(costtaaei (nun pafi 4) 1'* *4ito Hoaae. 3; I^ndl's •• <: O. Schaefer, S16; M. flehmttt, IBB; H. F&ntus, 606. ' 7 Snog^Harbor, 3; R. Place, 0. |Wheelock, 551; Meath, 213-iSOfp; H Behnke, 69. Herdrtdh * SOB,*; Cabs Inn, 9. • Low, Sit. . ' f > * 0. P. • OTleek-- Gu Preuad's, 238i; Ed Thenaee* not. Got Freund, 542. . O, M. Frewnd'a, SStf: Miller's 8432. H. Weber, 206-438; F, Meyer, 866; O. M. Freund, Bfelt i, Herd- W?h, 212-549; H. Miller, 500. jc. 0. F. 1 ©TIeek-- " Kreutser's, 2425 ^jfrteffan'a, 2291. " ' . B. Krentier, 551: H. Steffan, til; L. Thenne*. 521. Stiliing's, 2324; Thennea' 2245. 1. Stilling- 91rt.gft7- P 512. f ^ Downs Nash Sales* ijN Carlson Oil®, 1. ^ Bndler, 200-540; Crouch, 256- 594; J. Downs, 529; Cristy, 203- 554; SteKfcs, 521. Carl's Service Station 2; Blake Motors, 1. Schlitt, 536; Thorsell, 507: Jannotta, 526; Les Bacon, 205-544; Rodenkirk, 243-577; Hup Smith. 518. Old TImccs-- Meath's, 2296; Rogers, 2247. Rogers. 212-202-549; Meath. 519. Blake's, 2249; Cristy's, 2187. One of the oddities of bowling occurred In a match between the Palace* Recs and Ingleside this week when the teams were tied at 24$6 aftfer three games. A fourth game was rolled to decide the match and Ingleside swept to victory 891 to 827. It was J. Bustra, of the visitors, who came through with 225 pins in the third game and 223 tn the play-off to take the match. Here's how they bowled for three games: Dick Jaeger, 429; Harold Steffan, 200-537; Bud Thennes, 202-557; A1 Justen, '430; Dick Hester, 200- 533; J. Rechel, 204-485; J. Busta, 225-483; D. Vermillian, 488; B. Klaus, 201-566; B. Britx, 464. Lay's •May -- Bowling B* -- Than. Kite Ladles-- -- :r Weingart Trucking ); Breier ft Son, 0. B. Clark, 193-430. ^ * <k0. ^ Man's Here A^ain! If You've Waited 'Til Now To Buy GIFTS for MEN .... There's One Store To Come To GIVE HIM SHIRTS far Christmas Chmt1 i ? GIT« Him a New Shirt in His Favorit# StyU $3.50 and Up Shirts -- a .welcome gift always \ Come in early '-- select his most becoming style from our wide assortment of white-on-whites and pastels . in finest broadcloths, cottons and pure silks. He'll appreciate your thoughtfulness. You'll appreciate our down toearth prices! 1 4 s AGood Night's Sleep... What Finer Christnras Gift? • ! They won't crawl .. . bind ... * cling, these pa jama wonders. And because they're carefully tailored and soundly constructed, they'll stay that way through repeated washings. In his size, .his colors, his designs-- FROM $3.85 • <' t • • •li*ll •!' • • .ji <• ,|. ,}, ,{• ,j,4,,{, i o I Handsomely ^ailored wobl flannel or brocaded robe In solid tones--rust, blue, roon or red. 91245 Ml «p < 1 I11 1' I lilt H ' I PIGSKIN GLOVES WHIP STITCHED $5.95 Qne . . in a brilliant collection of pigskin gloves . also lined capeskins," mochas . . quality gloves by the thousands Others from $3.50 to $745 ARGLYE SOX . Just the thing to keep that man on your list tn the latest styles, 50% wool and-50% jiylon.in a' Wide/ variety of oolora. Leo's Paiaterettea, 2; Tavern, 1. • r Bowling Bar. 2; Frank Sand & Gravel, 0. - * /' V Z. Malochleb, 430. *-•' T--. Hettermann'8 Taver^sa, f; Ml and Clara's Tavern, 0. M. Hettermann, 435; ©, feettermann, 17%^, StMia«,. Smitl), 430i Thars. Nlte-- Hettermann's Tavern, «; Busch's Bar-becue, 0. Leo's Tavern^ S; Motor Sales, 1. „ Don Michels, 540. \ FIRE CHIEF IXJUKEIk 'Marengo's fire thief, John Benton, 56, was seriously' injured on Monday afternoon when he was struck by an auto while jumping from his own car in responding to fire alarm. The accident occurred in front of the Marengo fire station. where he had stopped to get the fire engine. »Ttais was the second time in the past six months he had been injured. tn!" Head tne want Ads. 6£T$t%< /for Safety, Convenience and Herd Improvement " Weader Lake Girls-- Mill Inn, 1; Lake Dry Cleaners, 1 . t McHenry American Legion, 2; Variety Store, 1. Rolaine Grill, 2; Cardinal Storey Lake View Inn,'t; Klrueger's Nursery. 1.. - F. Feldhahn, 423. 0©n»»*l-- - Norseman, 2; Kreutser*#, £ Pitien. 2; Olsen. 1. C. Michels. 222-538. Westlake's 3: J. Frett's, 0. Ernie. 202-584; Dick, 316 Fred, 503; B. Rochelle. 618 ijr-m '.a-i i-5: Johisbnf Men-- J. Jackson's. 2; G. Jackson's. 1. B. Meyers, 502; C. Michels, 505. A. Jackson's. 3; B. Mlllerii, ©. B Snyder, 516. ( r < J. Frett's, 2: L Smith's, 1.. M. Schaefer. 518; B Freund. 534. S. Freund's. 2; N. Smith's, 1. P. Freund, 504; J Freund, 209- 557. . , Why ride crippling injury OC sudden death day afttr day? Get rid of that dangerous bull and breed your cows the safe, easy, artificial way to Sires Proved Great. Producing cows can use the space, feed and labor ft bull takes, to pay more than your artificial breeding fee*#' Ship your bull and eliminate risk of injury, disease Or , low transmitting ability. Build up your herd safely and consistently. Phone us and breed your next cow to a bet* ter bull than you could afford to own. HOLSTEIN • GUERNSEY • JERSEY • BROWN SWISS Provd Sim (also Angus) from WISCONSIN SCIENTIFIC BREEDING INSTITUTE LLOYD SAMS CALL STATIONS: McHenry 729 Richmond 111 Woodstock 322-tf Hebron 461 it H. Sunbeam Coffo*mast«r •lid you giv« years of perfect coffetl : You can't miss when you have o .. Sunbeam Coffeemaster ... you > get delicious coffee every time! Everything is automatic.. -all you ' do is put in coffee and water and Ml the control. The Coffeemaster dicks off when the coffee's done, then re-sets itself to keep the coffee hot. The gem-like chrome plate Coffeemaster is a jOvely Mcver, toot- .*; • ?. -MM0.. Priced at $37.SOMR«i PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN SLfLINOIS ' 4^ # ! tfcefemew M flckvp ... with new features for "51! Plus arrimportant moneK* Saving advancement ... the Ford POW LR PILOT, standard on ALL new Ford Trucks for '51, from 95-h.p. Pickups to 145-h.p. BIG JOBS! fft* kaevy duty ckempiMl... the new F-5 for '51. This truck outsells any other «!ick in the I Vi-ton field! New 5-STAR EXTRA Cab offers many extra comforts . .. available at extra cost on Ford Trucks. Series F-l through F-8. ,iATu*e POW£R P/iOT FOR 1951, more than ever, economywise tnqpk buyers are going to follow the trend to Ford! New Ford Trucks for '51 give you step-ahead engineering advantages,' such as America's only truck choice of V-8 or Six ... a choice of over 180 models to fit your hauling job better . . . strength reserves that make Ford Trucks tost longer. You'll find these new features in engines, clutch, transmissions, axles, wheels, cabs, Pickup body--wherever there have been opportunities to make £COA/OAfY Ford Trucks do a better job for you, for less money! L Ford's POWER PILOT is especially important to you . . . for it's a PROVEN money-saver, on every hauling job. Driver comfort, too, gets plenty of attention in new Ford Trucks for '517" There is the new 5-STAR Cab and the optional 5-STAR EXTRA Cab featuring foam rubber se^t padding, glass wool roof insulation, automatic dome light and many other comfort extfVli at only slight additional cost. And only Ford gives you a power ^ Truck Pmwmr MaI m • iftupfn, hty-provmm wmy of fttiug Htm mmI It automatically meters and fires the right amount of gas, at precisely the right instant, to match constantly changing speed, load and power requirements. Unlike conventional systems, tha Power Pilot uses only one control instead ot two, yet is designed to synchronize firing twice as accurately. You can use regular gas . . . you get no-knock performance. Only Ford in the low-price field gives you Power Pilot Economy! rif < * 4 •t % NEW FEATURES TNHOUGHOUf New massive, modern front end and ex* terior styling makes Ford the '51 favorite foi " "good looks"! New 5-STAR Cabs feature bigger rear wi dow--with up to 5C ; more saf«y visiori. New "grain-tight" Pickup body, nc^ clutch disc, new transmissions, new wheel* assure still longer life. New awtothermic pistons with chrome* plated top rings, new high-lift camshafts faf top performance, longer engine life. POWER PILOT ECONOMY . . . a n d -- f" other money-saving advancements! * - k* : * ^4 IftAS Cotton • 91M 1 f?5D TrUCKS longe H I'lH 1 j 11 !•••»< All kNvy duty F-5 and F-6 ForJs for '51, like this Dump, /give you easier, quieter shifting with new, 4-Speed Synchro- Silent transmission, optional at extra cost. X Using latest registration data on 6,592,000 trucks, life insurance experts prove Ford Trucks last looaal BUSS MOTOR SALES 531 MAIN STREET PHONS 1 McHENRY. ri MEN'S SHOP *fs j" £4: "•* '-vk