Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 May 1951, p. 5

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v. ^ *cy?v*;* ft™ r^\ *tr ? *' t '-^v" ]Tw\ (frfsflSs »Tzflp; few *™wjl U8HfyRlifiu<iiiuMlltlHIIJilHB|RMNMII «**_ , L\.>. #•> ",> NUENRY PLAJNDEALER .Published every Thursday at Mcj ' Henry, ill., by the McHenry Publishing Company, Inc. .'** 'm. i; i. BURFEINDT," Gen. Manager. A&ELE FROEHLICH. Editor. ' ;v^ -- "" SUBSCRIPTION RATE Year $&M 25 >:•x' Z. i Plaindealer Want Ads ' 'No ads counted less than ' ',. "liords. 75c minimum. ' 1 insertion -- 75c Count 5 words per line) 25c .service charge on all blind ads. Cash with order. "Card of Thanks .... $1.00 Minimum Want Ads close promptly at 10 a.m. Wednesday. •fc^-Entered as second-class mattet" at the postoffice at McHenry, 111., tinder the act of May 8, 1879. •AUTOMOTIVE The Best For Less USED CARS i« All Priced Below Ceillif with 60 Day Warranty. &J®50--FORD, 2 Door Sedan 1949--DODGE, Coronet Sedan 11849--DODGE, Sportabout Roadster. j 1948--PLYMOUTH, 2 Door Sedan, i 1947--FORD. Super 6 Tudor 1; 1947--DODGE Convertible Coup# 1947--DODGE, Custom Sedan 1950--DODGE, y» Ton Panel 4 • 1946--DODGE, 2 Ton Dump . Plus A Wide Selection of . L- Othef Cars and Trucks ;ir; 7$ • All Reconditioned - A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, Inc. 801 E. Pearl Street Mr Henry Phone 1H FOR SALE--1928 Chevrolet, runs fine; good tires, $35. Inquire or ' call McHenry Boat Co., Phone 303. 2 REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR fr ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY i;/ 409 W. Elm Street Open during week I A.M. to 7 - P.M* Sundays - 9 AJL to 1 P.M. lltf fOR SALE -- 1947--WILLYS Station Wagon, 4 cyl., with overdrive. 1949--WILLYS Station Wagon, « ~ cyl., with overdrive. I960--PACKARD, 2 door sedan, like new. Fully equipped. 1948--KAISER, 4 door sedan. 1941--CHEVROLET Panel Truck, Good buy. All Vehicles Guaranteed. HcHKNRY GARAGE WJUi)« Owlud Sales Tel. 40# '* " 1 tM Front St. l-tf i SPRING SELLING Made Easy Thru Want-Ad» PHONE 170 ' AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE 19S0--Plymouth DeLuxe, 2 dr. radio heater, very clean. 1149--Studebaker Champion, Club coupe, overdrive, radio, heater -- Sharp. 194$--Buick Roadmaster Sedanette radio, heater, dynaflow, w-w beautiful shape. 1948--Plymouth Special DeLuxe, 4-dr., fully equipped, excellent 1947--Willys Station Wagott, heater, overdrive, this is it for mileage. 1946--Ford V-8 Super, 2-dr. radio, • heater. Lots of good driving here. 1946--Hudson Super 6, convertible, club conpe, new top, excellent shape, priced to sell. 1946--Pontiac Sedanette, radio, heater, seat c -overs*. : very neat. 1941--Chrysler Windsor, &dr., fully equipped, a swell automobile. 1938--Buick Special, 4-dr., radio, heater, w/w tires. Perfect. We also have older models priced to sell. The above cars carry warranties. Open, dally, 7 A. M. to $ P. M., Sunday till 12 Noon. COLBY MOTOR SALES • Est. 1886 „ ' 1fy«tol Lake, Illiadfti 4*^-4 Phone 1111 -- :-.i • - , ^ 2 BUSINESS SERVICE mu i j ^' J"?. T/'i" ••if .. , . «x • •*jraewr*« BUSINESS SERVICE MISCELLANEOUS REAL ESTATE FARM PIANO TUNING Also for sale high grade Spinet pianos, overhauled upright pianos. Prompt service. & J. H. Diehl, 108-W, Woodstock, 111. 51-tf SPRAY PAINTING Farm and Industrial Buildings Free Estimates. Write Box 160, c/o Plaindealer. •51-4 RUG CLEANING Bmh oir rug shamnoolng machine and clean your carpets at home. Pick up and delivery service. For information call 637-J-2. Geo. Binder, Sunnyside Beaoh, House No. 6, Johnsburg. 2 SPECIAL OFFER For weddings, parties and dances, etc. Decorated hall available, free of charge,, every night except Tuesday and Saturdays. Wo will also help you plan your party. Phone McHenry 369. 2-2 ' t'i 'y FOR SALE *•' ; v -'ri' ' ' ' Beautiful new patterns for your home furnitare in Frieze, Matlasse, Tapestry. Quilted Plastic. Write Ws Upholstery Srrtlec R. R. 1, Plstaqna Heights or Call MeHenry K1.R.1. *48.8 GENERAL CONTRACTING NEW HOMES REMODELING and CARPENTER WORK 9ttiafact!on Guaranteed Estimate* ' & " _ C. D. KINSEY Mrane McHenry 8M4 47tf BRING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS TO US -- We can deliver anything from a snapshot to \arga murala, or free hand oil paintings. Copying and framing. CAMERAS, PROJECTORS, FILMS AND SUPPLIES; .. WORWICKS STUDIO, 117 Riverside Drive, McHenry. Phone 276. 40tf ( Yd* Find What Yon Wait S^I What Yon Donf Want Thru Plaindealer Want Ads" PHONE 170 RALPH L. CLARt ; ^ Plaae Technician "Repairing Tuning •02 Garfield Road Harvard, 111. Phone 748-B HOME REPAIRS We Specialize in all Home Repairs Low Monthly Payments Free Estimates McHenry Improvement Co. Phone 523-W-t McHenry 111. ? ^6tf CESSPOOLS and SEPTIC TANKS SERVICE G. A. DOUGLAS Phone McHenry 776-W lOtf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS -- We sell repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, .$06 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. $6tf i IV Peal With Want Ads. Helen Weber Says: YOU WONT NEED A TELESCOPE N«*t< fall to sea- the i»oth ^ holes. The summer feast be- * gins now on those SOILED -winter garments. CLEANERS IN EUn Street •-. McHenry PHON1 vktit" EXPERT PIANO TUNING Repairing and Reconditioning. All Work Guaranteed. Formerly with Lyon and Healy. E. Zaboth, phone Lake Zurich 6341 $7-tf DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest Cash prices paid for cows, horses and Bogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works. Wheeling No. $; reverse charges. $6tf MUSIC INSTRUCTION In Your Own Home Piano and Piano Aceordian Classics or Popular i or Adanced Instruction MARL P. KOCH Phaas Flstakee 6SMC-1 Stf WE ARE NOW contracting Hawkeye Soy Bean acreage. We furnish excellent quality recleaned seed in new bags. Stop In for detail. Pell-Bari Farms, Inc., 305 Clay St. Woodstock, 111. 62tf FOR SALE-- JOHNS-MAN8VILLB "Blown" Rock Wool. Guaranteed not to settle. WALLFIL Co.. Leo J. Stilling. 200 E. Pearl. TaL MeHenry i8. Utt GARTEN ®ER WORK DONE BY DAY OR CONTRACT. IT AN GUSTAFSOM TeL McHenry 741 lltf HATE YOUR CESSPOOLS* catch basins septic tanks, cisterns cleaned by Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry $90. ' 29tf TREE AND BARN STRAYING White washing or fly control. Phone McHenry 643-J-l. Frank Henkel, P. O. Round Lake, R*s. Volo. «7tt To Avoid A Bum Deal FOLLOW THB CROWD TO THE Sportsman's Inn, 513 Main street. Ice cold case beer and packaged goeds of all kinds. A1 PhannonstilL 49tf FOX HOLE TAP Entertainment SATURDAY and SUNBAY Starting Say SSth Hammond Organ and Piano 6 Nights Weekly Gar ninety to popular music. Riverside Hotel l-tf FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L| V. Kiltz, Clay St. Woodstock. Phone 549. 7tf GARBAGE COLLECTING --Let us dispose of your garbage each week, of oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. John B. HU1, P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone $66. tf ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS--Clothing in Good Condition for the entire family. Formals Open Taaa. through San. 1 p.m. to 10 p.m., San. 11 a. m. to 6 p, m. Mm. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Rd. Consignment and Resale and Antique Shop, Vfc mile west Terra Cotta faetovy which it on Bt. 31. Crystal Lake 1346R1. 11)4* FOR SALE -- Bridal prottns and bridesmaids halos made to order according to your desire. Also art flowers. Reasonable prices. Phone McHenry 544-R-l. 52-4 FOR SALE -- Registered female Boxer, 8 months old, child's pet and good watch dog including dog house. Reasonable. Call 343 after 6 P. M... 2-2 BELOW CEILING '50 Nash Amb. - 2 Statemaaa '49 Nash Amb. - 2 "GOPs" . '49 Kaiser Traveler '48 Nash Ambassador '48'Mercury '47 Nash "60CT '47 Kaiser '47 Dodga '46 Buick ,.^.^,^^Sedans Sedans Sedan Sedan .^^Club Coupe ...... Sedan Sedan Coupe Sediui Radios. Healers, some with Overdrive. ,; 1939 to '42 Models--2-Drs.--4-Drs. $75 Up ; ^ DOWNS NASH SALES 405 Elm Street .\.vs*': McHenry, II1. TEL. McHENRY 484 FOX HOLE TAP Entertainment 8ATURDAY and 8PND|Jf Starting May SSth ? [V Hammond Organ and PiafcO . 6 NiRhts Weekly ; Gay ninety to popular music. Riverside Hotel 1 - " lJtf BREEDING EWES -- Texas Suffolk-- cross yearlings, choice quality for commercial flock replacements. Write for llatest car lot quotations. Peterson Sheep Company, Spencer, lo^a. Phone 206. FOR SALE -- HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY 2U' Knox Real Estate M Richmond Read McHenry, I1L Phone t McHenry 1S14 Licensed I1L k Wis. Brolsr •. FOR SALE--Three bedroom home. Large lot in McHenry. Completely modern. Best offer. Immediate possession. Phone 213-W. *2 FOR SALS FOR SALE -- REX AIR, the Only water machine. Cleaner, Humidifier, Vaporiser. Sales ft Service. Also water treatment appliances for the home. Spa filters and Micromet. Carl Barnickol, McHenry. 52-4 HELP WANTED FOR SALE -- Johnson outboard, motor, 22hp„ in excellent condition; $225 cash. Call Fox Lake 7-3143 after 6:30 P. M. *2 FOR SALE--Universal gas stoVe, walnut dining set and buffet, sun panlor set, table, 2 easy chairs, G-E refrigerator, ABC washing machine, used 1 year. Call after 7 in the evening, or apy time Saturday or Sunday. McHenry 891-W. - •$ BRICKLAYERS WANTED -- At Now Algonquin School, Route 62, Algonquin. Top Wages. O. W. Potter & Sons, Inc. General Contractors. Phone Algonquin 2071. 2-3 HELP WANTED--Waiter or waitress. Apply Fox Hole Tap, Riverside Hotel, McHenry. III. ' $ 1IKLP WANTED--Due to requests for information about our hospital and doctor call policies we need two men or women who enjoy meeting people. Full or part time work servicing inquiries. Car necessary. Above average earnings depended upon amount of time devoted. For information write -Wr. J. O. Moga. Box 170, c/o McHenry Plaindealer, McHenry, 111. FOR SALE--6 cn. ft. Norge-refrigerator looks and works like new. 14-qt. or 20-pt. Burpee pressure cooker, 2 burner electric plate. Dr. S. Wolf, S stiles north of Johnsburg on the Johnsburg- Wilmot road. *2 FOR SALE--Estate electric hot water heater, 80 gallons. Excellent condition. Reasonable. Phone McHenry 684-M-l. 2 FOR RENT FOR SALE--Second cutting alfalfa hay tori sale. Frank Hoffman, phone McHenry 616-W-l. *2 FOR SALE--25 acres of 1st crop standing alfalfa hay. Phone 776-M A. P .Freund. *2 FOR SALE--14-ft Dunphy boat, $165. Phone Plstajtee 633-J-2. 2 FOR SALE--Servel gas refrigerator. $50; gas range, $10. Phone McHenry 540-M-2. *2 FOR SALE--Leaving state, offering 4 rooms furniture, Lawson sofa, 4 arm chairs, small tables, lamps, Bendix radio-phonograph, G-E television with aerial, electric sewing machine, Shelvador refrigerator, modern kitchen cabinet and dinette set, dressers, chests of drawers, roll-a-way beds, bunk beds, secretary desk, rugs and linoleums, many other items. Phone Wauconda 6-1216. 2 FOR SALE -- Used refrigerators, used stoves (gas and electric) Colby Motor Sales, Crystal Lake, III. . 2 FOR SALE -- 12-ft. Wagemaker Wolverine boat; Johnson 16 hiT motor with 5-gal. detachable tank, ioth 1950 models, perfect condition fully equipped; boy's Schwinn bike. S. Scalf, King's Snbd. south of Johnsburg Bridge, west side of river. *2 FOR SALE--Small cement mixer, slightly used and a bench saw. Mrs. Edward Nordinr 1001 Center Street, McHenry, III. 2 FOR RENT--Modern cottage; furnished; located on Fox River; private pier. Prefer tenants for season. Phone McHenry 534-R-l. 2b-2 FOR RENT -- Summer cottage, modern conveniences; sleeps 4. Phone McHenry 646-J-2. O. W. Herrmann, Woodlawn Park, McHenry, ill. *2 FARM EXPERIENCE REQUIRED A salesman" will be hired by ' major feed company for permanlent, full-time work in McHenry j County. Home nights. Must be able to finance a car of feed. Better- . than-average earnings. Thorough | training on job. Must have dependable car. Age 25 to 50. Only sober, serious-minded reliable men will be considered. For confidential uppointmnt, reply Box 169. c/o Plaindealer. *2 WAITRESS WANTED--Apply at the Nook Restaurant, Main St., McHenry; III. 2 WANT TO DANCE! Come to the Bridge, Rt. 120, McHenry, Saturday, June 9th, 9 P. M. Don Stadfeld and his great band will be there. Donation only $1.00 2-3 WANTED WANTED -- Jobbers and direct! salesmen. Quality lines, with liber* al commissions. Manufacturers re* presentative. R. Duane PowleiV Woodstock ,Box 334. Phone 464-JX. f 41tf WANTED -- Watches and Jewelry repair. Anthony Noonan. 200 So Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty Shoppe). IStf FOR SALE--Furnished complete; Immediate possession; Dan Daniels residence on the Fox river; Fox Street, East end g>f state bridge. Phone McHenry \7S9 - for appointment to see. \ *2 Up Ta fUOuM fir am. 6% Mut ' , Laag ar Shaft Tena LsafeV Xe Commisftlea. Ns Appraisal Far Tfcf*f leans are also available -v fer snu 11 caaatry Sead for he eh let. R. M. FRITZ Harvard State Bank BalMfaf Harvard, IBteals "•i&k REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--Gas Btatton at intersection of Main highway 1A McHenry. New equipment. Price $9;S00. For appointment call Hank Nell. Jacob Fritz. Realtor in Johnsburg. Phone McHenry 37. l-tf FOR SALE--New home; 4 rooms and bath; oil heat. Near St. Patrick's church. 4>hone McHenry 402-W. *1-2 For Sale Homes-Farms: FOR SALE--6 rooms, large lot, beautiful evergreen tfeesi full basement, oil heat, North of Johnsburg bridge, also water front. . & ROOMS -- Completely furnished, water front, near Pistakee Lake and Po» River, nice location. FOR RENT -- Newly decorated rooms. Telephone McHenry 100-R. •2 FOR RENT--4 room cottage, all year round .furnished or unfurnished. Call McHenry 681-J-l. 2 WANTED TO RENT HELP WANTED- Young man for driving car on paper route and «eneral work in store, at once. Al- 'bert Krause ft Son, News Agency, 308 Elm St., McHenry, 111. Phone 878-J. 2 HELP H ANTED--Automobile polisher. No experience necessary. We will teach operation of electric polisher. R. I .Overton Motor Sales, 404 Front Street, Phone McHenry 6. 2 SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED -- High school girl desires work as nurse- WANTED TO RENT--Family of 5 maid "or mother's helper for the desperately needs home or apart- j aummer. Will stay. Write Box ment, unfurnished; by June 1st. 1171, c/o McHenry Plaindealer, 102 Write McHenry Plaindealer, Box j Green St., McHenry, 111. 2 * Complete Uae of Bee be livestock remedies at Wsttles Drug Sten HELP WANTED McHenry. Stl WANTED -- Experienced radio and T.V. serviceman. Full time. Top Salary. Excellent working conditions. Carsella's Radio, Fox Lake, 111. Phone Fox Lake 7-1751. 44-tf FOR SALE--2 acnes of excellent alfalfa hay; next to formerly Gold Crown Tavern, Phone S86-W-1 or 600-M-l. *2-2 FOR SALJJ--2 regular size windows inclading casements, storm windows and screens, combination storm door also 1 outside front door. Phone 592-M-2 after 6 P. M. •2 FOR SALE--Bridal crowns and bridesmaids halos, made to order according to your desire; also art flowers, reasonable prices. < Phone McHenry 614-W-l. 52-4 HELP WANTED -- Stenographer, experienced, for general office work; five-day week; good salary. COMET CORP. Call Do mo to, Johnsburg 1090 l-tf HELP WANTED--All 'round kitchen help; automatic dish washing machine. Also waitress; both jobs part or full time. Art and Lee's Restaurant, Phone McHenry 841. 2 MALE HELP WANTED--To increase our permanent personnel staff. Day shift 8 A. M. to 4:30 P. M.; night shift, 4:30 P. M. to 1 A. M. Dock hands, assemblers, miscellaneous machine operators, shear operators, spray painter. Apply in pel-son or call Algonquin 2131, Ironer Division, Speed Queen Corp. Algonquin, 111. 2 HELP WANTED--Sales clerk for the McHenry Bakery. Apply in person. 1-2 HELP WANTED --Male or female; full time; m^at department or grocery department; for McHenry and Crystal Lake, National Tea Stores. Apply either store. 2 BY POPULAR REQUEST * WE AGAIN PRESENT THE "^"MmWESTERNERS" T.Y. Stars la Person with that listening pleasare niasic. On SATURDAY, MAY 26th At Club Litymeer - Route 120 re?* m ; C,; . * FRIDAY NITE FISH FRY ftttTOAY NITE MOYtES DT THE LOCFtO* ELM WAUCONDA ROUTE 176 PHONE 6-1421 NOW OPEN EVERY DAY Satarday Matinee Discontinued! Sun. Mat STARTS 3:00 P. M. Continuous THURS* MAY 24 -- Last Nite Red Skelton "WATCH THE BIRDIE" FRI. & NAT., MAY 25-26 Gilean Ford Rhonda Fleming 'RED HEAD and THE COWBOY" SUN. & MON, MAY 27-28 Bart Lancaster Robt Walker •VENGEANCE VALLEY" (Technicolor) TUE"s"wED"* THUBSf MAY 20-30-31 Dpnt Miss This One! "HALLS OF MONTEZUMA" (Technicolor) Richard Wldinurk Reg Gardiner f Plas A Great Supporting Cast & ROOMS--All year round home, Sunnyside Beach,' water front, 2 lots in rear. BARGAIN--Income property* two buildings, one rented« lot 100x120, Price $7,800,00. . McHENRY--2 story, 7 room residence. hot water heat, lot 66 ft. on business street, for business or small apartments. (Call Mr, Adler) McHenry 37. WONDER LAKE--2 buildings, one is rented all year round, $65 per month, lot 155x125, (call Jim Hettermann) McHenry 37/ 1 ROOMS -- With bath, 4 years old; in Sunnyside Estate, $6,850. JACOB FRITZ REAL ESTATE la Johnsburg, TeL McHeary 87. l-tf FOR SALE--Small Floflda style. colored tile home, with aluminum window casements, never needs painting, 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen bar. shower and utility room, outside bar-b-que pit. play yard, evergreens, etc. on 71xl32-ft lot, 1 year old. Priced To Sell. Immediate possession. Wm. Tamasy, 3rd and Court Sts., 3rd house on left. *2 FRL * SAT., MAY 25.86 David Wayne Tom Ewell "UP FRONT" SUN. ft MON., MAY 27-28 Sunday Contlnaed from 8i4£ S. Tracy,--J. Bennett,--E. Taylor "FATHER'S LITTLE DIVIDEND* Ifs the Pla-Up Pictare af the Year! TI ES- WED. A THURS-, MAY 20.3041 Stephen McNally Gall Rassell "AIR CADET" iHMttmaiHiiiumiNMftH* WANTED TO RENT 4 or 5 ROOM UNFURNISHED HOME Iff OR NEAR McHENRY. CAN FURNISH BEST OF REFERENCES. EMPLOYED AT McHENRY PLAINDEALER LONNIE ROOKSBY ft PHONE 170 McHENRY PLAINDEALER N O T I C E" Oar Bakery Will Be Qfm DECORATION DAY tram 7 o'clck to m«Hv% Riverside Bake Shop 2 NOTICE There will be an annual meeting and election of officers for the McHenry Branch of America Red Cross the 5th day of June, 1951 at City Hall of McHenry at 7:30 P. M. MRS .GBORGB BARB1AX. Chairman. LEGALS NOTICE State of Illinois, County of McHenry, ss. in the Justice Court ARNOLD J. RAUEN, Justice of Peace. Shore Hills Country Club. Inc., Property Owners Association vs. 1 Paul Menconi, George KesSler. Clarence S. Loomis, Ruth Hunteis. H. H. Hill, Raymond Gridley. A. Fraska. Daniel E. Haseltine, A. L. Erdmann, H. Birdoni, Philoinena I. Bergeron, L. Addilizzi, Harry J. Kill, Patrick McMahon, John J. McGonigal and Mrs. M, W. Stefan, defendants. The requisite affidavit having been properly filed, notice is hereby given to the aforementioned defendants that the above named Shore Hills Country Club. Inc., Property Owners Association here tofore filed with nte Praecipes and Affidavits of claim seeking to recover from aforesaid defendants . judgments for past due association dues; and that summonses thereupon issued out of this court against the above defendants, returnable on the 2nd day of Juiie, 1951. at my office in the City ; Hall,-City of McHenry. Connty of McHenry, and State of Illinois. Ss 's by law required, aad-which suits are still pending. ARNOLD J. RAUEN, Justice of Peace.: JOSEPH X. WAYNXE, Attorney for Plaintiff. , i» i; ' (Pub. May 10-17-44) New Seoul Troop Formed In City By Senior Group A group of Scouts who will form a*1 new troop was organised h this past week by the Senior'-^! Scouts, with ten members to date. •*§ The purpose Is to help the yo«ng ,?:| Scout troops. ; i| Plans are now being made for ^ two jamborees, the first to he-™*^ held locally this Weekend and an- ^ other in conjunction with connty^Vfl troops in July. _ 'c|§ The new troop is planning the §| program for the three groups. ^ Any boys interested hi Joining ff| who are between the ages of 14^ ^ and 18 are asked to be present at ^ J the grade school between 7:1S 1;| and 9 o'clock on either Taeadaar:.':;. -! or Wednesday evenings. if FRL & SAT* MAY 23-20 Matinee S:45 P. M. Saturday "THE REDHEAD AND THE COWBOY" Plus "BETWEEN MIDNIGHT AND DAWN" AIho Popeye Color Cartoon STARTS SUNDAY, MAY 27th with Matinee at 2:80 P. M. Speacer Tracy Elisabeth Tayalr la "FATHER'S LITTLE DIVIDEND" Sequel to "Father of the Bride" NOTE: This theatre will open Memorial Day, Wednesday, Mny 80th at 2:16 P. M. aad operate continuously therefrom. Program to be announced later! I mnn h n i 'i i i t t McHENRY, ILLINOIS Air Caadltloaad -- Cas^aft Gaad Vlslea and Saaai Doors Opea at ItH P. M. Screea Starts at 7t00 F. M. FRI. & SAT„ MAY SMS Susan Hayward Dan Dalley "1 CAN GET IT FOR YOU WHOLESALE* Shart Subject--Color Cartaaa aad Werld News SUN. A MON* MAY 27-2S Spencer Tracy Jena Beanctt Elisabeth Taylar t •FATHER'S LITTLE * DIVIDEND* Color Cartoon M Warfti News Saaday Matiaee 9tS0 Caa*L CLOSED ON TUESDAY WED. * THURS* MAY SS41 Stephea McNally Gall BassaH "AIR CADBT* Color Cartaaa * SHart Sahfaet -- COMING7***..- MOB HOPE im "THE LEMON DROP KID* SCREEN 45x60 Enjoy Privacy In Year Car, See The Best Shows at the OUTDOOR CHILDREN UNDER 12 IN CAR FREE--2 SHOWS-S * It PJi. WEDw THURSw FRI. 8c SAT- MAY 2324-15-26 M ^revdly prm«»s_tlit H0WUII6 m i VukRiUlk Dividend" :s lT> ' ^ If You. Saw end Enjoyed The Rig Success / y| "Father of the Bride" -7-^ You end Your Family Will Enjoy * < S "Father's Little Dividend" : * 1 SO MUCH MORE s SON- MON. & TUES.. MAT J7-28-M « I Can Got It For You Whslsids With Snnn a»yv»«d »nd D«n tMUy | WEDNESDAY to SATURDAY. MAY 30 to JOKE I ' • "Never A Dui MsmswT | VI W

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