farewell party was Jerome Bach residence »y evening in honor of 8. Freund, who is leaving fee duty NOT. 9. Games ifWoyed after which refresh- Md lunch were served, t «fuest of honor was pre- #itto a fitted fueling kit. AMMMMng the party were Mr. ttBi Mrs James Whiston, Mr. and m*. Bob Fuchs, WCr. and Mrs. Ray IlbfWtaK of Woodstock, $r. and Binn. William Herrmann, Mr. and Mr*. Fred l u^hs, Mr. and Mrs. George Oilpin, the Misses Susan Olaen, Qoris Jean Freund and Doris Smith, Roman Bauer, Bob Lowe and Lloyd Freund. Hoateaaes were Miss Loretta Kuni and Mrs. Jerome Buck. burg, Waukegan, Qrayslake and McHenry. Also present was his mother, Mrs. Clarence G&ylord. Sr., of Denver. Gaest At ' Shower . M* ' Miss Lillian Unti, who became the bride of Gregory Cairns last Saturday, was guest of honor at a shower held earlier in the week at the home of Mrs. Mary Hettermann at Johnsburg. Co-hostesses were Mrs. Richard Clark and Mr*. Ted Getner. Games were enjoyed, after which lunch waB served from a table attractively decorated with a i miniature bride as centerpiece, to which pink streamers were attached frOtai above. ; ^ similar corsage. The bridal party* ud members o* the immediate famllieh gathered at. the Villa Hotel ltesort at noon for dinner and at 7 o'clock in the evening a reception was held at ihe ViF.W. clubhouse in McHenry loi 309 guests. Tlie Wide attended the local scbools and has been employed at the Admiral plant. The bridegroom received his education in the local schools also and is employed by McHenry Sand and Gravel. Following a trip to :he Ozarks, the couple will reside in LUymoor 0B Birthday rersary Peter Blake was pleasantly surprised by members of his family test , week Wednesday evening. Nor. 1, the occasion being his seventy-fifth birthday anniversary. Pinochle provided entertainment, Vtth prices awarded to Mrs. Willlaaa Bbtke and Mrs. Frank Blake, bttch was served at the close of evening. - Among guests were Mr. Blake's its brothers and one sister, John, "William, Math, Joseph, Frank and Jfcgthony Blake and Mrs. Anton P. Vreund. all of McHenry. Others IP--uut were the Ben Jung family, «t whose home the celebration tpojk place, the, Leo Blake and fltorord Blake families of McHenry and the Arnold Mays of Mftimond. C. 9. ef A. Cancels I«r. If Meeting Gourt Joyce Kilmer. Catholic irs of America, has cancelit* Nov. IS meeting due to the party held that evening at St. .*****• church. W4.&8. Plaa« * 1 KtatUy Meetlaf • The regular monthly meeting of t|* W.S.C.8. will be held Thursday. Nftv. 16 beginning with a 1 o'clock %aaert luncheon. Hostesses will be Mrs. J. Gal lager. Mrs. B. French a*A Mrs. A. Johnson. There will H a sound movie "South of the (Bowls." (Tab*' *' mmwiMj ff-: . •'Hf McHenry Woman's club will meet on Friday afternoon, Nov. 1®, at 2:30 o'clock in the Legion fltoBM. Gaest will be Mrs. Irwin Barger of Woodstock, who will speak on, and demonstrate "Chriatliaa Arrangements." Holy Name To , S|M>nsor Party The Holy Name society of St. Patrick's church is sponsoring a party in the church hall at 8 o'clock on Sunday evening, Nov. 12. The public is invited. LILLIAN UNTI AND GREGORY CAIRNS WED IN SATURDAY SERVICE In a lovely 9:30 o'clock ceremony solemnized in St. Patrick's church last Saturday morning, Miss Lillian Unti. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John, Unti. became the bride of Mr. 'dregory Cairns, son of the Howard Cairns. Rev. Fr Edward . C. Coakley officiated at the service. , ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH WAS SCENE OF WEDDING NOV. 4 Te Ir. and Mrs. Arthur B Whiting <*"112 Hutchins street, Woodstock, will observe their golden wedding anniversary on Nov. 12. when they Will hold open house in honor of the occasion. Friends are invited to call between 2 and 5 p.m. The Whitings are natives of the OMend community, west of McHenry. Mrs. Whiting being the farmer Jennie Thomas. They were •tarried in the Methodist parsonin McHenry by the Rev. Whipl" e. ' $he Whiting* have nine children. Mr(t Theodore Zuch of Auburn, Mrs Joe Grasser, Mrs. \ tttuis Miller. Roger, Floyd. Lee, \ Arthur, and Walter, all of Wood- MOck, and LaVerne of Waukegan. Cherry Valley flab St.. Patrick's church was the scene of a beautiful wedding last Saturday morning at 11 o'clock when Miss Audrey Kurbyun, daughter of the Walter Kyjrbyuns If Ulymoor, became the bride of Mr. Robert Miller, son of Mrs. Anna Miller of McHenry. Rev. Fr. Edwiftd C. Coakley officiated at the double ring ceremony. The attractive bride choose. a floor length gown of ice blue color, styled with Peter Pan collar, fitted bodice, full skirt and train. Her Juliet cap of matching color held in place a fingertip, veil and she carried a bouquet of white roses and baby orchids. Miss Lois Kurbyun acted as maid of honor for her sister and bridesmaids were Miss June Kurbyun, another sister, and Miss Nancy Kurbyun. a cousin. All were attired in gowns styled much like that of the bride, but with short sleeves, and wore matching gauntlets and Juliet caps. Miss Lois chose a gold color dress and carried rust mums, while the bridesmaids wore ruut-colored dresses and carried gold mums. George Worts, a close friend, served as best man and James Wegner and Ted * McNish were groomsmen. Mrs. Kurbyun chose a dress of navy blue, with which she wore black accessories and . a white gardenia corsage. Mrs. Mil'er was attired in a dark green dress, with black accessories, and wore a Breakfast was served the ceremony at thd home at "lb* bride for membew of the bridal party and at noon members of the immediate families gathered In St. Mary's-St. Patrick's hall for dinner. A reception and dance were enjoyed there by 250 guests after' 7'o'clock In the evening. Following a trip, the couple will return to reside in the May home i on John street . • The bride is a graduate of tfee-i McHenry high school and has been I employed at the Apto Lite. The bridegroom . also received his education in the local schools and is employed by the telephone company in Waukegan. Manltowac.. Wis., last weekend. • Miss Dolores Vales and Albert Vales of Chicago spent the weekend with their mother. John Scheid and daughter, Rena, were Sunday guests in the Elmer Scheid home In Hebron. Jacob and Charles Buss of Chicago spent Sunday with relatives here. SATURDAY BRIDE Marriage Licenses A marriage license was granted in Waukegan to Sidney Schmitt of McHenry and Margaret Hertel of Grayslake. Alfred F. Fruehling and ^pelia Brett, both of MeHenry. ( ****<•-H-W V" BIRTHS : >>t"l"l"# 1M1' 'M1 '1"1 't H Worwick Photo Earl Conway, uncle of the groom, was soloist, his offerings being "Ave Maria" and "On This Day O Beautiful Mother" as the bride placed her bouquet on the altar of the Blessed Virgin. The charming bride wore a white satin dress, with inserts of lace and long train. A beaded headpiece held in place her fingertip veil and she carried a bouquet of white mums and roses. Miss Barbara Carey, a close friend, acted as maid of honor and bridesmaids were Miss Eva Unti, her cousin, and Miss Lucille Edwards of Chicago, a friend. All were attired similarly In gowns of cherry red color, styled with fitted bodice, full skirt and standup collar. They had matching gauntlets and wore bands of white mums in their hair. Their only jewelry were rhinestone necklaces, gifts of the bride. Geno Unti served his brother-inlaw as best man and groomsmen were Harry Unti, another brotherin- law, and Chester Grandt, friend of the groom. Worwick photo MBS. STANLEY SiHMlTT In a lovely wedding which was olemnized in St. Mary's church, t Freemont Center, last Saturday, Nov. 4, Miss Mqirf^ret Engle-, daughter of Mr. and Mrs: John J. Hertel of that 'community was married to Stanley Schmitt, son of the Math Schmitts of Johnsburg. 1NU hold Election V! twhhe, Cherry Valley 4-H club nun. •fc £h® school house recently, with M»lve members present and six V§Htors. Florence Lacy called the flitting to order and Marita Thom- •j%*»ve the minutes. Cards were gftf* out Tor the dairy calf projStta, after which Frank Pochart i*r^|s report on the delegation 'Wlllg at the Westwood school it Woodstock. Election of officers will be held §t the next meeting. L Ak.A%fc.jiL FEATHER PARTYSunday Evening, November 12th 8 P. M. Sponsored by Holy Name Society of Si. Patrick's Church CHURCH HALL PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blake uU family spent Sunday in the Walter Manning home in Oak Park. Bill Brda, now serving with the navy, spent the WQeJ»«id with his parents, the John Brdas. He left the first of the wqek for the from where he expects,to leave t|N^ country soon. ^ Mr. and Mrs.,, Thomas. H&rrteim have returned from a trip through the East. , . i; •) . Miss Rita Martin, £iyent Sundflpr, in the Glen Rebi&OB '< home Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Cofneltyl, Quinli visited the John Dranjn»«family Mr and Mrs. George Kleinhans announce the birth of a son on Oct. 29 in a Chicago hospital. They have one other child, a son, Stephen, 5 years old. A son was born Nov. 6 at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bruhnke of Willow Springs farm. McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones of Marquette Heights, Pekin, 111., are' the parents of their first child, a daughter, born.Nov. 6 at the Pekin hospital. She weighed 6 lb. 2 oz. Mrs. Jones is the former Rttth Vogt of McHenry. Robert Vogt is the maternal grandfather. Mr. and Mi's. Thomas Lawson are the parents of twin girls, born at the Woodstock hospital on Saturday. Nov. 4. Mrs. Lawson is the former Josephine Carver of Johnsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Wilson am the parents'of a son, born on Nov. 6 ai; th?s-Woodstock hospital. A daughter* was born on Nov. 7 at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Alger Oeffling. AKONO TBI SIOK wMMmnaMnriMaMMMW Mrs. Arthur Behrens is much improved at her Lily Lake home after being confined to Victory Memorial hospital in Waukegan., Ford Jackson underwent surgery in the Woodstock hospital lapt week. Herman Ohls has been a medical patient at the Woodstock hospital. Mrs. John Buelens has been a surgical patient at Sti- Therese hospital, Chicago. Harold Hettermann underwent surgery at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, this past week. Mrs. Russell Eisele of Spring Grove is a medical patient in St,. Therese hospital, Waukegan. ENJOYED VISIT HERE Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bruelheide of McCullojn Lake spent some time in Chicago one day last week, where they went to accompany his brother, Theodore Bruelheide, to their home in the country, where he enjoyed a visit. They took several trips through various parts of Illinpfc) )|i)dt .Wisconsin during Agnes Werner Thomas Buried In Chicago Mrs. Agnes Werner Thomas, 52, mother of Mrs. Elmer Antonson of Mclienry, died at the home of her daughter on Elm street early la4t Thursday morning of pneumonia. She had been in poor health during the last two years, wMcii time she lived here. S'.-vivors include, besides Mrs. Antonson, Robert Thomas and, Audrey Thomas of McHenry and Richard Thomas of Chicago. Funeral services and burial wer* in Chicago. moooirrr ENJOYED MeflENHrB HOSPITALITY MOV. 2 About 175 teachers from throughout the.eounty enjoyed McHenry hospitality when they attended the annual teachers' dinner and party, sponsored by the McHenry County Teachers' association, at the local high school last Thursday evening. Dinner was served at 7 o'clock, at which time Supt. C. H. Duker spoke a few words of welcome, followed by a greeting by Clarence Anglese, who was in charge of arrangements. Guests assembled in the school auditorium for a program which consisted of a medley of "Songs My Mother Taught Me" by the girls' octet, and a one-act play, "A Youny Man's Fancy", presented by the speech class. A tour of the lew addition to the building folowed, directed by members of the Student Council. The tour ended in the cafeteria, where the evening's entertainment continued with cards and dancing to strains of Clayton Anderson's f-rchestra. New residents of McHe&ry atljr Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Elnwick aaA children, who have moved fro a. Melrose Park to a place Country Clnb subdivision. - Order your personalized Christinas cards ai_d other gifts from our large selection novr on display at the. Agatha Sfcqfc, iia g. Green street, t • w • • • ; - hi y • Complete line oi Be^bo livestock remedies nt Wattle* Drur 8tore McHenry *tt MAINTAINS HOME Friends will be interested to learn that Mrs. Elisabeth Meyers, widow of John Meyers, plans to maintain her home ' In Miller's subdivision on the Fox river. However, she Is spending the winter In Chicago, where her address la 3125 New England avenue. Mrs. Meyers has lived in her home neiir Johnsburg for the past twentysevfcn years.. ; *.r' fi, t . FEATHER PARTY St. Mary's church is spohsoriag one of its annual colorful feather parties on Thursday evening, Nov. 16. at the Just For Fun Roller- Rink. The committee in charge includes Bill Althoff, games; Chrl** tine Kennebeck and George J. Freund, lunsch and refreshments; Bernie Matchen, parking and A. 8. Blake, time contest. The public is invited to attend for an enjoyable and profitable evening. "THE "GIFT PORTOne Twenty-fwo Riverside Dr, GRAND OPENING SATURDAY. NOV. 25 "Where Santa Claas Will Spend December" his stay, pp Saturday he was sur prised by' d 'vfhit from his son. R.tlph. and wife and two children Mrs. yipl^t StgvpJip and Mrs. Irene Fkinnjgii^liln^I; [daughter, Sandra They spent a pleasant weekend which epded with Mr. Bruelheide's rtum to Chic Mrs. Bernice Tonyan Died Unexpectedly Funeral services for Mr$. Bernice Tonyan were held from the George Justen & Son funeral home in McHenry to St. Bede's church. Fox Lake, at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning, followed by burial in the church cemetery. Mrs. Tonyan died unexpectedly in her Fox Lake home Saturday. The deceased, the former Bernice * Watts, was born In Lake county on Feb. 15, 1894. She is survived by her husband, Frank, a sand and gravel contractor at Fox Lake; nine children, tliree brothers and a sister. KUPTUBED? # IiiihIIbq with qoMtiaaafeU tniMM at At up«BM of^your health wUl^jpror* I PROGRK5S <n,<1 BANKING TIMS SPENT BY THE AVERA0C WORKER TO EARN $10 WORTH OF GOODS UNITSO STATfS ENGLAND RUSSIA cago. Sm your Phy*iciai at one* _ dlagtwwto and w* wili fill sis prMcriptioa to hk aatisfaetioa. it ftii Madfloa has alraadv mm d*» •smiaad and an aot sMuriBa Ik* pnpmt comfort oi par as a vin at Sam and b* eoavinced that tudtt com- •«t--I haada. truaa Stttag has bom reduccd l» a fr1--r- iMMllag al) go»«s wwh. Renew th^fjInscription to thr ^Halndealer now1 PENICILLIN TREATMENT FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE Lake Geneva Laundry and Dry Cleaners All laundry and dry cleaning services. For Pick-ups call Henry's Grocery, phone MeHenry 340. 7 -- Wo featon the famous Um of Maa-SUd Spot Pad Tni--• which hold tho niptuae wiih a fractioo oi tho pioMuro roqulioc bf othor appUanco*. Wo also havo a coapltti aMortBMot oi Abdominal ftirtimlWi Basis (lOQili i 5 W matter of seconds! This tube of-PENICIUIN CALCIUM 0IHTMINT SQUIBk is ready for. instant use! Something you've been w aiting for--readyfg- use penicillin mastitis! Come in and get Penicillin Ca!dym Ointment Squibb in the "instant-usc" tube. 3Por treatment of mastitis--simply remove cap--insert the tip into cow's teat opening squeeze out oint mene! That's all! In a ikatter of seconds an infected quarter has received treatment! Come inask for the "instant-use" tube! ' 4 '• Bolger's Drug Store PHONE 40 McHENRY ILLINOIS Our free enterprise system has given us the highest standard of living in the world. As one important cog in the American system; BANKS supply the credit and other financial services that have helped increase our pro-^ ductivity at the rate of 20% every 10 years/ McHENRY STATE BANK HMih«r Caieral Hiwibw Cat»wia#>« ienber federal* Reserve Systegi IN JUST 5 MINUTES I CAN SAVE YOU $UOOO' BOLGER'S PHONE 40 McHENBY, ELL. Alter A Rosary 9b Moaday TJ* Altar and Rosary sodality f fit Patrick's church met in the --!h hall last Monday evening ^o'clock tor a regular monthly )|. The committee in charge (ad Mrs. Edward Frett, chair- Mrs. Earl Marshall. Mrs. Such, Mrs. Larry Huck, s. George Larkin, Mrs. Thompson, Miss Laura and Mrs. Helen Heuser. Tlf-M ' - Pbl and relatives gathered Phillip Thennes residence ' to honor Miss Irene Thenof last Saturday. . were Mrs. Vogt Viola Justen, Mr sister Helaa O'Leary, a friend and other games were with prizes awarded to _.., Toayan of Grayslake wtnkleman of Wood i. SclMefefr. Mrs. An ot J<dH)sourg and Miss „ Vogt at Waukegan. guesta were present from Lake, Woodstock, Johns- •.•fr-:. s • wmmm ACCURACY FOR HEALTH .Latin is not a dead language to us because it is used constantly by your doctor when he writes ^a prescription. We consider it a living and vital reminder of the importance of accurate prescriptions for you* Voalth -- always bring your prescriptions to us. NYE DRUQ STORE PHONE 26 McHENRY, ILL. r FEATHER PARTY Turkeys, Ducks and Geese -if*. --SATURDAY EVENING NOVEMBER llih -On I *0>*m PARK PUB • M0 Pmrl StrMi. MeHrarr LUNCH WILL BE SERVED. AMKICA'S LO^^BT-rtlCn A tV nuttic Transm^ision . • Doti^v Gyro-Matic is «railabli*on Coionet models at ssoderateaxtra cost. |M| THIRS'S MORE ROOM INSID! this big ^'Sf new Dodge--more head room, shoulder room, stretch-out leg room-- than in many cars costing far more. Sm for yourself I You could pay $1/000 "»«• an j«l t i»i." no!"«*!Lh® extra roominess, driving ease and rugged dependability o<. DODGE Is five minutes of your time worth $1,000? That's all the time we need to show you the proof of Dodge bigger dollar value! Youll see that this smart big Dodge gives you a new kin . of driving ease--extra roominess--and mon< laving dependability that you don'rget in man* cars costing as much as a tlifiisanf*.dollars mor. Gem? In today-and see Iwvi 9ta\ it Is to uv t'K'^-s b*ee«r vsUv 1 » »•-> • > V\' hh i •' • .•meui Siggerifahe ,)0D6E lust a /m# doHtn in (Me kmimt-priead oars 4 . V' A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES Inc* 301 E. Pearl . m -i-f .. i c