Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 May 1951, p. 21

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Illinois Zoning Orfh? i? i iwr""ovtd ««« aiortei by J*1? TM,*4*** qf.iua declared ouri«f v*re appnwWt r&t National Bank of J and ordered of record J oft thlis Hoard, and that tlie Comnrth.V. ! to.jiaSESC' .PE* N*t ,?n?! V*-v* of | and ordered of record. rtve Zoning ordinance ot akh. 1 FUnk^^Riohm^nd n-L ii u U,t I • ».,rh? follotint: monthly repor County. Illinois new on file in Vhe SEX °J„ri!ch'V,0"^ ^c",enry !*?<*?•!* Tj*a?urer including « Conntv cYift'o Aff"" ?n fn* Ln J the s<««* Bank. .*.« C. office be amended to Crvstal l^nke .r ^ei In c'*ss»fi*ation of o'krv Stato Bank" the property oi the applicant. as out- ' lined in annlicrii ion :m<i n>i. Home State Bank Aigonquin State Bank. Be It Mirther Resolved that each bank heroin designated as a deposi- Dunning. Glenn. Mnckeben. Aavang, Cornue. McConneli. .May. Schinitt! Stern^ Filip a„d XMsrSup;^"^: ^'^' AvJ' -V^( olineU a,ul Rosenthal vot<& ' such funds Hio««j, Jn.n#n" A.nd ll,e <*hairuian in a bank h 'carried and%hennrdi!iiin unanlmou*'>! ' pository. the amrunts or such o M«l directed that «hi ».2 , ani®,lde,J and directed that the maps l.-e ch»ng- „posits shall not exceed seventv-fl er 0,.nt „f th„ capital Stock a report • . . , . - linK a re- 1 port of County Highway Funds was presented and read to tlt<* Hoai.1 iuwlt: Moithly Beport of McEtur/iCoutjr Fund. Otctiubtt 1, 1950 to December 31, INt Beeelpte Bal. forward I »ec. 1. m5« $22^408. lii Insurance refund ~ - yrnish j From M. F. T. Ac*°j Total Receipts .. omptroller of I the Currency, while acting as such I Grand Total depository and Tlnilfltfni rther Resolved that if I Highway Orders, $6.G7» r,i. or moneys are deposited i Balance forward'.,...... 27 8*»:i ; in a bank herein designated as a de- ' pository. the amrunts of such de- ROBCOl oMmtmR «yu?a*k • ' ' *• ArATH N. SCHMITT ST AN UK Y H. CORNUE «a f rnstea to tuch an extent that holes f John 3. Filfp Baro KFrf No i \\^^st<>ckr0 r*™ .piXted If1™"*1!. «ome of the ' AugiistUR M. Maxwell Afst . Supr. RoF^nthUl addfemiM t^ams. On* of the floor beams had I Paul F. Rosenthal 33.00 , King-' to secure State approved plaits for'a BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Pt*%9 19V- $34,572.90 feels that their be font ill lied. A * was then had it 36 matter, and it wa> mploytnent should I wood. Ill eneial dim-ussiowl 10b. Janns Szarek. McHenry Ml regard to said H'«. .Albert and Amy Miller. Sprint; thf Grand Total $24,572.90 To: C. 1.. Trvou. Supt of Highway. J. G. STK\ KXS. Cmintv Tiea.s. County Ttnranr'i Ktport ror the Month, DNimbtr. 1950 BtcMptl Surplus of such liank and such Coun- Balance forward as of September 29, I960 wet General Fund iplnion of j the Hoard that that would l*» a matter for the Treasurer to decide, due to the fact that they would be paid out of his office earnings. It was thereupon regularly moved by Asst. Supr. McC. nnell and dnl\' seconded by Supr. that the report _ "' " "•I'M* " * v *», tiuu liini «vil of said banks Le authorised to continue as depositories of the funds of county ot titers, and the roll beinid called the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. % The following? RcoUest and Reso- 49".3." 702.55 License .JS.Mn.4 7 . FI.S83.74 t. a«»9.42 . L,«21.8G ' , R0!> I •' The Sheiiff's Committee presented Motor Fuel Ta\ .. 19*!KIII ihi a. report concerninp the operation of Payroll Account^ ^J 'S 3l the SheriflTs patrol car lor the month 1 v iolailons on Hwy. -' **4 00 of Xovemhr, which report was ap- Tax Kedeem from Fort-7..1 <412 60 proved and ordered placed on file. III. Mun. Retirement i,«»>;•' :i»i The Chairman announced the s«- . "• • Total Receipts . .. ,152.707.8 .!!*.?• I**5 16 committee on Fees and Salaries $»9.2!i.) 4!t ; be approved and adopted by this Hoard. And the roll t«lntr called, Snprs. Ruth. WittmuK. Beck, Coy, 107 <!rO\i'. ill. 108. Joseph A. Forives. Rt. 1 foot. 111. 10?- -}[ari;aret Porten. Box 400. 3, McMentv. 111. 110. llnn y and James Mino)a.^«t. No. Z. V\ (MMlstfK'k. 111. 11 it.' v!^n-Tf>V),, Hoppert, Kt. No. 2, Mcllenry. Ill; ItiR No. 112. William Xolan Kst.. No. 1 Harvard. 111. 113. (Transfer! l-.laine new bridge subject to the approval of this Hoard. All of vrlUctt la *•» spectf'ully sul niuted. ... - ROSCOK OlaK.W K. C. COY . T. W. STKRXE Special Bridge Committee Xichols BridRi--Town of Hebron McHenrj* County, Illinois I It was thereupon regularly moved ' by Supr. Mackeben and duly second- R. K. IX ; ed try Asst. Supr. McConneli that the j "i report be approved and adopted by Shf. Deputy Harry C. Herendeen. Jr. <irant N'olan Howard Cairns Armour Hirk Henry J. Famrbor .... Kdwln R. Comiskey All of which is reaptectfully *ub- • m it ted. A1.MKR AAVANQ. Chm. MATH X. SCHMITT ' -r --JOHN J. F1I-IP - -. ' • I 'A t1L F. IU >SKXTHAL • ROSCOK OKKXX ' " '1 Strpr. Aavan^ Chairman of tlie Fees oun- V1S4X.7S January I, 1»5» i, , "^man and the Honorable Hoard of Supervisors of MrHenrr County. Woodstock, Illinois Vour McHenry County Home, rarm and Hospital <'ommittee met at Hartland January 6th. 1951 audited bills for the month of December 1S5{» and recommend the following- be paid. - Running Expense clothing . 91427.49 11.71 Tobacco Medicines 45.92 Hospital 194.15 •7 3. A3 Z79.62 positories for the funds ol' the County Treasurer, and a Resolution .naming depositories for the County wrfttsuifr and Rx-Officio County TTolleetor were presented and read to the Board, to-wit: " ~ State of Illinois. i'. - .i' County of McHenry, as.- To the Hoard of Supervisor* £(f Jfc- • Henry County. Illinois: . The undersigned, Raymond D. Woods, County Clerk and Clerk of the County Court of McHenry Couned to serve us Crand Jurors for,.ih^ ;County Orders January. !ft5l term of the • fltvult Court, to-wit: William Meyer, Riley Twp. Marcella Soears Marengo Twp.' Regina Hi^gius, Marengo Twp. Florence Hughes. Dunham Twp. Kecia J. Barr, Chemung Twp. Jeannette Walker, t'heiuuus Twp. Harold Hirk. Alden Twp. " Hazel Justice. Hartland Twp. Mary J. Zeiss, Seneca T\v$i. Jess Utigh, Coral Twp. Ornfirt Total •xpe»dUiur«« --*"• • ..j.;f.^n,ifiS7.:.7 adopted. t Bull. 2 Heifers 8<*ld--' 1878.49 Oas Rebate . .. 24.1S $2645.28 792.55 ty, Illinois, respectfully represents 'Seorge Tinberg, CJra/ton T»^': . t|nto your honorable tody that under an Act adopted bv the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, and now in full force and effect, the County Boards shall, upon request of the County Clerk and the Clerk fnk or banks, or other depository which the funds and other public moneys in his custody as County Clerk and Clerk of the County Court may be deposited. The undersign* d therefore requests the County Hoard of Mc Fred H. Alerrell, Dorr Twp. Mahel S. Sullivan, Dorr Twjk / Mary Kppel, (IreenwowTTwit Charles H. Xichols. Hebron Twp. Arthur It. And -rson. Richmond Twp. George Firsching. lturton Twp. the County Court, designate the Joseph S. Sclunitt. McHenry Twp. >. . .. ... .. • •- Peter A, Freund, McHenry Twp. Thyra Patterson Xunda Twp.- Jane .L. Audette. Xunda Twp. RoVert Caveny. Algonquin Twp. Marion Berg, Algonquin Twp. T h e f o l l o w i n g n a m e d p e r s o n s "Were selected to serve as Grand Jur- Henry ('ountv, Illinois, to designate ors on the Supplemental panel, for the bank or Ivaftks. or other de- the January. 191 term of the Circuit , pository In which the funds and Court, to-wit: other public moneys in his custody Minnie Pierce. Burton Twp. --fw» County Clerk and Clerk of the Chancey Harrison. McHenry County Court of Mcllenry County, Philip Frederick. Xunda Twp. Illinois, may be deposited as pro- C. Michael Sea graves. Algonquin , vlilpd ty law. Twp. Dated at Woodstock. Illinois, this Bessie Kvidera. Algonquin Twp. 4th day of December. A. D. 1950. m HAY.MOXD D. WOODS. -9L County Clerk and Clerk of the -County Court of McHenry County. Illinois 8thte of Illinois County of McHenry. us. Whereas, Raymond ."IE Woods. Coroners' Jurors .... , 1 SIMM) Probation »ifficef 1.">o Co. Treasurer's ^l»ry 01.4ti Clerk s Salaries .. ' |,4 14.;,4 General Fund County Officers'- I****..;. Highway Fund Inheritance Taxes : Motor Fuel Taxes Payroll Accyunt' Violations on Highways state's Attorney's Fund Penalties and Fees ...,.4.. Deposit by 'Order " of Court ;.. -..y III. Municipal Retirement Count.v Aid to Bid#. Bridges Assessment Office Salaries and expense.: Escrow Acrotitil'f. . 'Control Commission of McHenry •, Count y and the License Committee, i vfas presented and road to the Coard, : to-wit-: ' . December 1st. 19X0 !.Tn the Chairhrian and Gentlemen of the Roard of Supervisors: •• The Uiuor Control Commission of McHenry County. Illinois, would beg leave to report M?" II1 American heglon Dept. of »,I i. ® 1 u oodstoi k St, C. l^ake. 118. Norma Liken*. R. It. No. 2 Har vard. Ul. 119. Frank MacfMiettl and Aldo l4ind 1. .1 Terra f'otta Ave. t I«nk _ . ridges would have to be constructed, and 1 «n "i,";„-., . .«• = * „ • .„ «. there would not ' be sufficient li nt, in einand, -Rt.. 1.2, Mc- funds available, to take care of all J i 11. Ctf t h Am !t t tinp» and that It tfocfr Kia l>e ne<-essary for claimants to wait until the following month to have their hills allowed The Committee on Claims. County loor. presented the following report declared •J>79.r.4 1;> 1 8.116 22.o20.;,:i 6.0 3 9,79 report Jl, 131.0.0 claims SUfcSi'1.22 recommend Dettman, Algon- Kive out. After some further County Treasurer to discussion it was reiruiariv moved I ®,,c claimants Tor tne Smith. Wonder | i.y Supr. Beck and duly seconded bv j ilJ, t°un,s al,owe<1- as "•Hows. toll I. - Unn^ 1.": ) I.. « V... . * I . . .. .- .i.' wil. • several 87 5.06- 2.982.98 84.20 .*6;..i4 87.!i7 Balance forward 31. 1954 Otto Kicksteadt. Riley Twp. Hans Andresci.. Marengo Twp. Grace Mindwall. Dunham Twp. Stuart Moore. Chemung Twp. Clyde Hill. Chemung Twp. Benjamin Ames. Alden Twp. I Anna Schneider, liartiand Twp. "•"iidna if: Kelle* . K«*neca Twp. my County Clerk and Clerk of the Coun- Henry• Altller, Coral Twji. ty Court in and for said County, '.'®rold Kunde. (<rafton Twp. uant to the terms of an Act • John K. Denecn. Dorr Twp. Jeneral Assemhlv of the !;J'0'a Jl-, B«-ed. Dorr Twp. Illinois, adopted and now !• lora Thompson. Greenwood/1 has, pursuant of the Gene State of in full force and effect, requested 'this County Board to designate the bank or banks or other depository, in which the funds ai$L other public moneys in his cusi<||^v as County Clerk and Clerk of the County Court (ftnay be deposited. " * • y Xow, Tin-relo'-e lJe it Resolved by the County Hoard of McHenry Coun- -- ty', Illinois, that The State I'ank of Woodstock and First Xational Hank of Woodstock are hereby designated jfw*-.' Mark P. Spooner. Hebron Twp. • Ri»-hard C. liurton, Riclimond Twp. it was thereupon regularly moved by Asst. supr. McConneli and duly seconded by Supr. Dunning that the selection of Crand Jurors and Supplemental Panel tor the January, 1951 term of the Circuit Court l.c approved and the Clerk- le directed to certify the said lists to the Clerk or Herlert'T. Conner " the Circuit Court, and the roll being Still Insurant* \irencv called. Suprs. Ruth. Wright, Witt- Fox River Grovt * mus. Ileck. Coy, Slavin, Dunning, " le5,74,9.67 .....*(67.123.36 Grantl Total".. ..8482.873.03 . ~"e »U)ove and foregoing report is trtfe and cortect acttutlin« liejKt knowledge and belief. J. .G. ST!-;\ K ,, r% ^ County Treasurer R. D. WOODS. .... County Clerk (Boal of the County of Mcflenrv) It was thereupon regularly moved jvj* stupr. IttM'k and duly stromtfMl l»y Supr. \\ ittnius thai tht* reports i»e approved and ordeietl of record, and the t hairman tie. lared the motion unanimously cairied.- The following report of the Huild- Ing ( ommittee. covering renewal premiums on County Insurance wau W'*»enieti and read to the Hoard, to- - / Januarv 3. 1951 The Honorable Hoard of .Hupervisors Woodstock. Illinois Gentlemen: ' Following is a list of Agencies Which have participated in the renewal nt insurance effective January 1. 1 !»51. covering 011 McHenry t.ounty properties, together with the amount duu each: / Woodstock-- rinan quin. Illinois. 78.... \\ iVI i.1 in K l^ake, Ringvvood, 111. 4. Karl II. 549 8. Ann Bt. Ma* rengo. ill. 5.1 .Albert Hul<iMlst. RR 2. McHenry, 6. h\rank J. Wiedemann, RfD 1, Riugwood. III. 7. Max H. Hahn. 422 L^iwndale Pl,*-- Woodstock. Hi. 8. Henry Kranr. and Herbert Huppertz. RF1» 2. Crystal Ljtke, 111. V .ke ^-PD- crystalV^^'c^Jmy 10.'John Kerechek. Lily Lake, Mc- j H xVJ -v,un,y Henry. III. * | ^h. 12. Carl O.. Sprii.gman. RFD 3, McHenry. III. , ,||! 'nier J" s*Mohv- Algon«iuln, II". Florence Radway. Hebron. III. 15. Mrs. Anna Wardy. RFD, Richmond. 111. 16. Victor K. and Florence S< Schmle- ^ding. RFD, Hunt ley. |||.. It. (Transfer) James J. Xaughton, Ringwood. Illii.ois. 18. Dagmar and Andrew Sorenson, RH I> 3. Harvard. 111. 19. Illinois District of The American Turner. Algonquin, 111. 20. Kdna Margaret Ouinn. RFD 1, 240.09 40.00 depositories in which the funds and , • other public moneys in th^\custody Mackeben. Aavang. 1 ornue, of Raymond D. Woods, as County Clerk and Clerk of the County Court of McHenry County. Illinois, may be deposited: and Po it Further Resolved that no bank herein designated as a depository shall be qualified to receive such funds or moneys until It has furnished the County Hoard with copies of the last two sworn statements of resources and liabilities _ "^rhlch such bank ia required to fur- \ of the Supreme t ourt of the State J£t)fh to the Auditor of Public Ac- of Illinois, which held nnconstitliMoncounts, or to the Comptroller of al the amendatory act of 1949. that COrrnecy; and | his office was now abolished, and Be it Further Resolved that each i that the assessment of property for McConneli. Mav, Schinitt. Sterne. Filip antl Asst. Suprs. Maxwell, McConneli and Rosenthal voted Aye. Xay none. And the (."hairman decared the motion unanimously carried. County Assessment Supervisor, Raymond F. Dusenfccrry. appeared before the Hoard and was called upon by the Chairman. Mr. Dusenberry stated that due to a recent decision Xovak and Xagel j Cary ! Allen Insurance Agency ! Woodstock-- Klbert 1.. l'liillips .. j Harvard-- u I Owen I'erry . I J. F. Mitchem ....; ;... j Woodstock-- Grant Nolan Lorxine jCurtis Algontiuin-- Robert C. Ritt Crystal l^ake-- S«hel>ers Insurance-ileewcy Woodstock -- Clil'fonl Alerwin V Crystal Lakebank designated as a depository fori the year 1 »•">() has not been made In , Schepcrs Insuraac&Ageilcy -such funds or mone.vs shall furnish the Couatv Hoard with a copy of all tank statements which it is required to furnish to the Auditor of Public Accounts, or to the Comptroller of Currency, while acting as such depository: and P.e it Further Resolved that if such funds or moneys are deposited in a l>ank herein designated as a depository, the amount of such dej£ pdsits shall not exceed seventy-five substantial compliance with law. and that a reassessment of property has l»een ordereti ty the State Revenue Department, which would involve a great deal of additional work In the office of the County Treasurer, and that It was necessary for him at this time to turn over to the County Treasurer all of the records pertaining to his office, and that, it was his understanding that 'the old Supervisor of Assessment's Act that was "S»er cent of the capital stock and ; enforced before the amendatory act surplus of such bnnk. antl the Coun- , was now in force, and that the Treasty Clerk and Clerk of the County j urer was now Supervisor of Assess- Court shall not b- discharged from ' nients. He also informed the Hoard declared responsibility lor any such funds or I that lie had turned over to the Coun- i carried .1162.37. 1«2.37 K)2.37 162.87 192.87 162.37 162.S7 162.3 V 162.37 162.87 266.96 186.32 188.82 Woodstock FloYd K. Ivckert ..... Richmond-- Frank B. McConneli .............. 179.58 »\ oodstock-- Hard in Insurance Agency ...... 179.58 Harvard - J. F. Mitchem . lOS.'iO Very resimctfully vours. . •' I" MITCHIOM. Agent It was thereupon UMivetl 1>y Supr. >v ittmus anil tluly seconded l,v Asst. Supr. McConneli that the report lie approved anil payment ordereti. and he roll being called the Chairman the motion unanimously Va. Van* AUrtM 1. Fred Ritter. RFD 1. Alcllenry. III. . Ltike! '.McHinry"' W'side » istakee .-t^;. uingwoooN "H- m ^ | Supr. Filip that the matter of the 3w.|ig Foot Inn Inc.. Hig Foot. IUI- "Ha^Ar'IlUno^^"" 96. l.eo Reininger, Ringwood, no is. 17. Helen T. Marshall Illinois. 92. Thomas Cashln, Ringwootl, Wonder ^ ^ ^ ' .' onimittee would further 1 unanimtius'ly carriet.1. repritt that there has Wen collect- The Clerk nrcxentod lut* m tiouor "n-'en1 °p 1|'">0 Claims against the County and upon •» kta** ^"1 u>, °eoem,H l:, motion of Supr. Mackeben and duly 1st, l.-iO, and same "has been tinned | seconded ty Supr. Coy and declared t- Alc-, carried, the saitl claims were referrv. ~ " ! we're"" i f<>nT V1S: dance,h*H licenses }£e Hoard^adjo^ned0laO^o'clock stock" HT A Keller' RFD '• mittee fTfhe Uar°U1950: enS<> < 0m" P M for ^"""'"ee work. l' 1 Florence R. Campt.ell, R. F, D. X'o. _. „ l.!3° *• *• 4 t . 2 Crystal Lake ill I The Board met pursuant to ad- Vic'toria Sutidberg A Harold' Journment and upon roll call the Barry, R. F. 1>. Woodstock. 111. 1 same members r. xponded to their your Committee having " collected n f t l r"'s Rs appeared' of record In the the amount of $ for said dance morning session, excepting Supr. hall licenses, the same being turned Cornue of Hebron Townover to the Countv Treasurer of i , n.d Lsst' Bosenthal of McHenry County " Algonquin Township constituting a THOMAS F. NOLAN, quorum present Liquor Control CpmmlwtoOe* , „ Th<> < ommittee on Claims Labor, HARLKY MACKKBKN I a"tl Supplies presented the fol- FR\X.K MAY ! 'owing report, which on motion of Liquor Control Commissioners i*11^ MackeWn and duly secondt-d by Supr. Coy and the roll being called. was declared uaniniously adopted, to-wit: January 9. A. I). 1951 Mr. Chairman and Gentlmen of the Roard of Supervisors: I Your Committee on Labor, fees A report of the Sheriff's Commit-'and Supplies Claims would l/eg leave tee. showing the cost of the opera-! to report that they have examined tion of County Patrol Car No. 20 I all claims presented to then*, and for the month of Decern Iter 19;">0. was | recommend the payment of the fol- ,, ,. , ;„pi-esetited atid ivad and upon motion j lowing, ami that the Clerk be direct- Z». \. K \\ . Veteran's Club. Rt ISO duly made and tarried, was approv- | ed to issue ordeis on the County •and Kire St.. McHenry j ed and ortlt red placed 011 file. 1 Treasurer to the Claimants for the «. 1 t. ~ ' • The following request of llenry j seyera' amounts allowed, as follows. A. Xulle, Sheriff of McHenrv Coun- I'fo-wit: ty~ for the naming of depositories ! Frank Thornber Co., co elk for the funds of his office together with a Resolution naming depositories was presented and read to the Board, to-wit: " State of Illinois, ' County of McHenry. a*. To the Hoard of Supervisors of Mc- . Qulnn. Crystal l^ike. 111. 21. James C. Jacol y, RFD ». McHenry. 111. 222.. KKitt-iwwaarrdd KK.. SScchhiilllleerr,. &, Shore, Crystal Lake. 111. 23. (Transfer) kstelle Smolensk!, Rt 31. Algonquin. III. 24. (Tiansfer) Frank Hora. C.8. 12, Solon Mills. Ill Asst. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Filip and tluly seconded by Supr. Schinitt that the report be approved. and the roll Wing called the Chairman declared the motion--unanimously t a l l i e d . 26. Fret I P. Morheiser. RFD 2. Rich _moml. III. 27. Lad and Helen Posplsll. Rt. 1, Box 240. McHenry. 111. 28. Hilda M. Johnson, McHenry, Illinois. 29 Kstelle Rlades. Rt. 2. Lily Lake. MclUnrv. 111. 30. Genevieve McDonald. RFD 4. Box 130. McHenry. 111. 3L Adolph KUive*. Rt, Box 30..Mr* •" Henrv. III. ,t 32.^Fra:ik K. Ross. RFD 2. Harvard. 33.Jijlen A. Connor. RFD 3. McHenry. Henry County. Illinois: The undersigned. Henry A. Xulle. Sheriff of Mcllenry County Illinois, respectfully represents unto your; honorable body that under an Act ' adopted I y the General Assembly of off sup $133.9". co elk tax • hk etc $1 ,r>00,,r>0. clr elk rec ' l'k $317.22. co trea» off sup 8105.04 12.356.71 Schmidt Printing Co.. c« treas off sup 8YV.85, shf off sup 89C.80 146.65 Co, Treas Off. Sup.-- Burgess. Anderson A*Tate Co. 4.14 Marengo Republican News .... 34.75 Cir. Clk. Sup. - WotMlsttick Daily Sentinel 193.50 C. F. Flick Xlimeo. Co 7.99 O. It. Kvans A Co.. clr cjk sup 810.00, shf off sun $20.00. sup sells off exp $10.0® ..... Sup. Schs. Off. 12xp.-- . 120.00 50.99 40.00 160.00 25.27 40.00 40.60 40.00 463.96 15.00 34.93 120.00 40.90 217.00 SSI 4.50 40.00 mitneys deposited In any hank In egcess of such limitation. lie it Further Resolved, that this Resolution remain in full force and effect during the term of office of tile said Raymond D. Woods, County Clerk and Clerk of the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, commencing on December 4tli. 1950. and ending on the first Monday of December 1964 or until otherwise changed by this Board, d Bond Xo. F-98S92. Whereas, James Glen Stevens, County Treasurer. McHenry Co ?asurer Stevens, who Zoning and Huilding Code of Si". at , the meeting. was H,.Iu.v County ' was presented and >.v the Chairman. Mr. | read to the Hoard, to-wit: t.v Treasurer, all of the records per- ! The following report of George F taining to his office. | Jedlicka. Knforclng officer of the ( "lllltV Trti<lc",'"r Situvunu whu • ... .« •»..»• >. ... .*"*• was present called upon by Stevens addressed the Board and stated that due to the unconstitutionality of the Supervisor of Assessment's Act that a great deal of ^ work woultl need to be done concern- and totTil lie ing the reassessment of_all property j year 19.10 _ s Januarv 2. 19&1 Beport of the McHenry County Boning Department snowing number of IVrmits issued line to County for the in McHenry County, and of course Month. .Numbers of Permits Issued was work that he did not anticipate. , Value of lluildings Revenue tt.1 and that he would like to have Mr. County. * ' "c^nue t„ 'ttnty Dusenberry continue as an employee Woodstock, Illinois. State of lllinoisHj>f his office to issist with the work. | has. pursuant to the terms of an Mind thai he would make this re- j Act of the General Assemblv of the®«iuest to the Board. After some die-, cussion it was rtgularly moved by Supr. Dunning and duly seconded by Supr. Schinitt that the County Treas- State of Illinois recently adopted and now in full force and effect, requested this Hoard of Supervisors of McHenry County. Woodstock. Illinois to designate a bank or banks or other depository in which the funds and moneys rceeivtd by him as County Treasurer may l.e deposited; and Whereas, the following designated banks have furnished copies of the last two sworn statements of resources and liabilities as furnished £> the Comptroilei of the Currency or Auditor of Public Accounts urer te authorized to employ Ray mond F. Dusenberry of Marengo, Illinois, to assist him in all matters pertaining to his office as County Supervisors of Assessments, and that the matter of his salary to be paid out of earnings of the County Treasurer's office antl be referred to the Fees and Salaries Committee for report. And the loll Wing called the Chairman declared the motion unanl- Now*. Therefore, He it Resolved by I mousy carried. the Board of Supervisors of Mc- Treasurer Stevens again addressed ... llull lne Henry County, Woodstock. Illinois, the Board and stated that he would ; report be approved and ordered of aforesaid, that the following name' hanks are herebv designated as depositories in which funds and moneys received by James Glen Stevens, County Treasurer may be deposited, to-wit: Marengo State have available sometime this after- 1 noon, his Bond properly certified, in I the amount of I2.000 as Kx-Officio Supervisor of Assessments, and that he would like to have some action of the Hoard concerning said bond at to January. 11, $65.500--$40.00 February. 10. >IIO,4(lii--$57.99 . March, :t4, $24 3.1 7 o-- * 1 7 n;00 April. 65. f394.3n.*>--8331.nft May. 81. " $427.:.M-- $3ti!».on . June, 104. $481.207 -- 8479 July. 108, $ 7 4 *.». 3 7 0 -- $ r, I August, 76. $347.480--$903.00 Septemb. r. 72. $;!48,0"it»- $986.00 October. «ti. $:'i:in,.",^.ri -- $94:1.00 'November. 36. •lXl'.iMiO -tt79.00 December. 13, •9(i.:<(Mi--$2-4100 Total. B7«, $3.839.151-- $5,575.00 Revenue .ta County on Variations for year .... _ $73(» ofl ' Total $6,305.00 It was thereupon regularly moved py Supr. Schmitt and duly seconded by Asst. Supr. McConneli that the record. And the Chairman declared the motion unanimously, carried. The Committee tin Fees and Salaries presentt'tl the following report. tor-wit: „ 34. Arthur J> Glovannoni Sr.. Rt. -1,' the State of Illinois, and now in full j force ami effect, the County Hoards 3o l*eonard Walter Felcman, Rt. 1.: shall, upon request of the Sheriff, Crystal Lake. III. designate - the bank or banks. or ....... 36. John L. and Veronika Peredna, 1 other depository in which the funds , R. L. Tazewell »» antl other public moneys in his cus- j Master I'roduct Co 3i. John G. Hauer, RFD 3. McHenry. Italy as Sheriff may l.e deposited. 'The Harvard Herald, co I"- t The undersigned therefore re-j supr sup 38. Helen Vuchalski, Greenwood Twp. i quests the County Hoard of McHenry ; Judcy. Library-*- Rt- I. Woodstock. '• County, Illinois, to designate the, Callaglian & Co. "- Albert ami Bernhart Rahn. 20/> • bunk or banks. 01 otht^r depository ' Lawyers Co-op. "Pub, Co. • .'"'airfe St., Marengo. 111. , in which tl|k- funds or other puldic 40. William K Wright. Rt. 1.. Ring- ! moneys in/his custody'as Sheriff of wood. 111. ; Mcllenry County, lllint>is. may be 41. Josef»h and Pauline Hohn, Rich- -deposited as prtnidetl by law. j . Dated at Woodstock. Illinois, this i George F. Jedlicka. co toning 42. Harold H. Jeske. Rt. 1., Plstakee 8th dav of Deceml>er A. D. 1950. | supplies 2.99 Bay. McHenry. . » j HKXRY A. XI'LI.K. j K. J. Deneen, co Boning off ,43. Richard A. and lilla I^ange, Hunt- ; Sheriff of McHenry County. Illinois Kal $20.00, 00 sonlng trav State of Illinois. 1 exp $3.90 x 21.90 County oi Mcllenry. ss. Roy A. Kent, co aoning off sal Whereas. Henry A. Xulle. Sheriff , $20.00. co sonlng travel in antl for said County, has, pursuant! exp $2.80 22.80 to the terms of an Act of the Gen- I Harold J. Bacon, co sonlng off eral Assembly of the State of 111 i- "" mils, adopted and now in full force and effect, requested this County- Board to designate the .lank Floyd M. Foss, ins pretn on bonds co off County Clerk's Registrar*, co elk elec reg off 20.30 6.08 10.90 6.00 10.00 50.00 196.20 ley. in 44 George and Kdward llaldemaii. let Kimball and 315 Burbank Aves.. Woodstock, III. 45. Connie Stvaus. Island Lake, Mc- Hem y. III. 46. Villa Hotel Resort Inc.. Rt. 1. McHenrv. 111. , 47. Marie A. Smith. Chemung. 111. 48. Frank Bryan and Frances Balch. hanks, or other depository in which j Rt. I. Box 102, Marengo. 111. 49. clans I .arson. Hebron. I I I . fin."Clara M. Herman ,Rt. 3. Harrington. I I I . 51.. u illianMOpsick, Rt 2. Lily Lake. M. Henry. llV* 52. • har'es Kandllk.'Rt. 1, Cary, III. 58. Lallo Cialonl and Marco Celliti. Rt. S. H..x 593. McHepry, III. M. Gerhard Hogen. Plstakee Bay RR ! I. Box 2B0. 55. Hilda l^arson, Rt. I. Box- inc., Cary. 111. | M. W alter Sxarek. Rt. 2. Lily I*ake. j McHenry. 57. Loyde K, Barrett. Rt. 2. Box 8A. McHenry, 111. 58/ John S. Meyert- Jr., RR 3. Box 14. • 15 4 Harvard. 111. 59. A I o n * . . S. Wlrsing and H. W. . West. Marengo. III. sal $20.00, co sonlng travel exp $2.00 Frank H. Xagel. co zoning off sal $20.00, co soning travel exp $3.40 22.00 i the funds and other public moneys ; c L. Tryon, co sup hwv trav exp 73.10 in his custody a.s Sheriff of McHenry ' • - - ~ County may be deposited. Now, Therefore. Be it Resolved by the Count) Hoard of McHenry County. Illinois, that » * Marengo State Bank The Harvard State Bank 1 First State Bank of Harvard tJtale Hank of I'nion H.tate Hank of Huntley 1 The State Hank of Woodstock Charles F. Hayes judcy Jus fees 30.00 Pearl Schult«. co coroner's reporter $37.50. co sonlng supplies $68.60 Bd. of Rev. Sal 'Sfbrs.;-- John J. Hayes !•*. J. Deneen R. O. Andrew Co.. ct hse sup $1.65. ct hse jail coal $34.43 Thomas F. Nolan, bd of rev sal mt/rs 106.00 30.00 20.00 36.08 First Xational Bank of Woodfttock | Vernon W. Kays, co soning off Heliron State Hank State Hank of Kicliniond McHenrv State Hank Home State iiank 01 Crystal Lake Algonquin State Hank --; Carv State Bank sal $20.00. eo sonlng travel exp $5.20 Robert Reynolds, ct hse -Jail salary Benton Street Restaurant, ct Jurors atjMicreby designated depositories In i n,lrgcess. Andferson which the funds and other puldic - -- Bank. Tile Harvard State Bank, I this time First State Bank of Harvard. State Bank of I'nion. State Hank of Huntley, The State Bank of Woodstock. First National Hank ol' Woodstock. Hebron State Hank. State Bank of ^{ichmonil. West McHenry State olank. Home State Bank of' Crystal Lake, Algonquin State Bank. Cary .. T1 t State Bank. State of Illinois, Department tit Pub- Be It Further Resolved that each "c 'irks and Buildings. together this time. It was thereupon regular-• . January 9th. 19S1. fi4 l F< ua,,;i lu'^man'lOOl V Htste ly moved by Supr. Wright and duly T'»th* chairman and (.entlemen | %t Mareneo Jl? seconded t y Supr. OuiminK that the hui>ci \ Ixois: • . ii~*nrv Hesmaii Hinrwrnid ill bond be accepted, subject to the ap-j Your Committee on Fees and Sal- 1 6«.' Albert D. 906 N. Division proval of the committee on Finance, aries would beg leave to report that ; st Harvard And the roll being called the Chair- they met at the Court House in the: « liante vin,. &nii st-v* Orsotlni man declared the motion unanimous- City of W , aid stock on December'i Rt*' Richmond ly carried. 12th and December 19th. 1950. tr> I 68 Tlftima* \ and Herbert F Hnrri- Scveral communications from the consider the amount of salary to son R,FD*Xo I McHenrv' III paid Jlr. !>uycn»>em'iu..^tP.Kiaarly ' -RFt#+i" ^rtarettgrr. Assessmci.t supervisor and m _ 60. Arthur LaGreca, R.'1, Ringwood. ! moneys in the custody of Henry A HI. 1 Xulle. as Sheriff of McHenry Counfih Walter Irion. RFD No. 2. Rich- ty, Illinois, may be deposited: and mond. III. Be It Further Resolved that no 62. St even Roupakis, RFD 1. Ma- hank herein designated as a deiaisirengo. 111. ' tor.v shall be qualified to. receive 63. Richard Aylward and Paul .Was- such funds or moneys until it has pi. Rt. 2. Woodstock. III. treas off sup Kro Krickson, shf dpty Shf. Off. Sup.-- L. A. Barmann Co.. ..... Kruse Refrigeration ... Marengo Republfcan-Xevya .!.. Klrwl'n Slitle Film I*al>. r."..*:,.. turnished the County Hoard with I vw^f\)n',Co,,VpanyMUHd < tipies t»f the last two swoin . tate-i Bennett Feed & Hatchery inents of resources an.l ! (., |e & Hu<rs Mofc.„ St;r which such bank is required to tui- . W|enke A Heard, shf Jail „ sup cloth. .... rency and - : k/1' Fietd^Z, Hohn Hardware Co. Lisle Manual Trng. & Induftt. tJasien) Wlllard Van Haiel M. D.t care T. B. medical (Dahl) DrPaul H. Holin T." B. medical (I , Dependent Children-- . . Mrs. Kva Rapping, (Yestel^o) Mrs. Otto Uicksteadt. (Ketchum) Mrs. Minnie Brigham, (Ketchum) Mrs. Godwin p. Bell. (Ketch 11111 ) Mrs. George Wierema. (Van Xattan) Mrs. R. J. l.eisch, (De Luiirl Co. Paupers-- Woodstcok Public Hosp.,- (Turner) F. U AI ford M. Di, (Bresette) Sherman Hospital. ^ (Bresette) . Dependent Children-- Lisle Manual Trng. * Ind.. (Jasien) Mrs tietirge Wierema. (Van Nattan 1 . Care T. B. Patients-- Rockford Mun. T. B. 'San.. (Dahl) ! Lake County T. B. San. All of which Is respectfully submitted. ROSCOK GLENN. Chairman K. C. COY FRAXK B. McCONNELL FRANK MAY •It was brought to the attention of the Board that many of the election precincts and districts in McHenry County wore way over the limit allowed by statute, an to number of voters, and that it was the duty of the Board to re-dlstrlct them. Asst. Supr. McConneli. chairman of the elections committee, stated that his committee would hold a meeting on Monday the 15th day of 1 January at 2;0u o'clock p. m., and that any Su)>ervi.sor interested in redistricting w%s invited to attend the meeting, and that his committee would proceed at once to re-dlvide the larger precincts and have a report ready for the June meeting, 1951, o» this Board. Supr. Sterne, addressed the Board and stated that the Assessor In hL Township had presented a bill in addition to his regular salary, for work done lit the reassessment of propectv as ordered by the State Finance De"- parttnent, and also he had received claims from newspapers for publishing reassessment notices, and he wondered who was to pay the Assessors an.l the claims. After some discussion with regard to said matter it i was the opinion of the Board that the Assessor's should lie paid by the Townships and that the claims for read vei tising antl publication of notices should le paid by the County. County Coroner, Harry L. Khorn. $1842.73 The annual Inventory la submitted getting j an a part of thin report. There being Com- no further business, our Committee, Thurs- on motion duly made and seconded. Tuesday of 1 adjourned. sug- I FRANK B. McCONNELL. notify | : ChainMM •essary | . -CARL E. WITTMITS tLMER AAVAN'G ' C. COY AI GLSTCS M. MAXWffLI, KeHcary cmtoltau tavemteey Takw aa ef Pee ember 87tk. 19M Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors, McHenry County. Illinois. . , Your Committee on McHenry ana 1 County Home and Farm, to whom la ana , referred all matters pertaining to the management and care of said institution, would beg leave to submit the following inventory .t|kyn as of December 27th, Hospital-- Permanent equipment-- Beds, stands, chairs, desks, etc $1,710.0# Working equipment and supplies. bedding, gowns, etc. 835.*# $2,545.09 Sterilising Room and r>|n is|>-- Room-- Permanent equipment-- c Sterilisers, cabinets, hampera, operating table, instruments. cabinet, etc $1,450.00 Supplies--Instruments, lights. gause, medicines, etc. 840.00. $2,299.0# Hospital Serving Pantry-- Dishes, silver, napkins, tables. chairs, etc $ 338JM .. $ 2X1.$ 9 Nurses Room -- Furniture, bedding, cabinet. chairs, etc .....4 2T5.9# 1 375.99 Men's Dining Room and Llrlajg Quarters-- Chairs, tables, dishes, silververware, etc $ 210.99 Furniture and bedding In second and third floor bedrooms 1.975.99 $3,185.99 Laundry Equipment and Supplies-- Washing machines, dryer, etc. washing soaps, powders, etc $1,759.9# Maintenance Supplies-- Disinfectants, floor wax. sprays, etc -I <00.09 Meat Room Lquipment and Freeser Kitchen-- Cook stove, cooking utenslla, pans, etc 1.119.99 office Supplies-- Typewriter, adding machine, desk, table, cal/inets, tiles. , chairs, stationery, record .. book, etc Mfcii Provisions--Canned goods, vegetables, meat,' groceries. . etc. Boiler Room-- Water softener Water heater Tools, etc. ... Fuel Stokers $2.4S9.9# $ 900.## 275.09 25.99 380.09 999.99 ft.4t9.99 175.99 nish to the Auditor of Public Accounts. or to the Comptroller-°f-Cur-! presented his annual report for the fiscal period ending December 1st. 1950, sliow4ng the approval of the 23.40 County Court, and upon motion duly made and carried said report was approved and ordered placed on rile. The Committee on Mcllenry County Home, Farm and Hospital presented the following monthly report, together with annual inventory, towit: Mr. Chairman and Members of the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County Your1 McHenry County Home, 20.00 Farm and Hospital committee met at Hartland tin January 6th, 1951 and audited bills for the month of 25.20 December 1950 and respectfully submit the following recommending the T.OO same be paid. Henry Brickley, boar ..... 39.26 Thompson Appliance Co.. Shellanegas 4.79 Gordon Pearson, feed 130.00 grinding Public Service of Nor. 111.. 3.67 electricity 2.46 F. W. Woolworth, suppllea.... 34.55 Hubert's Pharmacy, 1.45 medicines Geo. F. Bobsin. groceries 3.52 ! and tobacco 2.40 Illinois Bell Tel. C«.. 15.13 telephone I Ideal Oil Co., fuel oil .7 6.57 ' Bohn Hardware Co.. suppftea j Kemp's Hatchery i Feed, 4.89 feed and brooder supv 58.44 ! Clyde & Bud's MolVjle Carpenter's Shop Tools and material* .. Garden Tools-- . Lnwn mowers, seeders, shovels, hoes, etc.. lawn hose. etc. 139.99 Chicken House Equipment- Feeders and vvaterers tlj|# Poultry-- . „ " 260 pullets « $1.25 tftOt Farm Machinery and Truck-- Dodge Pick-l'p Truck. 1949. Two John Deere Farm Tractors. Tractor plows, disc. :f.M seeders, and tither line of farm machinery as listed at County Farm 7.17CW Farm grains and seeds as listed at County Farm 2,119.99 Fire-Hose and Equipment, in and about institution - 850.09 Cattle-- 13 milch cows A $390.90 ...... 3.9*9.99 3 2-yr.-old bred heifers fi $250.00 759.99 6 1-yr old heifers f* $150.09 990.99 3 calves «i $40.00 130.90 Hogs-- 10 brood sows ISF $76.90 ....... 760.99 1 stock boar it $60.f# #9.99 7 fat hogs $50.00 . ...... ttO.99 13 pigs 6 $15.00 195.99 Horses-- 1 team sorrel geldings 75.99 Harness and Collars--Sets 85.99 Total $36,782.69 (Itemised list of Inventory MI Me at the County Home). Respectfully submitted, McHenry County Home. Farm aad Hospital Committee. I'RANK B. McCOX.VSUU ,, I'ARL E. WITTML'S KLMKR AAVANG I: c. COY - '* -Si - '"a 1 I he County bank herein designated as a deposit" -wfth conies of_ Resolutions w-ere pre- now employ^etl as a Deputy t'l.'i k In .70. Herman W. Tutskev, R. 2. Ri«htoi y for such funds or monevs shall seJ*\' ?,n". ortlereti placed on tile. the office of the County Treasurer' mond. III. furnish the said Hoard of Supervi- The ( hairman stated that if there antl t ollet--tor. which matter was rer 7L Carl K. Johnsen. RFI> No.- I. sors or-McHenrv Countv. Wootlstock. wa? nothing further to come ftelore ferretl to your Committee at the; Richmond. Ill Illinois with a copy of all bank this Hoard pertaining to t ounty Sl»e ial DecemLvr Session tif the 72. .Marion Nielsen..Cary. Illinois, statements which it is required to biiMiiess and the gootl of Mcitenr.v. l.oard, held December 4th, 19;»n. 73. M,.|K Cullen. R. 1', Rowson furnish to the said Auditor of Piib- t ounty he would entertain a motion lour Committee after due delib- Bridge Sub Cary lit- Accounts or to the said Comp- to adjourn. It was thereupon tegu- fCatlnn. would i«^-oinnieiid that the Sub.. Carv. troller of the Currencv. while acting> larly moved by Supiv^hilip antl tluly salary to le paid >lr. Dusenberry. l.e 74. Ijiian Wijus. Rt. S. Lfly Lake, seconded by Supr. rninmng to ad- "« -- »• - " Be It Further Resrtlvetl that each l/nak designated as a depository foi 117.12 81.19 49.59 ts such depository and It Further' d that if J'.'"™; Motion carried. Thereuptm such funds or moneys an- deposited in a I sink herein <lt signaled as a ^Jeposltorv. the amounts of sttch de- ^•sits shall not exceotl sevt nty-livMi per cent of the i'apital Stock an# Surplus of such Iwnk and sudh County Treasurer shall not be discharged from responsibility for any such funds or moneys deposited in. any lank In excess of such liniita-. tioll. -> W hereas. James <!len St> veiisl- County Treasurer and Ex-Officio County Coilecltir. MeHenry Conntv. Woodstock. Illinois. State of Illinois. has. pursuant to th'e terms of an Act of the G< neral Assembly of the State of Illinois re.-eiiltv adopted and now In full rorce and effect, requested this Roard of Supervisors of lilt'Heiiry County. Woodstock, llli- #Pis to designate a l>auk or banks or other depository in which the futids and money.* received l v his as County Collector may be deported: antl , Whereas, the following designated banks have furnished copies or the last two sworn statements of resources and liabilities as ftiinished to the Conmtroller of. the Currency or Auditor of Pubic Accounts Xow, Therefore. Be It Resolved liy the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Woodstock. Illinois, aforesaid. that the following named banks are hereby designated as depositories in which funds and moneys received I y James Glen Stevens. County Collector may be deposited, to-wit: ^Marengo Slate Bank. The Harvard State Bank, First State_ Bank of the l!o:«rd adjourned. THOMAS E. XOLAN. Chairman Attest: R. D. VVtaiDS, Clerk. Special January Meeting 1951 Cjiun-"^ such as: 7S kin:;1 all 8(1 Tlie Honorable Hoar* guper- -•vtsr.irs of McHenrv Cotmtj". Illinois, in special session purituant to a call sighed i,y more than one-third of its members at the Court House. In the City of Woodstock, on Tuesday. the 9th day of January. A.- D. 1951 at I" o't lock A. M. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. Thomas F. Nolan, and the 1 "ledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the I'nited States of America was given by the Chairman ..with all members of the lioar.l antl v isito. s present particijtaltnc. antl the roll being called I y the Clerk, the following members responded to their names, to-wit: Suprs. Amrnst « » nth. Carl E. Wittmus. Frank E. Beck. Elmer Coy. Charles .. < ••hit. '"oscoe Glenn. Harley Mackeben. Thomas F. Nolan. A ' - ...> tang, Stanlev H. Cornue. Frank r' Mci^oiinell. Frank May. Math N. Schmitt. Theodore Sterne. .luna ... 1 n.p and Asst. Suprs. A. M. Maxwell. A. B. McConneli and Paul Rosenthal constituting a quorum pres- ! ent. The minutes of the Special Decem- _ . _, 1950 meeting were read by the HamfC 8t>t» Monk •t Vmipm, «Ut>j dark, and ope* motion fetir. 0M44l ing lH'Ceml>er 1st. 195a. Your-Committee feels that milch progress has l»e« 11 li'Htle in assessment matters and would recommend to tlie County Treasurer that Mr. 1 nisen• . rry tinue tinder the supervision or the Count)' Treasurer, purl of the work that he was formerly doing as C/ninty Assessment Sui»ervisoi having charge ol^ and nuik changes of legul descriptions of property on th>- tax rolls <>f Metleiny County, iiiclutling Assessors and Collectors Books, making card it\.lt xes of all real property tlescriptions. keeping up to date tlie plat antl map 1«cords now a part of the records of the County Treasurer's t iff ice. any antl al! further' dut'es of his former ..nice that can legally be performed, under the present office of the County Treasurer an-' Kx- Officio Supervisor of Assessments, it It meets witli the approval of the Poard of lle\ iew of McHenry ('ounty, when they meet to organize on the third Aiondav of June. I!*51. y»»m^ committer would suggest that Mr. Dusenberry l e employed as Clerk of s.'id lloarii of Heview and not to receive any additional compensation as said Clerk." other than traveling expenses. Your Committee, woultl further recommend that the County Court Reporter's Salary he increased from $1<5.00 per month to $200.<to per month, effective I>eeember 1st, 1.940- All of which is respectfully mfife mitted. PAl'L ROSENTHAL ALMER AAVANQ V - AUG. WX RUTH. . Ijlian Mcllenry. 5. Joseph J. Bauml, Route No. 3, Mt llenrv . III. 6. AI \ in I', and Roy M. Blake. RKD Mi Henry. HI. 7. „\!ry\ George l^i.v, Johnsburg. III.. McHenry R. I. 78. t Transfer» Carl S. Jervis. • Wonder Lake. Ringwood. III. 79. Raymond J. Miller. Richmond, 111. 80. Charles Westlake. Solon Mills. 111. 81. Frank J. Wosniak. RR 3. Box 731. McHemy. , 82. Florence R. Campbell, RFD-No. 2. Crystal Lake 88., Michael, Moscinski. E. Of New Br. Fox River, Mcllenry. "* And 84.' (Transfer) William R. Dusenber- 1 ry. R. Xo. 1. Marengo, HI. j-, , 85. (Tiai.sftrl Emil Trit*. R FD * No. deposluuy: and w„Pv»i Be It Further Resolved that If v-^Vt ,^.t such funds or moneys a re deposited N shV Aeoiifv I^Tilmin a bank herein designated as a - tlepositorv. the amotint of such de- t*.t" nty-fiv e 3. Harvard. 111. 86,.. Howard K. Garrett. RF" No. 2. U'oodsto.k. I I I . 87! Edwin H. and James Hettermari. Johnsliuig. 111.. McHenry. III. 88. Alma E. Swanson. Box 287, RFD ---8r~ MeHenry. : 89. Cary Country Club. RR Cary. lib 90. Adam S. and Sophie Lute. Button Bridge, McHenrv. 91. Wo-idstoek Country Club.': RFD 2. . Wroo.lst.u k. ( . 92. (Transfer) Alexander H. Repan. RFD Ringwood. ill. 93. Andrew K Wit*. RFD No. 1., Woodstoik. III.- III. •4 95. (Transfer) John Moeller, RFD No. 1. McHenry. III. 96. (Transfer) Fred E. Bowman,. Main St.. Ringwood. HI. W; Arnold, g. Bnwtraa. Posits shall not t \ceed se pe.eeiit of the catiital stock and surplus of sui-h lank, ami the Sheriff shall not he discharged from Ve-sponsihillty for any such fiinds or moneys deposited in any' bank in excess of sut h limitation. - % Be It Further Resolved, that this Resolution remain in full force and effect during the term of office f>t the saitl llenry A X'i!le. Sheriff of McHenry Count). Illinois, commencing on Deccinl-. r 4 th. 1950 and ending 011 the lirst Monday of December 1954 or until otherwise changed b> th<s lloai <1. It was thereupon regularly movetl by Supr. Schmitt and duly seconded l y Supr. Glenn that the- request and lut ion be approved and adopted by this I'.oard, and the roll J.eing culled the chait man declared the motion unanimously, carried. The following report of the Special Colliiuittee to whom was referred tlie matter of a new I ridge, known as the Xichols Bridge in Hebron Township, was presented and read to the BOM 1 d. t"-vv it: . Mr. Chaiijnan and •gentlemen, trf the Hoard ff Snptr»isors of McHenry County. Illinois: The untlersigm-tl mem tiers of the Special 1 'om 111 itie - to whom was .referre! the matter of a new bridge known ns the Xit hols Bridge "ii the ; pul-lic higliway near the line be-, .... tween Sections 6 and 7 in the Tovvn j Harley Mat keben Thotnaji F. Nol pet sink Oriek beg leave to submit ! Aimer Aavang the following report 011 the matters! Stanley H. Cornue .*. before them. | Frank B. McConneli That we met at the site of said Frank J. Mayx ..» Bridge on the 22nd day of December,] Math N. Schmitt •*"' tlw br|«8r9 |M4iy 1 Theodora."" -*= 84.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 56.00 5UO0 189.00 105.U0 ^5.45 23.81 Harold G. Fox Donald B. Hackman Roger L. Hansen Harold Hobl»s Fred Kuux . . Homer H. Mann Clyde J. Zoia Arthur R. Nelson < "lyric c. Miner, shf dpty per diem $154.00, bailiff $35.99 .. Vernon W. Kays, shf dpity per diem $4!i.d0. I ail iff $5t>.«0 I laltel Wilke. luiillff It. o. Antlrew Co.. ct hse jail coal I:yers Printing Company, sup schs off e.XP .. I'C.ystal Lake ileiald. co xon:nc supplies ii8.40. supr prtg $9. 37.40 Conway Dairy, shf lee«lg pris 1^.93 Dav ill II. Anderson, ct hse rep 303.00 Shf. Operation St|iiad Car-- Goodrow's Garage . 117.45 ilalin oil Companv ........8.79 Hendry chs Kortl - 2».«1 Home oil Comi»any ~.'70.19 1:. L. Bakkom inc.. et hue rev SS III. Bell Tel.. ct hse Jail "let 80C.87 Supr. Salary Mileage-- August W. Ruth . ... c IVrry Wright t ".;rl E. Wittmus Frank E. Beck Elmer C. Coy . Raymond M. Slavii» ...... Charles T. Dunning. " Roscoe X. Glenn 33.0 I gl oceries 70.85 _E. Ii. I'akkom & Co.. repair parts 21.00 Stevens Point Daily Journal, 49.00 ^ advertising 00 Crystal Lake Herald. advertising Moutgomei y Ward Co.. Clothing John Se\ton ft Co.. grocer lea M4.94 ' as follow ALGI STI'S M. MAXWELL It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Filip and duly seconded by Supr. Dunning that the report and annual inventory be approved and adopted by this Board. And the roll leing called the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Committee on Roads and Bridges presented the following rwport. which on motion of 8upr. Owning and duly seconded by Swpr. Sterne, and the roll being called 9MM declared unanimousy adopted, towit : Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board ot Supervisors. McHenry County. Illinois: The undersigned members of the Road and Bridge Committee for said County beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before ,them. That we met at Woodstock. Illinois. on the 9th day of December. 1950, and audited and ordered paid bills of a general nature chargeable to the McHenry County patrol system of roads «s a whole for repairs and supplies for County owned ma- 36.84 chinery and labor at the County tool house and grounds to a total of $3912.99 Bills chargeatde u? the varloas sections of the County patrol system of roads at rates heretofore approved by this Hoard u«re audited and ordered paid as fallova: Section I, 14 .\ .Vciu.n 4. Ik. 1$ ! Section -4. 17 .. .. ... 10.82 1 H-ction 7. 9. t. 19. Ft, 11 - Section 13. 11 3.96 . . ' Total .59. Hills were audited and l>aid out of Township-Roads State Kppiopriation Fund Sriiate Bill 379 $ 76.00 28.25 13.35 74.49 ^0.07 45.02 45.43 28.05 270.62 13.37 435 $ 333.17 . *97.91 . 397.49 1219.73 392.90 $9633.92 ordered 81.71 , ! •0 107.10 ^--79.40 ._l.o3.50 -1,43.70 '32.1a .v.. 20.40 4 7.00 X ? ' " - V -192-40 ,...J,...^:\S40.40 ^....1.^4. *163.50 54.80 J60.50 >4 40 J67.20 Pell-Bari Farms. Inc.. rat poison R. F. Backus, electrical t'e|>aiis Tucker oil Burner Males,- ' water heater repair 14.00 Lutlwig Wilson Co.. launder SUpillitS ..|fr-':.- J Russell R. Reed, gravel Ai well. Inc.. pest control^.-. R. L. Tax we 11. freight on potato. >. cheries Hulvrt M. Evans, labor Ml belt for refrig« rator . R. O. Andrew Co., niineml' and feed Harding Motor Co.. truck" chains *1^.- Kenneth J a col son. repairs ,. Sawyer Biscuit Co. crackWr* Rardin Insurance Agency, _ truck insuralkice Esther C. .Allen, iucidentala. Esther C. .\llen. salary Clara Hayes, salary • L Rose Chamlers. wages James Chambers. v\ ages . Fred Tody, wages Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rasutuss«.u, wages .... Rose Chambers, extra wages Ruth Kresan, extra wages Marengo Twp,--Section 2-- 2.691 Const.--Marengo T#p. Rd. I Fund $ 19.99 93.S6 $ 4ST.99 99.16 26.78 16.09 1 Bull. 2 Heifers . sold $679.99 Gas Refund 34.16 Total Bills were audited and _ I atid out of Motor l-"uel Tax funds as follows: Municipal Employees Retirement Fund -- MFT Share for Pension (No*. 12.291 *50 > -# Patrol Section Xo. 2--Maiu- • 6.601 tenance -- lab»>r and f materials 16.99 Set tion 33 -- enginwriag. I labor - 18.26 ' Section 35-T- eh«ineeriagi .75 labor and materials %2 33> Section 36--engineering -- lal>or and materials Section 36 B-l--engineering -- labor and materials . . Sectiou 31 -- engineering-- Ial «>r Section 38 -- engineering--*. laltor and materials Section 37 -- rhfht of way --Seeger^ -- plat Inland - Section 36 -- construction - labor and materials . . Section ii -- construction 32645 3$ i -- labor and materials . 1 Section 99 B-l---C- COM*. I Melahan Const. O.--S«t | Xo. 2 .... - : r . , i I 100.01 • 78.89 90tr0u ICO.tK' 115.Ov $IM.OO 92.50 *15.84 ' 35.0« S5.00 119.T9

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