into excellent silage which dairy cows relish. Villa Hotel Resort * '• On Beautiful Pistakee Ba|> • MODERN COCKTAIL LOUNGE ' THE BEST IN FOOD Playing Every Saturday Night "Alice Barbian at the piano Every Saturday Night" TELEPHONE PISTAKEE 378 ' . (r 'v si- B* a guestpf Sherman aI the tptcfacular^Chicago Fair of 1950. STOP... IOOK... LISTEN1 *Here's hew you get your free tickets te the Chicago Fair: e Stay at the Motel Sherman when ya* visit NNf great Chicago Fair at 1950. v 0 When you register at the Hotel ShomMfe say the magic words, "Chicago Fair.** • Then, the Hotel Sherman gives every Ntembor of yowr family a free ticket la »fedwy "ruku;™eaVgo* fair v Chic"># fmk ThWis 5is° *sm nom \ -. :!.:t • -* • Sherman's way off wet> Say "Chicago Fair 's, just remember the Say "Chicog^ ^ -T m * 1 ell, here you are--your hand on the beautiful steering wheel, your thoughts on your favorite highway. You re going to find out-^/or yourself--whether all 7 these wonderful things you've been hearing are true. A flick of the finger, and the great Hydra-Matic Drill ' if set for action, Softly, quietly--and, oh, so smoothly--you roll out into the street. What s this? A "Stop" sign! You tike your toe off the ^throttle and put it on the brake--and you settle down to mo®t reassuring stop you ever experienced in ell your life. Say, it s fun even to put on the brakes! As you touch the throttle again, the back of the seat comes up to press against your shoulders. But it's all so easy! From settled stop to driving speed is one»continuoua sweep. What an experience! v Again and again, the big brakes bring you to a velvet stop. Again and again, the great engine sweeps^you into .action with one continuous movement. Again and again, a' rough stretch of road rolls under the wheels and leaves you wondering what happened to it. .• Yes, it's true! This wonderful C9x\performance is equal to its prestige. You want it as much for what it does--** for the magic name it bears. Come in and see for yourself. But it's only fair to warn you: Sit for an hour «t its beautiful wheel, and you'll want this car forever! • OVERTON CADILLAC-PONTIAC COMPANY PHONE 17 400 FRONT STREET. McHENRY, ILLINOIS 6000 RICH I&4J. MAKI A&P YOOt HIADCMIAavnS FLAVOR VTL tow IfSO packet witewWy ltn*wn MiwAlh STALtrS PACK I HO PACK Ohm Cora Stanh ML MONTE f4M.r MIDIN Alparagn DMMM'S ALL tllfN CUT Asmthm . .'^20* DfL MOMTf Wkth Bsiis . • £St AST BMAMD--fAMCr IO MA 1MN0 Sweat PiM FLAVOMFUL ION4 TSMSISSS . . IONA UO. SOUR WTTF» Cfcsniss . . rou u iNjor sultama Tssistoss HIGHLY REFINED LI. AND PURE KS. NO™48* CUBE STARCH fO-OZ. IT TIN DtAm$ Cliscslsh Drisk BUAKFAtT OF CHAMPS STA-FLO FAST1R, SMOOTHER IN OH. EASIER IRONING -- 3^-OZ. 7| R E TIM F • TAMA Teat Flakes COUITIMM Piak SalMea Mficr QUAirrr Piaeapple 4f c Customers Corner TIN • •'Cleek si AMO FULL SOMM COFFU eirti* aiite wmh jum wtmr coma Oku til77e FOR ICTTER BOUILLON i ^Ur MRS. MASS e Harf llie flneet eeales and cash regit* •enftwdlHM full weight kad eovrect price are Mate at A&P.' > N«*» «ime yon re. tarn from your shop*' ping trip to A&P check these four things: lit Were you given > full weight? ' &!i the price tmmrked oneech •••'&. item? Were you given a casli register tlipf Were you cherged i ; t h e c o r r e c t price*? Vou will help ns maintain our prized reputation for honesty and accuracy by reporting any errors. Please write: Guiwiiw Relation: Btpartmset, A&P Food Stores 4&0 Lexington Avenue --r^lew York 17, N. Y, /; 1 ***** twfaifMNf mmg eieeMmg FRESH FltUITS .VEGETABLES Only trviH and »n»>afcl»i on <hplay»< oa AiTi |K<Hfc)C« focfa. All e*mn m rmHOQtl at tuywl >»Ni <ul». r»4uc»4 tepricaanrf put an • "Qnlcfc Sail" MWa. Ikay'ra tfll mtttkmm and iiiciIiM valmi. tm CAUMMUIM. MM* RICffNie SWEET MNTALOUK AkSL CAUPOUIIA fAUItCIA SWEET JUISY 0RAN8ES YOUR •HOIflE! lMwCrwC«NM<raM •RAPIPtUIT er ORANOI JIIICI 3 4-OZ. TINS A VAUM JUICY ILLINOIS--4UL WtfMI WEALTHY AlfLES caupofma--acsr WHIN PASCAL OELERY SOUO NSAOS HOME BROWN CABBAGE CAUFWUUA aaOWN -- HEAD LETTUCE tla ..... FOB 29c CANNING SUPPUES Fruit Jars^-Zinc or Vacu Seal.... pis. 73c 2«inc Caps ....-- Two Piece Vacu Seal Caps Jar Rubbers Vacu Seal Jar Lids Cerio lor Jelling •-- FISH VALUES! CAPT. JOHN S Ocean Perch .... lb. Haddock Fillets lb. 83c . dos. 33c . dos. 25c ... dos. 5c . dos. 12c bottle 20c BAKttY 43c 45c lb. 39c MM FAUUK Bill Leaf Cake JAMB MJMf* ~ ARCSI Feed Bat. Cod Fillets .. __ JJMt MMII Smelts ?AN READY u,. 39c Petate Cki|M Me«tte«» ..KA. 48c l-LS. .SOX BOOT lUi, rWON cuw l/j-GAL M BTL rtus STL. DEP. 4WS THAT LAST CHFF0N FLAKES A PURE SOAP PRO. 28' •RANVLA TfO IVORY SNOW M IVOR* • MILD G LGE. MCG. 28c FOR DISMt$ SURF I^SVON THE HANDS LGE. PKG. AMERICAN FAMILY SOAP FLAKES A REAL VALUE M LGE. PKG. 28e AMCRICAN FAMILY LAUNDRY SOAP DOB A REAL JOS 3-23e IN Mt riNi Strawberry Pie DAIHY S-INCM QUICK MfLTIN* WJ. r»..LOAP 73c ...Mi, ...OOZ. 48c aaPaiNDUss CkeMar Ckseta... LB. ,..m ISc seaamrs oa wiiuMtfw Creaa Ckeesa MA MZ. ....Me. 16c •exMvv a^s Maeat ffpv ewvn SM• as^es.w iAa.-,i pvn MHV 0 A VALtfff SORAXO A TIME SAVER S-OZ. PKG. LUX RATH SOAP STAR WITH nc LUX CARE RATH SIZE SOUPS CHICKEN AND VEGETABLE PKG. II MTCR PAN PEAS FOR FINER FLAVOR tUOSL TIN PfTfR PAN GOLDEN CORN 2,7-ozvf®r TINS 29 , WHOLE KERNEL LIPTON'S TEA V^-Lk Pia. | Us. ef m Sei 69* I 57* FOR eooe TAsras MAZOLA-OIL FROM GOLDEN HEARTS OF CORN FT. STL. 39* •%* i -•1(0^ Vf j?Q$ nYii-- oa IMP -- SPRY THE CAKE IMPROVER I4A TW 3S* ecL-atCM MARGARINE A QUALITY MARGARINE LR. PKG. peas cAMNie DOG FOOD EASY TO r~iv FEED GAAMM TEA SAVE LAUNORY COSTS PKG. IT STOPS DIAL SOAP BEFORE IT STARTS CAKES ^• m tVs' * 1%. iMm Sir ® j*, * "»