Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Feb 1951, p. 8

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•mri, Um taU awe nut I Ita ANdvimm Par IV Weitta* In InMll) Reveaa* code *' MMm Uut! * uv deduct * '"a*? ardiearv *»d necessary b«snjww tradesmen •IT WfMtm and plumbers art TWfatr**! t<> ftjrnlsls their own ;-^v,<t*oot«i la saeii eases. the man are r u-' entitled to dedact the cost of small toOl*. a ^ coat of uniforms and work • clothes is deductible, if the clothes are specifically required by the -employer, and If th%y are not suttable for general wear. Overalls '^and coveralls merely take the tplsce or ordinary clothing, are not ^required by the-employer and are fliot deductable. •Jt If-a man is away from home in ? ^pursuit of his trade or business, he T '• pjtnay deduct the cost of his trans- •portaMon and lodgmx: while away f iHt1"010 home. A good example of this is the case of railway train Crews. They take a train out to their division point, stay there over night and bring back a tlrain the ,jg5t»ext day. The cost of meals and v lodging at the other end of the ran y*re deductable. provided none of *•_, aucti «x$4tases was reimbursed. lipMi gypl latttbMi' iw *1 The coat of going to and from ; w his Job is a personal expense and . ferny aot be deducted. However, if Is? the feature of the work is such * t*at a man is required to use his ; car in performance of his duties, ha may' deduct the expense. A plumber working in a neighborhood Chop where he has to go out on several emergency calls in a day, might be required to use bis ~ car la order to get himself and his tools to the various Jobs quickly. He would be using his car in , the performance of his duties and dbald deduct the expense, as a miscellaneous deduction, i So called anion dues are made up of a number of different ele- Monts mteh as assessments for various purposes. The actual 4 monthly or yearly dues paid to a labor union are deductible and also any assessments made to meet | the expenses of strictly labor imbm activities. Those levied against working members to provide strike benefits for other members are deductible. But, of course. It follows that members who receive the strike benefits must report them as income. Any assessntents used to provide funds for ttto payment of sick, acident and Math benefits to members are not The initiation fee paid onion Is deductible. The inlfctlon fee paid to join a union is deductible. One of the most popular forms of Advertising by many corporawritten or verbal. If you win a fer If you win merchandise, jewelry or household emrijpatyMtt, you iniit. report as income the market value of the goods m receive. It yon win a trip by Mane, boat or train, with all expeaees paid at a hotel upon your arrinil at your destination. yon must import the regit borates for such travel and hotel dx-> pense as income.! Remember, that the Bureau and focul federal tax office are informed .of these winnings. m The houses, aH»oHiohi'es. furs and other items or oaah yon Win through purchase of cJoyces, lees the cost of the chanVes^fr)® purchased daring the year. a\e tax able. The winnings of articl er than ©asta than must be rr^prt ed at the fair markc-i -vsrtxrri.^Vss the cost of the chances ased. This means the value' of sue* nercktadise in legitimate business and not your estimate The winnings frotn cheek pools, football, baseball, hockey, horse racing and other types of pools. Ires the arhount yoa invented in such . pools, are taxable. This should interest many thous^ids of citizens who are contributing to these and other type* of po«.ls regularly. All gambling winnings in exeeas Of tHe WS8e« from gambling'inuA be reported. Uncle Sam is very much interested in inCWfle whether from a legitimate sdorCe or not, since all income is fully taxable, regardless of the source1. However, >ou may never claim as a deduction on your rttorn, the excess of the gambling lose* over your gambling gains, since such losses are personal and Uncle Sam is unwilling to allow personal losses. Such loss is entirely personal. The revenue officers keep their fingers on lists of winners of sweepstakes, contests, etc., since many people fall to realise these winnings are taxable So save yourself the embarassment of penalty for failure to report such income. And, of course, you must also remember that if ynu receive income from such sources in excess tions is that of guessing contests, of $100, you are liable for filing ddpartHrtr to Win a v la one rule and that i* for ft* of Gold radio plt)*r*ra tbeae winners render no ae**to0*j>r competition antf jnerely wji telephone, the prise Is a gift. RE-AFFILIATED WITH STATE PRESS ASSH. The Mcllen-y again a member Plalndealer la of the Illinois Car owners may claim a number ot Mutiooi for their Ift, preparing their income tax returns. But the *Chi ea«p k Motor club says thai many motQristp will save on taxes by taking the/ standard deduction of It" par oem allowed by law rathe> than by itemizing specific deductions. \ All motoraats may claiip: State., license fro; cftft- Vwhicle tax; state gasoline t#*, (3 cents Jwr gallon in Illinois,^ cents In . association, having recently jjpjigna). sales tax (2,pefits. in IlliffOiated to: laJU. I g|j|rf); personal property fax; driv- Iflj a trienibertfiip of nearly |br«„ licenHe ,'ee ($1 in Illinois, *fiJ25 •oaXMfnois newaprpers, the III*-- j fn Thdiana) ; losses from fire, theft. WOis Ffcpfs aS-iociation holds the collision or other casualty (If not j»f being the largest I reimbursed by insurance' or otherstate pr£*s association in the interest ojn automobile tes. w is also one of the loans „W„t. Mttaf b*. MMM k F,.r lho«r puia„g th^ar. only Th, PrMt -fcoUthK, i, I1" ZTZ: b?' a non-political. il^mklaK advantage of the over-ali gan*u ati.on. .w.hi 'h .s er«v#e• •s; » «a,n df i t ip.mroi-. 1 0 p e°r c e n t d e d u c t.i o n .M a n y mo t o r - ».w,p.|K.r. V. I. MM mm,,, [determine which course is more and state newspaper contest, I beneficial: taking the 10 per Cent n u a n n v . t ^ n r ^ , a"r wo*V. I d ? 1 d u o * > n - o r / f e x p e n d , * • u ~ ollnnrafl avorv iilnlnrial. . no ohtso press releases and special services, your publisher la able to< keep abreast of the latest ideas and de velopments in the profession attd thereby is enabled to give yr»u a better newspaper, and also better serve the McHenry community. Our membership in this organization is another indication of our earnest desire and never ceasing efforts to give you the best and most modern newspaper possible. [allowed every motorist • as above -plue 'the business expenses which will apply- These are tin* expenses incurred | by oars used directly in husiriet;s. In general, it would pay to - list | these on the Uong fownVThey dre: Gasoline, oil and grease; depreciation; insurance . premiums; 1pkpCMtg «.|ia»iahlglnmtwi; tt^uaMg towing garace rent; re charges (not deductible as Interest). v. Depreciation may be deteftnjWed by taking the cost of the aatomoblle< subtracting the estimated salvage value at the end of the car's 'useful life', and dividing the remainder by the probable number of years the car will he used. Of course, if the entire value of the car has been claimed as depreciation in income -tax returns for previous years, no mqre depreciation may He claimed., "iiT estimating the percentage of car use devoted to business -nnpposes, it is Important to note that the Collector of Internal Revenue does not classify driving from home to a fixed place of work as ness use. Therefore, the cost such" driving Is not deductible as sucb." urban there was no 0T « influenza, diphtheria and -menin j?itis occurred. . - . . , •, :---- maiMjmfmt/i'smmemtcv The first all-ataal pasrtnger ear was the Pullman "Jamestown," constructed In 1W7. Brucellosis can be spread by artlfical breeding as well as by natural t^eahs. Read thb Want Ada! i DR, HENRY FREUNU OPTOMETHIST Ai 136 d. Green Street Mdlenff (Closed Thursday Afternoons) HRVM JACOB FHITZ. He^lor ' TELEPHONE McHKJfllir 17 JOHK^BUIIG, HeHfi9fS¥ > .r Representing THE TRAVELERS' FIRE INSURANOB, Hartford Hiatory-offars little encouragement for the iWfalble success ot the fntn eafly Blbkud t^mee, men have tried and failed to achieve peace through special. leagues, treaties, and covennts. Researeh experts for The Book House For Children point out "that the noblea or, feudal lords became so powerful during tbie day of the Chou dynasty <in Ancient China), they no longer paid any heed to the emperor. Instead, they 'acted as little independent rulers aud made, war upon one -another in attempts to Increase their lands. "It was an 'Age of Confusion* just like feudal age hi Europe < 8<| this constant warfare that is B.C., a oertatar mMlaterT'ff' atate of Sung, thought of the UMa of a league to preserve, ppace. • "Fourteen states entered into the agreement to end war. Five years later they again signed a covenant of peace, hut within a few' i^aro years the plan waa abantfoned 'as hopeless, and the rival statep wire again tearing at each others' throats." In the light of historical events, the achievement of peace among the nations by modern man would be his most outstanding accomplishment, one surpassing any of his technological, medical, sociological or cultural triumphs, to date. That . to because man, through WW*. AVAILABLE The addition of "Your naterat rti<JOme Tax?'.issued by fie Treasury department, Bureati of Internal Revenue, is wow available to the public and aaay be purchased for tpreoty-ftve cents at the U- IS. Departmmit of Cmnmerce, Room ai&0, McCormick building, m south Michigan avenue, Chicago. JOHN T. GRAY OPTOMETRIST 'M Mein Street t McHenry. I1L 1ESS DISEASE °Ot the twenty-nine major communicable diseases reported last year to the state Department of Public Health, provisional statistics show that nineteen decreased from the 1949 level, according to I)r. Roland R. Cross, state dicertor of public health. Scarlet fever dropped from 3,991 cases to 2,112 last year; polio decreased from 2,910 to 1,928; while 1,300 fewer cases of mumps and 8,665 less of chickenpox were recorded. Measl «tt increased sharply, as did ame-> biasas, Wb«e slight increases in I '/ E. tend Pitted. House caUs . ",|appolntmeuh Quirk. Tepafr service., i BOIIM, MOK. thru FRI. 6 PI M. to 0 T». *.$ Niftb 8t«0 P. M. ' ^ •i» J a m PHONE MoHENRY 186 no answer phone McHenry oaoii M RAM AMD THfYISHM SBtVMX . Admiral & Raytheon Televisions 102 B1VERSIDE DRIVE ( iWione 979 from 3 m. to 6:30 |^ m. or «e»i- | J dence, 577-M-l, alter 6:30 p. m. t r 2 I , i . . . ; « EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED YI8UAL TRAINING -- VISUAL BEHABILITATIOH COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS POURS DAILY * • to 18 A. M. and 1 to t P. M. \ SATURDAY EVENINGS s «:00 to 8iW P. *. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT •• PHONE McHENRY 452 c BE WISE BUY sk FIRESTONE AND ? PASSENGER yie Have A Complete Lino cl Snow and Mud liTdS. BATTERIES 1 TIRE CHAINS WE WILL GIVE YOTJ $3.00 FOB .T OLD BATTEBY WHEN YOU E THAT NEW ONE AT STORE. Come In Today TRUCK, TRACTOR and PASSEN GEE'T*"" T «C7»g BETREADS ALL POPULAR SIZES TRADE IN YOUR OLD TIRES SUPER ANTI-FREEZE (In your container) -- |li)0 per gaL WALTER J. FREUND ^JRES -- TUBES -- BATTKR1ES -- ACCESSORIES-^ _f|ra and Tube Vuleaaieiag. BIcyde Repairing. . ALL WORK GUARANTEED • • IN.,.-,. . WEST MeWCmiT- . .- Ppen Evenings and Sanlars Winter App'e P|# ^ w Vk"v* «»p 2 1 cup | toWeV*"0" WWpP^ erema ke ere«"» J%«KP»eo«*V w^lralsedc0aaed Mix aPP1*' ^•bS. Vi * | |ffnn „l poitry. rT '"-1, mixtvre- S«ql If • pan. 5Pr"*w y ..,r Cover wtfn Pf . . R«d»c« •* ^s"" toV4» "W" io 8«rr took of . *V, »2.50 offW baokrtar*** o*db4~ 99 ir iff f*- ^ bak* v<'# ' Y°° •m-m j-tsm m here's nothing quite so satisfying at tarving a luscious-loafer ing pie or cahe ... and yOu'U never be disappointed when have a modern GAS rang*. The staady, blua GAS flame giuil you perfect, even ovan haat... just sat the automatic tampan ature control and rela*... you're sure your pie is baking at Ihe temperature you WQQ?< ^roiling and |oasting are wonderful on the new GAS rangus, too... and top-of-the-range cooking is fast, dean and cool.' iDbn't forget, FLAME cooking is the cook Ing you already knourll The UNfVEMSAl tTON Cookt without thi cook' . . A# avftMMtic Hmtr-ehfk (wnu Mo o»«n on and atf whil* rouVo out of M* IrifcJien. You'ff Mt Mo dhidfop biimori . . ln*A-Drawor broHt . . Ik* onto matk or*n UwpcrOfwro controi . two roomy itorog* drown See ffte new OAS ftonoet of our men* (fore PUBLIC: SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS (W< t IP «c $m, a»y' #m- - l*nft)i of time. More than T5 glrceat at "Sn V. Savings Bonds are in (be ^8 and 150 denominations. It »»!•>»• I HOI M |)H» tOWfePlf X. WAVNJIK - Attemej»at>Law ^ ^ Ml Waalcps Boad (RFB Rax) flwi XcBcarf 4tt.1T WEST KfeHEKRV, ILL. >»•< 1 I •I I < < 11 U II t I I H ' t l ' / ; BIH«»S W prisby. Jit--- PMWWTfG AND fl^BATHVG ^mlitr PI*tore* . Rattat H«at> 1*9 v Wafer SyWais • Ms aad ElMHe Watar fiealers • Water • Repabrr . Free Ii0. MIONI KcnSHSf WM| Hlfbest «ASH PRICES paM Ar Deal mid OrippMd Iterses, Cattl« aa4 Mags Santtary Power Lea#- It Twlm and Meat Scrap* far sale. Phones Arlla«toa Helrbts 11C or McHenry S14. Rarerse Cfhaifes, Palatine Rnderlii Serr* !«*» <»ni I HUM n i l I I HH>' • Hofee Pnraltere Reeoverlaf and RepalrJaf 90 years experleMe Pbone Vlstakee U1>R*1 " T1C8 LPHOLSTEBV SERVICE R.R. li PIstaqaa Helyhts HcKenry,, IU. . l l t l l M I » » I I» 11 II n MMf VER780N KNOX Artterney-«t-law Cor. Green and Elm Sts^ Ttesday and Friday Afternoons Other Bays By Appointment Phoae XrHraqr IS ^ -- W AH TEH TO Br* -- CALL AT ONCE ON BEAD HOGS. HOUSES AND CATTLE We pay phone charges We pay H to ns for Old Horses le#s far down horses and cattle MATTS XTNK RANCH , JohHlWf • Sprint Grove Read Phaae Manbari |1| • M i l l I l i n i l i l l I I 11'11^ t A. P. YREffHB SONS " ~ v,' Excavatlag Contractor^ v » Traclilnf,. Hydmalic aid Crane Serrfce -- ROAB BUILDING -- Tet 804.* MclfeBty, HI. If in 1 I I I K i l l f 11 E. E. PEAM.EE, DX. Chiropractor i riH"S. Green St, RcHeary OftlceHoars U DallycxccptTlMirsdar f « to IS - tm to 4 ^ tlon^ Wed. and FrI. Evenltff 9 to 0 CaD MeHenry SM-R for Appointment m 94f II II l"l I CI I I•< I 1111 »»•! • I . ' . INSFRANCE T jTabl r. walsb PIra, Anto, Farm -A life InsaTan* Represaafla* RELIABLE COMPANIES Whea Von Need IiMtaraacalt Any Kind Plione iS or T1R.M Asaan A JKlin M«Henry Ki ll-111*1 I IIHH 1 I'll I'M STOFfEL ft REIHANSPERGER lasnraaee afents for all classes af property hi the best coaipaales Wcit McHenry, Illinois .& Telephoae No. S»0 • H I 11H H' 111I IIM I ! • • • » AL*S WELDING AND REPAIR ., •; SERVICE fp' . V Ml Mpla St, McHearjrg ^ «aatrie Portable Wei Awl^em Weldtat and ALEX W. WIBPS, Operatar Pkape ftt-W-l er 4«4 McHENRY, ILL. • I I te» W > t Ml 11 i 11 <H|| 1 WILLIAM M. CARROLL, Jr. Atterney-at-Law 110% Beaton 8t. PMM Waedstoek 1IM . Woodstoek, Illinois V IIMIM1011K 1 1 1 1 1 ) HI 11 Saad. Ltaaa«tea« HEBN THELEN Tracking «*a^l * Black Dip Track for Hire TeL Mclfeary &88.R.2 er M8>W>1 Bex 173, Rt 1, McHenry MKItIM 111! Mil Hi •« 11» DR. H. S. PIKE Veterinarian Oa Highway 11--Office aad Hoase TeL McHenry 81 MBee Hoase: 1 pjn. to 8 pja. Except TharsAiya Evening« by Appolntiaeat & I I I < I 1 1 I 1 1 I < 1 < H ! • ! H11 ** BRICK LAYING TTCK TOUfTlNG -- FIREPLACES ACID CLEAKING C. 8. JohaOoa H. V. Jackson Phone 31S-M Phene 47l-M . -- ^ i ^ * . • : > . .*• .t'LJA': J

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