Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 May 1951, p. 2

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Transportation will be arranged if a request is made i 1 When placing reservation*.,: ; Iftowm Honored \ „/"«*/" " 1 iHnifi J*ai» Freonil . M!kr Doris Jean Freund, who j; fjfext Saturday, May 5, will become the bride of Perry J;, Walker of ^'jChicago, was honored last month *t inree showers. The first was held at the home Miss Elaine Nell, with class- • ttiates and close friends in attendance. The Nell home was attrac- ^tfrely decorated for the occasion In green and yellow. Migs Freund Received a variety of personal gifts, as well as items for her Ibme at this miscellaneous shower. Employees at the local telephone Ice honored her at a shower Sid at Art A Lee's restaurant a days later and presented her %ith a toaster for her new home. The last Bhower was held Thur- 4&y evening, April, 26, given by Ifiss Freund'e future sisters-in. tew. This was a surprise party Held at the Freund home, where le bride-to-be wa^^resented with variety of lovely /and useful t8. • . .. - Woman's Clnb . •. AtJastrn Home Mrs. Peter M. Justen Wtll be hostess to members of the Mc- Henry Woman's club on Friday. May 11, at her home in West McHenrJv Assisting her will be Mesdames <3us Freund/ William Green, Albert Vales, Paul Doherty, N. J. Nye, Jacob Stoffel. Milton Olsen, Fr#d Felti ^and Kate Duesler. V The program .Will feature a demonstration hat making, as Well as organ selections by Mrs. Cornelius Quinlan. The meetings will start'fctVthe new. tihie of 2 o'clock. , • -- «Mid FerNkr "• • fnt h flmei J" St. Mary's Court No< 694, C.O.F. ,p holding their annual Forester Test at the V.F.W. hall on May 9, . Starting at 9 pm. Barbara Horick t|ihd her orchestra will furnish the, ftiusic. An invitation is extended to j|t. John's court to attend, .C.OJ. Officers n Mailed April S6 _ New officers of St. Clara's court, V • $N.C.O.F., were installed in an imv fcresslve ceremony conducted last j Thursday evening. The installa- - ,tion was preceded by a dinner Served at 6 o'clock at the Bridge. »». Talks wre given by Rt. Rev. '.wMg*. C. S. Nix and by Fr. Eugene Saumhofer, after which Mrs. ^Arthur Tonyan presented a short jprogram of organ music prior to ibe installation rites at St. Mary's- |Bt Patrick's school hall. Acting J, is installing officers were High , i; jfchief Ranger Mary McCullough ^ W"d High Secretary Miss Joseph- ' i' .fee Weigl, both of Chicago. j Juvenile members Ella Jean usB, Joann Smith, Jacqueline usten, Jean Blake, Georgia tenger and Geraldine Freund Served as escorts. Gifts were presented to the high ief ranger, to Frieda Konig, rering trusted, and to Catherine orts and Evelyn Blake, retiring venile directors. The chief ran- :er was also presented with a gift from her officers and the latter a/*,. Were given corsages. j&jji , The following were installed: •V Martha Freund, chief ranger . '»• Mary Freund, vice-chief ranger ^ M®thllda Gerasch, recorder " Happy Clover Clnb Elected Officers The Ringwood Happy Clover club met at the home of Mrs. John Hogan on April?-25. After a discussion of business, the following officers were elected: president, Annette Smith; vice - president, Mary Hogan: secretary, Lois Hunt; treasurer, Marita Thomson; reporter, Judy Troxell: program chairman. Mary Jane Bell; recreation chairman, Charlotte Smith; song leader, Shirley Peewl. J&dy Troxell is reporter. - . The girls decided to pay dues at each meeting. The meetings will be held in the homes of the members. Eleven members were present; among these were six new members. Our main project Will be "Ways of Preparing Fruits and Vegetables". Mrs. John Hogan is the leader, Mrs. Paul Walkington, clothing leader, and Charlotte Hogan. junior let^der. The next meeting will be Thursday, May 10, at the home of Annette and Charlotte Smith. :w, WACJ*. Style Show On May H . Plans are progressing nicely for the W.S.C.S. style sh«w, which will be held in the Ringwood church hall at 8 o'clock on May 18. The program includes a summer style revue, entertainment and refreshments. The models are all members of the Evening W.S.C.S. and Ringwood church choir. Music will be furnished by Gordon Fossum and one of his daughters and^ there will be a duet by Mary Ann Wied- Yoaag Infant li Christened The little daughter of - Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Young waa christened Kathleen Clarice at baptismal services held Sunday morning In St. Mary's church, with Rt. flfcV. Msgr. C. 9. Nix officiating. Sponsors were Mrs. Clarence J. Fretuid and William Young, aunt and uncle of the baby. Following the baptismal service, dinner was served to Mr. and Mra. William Young and daught~ra, Kathleen and Carol, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Freund and Children, Gary and Mary Kay. •--- >» • t i.n . . v . » I Honored At Bridal Shower-* Mrs. Emil Simon honored Emily Sinion at a' surprise/ shower last Thursday evening. April 26. Guests included Mrs. Richard Freund, Rose Freund, Mrs. Leonard Antonson. Mrs. Bob Winkel, Midge Michelsen, Mrs. Milton Olsen, Mrs. Charles Logan. Mrs. William Meeker, Mrs. Cliff Wilson, Mrs. Frank Gans, Mrs. Sophia Kosti and Bernice Krueger. " - Games were enjoyed, after Which a tasty luncheon was served. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Qans, Mrs. Winkel, Mrs. Kosti and Mrs. Richard, Freund. Miss Simon cordially invites all her friends who wish to be present to attend her wedding, which will take place Saturday, May 5, at 11:30 o'clock in St. Peter Damlen church, Bartlett, 111. ' , ^ ---j i . 1 . ' i i' . ROSEMARY STILLING WED IN RICHMOND CHURCH SATURDAY BRIDAL COUPLE St. Joseph's church at Richmond was the scene of a lovely wedding last Saturday, April 28, when Miss Rosemary Stilling, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Stilling of Richmond, became the bride of Mr. Calvin Babcock of Watsonville, Calif. Rev. Fr. Frank J. Miller officiated at the 9:30 nuptials. Thte pretty bride chose a white satin gown, styled with a redingote over net, a mandarin collar and cathedral train. She' carried white camellias with fern and lily of the valley streamers on her First Communion prayer book. Her fingertip veil was held by a white satin tiara trimmed with pearls. Miss Joanne Stilling of McHenry acted as maid of honor for her sister and the Misses Nancy and Patrica, the latter of McHenihy, Stilling, sisters, and Gladys Doyle, a cousin, were bridesmaids. Judy Stilling, another sister, acted as junior bridesmaid. All were attired in spring yellow gowns of Herbert Freund of Pearl street -4s a medical patient at Victory Memorial hospital, Waukegan. ' Mrs. James Downs has bean a surgical patient in the Woodstock hospital,. v Mrs. Mary Fernstrom has been a medical patient in the Woodrich and Duane Andreas. Tickets are available at Jean- marquisette, made with Peter Pan nette's Style shop and Mrs. Schaefer's Millinery and also from choir and W.S.C.S members. Lillian Stoffel, financial secrttarjr „ Helen Weber, treasurer Susan Justen, first trustee Margaret Freund, second tt^stee Clara Stilling, third trustee Rosella Schmitt and Evelyn Blake, conductors Margaret Schmitt and Mayme Freund sentinels Florence Blake, juvenile director Baptismal Rites For Jnsten Baby At baptismal services held Sunday morning at 11 o'clock in St. Mary's church, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Justen was christened Kenneth LeRoy. Rt. Rev. Msgr. C. S. Nix officiated. Sponsors for Ihe baby were a cousin, LeRoy Rudolph, of Basset, Wis., and an aunt, Mrs. Edward Carson, of Santa Ana, Calif. Mrs. Robert Vogt, Jr., acted as proxy for her sister, Mrs. Carson, who was unable to attend. MR. AM) MRS. WM. SCHWARTZ Photographed just after their marriage on March 10 are Mr. anfi Mrs. William "Schwartz, who were married in Chicago. The bride is the former Miss Elvera Kennebeck, daughter at Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kennebeck. Jr., and the bridegroom is the son of the Herman Schwartx' of Burrlngton. She is employed at the Ohks in Crystal Lake and he in an employee of the Davey Tree Surgeons, located in the Wlseontiin area. niiinuiiiiiiiiimiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiniitiiiiiiiHnifitr AMONG THE SICK mtntiHHiiHiiiiiiiiHHitiiiiiiiiiHiniiiinitiniiiitiiiiiiunii PERSONALS Mrs. Frank ROMI and ion, Warren, of Pell Lake, Wis., Wpent Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox. Earl R. WAlshSvas a Marengo caller on Sunday. % ^ Mrs. Myrtle Syinonds of Marengo visited Mrs. Elisabeth Michels last weekend. Larry Phalin, who is attending school in Urbana^ spent the weekend with his parents, the Thomas Phalins. Mrs. William Spencer and Mrs. Thomas Phalin and son, Larry, visited Mr. and Mrs. William Phalin at Lake Geneva last weekend. There they made the acquaintance of kthe new daughter born to the William Phalins on April 6. The Misses Clara and Lena Stoffel, Mrs. Kathryn Schroiner and Mrs. William Spencer saw General MacArthur as he traveled through Waukegan last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Phannenstill and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Wolter had a glimpse of General MacArthur as he made his way through Waukegan last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Swanka and son, Eddy, of Chicago, spent Monday afternoon with MErs. Wynne Jolitz. Zane Grey and daughter, Freeja spent Saturday morning with his mother, Mrs. Wynne Jolitz. Mrs. Esther Joslin ind daughter, Carolyn, and Oliver Lawrence of Ringwood were callers in the home of Mrs. Wynne Jolitz one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kelley and daughter, Sara Mae, of Wonder Lake were callers .in the Wynne Jolitz home on Saturday. Homer George fl,ew in from St stock hospital. Louis, Mo., landing at the Johns- Mrs. Myrtle , Booster underwent j burg airport, to spend some time surgery at the Woodstock hospital last week. " „ a - Coniplete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. with his Bister and family, the Anthony Wagners, at the Bay. Sunday dinne/ guests in the Leslie Olsen home were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lawrence and family 8tf of Whitewater, Wis. MirinUIIIIIIIIIIIMIIHIIIIillllHIHHIIHIIIWIIIIIHIIlHIIHUIIHIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIttinmnilllllllllltnNIIIWMIWIIIHIHM I Pine *7bee. *lowe* | - •; ' 1 | | NOW SPECIALIZING ' | E ' ' * . ' ' = | ~ French Fried § 1 JUMBO I 1 SHRIMP ^ 1 Circle I To J Meet On May 8 Circle 1 of the W-SX.S. wllL.hold its meeting at the home of Mra Walter Haug in. Shaliraar subdivision on Tuesday, May 8, at 1 o'clock. collar, full skirts and short sleeves. They wore spring yellow, braided, off-the-face half hats and short white gloves and carried bouquets of white daisies. Edward Doyle served as best man and groomsmen were Roger, Larry and Harry Stilling. Junior groomsman was William Stilling, Jr. A reception for 175 guests was held at the church hall during the afternoon, after which the couple left on a wedding trip. Upon their return they will reside in Woodstock. The bride is a graduate of the Richmond high vchool and the Rockford School of Business. She is employed as cashier at the Schultz market in Woodstock. Mr. Babcock was educated in California and is a vetera^pf World War II. He i8 an em|Jloyee <rf the Co«- way Dairy. french Fried CHICKEN Baskets1 and Dinners -- CARRY OUT SERVICE -- Call McHenry 690-J-l iitnflHiiii)iHniniwiiinHiinmnnmitHimminnmuiiinHiitimMiiinmiimnnHiiimtminmnHimnnimii>mmm Classified Ads Will Do Almost Anything You Ask Them To Do! Jvsf top m swffdk..; tl«trldty 4-- t Hn nstl Here's the SOFTENER that Automatically takes Care of itself! Mr. and Mra. A. J. Wirts, Miss Maurie Taylor and Principal Carl Buckner accompanied , the high School musicians to the state final contest at Clinton, 111., last Fri day and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Timme and daughter, Ann, of Oak Park spent the weekend with her parents, the C. J. Reihatispergers. Mrs. Clara Scholefield of Chicago has been visiting her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Quinlan,; the past two Weeks. Dr. and Mrs. William Reinfried and children of Madison, Wis., called in the Herg Reihaasparger home on Sunday. FASHION SHOW On Saturday, May 5, th^ Dundee Woman's club will sponsor/a "Fashion Analysis Showing" at 2 o'clock in the East Dundee Firemen's hall, followed by a tea. The program will include a style revue and will feature a commentator. Friends in this area ar>e invited to attend. Tickets may be secured at the door. .* LIFETIME RECORD Pebble Beach Millie, a registered liolBtein cow in the herd owned by Hickory Creek Farm, West, McHenry, has just completed a lifetime production record of more than 100,000 poundB of milk on official test with The Ijolstein- Friesian Association of America. She is the 2,480th Holstein in the nation's history to produce nore than this amount of milk. "H I11 M M Ml H I H MH M RMldeno* Changw " < 11| M H'»| The Joseph Regners have moved from their apartment on Green street to their new home in Jthe Pistakee Bay area. »»•>•»»•» •> • ! 1 i 1"! • I'f'* .1 GIRL »»<"! It i"H 1 » »• M i l U l l l l I f BIRTHS Want ads, like freedom, an everybody's business. Rev. and Mrs. J. Elliott Corbett welcomed their first child, a daughter, at the Woodstock hospital on April 2<i. v v A duaghter was born-- to Mr. and Mrs. Claud Nickels i|t the Woodstock hospital April 25. Mrs. Nickels is the former Eleanor Clark. Thfey have one other child, a son. Mr. and Mrs. George Diedrjch are the parentsyof a girl, born at the Woodstook hospital on April 24. ' • • A daughter was born on April 28 at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Larson. A son was born April 28 at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Reid. HURT IN FALIT f Peter Engeln of Woodstock suffered injuries in a fall at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Hollister, in that city recently. She has been confined to the Woodstock hospital. Deal With Want Ads. MEDICAL EXPENSE ,ni,i BANKING EXPENDITURES FOR MEDICAL PAYMENTS V {Millions of Dollars) Troop 6 of the McHenry girl • ? S c o u t s w i l l h o l d a b a k e s a l e o n . $ Saturday, May 5. .at the Georc* j Justen furniture store on Green street at Elm. Thf sale will begin : at 10 a.m. and continue until all items are sold. The Girl Scouts have a two-fold v purpose in conducting the sale. . They wish to be useful in the community and to augment their troop financial status by earning. The Girl Scouts are looking forward to a busy morning be-*| cause they have already proven^ their ability to do some very fine baking. The girls all have merit badges for cooking and some special training in kitchen care. • • MARRIAGE LICENSES Perry J. Walker, Chicago, attd Doris Jean Freund, McHenry. Carl Swanson and ' Mrs. Eiligeti. Thomas, McHenry. LHARMING COLOa j - f OR YOUR Wa l l * : m Thit mid-way finish, noithor bright nor 'dull, St rotfful and toothing; ideal for walls, woodwork, callings, ate.; elaans easily; economical to usa. Ona coat coven most painted surfaces smoothly and beautifully -- with a satin-shaan ftiriA you'll like end enjoy for many waallw to coma. $500 The bett way to pay for me'dical expenses is to have the cash accumulated in ad« jyance; but if an" emergency strikes and finds you unprepared, a bank loan can provide funds to meet the situation. Come lin wheneygr you have a money problem* " : -r-- ••••'•'• 7 McHENRT STATE BANK Member Federal Deposit Insursnce Corporation Member Federal Reserve Systm Per Gat, Call ns at McHenry 284 anil we will lie glad to send our repi*. sentntlve oat at no ohlliratloii to~ give y®a a Free Palot Estimate. Visit Our Basement #-Paint Store «-ttO£D EXCLUSIVELY ALTHOFF'S HDWE. •McHenry County's Leading 'Hardware.* f> Main Street McHeiirf Starting Maj 11th. % will be •pen every Friday Mii Hatariaf IP 9 P. M. Sunday* 9 A. M. til' 12 Noon CHLEF I PAINTS r'lniiuli her your lov® and -- W '<« iwarmest good wishes, vi She'll be pleased that fpu cared enough to send -}; ||»r the best! Come in-- , Aocse yours today fronv /' v our special display. AGATHA GIFT SHOP 110 S«. Green St Plme Mc enry 145-J STOVER M»M PXHt PACIMAKIK ...HOW lltCMHfD --Now you can have a water - softener in your home that is 4s easy to operate as your refrigerator. Tliin newest Stover • model brings you the famous STOVER Auto-Shift Valve operated electrically. You get all the other features, too, that make STOVER the most satisfactory source of all the soft water you can use--all the time. Come in and let us show you how easy it is now to have glorious ^o« ivater in your home to make all housework easicar. The savings you make in soap, cleaning co^> pounds, plumbing repairs ai\d wear on cloth* ing soon pay for your Stover Softener. . . CONVENIENT TERMS IF DEfHtEO §v H. E. BUCH & SON' 18* RIVERSIDE DRIVE PHONE McHENBY 48 W?NDER lake home appliances 1. IKE. ILL. _ I'HOM: WO»nKR lake wi 10 lear tinuruntee -- Term* $0 Niccr on HER day ^Ppfionof of Mfra Orlr* av wlthY-tonly. Lovely to look at... "Fmtaon Cor" baautyb b*atrty buKl-te last. Mm* "|akl-Enam«l" Colors are "baked on" to keep Hwir Iwtre. Ford's new Luxury Lounge Interior* are uphol- Ifcred with long wearing FordcraH Fobricil The*e fabrics, like pll Ford's Interior appointments, are "Custom- Keyed" to exterior colors! end loaded with'GCy! Ford's V-8 «nd Six engines give ydw rood-rellwg f*teway, and eye-operfng economy. SoSi «r» •tjiilpued with Ford's fuel-saving Automatic MSeage And Ford's famous V-S teamed with Fordo* • ir.u'L* Drive, gives you the fliftl. most flexible aefomatic driving •Wtn « for you to say Happy Mothers Day Prim itosiery... strictly personal... for HER alone! Choose the kind thst will suit her best... PRlM's for tweed mornings... silken afternoons ».. setinvevenings. PRIM nylons sre proportioned in width, graduated in Jength. YOU CAN PAY MORE MIT YOU CANT BUY KTTB THAN atnit mtHtf McHENRY HOSIERY MILLS CRYSTAL LAKE ROAD McHENRY. ILL. FORD com IN FOR A "yest\drivc**i BUSS MOTOR SALES 531 MAIN STREET iHONE 1 McHENRY; ILt. r- \ t .

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