Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 May 1951, p. 10

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' J W. . -- - ' : ^ T H E M e H E H R Y H A W B E A 1 E * t ~ ' " * ' " • - ' " V : ' - ' * " : " -- ' x T- h ursday, M*y M» 1951 McHenry Sinn Service. lettering fire truck iw McHenry Plaindealer* publishing ordinance* Earl R. Walsh, Insurance on Ford truck u... McHenry Electric Motfcr •? Service supplies for fire truck : .•....» Gladstone's Departinefl Store, two blanket* jettons from fire cowpanva, $1,695.02 i.e... JUmUAL REPORT vK'; Ifelfewry Teweriftp Fir* Protection District XcHenry, Illinois Hby tut, WM to Maj lot, tttt 1, JOSEPH M. REGNER. TREASURER Of the McHENRY TOWNSHIP FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT. McHenry .Illinois, do here- j by certify that the following statement of , RECEIPTS and DIS- Illinois Municipal League, BUR8EMBNTS ^f the McHenryj 6% on fire tax collec- Township Fire Protection District1 funds for the year ending May 1st', 1#51, is true and correct according jgctnitt & Conway, Comto my "best knowledge and belief. pensation Insurance .OH «U~ JOSflPif~M. REGNER,! firemen ... (Sea$- ./, Treasurer. I A S. Blake Motor Sales, Stat* of Illinois ; . Repairs and P&rts for County of McHenry. /as. ! fire truck . . ••->vv : Subscribed and sworn to before . Ted Miller Repair Shbp,.-: me tkHt Xitfa day of May. A. D., Repairs on fire truck 1951; >• Harold Uobfos. Six months VERNON J. KNOX: salary as Fire Chief (Seat) Nbtary Publftef . • Receipts ' '• " . Balance on Hand as of" - May 1st. 1950 .^-.. •i|«v07».29" County Treasurer, from Taxes 2,600.00 County Taxes County Taxes County Taxes County Taxes Cdafity ^ Taxes Treasurers'- Treasurer, from Treasurer, from Treasurer, from Treasurer, IfOni <I2-8-5«M ; x......' ^ Ted Miller. Six mbntj£|i; salary as 'BrftW.ani^,^ {12-8-50) ' . .. . Thomas Diedrich, Si* " months salary as fir^ : man (12-8r50) . '7f33 Edw. Thennes. Salary M; - 'v ;\ fireman (12-8-50) • %©8 Earl Conwiay, Salary Ml . *• fireman (12-8-50) 1,000.00 William Green, Salfcry M fireman (12-8-50) 26.34 Edw. Justen. Salary *s" •i fireman (12-8-50) ~~ 75.&1 Robert Thurwell, Salary as fireman (12-8-50) .*»<. 1«50 . 11.55 «8.«« -:mm> 84.71 esioo V 25.84 *125.00 •; >45.00 12-12 Extra Merchandise. lb Equipment County .. Treasurer, frOffi Tftxes 839.62 Harry, Ferwerda, Salary Illinois Municipal league.*-*>*•.,- ' *< as fireman (12-8-60> a- ' '* «\; Richard Miller, Salar^s "#1.1$; as fiteman"(12-8-50) . Bruce Klontz, Salary ftp > 'I flrenjan (12-8-50) ...^ 493.64 A1 Blake. Salary as fire* man (12-8-50) u- • aSs'ts. : from forei*^ insurance companies-.. . y Illinois Municipal League, ass'ts. from foreisi^ insurance companies. .... Illinois Municipal League, ass'ts. from foreign*' insurance companies .... Illinois Municipal League, ~ ass'ts. from foreign, insurance companies .... Illinois Municipal League, ass'ts. from foreign insurance companies Illinois Municipal League, ass'ts. from foreign insurance companies .... Illinois Municipal League.' > ais'ts. from foreign insurance companies .... Illinois Municipal League, ass'ts. from foreign insurance companies .... Illinois Municipal League, ass'ts. from foreigi insurance companies Illinois Municipal League, ass'ts. from foreign insurance companies .... Illinois Municipal League. *B8*ts. from foreign tasurance companies .yv I TOTAL $11,984.0$ tl DisburKemeuts ' #. W. North & Co.. audit- " w 4 ing Fire District Books $ McHenry Plaindealer, Treasurer Annual Report publication Vycital Hardware, cabinet ends for Fire Truck : IJ .S. Firemen's Equipment Co., equipment for Fire Truck Earl Walsh. Insurance" on 1948 International ^ Tank Fire Truck y U. S. Firemen's Equipment Co., supplies tor Fire Trucks Holly's Service Station, gas for fire trucks < i* Jerome- Buch, Salary fireman (12-8-50) ; H. Rodenkirk. Salary is r fireman (12-8-50) 88.87 McHenry's Firemen'? ; ' Fund, practice tiirfe .w. Thomas Diedrich. Salary-" 80.1? for 6 months as Assist* ant Fire Chief v. • r . Ed Justen. Salary for-1 months as Assistant j tire Chief McHenry Electric Motor 127.82 Service, supplies for fire trucks ™=r:>_ r~~-.-City of McHenry, Rentr* 9T.48 for, fire house from | 11-1-50 to '5-1-51 inclu- _ "give .....* . 50.00 50.00 35.03 S0.00 197.f8 i McHenry Firemen's Fund Due Illinois Firemen ... .... $ 4.90 Flesh lights ft 86.83; Illinois t Association Fire Protection DijM^; tficts. dues for yeW ending 3-1-52 -.f*. Buchert Service StatlMI, Gas and oil 'for fffce * trucks " ' Firemen's School & Convention expenses. me.lls gas. etc. for, firemen? .. Illinois Association dftyt Fire Districts, Regis<.% tratlon and banqu^v." tickcts for firemen • j Vycital Hardware Sto|% ^ supplies McHehry Firemen's FuUd Gas. oil and incidentals for fire trucks . Illinois Bell Telephon# Co.. Fire siren serviSjU Stoffel & Relhansperge#; Insurance on fire truck Workmen's Compensation ' Insurance Audit, bal-^ ; ance . Blake Motor Sales, pairs on trnck Harold Hobbs. Salary fireman (4-30-51) Ted Miller, Salary" fcs fk-eman (4-30-51) Thomas Diedrich, Salaty as fireman (4-30-51) .... Ed Thennes, Salary asfireman (4-30-51 > .. .... Earl 'Co.nway-, Salary M fireman (4-30-51) . William Green, Salary as fireman (4-30-51) A1 Blake, Salary as fireman (4-30-51) Harry Ferwerda, as fireman (4-30-51J Robert Thurwell. Salary as? fireman (4-30-51) ~ Richard Miller, Salary a» fireman (4-30-51) .... Jerome Buch, Salary as fireman (4-30-51) M: 50.00 8.« S5.00 35.00 M n.i 14.10 40^1 t: 18 41.05 41.00 - 23.00 51.00 48 00 38.00 9.00 19.00 16.00 Joseph M. Regner, office expense City of McHenry, Rc&t for housing fire trucks from 5-1 to 11-1 inclusive ...^ County Collector^ M6- Henry County, TaxtMi oh Fire District property in full fot 1950 McHenry State Bank, Mo Henry, Illinois, Bpfc ance^, on Hand - j|:^ , TOTAL »• >"¥ Representative Makes Report 4m it- • by State Representative » Kobert MfClory J I Total Receipts ...V...... Total Disbursement! The tllitiols General Assembly Will vote an increase in the gasoline tax! An increase in truck •" 7 ' (license fees will also be approved, tMM as well as stiffer penalties for -- overloaded trucks. These predict- $12,284.06, Jons are shared by every legislator with whom the writer tats $11,284.08 discussed these topics. 8,525.71' Balance 'M - IIS^ $ j^7S8.3fi PROPOSED RENT BILL CALLS FOR STRONGER CONTROL IN COUNTY [ Members of the Illinois General •Assembly and the motorists of our state agree that our state highways are in a deplorable s tat e of disrepair. A motorist does not have to travel far to obj serve that long stretches of our [state highway system are a mo- - ^.fsaic of chuck holes and patches. Stronger rent control can be ex- } Many township and other rural pected in McHenry County if the roads, were impassable for pro- 87-80 41.80 81.0i 111.73 88.49 "74.85; 11.86 batteries . 4J1 Repair hooks & liRht 5.00 First Aid Merchandise U» ADues Illinois • Firemen Red Cross 2.00 Nozzel repair M *.51 McHenry County * dues .7 19.00 Pire Preventibn Week: Express 2.17 Books 1500 Plaindealer Ads 5.00 10-9 H. E. Buch S.32 J. C. Holly, Oct. 1.54 J. C. Holly-Sept. 11.47 10-9 Dues Firemen's Assn. 14.00 1128 Dues I1Unois Firemen' 6.00 Bruce Klontz, Salary as fireman (4-30-51) ........ H. Rodenkirk, Salary as fireman (4-30-51) Ed Justen, Salary as fireman (4-30-51) ......... Harold Hobbs, six mont|jjim„ . ..salary as Fire Chief (4-30-51) ^ Ed Justen. Six months salary as Assistant Fire Chief (4-30-51) .... Thomas Diedrich, Si* months salary as Aasistant Fire Chief 4-30-81 Anton Schmitt, Trustee salary Gus Freund, Trustee salary Joseph M. Regner, Secretary and Treasurer salary .'. Vernon J." Knox, Attorney salary -i:r FYed, J. Smith, fireman Bruno Buttler, fireman Nick Pitzen, fireman ..: 44.00 16.00 30.00 54.00 55.00 59.00 125.00 50.00 50 00 50.00 50.00 50.00 200.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 bill proposed by the president becomes law. according to acting associate area ^rent director, Harold B. Jacobspn. * y i \ > s Mr. Jacobsoh said the bill cos^ tains nine points that would have widespread effect throughout the nation, not only In areas now under control 1but in cities where rents have been decontrolled. These points are: • 1. Authority to put rent ceilings on all housing when a,nd where' needed. This could affect rental housing here, along with hotels, rooms in private homes, tourist rooms and trailers. Considered "new housing" is construction completed since Feb. 1, 194?. Thi? has been exempt from rertt con* trol . 2. To continue control on housing that is now controlled. To permit rent adjustments --both up and down:--for inequities and hardships. 4. To permit decontrol only where and when the demand for rental housing has been met. 5. To continue the authority of local Fent advisory boards. 6. To continue strong eviction" control. 7. "To permit tenants to recover money damages if they are illegally evicted. 8. To subject deliberate violators to criminal penalties. 9. To permit--for the first time --rent control- on business space. Hearing^ before the Senate and House banking committees and action by both houses will determine the fate of these nine points, which are expected to be made part of an overall price-wage rent authority. The rent control act expires June 30, 1951. , tracted periods during the past year, and unable to carry heavy farmers' trucks and the school busses i^which have become so numerous under the recently developed consolidated school systems. • ' • The,, sentiment In the General Assembly in favor of increased license fees for trucks is overwhelming. A great majorityaof the members also " favor increasing penalties for loading beyond the present maximum limit of 18,000 pounds per axle. The state Senate has already passed Senate ^Blll 96 which would raise the annual license fee 6f the heaviest trucks-from $420 to $1588. <©ut there are many objections to this increase of over 300 percent and other similar high rates of increase for heavy trucks. It is argued that while the high fees could be quickly absorbed by the large transport companies. the hea,vy burdens imposed upon the small independent operators would be unbearable. Some farmers who operate large trucks during a period of only a few weeks of the year point out that they also would be inequitably penalized. City bus operators assert that they do not use the state highway system and that the increased AST Constant Advertising is %<mr Assurance of Best Results. /Use the Want Ads! • license feeii would cause them to Bhare ai| extr«mely large tfhare of the expense of improving that system. The truckers deny that they have caused the serious damage to our highways. They^Jilame the damage on the weather, and present photographic proof. But there are also photographs which show that heavy . trucks dd seriously damage our highways. Although there has been some discussion of a ton-mile tax, no concrete proposal of this type has yet been placed iM the legislative hopper. < It is the writer's prediction that no increase in the gas tax will be considered until final passage of a bill increasing truck license fees. After the truck license fees are finally settled, the proposed gas tax increase will move along rapidly. ». It is the writer's prediction that the gas tax increase will be from the present 3 cents to 5 cents per gallon. A similar proposal was defeated at ^the last session of the legislature because no agreement could be , reached as to a proper split-up of the funds among the various &>yerhmehtal units.. But there is little danger of such an increase at this session. At a recent meeting with the governor, leaders of city township, county and state interests agreed upon a division of the gas tax funds. Whereas the city, .county and state each receive 1 cent of the present 3 cent tax, the proposed 5 cent tax would be divided up as follows: The State, 36 percent; Downstate* counties, 12 percent; (To be divided among the counties according to total auto registrations), Cook county, 11 percent; Townships, (To be divided on the basis of miles, of township roads), $ percent; Cities, (To be divided among the Cities according to auto registrations) 32 percent. This is a ° compromise of the demands which each of the governmental units had made. If such an agreed bill is passed, it will be the first time that townships have been accorded a share of gas tax funds. With only six weeks remaining in the legislative session, truck license legislation and the gas tax bill may not be finally acted upon until the last days. It is the writer's prediction that truck license fees will be eased somewhat from the present proposed increases. But the 5 cent gas tax will be enacted as set forth above. - FOR - Roofing -- Tile -- Gaiter and All Building Materials -- - - o ! - - u Sears Roebuck and See Representative FRANK GANS Call 767-W or writ# 800 RIVERSIDE DRIVE McHENRY, ILL. " FREE ESTIMATES Hifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit - . SvrectHeme, Ore. - Oregon's fastest growing community is SweetHome which keeps 00 per cent of i*s employed men engaged in lumbering and logging of Douglas Hr and West Coast hemlock. " ' Render Turkefi llie size of a turkey is no 'giudfe" to its tenderness, for .size depends more on brerd and variety than age. IF IT'S WORTH DOINGJ „ It's Worth Doing McH! There is No Substitute For Good Plastering. Phone McHenry 411-R TARPAUUNS -CANVAS GOODS LARGE SELECTION OF MATERIALS ORDER EARLY Specializing |n Store and Residence Awnings 4 McHENRY AWMNG CO. McHenry 571-W-2 Amy Thonneson. Prop. Ho me Improvements l a s t a l i f e t i m e M A D E W I T H READY-MIXED CONCRETE Helps your contractor give you a better job with less muss * U/€14 a / . -.A *»' I 0 • 11 . f r y |m donoi of improvements •rotttxi your home or place of (MMM**, fto other material iftwifct ccrrice and economy •iiWHfr, permanent concrete. P>:¥: If you are planning anewwatk! driveway, foundation. z»orch or garage floor--build it the convenient, low cost way witb Ready-Mixed Concrete. McHenry Sand & Gravel Co, * PHONE McHENRy 97 J 606 FRONT STREET McHENRY. ILL. Your W«dding Portrait keeps the beauty of the day forever ^tee in a lifetime--the radiance that i* yours this day. To hold it, treasured for*? every entrust the making of your wedding portrait to our skill and experience. Then" you can be sure that this bridal beauty is i yours--form all time, Phonf for your appointment now. WORWICK'S STUDIO I 117 Riverisde Drive McHenry, I1L PHONE 275 Keep dampness out off vstorage space••• get an electric DffllM/DlffiR! 1 Don't let excess moisture make your storage space unusable! When you have an Electric Dehumidifier you can safely store unused furniture, luggage, sports equipment and out-of-season clothing in basement storage space ... without fear of damp rot, warping or mildew. Your workshop tools, photographic supplies and other expensive equipment will be protected from rust and corrosion, tod. A Frigidaire Electric Dehumidifier reduces humidity to a safe level through the principle of refrigeration. Damp, air is drawn in, cooled and moisture condensed. There are no messy, expensive to buy and replace. An Electric Dehumidifier is safe, clean and odorless... use it anywhere! ^ J 5 Day FREE Home Trial.. jg%,, Phone or write our nearest store for your 5 day free trial friffidaire Electric Dehumidifier ... delivered to yourJiftjjjfrl Without charge or obligation! Just plug it into any Convenient outlet... and see the difference it makes! } , CONVENIENT TBIMS...on your Monthly Service Bill v J:*,*, «if WW HtW .UiCII VC l/vnUVfNQVrWfl Or OVr ffMrvSr SlOrV Or fDHf OVQMrl •IMOIS

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