r, • *' M'®"r:v' ** M*R M • " srcfe J ^ • W YR " - , J i Vi V<u l ^'w / i-<y vi lv»1 1 1 Nmi J - " ^1;T: v^^^ar-T 5 ^. ij^. f-:v*r ;;^'t.SSfc*£rr ^ j^-SC;* 1 * ' : / ' ' v ^ ' ! y * < s ' . * *v ^vv^' v " ^ - : k " ' \ * * " '•- t * ": V?> \ ^ ' ' * • ^ >" ; s.^ * " " ' T&* ;..' 1 ^ ^ wsf„A \ ', j> J'4 ^ s ^;i-/»^.*' ^ v" r&VvA» >,.. I. "s$/>,:•. •J\ V ' ...-•" * ' T~~k urwUy. OMMtet 1950 ' •"• -iijbir" 4:* Livestock Chut* Ccm B« BulH-On Th* Farm! !"• 59T2.*"?.•** iCffe n-- '•"•#>>•' «rvT «v* ' - * * • * • ** >4%f 1 «^*A> *" *2 '.. *• * j • >C! "l1^ *j-. .» :J* ' Lvit«y« 1^/4 ^'^v :" v >•** ' . v «-• » ' • ; .yv 4 _ £ £ g. "| • *PFTF ' • < . « • •- • / ' • 1 ' s 1 "•* , v- •<£".•** ' t ' . •iAi • %' . •*• " «'»• %?Y*' v#6wt 7I*+*I "9* RW/^0- T ® ® /itctw* RA»\R frrrwij «Mf RVUR/W MATERIAL : Slae Leagth Ha-- • a . 1.10 If JACKS A•: si" <4 1.10 V TREADS ' fe. 4 Y RISERS c I >• . R BUMPER D i *M4 3' SUPPORT E 4 **4 7*6" COR. POST f ,i 4M 4 5*8" CENT.POST C ;V :v* • 1*12 12* LOWER SIDES H • * U « 12' UPPER SIDES J ll. 4 3'9" TIES K . . » - , t" 5'6" TELFSCOPING SUPPORT ftM pipe --3"0** SUPPORT HOLD E RS , t ClofD^t far Nth s< lipport N • GALVA, ILL.--Safety of livestock begins on the farm, and this portable step-ramp chute is designed for the safe loading of animals when shipping from farm to market. It can be built easily if constructed according to the above specifications and materials purchased in the sizes and amounts listed above in the Bill of Material. When done in this manner waste is eliminated. Entire cost of constructing the above portable farm chute which SECTION A-A. Ilted In toll Stsse IIImm A new technique for breaking gaB> •tones bv high frequency sound | waves has been developed. Experiments, which have been re> ; stricted to anesthetized rabbits Mi A dog, open up the possibility tfeM gallstones may some day be treated without surgery. If gallstones can be successfully fragmented by high frequency sound waves, or ultrasound, • the small, broken pieces may then Jpass into the intestines and be excreted through natural elimination. ' (High frequency sound waves are waves which vibrate with a frequency too high to be audible to the human ear). In these experiments, the ultra* sound was introduced through an abdominal incision and directed on the gallstones without damage to the surrounding tissue of the anttnals. Thus far. doctors have limited their research to the proof of t%o basic points: first, that gallstones can be fissured or fragmented by ultrasound; and second, that live animal tissue surrounding the gallstones need not be damaged during the brief exposure to ultrasound. was used in a field-day demonstration here, is $70 --$50 for lumber, $15 for automobile axle **yj wheels and $5 for nails and bolts. The step-ramp loading chute was developed by Chicago's Union Stock Yards, and is patterned after the stationary step-ramp type constructed there as part of the Chicago yard's safety program to reduce braises in handling inaugurated several months ago. „/ , ; . 4Nr Fleek KepUermeaie fttfehase of "started" chicks or adult males for breeding flocks is ;disccursged by veterinarians on . Jthe grounds thst older birds are jmore likely to introduce disease 'than carefully purchased day-old <chicks. The recommended procedure is to buy day-old ehicks jfram a reliable hatchery that is Iknown to be free of pulloruxn disease aad other infections. The farmer can then raise his own imales for the breeding flock io* stead of gambling on a questionable source. Use of day-old chicks slse is recosnmended for replacing the ^ laying flock. ^ Don't forget, Santa will be at $ AlthofTs Hdw., Sat., Dec. 9th, at 1:30 p.m. Keeps la|i Flat Rugs sometimes lose their stiffness when cleaned and do not lie Oat on the floor. A thin coat of white shellac applied to the back of the rugs will serve as a remedy. Mccoiemeter The succulometer--a device which measures the amount of "juice" In a product--is used principally to determine the maturity of raw sweet corn. BUTCH'S I^pr. tall Is coming. Are you thinking of your anii-fneze aad your winter cfaango OYorl Wo Do Complete Hoiot O^ttrluxiiiag. 309 W. Elm Siroot McHenry, 11L Phono bii " Residence 91-R m 24 Hour Towing Service M Story of Three Bears Tito three bears of storybook fame had a few other uninvited guests before "Goldilocks" came. The first visitor to the bears was * fox. Later, Robert Southey, noted English writer, t made an old-worn* *n the intruder. But, the English people, who took the story to their hearts, substituted the pretty, little girL Don't forget, Santa will be At Althoffs Hdw., Sat., Dec. Jth, at 1:30 ft.ra. In non-csmmerclal opkirittiiB, helicopters are well Isunched. They have brought Arctic and Antarctic .areas, Psricutin volcano's crater, and East Africa's wildlife into scientific view. Probably their first use in archeology was in early 1MI in Panama by Dr. Matthew Stirling. On his tenth National Geographic society-Smithsonian institution expedition into the Middle America area. Dr. Stirling found it possible to do in a half a day by helicopter the travel that would have taken ten days or more by caaet and on toOt » • la Columbus' Day Various estimates have been made as to the population of the western hemisphere when Columbus arrived. These estimates range from about eight million to as many as 75 million. However, s recent estimate, which is regarded as authoritative by the bureau of American ethnology of the Smithsonian institution, arrives at the hemisphere total of 15,580,000 In 1401 Luggage Cotton Is the principal material consumed in the manufacture of hand luggage,. accounting for 43 per cent of the consumption of all materials. A survey by the National Cotton Council also indicates that more than 90 per cent of women's hand luggage is covered with cotton. Korean Tigers Korean wild life includes tigers thst are often larger and handsomer than the more famous varieties of Malaya and India. A special corps of brave and trained, but prfmitively equipped, tiger hunters was formerly part of the royal forces. (n FTS^ TIC //OWE o»:>. Cake if Right Here In McHenry County a! Rtdgefield $2.95 Extra heavy spun aluminum with glass bottom. Tea Kettlf ELECTRIC Perkolator $10.95 Vest Bend fi&vo Perk Toaster • WINDOWS * SASH •TRIM # CABINETS, etc. B n FREE DELIVERY Anywhere in StcHenry County QUICK DELIVERY $3.95 Wear Ever Best Quality J22.50 General Mills Pop-up Type Pressure Cooker Steak Knives Mirro Matic 4 Quart $12.95 Drip-O-Later $4.95 /Set of six high quality knives in attractive .box. Percolator CRYSTAL LAKE MT1.T. ." ^ *£• - FR~< 'A- RIDGEFIELD CHYSTAL LAKE. n i TM^ig 'i/Mi : County "B" and C. ft N. w. H. H. ' Phoiw CRYSTAL LAKE 1570 or 1571 Revere Copper Bottom 8 Cup Capacity $11.50 Wear Ever heavy alunifhtaxn construction. 12 Quart Capacity Ver Igfc^pg Cafety . Of the 11,000 traffic fatalities which ecear annualy 1a our streets and highways, many could be prevented with better street lighting. With that Idea In mind an electric company has developed an ultrasensitive, portable lightmeter, so •imple to operate that a schoolboy can take highly technical readings of extremely low light Intensities. ' Oave Bhakesyeaie Peiatprs Many scholars believe that a totter by William Strachey describing a great storm In 1000 csme into Shakespeare's possession and provided material for the first act of "The Tempest." one of his more famous plays. Strachey was the first secretary of America's oldest colony at Jamestown. According to tradition in the Strachey family. William Strachey gave Shakespeare additional detaiis of the storm by word of mputh after returning England In 1911. The goldenrod <|fatins SeMdsgo) Is claimed by more *s as ttielr official state flower pan any mt*pr American plant. Nchra^ta adopted the goldenrod by legtslstive act tat 1895, with Kentucky fbllowlng In lOSB and Alabama in 10S7. North Carolina claims the flower by "common consent." Ballreadtotbel At one time, fleam engines efj the Manitou and Pike's Peak rail-! road, chuffing their way up the 14.-;'" 000-foot peak, required three «tops atong the way to take on flOO-gallonQ gulps of water. The last of tjhe_ steamer units has been retired. I The ^Railroad to the Sky" Is nowi completely di|sellsfd. The Esrth moves around the sun » with an average velocity of about 1100 miles per minute. It is mps| rspid in January, when we are nearest the sun, and slowest In July, when we are farthest away. Start now to xmmke next Christmas your most exciting and memorable one. J°*n our l951 Christmas Savings Club now temiajf^ ,t.j ' " 1' | ~R \<$ McHENRY STATE B" s Member Federal Deposit and . "r ? s Federal Reserve System - JL. € GIFT SELECTIONS from yovr drvfl ALTHOFTS HARDWARE ^ PHONE 284 McHENik *LL. "The Store That Senrice Built" . hC: CHR GREETING CARDS "CARDS FOR JEVERYONE" MAWCUffi SETS oiotassjn FOUNTAMPBtS We carry the world's Finest Pent.' ' SHAEFFER or ' PARKER A Wide Price Rang|» J ELECTRIC RAZORS Schick 20 -- $24.50 Sunbeam Shavemaster $23.50 • REVLON MoHday Creations - Lipstick Opitick and iMish Aquamarine Lotion 65c to.S1.10 AMITY BILL FOUS Genuine Leather for Men or Women $1.50 to $15X0 RONSON LIGHTERS 'The 84 S6.00 to $12.50 The Vanguard $13.50 COTY'S Toiletry Sets Very Cleverly Designed &» to nam ELECTRIC t KATM6PUS CESCO A Practical Gift. J5.45 to a.e WATCHES WRIST TYPE OR POCKET Mad* By Famous Manufacturers S2.19 to $11.95 COLORFUL Evening in Paris Powder and Perfume SljOOtoSIOSO PROPHYLATIC IUR BRUSHES Genuine Nylon Bristles sun to S5JW SHAVING SETS Seaforth Sportsman Did Spice Lentheric $1^5 to $5.00 MAKC-UP MRMRS AroundtheNeck Type Metal or Plastic S1.ntoQ.7f PERFUME ATOMIZERS Br Devllblss Very Smart $1.00 to $5^0 M LEATHER UIUTY KITS FOR MEN Fitted Casei , or. Throw-In Type $10.00 and up VISIT OUR TOY DEPARTMENT Bolger Drug Store « 6