(Continued from PMgr I) tk Tit Kiln IiOfljk It 19 Wk S .... & 600 KkMfer, It II jUk 1 too Comof, it 13 blk ~S 600 Hanlsh, Its 15, if 17 blk 2 930 7 Wm. J. Hay, It 1, blk 3 .. 9»0 - itTtafs, Geo., (ex N 12' It 13) (ex N 15' of S 27' o| It IS) Its 12. 13 blk 4 •. 100 fftrfs, Sylvester N. ft Blip' < fbeth, DR 367-437. N It' £ :%-Jk 13 blk 4 N »' of S 27' of f lit 13 blk 4 all It 14 blk 4 125 M. KrfWt Addition (IwMi Corp.) J. ft Christine Still* Inf. It 2 blk 2 ........ 1300 •d O. Finnegan, It 4 blk 1 C00 IXtjr of W«t McH#wj Anton P., It 1 Anton P.. It 2 (Inside Corp.) ,• Mii A Lois Eggert II • blk 2 . S100 Chafes Herdcjck ft' wf, W*"it 2 blk 4 . 1900 Kalfus, Frank ft Frances It 9 blk 5 150 Marie Schaefer, it 10 blk * . 100 E. M. Owens' Estate Mrs. diaries. It 3 100 Hnnley's Third Addition rt O'Bren, It 6 * W It 7 blk 2 100 Oto. Kalsch, pt. It 8 NH It 9 .ft N K It 10 blk 3 .... 50 Martin Oooney, pt It 8 S% lot 9, 8 It 10 talk 2 60 Gerald Miller, It l N H ft NH 2 pc 3 blk 1 100 Jamas Hayes, 8^ 1, 2 I blk 1 Dr. Peaslee, It p 3 p It 4 pt 4 ft Jt 5 blk 1 190 Martin Oooney, pt It 7 p It • lrtk 1 90 Mhitln Oooney, If H l£ 9 ft 10 pt It 8 blk 1 190 Martin Oooney, 8ft It 9 ft 10 pt It 8 blk 1 190 Oat Lata of West Mi Mini/ Samee, (ex DR 310- fS74) (ex DR 318-p9M) T: Cex DR 348-p3l) (ex DR §9T-p29) DR 257-606 pc : . let State Hwy ft Sub lot , * 1 .pt of lot 3.07 acres It 1 but 5 900 Olivia Bauer. DR 967-P 20 M pt B pt It 1 blk 6 ... 960 , Dorr Anderson, NWH Sec f 35 ft SWV4 Sec 29 pt ^ eub-lt l J8 acres T60 Venice Park Addition Halt 1 ' Jfchn A. ft Jennio Kath- -leen Ardo, It 7 blk 1 360 - ' Wattles AidMoft » % West McHmmt #ugene P. ft Alvera M, ^ Kye, It 7 blk 8 900 Hlckels, Edward ft Mildred, It.9 . . . . i . . . : . . . . . 75 •t Rlngweot !. Warburton, by1 'the cimkery at King* Wood sub-It 9 It 30 .... 870 Hoy Neal. DR 124-294 Village of Ringwood pt sublot 2 lot 3& It 71 1025 pN^Mlter Carr, sub-It l it 87 1025 ChaHes K. Cole, DR 293-9 It 49 160 R. Hoffman, pt sub- 2 It 39 « 900 A. P. Pmafs Mill Stream Park Freund. Anton P., It l VMn«0 solC. W) Freund, Anton P., It blk 2 Fre-und. Anton P., It blk 2 Frfund. Anton P., It 33 blk 2 Freund. Anton P.. It 34 blk 2 Freund. blk 3 Freund. blk 3 Anton P. Freund. It 3 blk 3 -v Anton P. Freund, It 4 bill 3 Anton P. Freund, It 5 bUt 3 • Anton P. Freund, It 6 blk 3 . . . . . . . . . . : Anton P;! Freund, It 7 blk 3 Anton P. Freund, It 8 blk 3 .. Anton P. Freund, It 9 blk . 3 Anton P. Freund, It 10 blk 3 ... Anton P. Freund, It 11 blk • 3 Anton P F.reund, It 12 blk 3 ..; ; Anton P. Freund, It 13 blk 3 Anton P. Freund, It 14 blk 3 Anton P. Freund, It 15 blk ' 3 Anton P. Freund, It 16, blk 3 Anton P. Freund, It 17 bHc 3 Anton P. Freund, It 18 blk 3 Anton P. Freund, It 19 blk 3 Anton P. Freund, It 20 blk 3 Joseph T. ft Catherine Mahoney. It 21 blk 3 .. Anton P. Freund, It 22 blk 3 Anton P. Freund, It 23 blk 3 Anton P. Freund, It 24 blk 3 Anton P. Freund, It 1 blk 4 Anton P. Freund, It 2 blk 4 Anton P. Freund, It 3 blk 4 Anton P. Freund, It 4 blk 4 Anton P. Freund, It 5 blk 4 Anton P. Freund, It 6 blk 4 Antral P. Freund, It 7 blk . 4 Roy J. Milter, It 8 blk 4 Roy J. Miller, It 9 blk 4 Albert Hulquist, It 10 bik- 4 Roy J. Miller, It 11 blk 4 Roena Park Snbdlvlsioa Endemann, Jacob ft Helen It 3 59 71 59 59 50 50 60 60 60 H60 60 90 60 -60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 69 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 *0 60 90 60 690 960 1000 700 160 blk 1 . •. • • ..... 50 Freund, Anton p., It 2 X- blk 1 . SO Rreund. Wk 1 . Anton p.. It 9 50 • Vreund, Anton p., It 4 blk 1 ' BO " Freund, Anton p., It 8 lr: 1;. •Mk 1 ... ..... 60 Freund, s . blk 1 Anton p.. It 8 60 IK Freund, blk 1 Anton p., It 1 SO fx Freund, Anton p.. It 8 blk 1 ....... ...... 60 "freund, Anton p.. It t blk 1 ....... 60 Freund, Anton p.. It 18 Ife' blk 1 60 f ' Freund, Y blk 2 Anton p.. It 1 60 Freund, Anton p.. It 2 if' blk 2 .... • ..... 60 fei. Freund. 2 Anton p., It 8 60 8#"" FVennd, Anton p., It 4 t- blk 2 . . . . . . . ...... 60 JPYeOnd, Anton p.. it s blk 2 . . . . . . . 60 & ;."Fr«nnd, Anion p.. It 8 ..jhlk 2 » . ••••«• 60 K ^Veund, Anton It 7 blk 2 .... 60 f,. •: ^nnd. Anton p., R 8 P., It 9 It 10 'Freand, Anton blk 2 .... Freund, Anton blk 2 ...... FreUnd, Anton P., It 11 blk 2 Prefcnd, Anton P;, It 18 f Wk 2 .... 4|Freuod. Anton P, It 1$:. blk 2 ......... tapnd. Anton P . lt 14 blk * . . . . . . . . Anton blk 2 Freund, Anton bin t . . . . . . . . : '*y. 'Freand, Antra blk 3 Plrettwi. Anton ' m* 2 I;., ' Freand, Anton K Mk t U c>;, VtmmM, p. lt if « • f • • A . p:, it i9 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 1360 60 1360 60 1360 Chics ire Read Snb. Klafus, Michael, lts^6 ft 7 • IttO Conway's 2nd SaMfcrlslei Phennenstill, Dorothy, (ex NEly 12 ) It 2 -9*5 Crarererest Sab. Sreben, Arthur, lt^ 9 .... 325 Deep Spring Woods Unit No. 1 Schwalge, Wm. C, It 11 blk 1 Bauske, Herman A. ft Beatrice R.. It 13 blk 1 . Lawrence, Roy ft Louise, It 16 blk 1 Weder, Paul. It 3 blk t.. Burneik, Albert P. ft Virginia. It 16 blk 4 900 McCafferty, Freda ft Edith Marie, It 2 blk 9 .. 950 Novak, Gerald E. ft Kathryn, It 4 blk 9 WO Donald C. & Mildrld M. Colby. It 6, blk 9 .. 75 Chas. A. ft Lillian M. Carr, W»4 It 3 blk U 60 Pearl ft Charlotte Armhurat EVj It 3, blk 11 50 Deep Spring Woods Halt No. 2 Wonder Lake Syndicate, It 28 blk 10 1850 Wonder Lake Syndicate, It * 11 blk 11 ^ 950 Fattum, Geo., et al, It 26 blk 14 900 Viola, John, It 2 blk 15 . 1000 Reuter, Paul L. ft^wife, It blk 16 850 Elams' Four MOe Water Schroeder, Chas. F., It 4, 25 acres 220 Schroeder, Chas. F., It 2 20 acres 470 Freund*' Indian SabAfMot Scholtz, Albert, It 12 .. 325 James Lemen, It 11 .... {>25 •Schopper, Louis ft Betty ft Thelen, John J. ft Agatha, It 14 125 Indian Ridge Unit Ne. 1 Vacula Stephen 8., Floefaet, Paul A. ft Martha, it 7 blk 35 Diiwskl. Henry L., R ' Wk 35 Wonder Lake Synd.. it 9. " Mk* M . . . . . . Nasb^ckkob. Antonio, ltf ^lA 1« blk 29 Frankmaa, Andrew , ft' Ifrene It 9. blk 31 i ^^69 Wekory Falls TTnlt No. » •Von Der Ehe, Carl ft Maria, It 7 blk 12 , 450 HSys. Benjamin ft Marion ' It 14 blk » ./. Hallo, Frank ft VtaAds^ 1 1 It 8 blk 14 .....,,.....^>,^59 NHNII QSNIvWMi Jacob, Herbert W„ it 11 220 Marubio, Lawrence L., It A2 ....... . .» Maert, Anna, It 8 800 Maerz, Emil ft Ann*, Its 1* 2 ..y 150 Hickory FaUs UaltNe^S Jacobsen, E. R., et al. Trustee, It 12 Wk 17 . Jacobsen, E. R, et al Trustee, It 19 Wk 18 .. Burger, Frank ft Marie, It 23 blk 18 Anderson, Richard ft Florence, it 1 Wk 19 .'.... .- Jacobsen, B. R., et al, Trustees, It 10 Wk 23 McCann, F. B., It 3 Wk 24 Pearson, Raymond 8., It 1 blk 25 ...i Jacob9on, B. R., ft al, Trustees, It 19 Wk 29 Camen. Joseph H. It BUsie, It 10 blk 33 Jacobson, E. R., et *1, Trustees, It 12 blk 83 . Back. P. J., It 18 blk 16 .. Bmedley, Marshall W. ft Alice, It 1» blk 17 Jacobson. B. R., et al, It . 4 blk 20 Gray, Caroll S. ft Virginia E.. It 7 blk 29 Jacobsen, E. R., et al It 3 blk 21 Krani. Benjamin E. ft Evelyn. It 10 blk 22 . . . . . . . . Jacobson. E. R., et al. It 18 blk 22 Anderson, Harry A. ft Margaret A., It 17 blk 28 ; Olbrich, Henry A. ft Anna : J.. It 2 blk 30 Sebastian, J., It 14 blk 31 Oilmen. Jr., Joseph H. ft I Elsie, It 10 blk 33 ... .. HnntervUie Mbdlvlsloa Pel*, Frank, its 12 ft 13 Wk l Klapperlch, Wm. B., It 2 blk 2 Baumgartner. LsRoy, It 20 blk 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fischer, Bugens IL, It 3. Wk fi Zotl, Herbert W., It 9 Wk 6 Markinsoii, G. F., It 11 blk 5 Bolin, Nels P. It 19 ft 17 Wk 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Meyer, George L. ft Ruth C, It 4 blk 4 O'Brien, John J., It 9 Wk 4 Klesen, Clarence M. ft Mkrie, It 7 blk 4 Fetter, R.. It 11 Wk 1.... Reinboldt, Vernon J., It 5 Wk 1 Olsen, Jennie, Its 3 ft 4 Wk 3 ;... Barthel, John ft Rosens, it 10 blk 3 ACTIVITIES Christmas has come to a close.. he passed out bubble sum to the 60 loo '-$00 loo ,400 400 400 900 900 60 860 950 960 950 960 36° 9*0 850 no 7*0 600 876 929 990 260 975 1190 175 *6 169 700 m Kathryn, Paul J. Matilda, It 15 blk 3 Wonder Lake Synd., it 23 blk 3 Denman, Cecil C., It 1 blk 5 Larsen, C. ft Qarah, It 27 blk 5 Cullotor, Kate, It *7 blk 8 Indian Ridge, Unit No. S e d g w i c k , W i l l i a m L „ J fH It 18 blk 19 Schuber, Mathias, It 19 blk 20 Mendyk, Raymond P. ft Estelle, It 15 blk 22 .. Stoehr, Otto F. ft Marth*. It 19 blk 23 Wonder Lake Synd., It 20 blk 28 Kline, John H. ft Helen, .It 11 blk 31 Wonder Lake Synd., It it Wk 31 The dashing around for last min- *te gifts has passed, so the scramblihg to connect gifts with cards la order to write thank-you notes j Will start. Christmas trees will bsgia to shed, the cat will attempt to climb the tree, if be hasn't already, and the dog will wag his tall in the midst of it and knock the ornaments all over the floor. We hope you will bear up cheerfuly under all these burdens and emerge from the holiday season as gay as before, full of resolutions for the year to come. Wl-en the kids screaqi for you to leave the tree up (y4u secretely suspect ft will remain until April) smile and remember some of those resolutions. We hope you had the merriest Christmas posi will have a happy, p New Year. Ckrigtmas Thursday, Dec. 21, of great happiness at Christmas vacation was ibout to start A program was sponsored by the Student Council. It consisted of s Santa Claus, whose nose strsngely resembled that of teacher Tom Jones, who read humorous letters written by students and fSQUlty. Don Paluch, doing a professional job at the mike, was ably assisted by chorus members Mary A "tifcldrich, Cella Page, Richard Michels, Boh McCulla and Don Andreas, with Mary A. Bolger accompanying. Gifts were presented to Mr. C. Anglese and Miss M. Taylor, Student Council advisors, jin thanks for the swell job they have done all year. S. C. Jones was oT?rWhtlmin£ly generous as d«y H.S. students. Everyone, put In the Christmas spirit by the unexpected extra day off, went gaily home blowing enormous bubbles that event|tftly froze into position. Monthly F.H.A. Meeting The monthly meeting of the F.H.A. was held' on Wednesday, with Miss Maurie N. Taylor as the main speaker. The business meeting was held first, with plans made Andreas : Ghost & Christmas Present; Jin Kennebeok; Ghost of Christmas Future. Herb Engdfhl; and Jacob Marley, Duane Schisidtke. The girls then led the students In several cheers and closed by singing the school song. Cossty Tonraameat Closes With the tournament over it Is time to give soriie bouquets. Of course Ilebron deserves the largest for winning, but several other people who are never mentioned should be given a big hand. Mr. Roche has done a spectacular, job of announcing every tournament. Elliott Wheeland, the official timer, has also been right on the job, as has Ralph Kelly, official scorer. The cheerleaders have been kept quite busy selling the 2300 programs. Faculty members and students giving their time to make this tournament a success have been Miss Helen Stephens, Miss Margaret William*, Nancy Siemon, Mary Kay Fceui&L Mis. John Bolger. Mr. Tom Jones. Mr. Clarence Anglese, Miss Marie Paprocki, Mr. Leo Kerber, Mr. Virgil, Prine. MJss Carey Clark, Mr. Bob Hoffchorus, all eenWrs, spent port Of Saturday evening, Dec. 23., at Pistakee Bay. This group of girls, directed by Miss Adele Proehltefe were: Mary A. Weidrich, Cella Page, Nancy Siemon, Joan Freand, Rita Bolger, Betty Schmitt, Mary Kay Freund, Sally King and Joan Nell. hmmm 4 1ISI , Your tractor will start in* ran h lot hotter In eold weather If yon will Changs to a winter weight •U In your tractor crankeass and tranamisslon. for the talent show in January and man, Mrs, J. Richardson, Miss L. the Valentine dinner dance in l^eb ruary. After the business meeting the president, Nancy Nelson, introduced the speaker. Miss Taylor Howden, Miss M. .Taylor, Mrs A. Rulien, Miss A. Froehlich, Rita Bolger and John Knox. The per- PARK ATTCITDASCE One out of every six of the 9^000,000 persons who visited tht sixty-one Illinois state parks and memorials during 19.ru went to Starved Rock Park near LaSalle, according to a year end report by the state Department of Public Works and Buildings. Grand Marais, at East St. Louis, had more than 1,000,000 visitors, and Pere Marquette, west of Grafton, attracted about 700,000. White Pines Forest, near Dixon, and Mississippi Palisades? near Savanna. each had an attendance exceeding half -a million, Illitiois Bea^h, near Waukegan, Giant Ulty, south of Carbondale, Black Hawk, at: Rock Island, and the Lincoln Home and Tomb, in Springfield, all attracted many, visitors during the year Expanded camping facilities In many ol the parks which enabled thou- A well-charged battery. Ignition system and frequent oil changes are all necesss/ry for satisfactory winter tractor operation. •9^4 1111||111111|fII>119 gCHROEDER IRON WORKS * Ornamental ft Straetnifl Stool !t; hW*** ®m Showrooms :.t*. it Miles Sonth on Rt. 81 t Phono 917.M.1 Mp ^ H III 11II11 U'lM HI 111»» ! JOSEPH X WAYNHK Attorney-nt-Law (^1 Wankegaa Road (RFD ] f Jjboae HeHonry 498*W WEST McHENRY, ILL - 1 »9999999»l l'l |i9»9t| 1 1 1 !•» j RING'S v PLUMB1HG A5D HEATING ^ Qnsltty Fixtures . Radiant Rentli « Water Systesis . 8ns nn« lIMtile Water Heaters * Water Wl»«s , Repnfrs - Free Estf* " sons given little or no recognition sands of boys and girls to parti" spoke in the second in a series at all for their efforts throughout cipate in group camping sponsorof art* nois on "Future Vocations fc»* Women. She spoke on her piofession as a teacher. <She received her bachelor ^degree from Southrn 1111- niversity, and her Master's degree from Colorado college. She has 'fcene graduate work at the University of Chicago, and Sorbonse University in Paris. Miss Taylor has been at McHenry high school for fifteen years teaching Latin, French and physical education. At presest she is doing full time physical education work. The next meeting will be held on Jan. 27. with Mrs. Van Sel^s speaking on "Women in Journalism." Pep Meeting tteld A pep meeting was held on Wednesday, Dec. 20, with the four cheerleaders in full charge. The girls, Esther Stein le, Karen Engdahl, Carol Arvidson, and Marlene Arvidson, arranged a Christmas p r o g r a m, paraphrasing the "Christmas Story" by Dickens. Members of the basketball team that, took part .were;: Scrooge; Don BOB FRISBY, JR. PHONE VeHENRY 289-M the football and basketball sea- ed by Boy and Girl Scouts, 4-H son for making the programs clubs and other organization's Is givep away at every game are thought to account for some of the Highest CASH PRICES paid tor Don Freund, Nancy Siemon, Rita 700.000 increase in park gtton- """ - - - - - ~ Bolger, Don Andreas, Marilyn dance during 1960 mi compared Freund, Esther Steinle and Lor- to 1949. etta Grimm. • . - • IHHH4MI t i l l 11111 if# fltftd and Crippled Horses, fsttj^ Carolers Entertain Seven members of the •V Complete line or IfleeM Uvettoeli remedies at Watcfcs Drug fliors girls' McHenry. ptf IN Hogs--Sanitary POWW- Iji ®8>ft--'Tankage and Meat Scrap« (or sale. Phones Arlington Heights IMk or McHenry 914. Reverse Cthoarg.es . Palatine Rendering Sett- McHENRY CONTROL SALES * SERVICE Complete beating and nlr conditioning service. Rnneh hemes balanced for even temperatures. Free estimates for heating control/ on new homes : Minneapolis Honeywell /Electronic Modnflew InttnlleC MARTIN STOFFEL McHENHY 995-W RT. 4. 263C •v ru,- lave to slee6 umil .. Oafs why I have an £bctric Bbmketf" 1820 410 400 450 250 450 900 975 150 200 500 REPORT STATE NURSERY STOCKS ARE RUNNING LOW If you are planntng to do any reforesting next spring, better order your trees right away. L.< B. Culver, extension forester at the Illinois College of Agrlcul ture, says that storks of avail able trees are getting low at the two stste nurseries In Union and Mason counties. Even though ten species of evergreens were available early this year, only shortleaf pine--heat for southern Illinois .sod white and red pise--suitable for central and northern Illinois--are now available. Culver expects that supplies of these species will not last long. It is best to order plantation stocks at least six to nine months before you want to use them, the forester says. Spring Is the best time to plant. When present stdeks are gone, the next earliest planting season for which state nurseries will have trees resJy will be the spring of 1958. Pine species are especially useful in reforestation because they are rapid-growing. They produce wood crops that range from Christmas trees, holiday, green* and fence posts . in. the early life of the trees to valuable poles and sswlogs when. the plantation grows older. Plantations also conserve soil and water, provide wild* life cover and sometimes provide recreational facilities. Some hardwood species are available now, but they require better growing conditions and take lots longer , to get pole and sawlog size. Osage or black loctfst, however, will produce fence poets In fifteen to twenty years. Available hardwood species. Include ash, black locust, cottoywood, osage orange (hedge),, red gum and sycomare. You can also get multiflora rose. Obtain price lists and order blanks, as well as Circular 587, "Forest Planting on Illinois Farms," from your county farm advisor or from the extension forester, Urbana. • -- -i f 'iHt - ••'-*** FrM Allison Star of Television's F^«i*jp|i9» "i have to sleep weft every night to keep up with tfy&Kuklapolitan Players.. .sol depend on my electric blanket for a comfortable eight hours. *Xll I do is set the control for the temperature I want and the blanket automatically adjusts to the weather. I'm one of those 4cold-blooded' women who used to shiver even with six quilts over me, so I think it's wonderful that just one electric blanket keeps me so warm. I think I'll have to get electric blanket*for JLutUaqad QUie, too!" <v •-V tae waat A49. " M < • * CONVINIINT TBJtMS ...on your monthly Swviw UN See the now efecflic blankets at your dealer's or our nearest store PUBLIC S E R V I C E COMPANY OF NORTHERN I L L I N O I S 494 111 H 9199 4 ft Heme Furniture Recovering 9*4 Repairing 99 years experience Phone Pistakee 851.K4 T1C8 UPHOLSTERY U> lt Plstaqna Helgfcte v , HcHeary, I1L ••••111 mill |'»H 111 11 999i YERNON KNOX Attorney-at-law Cor. Green and Sim 8t»* McHenry Tuesday and Friday Afternoons Other Rays By Appointment - Phone McHesry 49 • 4MUH II I' 1 l"M"|. 11111 i'i J| -- WANTED TO BUY -- . CALL AT ONCE ON DRAD HOGS, HORSES AND CA9T&B We pay phone charge* We pay 98 to 915 for Old Horses, lees for down horses, and cattl* BUTTS MINK RANCH lehashnrg • Sprtag Grove Real Phone Johnsbnrg 814 <#9ii i i u m i i i m h i Uim A. P. FREUND SONS H Sxeavatlag Ceatractors Tracking, Hydranlle .and Crane Service -- ROAD BUILDIN0 -- YeL 994-H McHenry, m 4HII-11 Ifl nil t nil II199 E. E. PEASLEE, D.CL fhlropraetor , ' 199 S. Green St, MeHevy 4 Offlee Hews A Dally except Thnrsdny 9 to 19 -- ItSO to 8 Hon* Wed. nnd PrL Evening- 7 to 9 Call HcHeary S9S-H For Appointment •• M- M' H »II I111 994 11 > 8t» INSURANtk EARL R. WALSH fire, Auto, Farm ft Life InsarnMO Representing f RELIABLE COMPANIES Whan Yen Need Insemnee of />• Any KIr< Phone 43 or 118«H Qreen ft Elm McHenry 9911111 | .| i l "l l.HU I) H M4 STOFFEL ft RKIHANSPBR6IR tnsnmnce agents for nil elnsses of property In the best companies. West McHenry, Illinois fl Telephone No. 899 • •••I "11 ll'l-H"l-l"14"l'4'4 119 199 AL*B WELDINO AND REPAIR 8ERYICE 991 Main St, McHenry Electric Portable Welding itMtylRf Welding nnd CntUpjg • ALEX W. W1RFS, Operator ; Bfrone 815-W-l or 491 McHENRY, ILL. 94"f"t't"l im h i 1 .Hi 11 m »9 jr WILLIAM H. CARROLL, it, Atterney-at-Law 110H Beaton St. fkone Woodstock HM Woodstock, Illlneb >. • ' •99111IIH 11I'M»| 11III9941 IIIbmIAM TERN THKLEN ^ Tracking " <>••••1 Rlaek BM Truck for Hire tel. McHenry S88.R.I «r 589«W-1 Bex 172, Rt. 1, McHenry 99'9^4'I>9,1'4< 1111 | 11 lt99l'»9>. DR. H. 8. FIRE Yeterlnarlan •» Highway 81-^ Office «9d HsiB? TeL McHenry 81 Office Hears < 1 pja. to t Mb Q> Except Thnrsdnys • Evenings by AppelntuMnt 999991'HI I llll n 11 <• 19 <!## RRICK LAYING tPCI POINTING -- FIREPLACES ACID CLEANINCI ' C. & Jehnsen H. Y. Jeshssn VfcoM 818-M Pheae 471-H HeHenry »89III944 III HI III »I94 9\)