Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Feb 1951, p. 7

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_ * . . :"» . ' TNEHWK VHAPLNITDIE NEXT FIFTPYo nTrErsATRoS '50 VALUATION 0#M>& OatiaaVMn^ Mr. and Mra. Ray May entertainedat their home recently in honor •I the' christening of their Infant The baby was christened •ft 8t Peter's church, lor the baby were Miss Betty Aim Miller and Bernle May. Dinner guests were the baby's f|»ndp*routs, Mr. and Mrs. Peter ipier, Mr. and Bernle May and family and Miss Betty Ann Miller. . Mrs. Peter Ma/ was hostess to the members at her club at her home on Thursday afternoon. Gaines of five-hundred were played and prizes went to Mrs., Ben May, Mrs. William Brits, Mrs. Prank May, Mrs. George Fyffe and Mrs. Anton Mhy. A lovely lunch served after cards. those who attended a club meeting at the home of Mrs. iUifichfanettser in Round Lake on Wednesday afternoon were Mrs. Arthur Kattner, Mrs. George W. May. Mr*. L L. Kagan, Mrs. Edward May and Mm. Charles Freund. A luncheon of chop suey waii eamd and the afternoon's diversion was cards. Prises were awarded to Mrs. Nbrhert Klaus, MML George W. May and Mrs. Ed- May. lAra. Edith Hill has been confined to hier home by illness the past week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Dan Miller, Mrs. Prank Tinney and Shirley Dawson spent a pleasant evening at cards in the Charles Freund home on Thursday. Mrs. Bertha Bsti, who has spent the past. several weeks with her ffrghter, Mrs. Lor«na Straub, in Cnicago, returned to her home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern and Mrs. Bob Lent and daughter, Linda, visited Mrs. Robert Nima- Ipfc in Wsplijpn ja Friday. Mr. and Mra. MB May, Joan, Chirpy and Moreen, and the Sieve ot JjdmsbUf were S*a4*ir gftests to Uie Bernie May boms in Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Idler, Mr. and Bfrs. LeaAdet- Lay, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund attended the party held at the, close of the Forester bowling tournament In Mc- Henry on Sunday right Leander Lay and Clarence Miller were members of the team that came in fourth and carried home some of the prises. Sunday guests in the Math Nimsgern home were Mr. and Mr*. Nick Jung, Mrv and Mrs. Lawrence Nlmsgenr knd family of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Art Nimsgern and family of Fox Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lent and daughter, Linda, of Lily Lake. Jimmy Thomas, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Thomas, underwent an appendectomy at Woodstock hospital Sunday night Captain Duane Ford of Fort Spelling, Minn., spent the weekend here with his family. Mrs. A1 Malickl of Berwyn spent the weekend with Shirley Dawson and Olnny. STORE DESTROYED Heroic efforts on the part of the Hebron and Harvard firemen and Alden citizens last week saved the E. R. Gast general store and filling station as fire destroyed the Staab brothers paint store at Alden at midnight. Braving 15-below sero temperatures, firemen managed to keep the flames from spreading to the town's main store although efforts to save the Staab building were in vain because the blase had made such headway before the firemen arrived. Now that the second-half of the twentieth century is well under way, America's sense of humor is girding Itself for the big test on St. Valentine's Day. If the first fifty years are any indication, this century 'may go down in history «a one ironically divided between the front.and the comic mm, for recent newspaper surveys liave reported an increasing national interest in light-hearted entertainment If tne^ 1161 ttitfiiies are any indicappn, this xMitury will cert& ine£y be remembered as a happy season , for puns and gimmicks. Publishers report that well over 300 million Valentines will be exchanged this year. Almost one-half will feature humorous designs. And a great many of the novelty Valentines will say It with gestures-- even sound effected „ One clever novelty slmws grandma and grandpa dancing a happy ]ig. Inside a tambourines attached for jingling a tune. Another Valentine opens to pivot the arms of Romeo, who is Juggling Juliet's heart. A third startles the receiver with a flapping of wings and the bussing of tees when it is opened. There is also a oomic duck, who claims he's quite a lover. With a metal-snapper in his nose, he is pictured saying, 'You^ean't duck this Valentine!" Inside, he coyly adds, "You're someone who always clicks with me!" More in the romantic tradition, however, is "A Valentine To My Heavenly Wife!" It opens iHth a thin wire springing a chic cutout figure well above the earth scene i'/ J V'Av A /, Vv» - . .t below. Appropriately, fi condudea* "You're Out of World, Wifey Dear!" Incidentally, the noveltp Valentine is a comparatively elopmcnt Originally were introdnoed to attract aters. But grown-ups enjoyed them so much, they sort of took over the party. * . In the wake of thla current swing to puns and gimmicks, some publishers believe the - "big teat" will come when adoring husbands receive vegetable-like Valentines carrying such brief-tmt affectionate Verses as: My heart . . . Beets for yon! Wont you be my Valentine? Chances are .though, they'll feel out-numbered and won't complain too much. For others In the family will have risen to the occasion lb this mamyer: Hay, Pop! Happy Valentine's Ibay! Like the Calf always say# To the farmer each night ... I sure love my Fodder awrlgfct awright! Increasingly popular, publishers say, are Valentine illustrations of our four-footed friends. One card pictures a squirrel carving heart' high in the tree-tops. In true Valentine fashion,, the lovelorn afat^ rel sobs: T I Pine Fir you! This year, St Valenttno'te Day is Wednesday, Feb. 14, and it trill probably find some of y<)S(l-fHtadfl and family looking hsflfetched bothered and bewildered. Bat don't turn your back on theni. You can help--fey- showing a few of the Ingenious vllefitlaee-fioe have received! - r- ' Very nearly a one million do) klar Increase in the total' valuation •f all taxable property in McHenry county in 1960 was revealed recently following a survey of the hbstract completed by the board Of review. The books, completed f»y mid-week, were turned over to County Clerk Raymond D. Woods, , and showed a total of $40,- 157,919 valuation for 1950 as compared with $39,195,520 in 1949. This Is a record total for the county. Following are the comparisons by year8: Personal property,, $8,- 657,985, 1949; $8,286,124, 1950; lands: $20,776,895, 1949; $21,257,- 885, 1950; lots, $10,360,640, 1949; $10,613,910, 1950^ Due to the re-assessment of property because of the invalidation of the supervisor of assess* ments, there was a delay Ml completing the abstract Park The desert in Big Bend natlepal park in Tans* once boasted a number of camels, imported from Africa for srmy patrol duty against India* marauders prior to the ChrO FOR SALE ijrtwn brick residence| S bedrooms and bath nfstalrsft leitesi and t Mr rooms downstairs; l car gntage and Incinerator hone; air conditioned. Will sell with or without fnrnjtnre. Will also leave 1M1 Plymouth in good cfiUtbi For lafovmaifton Call 537-W-l T- OLSEN -» McCULLOM LASS Renew that subecriptlbn to th Plain dealer now* LEO'S TAVERN • w • OOD. VMOSE RINGW< POBMERLY •a- * Phone Richmond 653 PHOR. -- LEO BEnnMOEB iillHIIWIIIIINHWIgWWttHIHIHHIIHIIHHHHBro New England's Mew England, in an area which Is considerel to be generally unsusceptible to earthquakes, has felt an average of one fairly severe shock every year since colonial thiMb China Benfeo Six to eight ounces of China ber< ties Is sufficient to kill a 200-lb Fiprmny GBOWTH The popnlattea of Illinois is growing at a rate of mora than 1 per cent a year from an excess of births ovofr deaths, with the birth rate for ftv4 successive years having been abotve 20 per thousand, according to Op state Department of Public t Health- A preliminary report issued by the department's bureau ot vital statistics shows 186,880 live births and 90,851 deaths occurred In Illinois during 1950. Stale rhubarb usually has a wilted, flabby appearance, and may be stringy and of poor flavor when cooked. * / ? • V FRITZ. Realtor TELEPHONE HcHEKRY 17 J0HH8BURG, McHEHRY Representing THE TRAVELERS' FIRE INSURANCE it SPEEDY" j by McHENRY'SARAOC M*a- •• i _ r • n - .••a NEW 1951 &ABSSSC BfiiiSI -PRICI "rww-w " (jes-refreshingly new SINCST QUALITY All THE WAY TMROtfOM f ••Wi, lifliiii AUTOMATIC . T R A N S M I S S I O N ^ --proved by more than a billion miles ofperformance in the hands of hundreds of thousands of owners. •OmUnstim •/ Htnrt/Ut Aufrntuc frwwiww ami DtUom MMsttxiratvt. #uy the car that's refreshingly new, and dMoughly proved, too ... the new 1951 Chevrolet! ' : It's more dependable, more desirable, from |H time-proved Powerglide Automatic Transmission* for finest rut-shift driving and Silent Synchro-Mesh Transmission for finest Standard driving at lowest cost to its timeproved Valve-in-Head engine performance. So powerful and efficient that Valve-in-Head design is the trend-leader of the industry!. Take one look at the following features-- and then visit our showroom and see Chevrolet for 1951 in all its sterling quality--and you'll know it's America's largest and finest low-priced car. Better see it--today! wider big-car AMUHCAN SCAUTV liant new styling . . . featuring entirely new grille, fender moldings and rear-end design . . . imparting that longer, lower, look tfiat sets Chevrolet apart MOOHN-MOM INTfRlOW-^lth upholstery and appointments of oustanding quality, in beautiful two-tone color and with extra generous room for driver and all passengers. SAMTY-SMMT MSTIUNUNT I --Safer, more efficient. . . with overhanging upper crown to eliminate reflections from instrument lights ... and pliftp, easy-to-read instruments in front of driver. tion Visual*.* AMHtlCA-niEfERREO SOOIES SY FISHR--With new and even more strikingly beautiful lines, contours and colors . . . with extra sturdy Fisher Unisteel construc- Curved Windshield and Panoramic safety and comfort." energizing . MOH POWESFUl JUMW-DWM SCAKiS (wtth Ditbl-UH rivlku Mit ttnlmgt)--Largest brakes in low-price field . . . with both brake shoes on each wheel selfgiving maximum stopping-power Op to 25% less driver effort ^ - Wf P: IMfROVH) CENm-MXMT STRRINO (cnmI CwNfftM Dosiglt)-- Making steering even easier at low speeds and while parking . . . just as Chevrolet's famous Knee-Action Ride is comfortable beyond comparison in its price ranjR^T MY CHIVIKOUTS THAN MKT OTHM CAKt > - «.-• A-.. !- P, -TT'i \ . ^ » ' .A W? .. . • ,r ' 1; t f -,i' - :• c A . - 1 CLARK CHEVROLET SALES W. ELM ST., PHONE McHENRY 277 €fc*f Bay>Ar>Dee Spaghetti Dinner w/o Ifc-ox. pkq. Kavisli 26c Py-O-My Blaeberry Maffla Mix 35c > Jay Ll«|ald Jfcetergeat S A-M. MS. 67C Chlffra Flakta . Suds Tfiat Lad "* } : . t.pfcv. 67c NICK MUckS mCN^rGAKASf HAVE THB F1NKST . MECHAMtC« IMTOWN ™eV Wg^MOWJO MM FBOHT STRWEEITL LYS-OVEB1AND SALES a • i Amd Smm SiYmu Wmft Am** •jf ^ t i, %v Pravonli Odors SubiSTe ^"Maallve Sa^p Your Beauty Hopal £ d n c a k « t 3 ? , < J ----- Saper Sadn For Whiter Dud si 9 pk«* g7c Cotlomen9 Cornier Oid jo* «rar hoar of "qmalUy eoa- At AAP this means that high quality standards for the food wa sail... and then we stink to those standards through thick and thin. Iba wos't find w lowering oar high qwmlity standard* because tupplies happen to be scarce, or boearns we taM to fat on s gnla** gpiv* J** in and day out, with compteto eonfUanee that if, for amy reason, ytm M tatisfiad with amy par* cfcma, your money wilt bo choar fatty refunded. to Win bo grateful for any sog> yHoni yoa may have that will hdf as maintain oar high <juality standards. Please write: CUSTOMSR RELATIONS DEPT. AaP Food Stores Ave^New Yark 17,N.Y. TheU SiarewMe Wmmdrotm a# It--g Seu>o Km j F«pmWMUM j|prices thown hero, mot tnarafy 0oaoiy • prices, are gmarantaod Tkmrtday, ' my 8th thru Wednttdey, Fabi aarjjr IM. ; Vel Far Your Glanwart 67c mot Mmmtm SUem* PEACHES.: m>. IOB mte1 L0c Fab I •; For Your Dishes 9 67c Afax Cleaaser With Foaming Action 2 ti** 27c Silver Dast WHh Cannon Face Cloth S pta Aft* Ivory Saaw - fkfr Snow White Handi Caaiay Soap The Soap of Beautiful Women ( fb^.^^27. Camay Saap For Smoother Skin 3 r*4- sis* C«IM ; 32| I . . • . lii^i ii in mi' Anaerieaa Faaiily fflakea 9 pW>- 67C Saltsa* Tmmm Fimkem ! 26c Pfatk SaliiM WUteMettTnui :»lJ 60c wwt«aar ^ Large Pcetas, a. 19c TeMtle Orugls Cittfmla CmrrmU Pasevl Olery r»Mi»fm> ..... SlsW iifiit Hmlmdnlx Spiiich Llbby't Cut Corn 10 oz. pkg. 29c BIRDSEYB V' Mlxad V«galablM PN. m BIRDSEYB | Grean PMS oz. pkg. 23# a^i; Grape Jalce 4 oz. can ssl.^ 3Sc SptuU«h PeaMHts ..!ft 35c BrlsUagSardiics^iM SUdSariiBCf C1a« Ckawder ' ^ Vefelwln SMP S' WheatlM CamFtakMM^., IU«e Ptiffa $-*§** . Plriteri Peanatg Pancake Flo«r Spltana Itlee SprfanrUMH Haaey .. eke. 4lC _ Ched-O-IKit CheeM FMd ^ 95c t* 19|c • ^ CHHSS-ruta. Smn Cm* a. V Ctiiv*. n**appl« or SafeMS M,u...di. 25c •^1>e OuaCkecw^ St «c - H Clme SpreadsV^ 2 *3^ 33* | Maea^ter Cheese fry* -* , n-«. 14c Ckew« UBIUI MMwChl S4B. tia 81c Bed Star feast Foil Wrapped ¥ 9 e*U« f|e Nwttey MargaHae I^BMB Aspic Salad A*Fs PRICE POLICE * Storewide low prices on hundreds of items every day . . . instead of just a few *oafrday" or "vatk-end" epo* * All Advertised Prices (including those items not subject to price ceilings) are guaranteed for one week, even though market prices go up. We believe this policy helps our cistomtrs save more money. Het Tress Bans r5 Valeatiae Layer Cake^S ^ M* ' Sweetheart Coffee Cake^ 33* \VHH\ SV • wr-.h ^ V,..* .. a

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