Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Jan 1951, p. 2

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••."? **? V-5Wv. •' s-T/^ "*>"; < •' *"' ' '•• • •' '• t, •"' •"'. ' " '"" .i'i'f: • • it !;*•' .' -"i.; !$' '-' ' " ' !*' - •" . '• -..' " * .* r "I '• •_• .»'"• . ""4 • • "•' >••**.. ' i ' THE MCHEKST WJUNDEALEB TJ*r«UY. Juovy 15. LLTT ialtiatJon Held At O.fcX Chapter Initiation was hold Tuesday evening of this week by the local chapter of the O.E.S. at Acacia "liall, with Elizabeth Hohr, worthy {natron, and William Hoeft. worthy ftatron, presiding Plans were discussed for the Feb. 13 meeting, after which there# Will be a Valentine party for members, with each person attending bringing a Valentine Marion Colline is chairmanjof the Committee in charge. ' Plans were also roniplctod for public dessert card, .-party which the O.E.S. is sponsoring Feb. 22 fit 1:30 o'clock at Aoacfa hall. Alice Hoeft is chairman of the Committee in charge of arrangements. Admission j»rfc» tfill be •eventv-five cents. Three guests trorii Mayflower Chapter, Wauconda, were present At last Tuesday evening's meeting. Bridal Shower For Margaret Johnston Miss Margaret Johnston of Waufour escorts. Other installing officers included Gertrude Schaefer as assistant ceremonial marshal. Frances Vycital as installing chanceller and *MabIe Johnson as installing musician. Alpha Pederson was re-elected as oracle and the following were also elected: Alida Freund, vice- (jracle; Catherine Worts, past oracle; Frances4 Vycital, chancellor; Barbara Weber. outer sentinel; Maud Rothermel, inner sentinel; Mary Freund. marshal; Lena Bohr, assistant marshal; Anna Boley, flag bearer; Ethel Holly musician; Hattie Adelmeier. Courage: Therese Freund, Unselfishness; Mrs. Roggenbuch, Endurance; and Hattie Adelmeier, Faith. Mrs. Pedersen presented gifts to her officers And to Mary freund, recorder. CHURCH yWEDDING UNITED McHENRY jlCOUPLE SUNDAt ' A very lovely winter 'weWaing %as solemnised last Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock at the Zion Evangelical Lutheran church, uniting In marriage Miss Lenora Lorraine Scharnberg and Charles Brocken. Miss Scharnberg 16 the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Scharnberg of Beverly, Iowa, and Mr. Brocken is the son of Mrs. Louis Nimsgern of San Bernardino, Calif. The double ring ceremony was performed by ReV. Carl Lobits. Former Reside®! Heads Relief Corps George A. Williams of 'aukegan. a former McHenry resident. was installed as president of the Waukegan Women's Relief .(ionda was honored Sunday. Jan. (Corps. No. 117, last week, accordvjjjl, at a pre-nuptial shower to information released by the in the home of Mrs. Irvin M!ay. press correspondent, Mrs. Helen Assisting as co-hostesses were Jentink. Kirs. Albert Adams of McHenry i ;--:-- and Mrs. Clarence Adams of Ring- j jy star Appears Worwic Photo PERSONALS Mrs. Elliott Timine and daughter. Ann,"of Oak Park spent a few days last week visiting her parents. Mr, and Mrs. C. J. Re-ih'ansperger. Mr. Timme was a Sunday visitor and his wife returned home with him. Miss Rita Conway, a student at Bradley university, spent theweekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Conway, where she observed her eighteenth birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blake visited their daughter, Eleanor, at St. Frances convent inv - .Milwaukee Sunday. ' y. Greenland About six-sevenths of Greenland, world's largest island, is capped by an ice mass up to a mile and a half thick. If the ice cap were suddenly to melt, it would cause the oceans to overflow their present shores* Mrs. John Engeln of Fenton, Mich., visited in McHenry last week, where she was called by the death of her brother, Jack Nicholls. Mrs. Carl Courier and daughter, Rita, and Mrs. Melvin Yerke of Marengo visited the former's mother, Mrs. Nellie Bacon, one evening lafet week. Mr. nml Mrs. Martin WegeneT and son, James, visited Mrs, Wegener's mother. Mrs. Anna Wagner, in Volo Sunday. Miss Rita Martin visited in the Glen Robison home in Woodstock last Saturday. Air. and Mrs. A. H. Mosher returned last week from *)!xon where they K ad been visiting relatives • ('AltI) OF THANKS ! would like to take this means of thanking my many kind friends for their thoughtfulness in sending contributions at the time, of the death of my husbabd. They were greatly appreciated. *37 MRS. JACK NICHOLLS ^Mr. and Mra. Maurice P*nxa announce the (firth of a son at the Woodstock hospital on Jan. 13. Re has been named Richard' Michapl. The Panias (Jane Lessard) have one other child, a son. Maurice, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond May of Spring Grove announce the birth of a daughter, on Thursday, Jan • os. son, Saaaius Eugene, born Jan. 19 at the Woodstock hospital. Mrs. Downs is the former Lois Weideman. A daughter was horn J«n. SS to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Echor of Cutler, Ind. Mrs. Achor is the 'former Dorothy Heuser. - Mr. and Mrs. William Dayidsoh are the parents of a girl, born at the Woodstock hospital Jan. 16, Second Party In Card tfonrney The C. D. of A. met last Thurs- 18. at St. Therese hospital, Watike- ,day evening for the second party gan. Mrs. May is the former ,pe-;in ther current card tournament lores Miller. The Mays have.three PrIzes were awarded as follows: other children, fell boys, ta welcome their sister. * Mr. and Mrs. Earl Paddock are the parents of a spn, born Jan. 22 at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan. The baby, who weighed 8 lb. 10 oz. at birth, has been named Robert Earl III. Mr. and Mrs. Cassius James Downs are the parents of an 8 lb. In auction bridge to Margaret 81- mon, In contract bridge to Generiere Knox, Carolyn Bauer and 'j Marie Yegge; In canasta to Lee | Bassi; and in pinochle to Lena•;» Bohr, Lillian Stoffel, Frances and!f Bobbie May. ( r% There will be a business meettnfc Feb. 1. DAIHT RECEIPTS McHenry county dairy farmers; received $281,429.82 for milk delivered to Bowman Dairy company receiving stations during the month of December. Wood * Attending the. shower were Mrs. Sari Johnston, Miss Margaret Slughes and Mrs. Mary Duana of Wauconda, Miss Barbara Nelson €f Chicago; Mrs. George Oeffling. Mrs. George Blake, Mrs. Kenneth Peterson, Mrs. Wilfred Blake. Mrs. Tony Freund, Mrs. Clarence Mich- «fcs. Mrs. George May. Miss Alice Feet. Mrs. John Klapperich, Mrs. Honald Justen. Mrs. Frank Adams Ind Mrs. Fred Fuchs of this area; Itrs. Bill Harris of Richmond: and Mrs. Mark Sweet pf Woodstock. Prizes' in games played were rarded to Mrs. Frank Adams, rs. John Klapperich, Mrs. Wilred Blake and the hostess. * Miss Johnston will become the Wide of Edward Adams on Feb. 3. " JANUARY BRIDE *r J MBS. RICHARD FRETT ' i Before her marriage to Richard IPrett of Woodstock on Saturday Horning, Jan. 6, in St. Mary's ahurch, this lovely bride was Miss Dorothy Freund, daughter of Mr. *nd Mrs: A. P. Freund of McHenry. The couple will reside in Wood- SCbck. punp Installation Riverview Camp, RJJA^ held Installation of officers at the k. of C, hall last Thes'tay ning, with C^adys Ames of Gurnee, district deputy acting as installing officer. was accompanied to McHenry by her ceremonial marshal and \4&V£ THEM A Jamesway STAHT At Elgin Jan. JO Mack and white " accessories and Harold Isbell radio and TV fans! orch|d com,ge. >•' will be interested to learn that the • -n*, popular master of ceremonies will Given in marriage by her brother, Darrel Scharnberg, of'Spencer, Iowa, the rad^nt bride ehose a navy blue suit, winter white hat. appear in Elgin on Jan. SO for the "Hollywood Breakfast" to be spon Miss Lucille Nickeli8, \Sf (Blose friend, acted as maid of honor'and Miss Patricia Stoller as bridessored by the Woman's Society of m^d ,wore a Wiae- Christian Service at t)|e First Methodist church. Breakfast will be served from 9 to 10 o'clock, with a true Hollywood program of unusual merit from 10 to 11 a.m. Mr. Isbell will conduct a program of his arrangement, which will be highlighted with a "Hat Parade'*, with guests wearing their own creation and prizes awarded for the largest, smaU^a^t,. prettiest and funniest hats. 11 I: Celebrated Fourth Birthday Saturday Jimmy Thennes celebrated his fourth birthday anniversary last Saturday when he entertained several little friends at a cowboy party. All decorations in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thennes, were in keeping with the cowboy theme. Guests who enjoyed an afternoon of games included David Kleinhans, Harold Justen. Neil Freund, Jon Meyers, John Corso, Freddie Thompson and John Thennes. Joyce Adams was unable to be present because of illness. IOC IOBOI AMONG THK SICK IOCS Edward S. Heyward of south Riverside Drive is recovering nicely from surgery which he underwent at the Woodstock hospital last week. Mrs. Mary Frett underwent surgery at the Woodstock hospital this week. Dorothy Ann (Mitsi) Blake, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blake, underwent an appendectomy at the Woodstock hospital last Friday evening. colored suit and Winter -white hat, while Miss Stoller chose a kelly green suit and winter white hat Man Consumes Barrel of BAKING SODA V IOC901 One mail told us h£ took baking soSa for years. Claims lie lias used over a barrel of it for stomach gas, -but got only temporary re- Hef. Recently he qu1t,^he sod»-habit I a ltd took CERTA-WN new j medicine is bringing RHAL, lasting relief to mapy 11cHenry gas victims because it hi" tak^n BEFORE (not after) meals and thus works with your food. It helps digest your meals faster, so your food doesn't lay there and ferment. Besides relieving gas, CER FLOOR THE WALL TIE Rubber and Authorized Kenlile Dealer Plastic Wall In 27 Beautiful Coloii Riverside Tile & Cement Co, : . V 126 Riverside Drive ^ ' Phone Ml -J-l or 196-R 111, locaoi i Need rubber stamps? Order The Plaindealer. FREE EN TEftPRISE BANKING AMERICANS INJQY THIS V«RCmTAO| OF tHE WORLD'S SUPPLY Of: • *. Harold Weingart, close friend TA-VIN also contains Herbs with of the groom, served as best .man and George Kosti as groomsman: Michael Dillon was ring bearer. Soloist at the nuptial service was Warren Jones, who sang "With This Ring I Thee Wed" and "The Lord's Prayer," accompanied by Mrs. C. W. jQoodell. Mrs. Jean Sundt played the processional and recessional. A reception followed the service at 7 o'clock at the American Legion Home for sixty five guests. The bridal couple left later on a wedding trip to California, after which they will reside in a home which they have purchased at Mc- Cullom Lake. The bride received her education lit Iowa, where she attended Luther college at Decorah. She has been working at the Oaks in Crystal Lake., The bridegroom graduated from the local high school and is employed by the Ready-Mix Con-r crete company of Chicago. | Vitamin B-l and Iron to enrich your blood and make your nerves stronger. Weak, miserable people soon feel different all over. So don't go on suffering. Get CERTAVIN -- Bolger's Drug Store. VOU CRNTSmmHR *$0<W FMtMUCV i HMS Wl/e/ttotm JACOB FRITZ. Realtor % TELEPHONE McHENRY 57 JOHNSBURG, McHENRY 1 __J|e»resenting THE TRAVELERS' FIRE INSURANCE, Hartford Our high standard of living is fostered by th#< operation of the free-enterprise, profit system, American chartered banking helps to perpetuate the abundant American way of life by providing sound credit and many other financial services* McHENRY STATE BANK •ember Federal Deposit Iiiime* Corpormttsa Member Federal Beserve System .. ^ sSi ife M 1 * 1 1 1 li t 1 1 MARRIAGE LICENSES >»»! I I i I W l < i l l »W !•»•> Edward Adams, ^lingwaod, fnd Mftrgaret Johnston, Wauconda. George Joslin and Esther Lawrence, Ringwood. CARD OF THANKS I would like to ake his opportunity to thank feiend^ and neighbors for cards of sympathy, floral offerings and the many other kindnesses extended at the time of the death of my husband. Everything was greatly appreciated. 37 Mrs. Ethel'Quaintance 8;':- rou/t first eye-smacking hok at the Um of lovelies tlctured hem tells you that they* ve got what it takes in visual charm. ' But the fellow who said a picture speaks louder than a thousand words wasn't talking about these superbly able 1951 Buicks. Sure, they're smart to hok at--smart in style and smart in dress. But they're also smartly powered--smartly engineered--smardy priced. And it would take a book to describe in full their deep* down goodness» .v What's been done for 'SI tt to take th« best automobiles that ever bore die Buick name--and top them* Come, look them over, and you41 see what we mean. There's the SPECIAL which oan accurately be titled "the new* est car in the world"--new in structure, new in power, new 1% dimensions, new in thrift--and potent in price appeal. There's the SUPER--that looks and i*a smart new edition H its "best seller" forebear. Then there's the RoApMASTER - that coddles your anatomy o* HANDICRAFT Bird Houses. Lawn Chairs, Lawn Swings, Picnic Tables. Tier Benches, flower Boxes and Wheelbarrows and Sand Boxes. Trellis. Pergola. Picket Fences^ Etc# --- I" JS»', for Faster Growth, Betie: Feathering A "Itmetway Start" mou» adeqwc*?, r«V> •hie brooding equipment. T*ie r#v'uir- mmd of a baby cfa'ck is a pUc« to ko«p f VL Jam«cway btooJcn «ro preierabU pfkctical poultiymun and aze iumiahad Mr any'type of fu»l... coal, oil, electric, gas «Bmt d• wo- od. well-built practical proves broodert •S* your b««t assurance of giving your baby drirh tb* right start is Mis. "WCINL'S rdware |b Sheet Metal B^op G r e e n S t r e ^ f e • : « • • " -v- PHONJC 98 Screens and Gubineis i^ade to order* CLARENCE J. SMIT#1" ^ JOHNSBUBU PHONE McHENRY 583 J1 POLIO BENEFIT DANCE "So Others Can Walk" SATURDAY, JAMUARY 27fli CLUB LILY MOOR flOUTE 120 Music by -- Don Sftadleld and great by -- Georgf Freund.t ' Donation 60c P^ SPACE band. "Wk': w ,vy' en9 (^ _ |jmes - - ,, ope"-' >USH-»A* ond «"s0f^ car-l«"fl,h 'S ^«ls ,NStSU^MTS' lORQU6'T0"dr,vlng contro" _ „on ^ tinB. \:Am. imPr°V «PRl p||At „{e|y to HO ,****•- luxurious new fabrics and doud-soft cushions-- pampers your pride with its lordly bearing--shoots a delicious tingle right up your spine by. the exuberance of its power and action. * We could go on and on. This is the car that ^breathes through its nose." This is the car that sports d braid-new front-end styling. This is the car with new highvisibility instrument dials, more easily read at night. This is the car with glare-and-heat-reducing glass t and news-making features you can t afford to mi^s. . So your No. 1 date this week end is with your Buick dealer. It won't take you long to conclude that he's offering the smartest buys of the year. •J-OjftiotwWa<extra fMriprmtm&f igniflu* • Se'k,ng bf°ke'Hi-P°,s"d jreate> - £ (,riy« , S'eP<j> (^k, SafetV'R'Body bV F,sh®f 5>r ' W* a WHKN BKTTIR AUTQ^OSILIS ARE SUILT SUIC* Will BUILD TH§|§ R'l. OVERTON MOTOR SALES 403 FRONT STREET PHONE 6 McHENRY. ILL. , , .li&h .L-i , * . M.

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