Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Oct 1950, p. 5

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PtAlADlAtSt Wftll DMffibMP Ok OMTTEN1 WATBR SYSTBM -- Wraall, repair and iastall pnmps. Bill Bacon, £04 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. Mtf WANTED O. J. B. DXBHL Woodstock Piano Tur I'kont 208-W 526 Wuhiogton 8t Woodstock, 111. 30tf f-iW-UB * MKBffiY rUHRDEALER Published every Thursday at Mc- IU., by the McHenry Pnb- Imiii Company, Iflio* '• «i*W. BURFEINDT, Gem. Manager. j ADELB FROEHLICH, Editor. fcUBSCRlPTlON RATE I Year Plaindealer Want Ada No ads counted less than 25 #ords. 75c minimupi. ~I tnsertion 76c (Count 5 words per line) 25c service charge on all blind luls. Cash with order. £ard of Thanks .... $1.00 Minimum Reading notice 15c per line. ; What Ads close promptly at 10 im. Wednesda) A . Entered as second-class matter juider r act May 8, 1879. AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PhRTS FOR ALI* CARS Accessories nd Seat Coven COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY A 4m W. Elm Street ™ Ofen AU Day Saturday aad Sandajr lltf FOR MTiB--Generators, armatures, starters, fuel pumps, • distributors, voltage regulators and ignition parta for *T»rd and all other cars. Scaco £ilet k Service, Liiyntoor, Fred J. Hvoboda, Prop. Tel McHenry 183. 47tf • FOR SALE--1948 3-wheel stake £ car Cushman scooter. Can be used for light delivery. Phone 756-R. 21 The BEST BUY! FOR SALE -- 1948 Willys Univ. Jeep with full top. Good condition. 1047 Willys Universal Jeep with full canvas top. Mc- Henry^Garage, 604 Front St., Tel. 403. 21tf FOR SALE -- 1948 Pont)ac 8 cylinder Hydramatic convertible. Very good condition. Reasonably priced, iias everything on under the sun. Phone McHenry 852. 21 FOR SALE -- 1949 Chevrolet 2- door sedan DeLuxe. Undercoating, heater, seat covers and other accessories. Phone McHenry 592-M-2. "• '• ... 21 FOR SALE-; frr. 1941 Studebaker Commander; «Wdrlve. radio and heater; A-l shape throughout. Address Box 99, in care of Plaindealer, McHenry. 20-2 BUSINESS SERVICE !XPERT PIAKO AND - ORGAN TONING--Repairing and Refiuitdi •ig, work fully guaranteed. Used iaiios for B*Je 1. Zaboth, call col ect, Lake Zurich 3102. 40tf <ANITOB SliRVICE --• We clean 'oodwork, floors, windows, walls »uily, weekly, monthly or season lly. Reasonable prices. McHenry 'anitor Service, Don Dewey, Mgr. 'bone McHenry 430-J. 32tf il ARB AGE COLLECTING -- Let us iispose of your garbage each week, ir oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route fohn E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 365. tf HOME &E7AI&8 We Specialize in all Home Repairs Low Monthly Payments Free Estimates McHenry Improvement Co. Phone 528-M-l McHenry, 111. •tf ISED GAR * Up tm fl riflM BRING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS TO US-- We can doliver anything from a snapshot to large murals, or free hand oil paintings. Oopving and framing. CAMERAS, PROJECTORS, FtLMS AND SUPPLIES. WORWICK'S STUDIO. 117 Riverside Drive, McHenry. Phone 275. 40tf EXPERT PIANO AND ORGAN TUNING--Repairing and Befiuishiiig, work fully guaranteed. *urmerly with Lyon and Heily. E. Zaboth, eall collect, Lake Zurich 5341. 6tf FURNITURE MADE TO ORDER also. BEUFHOLSTERED, REPAIRED ' and RESTYLEB M. B Upholstery 806 W. Elm Street Pheae McHenry 81S Large selection of samples to choose from. 19-tf rOK SAL* FOR SALE -- beer - for your ice i-old case beer of all kinds, come to the Sportsman's Inn, where good fellows meet; all kinds of wines and package goods to take out at the lowest prices. 513 Maia street. A1 Phannenstill, prop. 23tt K'OR SALE--Johns-'iianville Home Insulation, installed by The Wall- Fill Co. For estimate eall Leo J. •Stilling, McHenry JH. 40tf FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes* carbon paper. L. V. Kilts, Clay St! Woodstock. Phone 04 #. 7tf FOR BALE -- Evergreens, trees, shrubs. Free estimates on landscaping. Pitzen Nursery, Round Lake, Route No. 2, Round Lake 3570. Corner of routes 120 and Wilson road. Phone Round Lake 3570 32tf FOLLOW THE CROWD TO THE Sportsman's Inn, 513 Main street. Tee cold case beer and packaged goods of all kinds. A1 Phannenstill. 49tf ANTIQUES, MI&. ITEMS--Clothing in Good Condition for the entire family. Formats. Open Mon. to Sat., 1 p.m. to 10 p.m., Sunday, 11 a. m. to 6 p, m. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Rd. Consignment and Resale and Antique Shop, % mile west Terra Cotta factory which is on Rt. 31. Crystal Lake 1346 R-l. 51-tf FOR SALE -- Five room wood and coal heater, hot blast stove, 42 in sink, left hand drain; 82 gal. hot water tank, stove and soir-e pipes, wheelbarrow. R. Bruelheide, Rt. 4, McCullom Lake, West side of lake. Phone McHenry 338. *21 4r Thm rmr mlih m LOOK AT TODAY'S NASH SPECIALS WE HAVE i CARS FROM $25 to $100 In Running Condition with Tires. Batteries and Lights. We have ttuT^ + L Used car you want 4 RALPH L. CLARK Piano Technician Repairing Tuning 902 Garfield Road Harvard, 111. Phone 748-R FOR SALE -- 3 registered Yorkshire boars. Call McHenry 6S0-M-1. 21 FOR SALE FOR SALE -- 59 bales alfalfa; 30 bales first cut, 29 bales secosd cut, your price. Write Owen J. Charrey, Rt. 3, McHenry, 111. *11 FOR SALE -- 150 straight run white rock springers, 3 mo. old, $1.25 a piece, not told separately, to be taken alive. Call 608-W-l McHenry after 6 o'clock p.m. *21 HELP WANTED WOMEN WANTED --Assemblers, wirers, solderea, packers and inspectors. Experience not necessary. Secure a position in an ever expanding radio-television industry. Employment office open Monday through Saturday, 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. Admiral Corp., McHenry at intersection of Rt. 120 and 31. 51-tf HELP WANTED -- Pin spotter over 18 years old -- for afternoon, night work, or night only. Palace Recreation, 119 S. Green St. 21 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BI T--I want to buy a farm from owner, 160 acres or more. If your farm is around McHenry, Elgin, St Charles, Aurora or anywhere between these cities and Chicago, write to me giving your name and address and I will come to Qee you. William R. Avard, 9652 So. See ley, Chicago. 18-4 WANTED TO MITY--Like new lining room and 3 piece bedroom suite. Birch or light maple. Write Box 93, McHenry Plaindealer. 19-2 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT -- 4 room home in or near McHenry, 4 children school age. Can furnish references. Phone 20. *21 GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR SALE -- Registered Black Poland China boar. Champion McHenry county fair. Call McHenry 630-M-l. 21 SPRAYING, WHITE WASHING or FLY CONTROL-- Chicken houses barns, garages and basements. Frank W. Henkel, Volo, P. O. Round Lake, 111. Tel. McHenry 543 J-1. 5tf LANDSCAPING Hedges, shrubs and evergreens trimmed or replaced. Hand grade, fertilize and seed old or new lawns. Walter Aeverman, Golf Course Subdv. Phone 210-J McHenry. lOtf FOR SALE-- 6 cu. ft. refrigerator, perfect condition, also bed spring and mattress. L. Swanson, Lily Lake, McHenry, 111.' *tl FOR SALE-- Pure bred Poland China, Berkshire and' Hampshire boars. Weber Bros., Rt. 1, McHenry, 111., Phone 855. *21 FOR SALE -- Oil stove and 50- gal. drum. Call McHenry 580-W-2. 21 CEMENT BTJILDOTO BLOCKS Available at the Water Tower tn West McHenry VON CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO. Phone McHenry 788-W DEAD ANIMALS --- Highest cash prices paid for etfWt, horses and hogs; no help aee€ed to load. Day and night, anauays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 36tf tyiiWi --: 1CUSIO INSTRUCTION In Your Own Home - Piano and Piano A ccordian DOWNS NASH SALES 406 Elm Street McHenry, 1IL PHONE McMENRY 484 FOR SALE-- 1939 DeSoto custom 4-door, radio, heater, 6-cylinder, overdrive, good itres. Have new car. $250.00 Erl, one block south of Thomas Grocery, west side of Wonder Lake. *21 FOR SALE -- 1935 H ton panel Chevrolet truck. $50.00 or best offer. First house west of Vogue, Lily Lake. *21 FOR SALE -- 1950 Dodge % ton panel truck, used only 3 weeks; also blue upholstered davenport. Phone McHenry 574-J-l. »21 FOR SALE -- 1949 Willys Station Wagon. 4 cyl. with overdrive. Excellent condition. McHenry Garage, «>4 Front St., Tel. 403. 21-tf Classics or Popular Beginners or Adanced Instruction EARL P. KOCH Phone Pistakee 63S-M-1 5tf CESSPOOLS and SEPTIC TANKS SERVICE G. A. DOUGLAS Phone McHenry 776-W 10*1 CARPENTER WORK DONE BY DAY OR CONTRACT. IVAN GUSTAFSOX TeL McHenry 711 21tf WHITEWASHING, spraying, fly control. Wn'. Ahrens, 607 Front St. Phon* McHenry 736 R. Call between the hours of 12 and 1 p.m. 3tf HAVE YOVS CES8POOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned t>y Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. 29tf Need rubber stamps? order at The Plaindealer. '!• •?' -fr •!• •> •» || HELEN WEBER SAYS: : I: STRIKE! AND FOR THAT PERFECT CLEANING JOB. SEE US. McHENRY CLEANERS 1M Eta Street McHear; PHONE !•*•< Need rubber *••< 11 <H"> 1 * H M it HIMM 1114"H 11 • 1 i!• }• 11 The Plainde«l«r. FOR SALE -- 100 Leghorn pullets, 5 mo. old, ready to lay, $2 each. Combination coal and tank gas stove, $15. Tel. McHenry J>63-M-2. 11 We are hiring additional and girls at dress factory. He <gg« perlence necessary. RIvercMo Up C»s 800 N. Riverside Drive, Me* Henry. Call M. li>tf HELP WANTED -c Tool audi 41 makers; must be A-l men; shop experience preferred now working " 53 hours a weekk Apply Johnson Tool A Mfg. Co.j Inc., 525 West street, McHenryi 20-2 and dlq en; job I; shoij HELP WANTED - A boy wanted for after school and all day Saturdays, also experienced auto mechanic. Downs Naah Sales, 405 Elm street, McHenry, 111. Phone 484. 21tf FOR SALE -- Magic Chef natural gas stove, 1949 model, privately owned, excellent condition. Will sell reasonable. Write P.O. Box 234. West McHenry. *21 FOR SALE -- Fireplace wood. 2 blocks east of River Bridge on Rt 120. Dafe Thomas, Phone McHenry 27 «21 FOR SALE -- Natural muskrat 3/4 length coat, size 12; perfect condition; ideal for teen-age girl; must be seen to be appreciated. Will sacrifice. Price $125. Tel McHenry 816-J or 2«0-J. 21 FOR SALE -- 4 poster mahogany double bed, box spring and mattress; mahogany and satin wood kncchole desk; single bed, box spring and mattress; antique hand wrought iron andirons; Hollywood headboard; Electrolux vacuum cleaner and attachments; brass andirons and fire tools. Rollaire 21" electric fan on 5-ft. stand. Sale Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 7-8 at 102 Pine Rd., Jewel Park. Harrington. 111. 21 FOR SALE -- Prestone, $3.50 per gallon, quantities limited; 188 proof Alcohol Anit-Freese, 09c per gallon in your own container. Gambles, West McHenry, 111. 21tf FOR SALE -- Registered Duroc spring boars, ready for service Top breeding, many from production tested litters. Priced reasonable. Wesley Stahl, Prairie View: 111. Phone Libertyville 2-2786. •21-3 FOR SALE--Ready To Show this weekend at my farm on Route 20. two miles west of Belvidere, one load of real good Northern Iowa Angus steers weighing 710 lbs.. costing me $27.50. One load of light weight Angus steers weighing 570 lbs., costing me $28.50. Also some plainer steers costing $24.00. My cattle are still guaranteed against death loss frotii sickness for thirty days. H. L. Dunning. , 20-3 FOR SALE -- Practically new $750. Persian Lamb coat, size 46; also console electric sewing machine. reasonable. Phone McHenry 653-M-l. 21 ? Order at HELP WANTED -- Porter for several hours each morning. Chain O' Lake Game Field, Rt. 134, McHenry. Phone 166. 21 HELP WANTED -- Girls for drug store and fountan work. Nye Drug Store 129 N. Riverside Drive. 21 HELP WANTED -- Housekeeper by day or week: stay or go 12:30 to 7:30; or two days only, Monday and Friday, 12:30 to 7:30. Good salary. Llebsohn, Phone McHenry 666-M-2. WANTED TO RENT -- At Wonder Lake, McCullom Lake or McHenry, 2 or 3 bedroom house or apartment, furnished or unfurnished; reasonable rent. Write Mrs. Lydla Martell, Rt. 1, Ringwood. •21 WANTED -- Jobbers and direet Quality lines, with liberal commissions. Manufacturers representative. R. Duane Fowler. Woodstock, Box 334, Phone 464-JX. 41tf WANTED--Watchcs and Jewelry repai*. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty Shoppe.) 15tf REAL ESTATE FOR 8ALE--Store and gas station, store fully stocked and equipped. Walkin meat box. Three gas pumps; 2,000 gal. ground tankstorage; building 23x40 ft.; 16 bearing fruit trees; 3-car garage; Vihp. air Compressor. Phone McHenry J45. After 7 p. m. C*U 548-J-2. 16-tf FOR SALE In Mlllfttream, a most modern subdivision, 4 and 6 rooms, Face Brick on all 4 sides; Fnll cement basement, Automatic oil furnace or hot water; gas, electric, city sewer. Possession from 30 te 90 days. Price, 111,900.00 and $1840040. Cash Down-- 25%. Balance 30 years to pay. Yon can also have water front lot Call JACOB FRITZ or HANK NELL. JOHNSBURG --Telephone McHENRY 37. 8tf FOR SALE -- HOME8 -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY , Knox 'Real Estate 406 Richmond Road McHenry, I1L Phone: McHenry 421 .J Licensed 11L A Wis. Rroker FOR SALE -- Insulated 8 room home, furnace heat, automatic hot water heater, natural fireplace, 3 car garage, fruit trees. In center of town. Phone McHenry 147-M. 21 WANTED TO RENT -- Respon sible family requires three or four bedroom house, furnished or unfurnished. Tel. McHenry 629-J-l. 21 FOR SALE--At beautiful Pistakee Bay, new custom-built 5-room home; a real bargain; thoroughly insulated; water, gas and electricity In; choose your own plumbing fixtures and move in. Call Pistakee 194 or see your local dealer. 20-2 LEQALS Statement of the Ownership, Management, and Circulation, Required by the Act of Congress of August 24, 1912, as Amended by the Acts of March 3, 1933, and July 2. 1946 (39 U. S. C. 233) Of the McHenry Plaindealer, published weekly at McHenry, 111., for October 1, 1950. State of Illinois County of McHenry, as. 1. The names and addrtfltfSVUf the publisher, editor, managing editor, and business managers are: Publisher, McHenry Publishing Co., Inc., McHenry, 111. Editor, Adele Froehlich, McHenry, 111. ^ Managing Editor, None Business Manager, William Burfeindt, Jr., McHenry, 111. 2. The owner is: (if by a corporation. its name and address must be stated and also immediately thereunder the names and addresses of stockholders owning or holding 1 percent or more of total amount of stock. If not own. ed by a corporation, the names and addresses of the individual owners must be given: If owned by a partnership or other unincorpo- M -t 4 -H I' •> | 1 <uiin& TCNIUHT, FRI. * SAT., OCT. 14.7 „MAR8 IN MY CROWN" with ImI McCrta '• -- Also Full Length Feature "THE GOLDEN TWENTIES* FOR SALE--3 -room cottage. Wonder Lake. Furnished, 1 block from beach. Price, $3,500.00. Phone Wonder Lake 173. *21-2 L08T AND FOUND SUN. A MON* OCT. 84 Abbot and Costella la "THE FOREIGN LEGION" WANTED TO RENT -- By young IftoT . _ , v ^ people, three or four room, furn- H ' n raveler checks in Mc- VT.. Henr.v- Reward. Madge Wilson. STARTS TI ES-, OCT. 10:t At Regular Miller Prlccs "THE RED SHOES* Color By Tchalcolor M il l I *1 1 I M I • H » rated firm. Ha as well as tfcofte at each InHlHsl member, maat be given.)) A. Howard Mosher, Mc Henry, BL,; Gracia Moaher. McHenry, 3. The known mortgagees, and other holders owning or holding 1 cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other sect! ities arei ^None. 4. The average number of copies of each issue of thin publication sold or distributed, through the mails or otherwise, to paid subscribers during the 12 preceding the date ahdwft above was: (This information la required from daily, weekly, aemi-we«kly, and triweekl> rewspapera oaiy.) 2895. WILLIAM BURFEINDT, J%, Business Manager Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1st day of October, 1M9. ' MARL R. WALSH ' Notary Pabttt (SEAL) . •••• •, (My commission expflrea October 16, 1953. McHENRY, ILLINOIS Air Conditioned -- CaafMl Goad Vision and S--d Doers Open at ftSO P. M. Scren Starts at Ct45 P. E THUM&, FML * SATm OCT. M.7 Ceasar' Reaere Jane Mava (1) "ONCE A THIEF" Desl Araaa Mary (2) "HOLIDAY III HAVANA* mm. * MONn OCT. 94 In Celer Betty Grnble Mm "MY BLUE MEAYKIT Cartoea and "Kt^r a( the Jechiea" " " ' -- » -- TUBS. Jb WEMt, OCT. lO^tt Gene Kelly Teres* (1) "BLACK MANV* f Robert Hutten Math Wnrrtek (2) "BEAUTY ON PAMAMT " ji THURS. $ FML, OOl, (Only) Paul Menreld . Catberftae MCLM| "SO YOUNG, SO 1AV ished or unfurnished apartment. No children. Tel. Cary 4325 after 6 p.m. 21 FOR RENT FOR RENT -- Office or display room space on ground floor. Available December 1st. Write Box 100, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. *21 FOR RENT OR SALE -- Modern 4-room year 'round cottage. Phone McHenry 677-R-l. 21 FOR RENT -- Lovely 2-room cottage in Shalimar Subd. Partly furnished. Phone 643-R-2. *21 FOR RENT -- Rooms in 7-room home or will rent entire first floor with owner maintaining kitchen privileges; 2-car garage; between Volo and Lily Lake. Tel. McHenry 544-R-l. 21 Phone 20, '21 LEGALS * » -- -- -- - -- rw"V"W\A.» uiji FOR RENT -- Three room furnished apartment. Phone McHenry 21tf*531-M-2. IIELP WANTED -- Appointment maker to set up appointments for large Construction Company who is selling a new Building Materal. Homeowner preferred. Write or "nil Stanley Roberts, ATLAS CON STRUCTION CO., 2246 S. Mchigan, Chicago, Ted. Danube 6-5500. *21 Keep Time With Nickel Magnetic nickel alloys in dec trie clocks help make possible their compact size, accuracy and 'ow current consumption. Subscribe for The Plaindealer iiiiKniHiiiiHiiHiiiiMHtNiiiiraiintiniimiii'wmiiHr The B e a u t i f u l EL TOVAR CRYSTAL LAMP »IL WeHenry* Co's. Leading Theatre FRL A SATH OCT. 6-7 William Holden Cellen Gray In , "FATHER IS A UHELOr < Gene Antry In "COW TOWN" "Caw Town" shown only ence starting nt 8:25 PJL 81^. A MON.. OCT. 8-a Sunday Cont. From 2x46 P. M. Betty Hntton Howard Keel .v In •ABNIf? GET YOUR GUNW (In T^clitileolor) The Greatest movie treat of all time, Annie Oakley, the Fabulous wild west sharpshooter. TUES„ WED. Jt THUR&* CCT. 10.11.12 Jumes Stewart & Shelley Winters In , "WINCHESTEM 3|* 1 21 NOTICE Responsible for my own debts only after October 1, 1950. *21 Michael J. Kalfus NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of Anna Sloan Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that November 6, 1950, is the claim date in the estate of Anna Sloan, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. ELVERA S. DURLAND, Executrix. • VERNON J. KNOX. Lawyer Crystal Lake, Illinois. (Pub. Sept. 21-28, Otit f) f,i#0UTD0uR r GRAYSLAKE RTiZO&r fe- FOR RENT--152-acre farm near Spring Grove. Cash rent basis. March 1, 1050, possession. Call The Kent Co., Inc., McHenry, 111. 20-2 Inaeet Central V your insect and disease eontrol program on the vsrlous crops you produced was successful in 1949, follow the same steps again during I too. Read the Want Ads. •l 'Ml4l4"H 'H' Mli'||ll tll 6 H I H"|i» TOWNEl THEATRE FOX LAKE TEL. 7-1011 Complete ttne of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drag Store McHenry. 8tf ELM THEATRE Wanconda, IIL Rente 170 Mm Streel OPEN DAILY OtSO P. M. FBI. Jk SAT* OCT. 0-7 Double Feature Clandette Colbert Patrick Knowles In "THREE CAME . HOME" Shown at 7:10 and 10:00 P. M. _ Pins •FRONTIER MARSHALL* •S- :> with Randolph Scon FRL A 8AT„ OCT. 0-7 BETTY GRABU Mvm iane mit;i WAYNC • WYATT • GAYNOft ^ Dwectcd b, HENRY K0STER 2Ql fioduced by SOI C- SlEGEL"" SUN. A MON- OCT. 8-0 Sritn JEfF CHANDLER KOW THBXJ SATUBDAY Two Spodal Tochnicolor Hits m & Plus UNIVCTCAi.MTOtNA'nONM. pram* joei McCREA wamfai NENORIX Ma IKS£U."MI McMTIE SUN„ MON. & TTJESw OCT. S41Q SUN. A MON^ OCT. 8-0 Sunday Mat. I P. M. Continuous Jack Carson as the "GOOD HUMOR MAN" Pins Seleeted Shorts WES. WED., A THURS. OCT. 10-11.12 Charles Coburn Man* Lynn In "PEGGY" by Technical* TUES^ WED. k THUR&, OCT. 10.11.19 F. Granger J. Mans In "SADDLE TRAMP" Friday -- Saturday 0th Chapter Snper man vs Atom Man -- "SPECIAL -- Starting Soon Wntch For Date Student prices and rednetd prlees for children under EL # o o n o » o i n H o i i i H H M » JAMES CA •MUS LOVI TO mm MIQI «£I£MA mm *m BOW *«««.... --KUIMI I --Mau«s •-M WEa. THURS. FRL & SAT. OCT. 111243-14 SAMUEl GOLDWYH OUR VERY ANN BIYTH • FAtlEY GRANGCt JANE WYATT • ANNSWOMR • SONMOCQOR ahM^WMWMia* • WW-»t>».HUOMMBnSW' m m n * Bdx OFFICE OPENS 6:15 P. N| PERFORMANCE BEGINS AT fM P. f

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