Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Jul 1951, p. 7

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Thursday, July 5, 1951 iiililafiilliiH •THE McHEHRT PLAINDEALEH mm Spring Grove (by Mri. ChulM Freond) Mr. and Mrs. Math Nlmsgern and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lent and daughter, Linda, attended the First Communion of Bobby Nelson at St. Catherine's church in Sharon on Sunday of last week and spent the day with him. Mr. and Mrs. John Jung received a pleasant surprise when their son. Father Eugene Jung, of Shelby, Ohio came home Unexpectedly last Saturday. He will spend a two weeks' vacation with hisj/parenU. ^ « Mrs. Math 'Nltnsgern entertained members of her club on Thursday afternoon. Five hundred 'was played and * prize winners were Mrs. Math Nimsgern, Mrs. Jake Miller, Mrs. George Fyffe, Mrs. Charles Gillespie, Mrs. Helen Smith and Mrs. William Britz. lovely lunch was served after cards. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rauen and Mr. and Sirs. Roy Barker and family of Chicago, spent Sunday at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown, Joseph Brown „and_ his mother, Mrs! Clara Brown, visited relatives in Sheboyjran, Wis., on Sunday. Mrs. Frank Brown returned ith them and is a guest in the ome of Mrs. Clara Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund and Tom Freund spent a pleasant evening at cards in the Frank Tinney home on Sunday. Herbert Wagner, who is employed in Chicago, spent the weekend ,at his home here. Miss Marilyn Myer, who was vacationing in California, flew home arriving at the airport in ^hicago on Saturday. ¥ • Mr. and Mrs. Andy Straub and family of Chicago visited her mother, Mrs. Bertha Esh, Sunday afternoon. i The dance and basket social held at St. Peter'6 parish hall on Wednesday night was a great success in so far as having "lotsa fun" goes. The crowd was small but everyone present report having had a very nice time. Community &oft ball games are T»layed under the flood lights at the soft ball diamond behind St. Peter's church. All are welcome - to attend these games, to see them •and to take part in them. ^to ARMED FORCES TO TAKE SIXTY-NINE STATE DOCTORS Farm Accdents Reaching Harvest season means that it is time for you to be more careful around your farm machinery than you have been during all the* rest of the year. Accidents to farm people reach their jpieak during the harvest season, says Floyd Morris, president of the' Illinois Rural Safety Council. Harvest haste, long, working hours and the revolving «ears, belts, shafts and cutter mechanisms of harvesting equipment make it much easier for the careless farmer to have an accident. •Keep your harvest free from accidents. Keep your machinery ft^red, adjusted correctly and operatTTTfc efficiently. Improper adjustments and need for repairs frequently. lead to machine accidents. You need to be always alert and observe a few simple safety rules when you are operating your harvesters. The Illinois Rural Safety Council recommends the following rules: 1. Keep all shields , and safety guards in place. 2. Always stop all machinery before oiling, adjusting or unclogging it: 3. Do not wear loose or ragged clothing when you are working Around machines. 4. Always operate your tractor at a safe speed, and use extra precaution when you drive .a tractor on the highway. 5. Keep small children far away from harvesting machinery. 6. Do not jump off equipment before it comes to a complete stop. 7. Remember to look both ways as you approach a highway, and then cross or enter it with care. 8. When you operate on a highway, don't forget to obey the signs .and rules of the road. Use proper headlights and tail lights at night. * HOLDERMAN AUTO OLDEST LICENSED CAR IN ILLINOIS rp In the first call for physffHatts "(o be inducted into the Armed Fomws throw* Illinois has been ordered to furnish sixty-nine doctors of medicine for induction into the Army and Air Force beginning July 23, It was announced by Col. Paul G. Armstrong, state Selective Service director. Those to be inducted will be "Priority One" physicians who -^participated in the Army specialized training program or similar Navy program, or who were de ferred from service during World War II in order to complete their education, and who have served less than ninety days on active , duty in any branch of the Armed Forces after finishing their training. . f The July call will be-filled from doctors born in the years 1923 ^through 1928, with the youngest '*being called first, Col. Armstrong said. If a doctor ordered to report for induction wishes to apply for a commission instead, and thus become entitled to the $100 a month bonus paid to medical officers, he may do so prior to his induction date. In that case he will be credited to the state's quota of sixty-nine and will not have to be replaced with an additional inductee. • Col. Armstrong said he does not at present have information on the size of subsequent calls for doctors' following, the July 'call. Oldest licensed automobile In Illinois is a Holderman roadster, which was manufactured in 1897, Secretary of State Edward J. Barrett said today in disclosing that there are thirty automobiles of ancient vintage among the 154 different makes which have been registered with the state. Other old cars which haye been registered, the secretary said, include a 1901 Sears Roebuck touring car; a 1901 Columbia roadster; a 1903 Mitchell roadster; a 1903 Success two-passenger buggy; a 1904 Brush roadster; a 1905 Sears Motor Bug runabout; a 1908 Cameron touring car; and a 1909 Pierce Arrow. Most of the popular early "gasoline buggies" are represented in the current passenger car license registrations which now total more than 2.200,000. Many of the old time models have titles only because their owners maintain them as museum pieces or collectors' items and are not for road use--just for show purposes. Secretary Barrett said more than forty cars of foreign manufacture are registered. They include: Rolls Royce, Hispano Suiza, English Austin. Volkswagen, Vedette, French Citroen, Daimler, Fiat, Jaguar, Renault. Riley, Ferrari, Wolsely, Mercedes Benz, Sunbeam Talbot, Bentley, Bugatti and Highland Standard. There also are- «^^nuniber of electric and steam ^"passenger automobiles registered with the state. Electrics include a 1906 and ^1913 Baker roadster: a 1913 Chicago ejectric coupe; five Detroit electrics; and three Rauch and Lang Brons. Steamers include three 1910 White steamers--a touring car and two sedans; ten Stanley steamers; and a 1925 Doble steamer sedan. ' Subscribe for The Plaindealer Life Expectancy Progress in expending the average length of life has been more rapid in the industrial population than in the population as a whole. OPEN Every Monday Summer Months Also Open --All Day Thursdays Riverside Bake Shop ^Explorer Gives Natives "Wonder Drug? YOU CAN DRIVE TOO FAST. EVEN IF UNDER LIMIT. Captain Hasscidt Pavi*-, fameil explorer and author, proved on a recent expedition to the Ivory of French West Africa that natives think hiphl.v of the white man's "mapic" which he works with aureomycin and other-drugs.'Davis is shown above administering vitamin pills to an exhausted witch doctor. The native "doctor" recovered So rapidly that he wanted the white man to stay and be his partner. At another village, Davis found a native woman near death from mixed infection following childbirth, complicated by pneumonia. After penicillin injections failed, he gave her aureomycin capsules. The woman fully recovered. When his pet chimpanzee showed symptoms of having pneumonia, Davis gave it the same "wonder drug," which the chimp ate like candy. Within a week the animal was as lively as ever. The explorer is now writing a book and editing a film on the expedition. Mrs. Davis, a daring woman, indeed, was official photographer for the safari. She will accompany her husband on a trek this summer into the wilds of Morocco. • / _ The cornerstone of speed control on the highway is the phrasfe "speed, too fas|, for conditions." What is too fast for conditions? In (the eyes of the law, any speecU is too fast if it is not reasonable and prudent for existing conditions, according to the National Safety Council. As far back as 1678 an accident to a child in a street of Newport, I., resulted in the Colonial Assembly^ enacting' the following statute.: "Whereas there was very lately In the towne of Newport on Rhode Island very great liurte done to a small child by reason of exceeding fast and hard riding of horses in said towne. this Assembly takeing the matter into their serious consideration and being desirous for the future to prevent the like mischief, doe ordain . . that from and after the publication hereof, if any person or persons shall presume'to ride on either horse, mare gelding, a gallup or to run speed -in the streets of Newport said person shall for his offense pay into the Treasurer of said towne 5 shillings in money on de? maud; 2 shillings of which shall be paid to any person or persons that shall g(Ve information thereof and the other 3 shillings to re main for the use of said towne. . --Theory Still Basic ^ That speed l^w. earliest record- Candy Came Long Way From Sugar-Coated Pill The little sugar-coated' pill has come a long way! A penny's worth of candy used to keep a youngster happy for quite a while. And an old-fashioned "taffy pull" was lots of work, but well worth it. It's a different story today. The national sweet tooth has come into its own, and Grandma's fudge kettle has turned into s $365,000,000 a year business. It all really started some 500 years ago in the English apothecary shops, ancestors of our drugstores. About that time, apothecaries began using sugar to coat their pills. Before long, the sugar-coated medicine became so popular that the medicine was left out and the pillsr were manufactured with sugar only. ; Descendants of the old English medicated sweetmeats can now be bought in more than two thousand different forms or varieties. Candy counters and sweetshops in the United States annually sell over two billion pounds of confections. Our Sense af Taste It is believed that the tongue has specific sense organs which respond to different chemicals. According to the classical view there are four types of such taste receptors, each with their own nerve fibers, which impulses are sent to the brain. One type is for sour, one for sweet, one for salt and orte for bitter; our taste sensations being made up of various combinations of these fundamentals. The exact process by which a particle of Vnatter stimulates the nerve endings is not known. V Need Rubber stamps? Order at The Plaindealer. Get Type Far Purpose There are various types of in terior varnishes Each is made according to the purpose it is to serve. Generally speaking, interior varnishes are harder--but not as resistant to weather--as exterior varnishes. Floor varnishes, for in stance, are characterized by a high resistance to abrasion in order to withstand constant traffic. Another tyfre, furniture varnish, must not soften under the heat of the body. ed in the United States."set forth the theory of "reasonable and prudent" speed that still is basic 273 years later. In every state that theory is itnplicit in the laws governing speed, the council pointed out. Arrests can be made for driving slower than a posted speed limit if unfavorable conditions make that speed too,fast to be reasonable and prudent. The conditions which may require the careful driver to slow down are the weather, the condition of the car, the physical fitness of the driver, the density of I traffic, the degree of dusk or darkness and the condition and kind of road surface. Silver Alloys Cbpper Is the most generally employed hardener for silver. Sterling "silver usually contains 7.5% copper, while 10% copper-silver is one of the important coinage allocs. Pmge Sma r -- - g f e Copper By-Products Silver, gold and small amounts some of the platinum metals ofttSI are found with copper minerals artd> are recovered in the course of eiee>' trolytic refining of copupt. Everybody reads the want ads. MVBtSIDE 1U 1 CEMEHT CO. 661-J-I • 126 Riverside Drive 196-R Floor Tile C: Asphalt - Rubber Authorized Kentile Dealer WALL TILE PLASTIC TILE In SO Beautiful Colors Cement Work FOUNDATIONS DRIVEWAYS SIDEWALKS STAIRS J? SPEEDY® By McHenry Garage HAWiHAW NEXT TIME TAKE YOUR CAR TO OH-on' NICK MILLER'S M<HENI»GMU6t AUT0MMM.E! roe ITS SERVICING! THEY'LL IT IN C LAS5., RUNNIM6 ORDER WILLYS - OVERLAND SALES 604 FRONT STREET PHONE 403 Subscribe for The Plaihdealer* Heatandventilaft with" revolutionary newj; Central Heating System (Gas and Oil Models) Above, the furnace is located in the utility room with heat tubes in the attic. With. baseinent installation, heat tubes are beneath floor, yTHE MODERN MIRACLE OF LOW-COST HEATING This new marvel of home heating is revolutionary in it#-- performance. It conditions the home for health as well as comfort. Blends room air with freshly heated furnace air -- recirculates it --- keeps warmth even from floor to ceiling. Pre-engineered, factory-made to keep cost low. new 316-INCH HEAT TUBES that lit any construction, whether old or new. JV6M/ MAGIC BLENDER In etch room. It • . sucks in room air, heats it with hot air from the furnace, then REcirculates it. rilBW BLEND-AIR FURNACE that forces warm air into individual heat tubes leading to each room. An .efficient fuel-saver you'll always be glad to have. • BLEND-AIR is delivered in a package complete, ready to Install. Come in and let us demonstrate--we'll show you Why."Comfort costs so little with a Coleman." for outstanding ach;«y«m»nt Colaman h«i ractivad the firrf j award mod* iirtha waiTO^IFfcaatmfllndwtry fey ASjSJ fid Modait approved by American 6*1 AiMctation; Oil' v- lilted under lebet service by Underwriters' Laboratories VYCITAL'S GREEN STREET McHENRY Anaoar Star Ceraed Beef Hath •tr 43c I Enjoy Big Savings during "Del Monte Week" at A&P.. . featuring Summit Canned Food Values Armour Star Ceraed Boot " ,?3fe48c/ Armour Star Tamales -as sec Armour Star Dried Boat *fcr 36c Amtar Star Daviled Ham *fcr 20c Armour Star Chopped Ham •sr 58c Upton Noodle Soap 3 pfcgi. 39c Liptoa TOMATO VEGETABLE #CWaiM|PI 3 pi**, 39c Raia Paek Safo-T Caaas 15c Liaco For Hospital--Safe Cleanliness 30c Ivary Saap 99 44/100% Pure If. tbe ban 33c Ivary Soap For "That Ivory Look"l 4p«rio«al ftw site bars C Ivary Flakos For Younger Looking Hands 2 piqu 67C Camay Soap The Soap of Beautiful Woman 2 27c Amoricau Family Flakos t* 89c Palmollvo Soap Your Beauty Hope! 3-bar 32c Del Monte Brand Sliced NO. 2 TIN Customers' Corner "A&l' has always been noted tojf its money-saving: prices." But ft we have always placed great emphasis on the quality ~of-ihe^|ood wg sell, too. So. we are able to offer you the yalues you enjoy at your AAP because we work hard to hold up the quality of our food as well as keep dowyi the price. If you ever feci that the food you buy doesn't measure up to our high quality standards, pleaee let - jgs--know. Please write: ' Cwtouiern Relation* - Depart. AAl' Food Store* 420 Lexington %New York 17, New York fruit Cocktail Del Moot*: Florida Orange Juicc Sitffatia Tuna Flakes A&P Grapefruit Juice Ann Page Beans Creamy Peanut Butter Ami Ptft Yukon Club Beverages Campbell's Beans WM fork. Star Kist Tunc ......Hi* m 2 2 3 « OHM. ....btt. M-oi- 33# -- - -tut . 2H iX 251 Califemia Valeaeia Oranges 5 & 49c Soath Carolina Peaehet ... ... 3 -a* ?5C Callfaraia Lome at.. lb. 21c HOMO Irtwa Cabbage Nana Orowa Beats e ,,M ..'.4 ..tack. 5C Mississippi firaea Peppers ...... ...**ck 5c Saatb Carolina Cucumbers ... A '«* 15c California targe Santa Rosa /&ncw prop Green Peas pkji. , 23c J > ' 10 Oz. pk Libby's Cut Green Bdans . .. .... Saow Crop Lemonade Snow Crop Oraago Juice .... A^Coffee Eight O'clock * ' Red Circle tSti-oos» . 21c 6 os. tin 24c POTATO CHIPS Bokar Coffee jb 77« rlu 81c %•£ Jane Parker & Potato Chips 65c fSrOde A Fresh Eggs 63' Aagel Food Cake larqa MM 49c Sharp Cheddar Cheese lb. 69* Crescent Pound Cake 39c Daisy Brand Whipped Butter . .. t-oi ....cup 44c Gold Loaf Cake ........ aach 31c Fancy Swiss Cheese ....Jb. 69c Jane Parker Fudge Cookies Pkfl. 31c Fresh Limburger Cheese • / . ' 54c Palmolive Soap Fer "AO Over" Loveliness bath size 15c Breeze For Sparkling Dishes 2 .K. 67c Sui Sup * With Supar Creamed Bland 2 \.r 33c Swaa Saap. Cleans Without Wiping 3 29c Lai Toilet Saap bath size 15c Lhi Toiiet

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