Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Sep 1950, p. 5

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v ; tHPIRY PUUROEALER Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by the McHenry Publlahlng Company, Inc. Entered as second-class matter it the postofflce at McHenry, 111., under the act of May 8, 187*. AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS Accessories mad Seat Covers (COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY 401 W„ Elm Street * Opei AO Day Saturday aad Saaday lltf FOR SALE--1947 Willys Station Wf^on, 4 cyl. 'Excellent condition. 1937 Ford §1% ton truck with stake body. MeHENRY GARAGE, #04 Front St., Mcllenry Tel. McHenry 403. 15-tf FOR BATift--Generators, armatures, starters, fuel pumps, distributors, voltage regulators and ignition parts for Ford and all other cars. Seaco Bale* k Service, Lilymoor, Fred J. Svoboda, Prop. Tel McHenry 183. 47tf BUSINESS SERViCE SPRAYING, WHITE WASHING or FLY CONTROL-- Chicken house* barns, garages and basements. Frank W. Henkel, Volo, P. O. Round Lake, 111. Tel. McHenry 543-J-l. 5tf LANDSCAPING Hedges, shrubs ' and evergreens trimmed or replaced. Hand grade, fertilize and seed old or new lawns. Walter Aeyerman, Golf Course Subdv. Phone 210-J McHenry. lOtl EXPERT PIANO AND OROAK TUNING--Repairing and Be finish ing, work fully guaranteed. merly with Lyon and Heilv. E. Zs» both, call collect, Lake Zurich 5341 6ti CEMENT BTJXLDINO BLOCKS Available at the Water Tower it West McHenry VON CONCRETE PRODUCT8 CO Phone McHcnry 788-W DEAD ANIMALS"-- Highest cash prices paid for cuws, horses am' hogs; no help needed to load. Da\ and night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works. Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 36tf SALE -- 1947 Chevrolet tudor; radio and heater; excellent condition. Phone McHenry 533-R-l after 5:30 p.m. 18 FOR SALE--Hudson '40 - 4 door sedan; radio, heater overdrive, automatic, clutch. Call Johnsburg 585-W-2 before 3 p.m. It FOR SALE-- Prestone anti-freexe, $3.50 per Gal. Supply limited. GlAbles, West McHeriry. 18 BUSINESS SERVICE EXPERT PIANO AND. ORGAN TUNING--Repairing and Refinishing, work fnllv guaranteed. Used pianos for ]. Zabotli, call collect, Lake Zurich 3102. 40tf JANITOR SERVICE -- We clean •wdwork, floors, windows, walls weekly, monthly or soaHoiislly. Reasonable prices. McHenry Janitor Service, lion Dewey, Mgr. Phone. McHenry 430-J. 32tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let ns dispose of your garbage each week, or oftencr if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route John E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phnnp 385. tf HOME REf AIRS cialize in all Home Repairs ow Monthly Payments , Free Estimates McHenry Improvement Co. Phone 523-M-l McHcnry, 111. 6tf TUCKPOINTING (Filling-ln of rained-out or deteriorated mortar joints in brick, stone, cement block, etc., walls). Residential, industrial, commercial buildings. Steeple work, chimney repairs. Frank J. Rezabek & Son. call Algonquin 4517, alter 6 p.m. Over 26 years experience. 13-6 MUSIC INSTRUCTION In Your Own Home Piafio and Piano Accordlan Classics or Popular Beginners or A danced Instruction EARL P. KOCH Phone Plstakee 633-M-l 5t,f CESSPOOLS and SEPTIC TANKS SERVICE G. A. DOUGLAS Phone MeHeary 776-W lOtf FOR SALE FOR. SALE--Johns-Manville Home Insulation, installed by The Wall- Fill Co. For estimate call Leo J. Stilling, McHenry 18. 40tf WHITEWASHING, spraying, fly control. Wnv Ahrens, 607 Front St. Phon«> M<*Henry 736 R. Call between tiie hours of 12 and 1 3tf HAVE YOUS CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned by Eddie s Sanitary 8ervice. Eddie Prop. Tel. McHemy 290. 29tf LAMP SHADES Let me recover your old lamp shades to look like new. Brighten your rooms for that holiday season that is coming soon. Information, call Mrs. Usemao, McHenry 680-W-l. 18 ACCOUNTING, BOOKKBEPING, AND TAX SERVICE -- Records Infilled and maintained. Elmer P. AnVms, Certified Tax Consultant. Phone Fox Lake 59G2. 45tf BRING TOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS TO US-- We can de liver anything from a snapshot to large murals, or free hand oil paintings. Copying and framing. CAMERAS, PROJECTORS, FILMS f AND SUPPLIE8. WORWICK'S 8TUDIO. 117 Riverside Drive, McHenry. Phone 275. 40tf $10.00 TO 825.00 Ptrm for old crippled dow*i hones and cattle. Immediate service -- Phone Union 3211 or' Elgin 7724. Reverse charges. * Lee .Dog Food Company. *7-10 WBLLS DRILLED Oft DRIVEN WATER ST8TEM -- We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. Mtf C. J. H. DIEHL _ Woodstock Piano Tuner Pmie 208 w 526 Washington St. Woodstock, HI. SOtf Helen Weber Says: Have You Heard About <r-- FOR BALK -- Beer - for your ice cold case beor of all kinds, come to the Sportsman's Inn, where good fellows meet; all kinds of wines and package goods to take out at the lowest prices. 513 Mais street. A1 Phannenstill, prop. 23tf FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS. ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes. carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St. Woodstock. Phone 549. 7tf FOR SALE--Used Norge refrigerator, 5 cu. ft. Tel. McHenry 51-M. 18 FOR SALE -- 500-gal. gas tank for home heating. Tel. McHenry 645-W-l. 18 FOR SALE--Magic Chef gas stove (natural gas); perfect condition; used 11 months. Write Box 234. West McHenry, 111. *18 FOR SALE -- 3-piece bedroom suite, complete with spring and mattress. Call evenings or Sat. or Sun. before nqon. McHenry 756-J. •18 FOR SALE -- Suits, coats, dresses, jackets, blouses, sweaters, formats, formal coat, raincoat and miscellaneous items. Sizes 12^14- 16. Also living room suite. All articles cheap. Phone McHenry 574-J-2. v 18 FOR SALE--Studio couch with cover, opens to full size bed. Call McHenry 888. 18 FOR SALE -- Large oil burning space heater and 2 drums. Reasonable. Call McHenry 75-J. 18 FOR SALE--Duroc Spring Boars. Bill Hertzberg. Phone Richmond 849 *1S DOG FOR SALE-- Pedigreed Boston Terrier, female, 10 months old. Beautifully marked. From Hogerty & Flash-again Strain. Call McHenry 524-W-l. 18 FOR SALE--BufTet, $2.00; Overstuffed rocker, $2.00. Will give away 2 full size bed springs. P. Baltrum, Phone McHenry 529-J-2 •18 Our Playing Card Prelum Plan? >p in -- Ask us aboul it. McHENRY CLEANERS lit Elm Street MeHeary PHONE 104-M FOR SALE -- Evergreens, trees, shrubs. Free estimates on landscaping. Pitzen Nursery, Round Lake, Route No. 2, Rpund Lake 3570. Corner of routes 120 and Wil son road. Phone Round Lake 3570 32tf FOLLOW THE CROWD TO THE Sportsman's Inn, 513 Main street. Ice cold case beer and packaged goods of all kinds. A1 Phannen still. 49tf ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS--Clothing in Good Condition for the entire family. Formal*. Open Mon. to Sat., 1 p.m. to 10 p.m., Sunday, 11 a. m. to 6 p, m. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Rd* Consignment and Resale and Antiqufe Shop, Vi mile west Terra Cotta factory which is on Rt. 31. Crystal 'Lake 1346-R-l. 51 tf FOR SALE -- Chris-Craft Utility, like aew. 93 H.P, Chrysler Motor* Cover, etc. tl*»9&.00 for quick sale. McHenry Boat Company, Chuck Coles. Phone McHenry SOS. HIGGINS £ CORRECT CRAFT AGENCY. 18 FOR SALE -- Small horse, rider, driver, and Jumper; horse cart, harness and saddle. Thor Fjellstedt, Ingleside, 111. Tel. Fox Lake 76921. . 15-4 FOR SALE--6 Room Old Quaker Oil Burner. Used one season. Best offer. Phone 772-J *18 FOR SALE--House trailer, 20 ft. Also 6 cu. ft. Frigidaire. Range Farm, Route 14. opposite Oakside Dairy, Woodstock, near Route 47. 18 FOR SALE -- Exquisite bedroom set, expensive, custom-made twin beds, padded headboardB, pink quilted spreads, glazed chintx dust ruffles and draw curtains for 4 windows. Mahogany dresser handpainted with motif of chintz. Ruga woven to. match. Perfect room for 2 young ?adie$ or couple just fur-; nishing. Cost $700.00. Price. $250.00 Terms to reliable folks. Phone McHenry 870-M. . *18 FOR SALE -- Magic Chef apartment size gas range, used one year. Also used refrigerator, 7 cu. ft. Reasonable. Phone McHenry 405-W. eoeil OPPORTUNlTt We are btrlav addltleaal liaa aad girls at dress teeter?. Ha •* perieace accessary. Riverside Uftv Co* 9M N. Riverside Drive, Me- Henry. Call St. IMf LO** ATO WOMEN WANTED --Assemblers, wirers, solderes, packers and inspectors. Experience not necessary. Secure a position in sn ever expanding radio-television industry. Employment office open Monday through Saturday, 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. Admiral Corp., McHenry at intersection of Rt. 120 and 31. 51-tf W A N T E D • i Steady Reliable Me# ; « Tool Makers Machinists v i Die Repairmen General Factory Hetpera." ~ IUIaols Tool ^orks,. • ; { (Shakeproof Division)'. . "Building with the Valley" 1001 Grace St., Elgin 7900 16-3 FOR SALE--Electric ice box, perfect condition. $30.00. Phone after 6 p.m. McHenry 684-W-2. *18 FOR SALE-- Concord grapes, $2 per "bushel. John R. Freund, 106 N. Park street. Phone McHenry 127-J. •18 FOR SALE -- 5 room oil space heater. Also 1 pr. girl's shoe Roller skates, size 7. Call McHenry 530-J-l. 18 FOR SALE--2 piece living room suite, mahogany dining room suite, china cabinet, twin bedroom suite (blonde oak) includes beds, dresser, highboy, nite stand, innersprings and mattresses. Likenew washing machine. Magic Chef four burner stove, 6 hi cu. ft. Frigidaire. Mahogany cedar chest, extra dresser, folding cot and mattress. Immediate possession of above items. For information concerning real values, Call 229-R. after 6 p.m. •18-8 FOR SALE -- Lindsay automatic water softeners now available in McHenry county. For particulars write: Lindsay Automatic Softener. 255 N. Spring Street, Elgin, 111. Phone Elgin 4747. 18 TfoRRENT HELP WANTEO -- Housekeeper to stay; light housework; all conveniences; own room aad bath. Call Crystal Lake 374. 18 HELP WANTED--Male or female, 16 years or older for candy counter work at local roller rink. 3 hours, 5 nights a weeek. Apply in person. Just For Fun Roller Rink. •18 HELP WANTED--Reliable man or woman for cleaning purposes. Steady position. Write Box 90, McHenry Plaindealer. 18 m m - -xfxnj-tnji SrnTATIOK WABTKD WANTED--Watches and Jewelry repair. Anthony Noouan, 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty Skoppe.) 15tf WANTED -- Used baby carriage or convertible stroller. Phone McHenry 77-MX. 18 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO RUT--I want to buy a farm from owner, 160 acres or more. If your farm-iffGround McHenry, Elgin, St. Charles, Aurora or anywhere between these cities and Chicago, write to me giving your name and address and I will come to see you. William R. Avard, 9652 So. Seeley, Chicago. 18-4 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT -- House or apartment with two or three bedrooms. References furnlsned. Phone McHenry 205-J. 18 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--50x140 ^orwr lot in« > Wonder Lake. Ooo&xjwcation. Write August Grieger, Rt. 2, Lake Geneva, Wis., or phone Lake Geneva 3121. *16-3 FOR SALE--Must sell 6 room year 'round home, Insulated, automatic oil floor furnace. McCullom Lake. $4,950.00. Phone McHenry 547-J-l. 16-tf HELP WANTED -- Women who know Avon will appreciate this fine opportunity for 2 women to earn good money in spdre time in McHenry. By starting now, you will have the big Christmas gift line to offer. Write Mrs. Eva Huffstutler, P.O. Box 86, Dixon, 111. 18 HELP WANTED -- Woman to care for invalid, 2 or 2 mornings or afternoons a week. If interested call McHenry 235-M. 18 HELP WANTED -- Girl or young woman to work short hours in shop. Apply Antonson's Candy Shop. Phone McHenry 235-M. 18 FOR RENT--In McCullom Lake. 4-room year 'round home, 2 enclosed porches, floor furnace, oil heat. Price on application. Phone Cedarcrest 3-7942 or write W. C. Zinter, 9024 S. Ada St., Chicago. 111. *17-2 • HELP WASTED--Mother's helper, light house work and cooking; stay. Other help. Own room and bath; good salary. Write Mrs. H. C. Sutton, 1823 Sunset Ridge, Glenview, 111. Phone Glenview 4-2036. •18 FOR SALE--Store and gas station, store fully stocked and "equipped. Walkin meat box. Three gas pumps; 2,000 gal. ground tank storage; building 23x40 ft.; 16 bearing fruit trees; 3-car garage; tthp. air compressor. Phone McHenry 845. After 7 p. m. Call 548-J-2. • 16-tf LEGAL FOR SALE--Bargain. Year 'round 4-room home; large lot; attic suitable for one room; tile bath; built-in-tub; full basement; furnace heat; water and electricity; occupancy at once; at McCullom Lake. Tel. McHenry 566-J-2. FOR RENT--6 room semi-finished house with garage. Immediate occupancy. See Sat. and Sun., Oakhurst Subdv., A. Widenhoeft. 18 FOR RENT -- Furnished four room apartment, refrigerator hot water, gas electric and oil heat. Apply Thriftway Food Store. Lily Lake, Rt. 120. 18 FOR RENT--Large sleeping room with kitchen privileges, water privileges, large closet. Ladies or working couple preferred. Hueman Subd. Phone 538-M-2 after 6 p.m. *18 FOR RENT OR SALE -- 5 room all year 'round house; fruit trees, berries, grapes. Plenty garden space; yard for children. Option to buy offered to renter. Tel. McHenry 534-J-2. 18 FOR RENT -- Storage space. Call McHenry 407-R. 18 FOR RENT--Mod. 5-room apt., gas light, hot water and heat furnished, ideally located. in town on the river and convenient to stores, schools and churches. Rental $100 per month. Address Box 91, in care of Plaindealer. *18 shARE HOME -- Widow will share home in Oakhurst subdivision with two congenial women or couple. Tel. McHenry 605-M-l. 18 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED -- Girl for waitress in' bowling alley. Palace Recreation, 119 S. Green street. 18 f Here is thej}!| Balanced £* Food f o r ^ ^ , For that velvety-smooth, deepgreen lawn, that you've tried so hard to attain, trv Viforo, complete plant food. Vigoro supplies grass with the nourishment it needs to make quick, sturdy growth. Clean, odorless, sanitary, and easy to ua%,' A PMOOUCT Of swirn VIGORO V (MHItl Ham VYCITAL'S HELP WANTED -- Man for waxing cars With power buffer. No experience necessary. Will teach you operation of machine. Overton Motor Sales, 403 Front St., McHenry. 111. - *18 SITUATION WANTED FOR SALE ta MIHstrean, a most modern subdivision, 4 and • rooms, Face Brick ou all 4 sides; Fall cement basemrat, Autoauitle oil furnace or hot water i gas, electric, city sewer. Possession from SO to 90 days. Price, *11*90.00 aad tltJMiM. fash Down 25%. Balance 80 years to pay. Ton can also have water front lot. 'Call JACOB FRITZ or HANK NELL. JOHNSRI RC. --Telephone MeHENRY *7. 8tf FOR SALE--Bungalow at 302 N. Green street. Inquire at 209 E. Elm street or phone McHenry 474-W. 18 WORK WANTED--Carpenter work wanted: By day and contract Ivan Gustafason, Tel. McHenry 532-J-l •tf WORK WANTED-- Carpenter work wanted. By day or by contract Phone McHcnry 532-J. 7tf POSITION WANTED -- Single woman with years of experience as bookkeeper, take complete charge of books, all general office work, switchboard. Competent and steady worker. Phone McHenry 853. 18-4 WORK WANTED -- Will care for children in my home at Lily Lake, Days. H. Christiansen. Rt 2, McHenry, 111. »18 WANTED--I will board or care for a child by the week. Very good references. Phone McHenry 695-J-2 18 WANTED WANTED -- Jobbers and direct salesmen. Quality lines, with liberal commissions. Manufacturers repre sentative. R. Duane Fowler. Wood stock, Box 331, Phone 464-JX. 41tf nmwuiiiHiiiiiimiiimiHiiwHHwuiwniHSHimmiHi The Beautiful EL TOVAR CRYSTAL LAKE* ILL MeHeary' Co's. Leadlag Theatre Hardware Green St. Sheetmetal Shop Me Henry FRL • SAT„ SEPT. 1&.1C (Double Featare) Raadolpk Scott George Hayes la "IARABOO TRAIL" (la Color) Joba Sattoa Doris Merrick la "THE COUNTERFEITERS" Counterfeiters Shown Only Once Starting at 8:40 p.m. SUN. - MON., SEPT. 17-18 Saaday C on*t From S:00 P.M. James Stewart Debra Paget In "RROKEN ARROW" (In Technicolor) The Exciting Story of the Last Great Apache Chleftiaa. TUBS. • WED. • THURS. SEPT. 4»>eo.«i Ann Sherldaa Victor Mature fa "STELLA" FOR SALE -- SPECIALS Beautiful homes -- reasonably priced -- on Plstakee Raj, Fox RIvW McHenry, McCullom Lake, Wonder Lake, Crystal Lake. Knox Real Estate, 406 Richmond Road, McHenry, 111. Phoae Me* Henry 421-J. 12tf FOR SALE -- House by the Side of the Road, on blacktop, one mile north Rt. 120; open every day and evening except Wed. and Thurs. Celone Kane, Phone McHenry 563-J-2. 18 FOR SALE - 9/4 ACRE WAlTCONDA--7-room brick veneer house; 3 bedrooms; tile bath; hardwood floorsfull basement; hot water; oil heat; fruit orchard; walking distance to school and stores. Only $19,600. Office open Sundays, holidays and evenings. L. B. Andersen & Co., Inc., Wheeling, 111. Tel. Wheeling 63 or Rogers Park 49400. 18 11 H 4 1 4 + 4 I 141 < H 1 I I I t 14 I FRL • SAT., SEPT., 16-1C Mat, Saturday at 2:80 PJL "TARZAN AND THE SLATE GIRL" plus "THE LOST VOLCANO" with Bombs, The Jangle Boy SPU . M0N„ SEPT. 17-18 James Stewart la *TWE RROKEN ARROW* (Color by Technicolor) STARTS TUESDAY, SEPT. 19 "SANDS OF IWO JIMA* with John Wayne EXTRA -- SPECIAL -- EXTRA THI RS. NITE., SEPT. 81 HOLLYWOOD SNEAK P R E V I E W Come at 8:30 P.M. - See a com* plete New Hollywood Feature Production-- Along With AT NO ADVANCE IN PRICES "SANDS OF IWO JIMA" NOTE: This will be aa added Full-Length Feature -- Not an Advertising Trailer-- YoaH Be Sorry If You Miss It! NOTICE IN MATTER O* fUtt' PLICATION OF ALFRED J. MAY, ESTHER MAY SCHNEIDER. RICHARD W. S C H N E I D E R , ^ HENRY F. SUHRBIER AND MAR-! GARET M. SUHRBIER FOR CHANGE OF ZONING CLASSIFICATION AND AMMENDMENT OF ZONING ORDINANCE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That in compliance with ' the provisions of the McHenry Couhty Zoning Ordinance relative to a change or variation of the zoning classification a public heaHng will be had before the Board of Appeals in connection with the application of ALFRED J. MAY. ESTHER MAY SCHNEIDER, RICHARD W- SCHNEIDE R, HENRY F. SUHRBIER AND MARGARET M. SUHRBIER that the zoning classification of the following described real estate be changed to an "R-l" classification on the property below described: Being a" subdivision of part of the South half Fractional Quarter of Section 7 and part of the Northwest Fraction of the Fractional Northeast Quarter of Section 18, all in Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridan lying northwesterly of Fox River, lying Westerly from and adjoining "Sunnyside Estates, Unit No. 2", according to the plat thereof recorded in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois, in Book 9 of Plats, page 40, described as follows: ^ Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot Number 1 in Block Number 4 of said Sunnyside Estates, Unit No. 2; thence west on a line that is a continuation of the south line of Channel Beach Ave. for a distance of 720 feet to a point; thence southerly on a line forming an angle of 89 degrees 37 minutes to the left, with a prolongation of the last described line 442.45 feet a point; thence southeasterly on a line forming an angle of 29 degrees 50 minutes to the left with a prolongation of the last described line 438.85 feet to a point; thence southwesterly on a line forming an angle of 89 degrees 30 minutes to the right, with a prolongation of the last described line 408 feet to a point; thence southeasterly on a line forming an angle of 89 degrees 36 minutes to the left, with a prolongation of the last described line. 150.15 feet to a point; thence northeasterly on a line forming an angle of 90 degrees 24 minutes to the left, with a prolongation of the last described line 647.6 feet ta the southwest corner of Lot Num-' ber 9 in Block Number 5 of Sunnyside Estates, Unit No. 2, aforesaid; thence northwesterly along the westerly line of said Lot Number 9 a distance of 140 feet to the \ northwest corner thereof; thence northeasterly on the northerly .line of said Lot being on a line forming an angle of 89 degrees 30 minutes to the right, with a pro longation of the last described line 20.47 feet; thence northeasterly along the northerly line of said Lot Number 9 being on a line forming an angle of 12 degrees 40 minutes to the left, with a prolongation of the last described line 286.97 feet; thence northeasterly along the westerly line of Lots 4, 3, 2 and 1 in said Block 6, to the northwest corner of said Lot Number 1, said point also being at the southwest corner of the street, known as "Bay View Drive"; thence north in a direct line 360 feet to the place of beginning. The hearing wilt be held at 4 o'clock P.M. on Tuesday, Oetobar 3rd, I960 in the dm Hall of the City of McHenry, Illinois at which time and place any person or persons desiring to object to such application will be entitled to be heard. & McHENRY COUNTY ZONb ING BOARD OF APPEALS. By Harold Bacon Its Chairman. Looze t Kinne, Attorneys (Pub. Sept. 14) State Flowef . „ ' Arkansas and MIcMftft claim the apple blossom as theii official state flower. LOST--Gold cocktail rtag, coa> sisting of three small red stones, one small zircon and one media* sized zircon. Valuable for sentimental reasons; lost somewhere between McCullom Lake and McHenry. Phone McHenry 89-WX. •17-1 ELM THEATRE Waucoada, IlL Route 17# - v Mill Street •' -V;.;FRI. /MfVSEPT. 15-li * ~ ""WAiRONM ASTER? Ilea Johnson Joanne Bra Harry Carey, Jr., ) Ward Rend Plus Selected Shorts SUN. - MON., SEPT. 17-18 / * 2 Days Only! (Technicolor Hit) "ANNIE GET YOCR GUN" Betty Hutton Howard Keel Louis Calhera J. Carrol Naish Sun. Matiaee S P.M. Continuous TIES. - WED, - THURS. SEPT. 19.20.21 (Double Featare Program) Claadette Colbert Robert Ryaa la "THE SECRET FURY* .Plus Glen Ferd Evelyn Keyes "THE MATING OF MILLIE" Colony MeHENRY, ILLINOIS Air Coadltioaed -- Coatfort Good Vlsioa and Soaad Doors Opea at t:M P. M. Screen Starts at 7t<0 P. M. FRL • SAT., SEPT. tf-l« Geo. Moatgomery Breada Marshall (1) "THE IRQUOIS TRAIL" Penny Singleton Arthar Lake (2) "BLONDIE HITS THE JACKPOT" SUN. - MON„ SEPT. 17-18 (In Technicolor) James Stewart Debra Pagetj "BROKEN ARROW" Cartoea aad Novelty TI ES. . WED., SEPT. IMt Jane Wymaa Marleae Dietrfek Michael WMIUf " "STAGE FRIGHT" Cartooa and Novelty STARTING THURSDAY (la ColorX Bob Hope LaclOe "FANCY PANTS* eVi fi% j: r A' ^OUTDOOR r GRAYSLAKE RT 120 & Zi 411' 4- 4' * 4- i * 4- 41 »'!• I I I I 1 H I 1 TOWNE THEATRE FOX LAKE TEL. 7-1C11 FRI. . SAT- SEPT. 1S-16 SM QTCYDN mmm- NOW THRU SATURDAY DAVID WAYNE JANE WYATT MITZI GAYN0R IX » HENRY K0STER SOL C. SIEGEL 2a BUN„ MON. & TUES., SEPT. 17 1819 Warnkr Bros, picturc teM-toDiiAiE-Gii 022252 SCOTT BRETAIGNE WIN DUST BY t•VtC jRuCtTisT FruK CCMAN AW NMRT Plus 2nd First Run Hit 'WHtTt-rtg'^and § bhckmMnmtk! / HE ^ GREAT JEWEL < ROBBER SUN. - MON- SEPT. 17-18 EVEN FUNNIER THAN mTHi PALEFACE'I BOB »JWCILLE HOPE BALL RkSftC? WED., THURS.. FRL 8c SAT- SEPT. 20-21-2243 f' f HOPE H ~ with LAUGHS.'..) TI ES. - WED. . THURS" SEPT. 19-20-21 'WW * * t Out on tilt Range! Nwwtwl hwimh BOBBOfK IDdUlW Cslor by H^nM ORtSfta W* ewsa to--It "the Miln'l aiiiiiitiifc, BOX OFFICE OPENS 6.*45 , 4 CHILDREN 12 AND UNDER FREE | i • 4- • 4"> •> • • • 11114 14 411 V 4 I I 1 UM HIM 1 4 4 4 I I I I I M mim • A- : s. •

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