Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Oct 1950, p. 10

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mmm c. HARVEST SEASON ACCIDENTS CAUSES BY CARELESSNESS I J: «; Holy Hoar / are you doing next Wednesday night? Were you planning a quiet evening at home? Or did you think you might take in a ahow or go for a walk?. Whatever It was, you have a more important engacemeut, and you should change your plans to keep this date. Yes, you have a date with God, arranged by your order. " Another froly Hour dedicated to the cause of Peace will take place at St. Peter's in Volo at 8 p.m. All of us should. be more titan willing to attend Colambas Day Party The annual Columbus Day party la all set for next Thursday night, : A* : 'Oct. 12, in St. Mary-St. Patrick's PS* kail. Chairman Joe Guzzardo reports that his committee has com- : pleted their duties and are ready to give you and your friends the f' ^ finest social affair of the year. >:/**;! All angles of the party have been worked out to everyone's '*<*; Satisfaction, particularly for the 0" SO we urge you to do all in «», * your power to help Brother Joe and his committee to make it a i. .«• •*nccess. Make up your groups • now; let your mothers, wives sis- ' v teni, sweethearts and friends have H" * a good time with the best bunch | '»• of party celebrants you ever met. No admission charge--come early and enjoy the fun--Next Thursday night. Family Communion Oar Family Communion will take place Sunday, Oct 15, at the 8 o'clock mass at Christ the King fjrarch in Wonder Lake. Brother JUeroy Welter will be in charge of ( arrangements for an enjoyable fcreaktast at the Rolaine Grill folv- airWi.jtowIng the mass. )•' These family Communions have ,|;5aJways been well attended, and we *ope this one will be,.too. We'll ^||| n,ore next weejt> la It Ton If 'gpv- Uncle Mike observes -- some people drive as if rehearsing for O'BYK. fee average belght of Japanese men Is five feet, three inches. The tar laches short- A bumper crop of corn picker accidents will be harvested by Illinois farmers this year--unless they are more careful than usual. That Was the prediction made by Floyd E. Morris, chairman of the Illinois Farm and Home Safety committee and vice president of the Illinois Agricultaral Association. "Carelessness is the chief reason farmers have corn picker accidents, " Morris said. "Every farmer knows a corn picker is a dangerous machine, but when they get in a hurry, they forget that fact. They also forget," he continued, one rule that should always be remembered by farmers when they're working in the corn fields: NEVER TRY TO UNCLOG. ADJUST, OIL OR GREASE OR CLEAN A CORN PICKER WHILE IT IS RUNNING! Forgetting tnijf rule cost ten Illisois farmers their lives in corn picker accidents last year, Morris said. More than eighty others suffered temporary injuries from pickers. Some seventy-five more were left with permanent marks of disability. NEW PB008AM IS DESIGNED TO SAVE ILLINOIS HIGHWAYS by Duane Andreas) Aroaaed Warriors Score 18-0 • •\ An aroused and improved Mc- Henry football team defeated a determined Marengo team here Friday night, 18 to 6 ,. After taking the opening kickoff and driving for a touchlown, the Warriors were never headed. The half-time score was 6 to 0, but a touchdown in each of the last two quarters iced the game. Don Freund carried the opening kick-off to the McHenry 49-yard line and soon after a 20-yard Golbeck to Andreas pass started the Morris urged farmers to be especially careful this year while harvesting the eight million acre corn crop in Illinois because picking conditions will probably be worse than usual. This is true, he said, because: (1) since corn was planted late this year, corn husking time will be later because farmers will be in a big hurry to get the corn out of the field; and (2) it will probably be rainy by the time most farmers get p.round to picking corn and mud always adds to the hazards of uch farming operations. "Following theBe rules can save ives, money and human suffering," Morris said. "Let's be careful." Warriors rolling. After several successive plunges, Freund carried the ball over from the 3-yard line. Midway in the third period, as Marengo was driving into Warrior territory, Fiepke of Marengo fumbled and Stan Alms plucked the ball out of the air and raced 40 yards to the Marengo 30-yard line. From there, after a series of line plays, Freund plunged over from the one-yard line. On this play Freund was forced from the game as a result of a twisted knee. McHenry completed their scoring late in the fourth quarter, when Andreas snatched a Marengo pass and raced 46 yards, down the side-line to the Marengo 1-yard line. From there Paul Marke bull- Ptmllng Question Answered If water seeks its own level, how can the surface of the ocean be curved? A level surface is one that Is horizontal, so it is at right angles to a line toward the center of the earth. Over a small area, a level surface is practically flat, but if it is extended far enough it follows the curvature of the earth. When you say that water "seeks its own level," you mean that all points of its surface tend to reach the same distance from the center of the earth, so the curved surface of the ocean is really level. Renew that subscription to the Plaindealer now! Win Heed A Good Water Supolv? Wells Drilled -- 4" or 5" Casing WATHJK SUPPLY GUARANTEED Seasonably Priced Estiautes -- Law Down Pajpeati F. H. A, Financed * • Pun and Material AvailaU* PHONE WONDER LAZE 689 -- FOR -- Roofing' -- Tile -- Gutter and All Building Materials of Scars Roeback and Co See Representative FRANK GANS . Call 767-W or write ' V0 Riverside Dr., McHenry FREE ESTIMATES score. The township officials of Illinois have drafted a program to save Illinois highways from further destruction through enactment of laws at the forthcoming session of the legislature to curb abuses by heavy commercial trucking. The association at the concluding session of its annual forty-first convention, recommended, as part of its legislative program, that the legislature reduce the gross load limit for heavy commercial vehicles to the 20-ton limit for tractor- trailers which existed prior to 1945. Experience has proven that the excessive weight now permitterd are responsible for the pre- ]|arching Band Inpnsslw. mature destruction .of roads and Mr. Yanda and his mailniittlg I bridges in this state. A lower band are to be complimented for j weight limit is required to avoid their part in making each game tremendous highway expenditures, a little more colorful and inter-] The association also favored esting. Anyone who has seen this changing the law- which permits organization in action must real- heavy trucks from other states to ize that only through hard work. use Illinois roads free of charge, and long practice could such a feat I Agreements with other states for favored legislation allocating to local township roads a fair portion of motor vehicle revenues. It was pointed out that township roads constitute approximately 75 . per cent of the total mileage of the Illinois highway system and that the cost of these local roads Is now borne solely by taxes on local E!!9^erty . , ed his way over for the None of the tries for the extra point were good. The Warriors clash with the Lakers at Lake Geneva tomorrow evening, Oct. 7, at 8 p.m. be presented succeaaiuUa. McHenry Wins ' .: Cross-Country Ron McHenry won its first crosscountry championship at Woodstock last Monday. The orosscountry consists of a tyo-mlle run over a marked coarse. Jim VanCanigan, Bob and Cliff Walters, Glen Marunde and Ronnie Becker scored the (wprtant points for McHenry. • > ' Read the'Want Ads.' Plione us or hall us . . . . No matter the time of daygqvvAightf we're always at your ready j Service to take yon safdly and, • ^J-vkly to your destination. ;|Mc Henry Phone 7 23 •r. truck tax exemption should be limited to adjoining states. An increase In license fees of heavy commercial trucks so that they will be required to pay a just share of the cost of construction and maintenance of Illinois roads also was favored. For local roads the association v'.. Strength of Materials' Vv ;( New basic information dealing <vith the irregularities of atorric arrangements in solids--believed to be the key to the study of the strength of materials--may soon be greatly increased as a result of recent Rutgers university research. Austrianborn Dr. Alfred J. Reis, research specialist in the state university's bureau of engineering research, and Sigmund Weissman, his associate,, have used X-rays to produce more accurate and complete pictures of these irregularities than ever made before. The work is being spon-, 3ored by the office of naval research.. OUliNl'k Milfe «y Whether a child eats in the rrtmrl lunch room, comes heme tor inch or carries his hmch, his noon m»at should supply him with at least a third o# his daily nutrition ment. It should include milk; a tein-rich food such as cheese, meat or fish; a fruit or wfttaUe (preferably both); whole-grain or enriched bread; and butter or margarine. An effectively administered school lunch program not only provides children with well-balanced and nourishing meals--it can also help improve children's food habits. When eating with a group, many a child will eat and like food be refused to touch at Delia' The senate and house chambers in Washington were not the only areas of the Capitol to receive decorative attention, recently. The rotunda hadn't been painted for 19 years and it took five days of dusting to prepare it for its new coats of color. It now has an ivory ceiling, a maize center section, a deep brown frieze and a stone colored lower section. Pepaiarised OKI Wateh Napoleon's Josephine popularized the watch as a gift for sweethearts. In 1800 she received from Napoleon a watch studded with 1,741 pearls and 158 turquoises on the case. He even went to the point of having watchmaker Piquet Meylan add a quarter-hour to the accompaniment of moving figures--a boy playing a mandolin and another blowing upon reeds as a miniature windgnill turns. Order • your rubber ! Plaindealer now! x. stamps at •. Japan endar in tt9SS CUtte only two dwHii ago. Union, adopting it in 1911 the annhmrsar? of its October Revolution shoved into lM> vemb*r bytbe change. China's did oalendar, flit Hebrew Calendar aud " others follow the ancient Babgrka* tan rather than the Egyptian pfrM tern. Ihejr give beedto the mooa-fS month of IMfc days. and the yairr of it moon-months, or 354 dayi. ': ; They thai intercalate (Insert) mM very short month every year or a near-average month every flprlf years to balance lunar and e&r ' * % •M-H* 'M' ,|| 'H' -t -Kill. H it 11 M .|"8» ill ill 111. IY MltH 11 PUBLIC AUCTION Auctioneers: W. B. SULLIVAN. Phone Marengo 112 and WM. H. RUSSEL. Phone Woodstock 1279 Having decided to curtail operations for other business purposes, I will sell all my personal property at my farm known as the old Yeomaj Farm located 4 miles north of Elgin and 2 miles south -o| Dundee* 111., on State Route 31, on TUESDAY. OCTOBER 10 Commencing at 9:80 A. M. Sharp Tfco following described property to-wit: 230 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK Consisting of 90 dairy cows, 10 first calf heifers, springing; 10 heifer calves from 2 weeks to 6 weeks old; 2 Holstein dairy bulls, 23 of these cows are springers, 15 have freshened in the last 6 weeks, balance of herd freshened this summer and are bred back to our good bulls. This is a very fine herd of young cows, large in size and have lots of quality. 114 FEEDER PIGS, weighing from 80 to 120 lbs. FARM MACHINERY--This sale includes one of the largest selections of farm machinery, in splendid condition, ever offered in northern Illinois. Whatever Your Needs you'll discover them at this sale. All Famous Makes of equipment waiting for your bidding. -> Mia IS A LARGE SALE AND WILL STAR* PROMPTLY AT • V / SPERMS; 25% down, balance on monthly payments. No merchM »#Be removed until settled for. If credit la desired, make *r* raifg^lhentfl with clerk before purchase is made. CLERK: State Bank of Union. Not^Reapon sible for Accidents. t Lunch Wagon on Grounds I. C. Brotzmon •i' 4• 'M1 jj, % •«. •!« Jefferson aa Inventor Thomas Jefferson rates an ored place in the gallery of "Inventions That Serve You." His greatness as a statesman overshadowed his distinction as aa inventor. Invention Of the swivel chair was one of his earliest achievema His carriage "mileage antedates the modern speedometer. A score of gadget inventions, in*' eluding a combination table and chaise lounge, may be seen In his Monticello home today. £ M0RR0C0 WASHED STOKER COAL, Scientifically prepared, to acting stoker requirements. ths mos4 "4|9Ca Try a load of this carefree* low ash, economi* cal coal while summer prices are stSU In effect. Other sixes of the same high quality on haadg at all times includes 6" Lump £ x 3" Furnace Egg .3x4" Egg Call your local trucker or phone Morris 80 or 9a . MORRIS COAL & MINING CO. Box 311 Morris, Illinoia _ ' • -- C Mine located at Junction of U.S. 6 and 111. 47 and BARNYARD ^PAVEMENTS • Sanitary ^ • Economical • Labor Saving' '• Feed Saving e Last a lifetime ntacfe'wfth QUALITY BRANDS. ' • f. . ; ; . $ 1 Roper Gas Bangui • Dri-Gas-the-Bottled-Cooking and Heating Gaf % ^ Philco Refrigerators -- Radio -- Television Lennox-Aire-Flo Furnaces and Heating Equipment Servel Water Heaters and Refrigerators |Domestic Sewing Machines -- Youngstown Kitchens Norge Products Refrigerators - Washers - Electric t Ranges -- Easy Washers -- Coleman Products |Quacker Oil Burning Space Heaters and Floor Furnaces - Monarch Msllaahls Bannm Electric Slid Gil A LTHOFPS HARDWARE •THE STOKE THAT SERVICE 1II1P Phono 284 McHenry, IU. r'0:' 0::. '•'.•4; RCADY MIXED CONCRETE I^OR dosens of other improvctncQts uoond the ^,fm l no other material offers the gervice and economy of firesafe, enduing concrete. If you are planning a new titproof poultry house floor, sanitary dairy barn floor, a feeding floor or foundation--build it the convenient, low post way with Hedjr Mherf Concrete. Ask Your contractor or Call Xn. FIVE STAR STORES Builders' Hardware -- Sporting Goods Plumbing Supplies -- Pipe Threading Dinnerware -- Glass Ware --Housewares Garden Seed -- Fertilisers -- Tools 'BECKETT" Oil Burners • •'J ;-if. , t McHenry Sand & Gravel Co. • Phon» McHenry 97-J ' ' j ft iS 1 f &. ' " '• Xi'ijs***. fOfl Front Street' McHenry, ID. 'LUXAIRE" Air-Conditioning Furnaces -- Gutters 'COLEMAN" Bottled Gas 'CALORIC" Gas Ranges 'DUO-THERM" Space Heaters and Water Heaters 'ELLIOTTS" Paint and Varnish " a "CLARKE" Floor Sander and Edger - 1% a* . 9 fHi f| , . trnxi ma Luiiu^fi riuui Temper Garden Tools Builders' Hardware Winchester and Remington Guns and Ammunition FISHING TACKLE DISTIN SAWS STANLEY TOOLS GARDEN SEEDS NICKELS HARDWARE MAIN STREET W. MeHENRY, ILL. [ merica's greatness stems from her communities! ... Your own home town » just as important a segment of the United States as any part of the nation!... Youjcnow that, of course-- but have you ever stopped to consider why your community is such a good p!ac« in which to live? There are many reasons -- reasons you're hardly conscious of because they've become euch an integral part of your daily life . . . Your home town is made up ^People such as you VYCITAL'S WMmWARE SHEET METAt e teso NlM --folks who love the community, who are just as much interested as you are in making it a better place in which to reside, and make a comfortable livelihood. Your hometown hardwareman is such a person. Truly, when we come down to it, the local hardware retailer is a pretty important asset to your way of life. And he, too, is a part of the community--a man whose business helps pay taxes, provide better schools, improve roads. He deserves your business --not alone for the better values he offers, but because his shoulder, as well as yours, is to the wheel--the wheeL that makes your community everything that it is! HARDWARE VALUE! Sporting Goods Ranges and Roasters Electric Appliances • • vf|jiiiis and Fishing Lawn Mowers Plumbing and Heating Supplies . Toys . Martin Senour Paints * Cabinet Sajidfr RENTAL Floor Sander1" -*• F raor RIVERSIDE HARDWARE PHONE 722 Riverside Drive

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