«wp»4 'iJffpp^v"«) *WF*'11 ^'Wl1 l*I1,l •v jfA .* » >*;."; *f*"wn THE HdnnT rxcsDOLE cow OF GUTENBERG BIBLEAT STATE in honor of the 500th anniversary of the printing of the Gutenberg Bible, the first printed book, the Illinois state library is displaying its two-volume facsimile ccfpy of the famous -Bible in the Centennial building, Secretary of State Edward JT: Barrett, state librarian, has announced. Johann Gutenberg, who Is fen* erally credited with the invention printing from movable type in (6, began work on the Bible in 1450 at Mains, Germany. It was a five year labor, not being completed until 1455. Scholars believe that Gutenberg printed between 200 and 300 copies of which only fortyfive are extant today. The Illinois state library facsimile copy is No. 139 of a facsimile edition of 300 copies published in 1914 by the Insel Pu#Ushat Leipzig, Mr. Barrett slsid. Tiie reproduction, in a multicolor helio-process by the Royal Art Institute of Albert Frlsch, in Berlin, is from the parchment copy in the Royal library of Berlin, and from the copy in the Fulda library. The two volumes in the set are massive books, bound in heavy, elaborately-tooled, natural colored leather. The Gutenberg Bilble is frequently ycalled the "42-line Bible" from the fact that forty-two lines of type appear on each of its 1,282 printed pages. There are two columns of type on each page, without headings or page numbers. It is the Latin Vulgate version. Another striking edition of the Bible being exhibited at the same time, Secretary Barrett said, is the State library's photographic copy of the D'Este Bible. The original was made for BorsO D'Este, Duke of Ferrara, and is bound in brilliant red leather, with an elaborate silver inlay in the center of the cover. Bevine Mastitis Even a small scrafch on a cow's teat or udder can open the way for infection with bovine mastitis germs. Order NOW for the Holidays LUT FISK •Potato Sausage Lingon Berries Brandied Mince Meat (in bulk) Jiome-Made Pies See our assortment of Gill Boxes Cheese, Fruit Cakes, Candies, etc. HAVING A PARTY? ^ You will find snacks and treats of all kinds, for both formal and informal parties, on our Cocktail Table. Stop in and brouse around. Complete Smorgasbord Fixings. Casey's English Muffins are delicious for breakfast. We have them. Jones' Hickory Smoked Bacon or Pork Sausages with Buckwheat Pancakes make a wonder- #f Sjwiday breakfast. ' PANTRY DELICACIES PHONE 754 134 Riverside Drive McHenry, Illinois Australian veterinarians ar#'iafc> taf to the air to serve the medical needs of six million head of livestock scattered over the western part of New South Wales. A shortage of veterinarians in that area, coupled with poor roads, led to a government decision to inaugurate an aerial taxi service. Traveling in sxnall planes with a pilot, veterinarians can make rush calls in widely scattered townships and' settlements. Emergency airfields, now used by flying physicians and ranchers, are being utilized for thia new service. s All efforts to stop the spread If contsgious animal diseases should center on these three procedures: (1) Immediately Isolate side am* mals from well ones. (2> Have the trouble diagnosed without delay. (3) After isolation quarters are vacated, thoroughly disinfect and air tlem before occupancy by healthy stock. •, . v ^ i.nlSi at Start When preparing a wood surface tor varnish, always sandpaper with the grain of the wood. Use No. onehalf sandpaper at the start and finish with No. 0. For turned surfaces. such as table legs, chair legs and spindles, steel wool is best. u Seelour lovely . • «• Now It (he lime for complete selections of lag s#> seals,jj-i bbons ; {Come uT&eforetlierus!) lj 1 NYE DRUG STORE 189 RIVERSIDE DRIVE Attic Basal**-' The attic can be made fire-safe rather quickly. Take a look at those old clothes, broken toys, discarded pieces of furniture, and Macks «f magazines you've accumulated up there. Those things make It easy for a fire to get started . . . and they feed it once it's under way. Clear out your attic . . . and Jtou'll have a safer home. Subscribe tot vhe Plaindealer 1 Ordef jroar rakbar Head ike Want Ada! I The Plalndealer. staapa at RiMt tint aaheeripltoa to that Reed rabber staatpe? PUtadealer aw! "The- FlatodAaler. Seen the new roomit. ot tni Shiimijlii QlltSfS'l Mefce *e Awn^: parsonoWty ,N#wree*/^ hstsl...naw brilliantly , . . the btiwHM new restyled coikfim wwr*f*esee. eNendy-to> e$aro«e In MiL MOTIL SHlRMAN RendelpV and Clerk Street! CHICMO r, frank W. Bering, leerd CkebMtf, Jones A. Mart, Preside# fet He* V. f. end Oeel Mgfc' 49 KB FEATURES and the instrumentpanel is so beautiful and convenient W 1 ! li; That upholstery will wear for years That finish is baked on to last Next Poor to Bank Phone 459 ' Qm. Collrtto, Owner OPEN EVENINGS TIL' 9 P. M. *" - w •» r TIL' CHRISTMAS (f '• » r «, f-v - . < FOR BOYS and GIRLS Sturdily lull! lor Kxtra Sp*«dy Sliding! "HiauruiJuL SLEDS • Pepvlor 94-Inch Sfa| I Weather-Resistant • Easy-Steering Style ' £$ ! ' '.-5,? V r • * 'Jit* , ' - 5. k ^* ' , . .v.'V. Wise Santas are choosing HIAWATHA Sleds for their favorite youngstersi This 36-inch Sled features reinforced grooved steel runners, ffxtrd heavy cross bars, all hardwood deck and Sturdy riveting throughout! Red and green Aim! . •t * * "%r Just Like Real Ones! Toy Gas Stations Cowboys ami Indians! Model-Craft Saer t-'.: Camplglgly fwwhlwi j ^TVVI IIQH InVHIv DaSuxa Modal for Ploy! ^ Doll Strolkrs ^ 1? 3* A deluxe station that ^at everything"--- even an elevator! O# - Masonite, wood and Tekwood. Aoures can be Msided and paint- A tWe-reom heme wMi geraga ad. Indwdes melding powder, re« oad patla Sturdy pletHc furnKura* usable rubber melds and point A| waN« RMwgrapbed, Yos, "Tost Drive" the 51 Ford. Thrill to its "jet-away" performance. Feel how cooperatively it handles. Know the feeling of safety that comet from sure Centramatic Steering and Double-Seal King-Size Brakes. Learn how the Automatic MHeage Maker saves gas. And remember, you can have your choice of Ford's famouik 100-h.p. V-8 engine, or its companion in quality, the great 95-b.p. Six. Whaf|_ more, Ford offers three advance^ transmissions . . . the Conventional Drive -- the Overdrive*-- or Fordo* motic Drive,* the newest and mojit, flexible automatic transmission of all. * *OpMmw/ at Mir* coA lbs frame is extra rugged with 5 crass msmbefs It's built fi>r the years ahead Floy Up to 85 Gamasl Cuii on Boards SPECIAL XMAS LIGHT SERIES SETS H One Ughl Goes Out Hte Others Stay lighted WWtm MGHT SETS ^98 y •Saven Toper-Shope > ^..^d enoirol fWttth tn mwoM end Wery. Vinyl ptesNe Aipphe bag and strap. Rubber Mres. . * \i* 72.5 fords new Automatic Ride Control makes rough roads easy on us, and easy on the car NEW AUTOMATIC RIDE CONTROL Yev'N faol a brand-new kind of riding comfort with this unique threeway "partnership" of Advanced "Hydra-Coil" Front Springs--new Variable-Rate Rear Spring Suspension and new "Viscous Control" Shock Absorbers. This superior new ford springing system adjusts to any road condition autdhiatically--keeps tbe going oasy and level always-- •» pitch, no jounce, no rolll Stop in and check the 43 new "Look Ahead" features Hie *51 Ford gfves you. You can pay more bi«t you can't buy better) r the future... BUSS MOTOR SALES 531 MAIN STREET RHONE 1 McHENRY. ILL. Njjulsrsot, Including boor4,ooie» plate playing equipment and rule beak. Old end new games. • AiM-On Coanoctor; CWpOws Insdetiha wosben in aadt socket prevent short cii • cults. Complete with, bulbs -#•0 CQfOe Pp mooor Light pqlbs Series Bulbs (6) 8c e«. -- 2/15t Mutiple Bulbs (7Vs) 13c ee. -- 2/25c Qulside Bulbs 15c ee>-- 2/29c IMUU 15 PbTss Ssk Metal Set* Iwdudss 4 p^% 4 wtdi war, 4 i W b. anqii Complete with MotoH iwetorSots 10,s Mtriies aN kinds of things, indud- Intg airplane ridel tostruction book and metal cabinet. rev UMo ^j wu»r fuefhs Hnuf |MV»O VI|" Mm--N^'--O j: V Holslsr Sets ^ 29.8 m frown and white, genuine Isstbsr double holster. Indicate designj fl MnV mOPfi ellffVlnfl Jtopoator Gvib fires six table tennis ball* wifli one loodlngl Metol barrel, plasflc < %>•> Al-raetelslove. sink. Nkdyv (i Sold separately* EACH 1.9S * *. : r { "-* . Just Like Babyfs! Wgh CMrs y* Muxe Rocktrs 10'.s V»g-h. Well padded, fuHyep. ., . bolstered in Duree Wflh foot rest, food troy wMA ptestk. 24Vi' hi* Mb up and sturdy braced 2914 In. high. Maple fWwh wood. \ :er Soardt «tl T-Unel > Electric Trein SeH $1495 to SS2.50 ^ fisntSmp Ui* M 4/ "' Dtep Trade fL ' Transformer. « m e .%> tte- Mode e# keevy-gaega «sdk lover adba duwpbgj sadagief tal gate. Beked mmmmi body, j m v • W i . jjs f •.!.*•