Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 May 1951, p. 7

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-i THE MiSBRtt HUlHIttALEB -a "Ki- ,Y . a Tuhrnmu Bo many people say they read this staff in their paper that it •cares me. I start thinking how Inadequate it is. Maybe if every- '• • body is reading it I should spend more time on it to make it good. ^Maybe people wouldn't read it if •it was good. 80 this is the dilema of a guy who writes stuff for the newspaper. -We hear about people who dis- ' agree with what is said. That is natural. It certainly would be a monotonous world 'if everyone always agreed with everyone else. In some countries people are instructed to agree with what is said «*£in the paper. Writers are told to' agree with the policy which the people are instructed to agree with. <0ne*of our Americas-Argentina recently donned a light that refuted to stay under the bushel. Here the government encourages fellows like me. Breaks up the monotony here. Lots of times I am misunder- < Jtotood, misquoted, misjudged, but that's all right with me. I'd rather be such than missed altogether. " The only time I want to be pissed If' when I'm gone. Sometimes I say something that I. later apparently contradict. Change is continually taking place. A .stream may run down one side of a rock this spring and down the other side next spring. The water is still going down hill like <^Jt always will. What I have said may sound contradictory to a previous statement, but I think in all cases the basic principle is the same. This is the reason for further •Aucation--to learn the basic principles of chemistry, physics, genetics, bacteriology, zoology, economics, mathematics, geology and other basic sciences. Almost everything that happens has a logical reason; however, at times things ftiay seem contradictory. Reeearch goes on continuously. We used to think that the most important thing about a cow's ration was protein for milk production, but now more emphasis is placed on total digestible nutrients Ahe eats. Many times we could be criticized for innocently placing too much emphasis, on certain things. By the way, ,lf mmebody ever finds water running uphill somewhere in the country without help, please let us know right away. I visited with Andy Brandtoft, north of Alden, the other day-- a refreshing experience. Andy has always been a farrtier but didn't always farm--he just got around to it in the last few years. He says there isn't any corn land on his farm so he doesn't raise any. No use trying to fit a round ^>eg in a square hole he says. He feeds hay and grass silage to his cows and about a pound of oats and a pound of protein sup plement per cow per day. Perhaps his production isn't large as some, but the important thing is how much didn't that production cost He hasn't had any breeding or calving troubles in four years and hasn't bought but a very few animals in that time. He makes his money on the increase in value of his young stock. Supervisor Elbert Kingsley was in the other day and dropped off a cigar. He adds to Andy's story by saying there are five farms north of Alden thiB year where there will be no corn raised-- Andy, Kimball Bros, and three operated by Kingsley and son. Harold: A quick look at the soils map tells why. A story illustrates thip thing of being misunderstood. A man got stuck in a blizzard and asked to stay at a farm house. The farmer said all right but he'd have to sleep with the school teacher. The traveler drew himself up and said, "I'll have you know, I'm a gentleman. The farmer said, "8o's the school teacher."' A golfer's ball rolled up on an ant hill. He swung and killed 2,000 ants. He swung again and killed 2,000 more. Finally there were only'two ants left«One Baid to the other, "If we want to survive this thing we had better get on the ball." So it goes "with farming. In order to survive you have to get on the ball. McHenry county had 1,000 acres less corn in 1949 than in 1948, had 5,000 more acres of oats in 194$ than in 1948 and the same amount of hay. Alfalfa hay harvest jumped 7.000 acres, however. With the late spring the amount of oats -may decrease this year with an increase of corn. Oats sown May 12 last year made an excellent yield, but that was followed by a cool summer. We may not be so lucky this year. Old man weather pulls some funny tricks but in MtHenry county, we are very fortunate generally. In certain areas of Illinois much of the land is subject to flood. t Farmers lose an entire crop already planted and have to do the entire thing over. It drags them down financially so that it is hard to ever catch up. Here we spend that money tor new cars, deep freezes, television, etc. Representative Mokes Report Mrs. Anion Grill Active In University Activities Mothers of University of Illinois students will be in the spotlight on the Urbana-Champaign campus on May 4 and 5 when campus Mothers' Day is again observed on the campus, where the idea of such an observance originated in 1921. The date is 'a week before national Mothers'/ Day. -• Prominent in activities of the weekend will be the Univrsity of Illinois Mother's association. Its county chairmen, among them Mrs. Anton Grill of Wonder Lake, who represents McHenry county, will meet on the afternoon of May 4 and have a dinner that evening. Complete Use of Beebe livestock remedies at Watties Drag Store. McHenry. 8tf Write to your state representatives. and your state senator! When a great national issue confronts our. Congress, partisans exclaim "Write your congressman!" When an important bill 01- proposition is pending before the federal Congress or Illinois General Assembly, various organizations urge their iKetnb to write a card or sign a £ei for or against a particular piece of legislation. Cards, letters or even telegrams which follow a stereotyped form are frequently employed in attempts to secure the passage or defeat of particular measures. In the opinion of many legislators, printed or other "form" communications have little or no weight. They sometimes have an adverse effect. But a brief and sincere letter or card stating your individual interest in, and your reasons for being for or against a pending measure will be respected. and greatly appreciated by the legislators reprsenting your district. , A command to "Vote Yes" or "Vote No" 4s not very convincing. But a card or letter urging that your state representative or senator "Please support" or "Please oppose" a given measure and giving the basis for your views is apt to be very effective. Too often the only reason given by the writer of a f ard or letter is that it ia "un-American" to favor a certain bill. Oddly enough, other correspondents will declare that it is "un-American" to oppose the biH. It is preferable to offer another argument, as it is virtually impossible to convince a legislator that his point of view is "un- Amejrican." Your state representatives and senator have their individual views and convictions, but you may havfc greater information or more knowledge than they on many feubjecta of pending legislation. By writing them, you can be both helpful and influential.-"" If you are interested in a oertain bill but are not familiar with its provisions, write to your representative of senator for a copy, or, if you are unacquainted with legislative measures and would like to know what is pending on the legislative calendar, write for a digest of all the pending bills. Your state senator is Ray ^Paddock, your state representatives are Thomas Bolger, Harvey Pearson and the writer, Robert Mc- Clory. You may write to them in care of the state capitol, Springfield. 111. ; PINE TREE STABLES GROOM ENTRIES FOR CHICAGO HORSE SHOW Everybody reads the want tltt Manager Mark Dickey is grooming the pick of his blooded thoroughbred horses in the Pine Tree Stables for competition in the Chicago Horse Show which will be revived at the Coliseum May 11 through 20 after a lapse of four years. Pine Tree Stables plans entries for the saddle and fine harness horse classes. Equine blueblooda with count-' less championship ribbons and trophies to their credit will battle it out for high stakes during the 10-day period. A national record for the year will be set in the matter of awards, with $42,000 to be distributed to place winners, of which stake events will account for $29,000. Show headquarters disclosed that approximately 500 horses will compete for the rich prizes in the 114 classes scheduled. In addition to the competitiye classes/ special features will be presented. There will be performances on each of the 10 evenings and matinees on the' two Saturdays and Sundays. Classes will ha held for three and five-gaited saddle horses, fin^, harness horses, high-speed roadsters, heavy harness horses, hackney ponies, hunters, jumper^ stock horses, Palonrinoe, Arabtu* and equitation. Fire thousand dollars will fee distributed in the five-gaited saddle horse division, with grand championship prize* of ISAM, Other stake '»and championship events call for $2,000 each in the hunters and jumpers divisions, and $1,000 each in the harness horse, roadster, hackney harness pony, three-gaited saddle horse, and show pony in harness divisions. Cmptote line ef Beebe Htirtiifc remedies at f Wattles Drag Starr, McHenry. 8tf •1 1 N yi •1 -HANDICRAFT - Bird Houses* Lawn Chairs, Lawn Swings, Picnic Tables, Tier Benches, Flower Boxes, Wheelbarrows and Sand Boxes. , Trellis, Pergola, » • Screens and Cabinets To Order. CLARENCE J. SMITH JOHNSBURQ PHONE McHENHY 583-J1 Consignment Sale EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT ' 3 7:30 P. M. ' Toar Shipper Cows Weigh More When Said Here. Tear Calves Bring More Here. y Yonr Dairy and Breeding Cattle can be tested at Ourj Modern Sales Barn. 1 Yonr Cattle and ligs can be sold by tk» Mlw «r by] the Poind. ; Cone aid See Toar Stock Seld. . • We are here to serve yea. •Wl PAT CONSIGNOR DAY AFTER THE SAUL ? 3 WE ABE BONDED Woodcock Comm. Sales Co., Inc. Phon* 572 or 499 -- Wooditock, III Dollar f«>m Dollar yma. can't beat a .: Equipment, MNiwnH mnd trim illastrmUd arw *ubj*et to d>in swtfafc % Picture nf a Solid Citizen! iaiHtrt Lsawt Piieed Straight Klghf V > We would like to reintroduce you . should, because for 25 years Pontiii to a citizen you have met casually has been designed and built to Ija many times--the beautiful new . just that! Pontiac is your shortest, FillllCar with CM Wy^a-Matfe •rls^e Silver Anniversary Pontiac. This is easiest step out of the ordinary into ^ T : t h e f i n e s t , m o s t b e a u t i f u l c a r e v e r t h e e x t r a o r d i n a r y . •' s"vrr Streak *• \'i to bear the famous Silver Streak. n ~-- Straight Eight mr Six ft cost* so little to put youmlf • This car has earned a reputation as - tbe wheel of a wonderful Pontiac-r Ik* KM* ••••tll«l lux •• Whadi* ... a good aolid citizen--&nd well it eome in and get the facts and figures OVPfiTOIf^ADIIXA|C PONTIAC CO. N. FrdAt St% , j|McHetiry, Illinois <^5. •; , ^ DR. JOHN T. GRAY OPTOMETRIST . $32 Main Street McHenry, 111. EYES EXAMINED a«t €1 ASSES FITTED. "Bease Calls by Appointment -- Qalck Repair Ser>-|e«. HOFRS DAILY: / 9:00 A. M. -- 18*00 Nora 1:00 P.M. -- ItOO P. M. SAT.EYE: 6:00 P. M.' -- 8:M P. Jl. Tharsday Afternoon aa4 Eveaiags by appolnhneau - _ PHONE McHENRY 186 If ae answer phone McHeary US-R*|> Sterling Window Shade and Venetian Blind Coi >* $640 W. Division St. COlumlbuE Have your windows dressed in Kar-O'lier removable slot Venetian Blinds. Dupont's washable Tontfne Shades and Kirsch Draw Rods. u " • Plate Glass and Dresser and Tabl« XoP«» (Polished and Beveled) * 4 Estimates Cheerfully Given* CALL FRIDAY EVENING Saturdays and Sundays call McHenry 651-M-l -• •'" ; Bevlllea Qabet Anaear Trwt A 6owl Hunch for Landi Ansosr Star fikiFM' Han UJSr 5lc ^ Oar Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Are Wonderful Values! 'aS;; \r- Anatsr Mar Beef Stow nr54e Anaosr Star Chili Sea Cares ^T 37c . Anassr Slar _|flSMllM •Im OW Anaear Star Vieiaa Saasage <£ 23c Anaear Star r Devil#4 Msats 19c My-T-Flae Dossorts aM. Fork 0eg Feel ^iriac Kitohos Kloaior Malwi Cleaning Ea«y| -10c Ivery Seap •f-44/IOOy. Pure--It Roah Z^r 33c Ivery Flakss : TW Fast Hake Form of Ivory 2^ 67c Ivery Stew fa Speedier Dishwashing^ 2KIT6 mi AaHrioss Family v Flakss 1 Jir«7e Customers9 Corner How accurate can you be? In wme manufacturing busineaew, for instance, they have to allow for a slight margin of error. But when it comes to weighing a customer's purchase or adding up her bill we aren't satisfied to be "almost accurate" at A*P. Our skilled clerks know that they must give you full weight, full measure and charge the correct price. That is why we can mark the price plainly on every item as well as on your cash register receipt. You will help the men and women of A*P maintain thair well-earned reputation for accuracy by promptly reporting any time we might be in error. Please write: CUSTOMER RELATIONS DETT. A*P Food Stores 4M UsiwetMi A**.. New Y»rk 17, N. T. ialHemla *ew Leeg PiWi* fltrida Seedless firafMfnrit Florida Mac Oraaps Taxas law YaNew OaleM Oallfaniia Naval Oranges Washlngtea Wine^ap Apples Callfertila Carrets Cattferaia Paseal Celery 1«^ -lit t a m I - m ft. UK tirni ' «iti CwicailraM Onmf* Mm SOCMI art Ssgand SfrnrfewrlM .$»SN IANQUET WHOLE •ffc. Canned Chicken ik-U. $ 165 TIN . | AAF arapofrsit Jalss mm SaaayHsM Cera Flakss * , 3""" '"* -KM v| PlaMpploCkssklots .. 2Se •atlsy Margarlas - ... - • •4 AWAppitSaasa i5c SaasisaaaearasdBeef v JStm ^ SaaayfleM Wkits Flsar....S1.8S Baa^ast Ckiokos Frioassse .Sfli • 4 WholoSwootPiokios _^.;..»S38c ••MMt Fqrlit m Wktlo Ksraol SsNos Cera.... 28c IIFIUMMN '• ' " ^ta» - -1 - -2 Oseltftat Ceekio Mix - . _..!K38c |MhM trakaa Crwtwt * lis •: ••'-i Calami! aakiaf Pswtftf 13C ftp Matt aHtllaf SardlMs Airs SUNNYFIELO Fresh Sutter CTN." 78e JANE PARKER | Milk Bread.. gQc | ..2M 89c Csffoo Caks _a45c «•»*••« L«f i-Jbn* jtm. Chod-O-SH Ckooto Feed Mill Chsddar Chooto . Daibli Ilia CIMM He *"» RIM WlMMSil twin CkNM fcHe . IW»H DM Its •-; •MIH'I SIMP HHN !*??;.,..*{ 17e A&P Coffae CrsaM Risk Csttafs Ckooso BeritB*t Usdorkrasz.^^; ^ ««« m« wrvn IMMI' t AMMM 8»V«I» _ . 4 4 s • s k s r C s f c s ' A ll* 22c Eighf O'Clecfc ..tft^m,S wwtcw "R edCirde Caaiay Soap . Falaiollvo Seap . ^Faiawlivs Seap TIm Soap of Beautiful Woman For « LovaCar Cwnpinm i... 11 Jfoar Saaiity Hapel f cri5c 3 32c ,rt s t '* v. v skomn lUt •fcaae •/ items n«( subject ||^ ^filings) tumrmntmod -- Thmrs.^ W thrmmgh Wtd* Mmg 9th 1 \S.V \ovh\ \\ U \ 0

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