Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 May 1951, p. 22

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'BOARD OF '8fP«RVISOBS; XlTiSffi Pace • 10 The graveling of the Riley Job .^known u SMtlan *7 M. F. T. la lmrrovi>fnt net In any sense of the word There were no objectors #nd the I*v>Ard felt that a variation should be granted to permit a two-famiiv *t this location tClr weather the "shoulders an<l i should grant a R-l -classification. tackflupM' could not IT completed. F JAIIU'K*. S»ecretary. Additional graveling was complete*! State > f HUnwjk "ton the Genoa Road. Graveling on the Count> of VclWurv. sus i^HarmrAiy Road east of Route 23 let In the Matter i».t thy Application to Floyd M. Griebel Is near comple- of Mttv* fV f>^r \»rt*tu>n Of tlon. Tile concrete work on the 3UT-U!* Cl-I-sjsjtivao •.»« Restrictions. ;8chutt Bridge (Section 3« B-l M. F Before VcH««rv bounty Zoning T.) southwest of Harvard, Illinois. IV««I of Vp(*e*kl» h-earinic held in the .:1s completed but some <>f the forms VK'agv Hal? tn t!*v \ illage of Richhave not in n removed and the back- nv.iA Courtly V.cHenrv. and Mate filling is not yet completed. The sur- of JH tike 5th d-I> of Decem- ~!ivev of the Fox Farm Road iSectioa t*r. P. !S3<I at the h*>ur of 4:30 "*»»' M. F. T.) has been completed F V ; . from Route 23 to \Yo,Mlst.nk i >*.-««• nt K«rv!«l Fawn. filWirniM We again met at Woodstock. Illinois. on the 6th day of January. 1951. and audited and ordered pa:d bills of a general nature charreabte to the McHenry C ounty p*trv tem of roads as a whole for rvwatrs Attorney tor wtitw "jand suppt its for County owwevi n»- Objectors: ><>n« N'agel that the above petition be ranted insofar as it pertains to Lot of Resubdlvlslon of Lot 7 In Block 11 of Riverside Park Subdivision No. 2 which was requested to be retoned as B-2. That p.trt of the petition requesting Lot 8 of the Resubdivision of Lot 7 in Block 11 of Riverside Fark Subdivision No. 2 be rezoned aa B-l is denied. Vote: Aye: Kent, Deneen, Nagel, Ba con. Kayes. Naje: None. Chairman declared motion carried. Description: This is located In Davis Subdivision near Burton's Bridge where a tavern has been operated for more than twenty-five years. This Is now a non-conforming , use but the owner desires to make i Twp. Rd. State App some improvements and to change j Stamps some of the caMn •^illrtal Receipt* 1 hereby re-approprlated for road purposes Including the repair, storage and purchase of road machinery or for improvements for buildings to house machinery. Your Committee estimates there will l-o nccessary for the care of the McHenry County. Illinois patrol syste of roads an appropriation from the Coiintv highway fund in the sum of $5,000.00 until the next meeting of this FToard. All or which la respectfully submitted. F. Iv BKCK MATH X. SCHM1TT 5,344.47 45.00 1,076.00 125.60 458.00 1.486.61 Oe«.»rir» ."•Uiiv-k.-v. Secretary and Kn- 'i.'rv>ng Offwr. Rv.»v Kent. Frank K. J iv«e«m. Vernon Kayes. At-senf Son*. Aptwiniit^: Carles T. Smith, ijchinery and labor at the Co.inty teol house and erounds, to a of ^3333 IS. Bills chargeable to the vans**# sections of the County patro* system E>Krt:on < rvad i* -."'--.v. KW (WIS BEEN Oerfrtvu tv >.«f ixit>lu-at :<>n filed. • Tvsf.mtsny hereto attached. Soard s LVosion . It ha* been raovof road* at r.-iies «vi by K«nt and seconded by N**el ed by this Bcwr* v«tv awfttted aad t»»at the aDcv* petittcui and variation, • ordered pa.d as S«VTI«>N< S. H Section* I. ii. It i, ,Sectio:M9 4. "/.Seotjoa# S. * ' .^Sections 7. 1. Hi 'pk.z . ; ! S e c l : . ' T » S I X l i • . . . be ijraituni xs tu set back line. $J.;u »i i v .te A- e Kent, Nagel, Deneen, J32 *<» K vi es. BJto>n., „• T*.»« SUM which he rents in the summer time. We feel that this is a definite imprpovement and that they are entitled to a permanent soning classification. The request to rent Imats on the river lot met with considerable opposition and we feel that their point lis well taken which they desire to keep business off tne river front BO that the 11-1 classification requested for the rivtr front lot is denied. Oeorsre F. Jedlicka, Secretary Your Zoning Board of Appeals presents herewith as a part of this report, the petitions and applications of the petitioners and applicants. All of which is respectfully submitted Harold Bacon.. Xagel. Vernon Kayes. K. J. Oeneen. Enforcing Officer and Secretary, Board of Appeals. Supr. Sterne of Nunda Township, addressed the Board concerning the application of John Bauer and Fran Grand Tout BsyMriUtoUNM County Orders -125,344.47 Coroner's Jurors <1 A P Jurors Probation Officer Co. Treasurer's Satfcfy\... Clerk's Salary ........J Assessment Office 1 Salary -i--<00.00 Tuberculosis Fund 2,559 SO Highway Fund *, 10.212.01 Inheritance Tax 1.S17.88 Motor Fuel Tax 19.199.17 Payroll Account 4.929.85 11. Mun. Retire. Fund .... 2,744.S3 487.88 15.03 71.149.T3 Balance forward January 31. 1851 8318.463.40 > -- G r a n d T o t a l * s » ! * . t > i Z - 1 3 Tm,-»fcove and foregoing report Is true ancNeorrev-t according to mv I289.S13.13 an<r^correv-my best knowledge and belief. J. G. ST10VKNS, County Treasurer Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of Fel>ruarv. 1J51. ^ R. i>. W(H<ns. (Seal) County Clerk It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Fillp and duly seconded by Supr. Schmitt tiiat the report bo Rov Kent. Frank approved and adopted by this B«iard. and the roll l-e;ng called the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Committee on McHenry Cvaunty Home. Farm and Hospital presented the following report, which Vaye: None Ot*u:r?nan declare*! motion carried. Description: This is located a short §? .stance soctfc of Richmond, north -- - <yt the v.3«.iuct of Route 12 for the i Soo w« bKta.iiitrno^addV rrtt'getnut^-oof. -wwaa>v. * TTnhee rre p wwe erree of Appeal. "" He stated that the prop-! niously adoptetl. to-wit erty »jn question was»fa tavern c>^ t^0 , Mr. • Chairman and Mrrab»« of the Roarti of Supervisors v»f " B«3fcs mv aawt .r^rea paid M Put Ti\ JUiwto Slur, cijtt; Cd^-.'ws• Ret-.nn*«at . - 'i n-' objectors and the Board feels " Furd-- MFT Slfc.j.7* f'^r " ; that the petition for B-l use should jVr sax -- I vc } + > $t83 3< lie granted and that the set back line •^Patr\ ; Secxve Xv\ I i Should be reduced to sixty-eight feet terince. 5a'oc-r materials 13.32 i instead of the customary one hun- 'ine Thts property "is on the oes Bauer, his wife, for variation of i on motion of Supr Cornue andi duly si.}# ,•>«• Rout* l* and backs UD soning classification that was ap- seconded by Supr. Beck »nd. th* rt»lt *e ChU-ago and Northwestern Proved in part by the Zoning Board : being called, was de< lswet» Unanil* atro: Sec No.. 2. maint.. !al> r and materials ... -1.W8.51 Section 33. engi.. labor 135.48 Section 37. engi.. labor 39.12 Section SS, engi.. latxir ajid materials Section 37. const., labor and'- materials 908.20 Total .............. 33,755.63 It is required that a revolution be passed at the start of the year to create a Maintenance fund for the care of M. F. T. Roads now built. JPunds not used are easily transferred to some other M. F. T. project. The rough estimate includes mowing . County of McHenry and State of 11 dred feet due to the difficulties imposed by the location of the property adjacent to the railroads which would make it impossible for her to observe the usual set back line. George F. Jedlicka, Secretary. State or Illinois. County of McHenry. ss. In the Matter of the Application -of Martin Cooney Individually and Martin Cooney and Mary C. Heckmann as Trustees of the Kelter Trust for Change of Zoning Classification. Before McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeals hearing held in the City Hall in the City of McHenry, weeds, care of surface, shoulders -and ditches. plowing snow and Spreading cinders, also new seal coats from time to time. We recommend that a resolution covering said Mgifticnance t-e passed by this lloard !*t this time. It is required that a resolution^ tie~ fiassed at the start of the year to create a Right of Way Kngineerlng Fund for making right of way plats and miscellaneous costs required by Interviews with pioperty owners and officials that are not a proper charge tinder road construction engineering. \Ve therefore recommend that a resolution setting up a fund of 8<,®00 for this purpose be passed by this fioard at this time. Considerable expense and Inconvenience has been caused by snow tnd ice. The attempt is being made o keep the roads widened out so that there will be room for future enows and drifting snows to be pushled back. Some of the snow banks *tre fro*en so hard that it is very hard on the machinery. We have received from motor fuel fax funds rental on County owned machinery included in the above re- Iports--Patrol Section No. 2 -- Main- It ena nee -- 851.77. Section 36 Conistruetion -- $31.20, Section 37 Construction--$ 5,676.92 (November 1960) -Patrol Section No. 2 -- Maintenance --81.113.26. Section 37 -- Construction--$ 906.2o (December 1950). We have also received Check No. 58,708 in the amount of $404.85 to adjust insurance policies (Compensation Policy No. C-77964 and Comp. Liability Policy No. (CAO-52719) in accor- • dance with audit (November 1950), also check No. 425 from Alden Town Fund in the amount of $20.32 (Uecember 1950) for snow plowing , on Alden Town Roads by County . rt*r> and machinery. All of the above amounts have been turned over to the County Treasurer for the County road fund, which said sum is hereby re-appropriated for road purposes : including the repair, storage and purchase of road machinery or for improvements for buildings to house machinery. Your comhiittee estimates there will be necessary for the care of the McHenry County, Illinois, patrol system of roads an appropriation from the County highway fund In the sum of $5,000 until the next meeting of this Board. All of which is respectfully submitted. • v P. li BECK . 'JOHN J. FILIP ; ijU -AUU. W. Kl'TH f .CARL E. WITTMU8 MATH N. SCHMITT Road and Bridge Committee McHenry County. Illinois oThe following Right-of-Way Engineering Resolution and County Maintenance Resolution was presented and read to the Board, to-wit: County Kalnteaand* Besolutton Resolved, by the Board of Supervisors, of McHenry County that |3",- 890.42 is appropriated from the Motor Fuel Tax allotment for the maintenance of the following sections of patrols located on State Aid roads ami meeting the requirements of the "Motor Futl Tax Law," approved March 25, 1929. as amended. S. A. Routt Patfo! « ' Patrol Section No. 1 .....i $1,090.42 Patrol Section No. 3 ... -..$38,800.00 and be it further Resolved, that the above designated sections be maintained under the provisions of said Motor Fuel Tax > Law during the year ending December 31, 1951, and be it further Resolved, that the County Clerk is hereby directed to transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the Department of Public Works and Buildings. Division of Highways, Springfield. Illinois, through its District Engineer. Bifht of Way SBfianriu ~JoIn" linois on the nth day of December, A. I>. 1950 at the hour of 3:00 o'clock P. M. Present: Harold Bacon, Chairman; George Jedlicka. Sg^etary and Enforcing Officer: Jioji* Kent. Frank Nagel. E. J. Dejje^n. Vernon Kayes. Absent: None." At- Fox River at Burtons Bridge, which was a non-conforming use. and the ! County part of the application that was de-- Your McHenry County nied being the B-l classification, was 1 Farm and Hospital Committer mwt so that the owners could rent boats ! aj Hartland olisFet-ruary 7th; on the river, and he personally didn't ; and audited, bills for the month of see anything wrong with the B-l I January 1951 and respectfully classification. The Chairman. Thomas F. Nolan, stated that it was his* opinion that the petitioners could again petition the Zoning Board of Appeals concerning said matter, after some further discussion it was regularly moved by Asst. Supr. Mc- Connell and 'duly seconded by Supr. . „ Mackeben that the report of the Zon- Botts Welding Service* • ing Board of Appeals be approved ! welding ., and adopted by this Board, and that | Arwell. Inc.. pest control ... the property of the petitioners or ap- i Sawyer Biscuit Co.. crackers mit the following recomuMa<JUu& the same be paid. Kemp's Hatchery ft Ftoed Co.. chicken feerl .............. 3 4t.3>3 Ideal Oil Co.. fuel oil aad kerosene --* Miller-Pat ton Baking; bread plicants more fully described in their petitions and applications, be reclassified to conform to said report. And that the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of McHenry County, Illinois. now on file in the County Clerk's office be amended to conform to said report, and that all maps pertaining to County Zoning now on file in the Geo. F. Bolizin, tobacco. groceries, etc ; Clyde & Bud's Mobile Service, gasoline John Sexton & Co.. groceries Royal Blue Food Mart. grocerus Shurtleff & Co.. supplies Thomas B. Merwin. mattress lift ttfcfct t.iO ' m 2tf 4TS.W 30.98 4.44 An;, w. Rimr CARL E. W1TTMUS JOHN J. FILIP Boad and Bridge Committee "tt tftis thereupon regularly moved hv Supr. Dunning and duly seconded by Supr. Wittinus that the report l»e Bp,proved and adopted by this Board, and the roll being called the Chair- 1 man 4eclared the motion unanimously carried. The following M. F. T. Construction Resolutions were presented and read to' the Board, to-wit: • - (Copy on file in the County Clerk's office.) It was thereupon regularly moved i v Supr. Filip and duly seconded by Supr. Schmitt that the Resolutions be approved and adopted by this Board, and the.roll lacing called the Chairman det lared the motion unanimously carried. The following report of the Special Committee in charge of the Construction of a new bridge at the site of the Barnard's Mill bridge, over the Nipperslnk Creek in the Township of McHenry. together with an Knsineer's Payment estimate to the 11 H Maas Construction Co.. and a communication from J. W. WickVlne t(. the Highway Division of the Dept. of Public Works and Buildings of the Slate of Illinois, were presented and r*ad to the Board, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the lU>ard of Supervisors, McHenry County. Illinois: •••* Your Special Committee to whom was referred the matter of the construction of a bridge at the site of the Barnard's. Bill Bridge over the Niooersink Creek In the Town of ilellenry beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them. lumber 22. 1950--Drove timber test pile to a depth of 18.2 feet below cut off elevation. Decided to order timber piles 13 feet and 15 feet Ions and precast concrete piles 80 feet lon,g. December 28. f50--Poured 5 concrete piles. January 17 and 18, 1951 -- Drove timber piling on west abutment. (16 at 15 feet) (29 at 12 feet) January 23. 1951 -- Poured west footing. January 31. 1951 -- Poured 5 con- -County Cjerk H oKk-e be -changed tn Hubert's PharH»» M a<i \ crete piles. *" Wj l We d _ Jterfolntlon Be It Resolved, by the Board of Supervisors, of McHenry County at it# meeting this 9th day of January. 1951, that there is hereby appropriated the sum of four thousand and no- 100 dollars ($4,000.00) or so much thereof as may be necessary, from the said County's motor fuel tax allotment, for the Right of Way Engineering, during the year ending December 31. 1951. Be It Further Resolved, that this resolution b« submitted to the Department of Public Works and Buildings, State of Illinois, to guarantee payment of all cost for Right of Way Engineering. It was thereupon regularly moved by bupr. Mackeben and duly seconded by Asst. Supr. McConnell that the Resolutions te approved and adopted by this Board, and the roll being called the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Zoning Board of Appeals, operating under the McHenry County Illinois Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. presented the following report, to-wit; ,' January 9, 1951. State of.. Illinois. County of McHenry. ss. Tp the Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: I Your Zoning Board of Appeals, operating under the McHenry County ,Illinois Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance present herewith the following report on the matters and things before them, to-wit* State of Illinois. County of McHenry, ss. In the Matter of the Application of Harold A. Vogel and Clara M. Vogel, bis wife, for variation of zoning classification and amendment of Boning ordinance. Before McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeals hearing held in Township of Greenwood, County of McHenry and State of Illinois on the 19th day of December, A. D. I860 at the hour of 3:00 o'clock P. M. Present: Harold Bacon. Chairman; Oeorge Jedlicka. Secretary and Enforcing Officer; Roy Kent, Frank Xagel, Vernon Kayes. K. J. Deneen. Absent: None. Appearances: Henry U CoWllS, Atton «y for petitioners. Objectors: None. Petition was read. Fee has been paid. Certificate of publication Hied. Board's Decision: It was moved by Kent and seconded bv Deneen that the above variation be granted. Vote: Aye: Deneen. Kent, Kayes, Csairntan declared motion earned. . PssctluUua: This, la the old school •OUM I* Qreenwood which is a two' Appearances: James C. Rich, torney for petitioners. Objectors: None. - _ _ Petition was read. Fee has been paid. Certificate of publication filed. Board's Decision: It has been moved by Mr. Nagel and seconded by Mr. Deneen that the above petition be granted. Vote: Aye: Bacon, Kent, Deneen, Kayes, Nagel. Naye: None. • Chairman declared motion carried. Description: This Is the-- Cooney'. Sudivison on the Paines Hill blacktop from one to two miles west of McHenry. This Is a new subdivision and inasmuch as the plat meets all requirements and there being no objectors present, it was moved and seconded that the petition be granted and that the property be resoned as R-l. George F. Jedlicka, Secretary -' State of Illinois. County of McHenry, ss. In the Matter of the Application of Richard Doherty. Virginia D. Doherty, Philip Doherty and Maureen Doherty for Variation of Zoning Classification Before McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeals hearing held In the city hall in the City of McHertry County of McHenry and State of Illinois on the 5th day of December A, D. 1950 at the hour of 3:00 o'clock p. m. ^ Present: Harold Bacon. Chairman: George Jedlicka, Secretary and Enforcing Officer, E. J. Deneen. Roy Kent. Vernon Kayes, Frank Nagel. Absent: None Appearances: James C. Rich, Attorney for petitioners Objectors: J. W. Raycraft, Frank lleckmann Petition was read Fee has been pn id Certificate of publication filed (Testimoney hereto attached) Hoard's Docision: It was moved by Kayes and seconded by Deneen that the above variation be granted. Vote: Aye: Kayes, Deneen. Bacon, Kent. Nagrl. Naye: IVone. Chairman declared motion carried. Description: This was a request for variation to permit the construction of a duplex dwelling in the Cooney Subdivision on the Crystal Lake Blacktop about one mile southwest of McHenry. There were objectors present who made it very clear that they did not want a change to a B-l classification but they said they had no objection to the construction of a duplex house. Note: One of the proposed changes in the zoning ordinance is to create a R-2 section which will allow the construction of duplex homes This area would fall into this classification. George F. Jedlicka, Secretary State of Illinois. County of McHenry, ss. In the Matter of Petition of Royal C. Ravens Before McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeals hearing held in the city hall In the City of Crystal Lake County of McHenry and State of Illinois on the 5th day of De- <oember A. D. 1950 at the hour of 2:30 o clock p. m. Present: Harold Bacon. Chairman; Ueorge Jedlicka, Secretary and Khforcing Officer, Frank Nagel. Roy Kent. E. J. Deneen. Vernon Kayes. Absent: none Appearances: John Looie. Attor- "e>" representing petitioner. William •M. Carroll Jr., Attorney representing some objectors, James Rich. Attorney representing some objectors, Joseph Waynne, Attorney representing some objectors. (Sent in written appearance) d ^f.c.tors: Hereinafter named Petition was read Fee has been paid Certificate of publication filed (Testimoney hereto attached) Boards Decision: It has been moved by Nagel and seconded by Deneen that the above variation be granted on the above petition to allow a usage of the defined four acre tract andu the garbage disposal area for the sole and exclusive use of «K°«yn .C Raven and th»t *a'd use shall be restncted to that business which he personally conducts and ??.?*"? .8u yuthe U8e of h,K truck that he shall not sublet any part of the premises to any other hauler nor shall he act as agent for any other hauler. Vote: Aye: Deneen conform to the new classification of medicincs^ the property of the petitioners or Hubert M. Evans, applicants. The Chairman stated that 'he would elect to participate in the roll call vote on the motion. And the roll being called. Suprs. Ruth, Wittmus, Beck, Coy. Dunning, Glenn, Mackeben, Aavang, McConnell, May, Schmitt, Sterne, Filip and Asst. Suprs. Maxwell, and McComiell and Chairman Thomas F. Nolan, voted Aye. Nay none. And the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried, the report approved, the ordinance amended and directed that the maps be changed. Several communications from the State of Illinois. Department of Public Works and Huildings, and from the Illinois Commerce Commission, together with Gas Tax Allotment reports for the months of November and December. 1950. were presented and ordered placed on file. • A report of the McHenry County •-H Club work was presented and Ordered place on file. A report and communication was received from the State of Illinois Civil Defense Commission pertaining to certain plans for countywide civilian defense, was presented to the Board, which was on motion duly made and cariied referred to the Sheriff's Committee for report. The Chairman stated that if there was nothing further to come 1/efore this meeting for the good of McHenry County, he would entertain a motion to adjourn. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Sterne and duly seconded by Supr. Filip to adjourn. Motion carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned. THOMAS F. NOLAN. Chairman. Attest: R. D. WOODS. Clerk. Special February Meeting 1951 The Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, met in Special Session pursuant to the following call signed by more than one-third of its members together with proof of service, at the Court house in the Citv of Woodstock, on Tuesday the 18th day of February. A. D. 1951 at 10;00 o'clock A. M.. to-wit: January 15, 1851. ' • _ Call of Meeting To R. D. WOODS. County Clerk McHenry County. Woodstock, Illinois. « , We. the undersigned members of the-Board of Supervisors of McHenry ( ounty, Illinois, hereby request that you call a meeting of said Board to be held Tuesday, the 13th day of February, A. D. 1951, for the purpose of Amending or to Consider the Amendment of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of McHenry County, Illinois, approved and adopted September 12th. 191« and as subsequently Amended and to consider the Amendment or to Amend the Building Ordinance of McHenry County, adopted March 14th. 1950 and for the purpose of the Selection of Petit refrigerator repairs Montgomery Ward Co.. clothing and supplies . R. O. Andrew Co. calf meat-- 10. L. Bakkom & Co., tools ..w R. F. Backus, electrical wiring ,. ".... Thomas J. Webb Co.. coffee Bohn Hardware Co., supplies F. W. Woolworth Co* notions ..... Gordon Pearson, feed grinding .... Public Service of Nor." Ill,, electricity ? ... Illinois Bell Tel. Cotelephone Carl Glenn, whey ... Esther C. Allen, salary Esther C. Allen, incidentals. Clara Hayes, salary Ruth Kruzan. wages Rose Chambers, wages James Chambers, wnges Eveline McAnnallv, wages.... Edward McAnnally, wages.... Fred Tody, wages : Rose Chambers, extra wages Ruth Kruran, extra, wages .... «.j | It..">03.66 on the completed work and materials, same being approximately . * 00 90c-„ of the value thereof under the M4.98 #.80 4.64 35.70 80.90 38.07 6.10 11.40 70.95 ' 43.81) J3.85 300.on 73.75 180.00 100.00 136.00 160.00 84.60 04.60 23.10 35.53 35.53 $2743.&0 Less cow and pigs sold. 336.12 $2407.68 February 7, 1951 To the Chairman and Members of the McHenry County Board of Supervisors, Woodstock, Illinois. Your McHenry County Home, Farm and Hospital Committee met at Hartland on the above mentioned date and audited bills for the month of January 1951 and recommend the following be paid. R unning Expense Clothing $1440.50 . 102.65 . 34.86 44.19 . 184160 . 893.93 . 287.08 $2743.80 . 336.12 Tobacco Aledlcines Hospital Diet Fuel ....Jy,.......--A. IJBSS. Cew and -Bold.. ' ' $2407.65 The regular inspection of Buildings and Live Stock was made. There being no further business Your Committee, on motion duly made and seconded adjourned. , FRANK B. McCONNELL. Chairman , CARL E. WITTMCS ALMER aAVANG E. C. COY. AUGUSTUS M. MAXWELL The Committee on Roads and Bridges presented the following report. to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors, McHenry County, Illinois: The undersigned itiembers of the Road and Bridge Committee for said County beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them. That we met at Woodstock, Illinois, on the 26th day of January. 1951, to discuss the blacktop program for next year. W'e decided to recom- Jurors; the approval of claims filed mend that the Dunham Boad known v*«iV^a'> y'e,s':. xN*anyeeen: 4N..o Snaec on, Kent, Chairman declared motion carried. Description: This is a four acre i ^°rn i "Even's farm near lHlana Lake which he has been using L?ri I,u 1 mPinB garbage from a re- ^tricted _ route. It doesn't against the County and for the transaction of any and all further business that may regularly come before said meeting. " Dated this 25th day of ^January, A. D. 1951. A. B. McCONNELL MATH N. SCHMITT THEODORE W. STERNE HARLEY MACKEBEN F. E. BECK -- : AUG. W. RUTH JOHN J. FILIP r , PAUL ROSENTHAL (Copy of publisher's certificate and notice of call of meeting on file in the county clerk's office.) The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Thomas F. Nolan, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was given by the Chairman .with all members of the Board and visitors present participating, and the roll being cilled by the Clei k. the following members responded to their names, to-wit: Suprs. August W. Ruth. C^ rl. E. Wittmus. Frank E. Beck. Elmer Coy, Raymond Slavin. Charles T. Dunning. Harley Mackeben. Thomas K Nolan. Aimer Aavang. Stanley Cornue. Frank B. McConnell. Frank May, Math N. Scinnitt. Theodore Sterne, John J. Flllp and Asst. Suprs. A. M. Maxwell, A. B. McConnell and Paul Rosenthal constituting a quorum present. The minutes of the Special January, 1951. meeting were read and upon motion duly made and carried were approved and ordered of record The following monthly report of the County Treasurer, for the month that "this""local!tv appear of January 1951, Including the Reby the use of tin« w»r harmed port of County Highway Funds, was becaussee hhee ?i»sf aa 'vveJry? conscientious ^' !w^i*t*" "ted and react to the Board, to- January 31. 1M1 Xecelpts fill a much needed want in this locality and inasmuch as It is'; restricted to his own as Section 36 M. F. T. and the Riley Road known as Section 37 M. F. T. be blacktopped next Summer, and that the necessary improvement resolutions be presented at the next meeting of the County Board of Supervisors and if passed that the contracts be let as soon as possible. We again met on the 10th day of February, 1951, at Woodstock. Illinois, and audited and, ordered paid i/ills of a general nature chargeable 1o the McHenry County patrol system of roads- as a whole for repairs and supplies for County owned ma-1 chinery and labor at the County tool house and grounds to a total of $4881.73. Bills chargeable to the various sections of the County patrol system of roads at rates heretofore approved by this Board were audited and ordered paid a* follows: Section 3, 14 858.62 Sectioiiri4f 16, 18 376.13 Section 4. 17 357.15 Section 5. 6 r--H;8.67 Section 7, 8. ». 10, 11. 13 1036.04 Sectl< i 18. 16 152.95 T. tal '.....,......71.'..$69!>1.29 Bills were audited and ordered paid out of Motor Fuel Tax funds as follows: ' Municipal Employee!* Retirement Fund -- MFT Share for Pension (Jan. •51) ...:$ 196.01 Patrol Section No. 2--Maintenance 4-- labor and materia** ...» 2169.43 Right of Way--engineering -- lal.-or 291.31 Section 38 -- engineering-->, labok 341.66 Section $5 -- Construction-- materials 514.06 Section JG-'Tt--C. Construe^ tlon--Est. No. i and Final 9226.81 _. ««io unn oeraon- nHaotnio™n' slKhoe u,l,d!J >abierd gferealnBt etdh. at the va- George F. JedMcka, Secretary State of Illinois, ' County_ of McHenry. ss. In the Matter of the Application hL . •? Hauer and Frances Bauer. Classification" Xarlat,°" <* ^ning Before McHenry County Zoning !t° i,0 K ,Pp,ea,H hearing held in i sL £;v ln tht of Crystal V?^ft»£SJ*rtty of McHenry and State A nt^°1 L7th day of October A. D. I960 at the hour of 4:30 o'clock Present: Vernon k' u vo« a Bal. forward Jan. 1. 1951 $27,893.36 Township of Alden 3 20.32 M. F. T. Machinery Rental 1,533.71 Total Receipts a 1,551.03 (#rand Total $29,447.39 . Expenditures Highway Orders $10,212.01 Bal. forward Jan. 31, 1351 19,235.38 4 . G r a n d T o t a l . . . $ 2 9 , 4 4 7 . 3 9 L. Tryon, Supi. of Hwys _ J. B. STEVEN8. County Treas. uounty Treasurer's B*port For the Month of January. 1951 Beeelpts Balance forward $267,123.36 General Fund $ 244.29 contract. We therefore recommend that the County Clerk draw an order on the County Treasurer for the sum of Seven thousand five hundred and 66- 10o dollars ($7,503.66) ln favor of H. H. Mass Construction Company as a partial payment for said bridge. All of which is respectfully submitted. FRANK B. McCONNELL ALMER AAVANG FRANK MAY Special Bridge Committee Barnard's Mill Bridge • F. B. McConnell. Chairman I. C. L. Tryon, Superintendent of Highways for McHenry County, It- Ilinois, hereby approve the above report and payment due on the cost of the sain Bridge. C. L. TRYON. County Supt. of Highways, McHenry County, 111. (Engineer's payment estimate on file in the county clerk's office. It was regularly moved by Supr. Cornue and duly seconded by Supr. Ruth that the report of the Special Committee be approved and adopted, and that the Engineer's Payment Estimate of the H. H. Maas Construction Co. made a part of said report be paid. And the roll being called the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried and the report ap- ••>ro» e l a"d adopted, and directed the County Clerk to draw an order on tue county Treasurer in favor of the fe{. H. Maas Construction Co. for the amount as stated in the Engineer's Estimate claim. It was thereupon regularly- moved by Asst. Supr. McConnell and duly seconded by Asst. Supr. Maxwell that the copy' of Letter received from J. W. Wickline be placed on file. It appearing to the Board that it is necessary to make new- selections as to jurors for the Courts of McHenry County, the members from the various townships presented new lists of not less than one-tenth of the legal voters of each sex of each town or precinct for the prospective Jury Service in the Courts of McHenry County, which lists were read by the Clerk. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Sterne and duly seconded by Supr. Wittmus that the following resolution be adopted, towit: Be It Resolved, that the names read to this Board, which names have been selected by the Supervisors of the respective townships of not less than one-tenth of the legal voters of each sex of each town or precinct In the County and which names ap- riear in Jury List No. 15 now on file n the County Clerk's office of McHenry County, Illinois, be and hereby is declared the legal Petit Jury List for the Courts of McHenry County, for the year beginning January 1st, 1951, said list being and hereby Is made a part of this record, and the roll being called, Ssuprs., Ruth. Wittmus. Beck, Coy, Slavin, Dunning, Mackeben, Aavang, Cornue, McConnell. May. Schmitt. Sterne, Filip and Asst. Suprs. Maxwell, McConnell and Rosenthal voted Aye. Nay none. And the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried, and the resolution unanimously adopted. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Schmitt and duly seconded by Supr. Mackeben that the following Resolution be adopted by the Board, towit: ~J Be It Resolved, by the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County Illinois. that the Chairman appoint a Committee, of members of this Board, and that said committee, be and hereby Is authorized to select at such times as are required from the Petit Jury List No. 15 of McHenry County, Illinois, on file in the office of the County Clerk, four hundred and fifty persons from said Jury List Number 15. of each sex to serve as Petit Jurors for the Courts of McHenry County as provided by Chapter 78 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois, as subse- QUently amended. And the roll being called, Suprs. Ruth. Wittmus, Beck, Coy. Slavin, Dunning, Mackeben, Aavang, Cornue, McConnell, May, Schmitt, Sterne, Flllp ana Asst. Suprs. Maxwell, McConnell and Rosenthal voted Aye. Nay none. And the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried and Resolution adopted. The Chairman appointed to act as such committee the Election Committee of the board. The Clerk presented lists of 'Claims against the County and upon motion of Supr. Slavin and duly seconded by Supr. Coy and declared carried, the said claims were referred to the proper committees, and the Board adjourned to 1 :30 o'clock P. M. for committee work. 1:30 0'CX>0C3C 9. V. The Board met pursuant to adjournment and upon roll call, the • same members responded to their names as appeared of record in the morning session. excepting Asst. Supr. Rosenthal of Algonquin Township, constituting a quorum present. The Committee on Claims, Labor, Fees and Supplies presented the following report, which on motion of Supr. Mavkeben and duly seconded by Supr. Ruth and the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: February 13, A. D. 1951 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee ort Labor. Fees L. V. Stilts, co tress off si^| $1.25. to elk off aupx $43.35, cir elk su|h--il7ti, ct hse sup--$18.70 '•8.5! Shff. Off. Sup.-- Medlar Studio 18.00 Atlas Printing Co 10.31 Ktrwin Slide Film Lab. 87.D6 Schmidt Printing Co., shff off sup--$7.96, co treaS off sup--$27.80 •£.... 3(6.75 B. F. Kennelly, er T. B. oft " sup « 7.02 _ Sup. Schs. Off. Sup.-- . , ft. L. Tazewell 44.33 Boclety for Visual Educ. . ....... 8.21 Inform. Classroom Picture#' w 3.40 Burdette Smith Companyv, • sup schs off sup --$2.Mk „ judcy llbry--$15.00 17.00 Judcy. Llbry.-- Callaghan & Company 15.00 Lawyer's Co-op. Pub. Co. 13.00 Moore Business Forms Inc.. co treas prtg 14t3.77 Co. Treas. Assmt.-- Central Printing & Pub. 13.16 Marengo Republican-News .... 383.70 Crystal Lake Herald 835.96 McHenry Plaindeaier 482.30 Harvard Herald 406.00 Woodstock Dally Sentinel, co treas assmt--$806.70, bd of rev sup--$7.65 814.85 Pearl SchulfL*. co zoning eXp $53.00, co coroner's reporter- $r»0,25 ..... 103.25 Ero Erlckson. shff dpty ........ . 80.00 Henry A. Nulle, shff per diem fees serv 176.88 R. 1). Woods, County Clk., co elk tax extn fund 4500.09 Thomas F. Nolan, bd of rev sal mtrs--$200.00. bd of rev trav exp--*30.00 230.00 E. J. Deneen, bd of rev sal mbrs--$200.00, bd of rev trav exp--$20.00 ... 230.00 John J. Hayes, bd of rev sal mbrs -- $200 00. bd of I'ev trav exp -- $20.00 ..... 220.00 C. W. Klontz. M. D,. co elk Ins depdn (Gregg) 10.00 • Co. Clk. Ins. Depdn.i-- Lee Gladstone, M. D., (Greffg) 10.00 Dr. Cuthbert J. Leavy, (O'Nell) -.^.,. 5.00 Ct. Jurors-- .. , The Woodstock Grill • J19.94 Benton Street Restaurant f8.71 Geo. FT Jedlicka, co zon Ins supplies f 00 Frank H. Nagel, co zoning off sal $20.00, co zoning off trav $1.65 21.65 E. J. Deneen. co zoning oft sal $20.00, co soning trav 83.20 , 13.20 Roy A. Kent, co zontng off .val 420.00, co zoning tray 92.60 2?.6u Vernon W. Kays, co zoning off sal $20.00, co zoning trav $3.15 .»... 28.15 Harold J. Bacon, co soning off • sal $20.00. Co zoning trav $2.25 3.25 Contingent- " : McHenry County Title Co. .... 15.00 Dr. Eric Bock. M. D 30.00 Shf. Operation Squad Can*-* Home Oil Company '12.29 Hahn Oil Company 88.75 Wonder Lake Oil Company -A. .'0 McGees's Inc ...i. 6.48 Ct. Hse. Repairs-- Woodstock Trucking Serv. .... • 10.00 Belcher & Sons 9.18 Silliman's Welding Shop 1.00 Mishler Electric .'. tl9.45 Ct. Hse. Sup.-- General Map Company 437.68 I*. J. Zant Off. Mach. 4k ' ^ Equip. Co 111.66 Ludwig Wilson Company 40.05 111. Bell Tel. Co.. ct hse „ jail tel .?. 271.42 R. O. Andrew Co.. ct hse Jail coal v,,,-- #0.65 Hubert's Pharmacy, shf jail sup cloth ,1.98 Henry A. Nulle, Sheriff, ovi/ p»r diem fees serv ........ 196.20 Shf. Feedg. Pris.-- ' ' Poni-zi Bros. Food Mark 43.10 Conway Dairy 18.85 Asmus Meat Market 47.93 Trackett's Bakery >7.32 Western United Gas A El. 2.73 Shf. Dpty. Per Diem-- Nick J. Adams Donald B. Hackman Roger L Hansen ;. Harold Hobbs B. D. Holmes Fred Kunz Homer H Mann .......... Ronald J. Morris ...... Arthur R. Nelson I...;;,. Frank Petzelt Marvin L. Swance Clyde J. Zoia {•: .00 .00 8.00 .00 7.00 18.00 '15.00 '7.00 28.00 7.00 7.00 15.00 Harold G. Fox, shf dpty JUMP' • .. $7.00, bailifT $7.00 •;..... 14.00 Vernon W. Kays, shf dpty per diem $28.00, bailifT $56.00 .... 84.00 Clyde C. Miner, shf dpty per diem $147.00. bailiff $56.00 203.00 Hazel Wilke. bailiff 26.00 Grell True Value Hardware. ct hse repairs 19.50 Hendrychs Ford, shff operation squad car 891.68 Betty Yates, co coroner's reporter 5.00 Lawyer's Co-op. Pub. Co., judcy ibry -- 12.50 University of Illinois, con--- tingent ,. 10.00 Supr. Sal. Mileage-- August W. Ruth 119.00 C. Perry Wright Carl E. Wittmus .*..... §2.00 Frank E. Beck 185.60 Elmer C. Coy ; 22.20 Raymond M. Slavin i Charles T. Dunning *..,......... ... 62.20 Roscoe N. Glenn 24.20 Haley Mackeben .. .,....;.?Sy 183.20 Thomas F: Nolan \ Aimer Aavang £.... 43.80 Stanley H. Cornue - ;.(..... 89.60 Frank B. McConnell' 82.20 Frank J. May 82.60 Math N. Schmitt 100.80 Theodore W. Sterne 44.80 John J. Flllp 116.00 Augustus M. Maxwell Abram B. McConnell 10.20 Paul F. Rosenthal 23.00 City of Woodstock, et hse jail It and wtr 177.00 Ridgefield Farmers 8up„ ct hse jail coal 861.56 Alice Jones, er T. B. off sal.. 175.00 George F. Jedlicka, co soning off sal--$250.00, co zoning travel ex--$75.00 326.00 Betty D. Hayes, bd of rev clk hire 163.00 Ct. Hse. Jail Sal. -- Vestie Muldoon ; 300.00 Wayne Owens 300.00 Ora S. Nulle. shffs took for 160.00 Stosstotp' Mearatd >«iiifrt For Probate Fees $ 2287.18 672.80 For Cleric's in Suits Hi Court For County Services For Miscellaneous Services 818.31 ^04.26 --. 14833.24 14410.1T Total Earnings of half year - - 24218.08 Received of earnings previously reported: Probate : Court Costs Miscellaneous 1862.30 13.16 3.26 ..18416.13 ..$11976.35 1638.69 205.09 1000.00 1250.00 Total Receipts Sxpendttiures Clerk Hire ... Retirement - 6 months Miscellaneous Clerk's Salary for qnehalf year, Co. Clk. ... 8alary Clerk County Court, one-half year 18088.30 Balance due County % yr. ending Dec. 1, 1950 347.82 OUftOUlT OUU The semi-annual report of the Circuit Clerk being as follows: gUeelnts Earned Beceived For Recording ....$1<>164.30 10164.30 For • Clerk's Fees in Suits in \ j • Court 2284.46 2110.45 For Miscellaneous '• • . Services $57.7» ,4?4.70 1»3 days In Court 4 at $16.00 per v ' IV day - 2295.08... Total Earnings of half year 15081.45 Receipts during current half year for the services performed in previous halt years and heretofore reported as not received. Court Costs 20.00 Total receipts Expenditures-- Clerk Hire. for year ....$6,247,000 County's Share Mun. Ret. Fund 908.66 Refund Docket Fees 80.00 Mis. Of. Exp. 35.35; , Clerk's Salary "**• . for V4 year 2,260.00 8.501.01 Bal. due County for V4 year endi^^ll-30-50 ..$4,067.44 The semi-annual report of the Sheriff being as follows: Receipts Earned Received For Sheriff's Fees in Suits in Court. Process Docket ..$1,816.95 $1,668.90 Execution Docket 361.39 332.50 For Misc. Serv. 5,832.90 8,758.65 Total Earnings of half year ...$8,011,24 Receipts during half year for rvlce per fori ing May 31, 1950, and heretofore re- Forted as not received, rocess Docket ' 516.35 Execution Docket 55.80 Miscellaneous 5,663.20 Total Receipts $11,895.49 Expenditures-- ^ Miscellaneous j$ 380.03 Sheriff's salary for one-half year ..f.252.00 Paid to Treas. for Shf. earnings 9,4*21.85 Your Committee submits herewith as a part of this report, a report of the Audit of the Funds and Accounts of the various County Officers as made by J. W. North & Company, Certified Public Accountants, for the two year period ending November 30th, and December 4th, 1950. It appearing from said report that all money had been accounted for by said period. Your Committee therefore recommends that this report be approved and that the report of the Auditors be approved and entered upon the records of this Board. All of which is respectfully submitted PAUL ROSENTHAL AITG. W. RUTH ALMER AAVANG MATH N. SCHMITT 8TANLEY H. CORNUE It was"" thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Wittmus and duly seconded by Supr. Schmitt that the report of the committee on Fees and Salaries be approved and adopted by this Board. And the roll being called the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried and the report approved and adopted. i The Sheriff's Committee presented the following report, which was read by the Clerk, to-wit: Woodstock. Illinois, February 10. 1951. To The Honorable Chairman T. F. Nolan and Members of The McHenry County Board of Supervisors: The undersigned members of yew sheriff's committee for said county beg leave to submit the following report on matters before them: That we met with the Sheriff February 10, 1951, at 10:00 A. M., and examined all claims and reports in connection with the operation of the Sheriff Patrol Car 20 for the month of January 1961 and present herewith a summary of the cost: Hendrychs Ford, parts $11.25 Woodstock. 111., wash & grease 1.25 labor Oil .......... 1951 License..... Tax ; 2.00 f i.6o , 1.00 .23 Hahn Oil Co.. Woodstock. III. • 179.4 gals, gas $ 63.75 3 qts. of oil .80 1 tube ... ......... 4.20 Home. Oil Co. Wottdstoek, 111. 78.3 gala gas $ 68.75 22.29 $ 32.29 $ 99.37 miles in 11, prls Shff. Dpty.-- Harry C. Herendeen Jr. 276.00 Howard W. Cairns 160.00 Armour Birk 250.00 Grant Nolan 240.00 Henry J. Faerber 225.00 Edwin R. Comlskey 225.00 Thomas P. Bolger. clr ct pro off sal 75.00 All of which Is respectfulty submitted. LMER AAVANG. Chairman OHN J. FILIP IIATH N. SCHMITfU= Appearances: Walter F. Kellev jeetorsty ^°r ^eri"aa named ob- Objector*: Hereinafter named Petition was read Fee has been paid SOrtlficate. of publication filed oard s Decision: It has bb<e en Inheritance Tax Motor Fuel Tax Payroll Account Violations on Highways Taves Led. from . Forf. ill. Mun. Retire. Fund . State's Attorney Fund ...... Institute Fund •torr brick building and has been moved by Kent and seconded try Escrow Account ZZZl'.Z'Z .. 1.484.27 ... 123.86 .. 4,883.15 .. 3,005.00 ... 747.60 ....2.744.33 709.00 .... 62.00 ..>. 160,00 Total .: $12642.2# winter snows have been, the worst since 193C. and there has been considerable expense in keening the roads open to auto and truck travel. It would seem there Is still a place for horse teams especially on the side ro-*d farms, and where the buildings are set very far back from the roads. The estimate of cost for the grading and graveling of the Dunham Road known as Section 36 M. F. T. made last year exceeded the rough estimate of cos*, by $6,423.24. Said j and Supplies Claims would, beg leave estimate was made In the original to report that they have examined improvement resolution passed many all claims presented to them, and years ago. The culvert h*.v*Lnot recommend the payment of the folr- een paid for and ther«*Ts some work I lowing, and that the Clerk be dlre.ctto be done In the vici/ilty of the new | ed to Issue orders on the County Schutt Bridge (S'ctl/n 36 B-l M. F. Treasurer to the Claimants for the T.) and the funds .ipfe low. We there- several amounts allowed, as follows, fore recommend that a supplemental to-wit; resolution appropriating an additional *6400.00 to bring the funds up to the estimated cost be passed at this time. Funds not needed will be transferred to other improvement sections. We have received from motor fuel tax funds rental on County owned machinery included in the above re- Sort $1013.02, (Patrol Section No. 2 iaintenance) and turned same over 1 to the County Treasurer for the Cdunty road fund( which said sum is Frank Thornber Co.. co clk off sup--$804.18, co treas off sup-- $11.02, clr cllt sup -$22.39 $837.60 The Haloid Company, clr clk „ sup 618.20 Burgess Anderson A Tate, clr clk sup--$3.06, sup - nchs off exp--$2.36, oo treas off sup--$2.73 .. t.17 Cummins Bu sines* Mach., co treas off sup ... 12.00 Hall &' Eckert. co- trew Off AUL ROSENTHAL The Committee on Claims. County Poor presented the following report, which on motion of Supr. Flllp and .duly seconded by Supr. Schmitt and the roll being called, was declared unanimousy adopted, to-wit: February 13. A. D. 1951 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on County Poor Claims would beg, leave to report that they have examined all claims jiresented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk bo directed to Issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the «>everal amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: Dependt. Chil.-- Lisle Manual Trng. A Indust. Sch., (Jasien) $ 120.00 St. Vincent's Home for Chll- (Reh) (Wilson) 265.50 Lake Bluff Orphanage, (Lange) 40.00 Montgomery Ward A Co.. (DeLine) 21.13 Mrs. Geo. Wierema. (Van Nattan) --.. 40.00 Eva Kapplng, (Yestebo) 40.00 Mrs. R. J. Leisch. (DeLine).... 40.00 St. Mary's of Province Sch.. (Bieleeki) '-40.00 Chicago Industrial Home. (Dalziel) 120.00 Care T. B. Patients-- . j. Rockford Mun. T. B. San '.. 217.00 Lake County T. B. San 2207.00 All of which is respectfully sub* mttted. E. C. COY. Chairman FRANK B. McCONNELL FRANK MAT The Committee on Fees and Salaries presented the following report, to-wit: January 18th, 1851 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Fees and Salaries to whom was reforrcd the semi-annual reports of the County Clerk. Circuit Clerk and Sheriff for the half year ending December 1st. 1950, would beg leave to submit the following repoM on the matters and things before tnWB: The semi-annual report of the County Clerk being as follow*; Car 20 traveled 4,804 January, 1951. Total mileage to January 1951--14.314. CHARLES T. DUNNING STANLEY H. CORNUE HARLEY MACKEBEN It Wiis thereupon regularly mov#A by Asst., Supr. McConnell and duly seconded by Supr. Mackeben that the report be approved and ordered of record. And the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. Supr. Dunning of Seneca Township, Chairman of the Sheriff's committee, stated that there was a large space available under the County Jail that his committee felt could be made Into an office for the Sheriff of McHenry County, without too much expense. And that at the present time a part of the Sheriff's office is located in said space. After some discussion it was regularly moved by Supr. Dunning and duly .peeonded by Asst. Supr. McConnell that said matter be referred to the = ^Building Committee for report. And the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The County Clerk addressed the Board and stated that due to the increase in population in McHenry County over the past few years, and the Increase In County business, that he felt that some economy could be made in the installation of a Switch Board for telephone service for County Officers and Agencies, and that in taking the matter up with Mr. G. L. Wllburn, Manager of the Woodstock office, he received the following recommendation from the Illinois Bell Telephone Company, towit: Illinois Bell Telephone Company 101 van Buren Street. Woodstock. Illinois. February 12, 1061. I McHenry County Court House Johnson Slreet, Woodstock. Illinois. * Attention Mr. Rayniand Woods, • County Clerk Dear Mr. Woods. Confirming our discussion of January 81. 1951. we have made a complete analysis of your present telephone service and your requirements. " After careful study, we feel that the needs of the County Offices can best be served by a cord type switchboard. We recommend this service for the following reasons. 1. Acceptance of our recommendation would provide a more complete and simplified service for one hundred and thirteen dollars and thirty-eight cents ($113.68) compared to the present monthly rate of one hundred and sixteen dollars and eight cents ($116.08). This includes two (2) additional telephones in the Supervisors Office and the County Surveyor. 2. All calls would be answered at a centralized point and then would be promptly distributed by the operator to the proper person. This will avoid calls reaching the wrong party and then being asked to call a different number. 3. The Sheriff's Office will retain Woodstock 144 for emergency outgoing service but Will als6 be ,connected to the switchboard cated in and operated by one of employees of the County Clerk's office. 6. Listings in th« telephone direcjory cottld b# reduced substantially thereby eliminating much confusion In determining the proper telephone number to call. This entire change in service would coBt five (5) dollars, the Installatlon charge of the two (2) additional telephones. We will be gKl to arrange for this Installation Vs soon as possible upon receipt of approval to proceed. Again please feel free to call upon us at any time you feel we can be of assistance to you. O. L. WILBUR.V." GLW :1s Manager After some discussion with regard to said matter. it was regularly moved by Supr. Mackeben and duly Seconded by Supr. Flllp that the recommendations of the Illinois Bell Telephone Company for the installation of a switch board ln the Court House be approved, and that said matter t-e referred to the Committer on Public Buildings, giving sjk committee Will power to act. And the roll being called, Suprs. Ruth, Wittmus. Beck, Coy, Slavin, Dunning, Mackeben, Aavang, Cornue, McConnell. May. Schmitt, Sterne, Filip and Asst. Suprs. Maxwell and McConnell voted Aye. Nay none. And the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. A Petition presented by all of the female employees ln the County Court House, requesting the Board Of Supervisors to provide a private Wash room for female employees use only was presented and read to the Board by the Clerk. Supr. Sterne of Nunda Township stated that he " " an occasion, as a member of Building Committee outside of fice hours to inspect the toilet facilities and rest room that is available. , in the buildng for the public and for I the female employees, and that it "\ was his opinion that something should be done. That the conditions ' were deplorable. And that the .present toilet and wash rooms Should either be put in proper con- 1 dltlon or a new toilet and wash room > Should be installed, and that he felt that a part of the Veterinarians office on the ground floor could be Used for that purpose. The Chairman of the Board, Supr. Nolan, and Several other members of the BofdM Were of the same opinion. AfW Some further discussion with regard to said matter It was regularly moved by Supr. Flllp and duly seconded by Asst. Supr. -McConnell that the question of better toilet and wash r6om facilities for the female employees of the Court House be referred to the Cofnmittee on Public , Buildings for investigation and report. And the Chairman declared ..the motion unanimously carried. The Elections Committee, annolnted to select the names of four hundred and fifty persons of each sex, ; as Jurors for the Courts of McHenry County for the year beginning January 1st, 1951 from the Jury List • 15 now on file ln the County Clerl» office, made a report showing such selections, which report was read by the Clerk. It was thereupon regularfo' moved by Supr. Dunning and duly Seconded by Supr. Filip that the said report be approved and that the said selections so made be ordered attached to the .aforesaid jury list No. 15, and be hereby made a part of this record. And the roll being called, Suprs. Rutii. Wittmus, Beck, Coy, Slavin, Dunning, Mackeben, Aavang. Cornue. McConnell, Ma}', Schmitt, Sterne, Filip and Asst. Suprs. Maxwell and McConnell voted Aye. Nay none. And the Chairman declared the motion unanimouttJB carried. w The Zoning Board of Appeals, operating under the McHenry County IllinsMs Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, presented to the Board a report approving the Application of JGdna A. Nester, et al for zoning reclassification of her property at the 1 Junction of IT. s. Route 14 and Route .47 in Dorr Township, from Farming (F) to Business (B-l), which report was read by the Clerk. After some discussion with regards to said matter It was regularly moved by Supr. Beck and duly seconded b.v Asst. Supr. McConnell that said matter be referred to the Lands and Lots coins mittee of the Board of SupervisoV' for report, and that the application of the applicants and the report of the Zontng Board of Appeals on same be tabled until the Committee's report and recommendations have been made. And the roll being called the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. * The following report of the Zoning Boards of Appeals, operating under the McHenry County Illinois Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, presented the following report, tO» wit: FeDruary 13, Ifit State of Illinois. County of McHenvy, ss. Sk To the Chairman and Gentlemen the Board of Supervisors: YOUT Zoning Board of Appeals, operating under the McHenry County, Illinois Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, presents herewith the following report on the matters and things before them. State of Illinois. County of McHenry, ss. In the Matter of. the Application of Julius Schmidt and Harriett® • Schmidt, his wife, for Variation of Zoning Restriction Before McHenry County Zoning- Board of Appeals hearing held in the Township of Hartland County of McHenry and State of Illinois (jA the 19th day of December A. 1« 1950 at the hour of four o'clock p. m. Present: Harold Bacon, Chairman George Jedlicka, Secretary & Enforcing Officer, Roy Kent. Frank Nagel, Vernon Kayes, E. J. Deneen. Absent: none Appearances: WllHam • OlS^son, Attorney for petitioners Objectors: none ^ . Petition was read Fee has been paid Certificate of publication filed Board's Decision: It has been moved by Kent and seconded by Nagel that the set back line restriction be waived but that the use of the property be restricted to a on# family dwelling and that the ownff be placed on notice that in the event l". S. 14 Is widened that he will not be able to recover damages for any improvements. to their existing property. Vote: Aye: Nagel. Deneen, Kant, Kayes, Bacon. Naye: None Chairman declared motion carried. Description: This is a former school house situated on a tract adjoining the Hughes farm. The tract is too shallow to permit the customary set back line so we are waiving this restriction but do not feel that the building is large enough tor use as a duplex nor that an extensli^ i suin which would be necessary to im ' improve this building should be spent upon it as this would only create a large damage suit in case U. S. 14 should lie widened. George F. Jedlicka, Secretary I State of Illinois. ! County of McHenry, ss; I In the Matter of the Application 1 of Joseph Erwood for- Variation of I Zoning Classification. Before McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeals hearing held In the court House in the Citv of Woodstock County of McHenrv and State of Illinois on the 16th day of Janu- ' ary A. D. 1951 at the hour of 4 p. m. ] Present: Harold Bacon. ChairmaiMi George Jedlicka. Secretary A ElW forcing Officer, Roy Kent, E. JT Deneen, Vernon .Kayes, F ra n k Nagel. Absent: None Appearances: Jantss C. Utah, Attorney for petitioned • j- Objectors: None Petition was read Fee has Wen paid. Certificate of publication filed. Mr. Lrwood: I am proposing to i use the building if the change is granted, for light assembly. light manufacture, similar to radio assembly and that type of work. The j floor isn't sufficiently heavy to put heavy building material in there. A plan on using the same building thw is there now. * j Mr. Bacon: That is your Intent. j You don t have anything specific now? A That is right. If I could find I the right people to run the present rink, I might leave It In there. It is | quite an attraction to the youngsters. 1 am not too pleased with the condition it is kept in. Hoard's Decision: . It has been moved by Kayes and seconded by Deneen that the 1-1 classification bs granted. Vote: Aye: Deneen. Kayes, Nagel, Kent. Bacon. Naye: None. Chairman declared motion carried Description: This is located McHenry Avenue Just east of the city limits adjoining a tract which wafl zoning for light industry 1-1, When the original ordinance was i. The switchboard could bit' lo- 'installed due u"Tlif ch^njf. ipf tha •

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