Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Oct 1950, p. 3

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IBBit 'PERSONALS lilll.,. .»• ..-- .i. .. 1 I I •li'l" JVpn . hat Baton wnt I lut «Nk with relatlVea la Ktoailtt. Mr. and Mri. O. Krapf h*ri fturned from a three weeka* vacation ia Colorado. Mr. and Mm. AatoirH. Vtovnd aaAllv. aad Mrs. Nick B. fretuid vtatted Mr. Tod Kalis ia St. &ari* iMpitol In Anrora laat SnndAy. lira. Mary Powers of Loaf Lake •laited friends here on Saturday. dLMrs. Kate Orah&m and Mlsi Claire Kraus of Long Lake spent Saturday in McHenry. John Schreiner of Elgin Ttaited total relatives the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maud Granger are enjoying a vacation trip in the South. „• Guests in the John Lang home this week have been Mr. and Mrs. Rndy Lang and daughter, Marion, who arrived by plane last week om Frankfurt, Germany. Later this week, Mr. and Mrs. William Scherr of Hollywood, Calif., arrived at the Lang home jto spend k tew days. Upon their return trip tMy will be accompanied by the visitors from Germany, who in* tend to make California their permanent home. Mri. Frank Heckman and Mr% Jike Stoffel are leaving this week a trip to the Osarks. i mmmm ttfaAda My write to him at D-Wl, Ital. Hhaea, 111. Martin baa baas a al the Woodcock boapltal week. aine Tnrnar of Johaabnrg Was taken to 8L Tbereae FIOMMEWPBOCUUM (continued from page 1) Mfeital, Wankegan, on where sha underwent an Cency appendectomy. J. American Legion A group of interested Legionnairea and friends met in the Legion hall on Saturday evening to form a spare dance club. The dances will be held the second and fourth Satnrday of the month in the Legion Home. The following . officers were elected: William Althoff. president; and Minnie Green, secretary. The regular fall meeting of the eleventh district will be held in Woodstock on Sunday, Oct. t2. % 'I#- Girl Scouts & f Mrs. Bernard Kenhebeck was bbatess to the Adult Girl Scout Association at her home on Riverside Drive, Tuesday morning, Oct. t ^ Ten members are enrolled in a six weeks' course of leadership training at Elgin Tuesday nights. Eleven more are planning to attend a similar course in Waukeqgm Thursday afternoons. The group voted to install the same officers, to hold office until •Mine, 1961. They are Mrs. Avis QjMis, president; Mrs. Minnie Ireen, secretary-treasurer; and Agnes Buch, publicity chalrin. : Committees were named for the major projects of the group: Mother-daughter tea; fatherdaughter banquet; Juliette Low day; cookie sale and county fair exhibition. "'Mrs. Roy Miller Will entertain at, the next breakfast meeting Nov. 7. 'ft , AHOHO'THasiOK UiSiiMta^MMWIIilHHtWiWHtemitlMIW^BiMli ,|lr». Ted Kalin of Aurora, for iter local resident, is recovering >m surgery which she under Went last week in St. Charles hospital In that city. -. Richard Cronin la undergoing peatmen t at Hines hospital. 111 »4n| 1| »»4 BIRTHS Ifcv and Mrs. Albert Oonk of RtttgWOod are the parents of a daughter, born - Sept. 28 in the Woodstock hospital. Mrs. Oonk was on the faculty of the public grade school last year. Mr. and MrB. Ray Blackburn of Lake Geneva are the parents of a daughter, born Sept. 17 at Harvard hospital, weighing 9 lb. 1 os. She haa been named Kathleen Elaine. Mrs. Blackburn Is the former Marilyn Turner of Johnsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weingart are the parents of a Bon, born Sept. SO at the Woodstock hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence , Huck, Jr., announce the birth of a daughter at the Woodstock hospital on Oct. 3. Mrs. Huck is the former Miss Kay Reuland, a teacher in the local high school. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hlmpel mann are the parents of a girl, born Oct. 2 at the Woodstock hospital. A daughter was born at the Woodstock hospital on Oct. 1 to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Harrison of Plstaktfe Bay. Joanna Rulien, school nurse, urges that parents continue to provide regular dental visits for their children and a reduced consumption of refined sugars. Although it is recommended that teeth should always be kept in good repair by the family dentist, It ia not necessary to have teeth filled before receiving the fluoride treatment Mrs. Rulien stated that Ofta Of the chief purposes of the program is to demonstrate how such a program can be set up in a community to treat large groups of children and to develop local enthuslaam in setting up such a project locally to provide the benefits of sodium fluoride to all children on a permanent annual basis. Dental and school authorities recommend that If children in kindergarten and grades two, five, eight and nine are treated an-, nually, in three years all children will have received the benefits of sodium fluoride and each would receive additional treatments as he is promoted into these grades. lira. Rulien urges that representatives of all community organisation Interested in community health betterment visit the demonstration center and ask questions regarding sodium fluoride and learn how a community program might be developed. GMflK EVfcHTS S1 October Public Card Party--Sponsored by C.D. of A--St. Mary's-St Patrick's School Hall. P.T.A. District Conference-- High School. October • , American Legion Post Meeting. October It Circle 1, W. S. C. 8.--Mra. rred Bond Home--1 P.M, October It Wonder Lake Card Party. CARD or Tilling I would like to taker thla opportunity to thank all those who sent cards, gifts and other remembrances and who offered prayers in my behalf during my recent Illness. I would especially like to express my gratefulness to members of St. Clara's Court, C.O.F. II MRS. TED KALIN Auxiliary Marriage Licenses Robert White, Villa Park, and Grace LeFevre, Spring Grove. Paul Reardon, Chicago, and Mrs. Barbara Himburg, Johnsburg. Roland Bauer, Ringwood, and Georgia 8chmitt, Spring Grove. H 8 8 S I M i l l t l 1 I I 1 HUH ! • Roridonce Chang* " t i i i m t t f umiiiuM Mr. add Mrs. Robert Myers and family have moved from McCullom Lake to Round Lake, where Mr. Myers has his home. Their transfer will be particularly a loss to the Legion Auxiliary, for Edie Meath Myers was last year's president. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Turner moved last Weekend from Lake Genera to Ringwood. FOR A QUICK MEAL ttThoNtJB«x)^eM6aMll Try Our Dcdly Specials THURSDAY. SATURDAY and SUNDAY Gtarman Potato Salad FRIDAY Oysters -- Smokad Chubi -- Smokad Salmon SATURDAY and StJNDAlT Chickan Pot Pits Bakad Ham -- Koahor Cornod Bool Homo-Made Plat Dally* Excopt Tuesday ' PAKTRY DELICACIES RIVERSIDE DRIVE PHONE 754 ' ' ' DAY Me OCTOBER 12th sr. MABY-SST. BATBICK-S HALL ADMISSION FREE SpMuiwwl bf MdfUny g. tt C.* FUN FOR EVER YON* CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who sent cards, those who visited me and others for their many kindnesses during the time I was confined to the hospital. They were appreciated very much. 20 JULIA HEPPNER Renew that subscription to the Plalndealer now! Homecoming at M.C. McHenry Woman's Ctui dist Church. October II Youth For Christ--McHenry High School -- Movie, "God of the Atom." October lt-1? Legion Auxiliary Rummage Sale-- Legion Hall. -- Moon Through Evening Monday. Noon Through 6 P.M. Tuesday. October It Bible Church Hallowt'mi Party -- 7:30 P.M. November t•' Altar And Roaary Soddltt? Netting. November f Adult Girl Scout Breakfaat -- Mri. Roy Miller, Hostess. November |B-flt Frolics of 1950 --Sponsored by Community P. T. A. -- High School Auditoriupi. December,. > McHenry Choral CluJ W(ntor Concert-- High School Audit 8:15 p.m. December It Holiday High School Concert ' School Auditorium. FIRE PREVENTION WEEK OCT. 8-14 Watch out lor rubbish causa of 3&400 ffirM la ll CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank the many kind friends who sent me cards ind gifts and who visited me durng the time I was confined to the hospital and since my returd home. They were all greatly appreciated. 21 MRS. MAYME HARRISON Symptom* of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS MIC TO EXCESS ACID QUICK KUEF OR NO COST A s k Ai _ • I S D a , J r ' VasAnmr have bmo sold tor rebaf of symptoms at dlitrwi arWni fttua ytdhins mlllhmdm to Kmm "m,Um or W*m* nsr-setr ' which folly exptelaa this mnerk- Btwat--B> fcw at NYE DRUG STORE Walgreen Agency Phonea 36 McHenry, ILL • KIDS!! BOZO THE CLOWN ••hr, v,-'; (In Person) y*'-.*"?*'-'.; , • > • rf- , -J *,-»• ^ iV-^ ISSWILl WILL BE AT MYDES RECORD and RADIO SHOP j #_ ~ * , ' WILLIAMS STREET CRYSTAL LAKE. ILLIM< SATURDAY AFTERNOON, t OCTOBER 7.1950 YOU HAVE HEARD HIM ON RECORDS NOW COME AND SEE HIM IN PERSON TREE Balloons and Clown Masks Ludltorium-- TH" JUST ARRIVED NEW FAU SHADES FULL FASHIONED FIRST dUALRT - : SEAMLESS -- RON RESIST KANT RUN -- IRREGULARS MEN'S SOXS AROYUES--NYLON Rl*' RAYONS--COTTON RIf WORK SOXS OUldmt^ ffrkw Re-eelereed led- CUdni*! All Nylon Ankles. V I A A. McHENRY HOSIERY MILL CRYSTAL LAKE ROAD McHENRY WilBMIMK talm«ni MM wav m Nq •SGUa Om WW •MM Web' Ckleago •UO «ut: Des Plalaea . .76 LSK Oak Parti 1M Lit Howard 8t . 1M Madlsoa, Wla. &«S t.7i UueapoUs 7M ISJM New York ... 1&6& SMt ladJaaapelia Mi ILM IUIK (U. S. Tax Extra) Greyhound Bus Depot '(•r. Green k £ln none 1M B . " - GUS UNtl, Prop. , * *3 'f/ft Humrs -- Y. c. I PEACHES Halves Tins California Day Sliced Peaches In heavy syrup No. 1 Tin Pride of Florida GRAPEFRUIT SECTIONS 2No. 2 Tins Joan of Arc ted Kidney BEANS 3*00 Tins THAT BRING A SMILE TO YOUR P0CKETB00K WE SELL AT CHtCAGOLAND PRICES wraee SPECIALS DEER BRAND UNSWEETENED [Grapefruit Juke 4^ 51° I 1 DEL MONTE EABLT GARDEN "" | Whole Green Beans 2 tL2 59° CERTIFIED 1 Red Label Tomatoes 2 nt^ r< 41° JJUCESIDE j Golden Cream Com 4 ^' 37° Heinz Catsup 2sKs 45° PetHlfc 3^ 37° 1 EUREKA Cut Wax Beans - 3x2 23° Dolee or Libbfj PINEAPPLE JUICE 4$Oz. Tin Red Label GRAPEFRUIT. GRANGE or JUICE 46 Oz. Tin Wokh'a GRAPEJUICE 24 Oz. Btl. College Inn Tomato* Jnics' COCKTAL 46 Oz. Tin FRESH QUALITY HEATS FROZEN FOODS FRUITS & VEGETABLES READY TO EAT -- 4* Ik. arff. PKNCIUMS L 47' FRESH FROZEN Salmon Fillets 1 b.pkg. 83* TENDER GRADE A 9RUNNS1EAK LB' SMALL LEAN BACON SQUARES 13F HOKE STYLE QUICK FROZEN Crab Cakes •eat aad Serve 6oz.pkg.49* LONG ISLAND DUCKLINGS LU' QUICK FROZEN BLACKHAWX YEAL Sweet Broads 12 oz. pkg. $1.10 WHOLE 8MOKHI . HAMS I). 59* BIRD8EYE QUICK FROZEN Lima Beans 12 ox. pkg. 37* | OHIOHS 6 bs. 23* RED POTATOES 10 lis. 33* 1 - JONATHON 1 APPLES 3B«.29-1 1 SWSTYAHS 3 KB. 23* j . • CRAMBSffiES L• If CERTIFIED FOOD STORE STORE NO. 380 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS TIL' 9 I m .vr % . '4.r' .. ' fh... .

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