Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Apr 1951, p. 2

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•-• '. .!}'. - ••••• ' • '.r 4 V ' JS./ \ \ * . . . : . •' <• THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALES IP^PiP Thursday, April 12/1951 Ifox Valley Camp At Mese* Home Fox River Valley tniisptr flMA., held Its last meeting at the home of Marie Niesen last week, Hvith Helene Pepping a* assistant lioseas. Following a business meeting, a social hour was enjoyed, including the serving of ice cream, cake and Coffee. The next meeting will be With Susan Olsen on Muv 1. , ' i [•$*? ;1* Ckriaten Mill <# r •fclf Mary Lei--'- The infant daughter of Mr. and lira. Alrin Miller wan christened Mary Lou at baptismal services held at St. Patrick's church at 1:30 o'clock on Sunday," Sponsors were Mrs. Edward May and Andy Ramaeker, aunt and u title of the baby. Mary Lou was Horn at the 'Woodstock hospital Marcliiffc':: .' 8 et 40 Salon Wet - At Cowan Residence .' The McHenry county (8ret,'40 Mlon met at the home of Mrs. Helen Cowan of Crystal Lake for ft6 gtigular monthly meeting last Monday evening. Members came attired as "The Thing". A delicious buffet luncheon was aefved by Mrs. Gowan,.assisted by BCk*s. Emily Cowan and Frances Flood of Crystal Lake. "Final arrangements for the 8 et 40 and 40 .et 8 dinner to be held at the Fiesta 04 April 11 were completed at this Meeting. The annual spring board meeting of the- 8 et 40. department of Illinois, was held in Peoria on April 7 and 8 at the Pere Marquette hotel. Minnie Green and Christine Krinn of McHenry, Betty Duff of Harvard and Amanda Behrens and Laura Steffan of Hebron represented the McHenry county salon at thiB mevtiag. Femer Missionary W.8.C.8. Gment A former missionary to Arabia. Mfs. Louis P. Dame of ftockford, will be the guest speaker at the monthly meeting of the , Woman's Society of Christian Serviee at the Community Methodist church on Thursday, April 19. Mrs. Dame "trill present a monologue, fn native costume; on the life of all Arabian woman today. Devotions will be led by Mrs.< Harry Stineepring on the theme, "Near East #ti.,Retrospect." ."W The nominating committee, com- Soaed of Mrs. George Johnson, Mrs. James Gallagher and Mrs. Stlnespring, urge all circle members to he present to vote for neflCt year's Officers. Hostesses for the dessert lunch- MA will be MeBdames Vale Adams. Carl Buckner and Donald "Barger. Qtlpla Infant f Is Christened v • ,f. The infant daughter of "Mr. and Mrs. George Gilpin of Greenwood was christened Mary Joan at baptismal services held last Sunday at St. Mary's church. Sponsors Were Joan and Paul Freund, aunt and uncle ol the baby. The baby was baptised in the same dress worn by her father at his christening. Following .the service, the following were entertained in the Herbert H. Freund home: Stephen H. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ollpin and son, Richard, and Mr and Mrs. Otto Hanke, the latter of Antioch. with Mrs, S. Jacobson hostess. . Miss Ann' Kaiser of the Debutante Beauty salon gave a very interesting and inspiring talk on "Color Fashions." To stress her points, she brought, with her an arrangement of those exotic flowers, "* "Birds of Paradise," from which clothing designers received their inspirations for the color trends in wardrobes for 19f>l. Five of, the outstanding tropical shades are Kalua blue. Paradise yellow, Gapu .strair, Isle green' and Giiijga red.. • '• 7 -; Miss Kaiser stressed the proper type of make-up to be used with these colors. lTsing Mrs. Alan Dimon arid Mrs. Arthur Hoppe a's models, she demonstrated ,the correct technique and proper blend %ith two of thU8e' new products, • Other parts of the program included a discussion on "Detergents" by Mrs. Allan Dimon and Mrs. Arthur Dimon. "Let's Do -it the Easy Way" was discussed by Mrs. Fred Eppel and Mrs. Hoppe. Mrs. C. Martin talked pn "Helpful Aids to Sewing" and Mrs. C. Harrison discussed "New Ways to Make Meat Loaf." Mrs. Bohen talked on "Gardens" and Mrs. Ed. Peet displayed handicraft articles. The next meeting will bip held Tuesday afternoon. May 1. in the home of Mrs. Eva Eppel. Miss Betty Langford, the home adviser, will present the major .topic, "Corsages as a Hobby.!' Party Honored > Edward J. Kamln, Jr. ,; On Sunday, April 8, a dlntierWtan held fit the Clark home in Lily Lake for Edward J. Kamin Jr., whose birthday anniversary felt on that day. S. A. Clark served as host. Fifteen relatives and friends attended, including W. R. Evanfi PN S/c, of the^U.S. Navy, who is here on leave' from Korea, whfere he has been located aboard the.U.S. Owens, a destroyer. Woman's Clab Changes Routine A new plan ig being carried out at the monthly i^petings of the McHenry Woman's club, with refreshments being served at the beginning of the meeting at 2 o'clock, followed by discussion of business. The next meeting will be ^eld tomorrow, Friday, April 13. •' O.K.S. Plans Fotnre Events A stated niePtfti# 4#sll*e 6®.S. chapter was held Tuesday evening * this week, with Betty Bohr and William Hoeft presiding. Escorted were ' grand chapter committee members, Leola Underwood and Eva'Eppel, cancer control; Frances Vycital, fraternal welfare; thirteen past matrons and three past patrons. •• . . *. • / _ Two catidid&Cfes w«r^ initiated and one them.ber lJ? affiliation- One petition for degree was receive^. , " , ' Frances Vycital made a report that seve^l boxes of clothes had been sent to Europe. Mr. Meyer local station agent The next meeting will be held j for the North Western railroad. April 24, when Past Officers night, An 8 lb. 5 oz. son was bom on will be observed. Lulu Klontz a^d j April 10 to Mr. and Mrs. James Chancy Harrison will preside 1 in [ Ballotti of LaJara, Colo. Mrs. Balthe East. Phyllis >Jimtz", Evira I lottl is the former Diane Bacon of ^111 McHenry. This is the first grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bacon. BIRTHS MISS PHYLLIS SMITH SATURDAY BRIDE OF MR. ROBERT AFELD ( Mr. and Mrs Herbert Roeske are the parents of a son, Herbert Jr., born on April 10. Mr. and Mrs. George Mfyer afe the parents of a daughter. Charlene, born at the Woodstock hospital on April 5. They have one other child, a (daughter, Cathy. P.T.A. Enjoys -* " Style Show St. Mary's-St. Patrick's school P.Tl. held its last meeting in the school hall Wednesday afternoon, at which time a style revue was held, showing First Communion styles of yesterday and today. Attired in the former were Mary Ann Ford, wearing the First Communion dress of the late- Vera Doherty; Mary Kay Stenger, attired in the dress of Nellie Doherty; Mary Beth Kauss, wearing Joan Durland's dress; Joan Bauer, looking much like Marie Justen Martin on her First Communion day; and Martha Thennes, wearing Geraldine Carey's dress. Wearing 1951 dresses of'dotted Swiss, organdy, taffeta and nylomist were Mary Grace Meyer, Judith Freund, Marion Gies. Catherine Albright, Patricia Walsh, Marilee Liptrot, Sally Niesen and Suzanne Kausa, * Showing what the well dressed young man wears on his First Communion; day was I%trick Buckey. r • "* Acting as flower girl Was Carol Jean Anderson, with Cameron Clark as page boy. Mrs. Charles Vycital ably narrated for the revue and appropriate music was furnished by Sister Andreella and Judy Freund, the latter playing the violin. Lunch was served by mothers'of fotfvth grade pupils. fhe next meeting of the P.T.A. will be held May 2, when Warren Jones will act as soloist. Pederson add Marion Collins serve on the refreshment committee. » Plans were discussed? for the dinner being Sponsored by the Masonic lodge and the O.E.S. chapter in the Masonic hall on May 5. Tfce public is invited and tickets are on sale for $1.50. Invitations Were announced as follows: Mayflower chapter Advance night on April 14 and Haven chapter Matrons'^ and Patrons' night On April 13. It, was announced also that the 547 club will meet at the Eppel home on April 16 at 8 p.m. All past matrons arfe invited to attend. Serving on the refreshment committee Tuesday evening were Mabel - Hawley, Ethel Smith and Marion Hawley. - Announce Engagement, _ Of Rosalie WIMfetn*, K Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Williams of Center street announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Rosalie, to Donald Doherty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Doherty. The couple will be married late next summer. winiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiitniuiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiifiitiinmiiir AMONG THE SICK HiiinniiHiiiiiiiHiHHiiinHiiiiiH(niinniiiiHiiuHiiiniiMi McHenry's police officer, Joseph Grobel, has been a medical patient in St. Francis hospital, Evanston, since Tuesday. John West is a surgical patient at the Woodstock hospital. Mrs. Ford Jackson is a surgical patient at^St. Ther^se hospital, Waukegan. Jacob Thies has been very ill at his home on Center street this past week. -- : Residence Changes 11II« » M Renew that subscription to the Plaindealer now. The Harold Aim, family has moved frofn Park street to the uppen. apartment it the Joseph Tonyan home on Waukegan street. The LeRoy Melsek family moted Wednesday from the Wattles apartments to Florida, where tfley will make their future home. APWL PERMANENT SPECTJ^ Croquignole Machine Wave $6.50 and Croquignole Machineless Wave .. ... $6.50 and up Cold Wat*- • - • : $8.00 aaid up All (Mher Beauty Work Avs liable. ' Chiropldtst in attendance hj appointment. MARION'S BEAUTY SHOPPE V PHONE 117-J . 103 So. Riverside Drive McHenry. I1L ~T St.. Mary's church was the scene of a beautiful spring wedding last Saturday, April 1, when Miss Phyllis Smith, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith, exchanged nup-* tial vows with Mr. Robert Afeld, son of jvff. and Mrs. Peter Afeld of Round Lake. Rt. Rev. Msgr. C. S. Nix officiated at the 10 o'clock mass. •; The lovely brider given In m a r r i a g e b y h e r f r a f W e s l T a white marquisette gow;n with fingertip veil, held by a wreath of, marquisette rosettes on her head. She carried a bouquet of roses and lilies of the valley and a crystal ' rosary, £ gift Of the groom. Acting sir^ inatrifhi^ tit horioi- was Mrs. Robert Schroeder ,of Chicago, the bride's, cousin. She was attired in bltie . marquisette.^ with matching organdy hat. and carried daisies.)' . * The Awo bridesmaids were tylss MarioA Freund of McHenry, a close friend, and Mrs. Don Afeld of Champaign, sister-in-law of the groom. Both wore pink marquisette dresses and matching organdy hats and carried dasies. The little flower girl was Patricia Schroeder of Chicago, the bride's cousin, who was charming in a pink marquisette dress and matching ribbon in her hair. She carried daisies also. Don Afeld of Champaign served his brother as best man and groomsmen were Robert Schaefer of McHenry and William Rovelstad of Roundi Lake, friends of the groom. ' For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Smith chose a navy blue dress, matching accessories and white carnation corsage. Mrs. Afeld was attired in an ensemble of similar colors. >oli icm At noon the bridal party and immediate families gathered afe the Legion Home for luncheon and during the afternoon about 225 friends und relatives attended the wedding reception. i The couple left On a honeytnooj trip through the South and \ipi their return iwill reside on church street. . The fcride is a graduate of "the McHenry biRh school with the class of 1946 and has bSfen employed since that time at the Illinois Bell Telephone exchange in McHenry. The groom received his education in Round Lake and Js also an employee of the folephone company, -out- of the Elgin office. - RECENT BRIDE >lltS. Hil.KR Married iff "oiTw. of the early spring Weddings soletanized in this cityv was Miss Elsie Smith, who became the bride of Donald Fluger of Mundelein. Th«<y were united in marriage in a ceremony performed on Saturday, Marchj^Sl, in the Ziofa Lutheran Evengelical Lutheran church. Jjlllllllllllllll(IIIHIIIIHIII|IIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIINIIIHItfllllfllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIII*|| I N O TIC E BY POPULAR REQUEST WE WILL HOLD ANOTHER CLOCK SALE SATURDAY. APRIL 21. 1K1 !*r Heme Barren Heorn Color Fashion Talk tl>e Ring wood Home Bureau #ttt held its monthly meeting last #eek at the home of Mrs. Claudia Patter (It Wickline subdivision, Iif knew any smokers? five them the new PARKIROFLAMINAIRE MAOt IV THI PARKE R PEN CO., U S A ¥; CASI Only pocket lighter that gives you # fhonrtn of light* without re-fuel- " Inf or re-flinting! Light* clear, clean, hot with cold butane 9a*. N» tOMJlM WITH HO MMUNO WITH WICKS 09 fVMIM# WITH VUNVt BOLGER'S raOME 4« laaioi ANNOUNCEMENT THE NEW JOHNSBURG FOOD MART (A CARDINAL STOHE) JOE HILLER, Croprietoc ^ W© will open our new Johnsbur^ Food Mart In the 9chae#»f Building on the corner of Main and Church Streets on SATURDAY, APRIL 21st with an array of the finest quality in Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables and Meats that money can buy. We will specialize in the Finest Quality of Foods at all times, featuring such famous brand as: Sprague Warner's, Richelieu Canned Goods and Swift's Premium, Wilson's Certified and Armour's Star in meats. The store has been modernised and completely redecorated, we have installed practically all new fixtures and equipment, including the very latest in a self service dairy case, and glass1 top Frozen Food Cabinet. We consider ourselves fortunate in havihg secured the services of peopleho have had years of experience in the food business, they have served most of you at sometime or other in the past, and we say in all sincerity that they are very happy to see, and serve you once again. You will find it a pleasure to shop at this store, where the Spirit Qf Friendliness shall always prevail. \ ^ • Do nof forget the date - WATCH FOR OUR ADVERTISEMENT IN NEXT-WEEK'S ISSUE OF THE McHENRY X. -ytv&: INDEAlXR. v • J R JEANHETTFS STYIE SHOP j ELM STREET McHENRY, ILL. LEGALS NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE j Estate Of Charles H. jOarr Be- $eased. if- •• " . v' Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday,-June 4, 1951, is the claini date ir the estate of Charles H. Carr, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and thai claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date wittyMit, lasuaa«e of summons. ; - " S- CJLVDE A. CARE, '• v-'lf ' ' "I • Executor. VERNON J. KNOX, ^ | Attorney. ' ^ :yf ^ (Pub. April 124#-I«K ^ V' ' " .">• ;--'--: -• 1 "-- ' o t 1 c. clerk by Monday evening, April 15 at 8 p.m. Inspection by .appointment. Phone Crystal Lake 1400. AH bids must be~>accompanied by 20% of bid -- balance upon receipt of bill of sale. % (Signed) „ ' ;,,v A. W. HAI>FIELB, tt.. (Signed) • » w LORRAINE FEDDERSON, Clerk Want ads, like freedom, are everybody's business. The School Directors of Curtou's Bridge School District No.1 t2 request bids for the purchase of the schoolliouse and contents located on the school site one mile Weat of Burton's Bridge on Route So. 176. Contents include gun-type forced air oil furnace, two 275 gal. tanks, 2 complete lavatories, 5 fluorescent light fixtures and other miscellaneous items. Building and contents to be cleared frbm the property within 20 days after acceptance of bid. Directors reserve the right to accept. or reject any or all bids. Bids to be in the hands of the »»•» / »"M i y i i m tv Ail IttiMflMP' VVURCH TIHC Threw It TO DOS , One lady used to throw her own | dinner to tbe dog most of the ! time. She was swollen with' gas, full of bloat, felt worn-out. Finally she got CERTA-VIN and ^ Sa'ys she now eats everything th sight and digests it perfectly. This ; is the new medicine that is helping so many stomach "victim*", here in McHenry. It h^lps yuu digest food faster and better^ Taken before m^ils, ,it works with your food. Gas paffii go! Inches • : of bloat vanish. Contains herbs jand vitamin B-l with Iron to 'rich the blood and make nerves stronger. Weak, misrable people 1 soon feel different all over. So I don't go on suffering. Qet, | TA-VIN -- Bolger's Drug Store!- X ;-- *;• F R E E E N T E R P R I S E m u i B A N K I N G SINCE i6so WAGES Up 3'A Timet WORK HOURS PRODUCTION NET OUTPUT Reduced from 70 Up 5 to 40-Par WMk Up nines 1 6 Such progress flourishes only in the climate of free enterprise. One of the stimulating factors of tl^is system is the credit offered by banks and the right of businessmen to borrow on the basis of merit. If b loan w i l l h e l p y o u , come in and t a l k i t o v e r . McHENAY state BAmm Membj^ Federal Deposit Insurance CorporattMi -< Member Federal Reserve Sytim OPEN SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1951 May we extend our hearty ^welcome to all of youA" FQR DEUYERY SERVICE- Phono 625*M America's Largest and finest y Low-Priced Car ! : K5ST---V Th« StytollM 0* lox* 4-Ooor 8«<w KStntlnvotiun of standard *quipm*nt md trim WtHd it 4hmd4m(, on availability of mattrHtl.) Yes, LARGEST... m»d rtw facts speaf^ for thmnsmlvmt !f» LONGEST in the low-price field, a full 197% inches of spirited action dnd clean, sweeping lines. It's HEAVIEST in t^re low-price field, a staunch and solid 3140 pounds in the model illustrated. It has the WIDEST TREAD in the tow-price field, a road-taming 58% inches between centers of the rear wheelt. Longer, heavier, , with Wider tread . . . that's the measure of Chevrolet's rock-solid value . . . big In looks, big in handling and riding ea^e, big in road-hugging performance. Why settle fo^ less than a Chevrolet . . . when Chevrolet is the lowest priced line in the lo4-price field. £ - Oood reasons why MORE PEOPLE BUY Yes, FINEST... ^ band here are the plain-spokmn reasons liSHER BODY QUALITY, renowned for solid and lasting goik nfcss. UNITIZED KNEE-ACTION RlDC, smooth and gliding VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE ECONOMY, spirited performance at lowest cost. PANORAMIC VISIBILITY, with a big curved wind- - shield and lorge window area. JUMBO-DRUM BRAKES, biggest In Chevrolet's field. SAFETY-SIGHT INSTRUMENT PANEL, with Shielded instrument lights. POWERGLIDE AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, billion-mile-proved, combined with 105-h.p. valve4Shead engine optional on De Luxe models at extra cost. ' CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CAR! * CLARK CHEVROLET SALES Phone McHenry 277 McHenry, Illinois ' i- ;.i '• •<#

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