Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Nov 1950, p. 5

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T^^ns* ir^*r,^*s?,F "^rtr t^fr wr^'v^v* -> - *-*tei -,-Lt. J*. «\| r1' i ,^*f•^|l'f \n "'0frw^ '. . _ ^ • ;->', • .,- r^,*;J***' '**.» T^.^T *' n* W' "'^V r' ff*V-M" * •>: ;^» r>p' .\$FjHr\ " '? 7.i-V /* ^ ,1,'f *• f . • I '* .-•'>; ,.. ,... ' - . *. 8-y :*\x ' .%' W- -, ' * /., : t"- , . >•* *$/•- ! {v • * /'* **•" *7 ', £ '"\. "I; .;' 'v ? 'l»« Hi Im ilii All ihA i irii'iiM ^ "j- lift "• 1" tT'^fci W ^ •uftV l" -» «• «^i.«w.- ^.^Jx,~j(i .*&»*» •£«*. „.i ta^i £ W " _ _^_»s * ^ ^ ^ -jfr £ #U*: mm puwdealer •, Published every Thursday at Mchenry, ill., by the McHenry Wbliuini Company, Inc. i"*^ • ^ . . W. 'BUBFEINDT, Gen. Manager AOBLB FROEHLICH, Editor. ^ SUBSCRIPTION RATE T1 Tear feM "Wtadealer Want Ads IW ads counted leas than 26 «ords. the minimum. J insertion ..... 76c (Com. 6 words per line) 2f»c service charge on all blind ads. Cash with order. Card of Thanks .... $1.00 Minimum ^ Reading notice 15c per line. Waat Ads clowi pro.nptly at It a.m. V. «M2neada> Entered as second-class matter at the postb."*ice at McHenry. III., under the act May 8, 1878. AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE FOB SALE--By serviceman, 1949 Ford Convertible. Radio and heater. $1,000.00. Tel. McHenry 89-WX. 28-2 BUSIKdSS SERVICE I'OB YOl'R ROOFING NEEDS Siding and eve gutters. Frank Ehredt, Round Lake 6-2223 Now selling for Durfee Bros. ALSO HANDLING MADISON SILOS •28-31 P. M. RADIO & TELEVISION SALES t SERVICE 108 E. RIVERSIDE DRIVE ' WE HANDLE ADMIRAL aad RAYTHEON TELEVISION SETS. STORE HOURS: 9 a.*, to 8:80 p.m. I'JIONKS: McHenry 979 or Res. &77-M-1. «> I REPLACEMENT P^RTS PO* ALL fAR» . Acctmrici aad Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY 4<* W. Elm Sfreet . ..Open daring week 9 A. M. to 7 P. M„ Sundays . 8 A. M. to 1 P. M. lltf FOR SALE--(j (McaWis, armatures, garters, fuel pumps, - distributor*, f ^ roltag» regulators and ignition paru- | Wf or Ford and all other cars. Seac(< "^altk & {Service, Lailymuur, Fred J 4Vohoda, Prep. Tel MeHenry 183. 47tf FOR SALE--1940 Ford Coupe. Best' Of/er. Phone Mchenry 582-R-l. 29 The Best USED CARS for Less. '49 DODGE, 4-Door Sedan, had extra good care. ^'49 DO DOB, Club Coupe, "Gyro- Matic" Coronet. '48 PLYMOUTH, 4-Door Sedan, high value--low cost. '48 DODGE 4-Door Sedan, fully equipped -- like new. '48 NASH "600" Sedan, economy j --real buy. '48 PONTIAC, 4-Door Sedan, "Hy- | dramatic--clean. *47 DODGE, 4-Door Sedan, fully ^ equipped--like new. '*•17 PONTIAC, Sedanette, good ; looks--low price. '46 DODGE, 4-Door Sedan, really : a bargain. •jfe DODGE, 4-Door Sedan. *S6 PLYMOUTH, 4-Door Sedan. ;P1UB many other makes and B»odels. Immediate delivery on most new oars. v A. S. Blake Motor Sales* lac. 801 E. Pearl Street McHeary p^oae 1M ' .1? " % n WR SALE •-- IMS Pontiac 4-door sedan. Low milage, paint and mechanically in'. per"?ct condition. Tires are practical/ new. $1295.00 including 2 new snow tires. Phone McHenry 608^M-1. *25-8 FOR SALE -- 1949 V/illys Univ. %Jeepr full canvas top, excellent oftndHion. 1948 Univ. Jeep with tall wooden top, good condition. McHENRY GARAGE, 604 Front St.. Tel. 403: 9®.tf FOR SALE--1939 Padkard, 6-cyl,,1 4*door sedan. McHBNRY GARAGE,' 004 Front St., Tel. 403. 26-tf J RING TOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC <»ROBIa2MS TO US-- We can de liver anything frout a snapshot U> urge m lira Is, or free hand oii tol»ying and framing. CAMERAS. PROJECTORS. FILMS 'V* D , SUPPLIES. W OR WICK'S HfUDIO. 117 Riverside Drive. Me ilenry. Phone 275. 40tf (AK1TOR ftliEVICE -- Wc cleav woodwork, floors, windows, wallt> •aily, weekly, monthly or season- »lly. Reasonable prices. McHenry anitor Serviee, E>on Dewey, Mgr. *bone McHenry 430 J. 32tf HOME RLfAIRS •Ve Specialize in all Home Repairs Low Monthly Paynieuts Free Estimates McHenry Improvement Co. Phone 523-W-l McHenry, 111. «tf EXPERT PIANO AND ORGAN IfrUHUfO--Repairing and Refiaishing, work fnlly guaranteed. >'o« merly with Lyon and Heily. E. Za I'Ot.h, call collect, Lake Zurich 5341. 6tf 21 ARB AGE COLLECTING -- Let us lispose of your garbage each week, •r ofteuer if desired. Reasonable •«tes. ReguU- year round route 'oh* E. Hill, P. O., Box 274, Me- '|p»irv. Pltone 368. tf SNOWED U]NDER TiSS WEEK? v, % . jfi- FOR SALE PO* SALE--7 sectio* H. W. Areola bdiler. 400 lb. capacity stoker, 30-gal. electric hot water Petersen Heating A Plumbing, phones 963 or 521-W-l. f *29 FOR SALE--Bungalow at 302 N. Green St. Inquire at 209 R. Him St., or phone 474-W. Price 911.000. 24-tf FOR SALE FOLLOW THE CROWD TO THE ^portsmnn's Inn, 513 Main street, fee cold case beer and packaged ;oods of all kinds. A1 Pliannen •itilL 49tf ANTIQUES, MIST. ITEMS--Clothing in Good Condition for the entire family. Formats. Open Mou. to Sat., 1 p.m. tj 10 p.m., Sunday, 11 a. m. to 6 p, m. Mrs. R. Diet rich, Terra Cotta Rd. Consigun^nt and Resale and Antique Shop, % mile west Terra Cotta factory which is oa Rt. 31. Crystal Lake 1348-B-l. 51-tf FOB SALE FOR SALE coal stove. Henry 462. 1 "Morning Heater" Call Park Pub. Mc- 29-tf FOR SALE -- Trees, shrubs, evergrens. Estimates on complete landscaping. Pitzen's Nursery, Route 120 and Wilson Road. R.F.D. 2, Round Lake, 2 miles east of Volo. Phone Round Lake 6-1570. 23tf FOR SALE-- JOHNS-MANSVILLE "Blown" Rock Wool. Guaranteed not to settle. WALLFIL Co.. Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl, Tel. McHenry 18. 22 tf KOft SALE--Boy's Johnson hockey skates, steel toe; size S; reasonable. Tel. McHenry 674-W-l. 29 FOB SALE--Collie pupa, Paratfar blood line. Reasonable to good home. Phone Wauconda llttt ^ ' : 88 FOB SALE -- Hoover' vaeeuttm cleaner, completely rebuilt, 826. Will allow for trade-In. PlKtfl* McHenry 674-W-l. ^ ' - ^ - " • . .k m v, FOR SAJLB--TYPEWRITERS. AODING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St. Wood stock. Plione r»4*». 7tf RALPH L. CLARK Plane Technician Repairing Tuning 902 Garfield Road Harvard, 111. Phone 748-R SPRAYING, WHITE WASHING or PLY CONTROL-- Chicken houses barns, garages and basements. Frank W. Henkel, Volo, P. O. Round Lake, 111. Tel. McHenrv 543-J-l. 5tf CEMENT BUILDING BLOCKS Available at the Water Tower la West McHenry VON CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO. Phone McHenry 788-W PIANOS Factory Warehouse--Unusual bargains in new and used. We represent such famous makes as Baldwin, Cable, Kimball, Wurlitzer and others -- spinets, grands and uprights. See us before you buy. Select your Christmas piano now -- convenient termB. DAVID E. STARK -- Cor. West Chicago it Union Sts",' Elgin, Illinois. Phone Elgin 780. 27-4 DEAD ANIMALS - highest cash prices paid for eowt, horses and hogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Call Whaling Rendering Works. Wheeling ?7o. 3; reverse charges. 36tf MUSIC INSTRUCTION . 1 . In Your Own Home Piano and. Piano Aceordian Classief or Popular Beginners or) A danced Instruction BARL P. KOCH Phone Plstakee 638-l|-l »••»< 'in CESSPOOLS and SEPTIC TANKS SEBYICE «. A. DOUGLAS Pheqe McHenry 776-W 101! i• i n i i n n t n i n n n n » CARPENTER WORK DONE BY DAY OR CONTRACT. . |VAN GCSTAFSON . . TeL McHenry 748'- lltf ..4.'. i'Holon Wob» Says: Holidays Alaoadl Are Your Clothos Roady? With Christmas jSist ahead, be sure your lovely dresses and suits are in spotless clean condition. Call us for prompt service. » McHENRY CLEANERS ' 108 Elm # PHONE 1M.I ><•4 11 l»»4l?M 111111181 If HAVE YOVS CESSPOOLS, eateb basins, neptie tanks, cisterns cleaned Eddies Saaitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHeny 290. 29tf WTO5 DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTKM -- We sell, repair aad install pnmps. Bill Bacop, S0<> Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 2dt>" O. J. H. DIEHL Woodstock Piano Tuner 1«he 808-W 526 Washington Si Woodstock, Itt. 3011 COCKERS -- Stud service; black/ and parti-colored; all show winners with superb pedigrees. Tel. Wauconda 61324. 29 FOR SALE FOR SALE --Kneehole desk, complete with chair. Excelleat conditiofi. Phone 564-R-l. 29 FOR SALE -- Radiant type heaters for garages and hog houses, $29.95 value -- closeout, $19.95. Gambles, West McHenry. 29 FOB SALE--Federal dump truck and garbage route, in Wonder Lake and McCullom Lake. Truck has been overhauled and in good condition. Phone Wonder Lake 123. 29-2 Renew "that subscription to the Plaindealer now! Bay Yoar Holiday Liquors Wines ft Case Beer at the SPORTSMAN INN New large liquor department has been added. Packages will be gift wrapped. 29-tf FOR SALE--One Rotary car hoist. Freewheel Cartls 11-la. cylinder. Two large steam unit heaters, never ancrated. One oil-fired' hot water heater, new. Price--wholesale. E. J. Sheldon, Graysake, phoae 8-7811. *88.8 Downs Nash. 405 Elm Siw would lika to htfi as ikair guest Mr. Gka, R. Glos, Oak Hurst sulk, and ona to attand lhl pictura now pi tha Colony Th up your tickats at Naah Salaa . ALL YEAR HOME AT . WONDER CENTER popt^Vtooms and hath, two (2) Alee location. Price |4t|0«6#r for appoiunent Call PRITZ-REAL B8TATE, to g, PHONE MCHENRY 87.. 24-tf FOR RENT J FOR RENT -- 2 room furnished cottage, gas heat and electric. Available now. Phone McHenry 519-M-l. •28 FOR RENT--Modern 5 room home. Complete plumbing etc. Immediate possession. Call Saturday or Sunday, McHenry 590-R-l. 28 FOR RENT--Large bedroom, will share kitchen and home. Ladies or couple preferred. Phone McHenry 538-M-2 after 6 p. m. 29 BUY TV AT COST » Saaday Oaly 8 P. te 8 P. X. We must clear otjr Televisloa Inventory. A smalV. 4«g}Osiy^ll hold any set till Xm Sunday is Open Hotifk, fee and Cake -- JPreij' |c» and Toys for f r prive down Si^iij,'^ "hrhti family to * x * B. S. C«a|iMl Co. 1848 Ceatral Kraastea, IlhMlM/ See terrific ' bargains in (ised RCA, Admiral, Motorola arid phil- -- co. Large screens as low as $69.95.'| SALE -- Modern Tri-level Buy refrigerators, ranges, radios car garage attached, and all electrical appliances at ^rflp'^isulated. forced air heat, wholesale prices. ' v| carpdMT throughout, tile kitchen Sunday Only 8 P. H. to 8 P. M. |*nd 1)4 bath. Rumpus room and •>29 isundVy 1a basement. On 1 acre ground. Prfc« $16,600.00. M. - B FOB SALE -- All yetfr 'round home. Call 68S-R-1 or see your local dealer. j *29-2 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED -- Experienced auto mechanic. Downs Nash Sales, 405 Elm street, McHenry, III. Tel. 4S4- 22tf HELP WANTED--Girl for general office work; some exerience. in bookkeeping, billing and typing taeeessary. State experience, references awMaUry desired. Address Bo* iff, c/b^ Plaindealer, McHenry. " 2«.tf HELP WANTED Lady for part time office work. 8 days per week. Phoae 170 for appolataieat HELP WANTED -Men for pelting; mostly inside work; no experience necessary; *50 a week. Northwood Fur Farm, phone Oary 3301. 29-2 WANTED TO BUT $10 TO 888.88 PAID FOB CBIP. PLED- HOUSES ft CATTLE -- talon 8811 •r EfffiB 7(81. Lee Dog Food Co. ' ' " ' *M-5 SfrVkTiOtl WANTED «TrAMOrWANfEli-Wlll' care tor children five days a week in my home and also evenings. 412 John Street, McHenry. *29-2 BKAL S8TAT1 --in«- •fwVwMwmiti' NOTICE OP CtiABI DAtE Bsute of Thomas T. TlMffittetoh, Notice 1s hereby given to all persons that January 2, 1961, Is the claim date in the estate of Thomas T, Thonneson, Deceaaefl pending in the County Court 6t McHenry County, Illinois, and that ctaUm? may be filed Against the said estate on Or before said date with' out issuance of suininpn^, AMY JUUND THOI^NBSON WllllAM CARROLL, ST'" Attorney at Law, ^ Wajbd8tock, Illinois. (Pub, Nov. NOTICE MIa the November 18th lssae <* the Plaindealer a irtitttlea of Royal C, Bavea laslfnatBa the City Hall of MeBetry as a P|*re of hearing Naetnlaf sach application The Marh« eoareralag tin Bavea seata* petition will- he held la the City . Hall of Crystal Lake at tie hoar o^8 P. % #*. her &th. 7 Lbose aad Klaae Attorneys at Law McHeary, Illinois Yeraoa J. Kaox, Lawyer Crystal Lak«, infMIt NOTICE OP CLAIM DATE Estate of Kathrlna Hiller s/k/a Catherine Hiller Deceased Notice is hereby given to all persons that January L 196l, la the claim date in the estate of Kathrlna Hiller a/k/a Catherine Hiller, D&eased. pending h» the County Court- of McHenry County, Illihois, and that claims may be filcid against the said estate on or before said date without Issuance of summons. - Vernon J. Knox Bxecutor (Pub. Nov. 80. Dec. 7. 14, 1950.) WILLIAM H. firSSEL WILLIAM B. SULLIYAN, Aartleaeers SALE -- New two-bedroom home in McHenry. Full basement, 1iai4iMa*'*ttdbi>i!. *4ully insulated. Large, tot. Pour blocks from stores. Thode McRCenr/101-WX. *29 Kni\t ill.000> iQgalow at 302 N. ty/Inquire at 209 E. 474-W. Price 22tf The undersigned, having been confined to the hospital and at the present time in poor health. Is compelled to sell his Dairy at Public Auction, on the farm formerly known as the Tom Johnson Farm, on the old Huntley-Woodstock Blacktop Road, 1H miles west of 47. 6 miles south <^f Woodstock and 5 miles north Jot Hu&t ley, on ( SUNDAY, DEC. caameaeiat at liti P. /•, as fallows: I • 15 CHOICE DAIRTCOWS 4 of which aire ^priagen, 8 re^lslered first calf Swiss Heifers l Holsttelh Heifer, 8 amaths old, vacclnated; 1 Swiss Heifer, 8 months old, cm he registered* Helsteln hall, IK years eM. PEED 200 bal«s of oat sti*aw; 800 bales alfalfa* and clover hay; 20 feet- of silage in 14-ft silo. MACHINBRY 5-ft. McD. horse mower; HeD. hdy loader; * hay rake; walking •law; 8»ft. McD. tandem disc; « roll Appleton corn busker; 2 seta of harness. MILKING EQUIPMENT Blirte milker with motor, putnp aad pip«illne far 22 cows; 2 units; 8 milk cans; 2 rinse tanks, P<I1B and atralners. MISCELLANEOUS 1 gas raafe; 1 coal ranjjH TERMS: Usual Bank Terms. Not Respbnlsble For Accidents. John Zimmannan, Owiiar FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of WOODSTOCK, Clerking Member Federal Reserve aad Federal Deposit lisaraacr Corp. auction' FOB SALE -- Maple corner cupboard, artificial fireplace with electric heating units. Phoae McHenry 821-J. *29 HXLP WANTBD FOR RENT--2 new 3 room apartments, unfurnished. Apply Lily Lake Grocery Store. Mrs. Vallone. Phone 544-M-l. 29 FOR SALE--Feeder steers, white face. Johnsburg Airpark. Phone McHenry 600-W-l. 29 FOR SALE--5-piece maple dinette set. Extension table. Phone McHenry 238-J. . 29 HELP WANTED - Waitress. Mi- Place Restaurant, 121 s. Green St., Phone McHenry 377. 22tf -- .Vnrfihi HELP WANTED -- Immediate opening for 2 girls in our shirt pressing department. Located In McHenry. Phone 189-W I6^tf WANTED Laures, phone 505-M-2. •29 WANTED -- Jobber! and direei salesmen. Quality fines, with libera coquaiMions. Manufacturers repre sentative. R. Duaae Fowler. Wood stock, Box 331, Phone 464-JX. 41tl WANTBD--W a tehee and Jewelry repai'.- Anthony Nooaan, 200 So. Green street, MeHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty 8hoppe.)' lfitl Swine Eryslplas Swine erysipelas can lie dormant on a farm far several years aad then flare up suddenly. REAL CAR BUYS $50.00 and Under '34 CHERVOLET' '32 PACKARD '36 CHEVROLET '37 PONTIAC '35 NASH $150.00 and Undar '39 HUDSON '37 STUDEBAftlR '37 OLDSMOBILE '39 CHRYSLER '39 CHRYSLER LIKE NEW 6 USED CARS WITH NEW CAR WARRANTYS C. J. DOWNS NASH SALES 405 ELM STREET . TEL. McHENRY 484 'McHENRY; ILLINOIS Kutl SALE la MHlstrsaai, a most modera aaMHvMoa, 4 aad 8 rooms, Face Brick or all 4 sides; Fall ceaieaf haseatftat, Aatoauitlc oil fnrnace or hat waterf g** electiir, city sewer, Possctttea from 88 to 80 days. Price, 8U^NMM aad fitmM. Cash Down-- Bala ace 88 years te pay. have water front lot IITE er HANK veiminr 87. ~ rot SALE - HOMES -- FARMS CHOl£B LOTS - BUSINESSES BEBOBT PBOPEBTY Im Beal Estate . 488- iBIehmead Beat McHenry, I1L ^ Pheaet McHrary ttl<l LldAsed tlL k Wis. Broker Weight of Gold The troy ounce is the unit la weighing gold. An ounce of flnt gold means an ounce of pure §tt$ fn 1984 the President proclaim#*) ht United States gold dollar to be 18 9/81 grains of gold, nine-tenths Bae. jrhleh is equivalent to (35 per fiqp trey ounce. The former value tf ftfd was $20.67 per. fine ounce based on the dollar of 2S.8 grains of goid nine-tenths fine. Weighings are tude In troy ounces snd decimals, thereof. Jewelers use the penny- weight. and graiij, JB»e trey aound never is used. : Grain Crops Famine and severe food shortages are generally very closely associated with failure of the grain crops from which both man and stic livestock derive a larg|' ;pafy of their total food supplies. State of Illinois County of McHenry as. BBFORR -THE CITY OF Mc HENRY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROSE FRBUND FOR VARIATION OF ZONING CLASSIFICATION. \ NOTlCfc Notice Is hereby fciven that in compliance with the provisions of the Interim Zoning Ordinance for the City of McHenry, a public hearing will be held by the Board of Appeals of the. said Zoning OrJ dinance relative to a change it} classification of the following described property: The Northerly half of Lot Num* wr four (4, la Blftek Number ^'.^rur' Z.*? one (1) excepting aad reMrving jn i' therefrom the Easterly one h«n* - - tractor plow. F-F dr»fd and fifty (160) feet in width thereof Of the Plat <nf Weftt McHenry. according to the plat thereof recorded in the Recorder's ofTice of McHenry County* Illinois in Book 24 of Deeds, on page 22. Said proposed change is for the purpose of permitting the Mttstructlon of a duplex house on said premises. Said hearing will be held In the City Hall at MeHenry, Illinois at the hour of 7:30 on the 18th day of December. 1950. All person! interested may attend. CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS ZOKMiG BOARD OF APPBALS By Roy A. Kent It's Chairman •' "ftttoner's Attorney: Vernon J. Knox, McHenry, Illinois itone 43 ub. Nov. 30. 1950 Drapertea Draperies and curtains should not be too skimpy for the hMght knd width erf the window. An abundance of inexpensive material is better than an insufficient amount of costly material » Lake Lake Magadi in southern Kenya. British East Africa, in a 90-sqoaremile saucer of solidified sodium bicarbonate, the same as tha crystals a housewife uses to soften water. Head the Want Ads. The Beautiful EL TOVAR CRYSTAL LAKP II. VcHeory* Co's. Leading Theatre kew that subscription te the Plaindealer now £3 ••iifwi i mini 11111 it Porn Oats Barley F«rgu*on Grain Sw*ic« Tear Coaatry Elevator ife Bay aad Sell. Laa Us Sarva You Phone Crystal Lake 1874-B-8 Rye Whacrt Soybeans FBI. * SATh DEC. 14 Bad Abbott A Lea Cesteile la "THE FOBEION LEGION" STN. * MON^ DEC. 84 Saaday Coat, fraat 8:46 P. X. Aaa Blyth Parley flraaftr la "OITB VERY OWN* A draautfc auuter^lece of warm aa4 leader eatertalameat. .... TPES* WED. B THURB^ DEC. (4.? Barbara Staufck WeaieB CtNf la "TBE FfTBIBS" 18 miles earn of Antldcli. % mile north of highway 173. 4 mil* west of highway 41. 1 mile south of Wls.-Ill. State Line, 3 miles northwest of Wadsworth. on SUNDAY, DEC. 3rd Coaimeaefag at lliH o*eieck. Fewles Laach Wagea. CATTLE -- 88 Hohtela, Gaera* sey aad Jersey cows, eoaslstlag of eae eew with calf at side, & nprfagers, ? reeeatty fresh, hal. snee aUfklag geed. Choice Hoi. stela tan* 1i BMBths old. This is a yeaag herd, there betas 18 ftnt aad seroad calf heifers aad are ftol prodacers. Areraga. year* ly herd test of 4%. T. B. and Baags tested. MACHINERY--A-C "WC" tractor on new rubber, PTO, etc., (good cond.); F-F tractor on rubber, F-F - disc, F-F 2-row cultivator; F-F 7-ft. power mower; FF pulley; new M-H com planter (with fert attach. and fittings for F-F tractor) ; F-F conversion set (for corn picker, etc.); F-F tractor chains^; McD. pnsh-ty^e hay loader; new McD. No. 7 silo filler; V'B grain drill; 2-sec. M-H steel drag; J-D lime and fert. sower, new buss saw; McD. corn binder and bundle carrier; Oliver side delivery rake; new windrower for mower; 2 rubber tired wagons; steel wheel wagon and rack; U. 8. grain blower; Lindsay tractor manure spreader on rubber. POULTRY--IM White Leghorn AAAA pullets, laying 90%; 100 White Leghorn hens, laying good; SO Muscovy ducks; 5 Mallard ducks. PEED -- 889 bushels oats; 150 hales alfalfa and timothy hay, 80 ft. silage; 85 tons loose hay. MILK EQUIPMENT -- Farm Master portable milk machine (complete); 80 milk cans; 8 MI8CE*bANl»!US~-3« «£ endless belt; pam# jack aa4; trie motor; scales;' 4 rolls fence; hog feeder; 8 metal. 2-gal. stock tanks; new battery brooder; electric bull staiT; grapple fork; 8|I0 ft bay rope; new 40 ft extension ladder. BUILDINGS--8 btooder (10xl2-ft) and (8xl0-ft.). FURNITURE -- Chiffonier (very old), comb, cabinet and closet; 4 tables; studio Morris chair; dressing i commode; 8 library tables; tures (very old frames); M-W sewing machine; Maytag washing machine; Kenmore 4 burner kit* chen stove; Home Comfort kitchen range; Coleman oil burning hwt* er; 275 gal. oil tank; 2--9>184t linoleum rugs; 9xl2-ft carpet REAL ESTATE AT ROSBCRANB --Good 7 room bouse on highway 173, H mile west of highway 41, with electric lights; fnrnace; gas and 2*car garage. location with school bos senger bns service. Good ment because of rental Terms can be arranged. 10% do* posit on day of sale. Da?id E. Raanatt. OWMV FLFERS and BEHM, IRiiiar Pabllc Aactloa Service Ca, ffifijat Barllagtoa, Wh^ TeL 8I».W r «»1 HI I » II » H| II m H n|; Oity Oomiril Proeeadiag ' " n i l I ^' - ' COUNCIL BOW "fSf *' November 88, I8S8 s The City Council met in iifHf semi-monthly meeting with MayW Freund presiding. Aldermen proa ent: Althoff. Freund. Rotheeaprt* Tbennes. Vorcital. Abeent: Aa&fr son. \ Motion by Althoff, seconded hp Freund, thai the mnintes of tBa last meeting be approved as Motion carried. Reports of officers and city ployees were received by the Council. Motion by Althoff. seconded .hiy Thennes, to refer the questhi# at. Social Security for City of MeHenry employees to the Finance Committee for report of findinga to be made to the City Council befora January 1, 19C1. Motion carried. Motion by Vycital. seconded Dgr Tbennes, to approve the plat of Cooney Heights Subdivision with provision to include building lino setbacks. Motion carried. Motion by Freund, seconded hOT Althoff. to pay Funding Bond fig, the amount of $2000.00. 1260.60 interest and $7.00 service charge to •he American Natioiicl IteJik .<nd Trust Company of Chicago. Motiaci carried. Motion by Althoff, seconded by Thennes, to pay engineering aer~>. vice charge in the amount of $95.00 to Victor H. Kasser from the Motor1 Fuel Tax Fund for services In coi* nection with Long Program House BtU carried. Motion by Althoff. seconded hp" Freund. to adjourn. Motion carried Earl R. Walsh, City Clerk. f Qeorge P. Freund, Mayor. • ri mm it'ti minim i TOWN !THpATRE '"I FOX LAKB Colony McHENRY, ILLINOIS Air Conditioned -- Cerirfert Good Ylsion nnd Soaad Doors Open at 8(89 P. M. Screen Starts at 8t4& P. H* I FBI. A SAT^ DEC. I# la Teckakalor Maaroea O'Hara John Payne "TRIPOLI" Basketball Headlines Cartoon ft World News Sntarday Matinee 8x88 Hot Office Closes 8t88 Be-Opens As Usnal At ft88 SUN. * MONn DEC. 8-4 James Stewart Barbara Hale "THE JACKPOT" Also: "Tern A Jerry* Cartooa and Trnrcltnlk Saaday Matinee 8«88 Coat CLOSED ON TUESDAY WED. Jk TIFB&, DEC. 8.7 In Tecknlcoler Kathrya Graysan Mario Laasa J, Carrol Nalsh David Nliea *THE TOAST OP NEW OBLEANS* Also : Color Cartoon aad NereBy FBI. « SAT, BBC 1* SUN. A MON„ DEC. 8-4 \ • V TT1&, 1ED. * TMITBS« ^ DEC. 8-8>? V l < Miiv m»>' mm urn H: : f'X ^ ^ :

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