Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jan 1951, p. 6

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til T}}> wm& % THE McHENRY PLAINDCALEA I Peterson Boat, 2; ft. H. Freund, 1 t. T>t^r«*m. 186.-5*01'; Ms'. K*Wt» 1M-48S; 8. Sutton, 46ft. CLAUER LEADS Vincent Kehoe Welch Angus Thorson Niendorf Kirkham ELK HORN TO Patau* 51 10 35 WW Majors--• Downs Nash Sales. 2: Carlson TOPAfcS Crouch, 204- Downs, 611: *%;>'• \4'P; • -;<ty ;i} Thursday, January 11. 1951' 7%§ rB*T 9 hcaHfj * «v < • „ * * , . , * - T-/ - *T*h<< weatherman s.vm? to be".the fellow with the whip hand Now j pomes .Ion Waynijp aod his, Ki-j '•'wanls committee-" worrying about fee frnd gjronnd conditio')! far. iH*xf j ^'Sunday.,. when : fhut ' b'? Kai;nr-sa- j Vac in* at tt wet fori take»: pjaewijon flUvmn Lak*«-. . "All one 9«n 4ov » hen * p'ftyniife | fit Sports e-%Ti»iyt'-'.irptifc; <N$Bj*rtt - almanac. h&p*'an^f jwavi'm<V«£ Oil Co., 1. Bmiler. 207-571; 12: Paluch, 503; Steffes. 207-214-594. Blake Motors, 2; Carl's Service Station, J. Bartli, 206-266-631; Schlitt. 230- J7: ThorsHl, 227-S6S; Rosinf, 2JS-5H4. ./• BOWLING NOTES Rrtwlfiijr B^r w a* real sport. O, F. 9 O'Clock - Miller's. «M36; Freund's, 2351. (;us Freipid. r<21: ° H. Freu-nd, ^12:- H°, Miller, 5'64. „ '*.\Vjhniker$, <6413 ;• Herdricfrsi 2163. •B'. Meyer. 215-549; Red Winfcel, MU/ - "S:; Freund's. 2: ,'A. Jackson's. 1. 5y4ack?on.' .51<s'- . S. Ground. 533. . That looms ftp. • sis one hie at.- ' J»ckSor«:*. 2; N*. Smith s. 1. traction for next Sunday. Jf • yo'« " 2O.0-»45. '[ .-»r**nt the.- rugged" type, 'who can 1 s- Miller.s, 1. lake the rMdwr*." yoii c?yj take itf! Snyder. ?14-.»16. |b*' basketball between'" the . •' -r'" C<s~<*r»<= and' 1 leh>-on on fh" local j V «nder. Lake Oirh - floor. . I Mill Inn. 2: Krueger's. 1. v r- ' • '-1>ake Dry Cleaners, 2: • I>ake Headed bv' Jn'dsbn. Hebron has View Inn. 1. one of *hp ton basketball tearti!» in -this fart i'f tbe state.--t • •'. ' •- ' 7.y Mrtbu-hl^h. 423; E. Hoyte. 4,22. Y^irieiv Store-,?: Cardinal Store, .But, the Co-ops io> taking a h<<-k seat fnr riny of them: They hsv/- size. ext»f rieiit e and fellows who hit that hoop.. (=' ..RoW'e drill. 3: \icHenry Ainer, 'T#!H«n. 0. • F. ?»lalehen. '44n: Tiuerrf ^tiitinn., ^.-$01^;^ Snug Harbor. 2; Hoots, 1. Xnonan. 6.0S: B;" .\teaih, 222*571 *. I>. \Veingart-, ^0- H. Hehnkf. 203- 204-59S: > ' .v; -"'r' Al's Whit® House. 3; Rei'drich's, 0. * 1>. .Kenneheck. 530: G. Schaefer. 20.1-S92. ii r»ia<v. 2: Fireside. 1. V. 0. 1. 7 0'j lack- : " MTitr! .;. 237:..U' Thennew.- 2333. n„ Tht n-'ies. • •")< 1'; i». Kreutper. SOC: 11. Sicffaii, ^Oi-^Oft. ' . Kr<>utzei-'3, 2201; StillingV 2186. • Hit Stride Alter Slow Start; MCHS J. V. Team Wins l If vera glance around the stunt y6tt uiilV sine tin* Carl-' N>:s» sgorpd 46 points in one game and Joe Jackson scored 40 in another. ('•»mnieri'iH! -- ; .Bowlins Bar. 3; Frett's. 0 ' il"ihnb\ '•Ol-K*?; • ;'.lCfi»iJtzer-'s. 2: Olson's, 1; Srhm'^fs, 2; Hernian'B. 1. B Schmitt. 5(19: H. M^ehels, r» 17; , . IO. Herman. 517. That* more than some of us j w^t!nk<, s 2; Huemann's, 1. ^•cpred in our entire c^reef. ' ,f,. S(.ho11B, 200-531: ^est. . 5M; •' [ I^Uth210-531. Is, Swimming Jn January? Yep. We i' _1 : toolt PPVP-I young buck»>roos to the j Thnrsdar Woodstock pool Monday niglit and had a big timr*. Bill Baron, and Jerry Steinbarh also had loads of boys so McHenrjT just about took , .over the place. i ~~ Fur Motor Sales.-2: Leo's Tavern, 1. - -- •--•- --•.-- H Suhibier. R'JR. Buseh's Bar-B-Qitf, 3: mann's Tavern. 0? R. Dehn, 543. Hetter- Satr- Woodstock beat our Warriors Tuesday night, I.x.ks like Thnrs<lnv XHe they have plenty of good material (>0 Mr(li)>r & gon , coming up Tlmt J.V. team looked 1. good. " Leo's p' Thp trp-nrt today is to use Juniors "f-wnd Seniors on ..the varsity souads, • hut Coach McCracken has bad to - vary from the plan. p With Boh McCulla and Charlio Hille-r both out. of the Hneiip, it is necessary to bring up sophomores I ^ k\ Thrase .sophs, such as Tommy. $ and Stanley Aitii. are do?n? " real good i< b on the vatsitv But. - '•'-in't vofi imagine how haopy Pete - ROCIIP would be- to lia-'-p,jmch material for his J.V. WJUrfi, Frank Mriv S & G., 2: Hettermatiii's TaVern, 1, ' ' . • C. May. 4?S; M. Hettermann, 458; R Stilling. 460. Jftn Clara's Tavern.. 2: Bowling Bar, 1. L HiiPinntin. 1-79-1S2-4S8. Lp <•<< : Tavern', 3; Welngart Trucking, 0. D. Frenml. 1^-4;:!7. -- I'alnce -- <La^t Week) t»M Toiler* - , <'»i«ty-R; •>«:;2: Meath's. '2224. " S« ,'vr»efer. 504. lake's- 2365; Rogor'St. 2239: "Ort; Thompson-. 504; 21.:'-5^1; Major-- •Carl's. Service Station, son. Oil Co., 0. 3; Carl- Although the league-leading Rlkhorn basketball team failed to show championship class in their game with the Warriors here last Friday night, they hit theif strid in the last half to win their gairn' quite handily by a 51 tp .35, score The game started out like an npfcet" was in the making. Tlx visitors failed to score until the clock nearg<f"The 4-minute mark McHenry-vf»d 5 to 0 and Klkhorn called a time out to see what i was all about. Hart got the firs 5 points for his learn and went or t<» score a total of 1ft points irt the game." The 'Warriors 'ha^ the- honor am' .pleasure of leading 13 to 11 at the end of the first quartet, but the tide changed from that point. Toby Clauer proved to be one of the classiest high school cagers to appear on the home floor. Not only did he score 23 points, but his feeding to the lanky Hart under the basket p'roved what team play can do Of course, having r towering mate like Hart for underhasket duty is a great help. McHenrv trailed by only 3 points at half time and'might haye beer in the bad with a sharper passing game. Hon Freund's 5 baskets and steady plav led the Warriors in their hard but. futile fight to stay in the game. be- Hueniantr «lrew «a starting assignment Tommy, like Stanleys Altn. is a sophomore and will have a. lot of chance to develop. Both boys show ~Bf»tgrr Schlitt. 232-541: Jannotte, 502; |a lot of promise L. Bacort, 563; Rosing. 212-5S9.; J Neither (pim showed muth lr Tonyan.. 214-570; linger. • 201-548; the free throw department. Me Crouch, 513. ( Henry made 5 out of ?.% attempt- Downs Nash Sales. 2; Blake while Elkhorn had 5 for If?. Smith Motors. 1. missed S chances, but dosen't I00V Bartli,. 559^ Dr. Sayler, 213-536; like the kind of player w.ho would Cristv, 518; Steffes, 214-225-613. make a practice of such a performance. • " B'i rtleson plaved a nice floor game for the visitors, but in the final analysis it was too much Clauer for McHenry. MeTTenrv's Junior Varsity scored a 4? to 33 win as Coach Pete T*r>oho used eleven mem. Tavern- Hoot's. 2:. Al's Whitehouse. 1. G. Schaefer, 512; Duttko. 211- 521. R Place. 2; Fireside. 1. W. Brennan, 215-532. Snug Harbor. 2: Landl's. 1. BURS, 520: Stilling. 564: Wheelock,' 537; C. Behnke, 526; Weingart, 211-510. H'Mdrich. 2; Cuba Inn, 1. ^1. Simon. 502. • 1. 0. ) ^Tkborn (1) Clauer Smith Hart . Bartleson Col? man Frit a g , Coon Babcock . McHenry Recreation -- '. T>. of A.-- John"the Tailor. 2: Mcffeitry Co-i Electric. 1. °I»R 1 ; C j C. Behnke, 214-563 ^ Miller. 439. , ' j rarey Electric. 3: Mrlf^nry Lumber Co.. 2; P. .M. .Bank. 0. * City-- >icO"e. 2: Hester.- 1. Scharlow. 541; Pyritz, 213. Walsh. Ins., 3; Olsen & Son llrlt*. 540; Steffea, 558; Rowe, iTOTALS 5H Uf-.ii.--. Atlas Wager,- 2; Lee ft Ray | 1* ttOw nnnears that McHenry *wil' have onite a basketba1! teampo two years time. Jn'stcn Furn.. 1. . A. Hogan.--1-76-437: M. Kinsala. 450.- ' Art Smith's Groc.t 2: Buss Motor Sab'v. t • * y . T, Fm<k. t*0- A Gonlke, 423. na%b Kelly's frcRhnian t^am ; Inn. 2; Wattles Dnig Store, been beaten this yf?ar. Po i1 , - add those boys to the • sopho- r~ I'WO'-.^.;^. today rnd $»:< w' i-.- MclTenry Aim . Hnr-mann FneHahl McHenry jFrcund Andreas (85) Duttko, - 200-587: Ropers. 510; I Baldwin Reid. 206-542: Hagberg. Jr., 5:13b 'Kenneheck 511; Str-ff;vn'K Jewelry, That should be aboi-i. Mi" ,s;mic year out White Sox nr;1;.. •, ,1m.:-., for tfee po(n.nant. S«^" . n'nti. ;must^.,rewafded ..ROine day. . Jnst before Christmas., the grapevine" told us that Santa Clans was . stuck in a snow banje . no- . near. Pi'f akee Bay! Well, if it wasn't Sanf.* Clan-p. 'it. • was sumobo'dy. about his* build! Now It turns out that H was Joe lU^ner and his jeep buried ip a snow bank so deep that you couldn't recognize either. We thought those jeop-s < nuld go pnyjiiace and asked a fellow about ft. VTphey can',', ser he, "but they liavS^a load limit." Now^ what do you • suppose he meant? "M0*g»'|ipB -.|pie: to Cuba otf some place and everytbin? is u lug along .nicely without him: Art Jackson tells us that the Hebron town basketball team has dropned out of the county league and that Harvard has come-in-with • a strong array of stars. all ^.^|)AILY'PlXirPS To stretch a day. squeeze the joy possible into it. . Cutting corners takes the squareness out of things. Cold cash seldom, Set* a chilly reception. Home-spun ideals wear, longer than custom-made ideas. .-'tV For rapid climbing some rough spota are essential for good footing. The "someday" we all hope to do things on could be "everyday." Being yourself is a|fi4e-:»ft»- jB&e. can steal from you. A lively interest lh others is r.< ver a liability.- , " An avid listener 1s an able k , & •' . -A****®* K. of f. Drv. 3 0. Fro t Studio. 2: Wall Fill fnsitlati<. n', 1 TW^'j,, ji ATloek - Co-o;,.. 2- Old Bridge. 1. Br«t7 r^r.: .lannotta, 541; Kinsal;<. 1 arkin- 510. Fox Nove'ty, 3: Certified Foods. ft ?3.7-^0t: Krause. 204-' *53 • p ;y"rt. 524-563. Clark Chov. 2: Blaty.. 1. . Adyins. 505: Bennett., 538. V. F.. W.-- • Dog -.Faces,'3: Fly Boys. 0. Smith. 221-567, ^W'tbbies; 2: Bell Hops. 1. \i<e Owls-- Mi Place Tavern. 2: Nye Drug ^torc, 1. • F." Hovte. 181-445: F. Freund. 43?.; P. Rraus. 449. 1 ne Pit^ 2; Me(Henry Recreation, 1 Stoller. 210-462. Al's White- House. S; McHenrv Sand &- Oravel Co.. 0. '-••C'-Steinsdocrfer.'435-; J. Rosing. 1-r» '• K Hand, 436. B'i«lne<s Men--, _ T fn'< Ri-ngwood, 3; Frank & Frieda. 0. Oxtohv.*"509; Noren. 5l0;_. Winters. ' Leo's Tavern Tavern. 1. B'-ininger, 525. McHenrv Plastering, 2; McHenry RVcrestion. 1. Fre.ind's Dairy, 2; McCullom Lake, 1. LundbOrK 201. ' rwjr-- Walsh Ins.; 2: McGee. 1. Brit Z: 208-549: Steffes, Johnson. 232-532. Atlas -Prager, 2396; Carey Electric.' 23X5. T^hv. 206-552; Kreutzer. £10; Hagberg. .Jr.. 546. Mcfb nry State Bank.- 2' Hester Oil. 1. - . Smith; 501; Rogers. 531; Fantus. 524: Aregger, 502; Scharlow. 514 » 0*<'fock O. F. Freund. 2442: Winkel. 2418. K. Thennes, 539; J. Regner. 525; F. Me'ver. 532. » . Miller, 2326 • Herdrich. 2279. Conwav. 507: C. Weingart. 231- 510; H. J. Freund, 52S. TOTALS ""corr- bv Quarters: FlMiorn; ^'cHenry: "•'Ilcnrj- Bolger Cr'sty I »ixon r"onwavtohnson T-andgren Pf-nping ^'ohnrade Fr»und Bennett Schmitt TOTALS 10 1 7 3 0 1 0 1 !>3 Ffi 1 2 3 • % • 4 0 0 15 FT PF 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 5 FT 1 1 1 © 0 0 2 46 POINTS VS. WYMAN'S FIVE Star Hebron Team - Will Play Here Sunday Afternoon The'big news in the Co-op vicory over Wyman's of Crystal ,ake on our home floor last Sunlay afternoon ifcrt't the score of >• to 52. It was the, sharp-shootng of Carl Neiss and his 46-point ota! that makes news. Carl scored 20 field goals from II points out on tjie floor and add- 1 »; free throw'sJ^o bring about a olal that must establish some ort of a record. Carl was in the •,1111c for about three quarters and it times urged his mates to dioot rather than pass the ball Mit to him. He couldn't miss. Zerbel. did some nice work for be visitors in sinking 11 shots, 'tut tlx team as a unit was no match for the towering Co-ops. Bobby Miller's 13 points led Mo- Henry's second team to a 54 to 19 vin itt the first game. Remember. Hebron will be here ext Sunday. JOMACKSON ROUS UP 40 POMT TOTAL McHenry ••rkin N'eiss 'eCiackeri r,eferson -tilling d ' Millor T,'beeland. 1. Wyman's Bacon 7"fbel y-nk t"ffner---- '---- I oekwood Wissel TOTALS McHenrv 2nd Team Howard R Miller M tli off • H Miller oi«'vt Xvn Michels Mayer Ffl 5 20 . -'8. 6 0 2 2 •'7-. 45 Ffl 2 11 . 7 -4 FT 0 .6 0 0 0 0 0 ft PF 1! 3 0 3 1 1 1 1 Johnsburg Sink* Cary Cagers 84-62 In Shootin' Match There were 148 points scored In a basketball game last Sunday at Johnsburg and 84 of those belonged to the home team while 62 went to Cary. y • J0e Jackson, a great point-maker both in his high school and town' -team careers, ^.sank- 16 baskets and 8 free throws,to"rqlj 'up 40 points. In an hffort to get more sco' ing phneh. the Johnsburg team shifted Art Jackson to a forward spot and the move worked out fine as Art dropped in 10 baskets. George Miller contributed 7 baskets to the heavy barrage. . '•• • I \Next- Sunday the. Crystal . Lake ' Boosters play in the Johnsburg gvm. Johnshurir J. Jackson • Peisert S. Miller e A. Jackson L. Freund G. Miller H. Freund TOTALS • Cary * Schuett Kruger Fitzgerald Krause Kvidera Liebert Turek Pokorny TOTALS FC» FT PF 16 -8 1 0 4) .1 2 0 1 10 1) 4 -1 2 3 - 7 - 0 3 1 0 2 37 10 15 FG. ..FT PF 3 2 1 4 0 1 2 2 3 1 0 0 . 4 1 1 2 0 • 2 3 5 3 7 0 * 1 26 10 12 0 1 22 ffi 3 6 5 6 11 FT PF 1 1 O S 7 3 O- 0 1 • 0 o' 8 9' FT PF • 0. 01 ! 0 1950 VACCPfATlONS The state Department of Agriculture has reported that move than 289,000 cattle were tested for brucellosis in Illinois during 1950 some 21.000 more than in 1949 About 152.000 calves were vaccin ated against this disease, an increase of 6,500 over 1949. Cattle owners can-avail themselves of the state-wide brucellois testing and calf vaccination programs provided without cost by the agriculture department, it was said. WOODSTOCK STREAKS DEFEAT McHENRY WARRIORS 47 TO 38 The McHenry Warriors, farj;e and small, fared not so well at WoOdstock Tuesday night as the aks WOTT TtoTh g;;nies7 In tin first game. McHenry fans saw their hopefuls smothered 41 to 12 by oAe of,the best looking J.V. teams in these parts. It looked like a repetition for a while in the varsity game, but the McHenry boys actually came back in the second half with a dash that, brought, about a. fairly respectable outcome. 1 Woodstock 47 McHenry.3S. ... , T)ic Warriors -ycere db the short end «>f a to 1-3 score at half time; but sbOwfed "vast improvement as they vyient, ore to outs«-or<> h.aif.» r:) v. j.-..-.; Mayfee tt was ."l|tg Jiin*' kenneltffrk's size or innyhe ';jl.t.. was('"the thi ee rbiisket s- he. fsiiftk --anuliow. his presence in . the lineup (l/i'iug the se^riffl^'iialf * helped tire Me-5 HenrV cause'". Stork,' plav-Mg in three quarters of the game, scored 18 points to lead the winners. Engdahl led the Warrior scoring w4it.l1 14, getting 4 baskets iti the Ijivt quarter as the boys put on a hard drive. Woodstock (47) " F(J FT PF Mb haelis 0 0 2 Stork s 2 Davis 3 0 Clark • . ' 5 1 Schacht 10 DerAiont " 2 0 "M Miner Tryon Gillette Rousch TOTALS McHenry Andreas Freund Engdahl Huemantt Aim Kennebe(^E TOTALS Score byQnartera; Woodsto(|K; 1 .|| .1 r^.-r 0 0 I t •a m , ] • • m 8 rr 13 I'F « . - | • i , v #; 0 - ; Vf • 1 --r •... f • ;«• i II • Vf' 2« - 38 #3 .r#£ McHenry;; 47 8 - 13 - S3 -- 38 "raorao NEXT January 14th 2 P. M. HARNESS RACES On Ice SPECIAL FEATURES URAXDMA IH RRKillT I»RIVI\(J The Famous 30KMAX («l'Y WIKXAM.WKR I>«(3 Read rhe Want Ads 4 2 1 4 1 TOT\LS 2 IW viirin's '?nd^Te» 1 Lock wood ft ] Budv - # , __! Wissel .-15 ; Hefner PFjLimhaugh. 2 j Dowell 4 Bacon 4 Zerbel 3 1 0 1 11 - 23 - 35 --. 51 13-20-27 -- 35 2f FG FT PF 2 1 0 3 3 0 1 0 0 4 1. 0 0 « •• 24 6^ 6 F« FT PF 2 0 1 3 0 0 1 0 2 0 2 2 ft 0 2 2 0 1 ft 1 0 0 0 0 TOTALS 8 7-«»'nofh c. 0. F.-- Thennes. ^478; Kreutzer, 2231. B. Hiller. 220-5.ll; A. Barbian, 501. Steffan. 2363; Stilling. 2336. Kreutzer, 213-577. Uncle Sara Says McDonald's • it *. Fnrly Birds The opening of a new year is tlit time to take stork on what your future is going to be--the time to take a two-way look at your life. You know what has happened through the A. P. Freund. 2: McHenry Cab >ears P»st. but how about 10 year> from now--January 1, 1961. Will yo> be the one person in four who wl" enjoy the freedom and financial ind< Old pendence that only cash savings ca guarantee? The opportunity to tal> D. Schaefer, 431. C^rev Electric Shop. Brldire. 1. 3 3 3 0 5 1 2 0 0 0 1 18 KIkhorn J.Y.'s (S1) i FC 0 0 0 0 1 0 5 0 0 0 0 6 FT AIR STRENGTH Civil aviation in Illinois, cotn- 15 prising 9.021 reeist red n -fvate pilots and 3,370 privatelv-owned planes, could render vital service if anv of the large cities of the state Wepc hard hit by enemy air 2j attack, according to Joseph K 1 director of the state '2 Department of Aeronautics. The 1 director pointed out that in such 1 an emer/rency small aircraft could 1 blip "in blood plasma n.nd key per- 5 i sonnel and handle • essential transftjportation Some 1.200 "flving far 01 mors" who have plant's and own and Operate l.-id'ne, sfrtn- nrp t'" lickground of civil aviation in TMinois be srid. ~ EXHIBITION ICE SPEED RACES SLOCUM LAKE, ILL. Entrance ait Wlchsville lie sort, on highway 176, two miles went of Wiiiicondn, 111. FREE PARKING For rnderprlvileeed Children «f .McHenrj Township Kiuanis Club. Doiiiitions 50c from adults will h«> solicited. losaoLJ., • • noi , riTTfiE TESTED ' Oitt Of some 619.000 IllinotB Cat- ^ tie tested for tuberculosis in 1950, • fearer than 1,00ft head were found with the disease, according to the, state' Department of - Agrtcultiiff* * ^ • T>e[iartmerit officials regard the, - low rate of tuberculosis as an irf^ die lion of success in their coij® v tinning campaign to improve the health^ dairy and breedinig. tiwifl. ij^;! , STOCK I/A*\ES During the veai- ,111st past the' -state Department of Conservation stocked 260 lakes and ponds with' a balanced supply of bass midf bluegili. A11 additional 147 lakea and ponds have been ,»reparc$ for; such" stocking. The departine*!'. promoted fish, rodeos and cliifdrcn'R fi-hiiig programs for the heavier, cropping of fifty-two lakes found unsuitable for stocking. >r TV... - 'tea!** " ;• V. *' : r , 8 ; ; ' t * .eg M ti 11 ^ flW ikomtp^G CISSIDY! IC tu f. .{» 13 PF Read the Want Ads! DONT SHOOT THAT COW Because she has chronic mastitis.* One cow in four has this disease. A simple one-minute treatment -- no experience necessary.' No syringe necessary, simply insert easy tip and squeeze the contents into the udder. ' Authorities agree that Beebe G-LAC (tyrothricin) is. the most efficient treatment known. Beebe G-LAC (tyrothrieii'f) remains active in the udder longer than any other product. G-LAC needs no warming before inject- j ing- G-LAC is stable, no refrigeration necessary. 1 Ask your druggist for Beebe Free Test Pads. Then determine ihe affected quarter yourself. ! Trade at the store with tho Beebe Bull's Eye on the door. *Due to Streptococci:? aralaMiae. . AUv. BOLGER'S Phone 40 WHITE HEN FARM 4 miles southeast of Lake Zurich, 111., 5 miles north of Palatine, % mile east of llwy. 12. % mile west of Route 53. being the l^faria west of the Terrv Druggan Farm, on Long Grove lload,. 04 SUNDAY. JANUARY 14tfc Ceiiiinciicing at 12:30 o'clock. Funics Trailer, Lunch on t>rounds. •'5'REGISTERED und GRADE CATTLE -3 reg. Guern. milch cows (2 fresh. 1 springer),, 2 Uucm. calves, 3 and 1 mps. old which can be registered. ~ WOO CHICKENS--500 White Leghorn pallets, 100 White Leghorn hens, complete line of poultry equipmest. I'ROIU'CK--500 bu. ear corn, 400 bales mixed hay. some loose hay, 50 bales straw. TRACTOR AND MACHINERY--1941 Ford Ferguson trac. on rub., Ford snow plow, Ford sod breaker. Ford 5-ft. trac. mower. Ford trac. jack, Ford 2-11 trac. plow. I-'oi d corn cult.. Ford trac. -box. 'Ford 24-in. wood saw, Ford trac. disc. Ford spraying outfit, I)B side rake on rub. like new. DB trac. manure spreader like new, grain blower, wagon, hay loader, feed srinder. new power corn slieller, ext. ladder, hog feeder, sin. air compressor, elee. chill, jig saw, hand forge and tools, bench saw. and many other pieces- of machinery and tools RIIM\<; KOIiSK .Eng.. -'addle, new army saddle, 5. saddle holders, bridle, s -t simile'-ha* ne-ss. ' - - SOME IIOrsEDOLD GOODS -- Inel. 4-ft. GE refrig.. table and chairs, elec. I'.m and motor, etc. WHITE HEN FARM -- F. J. McCAULEY. Owner FltOKLIfll and WICK Anctloneers WIS. SALES CO nr.. Clerk. . I nion Grove, Wis, ih; tit: Us %. M BASKETBALL SUNDAY. JANUARY 13th 3 P.M. CO-OPS v». HEBRON at McHenry High School^ Gym i I». Buergl^; 2/»3,4r»r;-; Jif. Jjjh-kin I ^vantage of that guarantee is your: 183-1S1-504rF, Larsitn. 428. . i s,'Sn UP for the Payroll Savings Plai Freund Oil. 2: Stillin^'s Town a f There is no more profitable resoh Countrv. I I own & , tieil than ..Buy t, s Bond ' V. Jolmson, 428. „ now'" u-s-T'-- FOX LAKE. ILLINOIS Will be closed from January 15th to March 1st. For Repairs and |4*p&*ions» THANK YOU. "HELLO FOLKS" FOX LAKE, ILLINOIS , Paul and Marie Bartell. $ SAVE $ on POWER LAWN MOWERS We are now offering for sale a large stock of Power Lawn Mowers we purchased before the present price increase. Order Yours Today! 'fiTOs can be «r«anged. ALTHOFF'S HARDWARE «THE STORE THAT SERVl( Ev Btltl* 501 Main Street p

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