Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Apr 1951, p. 4

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' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' " " ' * " ' v / V . ' V • " ' '"' *' i "~' ' " ^ THE WefuJItHT Pl-AimjEALEH ^ • "" 'p&-~- r f"t%%< Thurwfcy.Aprflll 11 eaHJtWaiAh. t"A*. flh«qar* With the opening of the cotfnty league season not far > t «way, there is much activity in the i various . camps. •' r. Word conies to us that the McHenry Merchants are more oir less reorganizing this week. ,.... tmeetlng Mond®y night, k \ > '? .'virions n-presentativeawho donatpC ^jed uniforms elected a board to U.'f govern the destinies of the team. I * Harold J. Freund, who managed tht» team last year and who grave much time and efforts w,ill head a board which includes two repreaentatives from eaclv section .of C/.J A1 (Hotify. J ' Members of the board are: Walter Anderson, Roy Miller, "Tony" Wiru, Anton Joknto. Roy Kent and Dk>k Jagef - ' - ^ 'rhe board will meet again on ' j Thursday night to name a manager |^T or the- year. •jf ». We have been asked to report that the team will practice neit Sunday afternoon and all players is re asked to be on hand. Any player who wants a tryout with • Jthe team Is Invited to report for practice. Budler, «• state police reminded him that "51 had arrived, and that old license plate wasn't the right color. Schedules from the high school tell us that the MCHS baseball team will travel to Grant next Tuesday. On Thursday afternoon, April 19, they will j>i&y Barrlngton heire* • O. Smith. IT •**; M. Kimala, 461; B... O'Brien: 4.61; Cubs Inn. 2; John the Tailor, 1. J. McDonald, 445; h> KIMftjr, 45% Karly Birds-- " '• :• - .• McHnnry Cab, 2; Htilllng's Town A Country, 1. J. Oxtoby, 427; Kennebeck, 428. Freund Oil, 2; A. P. D. Frernd. 179-446; B. 177-425; R. Adams, 491. Peterson Boat, 3; S. H.Freund, S. Sutton. 4M; B. Juaten, 4S2; <E. Peisert, 476. , ; . Old Bridge, 3; Carey Electric, 0. B.^Buerglei', 178-494; N. Lark in, 181-491. c The tennis team travels to Lake <3eneva on Tuesday and Lake Geneva's golf team will be here Friday, April . i? "l _vj5, 1 i McHenry lost a arid ! outstanding citises* when R. I. Overton was laid to rest Saturday. This column lost a friend who was oft£n a target for some little joke. He often handed out a rib in our direction, but could take it when handed back. Sure, the world goes on, but doggone it we bate to lose our old friends. C'l It the weatherman should halt practice next Sunday, the players will meet in the city hall to hear the plans for the coming season. The Merchants made a very re- ~ ppectable showing last year consid- V. erlng that they were a newly orr? jtanlsed team. ; . |F 7 . .• Bringing in new batteries caused "?much concern, but this situation •" seems to be corrected. Bob Mad- , ,»en will be with the team right fe«^^from the start and has expressed I; -:•]» willingness to coach the younger, local hurlers so that they can take '-over part of the mound duties. daily pflrm ~ A first class formula for happl-. ftesa: a little land, a lot of living, a little love, a lot of giving. A class B comedy or mistaken identy Is playing little frog In a big pond. Lack of affection will make your appearance more effective. You may not be able to read a man's mind, but you can generally book him by his actions. Solid achievement . ia built of brick upon brick of sani activity. Startling developments act as the beginning of the end. An unbounded future is within each individual's boundry. ANONYMOUS JOHNSBURG TIGERS COMPLETE SCHEDULE. OF GAMES FOR 'SI As near as we can learn, this plan meets with .approval by all concerned. In the Shamrocks catafui. the ball is rollin' and one can easily gather %that the boys are aiming toward April 29--Johnsburg at McHenry Merchants. May 6--1:00--Shamrocks at Johnsburg. May 13--Johnsburg at Hebron. May 20--C. L. Boosters at Johnsburg. May 27--8:00--Johnsburg at Algonquin. May 30--Johnsburg at C. L. Yets. June 3--Woodstock at Johnsburg. June 10 -- 1:00 -- Richmond at Johnsburg. 'June 10^-3:00-- Dundee at Johnsburg, ~ June 1? -- Johnsburg at Spring Grove. June 24 -- McHenry'Merchants at v Johnsburg. • In a talk with Mattftger Biujjuly i_3-oo--Johnsburg at Sham- --" Bowling 'Mir Commercial-- .:** Olson'*; 2; Norsemen. 1.. * ^ - Hermann, 507; Coari, 217-"t68- Pit zen's. 2: Kredteer's, ^ , - M i c h r f S j 5 2 3 . r " • / Huemann's. 2; F-rett's." i. B. Frett. 532; B. Peisert, 202r 625; E. Meyers, 536; J. Schona, 210-538. . Bowling Bar, S; Wostlake's, 1. Daly,; 407; ; JFred. 506. „ - . • Thursday Xffe-- Fox Motor Sales, Bar?B-Q 1. Hettermann's Tavern, 3; Tavern, 0. - t jV Batch's Leo's Jim •&, Claris Tavern, 2; Leo's Painterettes, 1. ^ 5 . M. Foley, 425; L. Ifleyers, 424; L. Freund, 182-492. c • * Lay's Tavern, 2; Hettermann's Tavern. 1. v B. Freund, 457r D. Mlchels, 190- 481. Frank May S- & G., 2; George Breier & Son, 1. Welngart's Trucking, 2; Bowling Bar, 1. " - -v Z. Malochieb, 449. B.' S«M>n, 200-211-600; Carlfon, It will be iwesaary to get started SI I; Budler. 212-579} Crottfrh, $48. Steffan's Oak •«00 Ladles-- .h- T. Olson JeweU y, 1. "1. . Johnson's Bar-be-cue, 2; Park Hotel, 1. M. Yegge, 434; M. Klnsala, 460; E. WiiUwfT 192-60!^ W BarWan, 8." ,. ' : Cltj-- McHenry, State Bank,/ S; Carey .Electric, 0. J ^ Cristy, 614; Rogers, 634. ' Prager, 2; Lee ft Ray, t. ;. Behnke, 209-624. * T. Olson ft Son, "i; ilr«lsh Insurance, 1. Kritz. 220-533. ' > * - McGee's. 2; Hester Oil^ I. > Scharlow, 237-217^61^; 543; Johnson, 201-5'4f. 7 s00 Ladles-- •i'i Herdrich's. J; :Just«n_ft Son, 0. M. Doherty. 192-457; V. Herdrich, I OAK as clone to 11 o'clock uk Ik p«Ml ble ,<lne to the large number of good quality Hdlslcin Dairy Cattle. 100 IIKAI) , KKC>ISTKRKD ami (.lUlU: HOLMTK1N8 M iicuii of this dairy of good llolMciii .Milcli Cows have an a>- ei-agc lest over four fears In the OH IA of 420 lbs. of fat, 12,000 lbs. of milk. r Mini) of them are granddaughter* of JOHANNA KA(. Al'PLK SKPTIMI S, whose 13 high testing (IjuigHtcrK on two times milking aMTiiiit'd 14,24(0 IIin. of milk with a ».7S% butter fat test and 532 lbs. of fat. " Several head #f ater Ml lbs. on 2X. '..v."".' 10 Pure Bred llclfers, g years Old; 17 Pare Bred open Heifers, 1. to l!ii years, old; 22 fure Bred ialves from a week to three MionthK old. ' All of theNf heifers are grandd «lighters of I»l( TATOR OKMSBY (Kx.), former Herd Sire at 175-443; T. Meyer, 444.; |C.~Justen, 423; ..." / RiVerside Dairy,. 2; McHenry Lumber, 1. L. Ferwerda, 180-183-5W; B. Rode, 464; B. Peteraon, liti Adolph Van Landuyi AUCTION WILLIAM H. RISSF.L and WILLIAM B. SULLIVAN, Aacts. The undersigned will sell his entire herd of Pure Bred and Grade Holstein Cattle on ttae^farm 7 miles North of Woodstock, McHenry County,, Illinois, 2Vfe miles East of Palmers Corners on Rt. 47, 5 miles South of Hebron, following State Rt. 47 to Palmers Kiivenglen Farms. Set era 1 of the above cattle are bred <o proven siren of the Wisconsin Scientific Breeding Association. Balance ure bred to a young Imll Iniversllj of ..Wisconsin breeding. Some very good projects for 4-II or F.F.A. ' Herd will lie all examined by a qualifying veterinarian prior to Mile. All animals T.B. and Bangs Tested within thirty days, and fiilfliood Vaccinated. Included in the 100 head dairy there will be 17 grade Holstein cows with DHIA Records, and 7 Grade Heifers. This i»vj$ne of the finest herds of dairy cattle that has ever been offered for sale in Northern Illinois. Corners, thence going 2V& miles.. W, hether you are interested in 4 , East,- 10% miles North and West i b,I,yln? °r not inspection prior to r'^PALAC^,"^; "... Meyer's, 2425; Thennes, 2327., Ed Thennes, 504; H. Weber. 202- 523; F. Meyer, 520. ' Freund's, 2353; Winkel's, 2259. Gus Freund, 531; H. Miller. 527. 7:00 T. 0. F.-- Steffan's, 2271; Stilling'*, 2240. H. Steffan, 213. -- Thennes', 2401; Justen's, 2306. Kreutzer, 211-538; A. Blake, 205- 522; B. Thennes, 216-618. of McHenry, Illinois, following 120 to Charles Corners, thence North on the Greenwood-Woodstock Blacktop to the Wesson Farms, thence West two miles. The farm Vas formerly known as the Clttadeila Farms. Follow the arrows, and you will make no mistake in the location of this farm, on SUNDAY. APRIL ISth IMl commencing at 11 A. V. sale day will 5e welcomed I am Operating a very large farm and don't have sufficient help, and could not continue diarying and farm the work land." I have been unable to secure sufficient help since January 1st. 1951, therefore a complete dlsfiursal due to labor shortage becomes necessary. All milking equipment will be sold before the sale of cattle. Including two Arctic Jet 2ft can Tavern-- ... Al's White House, 3; Landl's, 0. M. Schmitt, 200-225-605; Schaefeiv 201 -549. » Herdrich'8, 2; Cub's Inn, 1. A. Paluch, 211-521' - Hoots, 2; Fireside, 1. Koonan, 209-508. n G. the high position they have main- ,stained In the league. •'« " Behnke's, 3; R. Place, ft . Rogers, 545; Meath, 203-567; Weingart, 506; Downs, 540; Behnke, 232-609; Hagberg, 525. Bolger, wo caught the same enthu siasm of other years. Bill likes his baseball and is nojt letting any grass grow und^r hi« feet in an effort to putHheiShamrocks on top. Bill asks us to report, that the Shamrocks will practice in the gymnasium on Tuesday and Friday evenings, starting at 7:30. Next Sunday afternoon they will practice on the diamond.' . Bill has quite a roeter lined up and promises us a complete list ot Dlavers for next week. rocks. July 4--Hebron at Johnsburg ' July 8 -- Johnsburg at C. L. ^ Boosters. July 16 -a~ 1:00 -j- Algonquin at Johnsburg. July 22--C. L. Yets at Johnsburg July 29--Johnsbur# at Woodstock Aug. 6 -- 1 :-00 -- Johnsburg at Dundee. Aug. 5 -- 3:00 -- Johnsburg a^ Richmond. Aug. 12--Spring Grove (at Johnsburg. Old Timers-- Bl&ke's, 2422; Rogers' 2227. F.-Rogers, 525; H. Schaefer, 511. Meath's, 2272; Downs' 2200. W. Meath, 630. i Majors--" „ ' Carl's, J3; Downs Nash, 0. Schiltff 210-201-592; L. Bacon, 501; Paluch, 502; Steffes» 806-202- 589. ' V-': Blake's, 2; Crouch's, 1. Ranch Homes FOR AS LOW AS ss^rcrsen TERMS Airspuil Builders PHONE: WONDER LAKE 698 alter 5 p.m. : Howie Freund, new mattager of the Johnsburg Tigers, called eta us ! recently and showed his anxiety to get his team off to a good start. Howie, who rates with the best players ever developed in these parts,. has bad the experience and posesses the winning spirit to produce a winner. The Tigers made a wonderful fomeback after a slow start last < year under Ted Pitzen's hustling' leadership. If they can pick up where they lott oil laat aeason, look oat! /'• Reports are ttlat George Jackson, who now resides in Woodstock and Is in the contracting business there, will play with the county seat team. We hope that all three teams will be in the thick of the race and we'll make every effort to treat each team with equal fairness in Reporting their gannes throughout the season. BOWLING NOTU . VfHeary Recreation -- Thursday! O'clock-- Co-ops, 2; Certified Foods, 1. Brltz, 500; Pries, 219-621. Fox Novelty; ?; Clark Chev., It Werbnlg, 626; Peisert. 233-216- 638; Adams, 636; Thennes, 306. Old Bridg*, 2; Blatt, 1. Each year we try to get a line on our local athletes who are In college or performing elsewhere. Since Hugh Murphy's tendency is to talk softly but play hard, we have checked on his activities through an outside source. Wow -- and what we learned! Hugh'* coach, Joe Judge, calUk'him> "Another Mickey Haefner." Hugh pitched a 4-hilter against THnity last week, besides drawing a walk and hitting a single, double and triple. K. of t\-- < Steffan Jewelry, 2; Wall Fill Insulation, 1. H. Steffan, 511; H. Dledrlch, 208-517. , Frost Studio, i; Canada pry, ®. Business Meh--. "i ' Leo's Ringwood*. 2; McHenry Recreation, 1. Bowman, 203; Winters, 529; Sutton, 214-622; E. Pleronl, 626. McHenry Plastering, 2; Leo'B Tavern, 1. Reininger, 519; Nimtz, 602. McCuilom Lake,. 2; Freund's Dairy, 1. McDonald's Tavern, 2r - Frank and Frieda, 1. Rourke, 202-525; Adding to Coach Judge's Joy was a pinch-hit single by Murphy to win a 10-inniug 3 to 2 battle against Rutger's. © Judge, outstanding first-baseman for Washington in his day, says that major league scouts should forget sice and take a second look at Murphy. V. F W.-- Dog Faces, 3; Swabbies, 0. Ix>w, 212-538; Smith. 500; Herdrich, 615; Creutz, 527. Fly Boys, 2; liell Hopfe, }.< **w Hy, liow time tiles said Mike * * D.«f Ar- Wattles Drug Store, 3-T McHenry Co-op, 0. , H. Low, 202-490. ' , , .Art Smithy Grocery, 2; ' P. M. Justen Furn., 1. A. G4Uilke, 178-460; L. Smith, 450 McHenry Lumber Co., 3; Buss Motor Sales, 0. Be Ahead Yours Today From The FINEST Selection of Dependable Used Cars ALL PRICED BELOW O.P.S. CEILING s-i 1049 1949 1949 1949 1949 1948 1947 1947 1947 1946 1946 1946 All -- DODGE CUSTOM SEDAN -- NASH "SUPER" AMBASSADOR $1350 1275 -- PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXE SEDAN 1345 -- STUDEBAKER "STARLINE" CLUB COUI^• 1225 -- DODGE "CORONET" CLUB COUPE^. 1595 -- PODGE CUSTOM CLUB COUPE "f,W -- DODGE CUSTOM 4 DR. SEDAN -- PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXE SEDAN -- DODGE TUDOR SEDAN • , -- DODGE 4 DR. SEDAN -- DODGE CUSTOM CLUB COUPE -- PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXE COUPR Most Cars Loaded With Extra Equipment, Above Cars Plus Many Others Sold With A 60 DAY WARRANTY! : ^ A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, MC 301 EAST PEARL STREET McHENRY. ILLINOIS PHWE 156 milk coolers; t4 milk cans; 4 unit Surge milking machine; $ man pumps and units. 14 CHOICE SH0AT8 BLACK 3 YR. OLD SHETLAND PONY, CHILD BROKE. - - A small amount of surplus equipment will be sold prior to sale of cattle. Any prospective purchasers will be welcome to come to my farm before sale date and join "me iu tlie milking of these cowft for their own satisfaction. For other information see 'the Catalog, or write to John W. Dehmlow, Sales Manager, Algonquin .Illinois. TERMS -- Usual Bank Terms. If from out -of the McHenry County Community, bring Certified Checks, or Letter of Reference from your local Ranks. Lunch Wagtin On Grounds. Sot Responsible For Accidents Adolph Van Landuyi, Owner. First National Bank of Woodstock, Clerking. Member Federal Reserve/and Federal Deposit Insurnnee Corp. 4# Y grateful to Msgr. Nix. Mrs. Hugo Golterman MrB. William Wollert Mrs. Edith Bicklet: - Mothers society, to Magr. Nix, .BaumbaCoj* and Fr. Oo«kley, The Childrem of 48' , Mrs. Bfn, BrefeU * ARD OF THANKH We would like to take this opportunity to thank friends and leighbors for floral offerings, «piritua^ bouquets, donationa of tars and other kindnesses extendd in' our bereavement. We are 'specially grateful to the Christian Tfca Sam* Mr trlltali Mm Flrtt IsU •<•••• Th« Hnm phwii Km U ia<M iMt DISCOVERED NEW SHAMPOO CURLS AND WAVES HAIR Without Pstrismt Waving , card of Thanks I would like to take this opportunity to'thank friends and neighbors, for cards, visits and prayers during the time I was confined to the hospital. They were all greatly appreciated, *48 Frank Blake ARB OF THANKS We would like to thank frfends, relatives and neighbors for floral offerings, spiritual bouquets, donationa of cars and cards of sympathy offered at the time of the death of Mrs. Ina Bickler. We are fbead tl\e Want Ads? Mrnm Marlene's Hair Waving Cream Shamfiot m HACKWEIY... HI WAITIMS... NIT A ««TE SIT! •T®lifUt. tuning, new, easy SJlAMI'OO uctu«Uy glvta n.autal-JtKjkiiiK. 1o«k lasting i-utU and w«vh» MK'it while you wuflh your hair . . . ye». whllfc you Shampoo out dirt, dunt. em-n oil* ah<l d«n* druff. you shanip<>o-in p«raonHli/fd waves ami curia Inat auit yuu ...» halo of soft ringlet# or a loo**, natural UxiktnK canual Whip. Marleno'« n»Jr- Wa\iiiK Shampoo is an entirely new principle that's M easy and simple as sliutnpooinr vour hair hut the «avea ami <urli stay In. No wonv about gpijt ends no dry. hrlnle, fuxzv hair, no conditioner, no iptrlaf shampoo. Ii i g|| in one . . . the new safe kind of hair shampoo wa>»«* hair as It shampoos. Ideates hair ^oft and manarrahle. fairly glowing with new life and lustre . . . and otif'jar ifiyes you and your family M many as 1"» shampoos. And th&prhe . . . only |1 plus ta* Marlene's N>w Hair Waring fthampoo is •aid on the warranty ot Tull sati^fartlon «r money bask. Bolger's~Drug Store Phone 40 McHenry WAUKEGAN HIGH SCHOOL GYM SATURDAY. APRIL 1 8:30 P. M. r JIM McMlLLKN, Referee ^ BIDY KAY vs. LEOX KllllLKNKO Australian Tag Team Hatch , HANK a FRITZ SOHNABEt vs. HOMltRK MONTANA RAHON C'ERNAPES • MAX MAUFh vs. BENNY ROOSTER tonight! It scores...for low • cost fun! OPKA BOWMNfi Wednesday after fl p.m. Fri., Sat. & Sub. all day RECREATION Steve & l*at Koenlg Props. Modern Alleys Open 2 p.m. THE RIVIERA "SHOW PLACE OF THE MIDDLE WEST* - Lake Geneva . Wisconsin PRE SEASON OPENING WITH BUD WILBUR and His Orchestra • "WISCONSIN'S M6ST DANCEABLE BAN©" Dancing Every Saturday Night * Plan now for your dancing parties oft Wisconsin's Most Beautiful Night Club cr-ssiM1 -f. ' rVE DRIVEN DODGE CARS 270,000 MIFS and my car for 51 is another dependable DODGE ! ~-Sa)rt C O. (wwBfe) • "MY NIW '51 DOOGE maktt ih# 1«m Dodg* l'v» owned," fays C. O. Pyl«, Lot Ana*)*!, Colli. "AimI *v*ry moro tlvan lived up to th« roputation for dependability." You could pay up to *1,000more and still not get all th* extra mom, comfort and rugged dependability ofDodge OWNOts know horn ex per icmc ihcvalve and dependability built into lknlge cars, l ii.u't why. year alter year, so many buy "another; . dependable Dodge." ' ' • « Along with smart, sleek styling and unmat< lied roominess, Dodge gives you the smoothest ride you've ever known, thanks to the new Onflow- Shock Absorber system. You get exdiing per/aim?, -s*uce, true economy with tiic bfg "(ict-AwayS-^ • engine. And CyrpMatic, louciU-|>riied~<iutptiMtic transmission, m^kes driving easier, smoother. Yes. Dodge h the car you want tacky . . . « smart looking, comfortable, dependable car for the year* ahead. Let us give you the complete stor\ of Dodge value ami dependability . . . today. J> DODGE Drtom fr five Mmfu Ami YouHDrivIt For Ym10 ,-/ Speciflceftont end w^uipmxutl to dxme* wMM eelk* » SEE, "SHOWTIME u,.a/A.' ABO TELEVISION NETWORK A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES INC. 301 EAST PEARL STREET / gfcjS>hi& . k ' m ' .'.....J'.', T/?

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