Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Feb 1951, p. 5

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Y> February 15. 1651* vc^ ,>Vt*."- iiiau ;,: ^ >^t^T'.Tt ^^ s;-r- vv m. ** * ^ ,. L ,&-.£•». v.^.,jl. . • ',, •>• 1. „ if ^:»r.,*.a A .Sjjl ..•; »!, ,_ .J WCJ,'i » i*ft>Lfc * C. W!B!PPPWPPI?P JjEE McHENRY PLAlalifcALSB T£*a .-y #'* - «.;. «i ~* 1 k i < r y.i.i t "- ' *.& V ¥ j * * 1 *W!HBitiiuiiiiiiiinnninnniinuimniinilmiminnimwnMiiiHnm>iHHnmiMMHWiwiiimwHHiimiiHniininHii mUENRY PLA1NDEALER" Published every Thursday at Mc- J«nry, 111., by the, McHenry Pnb- Ikiing Company, Inc. - HATIONAl IOITi #, BURFJBWftT^ea. Mi U>P*.E FROEHLIGH, Editor. t SIJBSCR1 PTI0NHRAT1 i f ear „u.:. •m "' PiftinCefiler Want Ads ™ No ads counted le&s than 16 #orda. 75c minimum. 1 insertion 76c (Coim,. 6 words per line) 25c service charge on all blind ads. Cash witli order. Card of Tlvauks .... $J.OQ.Minimum Reading notice 15c per line.---- Want Ads close promptly at 10 tin. V. ednesdaj ^ Entered as second-cta^s mattot •t the postc.'ice at McHenry. I'L, under the act «»' May 8, 1371. AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT P*RT8 FOR ALL Cilto Accessories Md Seal Covers fCOM.MIMTY AUTO SUPPLY - imVf. Elm Street ...Open daring week 9 A. M. to f |i. M„ Sundays -1 A. M. to 1 P. M. lltf BUSINESS SERVICE CESSPOOLS and SEPTIC TAJIKS SERVICE €1. A. DOUGLAS Phone McHenry 77«-W lOtf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN tiTAIlSR SYSTEM -- We sell, repair ind install pumps. Rill Baeon, 206 \iain Ptreet, McHenry. Telephone <57, 2dtf 1^' EXPERT PIANO TUNING Repairing and Reconditioning. All Work Guaranteed. Formerly with Lyon and E. Zaboth, phone^Jake Zurich ,5341. 37-tf CEMENT BUTLOIVO . ! BLOCK8 Vvailable at the Water Town te West McHenry VON CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO Pbone McHenry 788-W DEAD ANIMALS - highest cash prices paid for M*i, horses and lings; n? help needed to load. Day ind night, Sanaays and holiday*, ('all WheettL/ Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 3j reverse charges. • ' 3®tf MIMIC INSTRTTCTION la Your Own Home Piano and Piano Accordiaa Classics or Popular ~ IkKiantrt or Adaiiccd Instruction BABL P. KOCH Phone Pistakee 633-M-l bti TOR SALE--C. iterators, armatures, itaiters, fuel pumps, distributors^,!,} Wednesdays : f voltage regulators uitii ignition part.s far" Ford and all otticr pars. Seaco a^aleb & Secvice, Lilyiimor, i-'red J. ! torlals; ^^voboda, I'rop. T^ Mcllenry 183. 47tf PIANO ACCORDION INSTRUCTIONS New semester begins April 7. Phone Wonder Lake 611 Saturday between 12:00 & 1:00 p.m. Also four-piece orchestra for dances 40-11 FOR SALE -- '49 Hudson Super six club coupe. Radio, heater, one owner. Priced to move fast. Only $1100.00 Cash. Can be seen at 202 Country Club Drive. *40 BUSINESS SERVICE % RING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS TO US-- We can de liver anything from a snapshot to arge muriils, or free hand oil oaintitigs. Copving and training. CAMERAS. PROJECTORS. FILMS AND J7UPPIIES. WOK WICK'S STUD JO. 117 Siveiside Drive, Mp Henry. Phone 275. 40tf SIGNS--Of any description; picfine .interior decorating. William Liebig, Millstream subdivision, phone McHenry 807. We go any piace. "40-2 UPHOLSTERING Y6,ir home furniture can be comfortable, decorative and like, lev when upholstered. Phone McHenry 5.r>]^ R-l. Vic's Upholstery Service, Rt. 1, Pistaqua Heights, McHenry. FOR SALE * FOR SALE--ALL STEEL, TWO WHEEL, JEEP TRAILER -- BALL HITCH -- V»TON CAPACITY. WONG McHENRY 886. *40 FOR SALE --Servel gas refrigerator and Tappan gas range. Good condition. Write A. Lennert, Mc- Cullom Lake. *40-2 FOR SALE--Sacrificing, called to service; bedroom set, 3 piece living room set, end tables* chrome dinnette set, rug. Speed Queen washer, refrigerator, radio-phonograph con/>ination, lamps, bed. Denton, . Ingleside ave block west of Wilson Rd.l Long Lake, 111. Phone Fox Lake 7-4576. •40 <1 FOR SALS -- Q.ft refrigerator, like new; electric stove with robot timer; etectric roaster complete with parts; large aluminum roaster, rack and cover; dining room table, pad and chairs; 2 floor lamps; 2 pairs curtain stretchers;. 2 canvass army cots and camp stools; gasoline table top stove, easily converted to -dry gas; single folding bed. V frame and logs. Phone 567-M-2. 40 JUST RECEIVED FULL SHIPMENT OP REFRIGERATORS Now On Display All Sices and Prices AT/fliOFF'S HARDWARE McIIENRY PHONE 284 40 FOR SALE -- Three white chairs with blue seats. $1.50 each; maple kitchen table with 2 leaves, 2 extra chairs. $15; 2 reed rockers, reed straight chair and reed table* Call McHenry 137-W. 46 FOR SALE--Double pot oil stave, complete with pipe, regulator and base' pad; table-top range; both in excellent condition. Each $35. Call Plstakee 679-J-2. 40 FOR SALE -- Ladies' seal skin coat, size 16. Good condition. Phone McHenry 756-J. Call evenings or Sundays. *40 FOR SALE -- Going out of business: leveling instrument; concrete mixers; block machines; plywood forms; 3 hp. electric motor; canvas; jack screws; wood blocking: scale and miscellaneous litems. . McHenry Artifical Stone 40-2 WEEKLY SPECIALS 'BETTER THAN BEFORE 3-Pc. GREY SECTIONAL SOFA WAS $22S..M) x HOW $189.75 .- . &LONDE SQUARE COFFEE TABLB WAS $13.75 NOW $10.95 WALNUT CELLERETTE WITH WAS $24 7". NOW $18.95 Other Items Wlll Be Shown In Window With These Specials^ GEO. R.JUSTEH & Sffi GREEN STREET •ersal milking machine, used 2 j years; milk cans, pails, strainer,! sterllxer tanks; electric water jheater; household and other arti- j clea too numerous to mentiim. I FEED j 400 bushels Clinton oats; 4 "teni ^ ear corn; 460 bales of alfalfa hay. ; 1st and 2nd cutting; 70 bales of I sfraw. TKRM^S--All sums of $25.00 and j uh^ler that amount cash; over that I anlount a credit of six months at 6 ! per cent will be given on notes ap- | proved by the clerk. Anyone desir- ! ing credif kindly make arrange- I nients before purchase is made. No perty\ to be removed until ' led fo1^ Responsible For Accidents •|AM STAINES Owner MeHENRY STATE BA>K, ! Clerking •; McHENRY. OX. REAL ESTATE ORDER YOFR HOME NOW IN SPRING, PRICES WILL R« HIGHER In Millstream, a moMt modern sabdlvlsion, 4 and 6 rooms. Face brick on all 4 sides, full cement basement, automatic oil furnace or hot water gas electric, city sewer. Price, * 11,000 and $l!U>00.00. Cash down - 25 per cent - balance 30 years to pay. Yon can also have water front lot. Call JA( OR FRITZ . REALTOR, JOHNKBURG • TEL. EPHONE: McHENRY S7. S2tf *40-7 ' Company. Phone 257. % HOME REPAIRS We Specialize in all Home Repairs LL<<|iWw MMoonntthhllyy PPaavymmeeni^tss | J Free Estimates v rfUrHenrv Improvement Co. Pfem% 523-W-Jl McHenry, 111. «tf CARPENTER WORK DONE RT DAY OR CONTRACT. IVAN GUSTA»4SON Tel. McHenry 742 lltf BALPH I* CLARK • Piano Technician Repairing Tuning 902 Garfield Road Harvard, 111. Phone 748-F SAVE YOU7: CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned oy Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie fluff, Prop. Tel. McHe. ry 290. 29tf A simple receipe for cooking up a batch of profits is a want ad. GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, ' or oftener if desired. Reasonable <*atcs. Regular year round route i Tohn E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Pbone MS. tf H7ELP WANTED FOR SALE -- HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE "LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate 40.~> Richmond Road McHenry, 111. Phone: McHenry 121^ Licensed 111. A Wis. RfHw McHENRY 4 rooms, 2 bedrooms. Fnllrbase> ment. Six months old. Owner leaving city. Price #9.500.00. For ap polntraent call JACOB FRITZ REALTOR, JOHNSKURG. TELE. PHONE: McHENRY S7. SStf PUBUC AUCTION SULLIVAN and RUSSELL ^ Auctioneers WANTED WANTED -- Jol ilu-rs and direct Halesiiiun. Quality lines, tvith liberal i-omini:»sions. Maiiufacl tirers representative. K. Dunne Fowier. Woodstock. Box 331, Phone 464 J.\. 41tf Having tiought a small farm not equipped for dairying will sell at Public Auction my entire dairy and feed and excess machinery on the farm known as the Old Whitteniore Farm located 2 miles West of Huntley on the Huntley Five. Corner Blacktop road, on MONDAY. FEB. 19th Cniiiiiiciifiiiir at 12:30 sharp, the following described property: 61 HEAD of LIVESTOCK 50 dairy cows, 10 springers, 12 recently fresh and the balance milking good; 8 heifers, 4 spring, er*. 4 bred heifers and I ball, 18 months old. Team of work horses with a good heavy harness. MACHINERY F-20 tractor on new rulVber with cultivator: John Deere 2 bottom 14 inch slat bottom plow on rubber with LantK Koulters; One 9 inch tractor disc; 10-ft. International power grain hinder: International horse corn binder with bundle carrier and loader; Belle City threshing machine: rubber tire wagon and box; hay hoist; John Deere corn picker; potatoe planter and digger; One Leach silo unloader: McCormick-Deering 10-ln. burr mill: Delsval milkine ma chine. 4 single units, pipe line for CO cows, pump and motor; rilltk DAIRY COWS FOR SALE SEE US FOR THE BEST SELECTION OF WISCON DAIRY COWS, HEIFERS AND STOCK BULLS. Phone Barrington 62$ Cary 2281 MYRON LAGESCHULTE. Livestock DnIm JOE KVIDERA, Cary, Illinois Representallvs Located 1 mile south of Barrington. We have a finknee plan available to dairy farmers »LER -- SCHORN AUCTION PURE BRED DAIRY AT AUCTION WILLIAM H. RUSSELL and. • JAMES FIT/GERALD, Auctioneers WILLIAM H. RUSSEL and WILLIAM B. Si I.I,IVA>, Aucts. FARM ACCIDENT DEATH RATE SHARPLY IN '50 Deaths and permanent disability due to farm accidents both took a The undersigned, having decided sharp raise over the previous year, to quit dairying, and general farm- i John A. Lake, .safety director at ing, and increase my Mink Ranch, the Illinois Agricultural associa- The undersigned, having de- i wiH sell all my personal property, tion. has reported. The IAA is the cided to quit, farming, will sell as described below, including a I state-wide Farm Bureau organlat Public Auctioif, to the highest herd of registered llolstein cattle, j nation with more than 178.000 farm bidder, all ;of the personal pro- • at Public Auction on the farm on perty on the George Heisler Farm Mason Hill Rotfd, 1 mile West of on Route 14, being the first farm , th*» McHenry-Crystal Lake BlaieRon Route 14 South of Crystal Lake, top. a miles Southwest of McHenry, lout the state' show 216 on families as members. Statistics compiled from newspaper clippings gathered through- Illinois FRIDAY. FEB. 16th 19ol commencing at 11 o'clock as follow*: "Increase in mechanisation en the farm, labor shortage that required using inexperienced help and longer working hours for 5 miles >jorthwest of Crystal Lake, farmers were killed in farm acand 6 miles East of Woodstock, i cideiits in 1950. tractor accidents on ! being the biggest killer. A total SATURDAY. FEB 24ih iot> 3,'° farmers received some kind | mi of Permanent disability, with corn HFin T TVPCTAMr fommendng at 11:30 o'clock, ,9|^k< r accidents topping the dis- 3o H£AD ot LIVESTOCK follows, towlt: abiing list consisting of 81 choice milch c«hs aa tip * r» # r nrpcTAPXT a number of which are fresh, some OX LiVLdlUUJk close springers, the hnlance milk-! consisting of Ing good. I llolstein bull. 10 14 reglsterwl Holsteln cows, three months old, 4 llolstein heifers Sj®' whi«h hate had third cal*es, j (jlosp on farm were among the to 10 months old. and the balance are first andjrpasoq8 for th^ sharp THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST *wond calf heifers, some of which Lid DAIRIES OF GRADE COWS h»^ .'usf freshened, and several | TH AT W1LI. BE OFFERED HIR n,or*' «r«' «'"e around sale date,; SALE THIS SPRING. WE WILL1 0,,<* "'H heifer due to freshen BE GLAD TO HAVE ANY PROS- I" March, 4 heifers just being I I'Et'Tn E BUYERS COME AND bred, and three short yearlings. INSPECT THIS HERD AT ANY j These are all Rag Apple breed- TIME. ing with many sired I); bulls from FEED I Northern Illinois Breeding Co«np. 3000 bushels of corn; 40 ton I HAY and GRAIN alfalfa and hroine mixed hay; 1500! COO bushels Clinton oats, excellent bushels good oats. MACHINERY John Deere tractor, model A. with cultivator. 2 years old; John Deere tractor, model H. with cultivator. 4 years old: John Deere tractor, model D, on rubber: International 14" 3 bottom tractor plow: 3 Lantr. colters, hew: S' THC tractor disc: IHC corn binder WANTED--Watch. « and repai*. Anthony N'outian Jewelry . - , 200 So. Green street, Mcllenrv. (Front part of Claire Beauty Hiioppe.) I8t.f FOR SALE HELP WANTED--Couple to man- ^ age McHenry Drive-In. Salary I, above average. Previous exper- j ience required. Write Box 135, MISCELLANEOUS McHenry Plaindealer. •38-4 \ FOLLOW THE CROWD TO THE Sportsman's Inn, 513 Main street. Ice cold case beer and packaged goods of ail kiuds. A1 Phannenstill. 49tf ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS--Clothing in Good Condition for the entire family. Formats Open Tues. through Sun. 1 p.m. to 10 p.m., Sun. 11 a. m. to 6 p, m. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Rd. Consignmsnt and Resale and Antique Shop, % mile west Terra Cotta factory which is on Rt. 31. Crystal Lake 1346-R-l. #J-tf HELP WANTED -- SECRETARY AND STENOGRAPHER Experienced - Good Salary COMET CORP. Johnsbnrf 99-2 FOR SALE-- JOHN6-MANSVILLE "Blown" Rock, Wool. Guaranteed 14 . not to settle. WALLFIL Co., Leo ".could honestly expect. Write for an MALE HELP WANTED Don't get anchored or froten in a low paying job. If you are not afraid to work and can and will do so without a boss over you every day I .will show you how to make from $100.00 to $150.00 or up to $200.00 per week. 1 want a married man. with a car for this permanent. profitable job with everything for a future that a man J. Stilling, 200 E. Henry 18. Pearl, Tel. Mc- 22 tt Helen Weber Says: ITS SPRING TIME TO SPRUCE UP! Time to shed your somber winner togs--time to slip into clothes refreshingly bright and dean. Before you dash out to spend money on new spring clothes let us show you what a magic cleaning can / do with your last season's things to make them spailtling new! Call us now. McHENRY CLEANERS Ktan Street McHenry PHONE 104-M FOB SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes; carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St W o o d s t o c k . P h o n e 5 4 7 t f FOR SALE -- Bridal crowns and bridesmaids halos' made to order, according to your desire. Also art flowers. Reasonable prices. Phone McHenry 544-R-l. 36-6 FOR SALE--Now is the time to order certified treated seed oats for 1951 planting. PELL-BARI FARMS, Inc., 305 Clay Street, Woodstock. 36-tf FOR SALE -- One Duroc boar, one year old in March. -Pbone 525-M-l. •39-2 FOR SALE -- 1 Floor furnace, Kresky, used I year. 1 Philco Freezer, 6 cubic ft. 1 Crosley Freezer, 4 cubic ft. Reconditioned washing machines. Carey Electric Shop, 119 S. Green St., Phone 251 McHenry, 111. 40 New Supervision New Driver Good Service We will meet any renderer's prices lor dead animalt. Cal McHemy 157 FOR OrviHe Freund interview to Mr. Stock. Box 140. care .of this paper. All replies, held confidential. TF" 1 - •' You've sold successfully to farmers, or are intrested in doing so. We believe we have something worthwhile for you, and would like to talk to you about our unique service where top commissions are paid weekly. No dull seasons or shortages. Good car necessary. For details and information about yourself, write to R. F. Heiden, dist mgr.. Box 491. Antioch, Illinois. 40-2 HELP WANTED--Girls, no experience necessary. Riverside Mfg. Co., 200 N. Riverside'Drive. McHenry. 111. 40-tf, HELP WANTED -- Maintenance man for full time work in Mo- Henry. Write Box 139. c/o McHenry Plaindealer stating experience, qualifications and expected wage 40-3 HELP WANTED--Good mechanic one that can handle shop and parts. Call McHenVy 1066, West McHenry Motors. 40 HELP WANTED -- Immediate opening for t girls In our shirt pressing department. Located in McHenry. Phone 189-W 26-tf HELP WAN TED--Lady or couple to share home with elderly lady Foe information, phone McHenry 699-J-l. 36-tf FOR RENT FOR RENT -- Thonneson farm of 279 acres, located 2 miles S.E. McHenry. Inquire of Mr. Carey, Mc- Henry State Bank. ^4-tf FOR RENT -- Four-room heated flat. Call Wauconda 3815. * *40 NOW CONTRACTING Maltster Approved Recleaned Treated Seed Barley Test Weight 50 lbs. PELL-BARI FARMS. INC. 305 Clay Street, Woodstock 38-tf TRADE--Will trade Zenith "75" hearing aid. used onty three tnos,, in perfect order, for ,good used typewriter. Call McHenry 103-R aftr 6 P. M. *40 LOST AND FOUN® LOST--Parker fountain pen Saturday. Believed lost" near postoffice. Name Darrell H. Lyall on c ans, pails and strainer: power |wjth bundle carrier, new; IHC tUike-off post-hole digger, fits any I Bno filler, 4 years old; IHC 8' tractor: Massey Harris corn lRrain drill with fertilizer attachplanter ; grass seeder for 3 sec- ment ; John Deere tractor 290 corn thin drag; New Idea horse manure planter on rubber. new: Jjohn spreader. Deere side delivery rake, on ruh- 500 Bushels Kar Corn. 10 Ton Good Alfalfa Hay. baled. 25-ft. of Silage in 14-ft. silo. Some Household Goods and other pmall articles to "numerous mention. Usual Bank Terms. Not Responsible for Accidents. Edward H. Brunschon, Owner STATE BANK of HUNTLEY, Clerking. WILLIAM STAINES AUCTION ED YOGEI. and HERMAN REHM, Auctioneers The farm having been sold. I have decided to quit farming and will sell the following dairy, feed pen. Please turn in to Plaindealer and machinery on the Joseph office. 40 Farm located 1 mile west of McHenry, 9 miles northeast of Wood- Renew that subscript ton, tc M. Plaindealer no#!- > stock on Route 120, on I TUESDAY, FEB. 20th 1951 commencing at 11:00 o'clock ber, 4 bar: John Deeie power corn shelter: John Deere wagon on steel, with box: Montgomery Ward hammer mill: 2 section soil surto geon: 2 wagons on rubber; Mc- Cormlck Dee-ring grain binder; 3 section flexible drag: 3 unit Surge milking machine with motor, pump and pipeline; Electric hot water heater, new; IHC heavy duty wagon on rubber, with box. new; :t0 milk cans: Pails and strainers. MANY OTHER SMALL ARTICLES USED IN, THE OPERATION OF THE FARM. TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. Not Responsible for Accidents Lunch Wagon on Grounds TERMS Uusal Bank Terms. GEORGE HEISLER and PETER S. SCHORN, Owners FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WOODSTOCK, Clerking Member Federal Reserve and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. "However, we cannot avoid the fact that carelessness and haste I played a major part in causing the increase of 37'•> per cent in deaths and SSU. per cent in permanent disabilities," The IAA safety director warned. Corn picker accidents numbered 117 vi< rims, an increase of 58 per cent Combine accidents (though fewer in number) were up 53 per cent over 1949. the survey showed. Luke said most corn picker accidents involved the farmer getting in contact with the movUur picker mechanism. "Over half the deaths caused by tractor acidents--there were sixtv- four in all--came about when quality; 2000 bales of first and second cutting alfalfa: 600 bales of straw; 7-ft. alfalfa silage with molasses in 14-ft. silo. MACHINERY and EQUIPMENT IHC Model H tractor on rubber with starter, lights and 2 row cultivatdr: John Dcero 14 inch 2 bottom plow on rubber; 2 -wagons with racks, on rubber; 1 3-sec-jthe machine tipped over." Lake tion drag: IHC side delivery rake;'; said "sjx farmers were killed IHC 7-ft. disc; 15-ft. Broadcast i when tj,Py fell off the tractor while srass seeder: Broadcast graiu jfnur were killed when they beseeder; John Deere 2 row trac- |(.amo entangled in an attachment tor corn planter; lK-ft. grain ele-'to the tractor, such as a manure vator; 7-ft. IHC power mower for j loader or post-hole digger. Forty- H or M tractor; 2 single units iolu» Wore killed when the tractor Hinman milker with compressor ' turned over." . Feeding of sugar beet tops that Sh^fp avekbeen exposed to frost, wilting 31 HEAD of LIVESTOCKS [drying, and other damaging condi 14 Hol*teln cows, 4 of these cows has been responsible for eattk are coming! McHenry County Farmers Co-op Association McHenry, Illinois Phones 729 & 730 Watch for Althoff'y gigantic 9c Sale starting Feb. 22. cows, ; have freshened In the last SO days, 1 balance milking good and will be fresh In May. 1 Holsteln bull, 15 I months old, 16 feeder hogs, avg. j wt. ISO lbs. MACHINERY 'McD. F-20 tractor and cultivator •on rubber; McD. manure spreader; McD. corn planter with fertilizer 'attachment; David Bradley 7-ft. I tandem disc, new; set of 3 sec. ;dt*ags; Allis Chalmers 16-in. twe ; bottom plow; iron wheeled wagon j with hay rack; slip scraper; 30 bags of phosphate; 2 electric fence controllers; 2 log chains; deep freezer, 650 lbs. capacity; 10-ft. lahn Deere tractor grain drill, 3 years old; 14-ft. trastor disc; 1 grain box and wagon; 1 horse 40 4rawn corn planter; 12 milk cans; I gas stove; 1 double unit Uni- ELM THEATRE Rt. 176 WAUCONDA Phone 6-1421 3 DAYS -- FRI., SAT. & SUN., FEB. 16-17-11 Matinee Sunday 2:30 P. M. Continuous THE BFFTTLIN' BOZOS OP COMPMHY B* FOR-BRUISE#! WARNER BROS: m&m-xsm n OAVIO 1 JOIUI I PMNK ft .*>4 BrianMrLovejoySuzaIe1? LEWIS SEiLHR Sugar Beet Tops ieaths, the American Veterinary Medical association reports. Tlu poisonous factor is an accumula tion of nitrate in the leaves. In one Canadian herd of 70 cattle, 41 sick ened and 19 of them died from this cause last year. Under ordinar> conditions, beet tops can be fed without harm to livestock, the AVMA points out But caution it in order if wilting and drying have occurred, a4 these conditions favoi he accumulation of nitr»te 4"f+•!• !•! TONIGHT, FRI. A SAT., FEB. K..16-17 Hatinee Sat. starts at 2:30 P. M. "THE WHITE TOWEIT , By Technicolor and Cdmand O'Rrlen In "THE ADMIRAL WAS A LADY* RUN. & MON„ FEB. 1H-1» MatJnee Sun. starts at 3:30 P. M. "HALLS OF MONTEZUMA" In Color by Technicolor with Richard W Id mark TrES. & WED„ FEB. 20.fl 1 Academy Award Winner I and motor: IHC tractor manure .spreader on rubber; milk cans and sterilizing tanks; large size electric chick brooder; clipper; Model A Ford pick-up truck with good tires. ALSO MANY ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. MY ORIGINAL HERD OF BREEDING STOCK WAS PURCHASED FROM A HERD HAVING ONE OF THE BEST BULLS IN THE MIDDLE WEST, AND THIS HERD NEVER HAD A REACTOR TO HANGS OR T B. IN TEN YEARS. EVERY ANIMAL IN MY HERD OVER SIX MONTHS OLD HAS BEEN VACCINATED AND TESTED FOR HOTII T.B. AND BANGS. THIS 16 AN OUTSTANDING DAIRY OF REGISTERED COWS AND HEIFERS, AN!) ANYONE DESIRING GOOD FOUNDATION STOCK WILL HAVE AN O P P O R T U N I T Y T O * S E C U R E THEM AT MY SALE. ANY PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS ARE WELCOME TO CALL AT THE FARM BEFORE SALE DAY AND I WILL BE PLEASED TO GO OVER THE CATTLE WITH THEM. LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS. Not Responsible For Accidents. TERMS: Usual Bank Terms. CHERRY VALLEY FARM Gordon LowelL Owner McHenry, Illinois First National Bank of Woodstock. Clerking. Member Federal Reserve and Deposit Insurance Corporation. Lake warned that 1951 will see another large harvest of accidents unless farmers concentrate on electric safety measures. "We can never afford accidents." he asserted. "However, during the national emergency when we are seeking all-out production, it is metre important then ever that we have every man-hour available in this fight against Communism." No. farmers were killed by hdraea duirng 1950 although one woman and four children were killed in accidents involving horses. Falls accounted for sixteen farm deaths, ten more than a year ago. There was a similar increase in accidenla centering around corn elevatora, sixteen being hurt in 1950. ten more than the previous yenr. ^ ; - WW Call Leaner Bens " •' When egg production drop* in the laying flock there is a culling job to do. Culling also must be | done when hatched pullets have just started to lay. Do not waste nigh-priced feed on lazy and idlf lirds. r'ls! T h e B e a u t i f u l EL TOVAR CRYSTAL LAKE »1I. McHenry* (Vs. Leading Theatrr WWFR1?'T"SAT.. FEB. 1fi-17 (Double Feature) Lee Bowman Gloria Jean in -THERE'S A GIRL IN MY HEART" Don Castle Virginia Christine in "INVISIBLE WALL" "Invisible Wall" shown nnty once at P. M. MNTT^MON^TTBCli^lf^* Sunday Con*t. from S:4* P. M. Richard Widmark Walter Palance in "HALLS OF MONTEZUMA* (In Technicolor) The rugged, roaring story ef the Marines who fought to the last fox-hole. ^rEsTwrirrTHnw: FEB. 30-21.2S "ALL THE KING'S MEN" 'Joan Crawford Weudell Corey with j Rroderirk Crawford 1 4 4 ¥ # tt liM in "HARRIET CRAM" Colony McHENRY, ILLINOIS Air Conditioned -- Comfort Good Yisioa and Seand Doors Open at C:4# Pi M. Screen Starts at 7tN P. M. FRI. A SAT., FEB. 16-17 Deborah Kerr Robt. Walker ( 1 ) "PLEASE RELIEVE ME" Tim Holt Jane Nigh ( 2 ) " R I O GRANDE PATROL" World News SUN. A MON„ FER. 18-1» In Technicolor Enrol Flynn Dean StockweB "KIM" Color Cartoon A World News Sunday Matinee Sttt Coat CLOSED ON TUESDAY WED. FEB. 31 (One Day Only) Cary Grant Laralae Day "MR. LUCKY" Color Cartooa A Short_Snhject STARTING THI RSDAf la Technicolor Richard Widmark Reginald Gardiner Walter t.Jaek> Palanee "HALLS OF MONTEZUMA* )

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