Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jul 1951, p. 11

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•jM .' .. "»;&» 1v^^c! , ^ \ . :^.a J?#" "'^•"* ^ * *4* v ??j- THE ?5~$'s?r^w. f ,':.p-.;^?fi!2SK PLADJDEALE*' * ' lij'V' i">- „-.r Reoain m nf ._ *oUW PUT, July 11 1M1 na*cutE¥0*»ccmM onu*tcm6mofnwnn w *oi cotLPGowimmtl YOftfcmmtrmnecmTOFdumcf Am «jo*eK xr im mam*. MO Hz.mmwnwH aiw ycuTwowntt LA*r moon nut atu*sra*£ Afmmuep! tvxyourrweEvEik tU^BAPMHAItcmlMr wtmotrnmoernm TBCHMlCAL AHO PKA6- amo OUT A LOT OF PttOOFl OtOMli I HBKiASE X2UC AND Tt?B*CCtt RN*U MAkE MJueSElF -TF?U NEVER YES BUT IT LL y*«"rHg. <BEPIFFB2ENT SMELL OP \ NOW. F*W; MVPlPE IN THE HOUSE? X A0OEO 6B0UND U~ se AMD SOME 19 M0UR. I VVCTSOEK HOW CaeHSlLK WOULD TASTE tN / City Council Proceedings COUNCIL BOOM July 2, 1951 Spring Grove (by MM. Chart** Freand) Mk*s. Leander Lay, Mrs. Ed Whiting. Miss Norma Whiting and Mf|. Jess Walsh returned last we* from a trip to South Dakota. They visited Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Covey In Winner, S. Dak., and were present for the celebration of their golden wedding1 anniversary. Mrs. Lay and Miss Whiting also enjoyed a day at Black Hills. Mr. and 'Mrs. Peter May entertained at their home in honor of his birthday on Friday night. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Joto, Boppart and family of H^rtland. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold May and family, Mr.- and Mrs. Alfred May and family, Mr. and Mrs. Edward May and family and the Jerry Miller family. M r 8 . C h e s t e r S t e v e n s a n d Franklin Stevens visited Mr. and Mrs. Willis Stanek in Stanley. Wis., several days last wefek. Pat Toole is spending several wwgjcs with her grandmother in ClMago. • Here's one for Ripley. Mrs. Peter Thiesman reports finding an egg weighing 1 lb., 4 inches long and 8 inches in circumference, in the nest of her one-year white rock hen. The hen had always produced unusually large eggs and since has laid many twoyolk eggs. c" Mr. and Mrs. Ben P. Adams and sons of Stacyville, Iowa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. £larence Miller. Mrs. Margaret Feltes entered St. Joseph's rest home in Freeport on Sunday. A party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles May in honor of their son, Jim. on Sunday night. It was his graduation celebration and a farewell party as he leaves for Lackland Field. Texas, this week as a lieutenant in the Air Corps. Birthdays coming in July for four people present were also remembered. They were Mrs. Martin May. Mrs. Roger Mayfield, Miss Margaret Frankel and little JMichael Sheets. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Anton May, Mr. and Mrs Anton Meytr and "family, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Widhalm and family, Mr. and Mrs. Martin May and daughter of Fox Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Mayfield of Rochester, 111.* Mr. and Mrs. John Sheets and family,. Delbert Smith and Miss Margaret Frankol of Chicago. The Christen Mothers and Children of Mary sodalities met at St. Peter's parish hall on Thursday night for their regular meeting. Plana were discussed fof the annual chicken dinner and_ carnival which will be held on July 21 and 2z. A committee was elected for the August meeting, with Marcella Waspl as Chairlady and Patsy Hines, Lillian Heraty, Marie Bell, Georgia Bauer, Clarice May, Helen Smith and Susan Miller. Games of five-hundred and bunco were played after the meeting and prize winners were Mrs. Math Nlmsgern, Mrs. GUrtrude Justen, Mrs. William Britr, Mrs. Steve Freund, Mrs. Eugene Hergott and Miss Anne Spindler. A lunch was served»by the committee in charge. Telephone Wires Iron wire was used on early telephone lines, but it was not the best conductor. Copper was much better, but in 1878-1880 was too soft to be strung outdoors. So one telephone man put in about five years de veloping hard-drawn copper wire, which had the conductivity of cop per with almost the tensile strengtt of iron. The City Council met in regular semi-monthly meeting with Mayor Freund presiding. Aldermen present: Anderson, Freund, Rothermel, Thennes, Vycital. Absent: Althoff. Motion by Freund, seconded by Rothermel, that the minutes of the last meeting be approved as •read. Motion carried. Motion by Vycital, seconded by Anderson, that the treasurer'^ report be approved as read. Motion carried. '/ Motion by Anderson, seconded by Thennes, that the collector's report be approved: as read. Motten carried. Motion by Thennes, seconded by Freund, that the clerk's report bo approved as read. Motion carried. . > • Motion bV Thenilea, seconded by Rothermel, that the following bills be paid as approved by the finance committee: John J. McCarthy, Salary, ..$224.66 Elmer R. Murphy. Salary, .. 190.00 Clyde Rhoades. Salary. 220.00 £aul J. Struck, Salary, 192.20 Arthur J. Smith. Salary. „.. 200.90 Philip M. Thennes. Salary - 192.20 Anton H. Freund, Salary, .... 192.20 Earl R. Walsh, Office expense .. (6.00 Mavme Buss, Salary Ifc commissions, 72 98 George A. Da vl i, Inc., Parts for tnower, .......1... Rothermel Electric Shop, Electrical repairs <t$5 City of Elgin Water Dept., Repairing water meters lf.15 Verako Products, Inc., Wal» erworks supplies W>8 Illinois Bell Telephone Cot-, Telephone service ............ 18.60 Public Service Co.-W. U. Div. Gas service 1.16 Public Service Company, Power & light "233.14 D u n c a n P a r k i n g M e t e r Corp.. Payment on parking meters 354.00 McHenry Lumber Company, Lumber v...+ Charles Weingart, Dump* ing-Clean Up week AI's Welding & Repair Service, Welding Thennes Oil Cotnpany, Oil Vance AVelding Service, N© parking sign ... Tonyan Brothers, Crushed road gravel James B. Clow & Sons, Waterworks supplies ...... Milwaukee Lead Works,- .; Waterworks supplies 70.32 Elgin Storage ft Transfer Co. Freight 1 8.00 Acme Freight ft Transfer Co., Freight, .....' 2.06 Earl R. Walsh, Insurancf on police car 101;70 W. B. Bjorkman -ft--Son Supplies -- „ 6.79 Ero Erickson, Police jradio maintenance 15.00 McHenry State Bank, Income tax 140.00 Vycital's. Supplies 44.69 Earl R. Walsh, Office expense 70.00 Althoff's Hardware. Supplies 5.89 4F4 4.00 5.50 *50 4.00 3-21 Bill's Outboard Motors, Repairing mot of * A l v i n ' K u e c k e r , - L o c a t i n g water main 20.00 The McHenry Plaindealer, Printing 105.23 Arthur J. Smith, Use of car " 15.80 McHenry State Bank, Interest on Green St. Bridge Bonds I7J.T5 Albert Nugent, Police service 214.00 Paul J. Struck. Extra police duty 8.00 .SPECIAL SEWER FUND Fred C. Felt*, Salary 145.00 Mayme Buss. Clerical- 20.00 Public Service Company, Power ft light ., 60.93 Vance W e l d i n g S e r v i c e , Repairing pump 13.60 McHenry Equipment Com* pany. Supplies .". ^ '-'ifi Fairbanks, Morse ft Com* /' Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drag Store. McHenry. 8tf DR. JOHN T. GRAY * . OPTOMETRIST C ^ 582 Mifn Sireei McHttrty, lft« N ETES EXAMINED an4 GLASSES FITTED. Haase Calls by Appointment. -- Quick Repair ServlM* HOFRS DAILY % , 2:90 A. -- IStOO Xoei 1:00 P. M. -- 5:30 P. M. TIM. and Frl. Eves: 6:30 P. M. -- 9:00 P. M. Tharsday by Appointment Only PHONE McHENRY 186 • v % If BO answer phone McHenry 6S2-R-S, CONCRETE SILOS Constructed Ibr either 4 Hay or Corn Silage Available with either Metal or Concrete Roofs. « Robert J J Bertram GRAFTON. WIS. TEL. GRAFTON 6243 frs Coa serve alse MW money, by bariac your cw taned-ap for spring and sammer dririag. SUMMER on gas and *0 Motion by Anderson, aaconded by Vycital, to pass and approve if maintenance resolution approp-^ riating the sum of Six Hundred "' Dollars ($600.00) Motor Fuel Tax^ * Funds for construction of storm sewer along Illinois Routes 31 and 120, (Baur Ave.), McHenry. Motion carried. Motion by Thennes, seconded by Rothermel, to pay A. P. Freund.. the sum of £>18.00 from Motor Fuel Tax Funds for storm sewer construction along Illinois Routes 31 and 120 (Baur Ave.). McHenry. Motion carried.' Motion by Rothermel, seconded^ * by Freuad. to adjoara. Motion carried. ' A ' * ^ O d S l g e P. F r « f n d , Mayor ; ;- ' - - S **rl R. Walsh, aty Clerlt ; 24 How Towing Serrict BUTCH'S W« Do Comploto Motor OwhioliBf. 309 W. Elm Street McHenry* ID. Phone 811 Residence 91-R SKILL IN FILLING ALL PRESCRIPTIONS Skill in filling a prescription is as vital a* any ingredient used. So besides giving great personal care to each order, we assure you that only the finest fresh drags are compounded according to physicians' specifications. • NYE COalqrM'fn Druti S t c r 119 N. RiTerside Drive v DON'T INVEST. UNTIL YOU INVESTIGATE fireston* CURVED BAR OPEN-CENTER TRACTOR TIRES • MOilE Traction Power, • MORE Trcotf Lift k • MbRE Trade-in AHowobc* W MORE Time To Pay V " ! " t«n its . STOP, I00K 'N S * --_ .««»rvent uoaKVtTMm • b ""cZ'Z $2963.50 iuicV *Uf« f ^ t MCDEl 74* Sre BATTERIES WILL GIVE YOU $3.00 FOR THAT OLD MOOtl «80 ' «OC-> "P All DON us if we play switchman with a X familiar railroad phrase, but we aim to lag down some certain people... Those folks who've always had a great big yen for a new Buick, but a big worry that Buick prices ran too high for their budgets. Kow we'll have to grant you that--on style find beauty and size and impressive appearance- a 1951 Buick looks like a pretty high price tag. And we'll have to grant, too, that the zooming power and the luxurious ride and the heavyweight steadiness you get in a> Buick would also indicate prices beyond the reach of most people. But honestly, could anything be farther from the truth when you note the sample pri $2303.42 for 1951 Buicks in the panel yonder# Isn't that beauty-with the big-power, fcig-mileage, eight-cylinder, valve-in-head Fireball Engine - and with prices starting below those of many of today's sixes--really within your budget picture? Won't you admit here and now that you com have Buick room and comfort, can have Buick Hde and handling, can have Buick style and size-for little, if any, more than you've been pqying for lesser cars? * That leaves the next step up to you--stopping in to see us. Come'in spon, look over the SPECIAL, SUPER OR ROADMASTER you've always wanted--and let that happy glow go surging all through as you sign up for your smart-buy Buick* '< *9M!¥ * s4»M"9 ifs M FIREBALL § BATTERY WHEN YOU PURCHASE THAT NEW ONE AT OUR STORE. TRACTOR CHAINS Buy your tractor chains now and avoid cosily delays in your field work. We have the chains to ^jUi your tractor In stock now. ~ Tires Retreaded V ... " * * •- BY THE FI1 'ONE FACTORY METHOD. PASSENGER TIRES TRUCK TIRES ^ MUD GROUND GRIP TIRES vautttr*r CttMH MO* M Walter J. Freund PHONE McHEXRY 2M WEST McHENRY tf«ES -- TUBES -- BATTERIES -- ACCESSORIES 1 TIRE and TUBE VULCANIZING ALL WORK GUARANTEED R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES Inc. 0 403 FRONT STREET PHONE McHENRY 6 V* r i »• >• ; A-m

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