'**• T\.*• 'T^^. "• *•'"' ** ••^ * ' . " , > » • ' ' • ALL-OUT" SECOND A NNUAL BOND DRIVE MAY HELD IN SPEECH CLINIC TO BE HELD IN COUNTY i - V y * SttVICE* SET ; RECORDS | Residential and farm customers Of the Public Sprvlre company of . Kortharn Illinois set new high records to the u«e of electricity *lbr the jretr ending April 30. 1951. was reported by Britton I. ludd, president of the utility. For the first time .In the history Yoti'll see much more activity in McHenry county in IT. S. Defense Bond, sales promotion from now on! ^ County and state activity la this sphere boils down to: (1) County volunteer Defense Bonds committee chairmen have been asked by (ff the company, residential users State Director Arnold J. Raueu pveraged 2.000 kilowatt hours for j t0 fin-in any vacancies in their year, a 100 percent increase Igroups; (2) a growing healthy »v«r a ten-year period. In the competition between Illinois and •jfear ending April. 1941, the Jfage residential nse was *er 1,000 kilowatt hours. In the year ending last •"She company's farm customers ised an average of 4,852 kilowatt Hours, an increase of 200 percent1 and other media several other midwest states to see which will get the h&nor of having the first Defense Bond Flag Town; (3) expanding educational efforts through newspapers. radio. outd<%r advertising "Sver the 1,800 kilowatt hour are-, ftage of ten years ago. • The unprecedented increase in opening of two new. U. S. Treasury Def< Bond offices downstate. In short, the lT. S. Treasury'be- ;#RM DM of electricity was due f(?nse Bonds division for Illinois, , |p Urge measure. Budd said, to Rauen 8aid. is getting ready for Itlie company's hard-hitting farm ' verv intensified oromotiOn of 5ectrificat!on program begun wider investment in 17. S. Defense J Diver twenty-five years ago and ^oiids. Completed since World War II. As Talk at present in Washington result of this program, designed gnd Chicago is that there will be tb save time and labor and im-! an •.aH.out" Defense Bond drive prove living conditions; all of the #>,258 farms in the company's 11,- 000 square miles of service area now have electricity available to them from company lines. .< Budd said the average residential and farm electric use in northern Illinois was substantially more than the national average which now stands at 1,800 kilo- Watt hours for residence and 2,- •60 kilowatt hours for farms. HOUSEWIVES LEARN WITH PLEASURE OF JCUT IK MEAT PRICES in September, with all pulled out". Rauen said. Investments in "E" bonds in this county in April were $82,752; $148 and "G" Bonds ^ June 4 is the date set for retail butchers to post the new Veiling prices for beef cuts that Wot into effect May 14. According to John M. Kerwin, Peoria district OPS director, these prices #111 be in effect until July 3, after #hlch date the OPS will put into Effect the first of two ceiling Jfrice reductions. The second is ffet for Oct 1. i The OPS expects that these pftep-by-step reductions in beef j }rices will result in average reactions by fall in the prices consumers pay of about 10 percent. Actual percentage redactions will depend on the type and style of Ikeef cuts. The ceiling posted June 4 will hold retail prices at about the same freeze level of last February. The new regulation controlling beef prices is part of a group of r e g u l a t i o n s w h i c h r e d u c e t h e jirices slaughterers can pay for 1>eef cattle and that wholesalers VIZ? Charge retail butchers. LA*DI*C FIFLD The state Department of Aeronautics granted certificates of approval for seveu new restricted landing areas for private aircraft during April, bringing the 4otal to 395 in Illinois. The department also reported that as of April 30, Illinois had 164 commercial airports, including five seaplane bases. Mpst of the restricted landing areas are located in rural regions, and are designed to be used only by private aircraft owned by the applicants 4nd as fields. Complete Use of Bee We livestock remedies at Wattles Drag Store, McHenry. gtf CHILDREN ^ MAJOR DISEASES I TSfore than one-half of the major j communicable diseases of Illinois j were less prevalent during the ! Jfirst three months of this year as j compared to 1950, according to a j report by the state Department of ; . Public Health. Decreases were ; shown in diphtheria, influenza, j meningitis, mumps, paratyphoid fever, pneumonia, poliomyelitis, j trachoma, tuberculosis, typhoid j fever, undulant fever and whooping cough. Increases were reported in cases of amebiasis, chickenpor, encephalitis, measles, psittacosis, scarlet fever, tetanus, tularemia, and. typhoid carriers. Renew that subscription to the Plaindealer now. It's a big comfort to you to know that your children are every bit as safe itf" one of our clean, modern cabs as they are at home. Our drivejrs are carefully trained and tested. Their characters and records are thoroughly investigated before we employ them. For safe transportation. ... PHONE 723 McHENRY Hello again! God has been blessing at Bible church. New children and adults have joined our fellowship.' Now we are about to have our cond annul)! Vacation Bible school. June 11 will be the starting day. Children will gather in front of the hfeh school at 8:30 a.m. that day, to parade north Green street/to the church for the opening of school at 9 o'clock. This year the 3-year-olds will have a department all their own. Provisions will be made for the smallest tots too. So. boys and girls, this is the. sst place you can be for the best time from June 11 to 22. Two weeks of five days each. Monday through Friday mornings, 9 to children 3. to 14. This Sunday evening, June 3. at 8 p.m. Mrs. Friedricksen, chalk artist and missionary to the Philippines, will be with us. Hearing of her experiences in Japconcentration camps are enough to make it worth your while to come. Be seeing some of you pt the Youth for Christ banket in Westwood school at Woodstock Saturday, June 2, at 6:30. re until next Announcement haa )f plans for holding the tummer speech clinic, which will >e held at the Dean street school n Woodstock, Ray Eden, speech correctionist in the Woodstock public school, and Mrs. M. Derr of Marengo to act as instructors. The clinic was approve^ at a recent meeting of the McHenry county chapter of the Illinois Association for the Crippled. Inc., held at the county courthouse. Registration will take place June 18 from 8:30 to noon and from 1 to 3 o'clock at the Dean street school. An offer was made by the Red Cross for its Motor corps to provide, where necessary transportation for the children attending the summer clinic. Mr. Eden listed as the four bbject. ives / the actual therapeutic value for the child; obtaining the understanding of the child's parents; dissemination of knowledge by classroom teachers; and refer* ral to other agencies. PASTOR LIBBRT** Read the Want Ads! or faded vas look like new at a fraction of reitlacement cost. This remarkable paint eaves the fabric pliable and will not crack. It adds greatly to durability as it is sun resistant, water repellent and retards rot and mildew. Easy to apply -- just brush or spray it on. 10 attractive colors--also Black, White and Clear. Use it on Beach Chairs and Umbrellas, Awnings, Cabanas, Tents, Gliders, Canvas Shoes and Leggings, Fiber Rugs, Canvas Auto Tops, etc. One quart covers approximately 60 square feet. One coat is usually sufficient. The Greatest Gift of All for Every GRADUATE! GOltf* CRivm P R I N T law CANVAS rUAHK . will NOT CRACV SOLD BY VYCITAL'S SHEET XETAL SHOP IS2 Green St. McHenry, HL PHONE 98 C MM la Tedey! S M tfcese 6§M X Imtiti. Perfett (radvatiM fifta Here are gifts they'll wear every day-- and think of you. The Balboa! Sturdy, massive, masculine--the perfect gift for that proud young man on hit "Big Day? And for your sweet June Graduate -- Golden Harvest ia just what she's dreamed of. And, only Speidel watchbands have Calibrated Springs to STOP WRIST WATCH SHOCK! Come in today. ! Steffan's Jewelry & Record Shop MAIN ST. McHENRY, ILL, designs, same fine tailoring CONGRATULATE THE 1 9 5 1 • WITH A NORGROSS Graduation Card * I "THE WORLD'S FINEST CARD" |jjj| Our Store To Select S A Gilt For The or GIRL GRADUATE Our Gilt Selection Is Very Complete Bolger's Drug Store McHENRY, ILLINOIS , H.- .'-1: •:!>. 1 '"Vfl • "Ay '• M'". ,v J w. W i * . « ' a uage .....j*,... .... w„,. w.. y .A; EXPERIENCED and • c V ' I 4 * • I McHenry County should have a resident Judge. With the excellent record Judge Carroll made during the past six years he merits the vote o! all Americans who stand for good government Let McHenry Township back this by taming out a .. . - ' Everybody go to the polls and vote. $3.95 lo $7.9$ \£0/t If IT'S WILSON WEAR IT'S FAULTLESS I Skipper Sportshirts Bold, bright new patterns id Sportshirts that are famous for Faultless tailoring! Skippers are broad through the shoulders, tapered trimly at the waist. Fine washable cotton or rayon fabrics, wide assortment of colors. Choice ot long or short sleeves. See them while there's «full selection! 117 S. GREEN STREET McHENRY VOTE FOR Judge WILLIAM M. For Circuit Court Judge r • .; v '•* . • « t N. and the other Republican Candidates -This advertisement paid tot by the' following t^tizens 1b the . . . . . . ^ Interests o! good-govetnmenW, . .• FRED HEIDE MARTIN J. KELLY J. A. ROESCH CHAS. SCHUHRK1- =ART THOMPSON gs EARL GLENDE IVAR FREDRICKSEN ART KEEVIL « H. R. WAGNEf E. G. SJEMON t ROBERT HANKS HAL BORDWELL MAYNARD RUTLEDGE A. F. ULLEY H. /G. ZIMMERMAN!^ BENJAMIN HAYES H. E. LACY C. W. HOERGER KEITH FOSTER KINLEX r*J- =4= • -V