Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Nov 1950, p. 7

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NEWS FROM WONDER LAKE & By TIMK Mil --rw Woua's Ctak Ta Katertali Sptaken On Dec. 10, at 2 pjtt. at the Legion hall, the Wonder Lake Woman's dab will have Mrs. Q. Burger and Mrs. R Kelly of Woodstock as their main speakers. The fJ^omea will demonstrate and speak on Christmas flower Arrangements. Mrs. Burger's specialty, door an; window decorations, will be he main topic, while Mrs. Keily will talk on table settings for the coming holidays. A small donation will be requested and refreshments Will be served. ' Auxiliary to Held Craft Sale The Legion auxiliary will hold a .J&Jterans' craft sale at Silk's Sportrag Goods store on Saturday, Dec. £. There will be many useful and practical articles, also suggestions for Christmas 3hopping. These articles are made by disabled veterans either at home or in hospitals and are exhibited at the Veterans' Craft Exchange. Nearly 400 disabled veterans or their dependents have been assisted through this medium. The proceeds of the «le of each article goes directly the veteran. The Veterans' Craft Exchange shop is maintained by donations from this units of the Department of Illinois aru by the Past Presidents Parley. Brownies lees SOT. 28 On Nov. 22. an investiture of new members was held for the new members of the Brownie Scouts. After the secret ceremony, Mrs. Gregory Meillng presented the Brownie pins and welcomed into) the Brownie Scouts Luclnda Sue Tallman, Sara Mae Kelley, Shirley Johnson, Patricia Kucera, Phyliss Lietezia and Janet Wright. The meeting was then concluded with games of musical chairs and "Skip to my Lou." * Death In the Family of Sells Due to the death of her grandmother, Mrs. Vaaesse Sells, has been in Missouri for several days. Her pinch-hitter apologizes for briefness of the column. Gospel Church News The snowstorm and hazardeous roads proved too much of a handicap to many to attend Sunday School and services last Sunday, yet there were a surprisingly large number of boys and girls out for the Sunday school session. The group of friends from the Midwest Bible Church in Chicago failed, however, to come out for the evening service, as announced. The reason is obvious. It involved too much of a risk to travel 100 miles, or more over icy highways. We are now preparing for the Christmas activities, especially for ihe children's prograai. Will soon announce the date for this occasion. Again we extend to all a friendly invitation to our Sunday serv^pes Dec. 3. We have classes for all ages in our Sunday School a't 10 o'clock and to the Gospel Hour at 7:45 p.m. And we would also Invite yon to our prayer service on Thursday evenings at 8 o'clock. The urgent call of today to our nation is the call to prayer. And the chief concern with any individual is that which is expressed in God's Word: "Seek ye the Lord, while he may,be round, call ye upon him while he 1s near." (Isaiah 65:6) x PRODUCTION RF,fOBB_ All Illinois egg production records for October were broken last month when farm flocks laid 199 million eggs, according to a report by the state and federal departments of agriculture. This total is 7 per cent larger than the former record established in October, 1949. Prices received by farmers in mid-October averaged 36 cents a dozen for eggs. A year ago the average price was 44.7 cents. HIGBWAY MAY DETERMIHE -Statistics reveal that during the Dec. 14-St last year, &| per •ent of the traffic fatalities oc- | Wed In hours of darkness. The niotor club uses these figures to fcoint up the extreme need for cautious d<*i/!f g at this perod of tike year when daylight is at its Unless motorists take their driving 'extra seriously, the holiday may b|»g about a ***»»$£ TT J*'* JL* at "8 rise in traffic de»aatthh«s aanndd iinnlj«urrliee«s Wlefest. Many families will delay at Christmas time, according to the Chicago Motor club. Christmas, 1949, was on Though motorists had just two free dayB in which to travel, thirty* one traffic fatalities and 900 injuries were marked up In the state from Dec. 24 through Dee. ft. This year, with Christmas on Mon-»> day, many people will take to the road on Friday night or Saturday morning for a family reunion and holiday dinner in the home town. Thus the three-day holiday period will project the accident rate even higher for this Christmaa--unless precautions are taken. their start for Lome till the last Moment, then make the entire trip In the darkness, meanwhile competing • with the 8 tiff est odd against safety. Bad weather can further endanger Christmas auto travel. Icy and snowy pavements are winter's number one hazard. Cars and trqpks need tea notes the distance to stop on ice as they do on dry pavement Control of tl|e car on slippery pavements can only be assured by moderate speeds. Christinas being a true family holiday, responsibility will rest doubly heavy on the driver. The safety of family groups traveling in automobiles will depend upon the driver and the manner In which he handles the car. Courtesy extended from one motorist to another can be no more appropriate than at Christinas. And highway courtesy may decide whether or not this will be a 'Merry Christmas'! LEADER HONORED Henry Marlowe, Huntley, was awarder a diamond-centered gold cioverleaf pin last week for his twenty years of selfless service as a 4-H leader In the Huntley community. Marlowe was reared in Mt. Vernon, and was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Marlowe. Following graduation from the Mt. Vernon high school, he PR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green St., McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) COME Bad Chjdy the Sparkling Rltyilun ai ERNIE WAGNER - ; it the Hammond Organ NOW PLAYING NIGHTL* Your Favorites, Old and New " Bear th*,w "fi jfftrrnftd fry ibis ariist el IterlUe, ant later ffto of Illinois mhere he in lStl. He son, daughter or tie i nansj mi risons, Rlngwood, in. M ia standing 4-ITer, Mrs. Mitiftii wm one of four, national 4-H*ers to as to Washington in liti* Tl»Ntr» lowes have five children, Anne, Lyle, Dean and fHsye. ___ _ . Kit 5 i ••J*!!'!;r^f% CoamMnTl^ iaatned to f 1<UX» per ' *aver. This * fen you dtis yesm pwnc •i -m vn*w- i*t tic uiVBe> • rice yearly. GOSM In and open ttJifSuKIQ ... plm dendvpaA m opto I _ Savings Acnaat NOWL Byes Examined -- Glasses Fitted - Visual Training -- Visual Rehabilitation Complete Visual Analysis m*ml* It and 1 to 5--Saturday Evening jfd» RED STAR INN Richmond, Illinois I 1 I f • - t ' H ' l - H ' H H j +frf » frfr+f <•+»»» Current Earnings 3% MARENGO FEDERAL SAVINGS LOAN f*. R. KELLEY, Secretary Saw By Mall PHONE McHBNRY lit Mayer Beef \ V IMJiiivM ' * * • It-fc «H &•« College Iu CMekaa Ml <4 rS \ ' lOU'LL FIND THESE PRICELESS BENEFITS ONLY IN TU$JL\ iAMs«rMdbilii|Sestt World's •est Aerodynamic Design * Twin Bods • Weather lyo Conditioned Air System • Most UsaMa laggsge Space • Alrflyto Constrvction * Most Comfort ablo RMo You Ivor THod • 20 Difforont Intorlor Color Combinations • Choko of Threo Brlves--Hydro-Matic, Ovordrlvo «nd Standard Transmission You MoYf Br^artfd Suth Fr**h Ahl Free of fumes, air is taken in above the hood. H*s filtered, refreshed, warmed auto* HMtically. No drafts. No window-fogging. ^ Yes, discover what has happened in the automobile world. Get behind the wheel of the world's most modem car--the new 1951 Nash Airflyte. Never before have any automobijpe been so far advanced as these cars of Airflyte Construction-- with so many exclusive advantages as Nash offers you today. See these cars designed and built on mod* era aviation principles. See how Airflyte brings you safety, comfort, performance and economy--yes, and value never possible before-- the value that won Nash a postwar sales gain 5 times as great as the average of the industry. Make your own comparisons--oil any basis --with any car, regardless of price. Before you decide, take an A irflyte ride--inthe worWs most modern car. fc fv*ry Mart--and nowhere else--the greatest forward step in 40 yeare-- Airflyte Construction. Body -and-frame are weMed into a double-rigid, rottleproof unit. Whmft Thkt Even an Airliner Reclining Seat to rest yoa while your partner drives. At lever touch it goes back as far as you like. You can even have Twin Beds. TELEVISION ^ AMytt Theatre" on your fovorWw CSS TstovWoe SlaHonovory wttk. Conwlt your nowipapor far timo, day and station. '/ - ^7/ f he W,>rM- M. , s > MLET YOUR UmaA. DEALER DEMONSTRATE WITH AN AIRFLYTE RIDE THE AMBASSADOR THt SI ATtiMAN THE HAMBLTR . HUiSl Elm Street NASH SALES McHenry/Illinois wm Batter Kerael * ft Carroll SI No. 90S fins 30* isr B|e Silver Essisr Cleaning % lfls» #1«s. #3« Blencli Drop Goos Far n*. boffU 17a Hurts Only Dirt •M If* Seep W 9e Flakes «<•••* 83o Ivory Saew A Timo Sa•vj or 9 p^«s. S3* AJaz Clea Foatning AcHon % cant f7« ... • •+; ((^| Customers' ^Coh^er Are there any emptoy» ees in your A*P that you have found particular efficient or courteous? If so, we wish you'd let as know. We want to hear abomt the employee« who do the beat j&b, so tee con keep them IN mind for better fob*. If there's somebody in your A*P (hat you con* sider an outstanding performer, you will be doing him and us • favor if you write tot CUSTOMER RELATIONS DEPARTMENT AaP Food Store* 439 Lexington Aveme Now York 17, N. Y. _ 4q^<Jfost r«e«a^re I Ksw Csa I Lswer The Fasiily Food MI? AkawW" Shsp st A*P Wfcere Yen f i e t StsrewMe isw FrkM^ •n Hsaireds sf tteas /' !%n| Every D s y . . . I a s l e a i sf \ / 1 : Jast s Few Oae-Usy sr ^ Week-Eai "Sfedsh"! i . full JT-- mwp* orices go up. So buy s week's supply of w ^nd household needs st A1P. (k mskii ^ ^ difference whst dsy or days you do the end of the week, compare your total foo^ . .. * fc|ill with what you might have spent el«e»„ ^ where. We think you'll sgwa that yoo tmr -y save more . . . more essily • • • by doing ^?v •our msrketing at A4P. , . (Prices B> fhMrsd««> Nov. SB tkresfb Crfeaai •! Wheat Malt O Meal 31c Fariaa M*my gg- »«.^27e llaakerpat* lie Grapefralt Jalee Atf a«.n.35e Orug« liiee RMMS 27c Piaeappto AWSW 29c Pears ***» LONION Saaerkraat av 4 11c Heaey SPRFSTMOSA 83C Appleeeaee A» 31c Peaa Wm» 25c Smoked Meat Specials 81PER.R10HT PICNIC HAMS .... •> SMALL and LEAN SMOKED BUTTS ALL GOOD SLICED BACOH SUPER. RIGHT SLAB BACON MirKELBERRVS FRANKFURTS Jb. 4; lb. 43c 45e Florida Oraagea nw ^49c| AppSei Wathlngfoo Oofidow 2 lbs. 23c CirtaM CdKml* Ernpotf Potatoes Moko RwMt OalpBUI Nortkoni YoRow Globo M 69C OraageJalee m** 2^.ita.37c Strawberries ^ Q-~.PN.39C Fresli Dates c.nfomi. 33c . : Canned Meat Spedcds SAN S1NEHA . Kv^.! • / " CORNED »...»«»•, ioriiw>n'>iiiiy{l 917c BANQCET ' ^(t% enn WHOLE CHICKEN .NIL5S ARMOUR'S |- 18 ROAST BEEF KKEY'S -- with lyown psvy SUCED PORK .1, 57c OSCAR MEYER -- in WIENERS , t - i CHID-O-BIT crSS Baby Ottage 7V ^ v'V."< .n-^.«ko. '•"fV I ts Psrktr BKOWN SERVE BOLLS !>•.»» 15c Pippta Rell lie 9A«r Vmmmma Jmm Aaise Ceokles Pfefferaasse Caekles 39c 35c 43c A&PM Shm •••** IIUIIK *<•• MCIIK IU (UWMT l*in CMH»»I Cooyr»g*»fd ittO-TkoCVooi AlkaiitAroctlcVaeC* AsP'i PRICI POLICY • Stq^rewide low prices on hundreds of Baas every dsy... instead of jast a far*W» dayw or MWfckaCMl ipciili,11 • Advertised prices are gnarsnlsed f* safe week, even though market prices fo ip We believe this policy kelp* onr aanwM jave more money. • With the correct price marked an 9mtf item, plus an itemised cosh raghtar slip ... you know whst you save at Atf. 1 y- l;'ff

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