w » TT' '?pwy ^ ^ ,w" ^Tqjy'^y^ yff*wtv's fw*^^ • T^w^^wm y> m**$^"$y-K,S *W*T>* '"7 ;vt%\v T^-rvV* •'.""" , T l , . ' . € . . . ' "•*. * . . . . , ^ ' i - m V WA twA#- tth«q*r* At tU> vritlbg WMther iMikei it seem impossible, bat <the schedule says that our county baseball league will swing into action next Sunday afternooti. * The league is made up of eleven Jkeams and the schedule-makers ttrost have had quite a time from |h« looks of things> . .. . i, <. - Both McHenry teams ire listed ior home games next Sunday. „ / The following Sunday both Me- •' Ifenry teams, will play away from Jiome. That's the way the schedule foes. That's going to split the crowds. '^Well, it's not our worry. We can only see one game at <f time and We plan to pick , our ^ games throughout the season no matter fhere they are played. There are two real attractions •Bt for the opener. Richmond will •appear on the Shamrock diamond. Both teams were in the thick of rrace last year and expect to shooting for* the top spot, again this season. Wauconda will play the Warriors here. Next Tuesday the home boys travel to Lake Geneva. On Thursday of next week Zion-Benton will be here. > Is the reason General MacArthur isn't wearing any of his decorations because President Truman took away his good conduct medal? --From a Helper. " Bill Bolger phones to say- that if wet grounds cause a postponement next Sunday, the game will be played off later. Tommy Sutton burned up -the alleys with 244 and 223 games as you will see in the bowling section. Many tans thought that Ray Iter's team would cop the flag st year. Ray had a soand ball ub, but " couldn't hold the pace at the end of the season. Manager Bill Bolger seems to kve a lot of material to look overf here will be plenty of bench strength Reeded. ready to step in where Bill's pitching plana will have to be worked out, but he has a potential winner in Paul Freund. It Paul can get the experience tieeded, he may be a surprise in Hie league this year. ~ Two new- managers. Dick Rosing the Merchants and ftowie •BVound of the Johnsburg Tigers, "Will direct their teams in a promised battle on the Merchant diamond. V:; ; Dally Pinups . Some folks have a knack for getting you into hot water, while some others throw cold water on your pet project. You are your own worst enemy when you are no one's friend. The more clearly you see another's faults, the blinder you are to your own. Even an interesting topic will get rubbery by expansion. All the tricks of the trade cannot change the fact that truth will get you further than trickery.' If you can't be in the lime-light be thankful to be in the sunlight. Larceny on a lark Is robbing Peter to pay Paul. _ --Anonymous •t<M Ladles --(last week)-- Johnson's Bar-be-cue, 2 - Oak Park Hotel, 1. Mf Yegge, 179- 464; E. Wlnkfl, 434; G. ttarbian, 437. T. Olson ft Son, 2 - Steffan's Jewelry, V J. Kralowets, 422; H. Conway, 190-485; 8. Olaani 175- 434; C. Boone, 427. BOWLING BAR Doables: r 1. Kate Jackson and Lou Huemann - 977. 2. Ann Timm and Betty Freund - 921. S. Marge Schomaa^^juid ^elda MalochlebT 91«. 4. Isabelle Thompson and Diane Freund - 912. 5. Rita Miller and Rita Daly - 911. 6. Lorraine .Smith and Glorlce Jackson - 899. v" 7. Marge Foley and -^Lorraine Freund - 894. • - * " COMING EVENTS MeHEXRY RECREATION BOWLING NOTES \ fe-'".' Howfr%«l, tWr „ *• ' tame lineup as last I nhKt should be strong. have the year and m m The Tigers will miss George -Jackson, wteo is playing with -\VoodBtock this year, but have 'V |»otta Harry Freund and Ted Pit- '•'•['••fh as reliable meou ia the catching department. • Howie's experience should give •iliim the know-how to get the best fiut of NJIIS team. Dick has a big job on his hands *• whipping up a winner. Too tnany players have been lost and JLhe question of relacing them, is a Wg task. • •/- « . • PALACl " 9m Steffan's Jewelry, 2 - Johnson's Bar-be-cue, 1. J. Kralowets," 184- 177-532; A. Gaulke, 446; H. Conway, 424; M. Yegge, 444; M. Kinsal*, 433. T. Olson it Son, 3 - Oak Park Hotel. 0. J. Kupec, 424; E. Winkel, 199-431. We hope Dick can coma tip with ;-,«nough strength to make the team formidable. He's going to need a Hot of support and cooperation. We ik.-Hrtsh him' success.^;=3==^-~-™ Games will start at 2 o'clock. Pick your game and be there when •the man in blue says "Play Ball!" Tavern-- Al's White House, 2 - Snug Harbor, 1. B. Freund; 526; G. Schaefer, 214-214-620; F. Rogers. 214-580; D. Weingart, 211-558; H. Behnke, 508. Herdrich's, 3 - Cubs Inn, 0. Low, 505; Tonyau, 503. Landl's 2 - Hoots Tavern, 1. S. Duttko, 211-517; J. Landl, 205- 540; Fantus, 514; Stilling, 525. PICKUP: m, "Things are so tough that A hitch-hikers will ride either way." Haven't had- a change to see our high school baseball team in action, but hear they haye a snappy outfit. Don .Freund pitched his way to a 6-4 win over tha strong Barrlngton nine. 7:00 Ladles-- McHenry Lumber, 3 • Riverside Dairy, 0. B. Farm, 464; L. Ferwerda, 439. Justen & Son, 2. Herdrich's, 1. V. Herdrich, 429; T. Meyer, 176- 482; E. Justen, 450; E. Hester, 439; M. Doherty, 203-521. Thin, 9 O'clock-- . Singles SweepstaliMi:',, Victual pins--score with handicap in parenthesis) 1. T Sutton, 244-223-634 (694) 2. Jannotta, 218- 218-S85 (641) 3. Krause, 584 (636) 4. Werbnig, 584 (626) 5. Huff. 203-496 ^ " (618) 6.-Schweiger, 200-508* (604) 7. Rodenkirk, 615 , . (BR7) 8. Bennett, 549 ' . •' (587) High 4-H LEADERS FROM TWO COUNTIES MET IN McHENRY FRIDAY 4-H club leaders from McHenry and Lake counties met last Friday in the McHenry high school for a day of instruction by Florence Kimmel8hue, assistant professor of 4-H club work at the University of Illinois. There were thirty-nine present. Prior to the dinner in the achool's cafeteria, Miss Kimmelshue spent considerable time explaining details of Edna Bright Bishop method of sewing now used by all 4-H clothing clubs throughout the country, a method which requires no basting or handwork except for snaps, buttons and trim. The women discussed new fabrics and fashion trends. Leaders in attendance included Mrs. Paul Walkington, Mrs. John Hogan and Charlotte Hogan of Ringwood and Mrs. Owen Richardson of Spring Grove. HORSE 8HO>y There will be a meeting of the horse show and pony committee of the McHenry county junior fair in the Odd Fellows Building in Woodstock at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, May 2, at which time all of the owners of Shetland ponies desiring to enter them in the horse show at the McHenry county fair, are invited to attend. This will include the owners of ponies 48 inches high, ponies 46 inches and under, and ponies 48 inches high for pony races. Special consideration is going to be given to ponies shown in all forms under the saddle, also ponies shown in single or ,double hitch. In each case there will be four cash awards, as well as ribbons. Entry fee in all cases is $5.00; $1.00 deposit with entry. 7:00 Ladies--(lase week)-- Justen ft Son, 3 - McHenry Lumber. 0. E. Hester, 175-481; C. Rosing, 423; M. Doherty, 221-564. Herdrich's, 2 - Riverside Dairy, 1. B. Peterson, 456; T. Meyer, 428; E. Justen, 176-444; E. Conway, 446. ;; April M ' Caftmiti'iHtJ P.T.A. Meetinr-^ r.M St Clara's Court, W.C.O.F. Installation. - 'Public Dessert Card Party; V.F.W. Clubhouse -- Sponsored g;by Circle 2, W.S.C.S Ringwood W.S.C.S. Cafeteria Sniper. ^ .1-- April 28 Party At American Legion Public Invited. April SO St. Clara's Court Juvenile Installation. Girl Juvenile Foresters Pot-Luck Sapper -- 6 P.M.--Installation of Officers. Indian Handicraft Meeting--1:30 p.m.--V.F.W. Clubhouse JMicHenry Woman's Club Bake i Sale--Justen Furniture Store, •"Grien Street. ' May 1 Catholic Order of Foresters Fox River Valley Camp, R.N.A. -- Susan Olsen Home. Adult Girl Scout Association -- American Legion Home -- 1:30 P.M. , • May r:';y St. Mary*s-$]L Patrick's fldtool , - P.T.A. 'J J* ' ' V . Hay 4 Spring Music Festival School Gymnasium May a- /• - Public Ham Dinner--Masonic Mall 5:30 P.M. Public Dinner -- Masonic Hall -- - Sponsored by O.E.S. May 8 Matron's And Patrons' Night, OJB.S. May 9 Kindergarten Registration -- 202 Waukegean Street ~ Forester Fest -- V.F.W. Hall May 11 McHenry Woman's Club -<*• Mrs. Peter M. Justen Home • . May If •• •' '*• p. D. of A. Mother's Day Banquet --Villa Hotel May 15 Rlverview Camp, R.N.A. --Public Card Party -- K. of C. Hall --8 F.Zf Forester Meeting May l^llitttr Rummage Sale --• Sponsored by Christian Mothers and Altar Societv--Albert Blake's Garage. May 16 Style -Show -- Ringwood Church Basement * May it Spring Tea--1 p.n*--V. J1, Hall --Sponsored hy w!s.c.s. May 19-20 "Gypsy Caravan"--McHenry Choral Club Program--High . School Auditorium. 4 May 90 Girl Scout Mother-Daughter Tea.-- American Legion Home. _ May 22 O.E.S. Stated Meeting. • 31« j 26 Altar and Rosary Sodality Annual Bake Sale--George Justen Furniture Store. Jnne 19 Fashion Show, Dessert Luncheon And Bridge Party -- Sponsored By Circle 1. W.S.C.S. July 18 P.T.A. Dessert Garden Party -- 1 P.M. -- V.F.W. Grounds. FOOD SALE McHenry residents are reminded of the food sale which the Woman's club is sponsoring on Saturday. April 28, at 10 o'clock at the George Justen and- Son furniture store. Donations from members will pe greatly appreciated, with food of all kinds accepted. For further information call;585-Ml or 55-R: Order your rubber stamps at The Plaindealer now! I0E301 BOLGER'S presents Complete line of Lee's pealtry remedies at Wattles Drug Store. McHenry. 8tf RED LILAC (Thursday) afternoon Step ia tonight! It scores... for low • cost fan! OPEN BOWLING Wednesday after t pjn. FrL, Sat. A San. all day MCHENBY recreation Steve & Pat Koenlg Props. Modern Alle/s Open 2 p.m. ** HOLLY'S DRIVE-IN *: 410 ELM STREET -- McHENRY, Of. MENU Delicious Sandwiches HAMBURGER HOT DOG CHEESEBURGER . GRILLED CHEESE GRILLED BACON and CHEESE DeLuxe Double Hollyburger (Potato Chips and Pickle) FRENCH FRIES M SOUP MALTEDS SUNDAES 20c 25c BLACK COWS 10c 10c SHAKES ... ... SODAS ^ 25c COKE ROOT BEER 30c 20c 40c 30c 45c 55c 20c 20c 28c 25c 10c . 10c FREEZER FREStf-^ Frozen Custard and Ice Cream PINTS 40c QUARTS 75c CONE CUPS 10c • 15c HALF GALLONS $1.40 CAPACITY CROWD SAW 4-H TALENT SHOW ON SATURDAY' The high school auditorium was crowded almost to capacity last Saturday night for ^the , McHenry County 4-H club rally and talent show. • ... After colored slides of Camp Shaw-wa-naw-see summer activities were shown by Farm Advisor W. H. Tammeus, further explanation was made and information given as to making reservations to attend. Following selection,t, hy an accordion band, winners of the county contest presented their program. These included Grace Beestra of Hartland singing "May the Good Lord Bless and Keep You." Faye and Beverly Behrena singing "Mockingbird Hill" and an accordion sok> by George Cowan, Jr. A comedy skit, "Modern Surgfity". was presented by the Algonquin Gitchi Goomie girls, followed by a novetly tap dance by Leona and Ruth Swanson. Gordon Thomson also tap danced to "Dark Town Strutters' Ball." A second corned skit was that of the Grafton Girls, who portrayed "Li^e in the Wild, Wild West." A quintet from the Tip-Top club sang "Venice Night" and^ Wilda Nevel gave a reading, "At the Matinee", depicting the Iroubles of a mother at the movie with her children. x Awards were made for winners in the annual window display held a few weeks ago. The large crowd enjoyed entertainment in the gymnasium following the program. CAS) OF We would like to take this way of thanking th« Haaonlc lodge, relatives, neighbors ttd friends tor cards of sympathy, floral offerings, donations of cars and the many other kindnesses extended in our bereavement SIRS. EDWARD A. NORDIN Mr. AND MRS ARNOLD A i^RSON AND LINKS* 30 ; . 7 tABD OF THAinci I wlBh to sincerely thank my friends who remembered me, so kindly during the timel was confined to the hospital.'r'hese kindnesses were greatly appreciated. „ MRS. HENRY J. SCHAFFER 30 i Wankegan Road THANK YOU 1 would like to take this opportunity to thank the voters of Ward 3 (or their support at the polls which resulted in my re-election as alderman last week. 30 GEORGE J. FREUND THANK YOU To the voters of McHenry, my sincere appreciation for your sup-? port in my re-election as alderman hi Ward 2 last week. •5t ARNOLD ANDCRSON Iard of thanks I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many friends who sent cards and gifts and offered prayers In my behalf during the time I was confln'e<Pto the hospital. These many kindnesses were greatly appreciated. MRS. FORD JACKSON - *50 Read the Want Ads! If 99 GOLF Pistakee Golf Clui HOW OPEN UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT MR^and MRS. A. MALPEDE Formerly Navajo Fields Country Clnb SOI TH END OF PISTAKEE BAY PHONE PISTAKEE 354 lilllllllllllllllllll BUSINESS MEI#^ | ATTENTION WHY GO>I 0O1U T OF TOWN TO IMJ EAtf? BE PROUD TO BRING YOUR FRIENDS TO THE FINEST RESTAURANT IN McHENR*. * THE LITTLE CHEF 138 N. Riverside Drive Tfcttndayr April 26, mm / > Sterling Window Shade F" Venetian Blind Co. 56jK) W. Division Si.. COlamb^s 1-8743 Have your windows dressed fat Kar-Olier re*4, movable slot Venetian Blinds, Duponl's washable ^pline Shades and Kirsch Draw Rods. , • " Plate Glass and Dresser^and Table Tops. ' ..-..'(Polished and Beveled) - S I Animates Cheerfully Given. c ^ CALL FRIDAY EVENING ^ 1 Saturdays and Sundays call McHenry 651-M-l LEGION HOM6 SATURDAY NIGHT. APRIL 28th PUBLIC INVITED No Admission Charge^. Entertainment By EUGENIE GLAESER -- Guitar Player A *1 YOU'LL DISCOVER GOLD i n y o u r f e e d l o t w h e n y ou f e e d KENT P I G NUGGETS! DAILY BUSINESS MAN'S IMGH - SUNDAY DINNERS from DAILY DINNERS The best Bar-B-Que Ribs you ever tasted Jumbo Lobster Tail Roast Long Island Duck 65c $1.40 S $1.75 $2.15 $1.85 Under New Management MRS. GEflTRUDE FORD | 7uimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii>iiiiiimHiiiiHimHHmiiiiiHimHiHmiwmiiim»iMjii[H brings you a % new fragrance, •« fresh as Springtimtt Enjoy *»cf lilac In Bouqusl Lenth6ric and Lavish Bath Powder 25 each An exciting new fragrance experience awaits you when you first wear fted tifac, lha scent that echoes fashion's) newest Spring shadesl PHONB 40 KOESOI Here's the SOFTENER that AutomaticallyF takes Care of Itself! •Itttrkhy Hbe nstl "• STOVER PXHl FACtMAKlt ...NOW tucmnto Now you can have a water softener in your home that Ia as easy to operate as your refrigerator. liiin neweet Stover model brings you the famou STOVER Auto-Shift Valv Xsrated electrically. You gc the other featurea, toe, that make STOVER the moat hatisfactory source of all the soft water you can uae--all the time. Come in and let us show you how easy it ia now to luive glorious iHt ~yater in your home to make all housework eaaME. The savings you make in soap, cleaning coo^ pounds, plumbing repairs and wear on <" ing soon pay for your Stover Softener. CONVENIENT TERMS IF DESIRED PHONE MeHBNBT 48 ^ H. E. BUCH Sl8 RIVERSIDE DRIVE WONDER LAKE HOME APPLIANCES -.WONDER LAKE, ILL. -- PHONE WONDER I,ARE «1 10 Year Gunrnntt* -- Terms Many Middle West farmers and feeders claim that discover- J|ig KENT PIG NUGGETS is like finding money! You'll Ogree when you see the way your pigs go for PIG NUGGETS, file complete pig meal that contains lots of rolled oats. All necessary proteins, minerals and vitamins are present in generous quantities, including high levels of AUREOMYCINAPF. Hie finely-ground feed is in the form of granules, simply because pigs like a coarse feed, start eating earlier apd gain faster. , ---- Hetnembtr, a good pig starter Is |«tt as Important for yoaag pigs as a gead chick starter fer baby chicks! MRLY GAINS ARE THi THRIFTIEST GAINS, FfffO KENT PIG NUOMts WITH AUREOMYCIN-APF McHENRY COUNTY FARMERS CO-OP ASSN. McHENRY, ILLINOIS KENT FEEDING PROGRAMS PAY COME TO THE :; 1 \ r FOX HOLE TAP RIVERSIDE sHQTGt SATURDAY NIGHT April 28, 1951 k FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT DON STADFELD & HIS BAND GEORGE FREUND ~ Trumpet and Vocals , fiEN FISH-r Bass JIMMY BLEDSOE-- Sax DON STADFELD -- Piano DINING ROOM OPEN flSH FRIES SERVED EVERY FRIDAY COME ONE! - COME ALL! •iii