Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Jan 1951, p. 8

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**rg;:i rtW^ff» '|^J'W 1W ft?!!*,'I $». -!JH A Wf'tyJP^ wwrm s»;. H :-.^"ir N ' OFFICIAL FTOLIfATlOTI «T MNMIfflim MU FOB iw§ Til* following list of personal pfop«rty In full and a list of Real Batafr for Which asseesments have ||Mi added or changed since the •||el, precertinsr assessment# and all property. Personal or Real, reaasefsed pnrsutant to the order of * the Department of Revenue umtar Portion 140 of the Revenue Aet.&y th. 'Tnwn8hlp Assessor of fltetli&ry Township and completed toy I. G. Stevens, Supervisor of AWWlem.cnt. .. The value* herein shown are subject. to'revision by the Board of Rt vicw and to equal- Sat^t6n by tbo l >*-pitrtment of Revetta* SfHion 14ri of the Revenue Act, 1939. provide that the Department xhall lower or raise the total a«iets<ti value of property In any county so. that such property will be assessed at Its fall flair. Cash value. This publication (innde in accordance with S.'Ctlou lOJ of the Revenue Act, 1029) serves as a ptblic notice to the taxpayers of the Count,y of the assessed values fixed upon thrii property by the Fruend, Stephen R. Qartaon. JaaW C Colby, Ora N. Crystal Lake Vogne dealers, Inc. ' » Dixon, Gleato Downs Nash Sale* ... ,€*+ ^ Downs Motor Express 4*777 Diedrich, Anna Diedrich, Thoma# •'4*7* %| Dowe, Mary ..... Dobyns, W. B. ......... . Durland. Alvera Degen, Mike E. ......*%W; Duller, C. H. .».. %. *. v* ^ Doherty, Thomas" 7.. *n7,«'#-v7 Donnelly, R. W. ........ Diekow, Wilma .......... Dillon, Edward . Diedrich, Jos. J. ... . Diedrich, Louis . ...7..... Douglas, G. A. . 7 Draper, Glenn Doherty, Philip ....<4; Etten, Herman . , « Eggert, Norman H... Ensign, Roland .-/.'i Edstrom, Arthur Bheroth, Henry O. . i TP ; Fitzgerald, Eileen .,h Freund, Joseph M. .. Freund, Ralph ...... Freund. Charles N. . Freund, John N. ... Freund. Sons, A. P. , Freund. Ernest ..... Freund, Jr., Mike ... Township Assessors, or Supervis ore of Ass<-ssmen(^__ Taxpayers who consider their property assessed may appear hi fore the Honrti of Review after Jan. 4th, 1951 and before Jan 14th. 1951 and file* a complaint In writing according to Section H6 of the Revenue Art of 191f. J. G. STEVENS, ^j,. McHenry County Supervisor of Assessments tr MrHenry Corporation -J.r' J&ms, Mrs. Susan ......7. Alexander Lumber Co., y. . / ; Althoff. Louis ...»» - Althoff, Wm. H ^4 Atlantic & Pacific Tea Ce. Antholz, Henry B. ...7.7-7' Agatha Shop .7.. ..777. Anderson, Arnold .... .r .. Adams, Lester V. 1., Aidtw. AnnabelleM. . Anderson, Lyie D Atl^erson, Dorr AHgiseg, Clarence F. ..... Aatodnson, Carl L, ...... .. Anderson, Arnop£.47 .' !• Adams, Louis ..n...... Attlonaon, E. F. .. Adams. Eugene m jAdams. Vate »W» Adams, Jr.. Lester Vi r Admiral Corp Adams, Albert J. ..,. Aranaoa, Richazdv>«> » Karl M. -......... A Wtegal|rv;-.fS5»«" Joe ......... Edward 50 2025 125 1860 1500 50 300 90 935 2tt 250 160 100 50 90 50 150 7S 38955 90 Fremd, Kathryn L. Freund, Anguatlne K. .... Freund, Carl 7. Freund, Geo. p. ........... Frennd, John R. ..-....... Frennd, Richard W. ..... Freund, Mrs. Rosie Freund, Irvin L. Freund, Anton H. ,..,.... Freund, Anton P." ... . ... Fi-eund, Math. P. ........ Freund, George J.^....... Freund, Elmer J Freund, Herbert H. ...... Freund, Christina ........ Freund. Harold J. Freund, Harold H. Freund. Nick B. ......... Freund, Donald H< Fleming, Richard|........ Fitzgerald, Hornet1 ....... Froelich, A.' I Fredrick, Mrs. Clara .... 1 Freund Oil Co., file Fernanda, Baymo|d...... Cf O.iossen, John ............ Oende, Frank E. ........ Gambles Store Gtbta, Fred W. .......... Goodell, Gretta Gerash, Paul E. ®2 Guzxardo, Joe ........... Guaaardo, Roy .. > *.••» i... ft*' Such, E. S. ' 4*%' BUke, Alvin V Walter f. .. ttMfM, Fred ..... Barman C. Mrs Pet«r J. -Jifcth J Bhmt, Benuce ....... Walter B. . .. -- - - - - • • • Bieon, MeUe .. .V'.... $•0011, Lester Sfmer, Mithael ...... Bluer, Alvin towski, Mitchell .. John . Ultli. • BUke, Anton F.'..... Stake, Math. ........ Brda, Charles J. ..... Barbian Georg^ . Bkrbian Bros. Serbian, Nick K, ... llake Motor SaliT .. 'iMke Leo :e, Frank M. .... er, Thomas P. . Geo. M. ...... ill, Jr., Edward ; Mrs. Lillian . Motor Sales ... Mary A A Sons, H E. . Herome, ... haid, Wm. ..... eld, Paul J. .... Earl ts, Store !ler, Albert M. . .. Charles. D. .. • * 4s * r«., eld, Ben J.^»...... tks, Alice low, dcil . i,i*........ , Stanley ^... . tt, Lisle sjt ......... Willianl .......... John F rkpi' er, Carl Wm. ..... ,pfel, Bert Product^ Inc. >.... : . Edward . . ^....... »way. Cathr)M| ... • ... is. Howard ..... i* •.. f, I'loyd si .. k, Floyd v% • • f' -- ••• f, Waller ft'. f, flwald E. . i| C. N , powai d W. |T»vMai tin ,. Hin. R. C. leater (R. J. Floyd E. .!!!!*' n M. . . ..; .vi'. wrolet Balei .... 1001 200 100 125 125 150 75 200 465 75 160 125 1606 170 m 170 Il« 60 166 50 2H 80 166 100 135 425 75 2150 75 210 1700 250 150 100 1050 150 1325 90 210 150 120 1450 100 50 Tfc 80 230 200 110 100 »• 90 iar. 100 1090 Gladstone, Maurice ... Gies, Peter ... A ii. Grasser, John ....... Grata, Wm. Green, Robert .... . Gloesen. Joe .. Gan% Frank J. ...... Gehrman, Albert P. .. Ganaden, Joe Givan*, Donald ...... Gilkeraon, Earl . . . •» Hffl, David , (Hart, Evelyn ........ Hunter, James J Hitehena. U Bryett .. Holley, Joe C Began, Edward .... Heimar, Henry .. Betmer, Wm. M. ... Howard, Ray a Buck, Larry j. Hooba, Harold R, v...... Beatar,Richard Herdrick, Charlea ..... i. Hetterman, Elm«r ....... H^lligan, W. J. Bagberg, W. W Howard, Donald C. ...... Hergofct, Vivian Bolt, Frank J Henschell, Arthur ....... Heyward, Edward 8. Hoelscher, G. E Holly, Warren .......... Hiller, Norbert 850 60 150 110 260 225 1200 375 320 ISO 140 60 iaoo 160 66 200 1175 660 178 Hobby Boy Industry .. ., Huck,iir„ Lawrence .... Tmmerkua, Frank ... Ingersol, Everett Imrnerman, Walter R. Jurack, Charles A. ....... Jackson, Arthur ......... Johnson, Geo. H. ........ Jadot, Eugene ........... Justen, Richard Justen. Nick M. rnsten, Ben ............. Justen, George It. ....... Justen. Peter M. Justen, Oeorge R Justed, Albert K ........ Tusten, Nick P. .......... Justen. Jacob F Justen, Harold .......... Justen, Edward J. Justen, Alex ............ Jensen, Vrank Jung, Bernard ., j,,....... Jung, Nick .. .77777... .Jurgens, E. A. ........ D. E. Johnson Tool Mfg. Co Jager, Richard .. J listen, Ralph 50 160 90 50 450 75 110 125 225 75. 1100 196 75 140 150 1665 100 1628 180 50 220 125 75 225 75 200 150 106 75 75 100 150 125 650 1435 280 75 2100 60 125 50 1100 175 215 225 50 75 1800j 310 80 200 100 150 160 100 125 100 165 625 180 120 100 100 50 125 80 250 100 50 510 190 180 300 275 90 80 310 425 50 75 100 125 750 75 165 50 125 XMnOMiB. Konig, J. F. Better. Lilian Keller Bat. John B. .,... Kknta, C. W. ltrauae, Alfettt Rrstitaer, lp ,'v, Kreutaer, Berman ft.... vV Kreutner, Wm. L. .... ...* Kramer, Geo. F. . Keanebeck, Henry I. .... Krausc^A. D r.:. KUday, John W. ....%s7w* Kramer, Vernon 3. ...... Kraus, Bmry Kinsey, Clarence Kaus, Jr., Geo. . L Lee A Ray Electric SIH0 Lakoff, John P. ..v*»*'.«•*»• Long, Odilon , .7. Lawrence, Fred Local Cleaners Iilc. .. •*'*+ ' Laraon, Arnold A;, Lowe. Frank .... 1 Liptrad, Hubert <1.,« C .. i;. * Landgreen, Edgart t .4 ..v. Larkin, Evelyn Lauras. E. U'.V. *7.'. , Lindsay. George Lafontaine, Eugene ....r.7' Laraon, Walter L. ....... Meister, John ............ May, Joe M. McHenry Publishing IttC. Mehr, Robert McHenry Mill Inc. Meyers, LeRoy McHenry Sand A Gravel Co. * •. *..... Mauch, Norbert B. Miller, Alvin Maynard, B. T Miller, Gerald J Mathews, Delia .......... Martin, Clarence .......!. McGee, Ray McHenry Art. Stone Co. .. McHenry Farmers Co*6p i 1078 Kent A Co. Inc Kalsck, Geo. A. . .. Kalfus, Frank Kilday, Robert W Kinsala, Geo. W Koehr Supply Co. Knight, Geo. ..... Knaack, Geo. «.......... Kralowetx, Bowrt Knox, Martin A Genevieve *3lox,Ce<nUa E. -I • ' it. 90 205 75 175 156 135 200 670 1450 175 110 240 80 50 90 75 100 100 100 .6700 450 45b 50 75 75 125 900 7fe 75 100 •0 210 McHenry Lumber Co. .. McCracken, Leonard . Miller, Jos. J Miller A Son, John B. .. Meyers, Frank C. ...... Moaher, A. H. Mi Place Miller, Ben J. ......... Miller, Ben K. ......... Miller, Roy B. ......... Miller, Peter F. .... .«*. Murphy Jr., L. B. ...... Millar, Theo. .S Murphy, Hugh ......... McHenry Country Club . Miller, Charles J Miller, Harold F. Meyers, Leo Matchen, John MI Miller, Jos. P. McGee Inc Murphy, Sr., L. B. ..... Martlck A Nixon Inc., McHenry Mfg. Co., In6., Mendyk, Mike .... , , SOller, Nick P. ........ Meleek, LeRoy . %.<»... . Mather, Don Nye, Eugene P. ' Nimtz, Richard Nielsen, Betty ........ ... Newman, Gerald ........ National Tea Oo. ........ Neiss, Theresa .......... Neiss, Mrs. John ......... Nieeen, Clarence Nickels, Edward B» ..... 7 Nye, Wm. A. ........... Nye, Eleanor Nye, Harvey ... *f f Nye, Herman F. ......... Noonan, Allen E. ........ Nordin, Edward Noonan, Anthony . ,... Nimsgern, Joe .......... Nell, Frank Nimsgern, Lawrence A. .. O ' ' Overton Cadillac 6 . tiac Co Overton Motor Sales Overton, R. I Olsen, Leslie C. Overton, Richard J. ...... Olsen, Edward Pitsen, Hieo. It. 4-. Phalin, Thomas M, Paluah, A. G. PhannenstHl, Phalin, Harold T. ...... Padock, Earl Page, Lester ......... Page, Ray Payne, David ........ Phalin, Mrs. John Powers, Mary Purvey, Albert ...... Pries, Jr. Wm. A, ..,, Pederaen, Alphh .... V. Petersen, Frederick J. Powers, James W Pipping, Jr., Fred Pitzen, Frank N, PfannewrtlB, Jolil . Patzke, Emil ......... PUler. LueMe Phalen, Geo Patzka, Pm* 206 166 110 175 3720 90 100 50 75 75 125 100 125 125 75 160 600 260 918 125 10375 50 175 110 80 80 210 125 380 14040 2495 200 75 90 170 1165 350 110 90 200 75 175 75 225 150 210 550 126 50 80 3330 100 3060 3906 100 : 250 125 . • •>%.:» • •• : . ; *7 * • " MMtar,' AtnbroM X .. Jaoob Cat N. . J. . fichmitt, Joe. It. >•. . « y . - Bokinittt, S^nrtn . Muniltt, Henry ......... , 8ehreiner, Geo. J 8chaefer, Clarence J. Schretner, Kktherine B. . ^ Schneider, Elitabeth Schneider, Anton'... Scheisalle A Weber . Scheisslie, Caroline • Sayler, Dr. J. E Scherman, Mrs. C. B. Smith, Arthur Smith, Huppie A Leo Smith, Rose B. .. «77 Schaefer, Henry B.-_. . Stenger, Geo. F. . . . . . Sayler, James N, Schaffer, Stanley . . Smith, Emma D. " . Smith, Rena .. .* Stock, Geo.. A. . .7.*..-. Stoffel, Mrs. John .... Stoffel, Mrs. Simon . Stoffel, Jacob ....... Stilling, John .... Stilling, Leo J. ....v. Sp«icer, Mary F. .. Standard Oil Co Schoenholta, Mervtn L Steffes, Jacob ....... Stilling, Gertrude .... Stoffel, Martin J. .... Stilling, Henry J. .... Smith, James C. U.«*. Samec, John fTilllw Wml« AA* • • • • i Satton, M. A Steffan, HareM ....... Shell Oil Co Schrober, JoAn Scholle, Sherman J. ... S<diaefer, Boy Sdireiner, Mrs. Wm. G. Strufn, John ...... Stttid, LaVerna R. . .... Smith, LeRoy ........ Schaefer, Donald ..... Smith, Robert ........ Snell, Harry E. ....... Smith, Elmer O. Smith, Richard ....... Smith, Jack .......... Simon, Ji Atoir, Htnw A1 ,,..... t .Vwnoa Arndt^ ClMMf; . i Brennan, Willianl V. . . Pake, Roy A AMn . Bniier, Roland .•:*••***'« ake, Bernard .......7*. ke, Albert S. Blake, Arnold ,i|» Bpckenbaugh, Robert ..... . / . , m 790 2T5 m m T6 11B 60 «6 90 50 50 75 100 200 275 60 800 550 75 SO 56 160 225 ft S10 t5 250 425 110 100 200 50 86 76 75 7» 205 210 *5 900 • *6 1190 25 135 200 * 226 75 Blake, Joeeph Blake, William ........... Blake, Geo. P. Bauer, 01eva .,.»^.»^.. Bigger Broa. Bauer, Bernard ^ Betts, Ean^ E. . .. Beng, Oscar ..... . EHazik, John .... .7*'... Brantigam, Philip . . .7; . Blfi^, E. S. .jr. Bursma, John . . . . .,7'77 Burt, M. H. ...7....,;.%. Bennett. Henry' ;v*4>»>«; Brill, Oltomar J*^i7fe Bausch, Charley J. «77. • >7: Betts, Karl E. Bennett, Langley vv v .7 Bollman, Bernard * * .7.... Buttas, John W. . /....... Beatty, Emily A. ........ Boyle, John F. ........... Boyle, Elizabeth BaU, Fred Brand, Elizabeth »»**,• ;... Benson, Garfield C^«.... Bowman, Fred E Butler, B.T Brttz, Heniry J. .......... Barbian, Albert .......... Bell, James .......... 7.7 Brown, S. W. ............ Blake, Roy:M. ........... Burtin, S. T. ....... ; Benson, Gordon .......... Behern, William ...... ^eatty, Sinclair P. ....... Bauer, Jos. J 150 Bode, John Thennes, Phillip It. ...... Thies Co. John C. ........ Thennes, John A. ....... .7 Thennes, Edward £**..,, Thompson, Robert A. ..... Toiiyan Construction Co., . Tonyan, Alfred .......... Tonyan, Edward ......... Tonyan, Arthur Tucker, M. L. Thurlwell, Robert 3. . .. Totiyan, Joeeph •«»-»... - Thbms, Arthur H. ....... Thorn, Franda . * Torrence, John F. 7. ...^... 125 125 50 50 50 75 90 170 1450 250 175, 135 1750 210 75 146 100 90 i 129 90 Barnical, Carl-....... Bloomgreen, L. A. .. Buehler, A. C. ....... Beirger, Robert ... Bank, E. Edward Eat. Burmister, Wm. ..... Bennett, Ralph ...... Bfeur, Geo, Baumback, Georgia .. Barrett, Lloyd E. . . . . Biggers, Harvejy ..... Benson, Harry ...... Back, Peter 630 1280 75 1345 90 1260 1065 1340 720 2155 1410 75 215 150 60 90 1265 100 290 9(70 140 75 75 150 150 2310 90' 225 165 225 65 330 380 565 250 50 810 90 125 125 150 200 150 80 150 100 150 125 500 200 100 31$ 100 200 110 110 550 t. UnEl, Qua .e«, Unti, John .77. Uriti, Charlea . 100 180 400 120 1210 50 100 275 1150 350 125 165 1150 30o 1*5 200 175 200 50 1600 2000 150 190 75 60 125 120 400 225 75 136 115 75 71 50 215 710 350 180 175 826 100 100 100 460 100 80 Quinlter C. frf .7...... Ricker, Phlllfp ....... Rothermel, R. J. ......., Rothermel, Jamei ........ Rode, Ray Roche, Peter J. .. * Rodenkirck. Hillary G. ... Riverside Mfg. Ob, ........ Richardson, Jennie ...... Rogers, Fred N . Regner, Joe M Relchansperger, Chas. F. .. Reihansperger, Herbert C. Riverside Hotel Racraft, James Rothermel, Leo G. ..,. * # Riverside Dairy Inc. » R. Place Inc ...7* Smith, Hubert 100 100 50 125 120 400 125 , 278 135 300 90 250 120 135 2500 m via Vance, Harold Vogt, Robert ...... Vytital Hardware . Vycital, Charles ... Votta, IM W. .... Wlhklemaui, Elmer B. ... Ward, Bailey Wiftz, Franda H. Wagner, Jos. W. ......... Wilson, Clifford ...... Weity, Glenn ........... 1 Walsh, M. J»' •.... .... Walsh, Earl Wattles, Glenft Jf. s7.i*.7. Wattles, Howard ........ Weber, Henry • • i- w-irvV-* * i a Weber, Robert ..,.... 7,... Weber, Carl N. ..w.i..... Witfs, Geo Warwick, Andrevf Wolf, Fred A EmjR ,...... WiBiams, Jos. A. ^........ Wirtz, John B. ., v...... Wittz, Anthony Jf. ' ....... Wiakel, Leo J. ......... Wilfson, Thomas ....... Walsh, Quinten E. .... ....' Wheeler, ioel E. ...:..... Wegner, Martin 9, ....... Worts, Mrs. Mike 7 Wetngart, Pater Ward, Elliott B. ......... Wengart, Nick S. Wilbr%ndt, AI .7 Weber, Joe A Lamn ...... Welter, LeRoy J. ........ Weber, Richard & Waynne, Joseph Walker, Eleanor Chapel HU) Creameries Corso, Charles J. ...... Caahen, Thomas Cannon, E. F. ...j...... Christiansen, C. 1^. .. .7. Criok, Jose{m _Cia*ton, Wm. ........, 100pCavenaugh, John ;...%.. Qh^iloA), Chas; ..... Criaty, Kenneth & .... * Crlfcty, 3. W. Carr, Charles H. ...... Carr, LeatoT .......... Cafarelo, CyMk, Stephen ..... 4. Copper Bros. Cierockl, Frank ....... Connihnm, Bay R. i..... CaMa, G, W. ...»7...>. *2? Conner, Ben 80 Cartwright, John ...... CreuU, Win. E. ..; Conway, Robert ....... Codte; George ......... Cannon, Jr, Edward ... fhenye, Frank Carroll, Eva ........... Corrado, Frank (X ..... Cardinal Qpb, ID6. . ... 650 ism 120 1900 100 100 1700 • * » i*';. vVvw F• Frennd, Catherine Fmmd, Ben ... Freund, Vemon Freund, John Freund, Jr., Peter A. Frruna, Anthony AL 7^,..; Freund, Leo Freund, Fred P. «. *.« Freund, Peter 4 ........ Freund, Peter II ....i Freund, Ann* FreunA'WUMaitt N. Freund, Bernardl^A* Freund, Victor .... Freund, James ..... Freund, Joseph L. . Freund, Frank .... • .7^7^ Freund, Clarence 3, Freund, Stanley .... ..;,7^> Fredrickson, Ivar .. .. Fay, Frank Falcon Outing Club ...v.% Frisby, Sr., Robert .• • • t.* Frett, Joseph ....... Flemming, Richard M^ *7» FoSs, Wayne E. ....., Flurrey, Edward B. 1*7? Finkel, Wm. ... Fuchs, Fred ... i. » * a. . .7» Frost, Walter 7..... Fox. Jos. H. ..... m ...... Fossler, M. L. .... . 7..... Finley, Arthur Frisby, Jr., Robert .... t. Fritz, Jacob < ^ F1M, H. S Ficken, R. .......,..... . Frecino, Anthony ........ Gladstone, MaurHM ...... Gladstone, Lee Garralto, Theodori Granath, John ... r....... Gielow, Harry C. ........ Grosley, L. H Gross, Marie ........7... Gatst, Adolph Glossen, Geo. ......... 7.. Glossen, Wm. ........... Grossen, Wm. ............ GoOglinski, Emma ....... Groll, Frank L. .......... Gilmore, Jos. A. ......... Gofcenson, Geo. E. Gates, Ben ......,....... Gallup, Robert .7. Granger, Maurice ........ Glossen, Elmer .......... Gel-get, Paul ............ H 175 176 1066 116 115 300 260 190 90 90 1250 75 166 135 *90 2025 2610 450 60 125 100 210 16# ibo 300 300 125 150 300 150 150 230 276 150 150 900 260 200 280 90 100 150 125 150 160 1250 1115 125 1680 250 125 100 905 1710 90 1575 v. •' . .V. *7-' Yanda, Paul R Yegge, Marie Schleale Young, Edward Zriny, Stephen Stilling Est., Elizabeth ... Schaefer Est., Jacob ..... Buck Est., Henry ........ Freund Est., Nlckolas Kr>» Miller, Est., Anastasis ... Fareman Eat., William D. 235 75 50 100 300 125 100 185 1080 300 95 130 180 76 250 75 175 50 200 160 75 110 100 90 135 190 210 95 100 100 100 1S8 85 446 m • • '• if 400 4000 2000 500 400 2240 Hoeft, Wm 7...'i Hickory Creek Farm . .. Hunter, Walter Hoffman, William R. .....' 1440 Hetterman, Eldward and 50 James 100 Hecht, William ..... ..... 135 Harrison, Frank C. ..... . 375 Horn, Albert .......v.... 350 Hamlin, Peter .., i »7i. i.. 235 Hang, Walter ........... 150 Huska, Stephen ....... ... 150 Henn, Al J «*.*#£.«•» 1405 Heilman, Emil 3. ......... 555 li Hinke, Wm. J. 1770*Howard, Chriatinll ....... 145 • Harold. Edward C. ....... 125 Hay, Frank ..<7...... 125 Hawley, Louis E. ........ 650 Harrison, Flora S. ........ 90 Harrison, Ra3rmond ...... 150 Harrison C. L. .......... 100 Harrison. Frank B. ..... . 200 Harrison, A. C. ........ . . 1455 Hunter, Everett ......... 125JHalstrom, Carl ........7. 1251 Hepburn, Dr. W. ......... 100 Hederich, John i. 75 1500 1460 116 200 75 * « « * • f'» " loiten, Geo. B: Jolwaon. Stanley ........ Jackson, Joeeph Jervia, Qui S. Johnson, Stanley O. .Mii* ' Jurgenson, Emil .... » »7.. KurkOW, Burl Kuns, Fred ......*v. A.»ir Krummwide, F. B. . Klfwln, F. . iOiauer, K. F. Kiapperich, Lawr«»ce . . Kiapperich, Wm. B. ..... Kennebeck, Elitabeth .t;' Kiapperich, Mary ...7^^7( Kevel, A. J. ^ % Kitu, Andrew ..7V* Kn^app, Forest .7if'#7i>7 Krickel, Geo. .. j * Kufcy, Andrew BL KrOh, Joeeph .. Koibra, W. E. . 7 Kelley, Peter M.;, Krenz, Mathikia 7 Kaiser Est., Frank . Kennebeck, Ben J. .. .7. .'7' Kennebeck, Daniel . Keiinebeck, J^ Henr^ ..t> Kennebeck, Bernard ... . Kennebeck, John .. King, Jos King, Leo Kiapperich, Wm. J, Kiapperich, Joseph Kiapperich, Frails , . Kopke, Ed. ..... , Kraft, Barney Kent, Roy Karowskl, Steve i........ Kleinhans, Geo. ......... Kejler, Wm. ......... Kolar, Albert .......1.... Kingsley, Philip.«•...7.... Kirk, HughH. ........... Kollenbach, Harold P. ..«. Kahe, Mitchel .... ... Kelley, Ralph . Kleves, Adolph Kostbade, C. J. Kiiisey, Roy .., Kerber, Leo ... * . k ..» . 7fc v • . •%' 'f' L Larkin, Jame* . Laures, Math B. Lash, Emii Leckland, Theo. Lay, Math Lay, Christina . Lay, John Larson Bros. .. Ludfot, Robert . Lau, Arthur B. Larson. Lee Leslie, Fred Lotz, Charles ... Luce, Ben 670 Lock. Harry • V ' Lennon, James .... Lacey, Herman . v«7 Le^awlch, Mary 7 .. Liebsohn, Samudi,.. Looze, John E. ..... ... LaGreca, Arthur Levesque, Joe A ttehttft* Wm, A, ............ McHenry Ontelde of Corp. „ Amea, Ji . 11 Dehn, Richard ..i&7,7* t>anko, William ...... t>ailko, Steve .77..... Daniels, Inc., Harold F. ttefilrro, ^Michael ..... tHxtjfl, R. W t>aVis, Bert .....< DeBoche, Walter; Dr^nntti, Mrs. Wm. F. £>ir*ond A Son, A. F; .. tXejlrieh, Leo . Diedrith, f&d £>oi^ler, John ........ £>ip^e, Auguat ....... frAerty,,Junes B. .... Diets, Ben J. . .;k DeVore, R. W. ...,.. DeVore, Chris Dorpn, Ed .. Danford, Earl ........... Diedrich, Geo. R i7^.».... perkes, Sam .. Davidson, Helga .7.....V. Dierken, Henry Powell, Gene ... Daly, James . Dolgopal, M. ...... DnmUr M. ..',47*1. Enfgdahl, H. M. .*4...... Engels, Peter .. ..... Epnel Bros. Erricson Eat., Henry ...... Ettinger, I. 8. ........... Ettinger, I. S Engalson, Kinsley .: I.. Ecldand, Harry ......... Ellibtt, J. W. Errickson, Betty 7.. Edwal, Laboratories inc. *.«j» *f>», • . . . . • . "H* .1.7 Alderson, Albert E. Anderson, John A. . Andres, Welden Adams, Nipk J. Adams, Alfons . . ........ Adams, Vince ..7,i..,*,V Adams, Joe H.. .,... .. . . . < Adams, Mathea# 7.... .7#** Adams, Gtio Adams, Alex ............} Adams, Frank U Adams, Clarence ... .77.. Adams, Clara Klein Adams, Clemens Althoff, Barbara, Kate A Ben Auflrjght, Walter . 50 125 225 125 It 60 210 606 375 185 150 200 150 50 1480 1495 255 125 150 225 100 400 175 150 150 1080 175 90 100 100 425 125 m 100 50 1940 200 420 690 275 200 150 75 10000 Buy m :al 1375 175 210 75 75 •I® 190 1390 510 175 1235' 60 825 75 375 Flak, Willtam .7 Freund, Robert Freund, Wm. W. ........ Freund, Clarence C. ...... Freund, Eugene B. '. Freund, Peter H. .....,.. Freund, Orville «... ? Frett, Edward J. 7 « Fov^les, Fred ............ Freund, Alvin J.-w7...... Feierisel, Clarence A. .... Freund, Wilfred V. ...... Ficken, John.. Freund, Joe E .7. .., Frejand, Jr., Peter ........ Freund Alfred . »*.. ^Freund, MfeiRnh B. .i.... Herderich, Emil ......... Herman, O. H- • ^ Hiller, Joseph ^ Hiller, Geo Hiller, Wm. 3. Hiller, Leo Hiller, Henry ........ Howe, Chester B. ........ Hoppe, Valiaka .......... Hogan, John --......... Heuman, Joa. G. ......... Hueman, Fred L. ;. * *.... Hueman A Sone, Joe. ft .. Huff, John .7 . Huff, Albert ..., Hunter Boat Oo. Inc. ..... Healey, Thomas ......... Hunter, Emily *«. Hollenbach, Oscar . . Hollenbach. Norbert Howozka, Frank , . * Heide, F. Hetterman, Jamee . Hetterman, Bdwln Dwothy Hetterman, Gerald J. ., Herman, Loulaa r|7» Buff, Harry .. Hall Bros. ... Harvey, Steve Holey, John A. Hayes, Daniel Hemsley, D. B. Hubert, R. A. ....... Huffman, Fred Holquist, Albert .... Hogmn, o. T. ...... •: Hamel, Wm. J Howak, Sr., Hubert Hansen, Roger ..v.. Hansen, Fred Howe, Victor .. .. Hickory Creek Farm Hartman, George ... Hanesh, E. .• Hickory Creek Farm Haxton, J. W Halley, Wm. . ...... Huck, Louis ... Hayes, James P. Hansen, Dave . < Hay, Wm. J. ... Harth, Erneat .. •?#Il and • »** 4 4 % ' • ' * * ' •A'* » •7*;. « ^ •'e • * 135 650 525 200 150 225 180 600 1620 125 106 325 1545 1385 75 490 1300 2425 80 75 900 75 176 4000 125 1075 206 250 75 150 166 150 1806 110 75 60 150 125 300 150 75 435 Miller; Artlmr A. ..t..... 75 Meadows, R. Wi ; . 7.. . . " Miller, Geo. J. .,. * Meyers, Fred J. . McHenry Recreation ..... Moeller, John ............ Moecinski, Michael ....... Maxwell, H. P Miller, Chas. J. . ...... ... Miller, Victor A. . . ....... Murynski, Frank ........ Meyers, Donald Mailford, Robert ^. Michels, Arnold .......... Michels, Leo Murphy, Elmer ft. Miller, Alfred B. ........ May, Edward P. McDonald, Hugh ...... Mtauski, Stephen ......... McKlm, E. O. .....i Mraz, James ............. May, John V. .. v.......... • Mc&eely, W. C. ...7. Miller, Otto B. . .J........ Martin Bros. .. .7 Martin, Clttiton tt. May, Irvin May, Frank S. .444 ..... M a y , A l f r e d . . . . . . May, Geo. AMay, Steve, May, Wm. ............... Maiuer, R. G. llcCannon, Wm. .........' Mclntee, MargreA ....... McLaughlin, Tom iCertea, Wm Miller, Jos. ............. Miller, Paul MlHer, Oscar A Fred Mlllfr, Peter Miller, Gerald Milter, Delia K. Milter, LeRoy Milter, Minnie McBoberta Michels, Geo Michels, Frank ........ *Vv Moeberg, Henry ....... * . Meyers, Wm. J *. . .V Meyers, Wm. F. Meyers, Elmer ............. Mayer, Geo Muzaey, F. M. ^ Morgan, Harriett .4|| Maidge, Elrie . ..7.4....« Mulch, Ernest 75 100 75 125 210 165 810 125 235 1220 150 1595 465 1415 TP 1470 990 66 TM--> Yiiltfl B. 210 mo 150 200 1170 100 160 150 160 150 116 500 250 1970 156 150 100 150 5616 1205 50 5666 100 £3 125 76 126 106 Justen, John R. ... V • • • • 185 Jeske, Harold R.' . . •v• • ». « • 726 Jabelinskl, Adam .. • • m J* • 75 Johnson, Eldred L. . 500 Jepsin, Jeppie C. ... . n# 470 Jepsen, Rose • • * * • • . 75 Johnson, Mrs. Rudolph «... 575 Jackson, Ford ..... 150 Justen, Anna • f-* • > * " 50 Jung, Mrs. Martin . . »*u*. 1390 Jepson, Harold L. . 1460 Joseph, Samuel .... • • • » « * . 300 McNilles, Orsen .417^4^" MlHer, Jacob P. *7........ Michels, Clarenot . 4. • Martinec, Wm. .^.V Merkelz, Charles McAushy Byron A Florence Mras, Edw. .4.77«7.i1rf|7!' Milbrandt, Vict# ...,7...- May, RichaiH A. .. %. i.. . 7 Mariinde, G. -- Matchen, Beraie . a .. Michels, Charles ......... Midiri, Louis ............ Nenharth, John jt ,. .*#%« * t Nathanson, Sam .....7v4" Nelspn, Bineaht . .*.. . Nelaon, C. A. ............. aoo4N^g«») 10° % 1666 146 160 126 100 100 106 too 190 160 206 260 109 306 200 136 180 125 175 t6 506 90 1416 145 200 206 160 96 216 200 *160 200 176 166 200 1310 1585 £Bek .....4 Hfcrvey M.... B o y . 7 Herman f. ..7.7 l^jufhton, James J. ..... wwee, B. B. Nelson, Arthur.... fc;4?' Keft Boy Newman, H. .. Nofvnk, Jianea Jt-. ^7*.v,.7' i Osterberg, Ray Otienouf, Martin F. 4§;4f: Richard L. . Geo. Peter Obffllng, Wm. Oeffling, Alfred . ... 01#en, Olef C. 8Mi7 Ol4en. Ben T. , .V., Oofik, Albert G, *.. OM»nauf, Eugerte 7, dflaryerty, Wn», .. Olelnlck, J. K. .... Olien, Theodore .;, OZfliel, • f % • *$£>% • PomenMki, Alex A. ...i. Palucdc, A. G -..7.47 Peyton, Bill ....... Palmer, Jr., Harr^ .. 4.. Peterson, Barl R. ... . -.. .••«.. Pierce, Wm Patlick, James .......... Pries, Sr., Wm. .7. P«|wrt, Bdward .......v. Pfhjger, John B. .... .-47/7 Pepping, sr., Albert . Paul, Johns PyvHz, Otto and Khnhit .. Pl«, Tony v .. i. Perkins, James ........ . Prince, Calvin B. ........ Peic^ke, Bernard J. 200 Pefkrs, August 300 200 76 100 •V# 230 150 100 «5 440 tt 2335 125 m 100 125 125 100 150 1545 2720 150 165 m - 46 160 m 80 1000 415 600 100 1106 050 175 90 n£ 75 100 1376 1360 225 125 00 & -150 125 890 1655 1405 300 350 1350 640 960 125 125 200 60 350' 1520 128 150. 1610 1415 2|0 1865 Peters, Florence ......... Peterson, Kenneth ....... Peterfton, E> G. Bat, Lena Paulson, C. M. . . ......... PeArsbn, Gus ............ Pearson, J. C. . 7......... Pitmen, Nick S. .......... pitmm, Louis J. ,u Pitfcen, John M< ..... .... Pltpen, Paul ........... IHtjwn, Michael . . .•...... Pugel, Fred PoTtway, Mary PUftakee Yacht ClUb ..... Pabst, Mrs. F. Palmer, F. pepping, Jfccob Peterson, Bob L. Petetrttm Boat A Motor Co. Patry, Wm: J. ^agni, Wm. ....,........ Peet, Ed. ........ ..... Pater, Dorothy .......... |N>ledna, f. J. Roetng. Richard ^...... Bedmer, Hermaii ...... Itbaman, Henry7.*..... Budint Robert ......... Bburtee, Francis IP. .... RMinfe Geo. M. .... .7. Arinke, Kent Richard, R. B ftaecahowekl, Martin ... Bitter, Fred ... ... Bekewitch, Joeeph ..... Richard, Vera ll .... .. Reid, David Rlchet*, Geo. W. Boemtser, Clem B. .. . .. Beeves, Fred A. ,.. Regner, John ... .... v.. Regner, Cl&renoe ... v. x Bbthermel, Jos. ^..... . Blnga, Mary . ^ .4^,... Renbaugh, V. L, ....... Randel, Wm ftaycr&ft, Franda 7 Befd, H. B. ........... Beuibold, John J. ...... BoOhelle, Wm. . . . ...... Bepan, Al H. .......... •BqMl. Jc^in ........... Roynsted; Trygne Rieteeel, Cart Reese, Carl Smith Peter, H. Smith, W. T. .7... .,..,. Scholtx, Henry »>4-» Schaefer, Jr., Michael .... Steinke, Jr. Paul Springman, Carl Smith, Joseph Saarek, Walter Schaefer, Chas. M.' Snyder, Robert Struve, Dora A Esther ... Schaefer, Jr., Joseph M. .. Sohmitt, John R. ........ Schmitt, Michael Sohmitt, Stephen M Schmltt, Louis J. ........ Schmitt, Frincit; Selunltt, Math •00 SohmlU, Elizabeth 12? Schmitt, Geo. J. ......... Schmidt, Wm. 7. _ Sthmitt, Jos. S Sohmitt, Mrs. Christina .. Schmitt, John N .7.'.. Sohmitt, 8tephe«M. Sqhmitt, Btti Hi, ... Schmitt, Jos. N. ......... SOWWtt, Math N. ....... Schmitt, Anton M. .. .7... Sales, Leo seiditt, Wm. ............ Schweitzer, Mrs. Carl-.... Stefrana, Al ........7..4 SdhaefeT, John P. ... , Schaefer, Math A Joh» 7, Schaefer, Leo ............ Schaefer, Joe. A* Schaefer, Peter M. ...... I Schaefer, Mike. B. ....... Schaefer, Ben J Schaefer, Joseph M. ...... Schaefer, Ruby Schroeder, Louis ... Schemata, Lester T. Schmidt, Albert ... Smith, Arthur SmitHi Jetei W 125 125 1» it6 100 200 76 66 75 60 200 175 175 2375 110 166 90 450 150 150 100 , « -•Mr* - to • so j 2M 100 150 & m A. 166 •" I2f ^ 52 ' m £ - 6» m 2*0 w 100 I6t5 i 116 26t 80 125 126 up- 1 1 166 106 ' J??**,. ' ***** ' 1» 240 15 206 300 mo 630 W 176 106 225 185 12S 106 S 121#.;-.: 7-" •7$v.r • no 11 II tic s& (Gewttns#^ \

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