Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Mar 1951, p. 5

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r. Match 15. 195! ; f. $$ '*k THE McHENBT PLAINDEALER MNHMIWIIMIHIIIHIIMIMHMIIIIIlMllllMMIIiMHiltlMMlMMailHMIIMMIMMINHIMl. ^ JHHEHRY flAWDEALER Published every Thursday at Mcfanry, .111., by the McHenry Pubtttwing Company, Inc. MAYIOMAl 1^. . BUREEINOT. Gen. Manager. OEHLICH, Editor, CR1PT10N SATE I Tnr Pluindealer Want Ads No adi' counted laaa than 25 #ords. 75c minimum. £ insertion .. 71k (Count. 5 words per line) I5c Krrice charge on all blind ads, Cauh with order. Card e( Thanks $1.00 Minimum Reading notice 15c per line. Want Ads close promptly at 10 a.m. V edneadaj J Jpntered as second-class matter (t like postoJ'ice at McHeury. IU., <(pMWr the act May 8, 187®. 4 AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT Fa UTS FOR ALL CAR* p ;:irrrmi«rlM nd Seat fowlr* «|0MMI'NITY AUTO SUPPLY "* *» W. Elm Street «.0pn inrlDK week I A. I. to I ¥. Mm Sundays . 9 A. M. to 1 P. H. lltf FOWySALE 1841 Chevrolet 2- dOQp^edan. radio, heater and seat covers. Excellent condition. Contact Maurie Ketchum, care Clark's Chevrolet, McHenry *44 BUSINESS SERVICE BUSINESS SERVICE SAVE YOVC CESSPOOLS, catcb aasins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned jy Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie duff, Prop. TeL MeHetuv 290. 29tf CESSPOOLS and SEPTIC TASKS SERVICE G. A. DOI GLAS J Pfcwt Mr Henry 77«-W litl CLEAN THE DURA.CLEAN WAY Have your carpets, rugs and furniture cleaned and moth-proofed the DURA-CLEAN WAY. We clean them in your own home. FREE ESTIMATES given. Phone McHenry 593-M-2 or Round Lake 6-2223. *41-10 WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEM -- We sell, repair md install pumps. Rill Bacon, HOC afain Street, McHenry. Telephone <67. 26tf EXPERT PIANO TUNING Repairing and Reconditioning. All Work Guaranteed. Formerly with Lyon and Healy. E. Zaboth, phone La,ke Zutich 5341. 37-tf CEMENT BUXLDIirO BLOCKS Available at the Water Tower In West McHenry •ON CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO. Phone McHenry 788-W DEAD ANIMALS - Highest cash prices paid for coWt, horses and hogs; no help neoied to load. Day and night, Baatiays and holidavs. Call Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling Ho. 3; reverse charges. 36tf MUSIC INSTRUCTION In Your Own Home Piano and Piano Aceordian Classics or Popular Beginners or Adauced Instruction BAKL P. KOCH Phone Pistakee 63S-M4 •tf BRING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS TO US-- We can de Jiver anytliiur from a snapshot to 'arpe murals, free hand oil paintings Copying and iramiug. CAMERAS. PROJECTORS. FILM* AND SUPPLES. WORW1CKS STUDIO. 117 Riverside Drive, Mc Henry. 975. 40tf PIANO ACCORDION t INSTRUCTIONS New semester begins April 7. Phone Wonder Lake 611 Saturday between 12:00 & 1:Q0 p.m. Also four-piece orchestra for dances and weddings. 40-11 HOME REPAIRS We Hpeciali/.e in all Home Repairs * Low Monthly Payments w» Free Estimates McHenry Improvcinen* Co. Phone 623-W-l McHenry, 111. •tf CARPENTER .JWORK DONE Bf DAY^OR CONTRACT. IVAN GISTAFSON "'TeL McHenry 742 A - r t l t f RALPH L. CLARK - ' ' Piano Technician Repairing Tuning M2 Garfield Road Harvard, 111. Phone 748-R TIDY RUG CLEANERS Rug, carpet and upholstery cleaning in your home-or. in our plant. Five year guaranteed mothpropfing. Free Pickup and delivery. Woodstock 162. ' _ -Mdtf _ Order yoor rubber stamps at me Plaindealer. UPHOLSTERING -- Your home furniture can be comfortable, decorative and like new when reupholstered. Phone Mchenry 551- R-l. Vic's Upholstery Service, Rt. 1, Pistaqua Heights, McHenry. •40-7 OARBAOE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage encti week, or of tenor if desired. Reasonable rates. ReffiiU* year round route fohn E. Hill, P. O. Bo* 274, lie Henry, Phmif Sftft. tf ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS--Clothing in Good Condition for the entire family. Formals Open Tues. through Sun. 1 p.m. to 10 p.m., Sun. 11 a. in. to 0 p, m. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Rd. Consignment and Resale and Antique Shop, % mile west Terra Cotta factory which is on Bt. 31. Crystal Lake. 1346-R-l. FOR SALE-- JOHNS-MANSVILLE "Blown" Rock Wool. Guaranteed not to settle. WALLFIL Co.. Leo Henry x8. 22tf J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl, Tel. Mc- REMODELING -- Have your remodeling done before spring cleaning. For the right price, call K. Hummer, phone McHenry ^20-R-l-. •43-4 Renew that rfubscriDtion to tbe Plaindealer now i >* V HELEN WEBER SAYS: READY FOR THAT Easter Parade? T*minder that Easter will be here ill -<n lighw^ few days -- that you'll want to loc^l y your sparkling best -- .that now is the tin»# , to look over youj* apparel and call us to do a _ .urn magnificent cleaning job that will renew and revitalize your last season's clothes! McHENRY CLEANERS 103 Elm Street - McHenry. ID. PHONE 104-M , "W J OT8WMB SKtVIC* FINE QUALITY PAINTING AM) DECORATING Watt washing and cleaning expertly done. Prices reasonable. Phone McHenry 534-M-2 between 7 md 8:30 p.m. w *44-2 t CARPENTER WORK AN* REMODELING Have your remodeling done' before spring. cleaning. Vor the right price, call K. Hdminer, phone McHenry 520-R-l. *44-3 BLINDS AND SHADES -- Custom made Venetian blinds and window shades: carpeting, linoleum, rubber and asphalt tile. Niesen'a Floors, 523 Main street. West McHeury. Tel. 63 or 38. 44-4 FOR SALE ' ------- uJU. FOR SALE--10 ft. of silage In 16 ft. silo or 30 ft. of silage in 14 ft. silo. Tony J. Miller, Ring wood. 111. Phone Richmond 631.~ *43-2 FOR SALE -- Alfalfa, first and second . cutting. Hugh J. O'Brien, phone "tVauconda 2317.- 43-tf FOR SALE -- Going out of businen8: leveling instrument; concrete mixers; block machines, plywood forms; 3 hp. electric motor; canvas; jack screws; wood blocking; scale and miscellaneous items. McHenry Artificial Stone Company. Phone 257. 43-2 **OLLOW THE CROWD TO THE Sportsman's Inn. 513 Main street. Tee cold ease beer and packaged jjnods of all kinds. A1 Phannei "till. 49tf FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, AI* DING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes, carl.on paper. L. V. Kilts, Clay fit! Woodstock. Phone GO. 7tf FOR SALE--Now is the time to order certified treated seed oats for 1951 planting. PELL-BARI FARMS, Inc., 30S Clay Street Woodstock. .r 36-tf FOR SALE -- German Shepherd puppies. A.K.B.C. registered. 2 months old. Champion Blood lines. Phone McCarthy, Round Lake 6269E•V 44 FOR SALE--Sixty inch Mahogany roll4 top desk, $35. Telephone Mc- Henry^' 883. 44 FOR SALE -- Baled alfalfa hay. J6a. L. Bauer, phone McHe-nry 647-R-2 or 632-W-2 . *44 FOR SALE -- fhilco television set, 10 in. screen. Call after 7 p.m. McHenry 207-J. *44 HELP WANTED »-- ... MXA-0VAVT4CD - For A1| Around Factory Work. ^ * 'COMET CORP. Johnsbnrg 43-tf You'll Like This Job HERE ARE SOME OF THE BENEFITS you enjoy as a telephone operator: $32 a week to start; at least $36 a week after first year. Paid vacations. Pleasant surroundinps. and the friendliest coworkers in town. It's a good job for young women, ind we're hiring right now. See Mras R. Marshall, Chief Operator, at j 102 Park Avenue, McHenry. / JUNE GRADUATES Now is the time to line-up a good after-graduation job. Comm^ltments are being made now.' ILLINOS BELL ' TELEPHONE CO. HELP H'ANTHD -- SALESMEN: Full or part-time. Sell garages, farm and industf&il buildings. High commissions. FlI&M BUILDING SERVICE, ROCHELLE, ILL. 43-3 WANTED -- Experienced - radio and T V. serviceman. Full time. Tpp Salary. Excellent working conditions. Carsella's Radio, Fox Lake. 111. Phone Fox Lake 7-1751. 44-tf W MALE HELP WANTED We establish you in business on our capital. No investment or experience necessary to start. Write, WINONA MONUMENT CO., Box 565, Winona, Minnesota. *44 HELP WANTED -- Couple soon return from Florida! Desire a good cook who could permanently stay and travel between our house in this vicinity and Florida. This is an excellent opportunity. Write all particulars. References required. No housework required. Write Box 145 jcare McHenry Plaindealer. 44 HELP WANTED - Roy wanted after school and all day Saturday. Must bo 17 years or older. Riverside Mfg. Co*!, 200 N. Riverside Drive, McHenry, 111. 44 HELP WANTED--We have a few openings for experienced farm help. Married or single. Inexperienced need ' not apply. Hickory Creek Farm. Leo. J. Smith. Phone McHenry 670-M-2. 43-4 --•Mr W ano jtHiNiicr oforc wocu<s Fbr the conYenistice of those who cattnoi shop during the day. The 0111 Port will now remain open every Saturday from 9:30 A.M. to 9:00 PJI. MONDAYS thru FRIDAYS 9:30 ajn. - S:30 pm. THURSDAY^ a.m. - 12:00 Noon s SATURDAYS 9:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.nt. * ' V ; fdildred Hohman. The QiftPort • . i .. .. One-Twenty-Two Riverdde Drhft Fbr E^fer - Give A Gilt Certificate HELP WANTED ' HELP WANTED Man To Haudle shipping and Receiving - Steady Year Round Work. COMET com*. * Johashirg HELP WANTED- I^aborerB. Apply Ivar Fredricksen, general contractor. Phone Wonder Lake 221. 41-tf HELP WANTED--Girls, no experience necessary. Riverside Mfg. Co., 200 N. Riverside Drive, McHenry. III. 40-tf MISCELLANEOUS NOW CONTRACTING Maltster Approved Recleaned Treated Seed Barley ' Test Weight 50 lbs, PELL-BARI FARMS. INC. 305 Clay Street, Woodstock 1 S8-tf EASTER PARTY Fox Hole Tap SAT* NIOHT MARCH 24, 1W1 Introdvclng ' D0^' STADTFELD AJf» HIS BAND George Freund Tratnpet and Vocal* Ben Fish - Bass « • Jimmy Bledsoe • Sax ;Mh Stadtfeld - Piaao COME ONE COME ALL REAL ESTATE FOR^klE -- HOMES -- FA CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Jtnox Real Estate 4§& Rlehaiead Road McHeary, 1IL rhene: McHeary H1J ^ Llceased 111. ft Wla. Brtku F(>R SALE--4 room bouse at Mc- Cullom Lake, tally iusulated. l car gara»e under house, basement, automatic oil heat, $6,500. For information phone 547-R-2. 41-tf 7 ROOM ALL YEAR HOME 2 baths, 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors, carpeting, garage in basement. Nice location overlooking Pistakee Lake and Fox River on channel. Near fine bathing beach. Pri«e $14,500.00. ALSO 10 ROOM HOISE IN JOHNSBI'RG Furuace heat, large lot, suitable for two flats. Located on Main Street. Price $8,750.00. For appt. Call JACOB FRITZ, Realtor, in Johnsburg. Phone McHenry 37. 42-tt EVENTS • March' IS American Legion Auxiliary Downey Party-- Meet C P.M. At Legion Home. " ( ' March 1# V..' . c..# ; Chrstlan Mothers And JfltKY Society Receive Communion W Body. MarrJi 17 St. Patrick's Day Party--St. Patrick's Church Hall. Ringwood Talented Friends' Night - McHenry High Schoil Auditorium. March 18 Forester Communion Sunday--8 :S0 Mass--Breakfast Following. March 20 Riverview Camp, R.N.A. Anniversary Party--K. of C. Hall. Rummage Sale--City Hall-- Spoflsored by Ladies Club of Ltjy Lake. • Marvh 23 J Community P.T.A,--Meeting 8 p.m. High School Auditorium--Guest Speaker. , March 2« -- Fox River galley Camp R.N.A. -- Anniversary Dinner--Nook R®»- taurant. Marrh 27 Friends' Night. O.Rflt' -- Acacia Hall. St. Agatha's Court, No. 7t7 - -Election of Officers' -- School Hall. April S Fox River Valley Cam)), RJRjlLv^r Regular Meeting. Forester Meeting. ' April <>•« Rummage Sale - City Hall Sponsored by Circle 3, WJ3.CJ3. April 17 Forester Meeting. April 96 St. Clara's Court, W.6.O.F. Installation. WANTED WANTED -- Jobbers and direct Malcnincti. Quality lines, with liberal commissions. Manufnrturers repre sentative. R. Diiane Fowler. Wood <itock. Box 33i, Phone, 464 JX. 41tf WANTED--Watchcs and Jewelry repai*-. Anthony Noonan 200 So. On-eii street, McTIeury. (Front part of Clnire Beauty Shopped 15tf WANTED -- Ride mornings only to ^rystal Lake to make 6:15 a.m. train to Chicago. Pickup corner Maple Ave. and 11 wy. 31, Richmond St. Write Helen MeGtath, 325 Maple Ave., McHenry, giving faVe expected. * 44 WANTED TO RENT, WANTED TO RENT -- Two bed room house or apartment, unfurnished. Refined family with two small children. Call 123-J between 8:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. 44 WANTED TO RENT . Two room apartment or cottage or room6 with kitchen privileges. Phone McHenry 498. 44 WANTED TO RENT -- *Two or three room house or apartment, unfurnished, in or near McHenry for couple and two school age children. - Address' Box 14*. care McHenry Plaindealer. *44 SITUATION WANTED ^ SITI'ATION WANTED --Will care for children 2 to 4 years old, five days a week in mjy home and also evenings.- 412 John St., McHenry. 44-2 ioboi HELP WANTED Attractive opening for men no* available On either 1st shift, * to 4:30 p.m., or 2nd shift, 4rflA p.m. to 1 ua. |R following oerapatlons": Spot Welders, Stork Chasers. Drill Press Operator*, Milling Machine Operators. Dock Workers. Maltiple Spindle, Automatic Screw Machine Operators ami Men." ' " . . " Ironer Division SPEED QUEEN CORP. Algonquin, Illinois 1 TeL Algonquin 2131 FOR SALE -- Thriftway Food Store located in Lily Lake on Rt. 12<) Self-service, all kinds of froien foods. Modern fixtures, stock, building, living quarters with 4 large rooms on 2nd floor, flood buhlness all year round. Wilt be for sale until sold. ReasOnahle. Going to Calfornia. Call owner. McHenry 503-W-t. 42-tf # Miles North West of Woodstock or 1 fliife West of Highway 47 at NEW CAPE COD RRlTK HOMES IN McHfiNRY 4 to 6 rooms, face brick on all four sides, radiant H. W. heat. #r -Automatic hoi air, alutoihatic gas H. W. heater .electric, city iewer. Also on water front lota. Price $12,350.00 and up. 25% down, balance 20 years to pay. For appt. Call JACOB FRITZ-REALTOR, in Johnsburg. R 1, McHENRY". ILL. PHONE: McHenry 37. 42-tf Fat far Dairy Cm , Three to four per cent fat seemt to be a good figure for most grain ^rations for dairy cows, and for all practical purposes this amount gives good results iiitiM'iimniiiHNiuiiiiniMiiwiiiitutninmH'iiiiniiM* Tkt Biiillfil . I I IOVAI! ^^TTAT. MARCH lft-17 (Doable Feature) ^aa Sheridan Dennis O'Keefe ^WOMAN ON THE R1 NW { William Boyd In flALSE PARADISE* ; SI N. . M0N„ MARCH lHrl» Sunday Con't. From 2145 P.M. 4anes Stewart Josephine Hall In "HARVEY" The Invisible pal and Jimmy Setwart of the stage now on the screen. TCES. . WED. • THI'RS. MARCH 20.21-22 Greer Carson Walter Pldfeon "THE MIMVER STORY" <m»aitiiniiMMiwnHiiMMwmiiMHMntnMimsaiHUHWi AUCTION In order to settle the W. T. Slavin Estate. ,the undersigned will sell at Public Auction on the Farm located 3'-l; miles South West of Hebron, 7 miles East of Harvard liles N mile Palmers Corners, on Wednesday, March 21.1951 Starting at 10 o'clock sharp Auctioneers YOCEL, FREEMAN, RFSSELL Lunch Wagon On Grounds 151 Head of Livestock 7& Holsteln Milk Cows; 16 Hoi 9teln Heifers, <t to IS months old; 1 Bnll, IS months old; 1 Bull, 1ft months old. Of the above cows, SO are fresh and 24 are springing. JlOfiS * 4 Brood Sows, due to Mrrow of April; 8 Gilts: $6 Hog*, weig 165 pounds; 14 shoats, weight pounds. nORSEtf 7 good work fiorsMr; S aeta of Harness. , fEED 400 Bu. of'Viclandl Oat» for Certified Seed: 400 bu of Moore Parley; 15 ton of haled 1st and 2nd crop of Alfalfa Hay; 10 ton of loose Straw; 12 feet of Silage in a I ELM WAUCONDA ROrTE 17« PHONE 1*101 Matinee Sunday 2:S0 P.M. Con*t. FRI."" VU" MARCH lft-17 At TsjH) and 9:00 P.M. WARNER BROS! CCNNICAi COOPER '"srXDAY ONLY - MARCH 1H Continuous From 2:30 P.M. JAMES STEWAUt •id BARBARA HALE *aoi IOISOI Consignment Sale EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT I 7:30 P. M. Yonr shipper cows weigh mora when sold here. ^ Your calves bring More here. Yonr dairy Ml Mtadlnff cattle can be tested at oar Moderaj Sales Barn. Your cuttle and hogs can be sold by the dollar or bj the I ponnd. Come nnd See Yonr Stock Sold. We arevhere to serve yon. We pay \onslgnor day after the sale. ' WE ABE BONDED ^ Woodktock Comm. Sales Co^ Inc. PHONE 572 or 499 -- WOODSTOCK. ILL.) I | i R HtNtY A. FREEMAN and ETOflUfl The undersigned will sell at Public Auction on tile F. ,W. Farm located 2 miles West of Hebron, 111., on Rtotli lTl, or SmE East of Harvard, 111., on Route 17S, on -f , ./ TOH»AT. KAncnas V ' mi. Coiini^nriaf at 12 zM P. I 34 HEAD OF UVEATOAR It HOLSTEIN MILK COWS^a are spri^ and ft fresh, 4 Unerase*. Milk Caws, & spriaffiaf and f fresh, i fiiagli 1st calf CeHers. i Holslela Hrifers, < to 9 months old; 4 Guernsey Hdfan, ft ta • aartki old; 1 Holstein Stock Bnll, 1 year al^i 1 Holstebi Stock Ball, 2 year* old. Tbe above cattle are of good^ quality and' have averaged a. goodf butter fat test. „ FEED--2t-ft. of hay atid corn silage in a 14-ft sflo; tot bales 3r# crop hay; 350 bales of 1st crop hay; 400 bales of straw; 300 bu. of oats; 7 acres of standing corn, small quantity of ear corn. DAIRY EQUIPMENT--Riteway milking machine, complete with pipi^- for 16 cows. 2 single units and extra pail; 10 milk rni^Wks, heater, (alls, strainers. ' TRACTOR, TRACTOR EQUIPMENT -- Ford tractor, complete 10th; disc, plow, cultivator, mower, slip scraper, snow plow, jack. MACHINERY--Dempster fertilizer grain drill. David Bradley eorni planter, with fertilizer attachments; I.H.C. plow fertlllaor, David Brad- Icy corn shelter. Oehl hammer mill, (new); rubber tire wagon, wltH steel flare grain box; rubber tire wagon, with steel hay rack; DavU| Bradley manure spreader, on rubber; 3 section cultlpacker, S 1 wood beam drag. I.H.C. 4 bar side rake, (like new) ; silo filler, steel water wagon. David Bradley } tractor trailer, , 4$ other feaia nd>small items on the farnik wiPsual Bank Terms. HARRY DO WELL and FRANK W. ADAMS* ' . Owners HEBRON STATE BANK, Clerklar mil ° • ff 12 foot silo; 12 feet of Silage in a 12 foot silo. MACHINERY F-30 Farmail Tractor on rubber; W.C. Allis Chalmers Tractor rubber with cultivator: F-14 Farmall Tractor on Rubber with cultivator; MC. 3 bottom 14 inch plow: M. C. 2 bottom 14 in. Plow: MC 10 ft. Disc; John Deere 12 ft. sinple Disc; 4 section Drag, (new). ste<l; M.C. Field Cultivator (new); John Deere Broadcast Seeder; M.C. 2 row Tractor Corn Planter (new); M.C. 4 bar Side Delivery Rake (new): Case Hay Loader: 7 ft Mower: Dump Rake: M.C. 10 ft. Power Qratn Binder; M.C. Corn Binder ifrlth Carrier and Loader: M.C- Tractor Spreader on rubber: M.C. Horse Drawn Spreader : Rubber tire Wagon: 3 Steel Wagons: JJrain Bo* and Hay Racks: M.C. 4 roll shredder! Chel <M0 Silo Filler with 50 ft. of PijJl; 1941 Chevrolet Pickup Truck: Buzz Saw: 2 Rubber Tire Wheel Barrows. Dairy Equipment 3 Surge Milking lTnits; 2 VeW Dt» Laval Magnetic Units; 2 Dairy Maid Hot Water Heaters: 30.8 Gal. Milk Cans; Pails, Strainers. Tanks. Etc. All Tools.and other Items on the Farm. TERW&--Usual Bank Tern*. W. f. Slavin, Estate HEBRON STATE BANK, Clerking Artificial Ibm situation There are 32 cooperative artificial cittle breeding associations in ?dwa. M l M I I I M H M f U t M I I M AUCTION Having broken up I will sell at Public Auction at my home in the village of Ringwood, 111., on what is known aa th« Charles D. Bacon Estate at Inters section of Highway 31 and Rock-* wood (Rlacktop) Road, on SUNDAY, MARCH mi 1 PJI. si consisting as fblloi Reds. Dressers. ^ Bedct^thau^ Tables. Chairs, Davent Kitchen Ware, Washing-Marhtaftj Tubs. Bookcase. Rug, Refrigerator, Kitchen Cabinet and Other Honia hold - Articles. TERMS --Cash. No property to be removed until settled for. JENNIE S. BACON George L. Damn AgUl FRED WIEDRICH, Aucttoaasr CLAYTON BRI CE, Clerfc Subscribe for The 1 V. ; FRI. - SATm MARCH lft-17 Matlaee Sat; At 2:S0 P.M. •THE DOCTOR AMD THE GIRL" and Tim Holt la "MYSTERIOl'S DESPERADO" S I N . - M O A R ( H 1 ^ 1 # ^ Matinee Sun. nt S:S0 P.M. Dean Martin Jerrj Lewis fti •AT WAR WITH THE ARMY* ^^VARTfTlrnKK^U 20 ^ Frank Sinatra Esther Williams Gene Kelly In "" •TAKE ME OCT TO TRB v BALL GAME" (Color by Technicolor) M i l H MeMKHBV, ilAIMOItl Air CoudltlonBd -- fllnhil Good Ylslea ail Ma ad Doors Open at Ct4ft P. M. Screen Star* at 7«M P. E FRI. . 8At MARCH lft-17 Edmond Olikn Waada Headrte •THE ADMIRAL WAtt A LAMY* Marjorle Mala Auaes WhftiMu -MRS. OntALLCY A!(D . MR. MALONE* Oaee each emtaf start lag at Htftft. Alsa Celar Carisaa and Warld News SI N. . MON, MARCH 18.It Uiaeer Rsgers Jaek JMa Davis •THE GROOM WORE SPURS* Novelty - World News and "Baggs Baaay" Cartoea Sua. Matinee t:M Continuant CLOSED ON TUESDAY\ WED. • THI RH-, MARCH tl4 Essfjn Williams Eve Ard«4 Howard Da Siha Rath Warrii •THREE HrSBANDS" Cartoon - Noteltj and Sport Reel SKILL IN FILLING ALL PRESCRIPTIONS ' -,V. * • Skill in filling a prescription is as vital a£ any ingredient used. So besides giving great personal care to each order, we assure you that only the finest fresh drugs are compounded according to physicians'specifications. * NYE1 119 N. Riverside Drive . s ., ,Ji!j 11 ) iucbPS*#

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