Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Mar 1951, p. 5

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r " . ' . . . . . i " ' - * < * ;y-/. ftife . V . *:. " . BQSOELLANXOUS CARS FINAL STATEMENT iwmuiniHNintiiiniiwiuiinnHiniimitiiiiimiwni PLAINDEALER ibllshed every Thursday at Mc- Hfenry, 111., by the McHenry Publishing Company, Inc. "\ W. BURFBINDT, Gen. Manager. ADELE FRO10HLICH,' Editor. 8l"BSCRIPTiON RAT? 1 Tlur $SJ§ Plalndealer Want Ad* No ads counted lees ' than 25 words. 75c minimum. , ; > * insertion 75c Count 5 words per line) 25c service charge on all blind tdfi. Casft with order. Card of Thanks .... $1.00 Minimum - tyant Ads close promptly at 10 ajn. Wednesday. "WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS -- We sell repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. * - 26tf jSntered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, 111., under the act of May 8, 1879. AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PARTsi f OR ; ./ ALL CARS Nc: .' Accessories and Seat (Qvers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY 400 W. Elm Street Open during week 9 A.M. to 7 K^f«* Sundays • 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. lltf %OR SALE -- 1950 Willys Station Wagon, 6 cyl., with overdrive. Excellent condition.,. One 1947 Ford ton truck, cab and chassis. Low mileage. Good buy. One 1949 Dodge Route Van. Low mileage, excellent condition. .McHENRY GARAGE, 604 Front St, McHenry. 111. Tel. 403. 45-tf FOR SALE -- Brand nerw Indian motorcycle motor. Phone McHenry •003-i. 46 FOR SALE -- 1942 Ford freLuxs sedan with 1946 motor, good tires. Gall McHenry 722. • 46 BUSINESS SERVICE BRING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS TO I S -- We can de- ®4ver anything from a snapshot to large' murals, or-free- hand oil (paintings. Copying and framing. CAMERAS, PROJECTORS, FILMS AND SUPPLIES. .. WORWICK'S STUDIO, 117 Riverside Drive, McHenry. Phone 275. 40tf HOME REPAIRS We Specialize in all Home Repairs Low Monthlv Payments , Free Estimates McHenry Improvement Co. £>bone 523-W-l McHenry 111. 6tf CARPENTER WORK DONE BY DAY OR CONTRACT. , IVAN GUSTAFSON Tel. McHenry 749* • " . fltf RALPH L. CLARK Piano Technician m, Repairing •02 Garfield Road Tuning Harvard. 111. Phone 748-B BUSINESS SERVICE -- Sand and gravel, black dirt, excavating. Tel. McHenry 580-M-l. 46 HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins septic tanks, cisterns cleaned by Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry «- 29tf BUSINESS SERVICE TIDY RUG CLEANERS Rug, carpet and upholstery cleaning in your home or in our plant. Five year guaranteed mothproofing. Free Pickup and delivery. Woodstock 162. " 44-tf CESSPOOLS and SEPTIC .TANKS ? SERVICE : ; G. A. DOUGLAS Pftone McHenry 776-W " tOtf CLEAN THE DURA-CLEAN WAY Have your carpets, rugs and furniture cleaned and moth-proofed the DURA-CLEAN WAY. We clean them in your own home. FREE ESTIMATES given. Phone^ McHenry 593-M-2 or Round Lake 6-2223. *41-10 FOR SALfe JAMESWAY CHICK BROODERS OU -- Gas -- Electric VYCITAL*S HARDWARE Green Street FOR SALE -- 1 Counter and 1 back countercheap. Phone McHenry 583-J-2. 46 FOR SALE -- SOO ft. galvanised kennel fencing ( ft high. Phone 203-J. -v% • 46 FOR SALE --- One 6-hole ice cream freecer. May be used as Home freezer. Phone Wauconda 5201. *46 FOR SALE -- Cabinet Singer sewing machine, peddled for electricity. Phone McHenry 137-W. 46 EXPERT PIANO TUNING Repairing and Reconditioning.. All Work Guaranteed. Formerly with Lyon and Healy. E. Zaboth, phone Lake Zurich 5341. 37-tf CEMENT BXJXLDIVO BLOCKS Available at the Water Tower In West McHenry •ON CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO. Phone McHenry 788-W DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest Cash prices paid for cows,« horses and hogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works. Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 36tf MUSIC INSTRUCTION In Your Own Home Piano and Piano Accordian Classics or Popular Beginners or A danced Instruction •ABIi P. KOCH none Plstakee 63S-M-1 5tf PIANO ACCORDION INSTRUCTIONS New semester begins April 7. Phone Wonder Lake 611 Saturday between 12:00 & 1:00 p.m. Also four-piece orchestra for dances and weddings. 40-11 UPHOLSTERING -- Your home furniture can be comfortable, decorative and like new when reupholstered. Phone McHenry 551- R-W Vic'* ¥pho)etery-*6ervice,~4lt-. 1, Pistaqua Heights, McHenry. •40-7 GARBAGE COLLECTING --Let us dispose of your garbage each week, of oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. JohU E. Hill. P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 365. tf ANTIQUES, M18C. ITEMS--Clothing in Good Condition for the entire family. Formats Open Tues. through Sun. 1 p.m. to 10 p.m., Sun. 11 a. m. to 6 p, m. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Rd. Consignment and Resale and Antique Shop, V* mile west Terra Cotta factorj which it on Bt. 31. Crystal Lak<> 1346-R-l. FOR SALE-- JOHNS-MANSjyiLLE "Blown" Rock Wool. Guaranteed not to settle. WALLFIL Co.. Leo J. Stilling. 200 E. Pearl, Tel. McHenry 18. 22tf Helen Weber Says: Henry. Tel. 63 orS8. Dry Cleaning, Too. Has Gone Modern! Dry cleaning methods have changed greatly in the past few years . . today r«sults prove that clothes which are cleaned regularly in a modern plant like ours artuiilly outlast garments cleaned the old-time way. This longer life means longer wear, less frequent replacement . . and i«r« money in your pocket t: McHENRY CLEANERS d* Street McHenry PHONE HHMf CARPENTER WORK AND REMODELING Have your remodeling done before spring cleaning, tfbr the right price, call K. Hammer, phone McHenry 520-R-l. *44-3 BLINDS AND SHADES -- Custom made Venetian blinds and window shades; carpeting, linoleum, rubber and asphalt tile. Niesen's Floors, 523 Main street, West Mc- FOR SALE -- Beautiful string of genuine cultured pearls and pair of large match pearls for earrings. Appraised at $250. Bargain at Fox Lake 7-5228. 46 FOR SALE -- Full sice blonde bed, spring and mattress. Practically new, |75. Phone McHenry 52-R after 7 p.m. or Saturday and Sunday. •- 46 HELP WANTED YouH Like This Job HBttB ARE SOME O* ^fWE BENEFITS you enjoy as a telephone operator:. j $32 a week to start; at least $36 a week after first year. Paid vacations. Pleasant surroundings, and the friendliest coworkers In town. It's a good Job for young women, and we're hiring right now. * JBee Miss R. Marshall, Chief Operator, at 102 Park Avenue, McHenry. JUNE GRADUATES Now is the time to line-up a good after-graduation Job. * Commmitroents Are being made bow. ILLINOIS BEIifcr TELEPHONECO. 1949 BUCK SUPER DELUXE FOUR DOOR SEDAN Radio, Hatter, Dynaflow -- New Car Guarantee, , Nil Below Celling Our Price $1840.60 98 DELUXE FOUR DOOR Radio, Heater, Hydramatic flrlve, Perfect Condition New Car Guarantee -- $400 Below Celling ^||Oiir Price $1795.00 •if* 1*49 BUICK ^ ROADMASTfift fiOtTR DOOR SEDAN feet Condition, FnUy Equipped, Radio, Heater, DynifiMr J """ Below Ceiling Our Price $177540 1947 CADILLAC 62 FOUR DOOR SEDAN lOdlo, Heater, Hy dramatic Drive, Perfect Tires, Guarantee! . Priced $800 Below Celling Ow Prie. tHlMH K L OVERTON MOTOR SALES "Wb#r« CnstOA*n Send Their Frlmdi" BUICK -- OLDSMOBILE Phone 6 McHenry, 111. HELP WANTED WANTED -- Experienced radio and T.V. serviceman. Full time. Top Salary. Excellent working conditions. Carsella's Radio, Fox Lake. 111. Phone Fox Lake 7-1751. 44-tf •HELP WAMMKWeiwrr-vtew openings for experienced farm help. Married or single. Inexperienced need not apply. Hickory Creek Farm, Leo. J. Smith. Phone McHenry 670-M-$. 43-4 WANTED--EXPERIENCED COOK, Male, Female or couple. Stay or go home nights. References required. For summer months. June 25 to Sept. 1. Also weekends in May, June, Sept. and Oct. Camp Duncan, Y.M.C.A. Near Volo. Contact Pete Sorensen, camp director, Duncan Y.M.C.A., 1515 W. Monroe St., Chicago 7, 111. Phone Haymarket 1-7800. 45-tf HELP WANTED -- SECRETARY AND STENOGRAPHER Experienced . Go^l Salary. CO .WET CORP. Johnsbarg 45-tf HELP WANTED--Laborers. Apply Ivar Fredricksen, general contractor. Phone Wonder Lake >21. 41-tf HELP WANTED -- Man wanted to learn textile cutting. Riverside Manufacturing Co., $00 N. Riverside Drive, McHenry. 46-2 44-8 FOR SALE FOR SALE -- Alfalfa, first and second cutting. Hugh J. O'Brien, phone Wauconda 2317. 43-tf FOLLOW THE CROWD TO THE Sportsman's Inn, 513 Main street. Ice cold case beer aid packaged goods of alV kinds. A1 Phannenstill. 49tf FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L| V. Kiltz, Clay St. .Woodstock. Phone 549. 7tf FOR SALE--Now is the time to order certified treated seed oats for 1951 planting. PELL-BARI FARMS, Ine., 305 Clay Street, Woodstock. 36-tf FOR SALE -- 5 ft. Kimball grand piano, like new; reasonable. Tel. Pistakee 683-R-l. 46 FOR SALE -- Boy's bicycle. Excellent condition. Phone McHenry 848-M. ~ 46 FOR SALE -- 1 used combination gas and coal burning range; 1-8' Servel gas refrigerator, 2 years old; 1- 9 cu. ft. Philco DeLuxe refrigerator like new; several used electric ranges; reconditioned refrigerators. Carey Electric • Shop, 119 Green St., Mchenry. 46 FOR SALE--Bred gilts to farrow in April. Coghlan Bros., Crystal Lake; Phong Coital I**ke 1319- R-l*' *45-2 HELP WANTED -- Caretaker, experienced under glass anD putdoors; year round living quarters. Phone McHenry 967. 46 HELP WANTED -- Experienced bartender on mixed drinks. Phone WH 4-9710 or write George McEl- Iroy, 168 Menominee St., Chicago, 111. *46 WANTED -- Girl for pressing. Experience not necessary. Will teach. Apply Local Cleaners, 206 6. Green St. Phone McHenry 20. 46 HELP WANTED --Part time dishwasher. Mi Place Restaurant, Green St., McHenry, III. 46 HELP WANTED -- Girl for general drug store work. Apply Nye Drug Store, Riverside Drive, McHenry. 46 FARM EXPERIENCE WILL PAY OFF If you can meet people and if yon like farmers you may have what we are looking for. This la a different sales Job with thorough training and no stock or credit to carry. Full time permanent work in McHenry county. Backed by reputable 60-year-old Company. ITuiiic«•. •u*iI ^uio, kimeni«jal " w» n>*«e men between $5 and 50 with dependable cars will be considerer. Reply to Box 150, McHenry Plaindealer. *46 SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED --Will care for infant or child by day or week in my home at Lily Lake.. Phon McHenry? ~ FOE RENT L08T AND FOUND LOST -- Pair blue and white wool mittens in or near A ft P store. Phone 597-J-l McHenry. 1 46 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate 406 Rich mead RoaA McHenry, lit Phone: McHenry (814 Licensed I1L A,Wis. Broker NOW CONTRACTING Maltster Approved Recleaned Treated Seed Barley Test Weight 50 lbs. v PELL-BARI FARMS, INC. > t05 Clay Street, Woodstock 38-tf HOLLY'S DRIYE-iy 410 W. Elm Street v McHenry, IIL Will Re-Open SATURDAY, MARCH 11 , Wfcder Management of . ALBERT J. MOHR We serve the best double hamburgers obtainable anywhere. We also serve hot dogs, beef barbecues, malteds, shakes, frozen custards, sodas and sundaes. Delicious homemade Ice cream-- Pints and Quarts. We wish to thank all for your patronage last year. HOLLY'S FOODS INC. HOLLIS? E. LEWEY, President 46 NOTICE To all dog owners, starting April 1st all dogs must he kept on a loa,sh or chain. All dogs loose after April 1st will be picked up. VILLAGE BOARD AND MAYOR JOHN iKUKN •44 Village of 8prlug Grove, *0T1CI Having sold my business, known as Stan Brown's Trucking, I will make no more Railway Express and Freight pickupyr/r deliveries. For further pickup»and deliveries, Call McHenry eS-W'V 256. 46 STAN BROWN e v,wi 1 k fut0 * n FOR RENT--4 room heated apartment. Stove and refrigerator. Couple only. Also for sale 1 mirror 40x60; 42 inch sink with left hand drain. Phone McHenry 218-J. 46 FOR RENT -- Newly , decorated rooms for rent. Call McHenry IjOO-R. . 46 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT -- Family of three would like a two or three bedroom cottage in the Chain 0' Lakes Region, for months of July and August. Call Collect, Randolph 6-2552 or Ambassador 2-1778. 46 WANTED WANTED -- Jobbers and direct saleamen. Quality lines, with liberal commissions. Manufacturers representative. R. Duane Fowler, Woodstock .Box 334. Phone 464-JX. 41tf FOR SALE--4 room house at Mc- Cullom Lake, fully insulated. 1 car garage under house, basement, utomatic oil heat, |6,500. For ermalion phone 547-R-2. 41-tf %OOM~~ALfT YEAR HOME S baths, 3 bedrooms, hardwood floods, carpeting, garage in base ment. Nice location overlooking Plstakee Lake and Fox River on channel. Near fine bathing beach Price $14,500.00. ALSO 10 ROOM HOUSE IN JOHNSBURG Furnace heat, large lot, suitable for two flats. Located on Main street. Price $8,750.00. For appt. Call JACOB FRITZ, Realtor, in Jobasburg. Phone McHenry 37 ,42-tf ROAD CONTRACTS Attorney General Ivan A. Elliott has advised Charles P. Casey, direcor ot the state Department of Public Works and Buildings, that state road and bridge contracts may Include a provision authorizing cancellation if a national emergency order freezing essential materials should make such contracts incapable of fulfillment, present regulations do not afford a sound basis for such contract cancellation, Elliott said. On N«w High School Addition u of Much 20, 19S1 " ' * .. • Received from Bond Issue , ... --• $4f2,644.f§| Interest Received from Boftd Tssfte • . 5,692.0* Money used from Building Fund .............. 11.098.9| Money used from Educational Fund 2,088.30 Gov't Bond in faeek Boa, McHenry Stat* Banlt 12.000.90 TOTAL Monies Paid Oat John Traff, General Contractor Thumm, Plumbing and Heating Builder's Lighting, Electrical Berger, Lockers F. Medart, Gym Equipment -- Armstrong, Hardware Martin Larson, Chairs ahd Table* Cafeteria Equipment, Albert Ptek Tonyan Bros., Sewer Outlet v- $351,260.31 89,189.1$ 1*5,465.51' 2.596.11 il.509.21 3,345.31 J3, 8,004.2* 1,048.21' $6S3.523.e _ •*& %>' -{ % '-!r< • , T VJ: TOTAL Jos. Llewellvp^Arichltect 6% <m $486,917.35 Surety Insurance on Bonds McHenry /State Bank, Delivery of Bonds to Caicago I. P. Ri|?ger (Gym. Standards) Arlington Seating Co. (Shades) ' Albert Pick Co. (Dishes) McHenry Equipment Co. VFire Ex.) C. Unti (Easement) J. Tonyan (Easement) ..t- Tonyan Construction Co. (Sidewalks) David Stark (Pjanos) American Seating Co. (Chairs) J. Lyon (Ceilings) L. Peterson (Tables and Chairs) ........ Associated Painters McHenry Sand ft Gravel (Gravel and Grading) Berger Mfg. Co. (Steel Lockers) •' •• ^ |j |9^15.04K; 25.00 197.15 387.70 365.42 277.40 300.00 300.00 1.440.6l> 951.60 590.50 729.00 1,906.10 40.48 2,178.00 f 719 .20 ll.778.3f «((k7J10.t» Total Income from Bonds, Interest, Building (jt Fund, Educational and Gov't Bonds ... t»S3.SSS S5 Total Paid Out .......X J 527,910.19' " This amount' of money V: Bldg. Acct 5,613.13 The terra cotta- on the front of the gymnasium became dlscolorejf as a result of the weathering process. The company making install** jtion guaranteed that this discoloration would disappear before JalL 1, 1952. $12,500 was withheld from Mr. Traffs contract as a guarantee by the contractor that the discoloration would disappear heftwHf the above date . I have charged out the full kmonnt of $351,260.31 but in fact have retained $12,500 ^; $12,000 of which is in government bonds in safety box at McHenry State Bank. NEW CAPE COD BRICK HOMES IN McHENRY 4 to 6 rooms, face brick on. all tour sides, radiant H. W. heat, or Automatic hot air, automatic gas H. W. heater .electric, city sewer. Also on water front lots. Price $}£,350.00 and up. 25% down, balance 20 years to pay. For appt. Call JACOB FRITZ-REALTOR, in Johnsburg. R 1, McHENRY. ILL. PHONE: McHenry 37. 42-tf * WANTED -- Watches and Jewelry repair. Anthony Noonan. 200 So Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty Shoppe) 15tf WANTED TO BUY -- Rolls for self player piano. Phone McHenry 636-M-l. *46-2 WANTED -- Good home for a part springer female 9 months old pup Good disposition, bouse broke, good with children, must be kept In your home. Write Box 151, care Plaindealer, McHenry, 111. 46 WANTED TO BUY --Private party desires old fashioned glass china closet. Phone McHenry 528-M-l. 46 8tlB Callp# Currents were originally callec 'raisins of Cosrauntc." --p--• ' 1 ' ip----• FIRST CHURCH of CHRIST, SCIENTIST Woodstock, Illinois \ llTiloi You To A Free Lodun On' CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Entitled: " How DivfaM Love Heals In Christian Science" ' I»J . ARTHtR C, WHITNEY, CA. of Cklcage, Illlnela Member of the Beard of Lectureship of The' Mother Chnrch, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Massachusetts. , , . i n t h e , , ' . , I* ' WOODSTOCK OPERA HOUSE' f ^ City HaU -- On The Square - Tuesday Erening» Aptt %, at 8^9 O'Clodt FOR SALE -- Income Property. 2 year-round homes, full baths, one furnished, on 4 lots beautifully landscaped. For quick sale, full price $7,000. Cash. Call McHenry 628-J-2. 45-8 FOR SALE -- Two lots on Park Lane and Center street, McHenry; or will exchange for new car. Write Mrs. J. Kantorski, Rt. 4, McHenry, IIL *46 lee Cream PreductlM When milk production is lowest, Ice cream uses smaller amounts. When milk is In surplus production, ice cream uses large quantities-- thus upholding prices when they would be low and making no demands when they ordinarily would be high. RH Tic Bemmttfmt . I I I O V A I FRI. & SAT„ MARCH 30-31 (Double Feature) Red Skelton Arlene Dahi "WATCH THE BIRDIE" Rieardo Mdntalban Sally Forrest "MYSTERY STREET" Mystery Street shown only once at 8:25 P. M. . NATURAL GAS Tin Use of natural gas fe Illinois Is now a $110,000,000 annual business, having nearly doubled during the last ten years. An Illinois Commerce Commission report, just out, gives many details of thla expanding industry. About 99 per cent $f the gas consumed in 411 communities is natural or mixed with small quantities of manufactured ga». the report says. Complete Ma* of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. ^ •BBEBStfIS YOU HAVEN'T LIVED UNTIL YOU'VE WASHED and DRIED YOUR CLOTHES AT THE UIHOt-IT Elm Sfc Wait oi Bridg* PHONE 308 T mmmmj&rmwfk SUN. k MON., APRIL 1-2 Sunday Cont. from 3:4& P. M. Deborah Kerr Stewart Ganger "KING SOLOMON'S MINES" (In Technicolor) In the dense dark Jungles of primitive Africa. TUES., WED. k THURSn APRIL 8-4-5 Kathryn Grayson Mario Lansa •THE TOAST OF NEW ORLEANS" ELM WAUCONDA ROUTE 170 PHONE 0-1491 Matinee Sander SiSO P.M. Con'L ""FBI. k JSAT„ MARCH 80-31 Special Matinee Saturday . IstO P. M. Regular Feature Plus (-Color Cartoons--5 1 SfMDAY ONLY .APRIL 1st Con't. from 2:30 P. M. •sfe. the + stanhf Ytoaso OeCAKLO Mctori' Respectfully submitted, v < . . c. J. REIHANSPBRGBR, ? Board of Education District No. IK# IIHIIfmnunimilllHIIIIItlHIIIMIIIIUlllllllllllllfinttllltHllllltllUIMmMHttlHMWIIIIHMMIHMNMNMMMnMnnMil PRODUCERS* MEETING The banquet room of the internationally famous Saddle and Sirloin club at the Chicago Union Stock Yard was filled to overflowing recently when 600 farmers and their wives turned out for the Chicago Producers' twenty-ninth annual meeting. McHenry county was represented by Ronald M. Paddock. FLOURING TUP Make quick work et 'flouring meat slices, cubes or melt stripe by using a paper bag. Place the flour with seasonings in the meat, then shake tor % tiag. add . the thorough coat Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drag Store, McHenry. 8tf MWHiii M mm i »»•» M FRL * SAT„ MARCH 80-31 Matinee Saturday at 8t 15 P. M. REX* ALLEN (Formerly of Station WLS) in •ARIZONA COWBOY" • "OPERATION HAI'LIFT" SUN. * MON^ APRIL 1-2 Mgtinee Sunday at 2:30 P. M. "OUR VERY.OWN" .' •v;1' with • An« Blytfc -, Farley Granger Extra Special Added * my Award Winning Short Sntgect by Beautiful Techaicolor "SEAL ISLAND" ^ TUES. k WED„ APRIL GLORIA SWANSON In ; •SUNSET BOI'LEYARB" ^ I ' | . l « i » M 1 I i i i a Colony McHENRY, ILLINOIS Air Conditioned -- Comfort Good Yislea aid Sound Doers Open at 0:40 P. M. Screen Starts at 7t00 P. ft FRL k SAT., MARCH 3041 Harold Lloyd-Frances Ramsden (1) "MAD WEDNESDAY" Charles Starrett . Smiley Barnelte (2) "STREETS OF GHOST TOWN" Color Cartoon nnd World Newa SUN. k MON^ APRIL 14 .lady Holliday Bredmrlck Crawfaii MBOR9i YESTERDAY* Color Cartooa and World News Monday Matinee i :3f^fontinuea8 CLOSED ON TUESDAY WED. k THURSt, APRIL 44 PIERRE FRESNAY "T --"MONSIEUR YINCENf^T Was produced by a section of the International CathoBc Cinema Office and endorsed iqr the VATICAN and the Film Division of the United Nutlet, as well as by the Society of St. Vincent de PaaL It Is the life story of Vincent de PnuL TIME and MONEY DIGGING TRENCHES y Let U8 Do Your Tronching. Deep Footing « Drainage Tile Cable Pipe Line JOIMSOtrS JSP-A-THaCI McCULLOM LAKE »' Phone McHenry 534-M-l \ j » HI- 1 *

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