Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Dec 1950, p. 2

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> - n^3f<r # t i ",:tzB^ tv- v* AMONO THJS SICK « rt, - " *4 \ ' / , .>••< - ' 4""•-. t. k • - • 'v'V" '^-' x "'lit' (Mmfrwi .inniifmry •Jlmni.v nnd .Tf-rry, twin sous of •f. *nd Mr.-. Ervin Laures, 6biiiktwd their third Mfthday anniversary last Snrnlav. Dec. 17. VB*>n rrlatfvea gathered at the X«ffun>!t Ihonm for a snrlal afternoon. Present were Mr. and Mr». William ffeiuler itrul Mr. and Mrs. M»tb L:niro«! of AifT(<nry, Afty. 4*4 Mrs Vtmoh Knox of Crystal- Lafce and Mr. and MW, .^'rttranl Q i U k r i * f ( V ' V f * • 4ljfw Ann "AdHimi ? - .JlttW Tear*- Old }/•>/.>,' Joyce Ann Adam*, j^mglUei <>? Mr. and Mrs .\jfons 'Adams, celetojatod Liu occasion of het third birthday anniversary Jgkat ^Thursday nft< rii'ion, Doc JA^wlftai she •tttprtalned several 'flBft'". friends •ftf their mothers at apiirty held IBt her home. Joyce was presented With a variety of n.icefittayAt ti<»- eloae of th» iftfTT*)3», a tasty lineh was s^rvwa Br* room attrtctlvely «l< < nr."to«| in keeping Wfth the holiday season. Guests 1p«lnd^d Tonnle and tlavid Afeyvrs. Jimmy and Jack Tketmt s, Nancy ICay Adams. Penly Scholz, David .Kl^pporich aifd Mini Adams T?ii;ihk< to attend were arid Terry Larkiii, Ch&rlene loh and Jennie Mae Adams. Pearl street. The wedding will take place In tike spring. CAarrk Party far 8S CklMrea A Christmas party WAS held at Clu ixt^the Ring church last Sunday, the gift idea being carricd out a bit differently than in the past Each of the eighty-five children who attended brought something to be sent to orphanages. The party wn» sponsored toy the School association. CMM lb MM! Play Wt. and Mri 'tJIa^ence Ftillfng «kd Mrs. Gertrude Stilling of Mc- HMhlrjr and Mrs. Helen Hetterman of Johiisiburg took a trip to Jeffsrton, Wis., on Sunday, where tkky ••joyed a play given by the efctttrsto of St. Coletta's school. The Clarence 8tillings brought tfclr . «aia^:t, r, Carol Ann, home ior a two weeks' holiday visit. The little *irl played the part at Im Mgel in the play, which was fhtt In honor of Sister Anastacfa, trtrt celebrated the anniversary of Nt twenty-fifth year as director of the school. It was also the sil- Vit jabllee of their chaplain, J4«gr. IHM Intent KCMcteat* ^ Th^ infant son at Mr. and Mrs. W^old Bacon of Crystal Lake «ft> nhristenfd Jfarold James", •J*- l»y Kr. McCormack at St. Thorns* rhurch in that city last 8vput«y. Mr. and Mrs. George Miller of Chicago acted as sponsors for tlir baby, who von the same (dross which was worn by his father his christening. JMnner was served at the Bacon hflpne r»rior to the 4 o'clock service- Those from here who attended WOre Mm. Nellie Bacon and Mrs. Lor*tt<> Wnish, ftftrlapM-tarkia Anaoanriftl TMrn. Harry E. Dm-laod at 401 Biyersidft Drive announces the <-ngag« ment of h^r daughter, Jo- •nn. to Gerald J. Ijarkfn, son of Mrp.' James E. Larltin of lon W. 8S0 Employees Of . Admiral At Party The annual ^ristmj* party fbr employees of the Admiral Radio corporation Was held last Thursday, Dec 14. when 250 feasted on ham, potiito salad, slaw, relishes, cakes, and all the milk pop and coffee they desired. Santa made his appearance and presented Steven Zriny, plant sui> nrintendent, and Dick Frltzche, chief Inspector, with a scroll and bag of greeting cards. Then Santa and his helpers distributed gaily wrapped exchange Christmas gifts to all the employes. This was followed by an exceptionally enjoyable talent show and games. A wonderfaul time was reported by the entire group. PERSONALS Miss Beverly Scharman, who attends Valparaiso University in Indiana, is home for the holidays. Mr. nd Mrs. A. H. Mosher have been spending the past week in Dixon. Walter Warner of Elgin visited McRfenry relatives on Monday. Jack Thles. Richard Hiller and Jack Laures. students at St. Thomas college in St. Paul, Minn., are spending the holiday vacation at their homes here Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey are enjoying a trip through the South. James Winkelman has returned home following a two months' vacation spent in Mexico and California. N Y L O N S Man's & Womra's jm Sizes, Styles and Colors. Regulars and Irregulars. McHinry Hosiery Mill CBY8TAL LAKE BO AD MCHENRY, ILL. for Christmas ^ EsPecia»y from Antonson's t - , P% ||&rcandy for everyone m yww list. Colorful, decj| j®itive boxes in a variety of sizes, shapes and depacked with delicious candies that you can |jye your family, friends or hostess. They will every taste - every budget. Pound Family Box.. Only $3.98 _ ; fruit and Nut. .. . .$1.50 If * If you are busy, let us help you save time. ir • Robert Koehr has been corffined to his home in West McHenry through illness. Mrs. Ralph Bennett underwent surgery in Chicago last Saturday. \ Matt Eichinger has been a medical patient in the Woodstock hos< pital. Helen Stoffel underwent surgery at the Woodstock hospital last week. Mrs. Lucille Skar of Island Lake has been a medical patient in the Wqodstock hospital. Glen /Nelson underwent surgery it the Woodstock hospital last week. Arnold Freund, "son of the Ben Freunds, is ill with rheumatic fever. He is a freshman in the local high school. •••** 11 iinnm»i 1111 if MARRIAGE LICENSES <»*•»<•« » M 11 1M I I I *'!•»»»» 0911 DeNise and Mrs. Helen Picago, McHenry. • in n i i i i I 'll ntiitu n> Residence Changes H+'int-Hi IIM in «< H'Mi Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lessard aud and Miss Emma LeBau have moved from Emerald Park to their new home on east Waukegan Road. The Frank Hays have moved from Washington street to the house vacated by the A. W. Flaconer family on Maple avenue in Lake View subdivision. I »•••« 1 I 1 MM MM I H ' BIRTHS • - * Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner of Grayslake are the parents qt a son. born at the Libertyville hospital on Dec. 11. Mrs. Wagner is the former Marie Mertes. A daughter was born on Dec. 12 at the Woodstock hospital to Mr and Mrs. Richard Weber. The Webers have three other girls. WONDER LAKE PAIR MARRIED SATURDAY EN LUTHERAN CHURCH The Grace Lutheran church. Woodstock, was the scene of a Wedding of two Wonder Lake residents Saturday at 8 p.m. Vhen Miss Ju&nita Willets became the bride of Sgt. Nel« (Johnny) Widen. The bride, daughter of the late Mr. and Mr8- Ray C. Willets, was given in marriage by. Robert Reiff, Chicago. Her gown, whi6h she had fashioned herself, was of white moire taffeta, made floor length and with a tight bbdice, long sleeves and full skirt. The high neckline was held by a pin that had belonged to the bride's great-grandmother. A seed-pearl tiara' held her fingertip veil in place and she carried a bouquet of white carnations tied with a white satin ribbon. The bride's only attendant was her eister, lone Willets, who was clad in a gown of copen blue taffeta in a style similar to that of the bride's, and also made by the bride. The bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henning Widen, Wonder Lake, was attended by Robert J. Dunn, Chicago, a buddy from World War II. as best man. Ushers were the bridegroom's brothers, James and Richard. 1 Preceding the ceremony Janet Van Kanegan Wagner tang "I Love You Truly." The Rev. Dr. Roger C Kaufman officiated at the single ring ceremony ' .,,i - -- Following the ceremony, a inception was held in the church parlors with women of the church in charge of serving after the bridal Couple had cut the first piece from the three-tiered cake. Both the bride and bridegroom moved to Wonder Lake in 1946. Her homfe is in the Lookout Point subdivision and his in Indian Ridge, although his parents operated the Wonder Food store until about a year ago. Young Mrs. Widen attended the Proviso high school in Forest jPark and her husband was graduated from Bloom township high school. Chicago Heights. She "has been employed by the Wonder Lake Builders Supply Co. and he was employed b]f the Cary Electric Co., McHenry, until called to active duty with the . air force reserves earlier this year. . Staff Sgt. Widen has been sta-, tioned at McCord Field, Tacoma, Wash., and will report to duty there Dec. 26 He arrived home Dec 10. Until the sergeant knows more definitely where he will be perj manentlv stationed, Mrs. Widen • will remain at hei- Lookout Point home. Those desiring New Yearns! greeting cards in next week's issue of the Hlaiuc'e i art reminded that Saturday, Dec. 2'i, id the deadline for submitting them. JOYOUS CHRISTMAS TO YOU! . ^As you gather With family and friends on this happy day we wisli to send to yon -2* and to yours our sincereat greetings and best wishes for the merriest A holidays. Lc & J ELECTRIC °- 5" APPLIANCE SHOP McCullqn Lake Burton's Bridge Redden! Laid To Rest In Chicago Funeral sendees Were held In' Chicago last weekend for Mrs. Helen Warnstedt, 74, of Burton's Bridge, who died in the Woodstock hospital Dei. 13. She had been a patient there for two weeks. Survivors include the widower, Fred; two sons, Wayne and Fred, Jr., and two grandchildren The Warnstedts resided at Burton's Bridge for the past ten years. ORATORIO SOLOIST This (Thursday) evening, Dec. 21, at 8 o'clock, Handel's "Messiah" will be presented at 7:30 o'clock at the First Baptist church in Elgin. Soloists will Include Dorothy Krieg, soprano; Ruth Slater, contralto; Warren JOnes, tenor, of McHenry; and Edwarcflltark, bass. CARDS OF CHARACTH Because Christmas falls on Mon- possible, that ada and net day this year, the Plaindealer submitted by Saturday noon, staff would appreciate 'whenever Read the Want Ads. our warmest Anionson's Candy Shop " 806 W. Elm St Hwy«. 120 A, SI McHenry, Illinois Greetings and wish you a flew year filled with promiit : and realization. ) McMENRY STATE BANK Member Federal Deposit Insurance CerporatlOB Member Federal Reserve System •Hi ' - -II liquorsm »r# A M E R I C A N WINES On' 95c 100 Proof Bottled In Bond OLD TAYLOR Fifth ....--.. $6.75 Pint $4.25 Half Pint...... $2.15 MUSCATEL PALE DRY SHERRY PORT WHITE PORT BURGUNDY Full Quart Only $1.00 NEW LOW PRICE! taw#* Swiss C&UHi* C A L I F O R N I A W I N E S STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY * ~ Years Old Fifth $5.00 1\' .. * :We mail candy anywhere * • p* • y*" - "" y«'» - (fSii?-.-! *•» 306 ELM STREET MCHENRY, ILLINOIS Bfluntio to 10 ^Cmas Day open until 1 p.m. BOURBON WHISKEY 100 Proof Bottled In Fifth - $6.75 Pint ... $4^5 V2 Pint.... $2.15 SCHENLEY RESERVE 86 Proof One Fifth $3.95 Pint . . ... $2.50 V2 Pint. .. $1.30 A Real Buy 100 Proof Bonded Whiskey One Fifth KENTUfckY BOURBON Only We have one of the largeit stocks of imported and domestic Wines and Liquors in Northern Illinois. We sell all popular brands of beer by the bottle or by the case. " ' ' MeHENRY LIQUOR STORE GPS UNTI, Prop. Corner of Green and Elm Streets •• Phone McHenry 104-R Take care of all those last-minute gift needs at one stop--we hav« toiling gifts for everyone--here are a few helpful suggestion*. GIFTS FOR MEN | ' GIFTS FOR GIRLS Cummings Va inch ELEC- 4 VACUUM BOTTLE an| TRIC DRILL KIT. In- .LUNCH KIT, in shoulder eludes buffing wheel, ^ , . .. • m' grinding wheel, seven i "trap leather kit t 3.48 drills, wire brush paint ,«S a/ mixer, sanding attachment, ^ Rubber BABY DOLL --- * 5.46 polishing bonnet : only $21.9|5 S KATES $aj0 20MaoXrbgOSHOTGU3NSwah | ADDING MACHINE ! I 1.79 Clect choke $29.95 *1 ' M TEA CARTS with plastic 4 pc. chrome COCKTAIL § :set # U9 SET $ 4.50 2 g SHOPPING CART $ 2.79 Tayloit indoor - outdoor 2 THERMOMETER $ 7.50 S MAPLE ROCKER ...... . .. $ 3.98 ELECTRIC LANTERN ... .... $ 5.39 & METAL DOLL HOUSE with ' m furniture $ 3.98 Burns serrated STEAK A KNIVES, Set of 6 $ 5.95 Jg ARTIST EASEL with paints $ 3.98 GIFTS FOR BOYS % GIFTS FOR WOMEN POCKE^ KNIFE $ .79 § BATHROOM UNIT of hamp- _ r ffii er, waste basket, toilet Hard Toe HOCKIfS . $11.95 ji brush and holder, set $ 4£5 POCKET WATCH ..„... $ 2.60 § ®LECTRI^ . g ROASTER Schwinn BICYCLE .......... .. $43.40 J „ • J . Colonial Homestead DINGAMES.. f 1.98 3 NERWARE, 94-pc. set $40.90 Red Ryder AIR RIFLE t 4.95 S Dormeyer, ^uto- 2 matic electric DEEP FRYFIRE TRUCK with siren and S ER *27J0 lirial ladder* ......_ $ IJ9 M Westclox KITCHEN CLOCK| 6 .95 Hi-Lift DUMP TRUCK $2.95 S „DrcDV „ , v SKIS, 6 ft., complete with | K^ISPY ^ Keep, food ^ jg fresh and crisp .: $ 1.98 liarness ... $12J8 ' OPEN EVENINGS TIL NIKE XMAS ORNAMENTS ANGEL HAIR . ICICLES G3FI WRAPPING VYCITAL'S HARDWARE SHEET METAL SHOf 132 GREEN STREET PHONE 98 MCHENFF. ILLINOIS ^ t =f m

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