Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Mar 1951, p. 2

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111 pMS * p-t '45 fTyW^. <-'&*&&&> V"'.?* m. £r » *<' #3 Cniy l«cu HMMHiVmM On Taeaday. April 3, Pox Hirer •alter Camp. R.N.A.. will mwt at $m home of Mrs. Marie Nleaen on ftivaretde Drire. The meeting wm «Hgiaa11y acbeduled to take place atthe home ofMrs. Susan (Mwa Vnit An Miller tttagu* Te Marry Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Miller of West McHenry announce the engagement of their daughter, Terry Jm% to Robert F Becker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Becker of Wopiatock, formerly of this city. 8L Jeka's Cear|^ . flaaalag Daace 7 ,'8t John's court. No. 96, C.O.F., Is pawning a Forester dance on Wotaesday, April 4, to he held at tha VT.W. hall in McHenry. with masic by Barbara Horick's orchestra. A cordial Invitation is extend' ed to St. Agatha's court. No. 777, Johnsburg, and also St ^lary'e court, No. 594, to attend. OaauRaafty Clafc mlacft April S . tlie Johnsburg Community clab Will hoM its next meeting oh Monday eVakiing, April 2, in the Johnsburg school halljat 8 |i.m. Siiifffi ' ' •obm ltareaa "Spring Pteale"' A "spring picnic" is being planned for McHenry county Home Bareaa members for today. March t9, at Greenwood church. It will be a day of recreation tor women Who now are Home Bureau members, and their guests, who are prospective members. The "picnic" will be at 12 noon. With a politick dinner. Bach person la asked to bring a covered dish and ber own table service. Coffee will be provided. Bach vnit Is asked to be prepared to lead a game, give a read- Mr*. Past Jeflsap P.TJL President The McHenry Community PT.A. elected the following officers for 1961-SS at their meeting March 22: Mrs. Paul Jessup, president; Mrs. Charles Logan, vice-president; Mrs. Norman Eggert, secretary; and Mra. Arnold Eckstein, treasurer. A letter requesting a small graduating ceremony for the eighth grade was circulated and signed, to be sent to the school board. Sydney Zwlck. president of the Chicago Youth Hostel Council of Chicago, and Mr. Gilman, chairman of hostel facilities for Chicago councils, showed a very interesting. illustrated travelogue of Mr. Zwlck's trip covering 4,000 miles in Europe tor a dollar a day, using hostels. Representatives of other organizations were prejrnt and hoped the lecture could be shown to other groups to arouBe interest in starting a hostel In McHenry. Refreshments were served by the seventh and eighth grade mothera. Mrs. Sam LIebsohn, music chatrman of the ItcHenry Community P.T.A., was so successful last year teaching the eighth graders ballroom dancing that she has been persuadejd to teach this year's class also. There/will be a series of nine lessons/ starting this Thursday, March 19, after which the P.T.A. will sponsor a cotillion and party for the eighth grade graduating claai, T havng spent the winter months In Clearwater, Fla. Richard Miller has been visiting his brother, Loren, and family, in Ogden, Utah. Dr. and Mrs. William Pape of Chicago spent the weekend visiting in the Earl McAndrews home. Mrs. Curtla Westfall of Chicago visited her mother, Mrs. Simon Stoffel, over the Easter weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Lodts of Crystal Lake were McHenry callers Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Elmer Newman of Monrovia, Calif., and Mrs. Frank Wellwirts of Libertyville visited Joseph Wegener last Thursday. Mrs. Newman had accompanied the remains of her husband to Libertyville for burial in Ascension cemetery* Mrs. Nellie Bacon spent the. weekend with relatives in Crystal Lake. William Martin of Sterling called at the Clarence Martin home on Tuesday morning. Later in the day the latter and his daughter, Rita, accompanied William Martin to Cleveland. Ohio, where they attended funeral services for Mrs. Mary Foley on Wednesday. Mrs. Eleanor Foley and children, Julia, Maurice and Martin, and Mrs. John Phalin left Sunday for Cleveland, Ohio, to attend funeral services for Mrs. Mary Foley. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Achor and family of Frankfort, Ind., and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heuser and daughter of Chicago wer« weekend guests of Mrs. Helen Heuser. Patrick Krohn, a student at Illinois college at Jacksonville, spent his Easter vacation with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krohn of Charles street. Sunday dinner guests in the Wil m+i. PERSONALS liam Staines home were Mr. and sincere thanks for the wohdtirful Mrs; Joe Glosson and daughters cooperation extended by McHenry of McHenry, the Lee Whiting fam- residents in our recent paper drive, ily of Woodstock and Arthur Proceeds from the sale of this Staines and Louella Madaus of paper Is used to Build the new Kenosha, Wis. Afternoon callers Sisters college In Milwaukee, now included Mrs. Martin May, Mrs. under construction. We are most Irene Guffy and Mrs. Joe May of grateful for everyone's assistance McHenry, Mrs. William Gjnffey of in this project. Richmond and Mrs. Elmer Small- | Sisters of St. Francis feldt of Kenosha. , Frank Zlmmermann, who Is at-1 DRIVE-IN RE-OPENS tending Jordan seminary at Men- Holly's Drive-Inn at 410 W. Elm ominee, Mich., spent the Easter street, will re-open Saturday, vacation with his parents, the sen- March 31, under the management lor Frank Zimmermanns. Accom- | of Albert J. Mohjr. Corp. John Retz of Chanute Air Field spent the weekend with his tug. or slant and lead a aoag or j uncle, Martin Cooney each activity when roll calll Mr. and Mrs. Ed Skooney and li uswered. In this way the en-1 son* Jim, of Elmharst spent Easter tertafaUMBt, as well as the dinner, I in the luDne of her parents, the will ha "pot-lack" and should be I Frank Weingarts. fail of fan and interests. The ex-1 Mr. and Mrs. George Stenger ecattve hoard also promisee- some land family and Mr. and Mrs. W11- aarprisea throughout the after- liiam Rethermel attended the Ice ICapades in Chicago Easter Sun' m-- Betty M. Laagford, the day djAurty** new home adviser, will I Jerry Wegener, Richard Padbe preeent to help direct «cttv|J&» dock and James Weber, all stuand to get acquainted with the I dents at St Nazlans seminary in the county. IWisconsin, spent the Easter.vaca pyiyiiw,' 1 Ition at their respecUveyTiomes List Iieesens there. Pa* Caaaty UaJta > -r 1 Larry Phalin, who la attending McHenry county Home Bureau J the University of Illinois, spent ttlttahan can expect to have either the Easter vacation with his par the local leader lesson, "Improv- ents the Thomas Phallus tag Oh of Energy and Time" or Mrs. Charles Lasch has been the adviser lesaon, "Corsage Mak- spending the Easter vacation with lag as a Hobby" for their April her daughter and family, the D a»4 May programs. I Whites, in Cleveland, Ohio Units have been divided into two Mr. and Mrs. James Mahoney In order that schedules [and children of Chicago spent the ffiigfct be eased. weekend visiting In the home of la group A, which includes-Ring- Mrs. John Phalin the local leader will be in Mitt Kathryn Kortendlck of charge of the lesson in April. The Rockfotd visited her sister, Mrs. order will be rgveraed in May. (John Bolger, over the holiday v weekend. OMesft Twins Mr. and Mrs, Jack Zola of Nap- 11 laara Old Ionset. 111., spent the weekend with Ptotar A«*r"ia oC Richmond Mid I her parents, the George Phallns. Margaret Hafner of Grass Lake, I Mr. and Mrs. Julius Goffo and formerly of Cleveland, Ohio, cele- daughter have returned ic the hrated their seventy-first birthday Chapel' Hill Country Club after «6*reraary last Thursday. They jgjjgT veia bora north of Johnaburg panied hy Mr. and Mrs. Glrard Zimmetmann, they attended a fam- Illy .reunion at the home of Mrs. Joseph Hofer in Chicago on Sanday. , f Mr. and Mi's. Elmer SraalMeldt of Kenosha, Wts., visited Mrs. Martin May Iftfct weekend. Rev. Fr. Charles Hofer of St. Louis, Mo., arrived by plane for a visit with relatives In Chieaxo last weekend. He spent a few days this week with his sister, Mrs. { Frank Zlmmermann. Sunday dinner guests , In the Jacob F. Justen home were Mr. and Mrs. Alex Justen, Mr. and Mra7 Arnold Anderson and children^ Marcia, Ronnie and Gary, and Mrs. Evelyn Hart and children, John and Nancy. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Justen on Stinday were Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rauen and son, Larry, of Chicago. Frank Justen of Cbowchilla, Calif., has been visiting Relatives and friends in ths community. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Miller and daughter, Terry, and Bob Becker, the latter of Woodstock, were Easter Sunday dinner guests in the William Morgan home at Elkhorn. Wis. Boyd Dowell and Harry Mueller returned Saturday from a 2,500 mile trip by car to Texas. Sunday guests in the- C. J. Relhansperger home were Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Timme and daughter Of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fenwick of Elmhurst. James McCuIla, student at the co\lege at Quincy, 111., spent the •kehd at his home here. ' MARILYN HtJOBES WED ON SATURDAY TO GEORGE BIQGS In a lovely wedding ceremony performed in the Zion Evangelical Lutheran church last Saturday afternoon at S o'clock, Miar Marilyn Hughes,. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hughes of St. Clair Shores, Mich., became the bride of Mr. George ^Biggs, son of Mr. and Mis. Jtoy E. /Biggs of McHenry. Rev. OarL liobitj!, pastor, officiated at the double ring service. n The pretty bride chose a ballerina length dress of whH# marquisette, with which she wore a fingertip veil held in place hy a lace tiara. Her flowers were white tarnations. or,, attired la an aqua-colored dress, ,a band of pink feathers on her head. She carried pink carnations. . Walter ^ueller, serving with the Air Force, servedras best man. Mrs. Biggs chose for her son's wedding a green print dress, with which she wore black accessories and a gardinia corsage. Mrs. Hughes waB unable to attend. A reception followed the service at the Biggs home for fifty relatives and friends, with sapper served at 5 o'clock. The couple left on a honeymoon trip to Michigan and upon their return will reside with his parents. The bride has been employed at Hobby Boy Industries since coming to McHenry. The groom, a 1950 graduate of the local high school Miss Jknet Biggs, sister of the Is employed in construction work bridegroom, acted as maid of hon-' for Michael Menflyk in this com- CARD OF THANKS We would like to express our #<V; t •'* •; munlty. 7 <fut of town guests Included Mr. and Mrs. Harold Berger and daughter, Carol, and Paul Hughes of St Clair Shores. Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Graham of Detroit. ON nONOR ROLL Donald Doherty of Northern Illinois State Teachers college recently attained an honor roll standing at the close of the winter quarter. Donald i* a senior and resides on- Rt. 4, McHenry. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Doherty- Tltiinday, March 1951 fcapBMaams**a^^, STARU^BT DANCE x The McHenry 8tudent Council.' wishes to remind the public dt their forthcoming/ "Starligh|f5 Dance" on March Site the hlg|| school cafeteria at 8 oclock. Muslfi? will be by the Silver Derby band* Tickets are seventy-five cants and $1.25 and can be purchased at th»" following stores] Nye's, Bolgerli and Wattle's drug stores, McGee*. and Fitzgerald's clothing store. Aj|H\ are cordially invited to attend. Subscribe for The Plaindealel- Cemplete line af Raahe Pvestecfc remedies at Wattle* Ihrig Sto# McHeary. 8ff o SKILLED HANDS GUARD YOUR HEALTH Skilled hands guard your health at our drug store. Proof of the importartce of our prescription department is shown in our full stock of fresh, potent drugs and the accurate speed with which your doctor's orders are carried out. Rely •m w» ifr reliable prescriptions, r 11 -t?l» -y NYE i Orn<-4 Sto*^' 1 119 N. Rivenlda DHt*' llione 26 A A A A A * V ITSO llitl «•»»-« l i i i l i i i 1920 iiltlltllL , 1 T'-a* ^ m ^ 1945 Modern methods, modern machinery and modern banking work together in the development of America's farmland. Folks in this area find us willing and able to help in the kind of financial cooperation that means success on the farm. McHENRY STATE BANK Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Jffember Federal Reserve System, £<Ul 723 Need a cab? Just call our number any hour of the day or night and one of our modern cabs, driven by a careful driver, will appear promptly at your door. Service is city-wide--rates are low--and you have no padding problem. McHENRY PHONE 723 IB, USD, and are believed to | be tha oldeet twins in this com- •Malty. Both are quite well. Mr. Adaau Is retired and Mrs. Hafner I la housekeeper for her brother-la- ] law, Joha Jackson, at Grass Lake. a set of twin brother#, died fifty-one years ago, at the 1 of 15. COME ONE -- li Haytex Baby Products frt ' Wattles Rrag y i'i/.. -Mmmc-wHm eary wUlVts . IStf #•4«»»•••< IM1IMW-' IT'S TIME FOB Qeaning Imp Attker af sprilS cleanyear watch gets service briag yoar and let a coatpat tt back la P«r.- 'Mmt, Jwt as w* as yoar far top per* s» 4«s*t Mgfoct 8TEFFAN-S JEWELRY aad MICORD SHOP gun St. MeHENRY UMIIIIIHIIMH COME ALL! i ' • •, : JQIN THE GANG AtV TAP RIVERSIDE HOTEL SATURDAY NIGHT MARCH 31, 1951 '• , -1 •• BOB FREUND and His Orclastra ' ' ' • '-'-V FUN FOR YOUNG aui OLD on have to fialM it ^ engineers. What they've done to transmission, 128 with Dynaflow this 1951 SPECIAL is qothing short of prive. a minor miracle. ^ They've come up with a car that's new They've stepped up Its style with everything from tbe ground upbrand- new body, an eager new thrust* ahead look, a gleaming new push-bar and a price that's the best news of all. So, if you've been toying with thoughts forefront that's as ruggedly protective pf buying a lesser car--better come in and see how easy it is to step up to this thrifty marvel. as it is stunning to see.. They've stepped up the smartness of its interiors with the smartest fabric# that ever graced this interior of thii Buick Series. li They've stepped up the safety, by the sharp new clarity of white-glow instrument gaarkiotfi m®** read at night. They've stepped up the power to th# highest ratings in SPECIAL history-^ V* . Kquipmint, aetutoriti, trim *mdmI fii mWMP *» «*•--« rtSwi Hm in JiENKY J. TAYLOR, ABC N.fwort, «v*ry Mbrnfay tvthlng. YQU8 Kif TO GREATER VALUE ITo oflar ewjMoWdFai all tkimt BYNAFIOW DMIVS*--SOY0S strain on drivr and ear NRfMtL POWIK -- high-compression, volve-in-fieocf engine gets more good from every drop of fuel PUSH-BAR FOWkONT ~ combines smart style and unsurpassed protection WHITf-OLOW INSTRUMMNTS--greater clarity of night TOKQUl-TVU DUVt--steadier ride, Impr&vet drMng control 4-WKffL con 5PMNQIN9--cushions rkh, W •enticing costs DUAL VtNTILATIOM -- outside ok fed separately fa right or left of front compartment Sltr-CNMOIZINO BRAKIS--hydraulic--multiply pedal-pressure five times of brake drum ^~TDgf AMlfN* STYUH9 --tapered, ear-length fenders, gleaming sweepspears on most models Plus: S»lf-locking luggagm lid, StppO* parking , brake, two-way Ignition lock, Safoty-KUe rtatr Poind ongino mounting. Body by Fisher ^Standard on KOA DMASTKH, X mtr* mtmotkm-SiriM. Whan better automobiles ore Buick will build them L*e*l DtUrtitdWw* /«r Ilia stwliSI Ww* Ipiult 9-deer, • pe>». Deluxe I --MODEL 480 4-doer, DeUme Sedan -- MODEl AID...... (iltiratratsd) *2031 *2085 <Wtonal •quipuMnt, occmsotIm, ttato and local taM«, if any, additional. PrkM m*y vary (lightly In adjoining communitiM duo to shipping dtargw. All prlcot tubioet to chang. withovfc notic*. R. L OVERTON MOTOR SALES 403 FRONT STREET ' \ T* - J4 I > •>"• ^ J. •±y ri PHONE

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