Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Jan 1951, p. 7

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^ - .• ; -: ; i. . ,M>r ., ?' *• 1':*^ /•«W i :i as® ,'MaP:. 'i qjiu&H* ^ MMk Your Income FROM WONDER LAKE By fume Sdl» ?'I eould not have iron tfcir •Iw*! ft takes 11 men to make a football teem," said Lynn Cheney, €r@r-old ton of Mr. and Mrs. nk Cheney, when be was awared gold football given by the Wonder Lake Men's club to the teaaH most valuable player. The award wa* made at a spec- 1*1 meeting of the members of the Boon's club and the football playera, Dct 27, in Harrison school. Fred Sandier, coach of the team, explained how the award had been secured. fX' He told how Sidney Menard, Orleans, La., visiting in the Wonder Lake home of his brotherin- law, P. L. Cormier, had seen Uie intrepid group ' of football players, with little else than sheer gfit for equipment, fighting to win against teams with uniforms and double the man power. In token of his admiration ttr the Wonder Lake team, Menard purchased the gold football and tasked, that It be awarded at the close of the season to the team's most valuable player, in the judgment of the six football coaches of the opposing teams. Lynn Cheney won four of the six votes; P*ul Router, Jr., and Robert Cormier each received a single vote. Following the award, made by Jite Monteleone, president of the men's club, games were played. In the sack\b»Ulft Billy Wright the winner, and ln the ballon contest George Taylor end Wally Gutfcutaut Wl&tfte Say. jeep. «ftenr . jfcow. cleared the jMHc area aniBtll Wi^trt, Wl^h the Ore trilefc, assisted tn ttoo*hk« the rtnk for a smooth ftlfifc *rfae«. LiWiel <avs tfce grownups and MH. Cormier brenght hot eocoa and cookies to the fornicators. The ice-skating area, now cleat a*i^ floodlighted. |s a safe saiily aeeessable place tor Children to skate, away from the ifetfttfNtable holes left by ice fishermen. There is no charge tor the skating.. Nto ImmM Party The Hod *n4 Qnn auxiliary wilt sponsor a polio benefit party Jan. 13 in LnOreca'a LakevifW Inn. There Will be various games and other tntereatlng contests. The refreshments will be served by the auxiliary with fttuMa derived to go to the polio fund. Mrs. Charlotte Mayer, chairman of the club, will give $ny torther details desired. </v % '•> C?v' v Wleklln* %M*ws Mgchtrsfrestf The year's and rtftort made by the Wickline Bay Farms Property Owners' association, Dr. E. C. Mertn. president, cam well make some of the other organisations sit back in admiration. The "U" roed in- the Wickline area was blacktopped for the second time this past year and the roads widened, where possible, from four to eight feet. All Intersection* were surfaced to a depth of from 12 to SO feet with one Intersection back 300 Met, All fide roads were oiled awl rolled and new culverts wfre added as well as extensions added to existing culverts. Tips blacktoppthg wgs ppt on at a cost of I2.U&M 09d otfcfcr improv «mA|ts made brftitflbt total « ... ^ dlahnrsinents to (TNliS Ths BeJiljnke were adjudged winners • wickline picnic provided although "Tony" Audlno, Dr. Rug- toward expenses. Ih order to secure lie property assessments early, the Wickline group offers $S to discount to (heir property owners if tbe 1111 assessment IS paid bdfore Jan. . 31 Lots are assessed atflS.50 and bduees' At $19. President ftjtorta asks that neighbors of fleW resident# .explain about the association so that It does not come as a surprise * when collec Uons are being made. * It would -be almoet Unto adequately. describe the many parties heM to welcome In the New Tsar. However, gala gatherings giro, Fred Kuscjb, and Ernest Vogt really , shone at this, which included tying a ballon to each person's ankle; and trying to break everyone (rise's. !In the ring relay, boys versus a^ira, the boys were winners, (Jess penman groaned, as the toothpick- Hpassed r|ng came to him, "Why dfd 1 have to. get Aurlno's moustache?" • • A A beam battlf, which was a ittlow fitht jsn i 19-foot 4 by 6. imp won by Johnny Wright. : ; rThe stellar4 attraction of the evening was the basketball game pinyed by tjw men . against the mtn and which the boys won tlftedmans C»l|biala Christinas 'was a triple oceaaiofc for rploieifif In the hoiae of Mr. £ at all three of the taverna and In many private homea, while watch partisa were held in the churchee. School at Harrison resumed Tuesday and the high schoolers returned-to flkcir classea Wednesday. . .% Briefs A »ew litfiily, named' < -twmft, *ave recently occupied the cottage owned by the Ernest Meyers pp the blacktop. rs. Kraft Is in Woodstock hostel with a new . baby „ . Mrs. |lary Audlno ia considerably incapacitated with a brpken forelinger injvred in a car door . . . &ay Von Bampus had 11 stitches taken In his head and eyelid. He fell on the stairs to his apartment Don Grill was home over the holidays with his parents. Mr. and Jtfrs. Anton Grill, Wickline Bay. £>on attends the University of Illinois ... "Skip" Noren, son of the Roy Norens, returned to Lawrence college. Appleton. Wis., Monday . . . Charlotte Mayer's new penary bird, a Christmas gift from the Anton Grills, has so thrilled tier with his songs, that Ernest is thinking of taking singing lessons The Robert Doerrfeld's car badly damaged when it was struck In the rear by s driver who did not notice the car was stalled. Gospel Church Mews To all the readera of this column, we wish to say: May this Hew Year, into which we have jMt entered, be a irear of much blessing from the Lord. May that Which brings true and abiding happiness be yours in an overflowing measure. i We also wish to take thia opportunity of expressing our deep preciation to the management id the editors of the McHenry Plaindealer and the Woodstock Sentinel for the space so generously given for items of new and Announcements, each week during ftae year. We wish to aasure you of (Mir profound gratitude for thia kind service. " The last day of 1960, Sunday, Dec. 31, was Indeed a good day here *t the Gospel Church. It was g real Joy to meet with friends ftOtn near and far. The last hours Of'the day betwsen 9 and 12 were |pent In a most profitable and enjoyable manner, as we gathered for sweet Christian fellowship, Singing of the great hymns of the fchufch, meditation upon the Word of(led and in prayer. As we parted ~ " mfi&Mght ft Was and a through Thia la the first ,'oi a eerlee dt were articles by John T. Jarickl, Ctt Internal Revehne Biggers, Randy ftstlek. John pre-New Year's party With Wright. Gary Vogt, Charles ^| the^fiinflre o7the "hoHdaJ. ercflt, Billy Wright, Bobby Cor- 7 mier. George Taylor, C. Corrado, Peter Baatian, Winn Davtdsdn, Lynn Cheney, Walter Schimke, Wayne Tronsen, Jlmmie Bell and Leslls Bergdahl. The men's team included Joe Afonteleene, Dr. Ruggero, Jees Seaman. Jim Bell, Ted Wlelock, Ernie Vogt, Mel Sellek and Tony Audlno. John Lathrop and Fred Zandler served as referees. P. L. Cormier, vice-president of the dub, and Wally Schimke were other men's club members present. At the close of the evening, hot dogs and pop were served t>y Mfu. P. L. Cormier and Mrs. Joseph Monteleone. ( I The men's club, organised tor the avowed purpose Of furthering sports at Wonder Lake, have also been active in getting the iceskating rink at LaGreca's Lakeview Inn Into condition for the use of the children of Wonder Lake. Those who participated tn getting the rink in order included Mel Sellek, E. Vogt, Robert Dodtorrfeld, Jim Bell, Joe Monteleone, TPVank Cheney and Ted WieloCk, assisted by a group of boys. The latter were Randy 8ellek, Lynn Cheney, Richard Wlelock, Gary Vogt, Bobby Bigftrs, Charles Mtjsreik and Paul Router, Sellek Is the secretary and treasurer of the men's dnb. Those preseht Included Mr. and Mr*. Henry Settler, Mr. and Mre. Warren Tall man, *Mrs. C. Ohlln, Mrs. Lillian Foriberg, Mrs. Lucille Anderson, WUHaih Smith and William Jepson. Veld Open Sense At finother home, that of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Plotner, Shore Hills, the Christmas season waa a dual reason for celebrating. Mrs. Plotner's birthday falls within the Christmas season. Saturday evening the Plotners held "open house" for all their friends to come and aee their snug home* dubbed the "Swiss Chalet." Next Sunday, Jan. • % riiarks the beglnnttag of the Universal Week of Prayer. The pastor will speak at tte morning service at ll o'clock and at tfc* evening Gospel hour on the subject: "The Power which Moves Heaven and Earth." There Will be special music. During the week tbe^e will be special cottage prayer meetings as follows: Tuesday evening. Jan. ninth, at the home of Miss Eleanor Raffel; Wednesday evening, the tenth, at the Oldson home in Genoa City, Wis.; Friday evening, the twelfth, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Carlson, in Island Lake. The Thursday night service will be at the chapel at Wonder Lake. . BntM-ttiM Werken Mrt. ftkraey tfotiash. Hickory Fail, entertained at dinner Friday fbr a group of employees from the Wooditock , Sentinel, where her daughter, Jerte, Is Employed In the advertising department. Those present were Mrs. Olive Elmer, Mrs. Jsckie Guffey, Miss Dorothy llerry, Mrs. Dorothy Mc- Eachren, Mrs. Marilyn Bennett Richardson, a former employee of the paper ; and Mrs. Mtry Jeanette Pilcher. the wife of the Sentinel's fimiral mniager. Welcome !**w Tsar With tte three-dajNfcboliday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, Cor a large segment of the Wonder Lake 1 NOTHING STARED IN YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS No effort or expense Is spared when we compound your doctors prescription. We stock only the freshest, highest quality drugs and insist that each prescription is double-checked for accuracy. Trust us to fill all your prescriptions* f t ' " ? : .-"Mi?. i iiiN. -mm-m Drivl _ s mm mm -.-k lector of the first collection district of Illinois, summarising the moat Important facte pertaining to year federal Income tax return report* tag your 1950 income. *As Collector of Internal Revenue for this first collection' district of Illinois, H is a pleasure to announce that the emplofeea of my office will again be available after Jan. 2 at certain locattona to render as much assistance to the public for their income tax turns as is - possible./' This district comprises the twenty stx northern counties of " Illinois. There is no charge for this ser vice, which is given by well quail fied deputies located in Roons 1 of the U. S. Court House bdilding. Dearborn «nd Jackson streets, and at branch offices maintained at strategic points in Chicago -aa well as in most of the surrounding towns. Nq service will be offered for preparation of tax returns in the new quarters In the old Boston store building at 22 West Madison street. - Payment of your tax may be. made at 22 West' Madison street as well as at other offices Including that at 108 E. Jackson street, Woodstock, open f^sn 8:39 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. Every individual, whether citisen or resident of the U.8., having gross income of |609 or more for 1950 must file a federal Income tax return. This is true in all caaes, whether the Individual is single, married or a minor. If an individual's groaa income was less than $600 and tax was withheld on wages, a rettirn must be filed in order to obtain the ret fund of tax. Although moat of your federal tax is withheld from your wages each payday or paid on your declaration of estimate! tax each quarter, the law re* quires you to file an annual return to determine whether yo®" owe more tax or should get a fund of your overpayment. Returns for the calendar 1950 must be filed between Jan. 1, 1951, and March 15, 1951, at the office of the Collector of Inter nal Revenue in. your district. Do not mall your return to Whahington. Any balance of tax atewn to tf due on your return. IWn 1040, STOMACH CAS Tues , An, accumulation of gas In 6ia stomach forms pressure, crow$t the heart and resulta in bloaUng, "gassy" catches, palpitation and ahortness of breath. This condition may frequently be mistaken tor heart trouble CERT A-VIN ia helping aneh gas ^victims*' all over McHenry. •Thin new medicine is taken before meals, so It works with your food --helps you digest food faeter and better. Gas pains go? Bloat vanishes! Contains Herbs and Vitamin B-l with Iron to enrich the blood and make nerves stronger. Weak, miserable people soon feel different all over. So don't go on suffering. Get CERTA-VIN--Bolger Drug Store. like tn full wtth jfoef return. Ton mfc» ipfty in ca4i,j9r by clock,or money r. dlsdfs or moteyorders Whenld be ,fmie- pnyoble to "Col- Hrftedor of tifetwel Revenne." Do not amid currency by mail Md no tit send "one check to cover pnymbnta on several different rettru. Be sure ybur return ia properly signed, if H Is a Joint return, both huaband and wife must sign to receive benefit of the "split-income" method of computing tax. Blank returna have been mailed to each taxpayer. Bnt if yon need additional fdrma you can get them at the office of any U.8. Collector *f Internal Revenue. There Is a popular Impreeaion that income earned after Oct 1 1950, will be taxed at a higher rate than at that earned prior to Oct. 1. This is an erroneous idea. For a taxpayer who fileo on the calendar year baals, 'the Income Which he received in January 1956 will be taxed exactly the same as income earaed in December of 1959 -- that meana that all of the incotbe for 1950 is taxable at ths current rates of tax and that only the tax reduction is changed. Normal and surtax rates have remained unchanged since 1945. The Revenue Act of 1941 lowered personal income tax by allowing k credit of 5 per cent agatnat the ex. Dm Act of 1948 increased the credit to 17-per cont on the first |409 of tax, 12 per cent on the amount of tax In exceas of 9400, but not over fl90.000.90 and 9.75 per cent on tax in eiceu of 9100,000.009. Now that the government la in need of larger revenue*. Congress has simply reversed the process. For 1990 Income tax purposes, the credit is reduced to 13 per cent on the first $400, 9 per cent on the tax over $400 and under $100,- 009, and 7.2 eh the excess over $100,000. For 1951 and subsequent yeara, the credit will be entirely eliminated, and the change results In tax rates for 1951 identical to those In effect during 1945. The reason for thts gradual decrease in the credits was that withholding tax rates were not lncftased until October, and the elimination of the entire credit for 1950 would have worked a hardship on the taxpayer. - V*-- , , : ' fatality toll The rising trend of death on Illlnoia highways continued during November, when 200 persons were killed, an increase of sixteen over the deaths in the same month last year, according to Charlea P. Casly. director of the state Department of Public Wort? and Buildings. For tlic tirst eleven months of 1950 the fatality toll ranched 1,801, compared with 1,587 for the corresponding period laat year. PIRR fcATKS A general reduction in fire insurance rates on farm and oity dwelllnga and other bulidinga which will save Illlnoia policyholders approximately $5,390,000 annually has been approved by J. Edward Day, director of the state Department of Insurance. All policyholders bating an annual hoaio wiH jut fit of the new ratee Policies written lor more than one year benefit of tte new vMtp! they have been in JtCpfS five daya or less. EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING ,r ; • AT7:30P.M. '* '.Vp W» Woodstock Comm. Sales Ca,lK. for all types CALVES an selling ai an all iSaa Ugh. Consign your stock here for top pricai. pay Consignor day after the sale. LIVESTOCK can be tailed at^ sales bam. We PHONE 572 or WOODSTOCK. ILL. BUY CONCRETE r j f i o c c m i i x i . . nrcl READY-MIXED Tip BmiUtnt Wt can supply Ready-Mixed Concrett lb# kind oT job--from a back-yard lily pool to « coonpine new home or building. Prompt, quick delivery whore nod when needed. e Our Ready-Mixed poocrete is uniformly dense, enduriog mid strong--gs you expect of good concrete. TheWIg right Sot the use intended... accurately proportioned it our central plant. Even • small job gets the beaefit of large volume production. To Prospective Owners of Ne» Homes dmjf BuiUa^is Of course yon want concrete. It's the modern way to build --firesafe, permanent, moderate in first cost and requiring almost no maintenance. Let us put you in touch with enjob at * satisfactory pries Ask Your Contractor or Call Ua. McHenry Sand & Gravel Co. Phone McHenry 97^J 60S Front Street McHenry. m IP ' f" *«• -A • 4 to***. *» if* Sawyer Ceeklfi I9«. SskfkMe Hurts Only OM **. esa l#e IMiry Ape|s ©oe® For 0--rt beHle l^O Ln fMm Leftq LesKnf Sedi §t*r«eett».*i» l^kHe end Bright Xmx. Ssap Hi Beeuty So^p 9 Wttce$ $kown gmnrmmitd Thmn^ through Wed.t jss. 10. is* lex leep Utk ceke 14e 1H» Ovel Skewed Cehs «|. cele 9* ;;|or Your iefh M* cake 14« New Bra iHillisi Paaefcee H»2VjtUil3e tkmmlk Yet ftftaffor Pea## § We. I Mm 490 Jalea 4*^*. tie J7« Customers9 Corner v As you know, AAP has led tke way in seeing that every Item you purchase has the price marked on It. Do you look for thete price markingt nnri compmre them with the pricet listed on your cosh regit• fer receipt? If we ever foil to price-mmrk on item, or make a mistake in the pricm charged, the men and women in your AAP want to know about it. And if you can suggest any way in which we can make our pricemarking system serve you better, please let us know. Please write: CUSTOMER RELATIONS DEPT. A4P Food Stores 420 Lexington Ave., N. Y. 17, N. Y. \ Cr«a* Cheeee Gettage Ckme ^ Swiss Cheew ^ Sharp Cheddar ^™ wuh ... Men Cheese o.«hs .... .. Parity Cheese Spread MeHNBit Cheese 2 17* m 94" AAP Applesaaee ftallaaa Taaa Flahea Bright Sail A Clew Starch ^rlsl^y Seap ru-k ie» Tfi "supai-BicMr mini Sliced Bacon Slab Bacon Smoked Butts Fully Coojied Super Right Ham* Cooker Pl~nlc Hams Skinless ' Frankfurta Driad BmI 4 01. pkg. 91c rnillTS ANS VESETAUUS rb. m lb. 5Se f \ e*Aa|ea Fears Eatperer Grapes <***»! Wew Texas Cahhage Fresh Crisp Carrets •„ Xlbhy's Strawberries $>lach ST Apple Pie Cherry Pie u Leatea ftleriagae Pie Brewi V Serve Rells 17* lfeast Raised Deaats ^31*' i-ia. * ' • .' L • - • , • A«r. PRICE NUCV ,• Storewidc low prices on hvsMlst items every day.. .insteadof juetafev Mone-day" or "week-end specials.** e Advertised prices are guaroM*ri for one week, even though modal prices go up. We believe tAU poiicy fcefps e^r customers mn more money. • With the ce^sct price every Hem, plus an HemM' register slip ... you hue at A4P.

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