A::*:.r'J'*'• ... •'•.: > •• • V - >nwi% •<••• •.>, >. \-tj,' Thursday, Dtcombtr 7. 1950 v*5*5??^ -T* W VT- ?3 '1V r » •/ « .... <•! f , i®4 V» V"# .-£ *. * A SB#k' THE VeHSHRT PLAUUfcALSB nwsi-Mikm TrtvfcM By PmMIIIr fllvii 0m REAL ESTATE I CLASSIFIED •MUENRY PIAINDEALER Published every Thursday at MciJIenry, III., by the lie Henry Pub- ^huint! Company, Inc. ^UtlOMAl AUTOMOTIVE #. BURFEINDT, Gdn. Manager. ^jU)ELE FROKHLICH, Editor. :nw SUBSCRIPTION BATE flear ***» 2& 76i 1 - ^ mewaler Want Ada |s No a*is counted #lesa than iTflibrdft. 7»c minimum. I insertion (Gout. 5 words per line) ^F25c/service charge on all bli 3 ads. Cash with order. Card of Thanks .... $1.00 Minimum f>' ^Reading notice 15c per line. j|.- Want Ads clow p.o.nptly at 10 £%iin. X. ndnettday f EnUred iaaecond-clai»s matter k «i tLes postC.^ce at McHenry, 111., fuhderthe act May S, ii7l. FOR SALE 1947 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION. Radio, heater & overdrive. Like new. Price $1050. Private owner. Phone: McHenry 522 R2. 30 BUSINESS SERVICE FOR TOTR ROOFING SEEDS . Siding and eve gutters. .Frank Ehredt, Round Lake 6-2223 Now selling for Durfee Bros. ALSO HANDLING MADISON SILOS ' ...; • . : *29-31 AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CAR* AeeettHorin and Scat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY 4'*> W. Elm Street ....Open during week 9 A. M. to 7 P. M., Sundays • 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. $ 1Uf FOR SALE --(idicnilorn, arinatuies, feirterK, fuel pumps. distributors, reitage regulators and ignition parts f|ir Ford and all other cars. Seaco mlet & Service, Lily moor, Fred J. Jlroboda, Prop. Tel McHenry 183. ' r mr FOR SALE -- 1949 Willys Univ. Jeep, full canvas top, excellent condition. 1948 Univ. Jeep with ffull wooden top, good condition. ^IcHENRY GARAGE, 604 Front St., Tel. 40». ^ 36*tf FOR SALE--1939 Packard. 6-cyl„ 4-door sedan. McHENRY GARAGE, C04 Front St., Tel. 403. 26-tf FOR SALE--1940 Chevrolet, 2-door sedan; radio and heater; good Condition; $225. 103 Richmond itbad. Tel McHenry 218-J. 30 Q the Best USED CARS For Less '49 DODGE "Wayfarer" Sedan had extra, good care. DODGE "Coronet" Club Coupe "Gyro-matic". Fully equipped 't& NASH Tudor Sedan, overdrive perfect. / 47 DODGE 4 door sedan. One of our better buys. - . •«8 PLYMOUTH 4 Door Sedan, Economy plus beauty. '48 NASH "600" Sedan. Fully equipped. '47 PONTIAC Sedanette. Good slihpc, good looks. *49 BUICK Convertible. Neat looker, keen runner. . 46 DODGE 4 door sedan. Can't go » wrong here. '#6 DODGE Club Coupe. *41 DE SOTO 4 Door Sedan. Plus other makes and, models. Immediate delivery on most new m.ears. ' ~JL S. BLAKE MOTOR MALES, INC. <• IIOI E. Pearl Street ftcHenry Phone 1*6 BRING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS TO US-- We can ,iv liver anything from a snapshot to largo murals, or free h.ind oi) paiutiugs. Copying and framing. OAMEKAS. PROJECTORS. FILMS AND SUPPLIES. WOR WICK'S STUDJ'.). 117 Riverside Drive, Mo Henry. Phone 27o. 4011 'ANITOR Sli^KVICE -- We cle-ii1 woodwork, (loors, windows, walls wily, weekly, monthly «»r seasiin »lly. Reasouah.'e prices. McHenry miitor Ser\u-.e, I/ou Dewey, M|(r. 'hone McHenry 430-J. 3s»tf HOME REPAIRS We Specialize in all Home Repairs Low Monthly Payments I Free Estimates McHenry Improvement Co. Phone 523-W-l McHenry, 111. 6tf EXPERT PIANO AND ORGAN TUNING--Repairing and Refiuishing, work fully guaranteed. merly with Lyon and ITeily. E. Zi> both, call collect, Lake Zurich 5341. 6tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us ilspose of yonr garbage each week, •>r oftener if desired. Reasonab.V •atcs. Regular year round, route Tohn E. Hill, P. O. Box 27*, Meflnnry. Plii>ii<> 365. tf BU8IHESS SKBVIC£ RE-SAbE XTOSK -- on blaektDp between Rt. 120 and Rlngwood. Clothing for all; glassware, books «nd furniture Come and see me. Celona Kane. 30 FOR SALE FOLLOW THE CROWD TO THE Sportsman's Ihta, 513 Main strCfet. U-e cold ease beer and packaged {oods of all kinds. Al Pliaunen 'till. 49 tl' ANTIQUES* Wi8C. ITIMS--Clothing in\ Good Condition for the en- .ire family. Formats. Open Mon. •o SatA 1 p.m. tj 10 p.m., Sunday, II i|» ® p. m- Mts. R. Diet iieh, Cotta Rd. Consignment nidi R«^le aiid Antique Shop, i/t nilex^ifrest Terra Cotta factory which is on Rt. 31. Crystnl Lake 1340 R 1. * 51-tf FOR SALE -- Trees, shrubs, evergrens. Estimates on complete landscaping. Pitren's Nursery, Route 120 and\Wilson Road. R.F.D. 2. Round Lake. 2 miles east of Volo. Phone Round Lake 6-1570. 23tf WQMBl fMY COOK? Steak -- |IU* ~ OUckon Lobsters -- Ducks At All Shoppers' Special Rout Young Tom Turkey--Vegetable--CeliVy Sage -- Cranberry Sauce -- Giblet Dressing Whipped Potatoes -- Gravy r 65c Pure Beef Hamburger on Buii, Pickles, Potato Chips and Soup vJ.,.45c Sunday Dinner Specials • ;$1.40 The Little Chef Resldurant • Ot>en from 7 A. M. to 10 P. M. 138 H. Riverside Drive V McHenry, Til, "The Best Chfef in the States" FOR SALE-- JOHNS-MANSVILLE "Blown" Rock Wool. Guaranteed not to settle. WALLFIL Co.. Leo r. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl, Tel. McHenry 18. 22tf FOR SALE FOR 8 ALE--TYPEWRITERS. AD DING MACHINES. Service on al •Hakes. Also ribbon* for all makes i*arhon pupea-. L. V. Kiltz, Clay Si xVnrdstnck. Phone -•41. 7 V PIANOS Factory Warehouse--Unusual bargains in new and used. We represent such famous makes as Baldwin, Cable. Kimball, Wurlitzer and otheve -- spinets, grands and uprights. See us before you buy. Select your Christmas piano now -- convenient terms. DAVID E. STARK -- Cor. WTcst Chicago ft Union Sts., Elgin, Illinois. Phone Elgin 780. 27-4 RALPH L. CLARK Piano Technician Repairing Tuning >02 Garfield Road Harvard, 111. Phone 748-R SPRAYING WHITE WASBQtNG or FLY CONTROL-- Chicken houses bams, garages and basements. Frank W. Ifenkcl, Volo, P. O. Round Lake, 111. Tel. McHenry 543 J 1. 5tf Bay Iwr Holiday Liquors Wines & Case Beer at the SPORTSMAN INN New large liquor department has been added. Packages will be gift wrapped. 29-tf FOR SALE--African Vidletfc in bloom. All colors lf»4 varieties. $1 - |1.50 each. Mrs. Paul N Webb, McHenry ave.. 1 mi. So. of Rt. 14. Crystal Lake. 1336-M2. S0-2 FOR SALE--Christmas trees and and boughs. Two blocks east of river bridge Rt. 120. Come early and avoid the last minute rush. Dale Thomas *30 FOR SALE -- Genuine Johnson's high speed lady's ice skates, practically new: size 8. George Mollenkamp, phone McHenry 876-R. 30 CEMENT BUILDXVO iSXiOi lua Available at the Water Tower in West McHenry VON CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO. Phone McHenry 788-W DEAD ANIMALS prices paid for «oWt, JM»R SALE--1941 Chevrolet, black t«dor sedan. Good running conation. Phone McHenry 61 J. 30 tinTl 11 1 H |fl'H.|.|'.tM|4W tUlan W«b«r Says: 1 Suddenly! ighest cash horses and hogs; n;- help »e»:*ed to load. Day and uight, Snauavs and holidays. Call Whaling Rendering WorkR, Wheeling *7o. S; reverse charges. 36tf ' MUSIC INSTRUCTION In Your Own Home Piano nnd Piano Accordiftn Classics or Popular ' Beginners or A danced Instruction KARL P. KOCH Phont Pistakee 633-M-l 5tr NOTICE We have just received a limited supply of Roper Ranges. Ready for immediate delivery. ALTHOFF'S IfDW. Main St. W. McHenrv FOR SALE--Broilers, fryers and roasters. Live 35c per lb. Will dress. New Hampshire pullets 5 mo. old, $1.40 ea. G. Etten .Phone Fox Lake 7-5S15, Big Hollow Rd. •30 jSlTlATIOlS WASTER-- Man. age rOR SALE Geese, chickens, eggs., go wonts part time work in Mccall McHenry 628-R2 *30 i Henry. Adress Box 121 in care of Pb.iiidealer. 30 WANTED TO BUY *10 TO moo PAID FOR TRIPPLED HORSES k CATTLE -- Quick Service. Phone Union 8211 or Elgin 7724. Lee Dog Food Co. •29-5 WASTED TO BIT¥--Small used piano.* Good condition. Phone McHenry 667-J2, after 5 p.m. 30 SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED--Will care for children five days a week in my home and also evenings. 412 John Street, McHenry. *29-2 SITUATION WANTED -- Would like to sell Christinas ,trees evening s until Christmas in McHenry. P.O. Box 234. WeBt McHenry. 30 FOR RENT FOR RENT--Modern year 'round home on Wonder Lake. Four large rooms & complete bath. Basement oil heat, electric hot water heater Furnished or unfurnished. Reasonable. T. P. Mathews. Phone: Wonder take 306. tf H*LP WANTED REAL ESTATE r FOR SALE--One Rotary car hoist FVeewheel forth 11-ln. cylinder. Two large steam •hit heaters, never ••crated. One oil-fired hot water heater, new. Price--whole, sale. E. J. Sheldon, Graysake, phone 8-7911. *29-2 FOR SALE--1 . "Morning Heater" coal stove. Call Park Pub, McHenry 462. 29-tf CESSPOOLS and SEPTIC TA^KS SERVICE * G. A. DOUGLAS Phone McHenry 776-W lOtf CARPENTER WORK DONE BY DAY OR CONTRACT. IVAN GUSTAFSON Tel. McHenry 742 21 tf HAVE YOXT2 CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned by Eddie's Sanitarv Servicc. Eddie fluff, Prop. Tel. McHer.iy 290. 7m\\w Christmas will be here and you'll not be ready without' clean clothes. Bring tbeB in now! - McHENRY ^ - HS Eta Street McHenry PHONE 104.X , | f ) H! t,m | H t m j WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEM - We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Rncon -'O*1 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 187. 2otr O. J. H. DIEHIJ ' Woodstock Piano Tnner *ho»ie 208-W 5'2<i Wnshington St. Woodstock, 111- lOtf FOR CHRISTMAS , Have your sewing machine repaired & electrified into a Modern Portable or Console Model FREUND'S SEWING MACHINE SALES AND SERVICE Box S2 Phone: McHenry 664-.I2 Mr. Farmer: If you want cows clipped call 598-M1.' FOR SALE yrur 30-2 FOR SALE--Felleral dump truck and garbage route, in 'Wonder I^ake and McCullom Lake. Truck has been overhauled and in good Condition. Phone Wonder Lake 123. 29-2 Corn Oats Barley Ferguson Grain Service To«r Coantry Elevator We Bay and Sell Lee Us Serve You Phone Crystal Lake 1574-R-S Rye Wheat Soybeans FOR SALE -- Brand nqw 30.50 Indian motorcycle engine ideal for ice boat motor. Call McHenry 203-JX. *30 FOR SALE -- 1 set of mud and snow tires sise 650x16. Call 664-J2. 30 FOR SALE- Used Maytag washing machine, aluminum tub. Complete with wringer. $20.00. See at Wintry Delicacies. 134 Riverside Drive. 31-2 FOR SALE--38 In. table top-4 leg. Gas range. Carpet sweeper. Phone McHenry 658-J1 Weekdays between 4:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. All day Sat. and Sun. ^ 30 FOR SALE -- Cellarette with glasses: Service for eight. (Various sizes 6f glasses) $40.00. Phone McHenry 137-WX. 30 FOR SALE--6 room Hoffman oil furnace in perfect condition. Inquire at the Sportsman Inn Tavern. 30 FOR SALE--Eleven feeder pigs. ducks and boar hogs. Call Richmond 735. *30-2 FOR SALE--Like new baby buggy >15.00. Also good condition stroller $5.00. Call WondeT Lake 303. R. G. Behrens. Lake Shore Drive. Wonder Center, Wonder Lake. •30 FOR SALE -- Zf-nlth push-button Console set. Reasonable. Beautiful walnut cabinet. Call: Wonder Lake 243. , 30 FOR SALE--Turkeys and Geese. Dressed or alive. Also dressed poultry. Phone: McHenry 590-M2 •30-3 FOR SALE- Piston type jig saw 12" throat mounted on table with 1 .*? h.p. Westinghouse electric motor. Like new. Call after 5 p.m Phone 66-M *30 FOR SALE--Confinement raised younp turkeys: hens average dressed weight. 16-18 lbs.. 60 cents per lb.: toms. averaged dressed weight. 25 lbs.. 5& cents per lb. Also live birds: toms. 50 cents per lb.: hens. 55 cents per lb., live we'eht. Edwin Srhmelzer. Rt. 4. McHenry. Phone 613-R1. *30-3 FOR SALE -- Brand new Eihefsonr I.9 -inch console TV, $817. Call McHenry 602-Wl. 30 HELP WANTER -- Waitress. Mi Place Restaurant. 121 S. Green St.. Phone McHenry 377. 22tf HELP WANTED -- Immediate opening for 2 girls in our shirt pressing department Located in McHenry. Phone 189-W 26-tf HELP WANTED--Man for general outside work. | Call Wonder L'ik > 698, after 5 p.m. *30-2 HELP WANTED--Man for full time work in Drug Store. woman for regular work. Bolger's Drug Store. 30tf I SALE In Hillstrenm, a most modern saMllvislon, 4 and ( rooms. Fare • Brick 011 all 4 sides; Fall cement Hisement, Automatic oil furnace"nr hot wafer; gas, electric, city sewor. ! Possession frcm SO to 90 davs. Price, #11,900.00 and «13.900.00. I, Cash l»own -- 25%. Also. Balancc 20 years to pay. HELP WANTED--Housekeeper for general housework; help with children: stay; own room and hath; $40 a week. Phone McHenry 984. 30 HELP WANTED--Men for pelting; mostly inside work; no experience necessary; $50 a week. . Northwood Fur Farm, phone Cary 3301. 29-2 MISCELLANEOUS ATTENTION SPORTSMEN DON'T FORGET T{iU POULTRY SHOOT SUNDAY, DEC. 10th SPONSORED BY THE ltfcHENRY SPORTSMEN'S CLUB AT THE NETW CLUB GROUNDS OH PI St/K EE BAY ROAD I MILE WEST OF PITZENS CAMP ' - ' :{0 Yon ran also have water front lol. Call JACOB FRITZ or HANK NELL. JOHNSIll RG --Telephone KrHEKKT 87. 8tf FOB SALE -- HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Nnnx Real Estate 405 Richmond Road McHenry, III. Phone: McHenry 421<J Licensed III. Sk Wis. Broker FOR SALE--Bungalow at 302 N. Ireen St. Inquire at 209 E. Elm St., or phone 474-W. Price $11,000. 24-tf FOR SALE home. Call 685-R-l or local dealer. 'round lee your •29-2 WANTED WANTED -- Jobbers and dim salesmen. Quality Tines, with libei :i "ommi.isiona. Manufacthrers rcpr- •lenlative. R. Duane Fowler. Wo'od -<tnc1v. Ho* Phone 464-JX. i!1i WANTED--Wiitc-h.-s and Jewel' <')';ti'. Anthony Noonati. 200 So Green street. McHenry. (Frout psr >f CIntre Beauty Rlioppe.) IS1, Complete "in*: of Lot'r poult 1 remedies at Wattles Dr'.f Stor- Mr-He?" r. Rt' AAAAA AAAAAAJ VVVvvvVVVVV* ELH THEATRE WAUCONDA Closed Temporarily. Will re-open soon. We express our thanks for your patronage. m _ ELM THEATRE' Management. Il AA A A. A -4. A A J gyvwyyv'/yyv* FOR SALE -- 7 room house. Oil leat. Full basement. $18,500. Glenr )raper, 10!) E. Elm St., McHenry rIl. Call after 5 p.m. *30 FOR SALE--By out of town owne; ^lome site at 413 John street, (W VfcHenry) approx. 66x132 ft. Has H11 improvements. Two blocks tc ail road station. Price $1,500 Make an offer. Andrew Schmidt s020 Lowell avenue, Skokie. Tel ^kokie 166. 3C Order 3-our rub!.c?r P'aindealer now' stamp FOR SALE -- Furn. house, 2 bedrooms; insulated. Stengers Country Club Addn. $3000 will handle bal. $50 a month, Write Box 120 .McHenry, Plaindealer. 30 LEGALS Vernon J. Knox, Crystal Lake, Illinois . NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of Kathrina Hiller a/k/a Catherine Hiller Deceased, Notice is hereby given to all persons that January 1. 1951, is the claim date in the. estate of Kathrina Hiller a/k/a Catherine Hiller, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. Vernon J. Knox Executor (Pub. Nov 30. Dec. 7. 14, 1950.) LINES That Stopped 'Era Notice of Property RrsssessaiMt For the Year 1»IM» I FAMOUS AUTHOR was travelj ing in a train with two very j talkative women. Having recognized him from his published portraits, they opened fire upon him in regard tp his novels, praising them in a manner which was unendurable to the sensitive author. Presently the train entered a tunnel, and in the darkness the% novelist raised the back of his hand to his lips and kirsed it soundingly. When light returned he found the two women regarding one another in icy silence. Addressing them with great suavity, he said, "Ah, ladies, the one great regret of my life will be that I shall never know which of you it was that kissed me!" WTfETlEAS, the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on the 24th day of November, A. D. 1950, orderfd a reassessment for the year 1950 of all real and personal property within the County of McHenry, subject to assessment hv local assessment officers; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all real and personal property subject to local assessment within McHenry Township of McHenry County, Illinois, will be reassessed in such Township, commencing the 14th day of December. 1950 by tlfe undersigned at tbc place designated below. , Joseph N. Sclimitt Township Assessor Residence in Johnsburg Route 1, McHenry, Illinois COMES NATURALLY MAKING HIS POINT i ALL YEAR HOME AT WONDER CENTER Four rooms and bath, two (2) large lots, nice location. Price $4950.00, for appoinment Call JACOB FRITZ-REAL ESTATE, in Johnsburg, PHONE McHENRY 37. 24-tf FOR SALE -- Bungalow at 302 N. Green street. Inquire at 209 E. Elm street or phone 474-W. Pricf> $11,000. 22ti A policeman who had stopped a motorist for dangerous driving, and was taking down the particulars, kept putting the point of his pencil in his mouth. "Why is it necessary to moisten your pencil?" the motorist asked. . "To make the case look blacker," replied the policeman. FRL k SAT„ DEC. 8-9 % Matinee Saturday 2:30 P. M. Randolph Scott Robt. Mitcbnm in "GUNG HO" Pin* "CHINATOWN AT MIDNIGHT' Also: "Atom Man** No. N and Color Cartoon A lady was visiting a training camp. She saw a recruit going around the parade ground with a sharp-pointed stick spearing cigarette butts and paper. Stopping him. she asked: "Doesn't that sort of work ffcttgue you a great deal?" "Oh, no," replied the soldier. "I was born to it. My father used to harpoon whales." Unhappy Choice "What caused the rumpus at their house?" "She asked him to bring home something to give as bridge prizes at her indies' club and save her a trip down-town, and he brought home a couple of cook-books." Nothing to It At an evening party, a self-made business man was chatting with a pretty young woman. "You know, I sometimes feel ashamed of my failure to keep abreast of modern science," he said. "Take the electric light, for 'example. I must confess I haven't the least idea how it works." - The pretty young thing gave him a patronizing smile. "Why, it's very simple, really," she replied. "You just turn a switch and the light cotttt On. That's all there is to it." Keeping In Character A business man was showing his farmer friend the city. During the course of the day's excursion they entered a c:ife. one of the exclusive sort with bar. As the pair approached, the barterder uttered the usual, "What'll you have gents?" To the amazement of the farmer his friend said: "Make mine a sidecar buddy." "How about you. mister?" The bartender pointed at the farmer. "Oh!" exclaimed the hayseed triumphantly, "I'll have just a plain horse and buggy." • %'t Some cheese makers art. havtigva penicillin troubles. . ^ Cheese makers have benefitted '"•/! greatly from scientific research f$ agriculture, but are now en counts** "% ing difficulties resulting from (hi application of other research. Thif is related to the control of the dairy disease, mastitis, by pent» f| cillin. ^ Scientific cheese making in duds# ^|| pasteurization of mOk brought •, the cheese factory. This treatment ; kills undesirable bacteria. Then tfct If checse maker adds to the pasteup i;ed milk a culture of selected oe> ganisms. commonly called a "starV er." The starter includes ferine# ters thaPhave worked well er and produced cheese at quality. By guarding the uniformity of the starter the cheese makar can expect to make uniformly godi: Cheese. But many starters are not wet#" big reMably nowadays. ' ^ Tns background of the present difficulty may ]Se traced to oo§ of the research triumphs af U.& department of agriculture ferine*# tation chemists--the development of the life-saving drug, penicillitu from a costly rarity to a low cost medicine widely used. The coil of penicillin is low enough so that veterinarians can afford to u>^ it widely in treating udders of dairy cows affected with mastttttl This is a common disease an£ many cows are treated. The result is that milk delivered to eheesfe factories is likely to contain • very slight quantity of penicillin. It may be possible to devise Some way of inactivating the very slight quantities of penicillin Ml milk used for making cheese. B may be possible to modify the "starter" eprf make At proot ; ' r - ; • Caastie Seia Caustic soda is one of the important and widely used of to** - dustrial chemicals, and one of tfaft ^ most essential to our national econj^ ^ omy. With all of its importance!? ; however, comparatively fe are aware of what caustic soda is| and the extent of its uses and ho» ; • it enters our lives as one of -.tb%-nf chemicals you live by. The 1 use of caustic soda is for the ufacture of rayon and cellophane^ J Next largest requirements are tl , the soap and chemical Industries!^ Vegetable oil and petroleum oil rwk ' j fining industries are consistent esaf ^ sumers in large volume. A grow^ "| ing use foi caustic sods is in «| production, where it is used. conditioning drilling "mudf* OM£ in drilling operations. m Aid for Sick Foals Strep4©mycm, widely a< antibiotic drug, is now winning t place in the sport of kings helpjnfe to give wpak. disappointSig foals -0 better start in life. University of. Kentucky veterinarians have! ed that this drug, given alone or combination with penicillin, promising means of saving born wobbly and on the verge of severe illness. Use of drugs at the first sign of or illness appears to ward off 1 in a substantial percentage of cases. Sulfonamide drugs w , were used, hut with less mrfmrnm i £4 Reveals AU "Is your husband a member of any secret society?" "He thinks so. but he talks in his sleep." « M/* •""RER OF COURSE "How dii you compile your grent dictionary?" the lexicographer wao asked. "O*. it was something like having a quarrel with one's wife--one word led to another." Marco Pole Marco Polo's adventurous journey to China was not all spice and silk. Finding his ships wrecked at Orrnuz, he and his party were forced to cross the Kerman desert by camel caravan. With parched throats and iun-scorcbed eyes, they traveled three whole days without water under a blazing, tropic sun. ReHd the Want Ads. Sl'N. St MON., DEC. 10-11 „ Matinee Snnda? 2:30 P. M. Rette Davis Anne Baxter in "ALL ABOUT EYE" » The Beautiful EL TOVAR CRYSTAL LAKF «IL I«• Henry' CoV. Leading Thealr« FRTTIiatC'I^ James Stewart Barbara Hale In , "THE JACKPOT" ^S-; A MON„ DEC. 10-11 Sunday Cont. from £:4» P. M. Bette Davis George Sanders in "ALL ABOUT EYE* Three women get what they want in a battle of wits. PLEASE NOTE! feature starting time Sunday 4:00; 6:30 and 9:00. Monday at 111* and 9:00 P. M. TUES^ WED. k THURS, DEC. 12-13.14 Donald O'Conaor Patricia Medina in "FRANCIS" Fainting Metal Work Treating galvanized metal with acid solution etches it or eats into the surface and roughens it so that the metal priming paint has better anchorage. Also, if there is any oil on the metal, left there during the manufacturing process, this oil will be eaten off by the acid treatment pie Colony McHI NRY. ILLINOIS Air Conditioned -- Comfort Good Yision and Sonnd Doors Open at 6:30 P. M. Screen Starts at •:!& P. M. FBI. * SAT., DEC. 8-9 Clark Gable Barbara Stanwyck "TO PLEASE A LADY" World News and Cartoon Saturday Matinee 2:30 P.M. Box Office Closes 8:30 P.M. Re-Opens As Usual At 6:30 SUN. k HON., DEC. 10-11 James Cagmey Doris Day Virginia Mayo Gordon NacRM "THE WEST POINT STORY" Cartoon and Sport Reel "The Prize Fighter" Sunday Matinee 2:30 Con*t. CLOSED ON TUESDAY WED. k THURS* DEC. 13.14 Tim Holt Richard Martin (1) "RIDER FROM TUCSON" Lex Rarker Yanessa Rreva (2) "TARZAN AND THE SLAVE GIRL" Dogs' Ylstoft Although dogs are far to man in their keenness and hearing, their vision has found to be considerably less It is believed that dogs see best when they are 3D or distant Grand Centae . . Welded steel spheres It ftet m diameter check the flow at n the penstocks of the Grand CM!*! ">am. T O W N E THEATRE * FOX LAKE TEL. MCtt D«€. 84 M-G-M's roans* SUN„ MON. * TUBS* DEC. 19.11.1* juHa rtoouaioNs mc pmM* I WHENCE T1EMFL - AN faflW tioa Bhu Willi, k THURS* DEC. tt-M