Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Jul 1951, p. 6

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v-' • • | . ';'_ Jm*-** • - *1^ Wff^ T71 '['"^'"'iPsfW-1 ')'f 1 Wi» " ipi'in miwifiwi II_ n|,^i|iiii||ii!ipJiiipif^p5pi^^«iiip^t ui m»i ' ' • » » x .« v N; - j ' J r », ' , «. - 4 •• - ^ w PLAINDEMJSR : v ttoafcy, Aiy 19. """ Horaee Featured Fair Special "V'.v Horn* loyers of McHenry cowf$ will have their days at the county fair on Saturday and Sunday. July 28 and 29, according to Prank Green, Woodstock, general cfeairman. The main event each day will be the harness races. On Saturday. there will be two races with purses of $400 each and on Sunday afternoon there will be three races with $400 purses each. Win. Yerke of ftarvird. chairman of these events, is taking entries until July 20. An eVent which attracted an extremely large and enthusiastic atldiance last year was the horse pulling; contest which will be held Sunday morning ia the center of the 'track. There will be light horse and heavy horse . classes with a total purne of $270. •'. In connection with the Saturafternoon .program there %ill " W four pony classes to show. These classes are limited to byys and girls of McHenry county. Ttiey include: Poay under 48 ; toches "driven by boy'or girl under 16; ponv under 46 inches "ridden by boy or girl under lfi; junior horsemanship for boys or girls under 16; and pony riddea by child under 12. Entry fee is $3 .50 per entry. There is no entry fee with the child under 12 class. There is a total purse of |168.50 for these classes. 1 M)n Saturday night there will be * multiple pony hitch class shown fall connection with the grandstand program, with a $35 purse. Entry fee is $4. , In connection with the Sunday lice program there will be a Western parade class and a working class for McHenry county ' residents, with a purse of $100. The entry fee is $3.f>0.» Also, there will be a pony class orer 48 inch- §P and upder 56 inches ridden by >y or girl. The purse is $35 and Stite Production Record Set By Hickory Crook Cow A state production record has been made by a registered Hoi- •tein-Priesian cow owned by Hickory Creek Farms, West McHenry, according to the Holstein- Friesian Association of America. Uneeda Delia Golden-Pica is the new champion, taking the lead for all of Illinois" Junior 4-year-old Holsteins milked two times daily in the fat list, ten-months' division. with the production of 614 pounds of butterfat from 13,090 pounds of 4.7 percent milk. 'Qualifications for - the tenmonths' division of the advanced registry include special calving requirements in addition to high production records. These requirements are intended to place emphasis on reproductive qUali-; ties as well as productive ones. OCtTPATlOX TAXIS Announcement lias been made by the depai t^vent of ' revenue, state of Illinois, that- McHenry county retailers paid $86,012.17 in occupation taxes, during April. Food retailers paid a total of $19,- 545.61 of this amount.. " Pay an Receipt The familiar C.O.D. (collect eft delivery) originated in 1841 with an express shipment and today some 7,000,000 such shipments are forwarded annually by the Railway Express Agency. The amount collected is promptly forwarded to the shipoer. ke entry fee is $2. All entries in the slftow classes •re due July 20 at the Farm Bureau office, Woodstock. These -Classes are limited to McHenry ' County residents. - KEPORT VANDALISM A truck which had been left fib a field near the James Lennon -residence, east of '^McHenry, was 4amaged by vandals, according to i report made to the sheriffs otflhta f«H i»r! * OCT A BOTTIE TOOAY \ ' A, Sapenttttea '• Our superstitious forefathers of ree or four centuries ago believed it spectacles had magic power* 1 ward off or cure certain diseases BOLGER'S DRUG STORE I PROSE 40 McHEKKY GamMc X Basic Diet "if Chlaa Rice always has been the baste food of China. Symbolic of its importance, a ceremonial is satd to have been established by tbe Chinese emperor of 2800 B.C., ia which the Emperor sows the rice, histself, while the seeds of four other kinds of grain may be sown by the Princes of his family. ^*3 '!"• 1 • ' 1 '• 1.1 li'aAwewjfcla Pfftheer -y The first Florida "tourist" was Juan Ponce de Leon. He discovered the area which is now the famous resort state, in 1513, while searching tor the Fountain of Perpetut-1 youth. The futile quest made de Leon, who was governor of the Spanish settlement of Porto Rico, u historic figure, an object of ridicule, and a source of inspiration for poets and writ$is ot the time. A Base Metal'"' . Bfy the alchemist*' standards, tin <--"stannum" in Latin a "base" metal--too common to be ranked with gold or silver or platinum. I?ut in today's troubled world, where a sudden cessation of tin mining would cause industrial crisis and household discomfort, tin 1$ a precious metal--plus. Report Lteiod DrownedZn Fox An Associated Preas report issued the first of the week contained the Information that a Josh Louis, 38, of'Chicago, drowned in the Fox river last Sunday. However, Coroner Harry Eliorn of Richmond and Deputy Coroner Harry Shales of Crystal Lake could not confirm the report Monday morning as they had not .been informed of any drowning in the county over the weekend. 2lie riport of the AP stated two companions left Louis to fist# in another spot and when they returned found hla body in the stream. • • i, i VifM J Bap of Faaae. ; The Hall of Fame of Great Americans was established in 1900, when 29 men met- its qualifications for greatness. Women became eligible for the second of the five-year elections, in 1905. In thit year, Mary Lyon and Emma Willard, educators, and Maria Mitchell, astronomer, received the honor. ( flfiw fenina Valley A new submarine valley, possibly caused by an earthquake, has appeared off the coast of Southern California, it was reported by Dr. Francis P. Shepard, professor of submarine geology at the Unive»; sity of California's Scripps Institution of Oceanography. : Metel-Celered Gtaaeet'. ^i . A vaporized Inconel film on "Ray-Ban" sunglasses grades off from heavy at the top of the lens to light at the bottom. As a result the top eliminates the sun's glare, while light from objects at eye level is undiminshed. A couple In Martinez, Col., named their newborn baby Robert J. They left the middle naifae open tr permh him to adopt one at hit own choice when he became old enough. • ' • - f . . ' v- '! ^" • fraHcs Added Newton B. Dtury, director of the National Parlt Service, reported that three new areas were brought iAto the national park system during the 1950 fiscal year: Effigy Mounds National Monument, Iowa; DeSoto Memorial, Fla.; and the parkway connecting Washington, D.C., and Suitland, Md. Ufa la the ' n»e rat popubitidki ot the United States is thought to b# about the same a« the human popalatioii, with three-fourths of the fats tivtif an farms. %1m» most efficient mfc|tts,of causing wholesale destnietiM of rats is through the tise of poqiofts or rodenticides. ' • Subscribe for The Pltfttdealer ifltoMr TW Ots . < When fbcil was dirt dteap; 1| hardly paid the home owner t6 *ais# his oWn. Today, however. wftfe{ tfc# prices of Iresh and cawed fAiiti and the lese-common veaetaMet soaring, home-grown food can make a big difference ia the family food biL j<$. . .' Read i'. St- .jfe-a- Classified Ada . Will Do ADtiost Anything You Ask Them To Do! , ATTENTION FARMERS Now Is the time to hare jrooir dairy barns sprayed with Carbola. Xhree Jobs In one •- Fly ControL Disinfectant and Dries Wktt* X, Carbola Is mixed In sprayer right on the farm. Since 192* approved by dairies* CALI< MeHENHT C67^.S • ,;t Carbola Spray man % HERMAN ROSSDEUTCHER W1 . j r : r f - s>-i $5 PROUD TO ANNOUNCE BILLY RUSSELL America's most exuberant singing pianist Featured Nightly • V. BEGINNING IUL? 20lh ^4 mile N,W. Crystal Lake on Highway 14 > - FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY > I s i, Matching washdotbi.. . .OOc mm* «ITH« BUT* *T % Be Thrifty Mrs. Aaeric4-ir~.. m ^ M "we# wHfe these aaWeeally faaMas Sale Sev!a«« frw year faeerlN NaHeaal Feed- A MeWiy Aawrlca Is • Street AisHea Oeed Peed b Oeed HealH aad there hymfy far alt with • rifcyd harvest te seaie. Se stock ap as yea osaaNy de. Save as yetf are occatteisd la lajey iMwfka'i beaatifel feeds as yea aKsays da Cen Haae fa Stt yfar best fer less with valaes She these freai Hatloaall BORDO GRAPEFRUIT Vat-Dyad SO-Square Percale Save by sewing dresses, play clothes, blouses, skirts for yourself and your family! Haddon Hall 80 square cotton Percale floral prints, stripes, checks or dots. 36 inches wide in bright summer colors. yt- •••' Thrifty Lew Pricel ONNON TOWELS 100% Vinyl Plastic COTTAGE SETS $1.98 Ruffed and tailored styles 3 bright paVerns. Easy clean; ready to hang. Se Mrtklaq! InWgereffrfl NaMtfoms! •erde er Teses CM ORANGE JUICE. •erde Oraa«e aad Srspsfratt BLENDED JUICE 4Mb Raatfy t* »•««, • •r»« taj n)iy, iai* •* H MM ITM tha cca. I'A-U. Can -e,« 6ms W-lt UV1L0 CoeUaatioi PACK.... = 4Qc Get |M<hck eeaib whea • yea bay I bars a* OlMle Seep. BIG DEAL SALE! COLLEGE INN WHOLE CHICKEN 14. CeBege lea ^ a p CHICKEN BROTH.. . 2 H^25 CHICKEN ALA KING. ^ 49e SiiiED CHICKEN...., ^59e OsSeie lea CMckea * ^ FRICASSEE "£"49 i\m . HWttB .... GREEN GIANT etjj>> feel «l Imr. Salitfa ^ lm Vakw " Nsfs Cera Flakes. ttmt lu« -ioi.l n fw £« tatrfesa Btaaly -ir Ble-WWtn PMtes • m a n#. hi rt--i n*. «•* i« •" B0WLENE a**| gMMi« at at. a.t rte la ^ | D0GSIEDINNER. . mA« > Cm far tH -- % ntrw Cm fct Cn MHNlNll a a .••••• <WMWnirt Sty.« «41k ^Mtaiae^iiL'i.' v44 4>a«r H1« »crt Jww |H»I N. ttV U* Ull • '::>* • • * WttAtry*! Seep • *« 4At tHo H1* .hntoite-tin.ia fet«M| TNEND SSDSIK . . 1 Lf. h|. ))««! I* for ulA fkt. ^ U W • Armem,,f filtaaaer • «• Me 1W Ay aJ« l»eafMst ti>h| «I«M «Im yea 4m A^ Im 139* V 2" aFTaPEAS„3~23' 12-89* silALLPEAs2""-35'12e2*s 3FTEDPE*j2"29* 12-1m sifEEt PE*S 2"35° 12-2*5 SWEET PEAS 2--" 35' 12-2M RITTER'S CATSUP 2r45c i i ^ & Made freai RHter's ewe special strata ef 4f fcne Jersey tassetsss. >••••• far Haul e Ma mmm m-m a«pM» ~ m, GOLD IEDAL FLOUR. -45« -J9* I tz PILLSBURY BEST FLOUR . 4 99 w45* -89* I MHM fraai tka akalaaat wWaH. Ova ••ra raaaH*. Firm, OoMtB Fruit For Pfciifcs--Lunches--Sofads--or Snacks BANANAS..2^25 r V: v: CEIKESOTAFLOUR .. ..|99 SWEET CORN Fresh C9CHMBERS A fvaly att^arpa*^ flaar -- f l v a t •zsxrz -45« ^89* Fancy Quality. Larga and Goldan M4i Swift's aad Tied All Settd Meat FRESH HAM ROLLS... "4 69 MA. eiwwairt taa»»>a< eH lnli< filaa ar CMII Swt ««"•*•• A p. WmiT<THFlM 5S5H; v- H r!M!!!-?JrAK" J.. Nuunes..., 65' SUNIIUS BIMAST . ^ 79* rijuimn...... 59* Tha*a»ara axtraarrflaary prtcail Ckack a*4 uafi Mta aa4 aaal Wa ***Ma't rariat «ka taiMaWaa af rtaala| yaa aiara NaMaaal Velaaa Mm Hit aaat inaawr wa'ra bavlaf. c»l--l --< twaiWl Mil. «f a. Uml Ilir.ftiW A H HATCO SALAD DRESSING ^ 25 * 49* "Tir-f"- C Afer't Ortlwe^ >»MNII --4 MMm Pklllicn UJIliC >VI^ R59 SELF-SERVICE MEAT DEPT. wHIllVCU nfllVIO *" " *• n» nnaim oqr •• Mr "*• • • • "-1 j W. C.w A -- _ welded, priced aad P^ia«ed la HwWas. ak SLICED BACON a a i |U 55 •ri9*ral«dcwHtotisllwa . MIIHIII< Mwt MM IWIIIIW 1Wa4f. Mf H, TOAAH fit. <NR. My f OKHTrtT. -. A £ejm. . a15,ir29* wSbES U1ARSE8 ,,,2^25' H0ES0M'... ,3k29* M T I S O W . . . . 2 K 2 9 * •IVM HMm IhbIH • a AAa FAN SUDSEN a e ^ r W V paDMUVI,.. .3:3 29* NQMUVET .. 2^29- lata Mars ladi «Nk AA. SUPER SUM. 33* VETsUMEr?. . .«.33* - 39c 2 " 15* Seedless GRAPES FRESH CABIA6E fancy Quality. U. F#B<* * C6 California Grown i " • \ Homa Growit FRESH LEMOXS PASCAL CELERY Fancy, California, U. T| '*"'*• '•w', C»««e. la. 1 L«r9a. Julca Flllad i UT IT Texos Grown--Sweet Wfcofe, Ho/ves or Quarters J|. WATERMELOR.U3* (to- "tf • •a Mmr« rhtaw«' WW aIt*»> a|Iai»W «a• •wU.l a aaan »lrii*ki ina aMala .S I--tafM•! M «HM^ fthm V<r 0 y. FRIDAY NIGHT IS FAMILY NIGHT AT NATIONAL! BRING THE FAMILY AND ENJOY AN EVENING SHOPPING-OPEN TIL 9 P.M.

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