Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Dec 1950, p. 12

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mtmGgfN tvJNfcearsals: TTadaeaisy m Rev.Darrell D. Simple, pastor. brown, the IX.. When take the tree r- Lake to lh Chicago at haft th- eir aJtm**B m. roofr Oa-Mle Chjtroh, St. Josoplra Ckatti Blekaoilt IUIaol» ». Sunday: 8:00 and 10:^ Dally: 8:00. Tfc Prank J. Miller Prayer Book Holy Holy Bucharist will brated) with eermon and lor Choir. •« . V / its Funeral Lookout Poiat, was Mo., Saturday to atof his brother, Who Hew BosMttfll Mr. aai Mrs. Charles Kopp are the new rMtfdentt of the house they recently purchased from Mr. and Mre. RobOrt Behrens. The Kopps have a daughter, Dorothy, in the eighth grade at Harrison, school, and a son, Charles, in McHenry kdgh school. Hew Ei Japn 1 •'>.»' Word has been received here that Capt. Arthur Thorns, formerly a resident of Wonder Lake and McHenry, and the meter reader in this area until his return to service; la now on duty in the Japanese theater. » Cast. Thorns was stationed at an air. force base in Oakland, Calif., before he-was sent to Japan. Mrs. Thorns and their .two children are still in Oakland. Tmbs Take 8Mfch RMe About twenty of the younger teen group were on a sleigh ride party as a part of the teenttme frolics Thursday. A1 Kreuger pulled the old-fashioned bob sled ^ith the tow car from the service station. • * •i. Mary's Oatheifc Norma Swearlngen; ^ &ughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Swearingen, was slightly injured In an automobile accident stock. Harried In Woodstock former resident of Indian Ridge, Myron Mitchell, was married Saturday in the Woodstock Baptist church to Diane Randolph. The couple will reside in Woodstock. • group of Wonder Lakers were those present at a party In Elgin for the veterans of the hospital there. Musical numbers were supplied by the American Legion auxiliary units from Huntly, Woodstock and Crystal Lake units and dance numbers supplied by a group of children from Wonder Lake. The party was sponsored by the McHenry county council of the American Legion auxiliary and included stockings for 1,039 veterans. These stockings were filled with ctgaets, tangerines, candy and popcorn. Adults from Wonder Lake present at the party included Virginia Monteleone, Nancy Elbersen, Mr. Mid Mr8. Richard Ruzicka, Gertrude Nielsen, Harriett Bell and Mr. and Mrs. Muzz Hansen. "Children from Virginia Monteleone's Edgewcod studio who danced were Janet Grill, Betty Wright, Sandi Jo Monteleone, Cuttle Bell, Kathy Butts, Micky and Jackie Hansen. Insulate Legion Hall The Legion hall is now being fttsullated through the efforti of Jack Moore and Marcio DeMoreas. People who have been u sin£ tfte hall will h glad to knoi^Mt it will now to warm antf^Sppdk A group ol Ot&WmM and fteir leaders Tlfiltii| j|^ifrnid|jiii \ children's home lilve a playlet and a pitBpi^M^.«Iso treated the childr<fc/j£ *BShome. The Scouts who feiade the trip Included Eetelle Taeger, Judy Bastlen, Jean Selsdorf, Carol Elsenhart, Nancy Bwanson, Carol Gn&dt, Bandl Sella, -Betty Holocwost, Sandi Jo Monteleone^ Elaine Dra- Mm, Sharon Roewer, Rosemary Ohos, Janice Johnson, Betty Wright and Cora Jean Henthorne. '* Adults who aided in transportation for the Scouts were Mrs. Emil Plotner, Mrs. Dorothy McEachren, Mrs. Lundborg, and the two leaders, Mrs. Dell Tallman and Mrs. Marjorie Lathrop. W O R D O F CAUTION POULTRY RAISERV A number of Wonder Lake children participated in the style show held in McHenry Sunday afternoon. The Sugar Plum fairies were Jackie Ann Cannon, Kathy Butts. Sandra Dee Hoffman, Darlene Basile, Mickey and Jackie Hansen and Janet Schimke. ' In the "Rudolph" dance, young Billy Monteleone was the rednosed reindeer, with ^£he girl dancers. Also participating In the style show Were, the older girls in the "Goofus" number. They included Cora Jean Henthorne, Sandi Sells, Jean Sellsdorf Sandi Jo Monteleone, Betty Holocwost and ©wrole BelL • 4.- GosM rhiwh ITews We wish to extend to all the readers of this column, in this hallowed , season, our sincere wishes for a truly joyous Christmas. May we enter in to the real meaning of Christmas, for we are commemorating the greatest event in the history of mankind, r the coming of Christ, the Son of God, the One "who was made flesh and dwelt among us" to reveal the love, the wisdom and the powef of God, "full of grace and truth." His coming means salvation for all who believe, life eternal and peace, even now in a troubled world. We invite you to our Christmas services as follows: Saturday evening, Dec. 23, at 7:30 o'clock, the annual Christmas festival and program. An evening of real delight. Sunday morning, Dec. 24- (Christmas Eve) at 10:30, our Christmas worship service. Sermon topic: "The Prince of Peace." Special music. Annual watchnight service, Sunday evening, Dec. 31 at 9:00 o'clock. Fellowship hour, refreshments, closing with a season of |banksgiving and prayer, a most hpptOpWate way, we believe, to end the old year and to begin the new. Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 19:00, 11:86. Holy Days: 6:00, 8:00, 10:00. J Week Days: 6:45 and 8:00. First Friday: 6:30 and 8:00. onfessiori*: Saturdays: 8:00 p. n. and 7:00 p. •> Thursday before First Fridays** After*8:00 Mass on Thursday} 8:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Msjrr. C. S. Nix, Pastor. 'St. Patrick's Catholic Church Masses: J Sunday: 8:00;j 9:09, 10:0a/and 11:30 a.m. | Daily Mass: 7:00. Week Days: 7:00 and 7:80r First Fridays: Communion distributed at 6:30 and during 7:00 and 7:30 Masses, Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p.m., and on Thursdays before First Fridays: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Rev. Edward C. Coakley, Pastor. Christ the King Catholic Church Wtite Lake Masses: Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00 &JB. 'Weekdays: 8:25 a.m. Confessions: 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. R«v. James A. VandarpooJL Pastor. St Mary's By The Lake, tplgfeoftil Oriole Trail and Dole Avenue • Crystal Lake Rev. Donald Piatt, Priest-in-charge Mission House, 331 McHenry Ave. Sundays: 8:30 A.M. - Holy Eucharist 9:30 A.M. - Family Eucharist for boys and girls of the ttas Brangetteai {The Church of the Lutheftan Boar) 408 John Street West McHeury, Illinois. Hnnday School: 9:00 aJl. 3erplce: 10:15 a.m. fou arc cordially invited to attend 3ur services. HOT. Carl A. Lobits, Pistil. Community Methodist Ohurfh > Main and Center streets Church School: 9:80. Morning Worship: 10:49. Official board meeting on soeoad Wednesday of month at 8 p. m. A eordial invitation la extended to you and your family *j eome and worship with us. - Methodist Youth Fellowship: Sundays, 7 p.m. Young Adult Fellowship: Sua* days, 8 p.m. Cherub and Junior choirs: Wednesdays at 3:30 p.m. Senior Choir: Thursdays, 8 p.m. J. Elliott Corbett, Pastor. McHenry Bible Church MM 8. Wreeu Street (Pries BMg.) Sunday Bible School, 10 a. m. Sunday Worship, 11 a. m. Sunday School: 8:45 A.M. Meeting. Evangelistic, 8 p.m. Wednesday at 8 p.m.. Prayer You're always welcome here. Donald G. Liberty, Pastor. Mailing Address: McHenry% Bible Church, P. O. Box 281 McHenry, Phone I01-J-2 St. John's Catholic Ohutdk Johnsburg BSndar--8:»f, 10iW aai T4;tfc Holy bays: 6:80 ani »:< Weekday*: 8:00. First Fr»liy: 8:00. ^ ^ loofMriKoiui! Saturdays: 8:80 and 7:15. Thursday before Fiht Friday-- 8:80 aad 7:15. l|ev. John L. Daleidea, Paster, gespel Center » Wonder Center, Wonder Lake (Nonseetarian) derviees: Sunday Bl!>le School: 10:00 a. m Morning Woreiiip: 11: Of. a. m. SundayEvening Service: 7:4b p. in. Piayer meeting, Thursday -- 8:00 p. m. Bring the family with you to Sunday School and Worship Services. There if a place and a welcome for everyone. FBANK W. ANDERSON, : Faator. BJngweod Ohnrdh . Blngwood, HL Sunday: Public Wowhlp, 9:80. ' Churieh School: 10:30. Yule Trees Can Be Fire Hazards That Christmas tree JOT are planning to set up in' your home could be a major fire basard unless you take a few precautions. Tests demonstrated that Christmas trees of average size are easily ignited and burn furiously. The blaze could easily start a dangerous fire in the home. Engineers of cite National Board of Fire Underwriters offer the following suggestions for making your Christmas tree safe. 1. Choose a small tree. It will be less hazardous. 2. Wait until a lew days before Christmas to set up your tree. 3. Keep the tree outdoors untijl ready to set it up. 4. Place the ttpo la tlto part of the house. 8. If or raidiator Is near tfee tree, •hut If off. 8. Do not use oottoa or paper decorationa unless they are flameproofed. 7. Do not place electric trains around the tree. 8. Do not use candles. Use electric lighta inatead. 9. Make certain wires are not frayed. 10. Do not plug or unplug the lights beneath the tree. 11. Do not leave tree lights burning when no one Is in the house. 12. If needles near the lights Southern-grown IpjB Ranger alfalfa TarltieOltyje ^ for Illinois, provided jtm-r ptfeai certified seed, aay Univereity of Illinois agronomists., . ^ ralat Putty should not bo wi^tovjBp cracks and nail holes uatS after the first, or priming, coat ot has been applied. Otherwise wood will abaorb the oil and dry: putty, causing it to crumble •a* out + SANTA CI AOS SAYS: "For Christmas iness--Gi HADACOL' DONT FORGET mm FOR HEW YEAR'S TEVB 'it h> V Ikt ? 4^- • • r * A J8 b o ^ 1 u. 'x j' w Sunday: 7:00, 8:80, 10:00 aad 3 11:45. Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 6:85 aad 8:(M^ onfeasiona: Saturdays: 7.30 to 8 and 2:30 to 8. 4 M11f I I' 111111 .|> I'll l 1. I 111|' j1 4 111 1111 » COME IN and Enjoy tho Sparkling Rhythm el ERNIE WAGNEIt _ It th« Hammond Organ NOW PLAYING NIGHTLY £» Your Faroriles, Old and Nsw Baar tham as praseniad by this artist ol HM consols. Bnd OUR 11TH ANNUAL 14 O'CLOCK BREAKFAST PARTY rrs THE OAK PARK HQp. ' PISTAKEE BAY ^ljoy yourself, it's later than you think. 1 fw, More Apjreclflpf^ Christmas lift FAMILY SIZE 13.54 Try this ftED STAR INN ^ ~ Richmond. IlUnois ^ J ^ '• •1 •!• 'Ml t '11111111111 »*» 1 • 1 1 1 i 111' !• 1 1» UtlH with N«rt* swe«» P "U i„ boiling <:n»j| fluffy- Aa _ i^o0° F.) 20 2 tablesp*0"* | 1 r«<Mpooai in ' '""T, cfiSS, w1. "•«•.1400 *4 , % - .y. /. toH brown*1' hirknY a*1 « w,nW r#c,Pi* .ga^ H M fow« WW* r * n 4 l , £S'W-*! ^00 ' £0? m Make Suro Get Genuine v; When you order Hy-Line chicks, make sure you get genuine Hy-Lines. Don't buy the same as" Hy-Lines, Hy-Lines, -Line "type". Insist upon^the real Hy-Line. Hy-Line is a registered trade-mark. It can properly be applied only to chickens produced from inbreds developed by the Hy-Line , Poultry Farms. Accept no others as Hy-Lines. And remember, the word "hybrid" isn't magic. Just because it is a hybrid chick l't mean that it is necesgood. A good hybrid must have years and of intensive research, selection, and testing behind It You can count on Hy-Line because Hy-Lines bred intensely 1936 and are thoroughly years of testing. Divided Flock they averaged 24% eggs than average n breeds* buy hybrid T I K E S BATTERIES I ANTI-FREEZE -b WE WILL GIVE YOU $3.00 FOR THAT OLD BATTERY WHEN YOU PURCHASE THAT NEW ONE AT OUR STORE. Come In Today SUPER ANTI FREEZE In Your Container $1.00 per gal. WE ALSO HAVE FRIGITONE PERMANENT ANTI-FREEZE AND ALCOHOL. P -Lines, bred lil seed corn. 9ter MT-UM WmftiiHc MeSENHY MILLS PHOVE 8 TRADE IN YOUR OLD TIRES SHOW and MW6MVNDGHP UBS • TRUCK HBES TRACTOR TIRES - • ALSO Retreads in Popular Sizes. WALTER J. FREUND Tires -- Tubes -- Batterlea -- Aecesaorleo Tire and Tube I Yulcanixing Bkyeio Repalrfa« ^ \ All Work Guaranteed Phene »4 West IclMy OPEF EFENINGS AHD SUNDAYS I :-&f d d> The Universal ETON Gas Range ' Cooks without Hi# cook! It*» a real buy of $199.50, The automatic rimer-clock gives you autometk oven coofcTng .. . the oven turns on and oflF while you're out of the kitchen. You'll like the divided <OP burners ... the In-A-Drawer broiler .. the automatic temperature cpntrol on the oven ... two roomy storage drawers and of tfie other big features you get for this tiny special prifle! There's a limited quantity available at your Western United $|wo ... see them today! from $124.7^ and up« See it at our i 7^' y 'T' ' V.. ':,a

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